YAXI; or Once More, With Feeling"Is everything alright, Xena?" asked the pretty blonde who was sitting up on the cot. "I heard all the yelling...who's Lucy?"

"Yeah...uh. Mistaken identity," replied the warrior as she pulled a chair over to the cot.

"Another Warrior Princess look-alike? Cyrene must be disconcerted...
"What's it like to have a bunch of you running around?" Gabrielle looked at Xena with such abandoned curiosity, prompting the warrior to reply, something she just doesn't do...

"You should know, Gabrielle...there were three of you running around once."

"Yeah, completely naked...that was not enjoyable."

"Maybe not for YOU..." Xena's cheeks coloured, realising that she said that out loud, and looked over at Gabrielle, who smiled, her own fair cheeks tinted a light rose colour. Their eyes locked, each one asking questions and anwering them.


A knock, sudden and loud, came to the front door. Shaking her head to clear her mind, Lucy found herself positioned just in front of the blonde's lips. *Oh God...* she thought to herself as she pulled away and went to the door. *I wish it were you here, Ren, and not Gabrielle...I don't know what to do.*

"What?!" The word exploded from her mouth such silent venom that Eric Grunedemann found himself stepping backwards from the normally personable Lucy Lawless.

"I b-brought you some stuff..."

Lucy stepped out of character and softened, but was mindful of keeping the midwestern accent, for Gabrielle's sake. She took the surprisingly small bundle. "I'm sorry, Eric. Thank you so much for bringing this. Do you know what time it is?"

Eric looked at his watch, "It's around nine."

"Thanks. G'night, Eric."

"Uh, Lucy?" he asked, stopping as she stepped back to close the door. "Is everything alright in there?"

"Yeah... Thank you. Have a good night." Effectively ending the conversation, Lucy stepped back into character and back into the trailer.


"What was that all about?" asked Gabrielle as Xena again sat on the chair next to her cot.

"I asked the healer to send us some supplies." She sifted through the contents of the bag, noting each item. Internally, Lucy realized that the prop department pulled a fast one on Rob.

"Is something wrong?" The bard was concerned once she saw a disbelieving smile and quick shake of the warrior's head.

Xena looked up at the green eyes. "There are no bedrolls."

Gabrielle smiled, but there was something in her eyes that Xena couldn't identify, and that sent Lucy's heart racing. "We've shared beds before, Xena."

The warrior eyed the cot. "That thing's awfully small..."

"Afraid I'll bite? Don't worry...I won't," Gabrielle said. "Unless you ask nicely."

The bard said the last comment so softly that Xena thought her ears were playing tricks on her. When she looked at her friend, she knew that's exactly what she said. Her face was shyly looking away, but the warrior knew that she was being watched from the corner of those brilliant green eyes.

*God almighty...whatta minx... Steve's such a lucky man,* thought Lucy while she, as Xena, smiled at Gabrielle and arched an eyebrow, offering one of the apples from the bag. "Do you think you can bite this, bard?"

Again, that almost feral smile crossed Gabrielle's lips, mirrored in her eyes, and she leaned forward for the apple. Instead of taking it, however, she instead brought the apple, and Xena's hand, to her mouth. She closed her eyes as she took a bite, the smile never leaving her lips.

Xena immediately noticed that Gabrielle's eyes had darkened a shade or two once she opened them again and swallowed the bite she took. *God help me, please,* Lucy thought as her own hormones started going nuts in response.

The warrior cleared her throat. "Uh...Gabrielle..." Whatever she was going to say was left hanging in the air as she again looked into those sparkling green depths, which were moving closer. The apple was dropped, already forgotten about.


"Rob, would you mind telling me what had you so worked up before?" Bruce Campbell was sitting in one of two plush white leather chairs in Rob Tapert's home in front of the big screen tv that displayed the rugby match on Channel Ten.

Without looking, Rob said, "That number twenty four is a bloody idiot..."

"No, I mean, when Lucy said that she wanted to stay with Renee."

The producer looked at the actor and smiled. "It was nothing..."

"It must have been something, Rob...you were stomping around like a little two year old who didn't get his way.
"Come on...you can tell me."

Rob took a sip of his drink. "It's nothing, really. Just a misinterpretation..."

