I Wanna Be With You

Title:I Wanna Be With You
Author: Angel Ruiz (montevallo64@hotmail.com)
Pairing: Sarah/Bianca
Summary: This is a song fic about Bianca and Sarah.
Disclaimers: I do not own All My Children or any of the characters on it. I do not own the song “I wanna be with you” either.
Category: Song Fic

Sarah turned the radio on in her room in hopes to drown out her thoughts. The only thing that she could think about seemed to be Bianca. [That's who I need to be thinking about right now. I'm getting married soon , and all I can think about is her.] It hadn't helped at all going to Pine Valley to see Bianca. Sarah sighed and laid down on her bed. [What am I going to do? I don't love Ian, I love Bianca, and want to be with her.] Bianca's reaction when she told her she still loved her came to mind, bringin tears to her eyes. [God. How could I not love her?]

Knock! Knock!

"Who is it?" "It's your mother." Sarah sat up and brushed the tears from her eyes. "Alright come in." Sarah's mom opened the door and walked over to her daughter's side smiling. "I'm just so excited! Your getting married tomorrow, on Christmas Eve! Isn't it romantic!" "Yes." Sarah's mother looked at her daughter, studying her face. "Don't worry about being nervous, all brides are. Get some rest, you want to look your best for the wedding tomorrow." As soon as the door was shut the tears were back in Sarah's eyes. [All brides are nervous, just like mom said. How could I be thinking about Bianca? I'm just nervous.] Sarah was startled out of her reverie by the radio.

I try, but I can't seem to get myself to think of anything but you. Your breath on my face, your warm gentle kiss I taste, the truth, I taste the truth.

[This song is not what I need to be hearing right now.] Sarah walked towards her radio to turn it off but stopped when she thought of Bianca's lovely face.

What I came here for,
so I won't ask for more.
wanna be with you,
if only for a night,
to be the one who's in your arms, who holds you tight.
I wanna be with you,
there's nothing more to say,
there's nothing else I want more than to feel this way.
I wanna be with you, yeah.

[I want to be with her so badly! I wish that I could just say 'screw you' to mom and be done with it, but I can't!]Sarah sat down on her bed, trying to control her emotions.

So I'll hold you tonight like I would if you were mine, to hold forever more.
And I'll savor every touch that I wanted so much to feel before, to feel before.
How beautiful it is, just to be like this.

Sarah thought about all the times Bianca had just made her day by smiling,a smile that Sarah knew only Bianca could have. Memories of how sweetly Bianca kissed her, of them holding hands,hugging bombarded Sarah.

I wanna be with you,
if only for a night.
to be the one who's in your arms who holds you tight.
I wanna be with you,
there's nothing more to say,
there's nothing else I want more than to feel this way.
I wanna be with you.
Oh, baby I can't fight this feeling anymore.
It drives me crazy when I try to.
So call my name,
take my hand,
can make my wish,
baby, your command.

Memories of when she and Bianca had first made love came to her mind. How gentle, loving, they had both been, giving each other the loved they seeked.

I wanna be with you,
there's nothing more to say,
there's nothing else I want more than to feel this way.
I wanna be with you.
Oh yeah,
I wanna be with you.
I wanna be with you.
I wanna be
I wanna be
I wanna be baby
I wanna be with, you.

Sarah closed her eyes, blinking back her tears. [ Bianca, I wanna be with you.]


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