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We love you Jerri!

She's a slave in the kitchen (see the tortillas), and its safe to assume, a whore in the bedroom. And yet, noone likes her. So she lied about Kel's beef jerky, complained about Keith's rice, and tried to destroy everything that came into her path (how sure are we she didn't push Michael into that fire?). At least Jerri was openly playing the game, as apposed to backstabbing Tina, who'll serve you lemonade and stab you in the back when you're drinking it. was quick to jump on the 'we h8 Jerri' bandwagon (scroll down this page to see for yourself), but now we've realized, she's not so bad afterall.


Hopping-Mad Collection Agency

The Sydney Morning Herald reports Australian taxpayers have to shell out about $300, 000 to cover the cost of Survivor II contestants being dropped off in the remote outback by an RAAF aircraft, in the spectacular opening sequence for the Survivor sequel.


Well hot dog, we have a wiener! 03.14.01

There are 2 (possibly major) Survivor spoilers this week, and we here at are jumping on the bandwagon like the ravenous vultures we are. First, this years 'Gervase x' type spoiler once again originated at and pits Elisabeth against Amber in the final two. The second one comes courtesy of which predicts Elisabeth to be the winner. Now, Elisabeth is extremely cute and has a warm heart, but wouldn't the final tribal council show sympathy towards Amber...she is the first mute contestant on a reality show.


Which couple is creepier? 03.11.01


Next Episode Predictions 03.09.01

Elisabeth realizes that there is a serious crack in the Ogakor alliance. Will she prevail?

That crack belongs to Jerri, and since Colby 'Hershey Bar' Donaldson wasn't going to fill it, Nick 'Once you go dark meat, you never go back' Brown was ready and willing. Elisabeth discovers this and her virgin eyes are soiled forever (no, she doesn't prevail).

Why aren't the losers of the reward challenge bummed out?

Because Jerry's bummed out enough for all of them (see above prediction).

Who hurts Elisabeth's feelings?

Alicia - She waves her finger in Elisabeth's face and tells her 'There is no Santa Claus'. Rodger is there to comfort Elisabeth.


Emergency!!! 03.07.01

I was leaning over my computer screen when I sniffed too much html code and passed out. When I woke up my hands were in my coffe cup so I got up and started splashing around in the water cooler to ease my pain.. Tomorrow's scheduled update won't happen as I have to pray to God for a miraculous recovery, but since I am God's chosen one, I'll find the strength to update as much as I can. Keep coming back to the site though...'you know what to do.'


Fire On the Mountain 03.01.01

Once again, the internet was correct. In your face Mark Burnett! Too bad for Mike...he worked the hardest at this game and now Ogakor gets to join the merger with an even 5-5 by default. Speaking of merger, this site will get a nice spring cleaning come March 8. Hope to see you then!


Episode Preview 02.26.01

(Screen captures courtesy of: Survivor Fans Only)


Next week's accident 02.23.01

"When the unthinkable happens at Kucha, the tribes realize that Survivor is not just a game." Click Here for's preview of the next episode.


Predictions 02.22.01


We told you so 02.17.01

Ogakor's jolly green giant and one of Jerri's stooges, Mitchell, is gone. predicted he would get voted off (see ''s Curse' below), which is a bit strange, since a lot of people did not see this one coming. Though with hundreds of Survivor sites on the net, one of them had to be right...


Down Under 02.17.01

Dave Tiberio and Steve Grisham respectively wrote and performed yet another in a long line of Survivor parodies (what is it about this show?). Set to the tune of Men At Work's 'Down Under', you gotta appreciate a Survivor parody who's opening lyrics are:

Stranded out in the middle of nowhere

With a bartender, likes to play Scrabble

I met a strange actress, she had nice bongos

Download the song


You're A Mean One Mr. Grinch 02.12.01 Curse? 02.08.01

A third episode of Survivor has come and gone (except if you're on the West which case, spoilers ahead). 'Ogakor's' Maralyn "Mad Dog" Hershey was the third person to be voted off her tribe, and if you will read "Who Will Be Next?" directly below you, you will see how completely clueless I am in terms of predicting these things. However, if you look on the right side of the page, to the pictures of the Survivors and look towards the bottom, you will see the 3 people to be voted off the island, have their pictures directly below one another, and in order. I made that graphic 2 days before the first Survivor episode even started, and if I hadn't been emailed about it, I probably wouldn't have noticed. *Eerie music* What do you think about the curse? Is Mitchell next?


Who Will Be Next? 02.08.01

One was a pushy prison guard, the other a beef jerky sneaking US Army Officer. Well, at least thats what slutty actress Jerri said he did, and just like that, everyone believed her. Every Thursday the question arises of who is next, and with SurvivorSucks down (they predicted both Debb and Kel to be voted off), I'm forced to make my own predictions. I have a gut feeling that I'm completely wrong...

Immunity Challenge Winner - Ogakor

Who will be voted off? I think it's still pretty close between Kimmi, Michael, and Rodger. Just in case Kucha wins immunity, I think Keith may be gone from Ogakor.


Survivor II VS. Friends 02.01.01

Friends VS. Survivor...people make fun of Survivor's stereotypes, but what about Friends' stereotypes? White middle class...white middle class...white middle class. The ratings war begins tonight, and NBC have already broken the first rule. They added an extra 10 minutes to the show, brought in many guest stars, and is followed tonight by live SNL skits. They showed their enemy and everyone else, that they're clearly scared. examines and compares the cast/characters of the two feuding shows:

The Boys

The Girls

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