Bruce just looked at his friend, not believing him, but not willing to push the subject further.

"Oh, alright, I'll tell you... You remember a little while ago when Lucy got amnesia?
"Well, when I went out to the cave Renee said they were staying in, I found Lucy wrapped around her... I don't know why, but I guess I was jealous, like maybe Lucy would leave me for her or something...
"I know, it sounds silly, doesn't it? Lucy being attracted to Renee...especially over ME?! HA!"

"Yeah...sure does," comforted Bruce, knowing that Rob would flip out if he heard half of the rumours that were flying around the set, or knew which ones were true. Concerned more with Renee's health than with Rob's ego, Bruce kept quiet.


Xena stood up and started to unhook her armour just before Gabrielle could claim her lips. In an instant, the blonde was on her feet in front of her, gently helping her get the breastplate off. They looked deep into each other's eyes. Once the armour was in a pile on the floor, Gabrielle put her hands on Xena's hips, while the warrior's hands found their way to her shoulders.

"Gabrielle, I think we'd better get to sleep...we have a long way to go tomorrow."

Xena sincerely didn't want to stop the bard from kissing her, but inside Lucy was afraid. *I don't want to feel like I'm taking advantage of this amnesia situation,* she thought. *No matter how much I want this.*

Gabrielle frowned and stepped back. Xena flipped the light switch on the wall near her. She smiled at her friend and reached a hand to caress Gabrielle's soft cheek, the bard illuminated by the moonlight that poured through the windows of the trailer. "You're hurt and you need some rest...that's all." Reassured, the bard smiled and nodded and turned to lay down on the cot.

It was as if her body had a mind of her own as Xena wrapped her arms around the bard's waist and pulled her close before she could lie down. *I just need to hold her,* Lucy told herself. Gabrielle leaned her head back against the warrior, who nuzzled the beautiful blonde locks, and held Xena's hands.

The warrior sighed, then lay herself down on the cot, her back against the cold wall. Once she was settled comfortably, Xena motioned for Gabrielle lay down next to her. Their bodies melded to each other perfectly. *God, she feels good,* thought Lucy as she closed her eyes and fell asleep.


The blonde pondered her situation. *I wish she'd loosen up a little. I'm not a child...I think I can handle a headache.
*I almost had her with that apple thing, I know it. I can feel it.
*Mmm, I can feel her too...*

She sighed in Xena's embrace and closed her eyes.

*I'm surprised at myself, how brashly I was and am trying to seduce her...*

Before she knew it, she was asleep.


"Doesn't Gabrielle have a penchant for talking...a lot?
"Wasn't she really quiet since that last come on?"

The thought from the back of her mind snapped her to attention and Lucy's eyes flew open. She sat up on her elbow and turned the bard over to look into her eyes. The sun was just starting to peek into the windows, which were up high on the walls of the medical trailer.

The actor gently shook Gabrielle to wake her up. The green eyes opened slightly.

"Mornin' Lucy," the blonde said sleepily, then closed her eyes again. When she realised that she just blew her cover, Renee opened her eyes wide, a blush once again colouring her cheeks.


"You bitch," Lucy laughed. "You played Amnesiac all night long?!" Renee smiled and looked away. "Oh, you little..."

With that, the leather clad actor started tickling her blonde co-star into fits of laughter and cute giggles. Renee grasped Lucy's hand to stop her, then looked into the blue eyes that hovered in front of her.

"I'm sorry, Lucy. I didn't know how else to get you alone with out your ball-n-chain...oh, excuse me, your husband...suspicious...I was having way too much fun." Renee's smile grew a little.

Lucy looked at her co-star, her own smile growing bigger because of Renee's. She moved her hand around in the blonde's so she could lace their fingers together, then just gazed into her eyes.

"So, are you going to kiss me any time soon?" Renee asked when there was no further movement on Lucy's part.

"I suppose so," Lucy jokingly said as she slowly bend her head to brush Renee's soft lips with her own.

A knock, loud and sudden, broke in before their lips could meet. "Hey, you up in there?" shouted Eric from outside. "I've got breakfast here for ya..."

The blonde let go of Lucy's hand and picked up one of the grieves from the pile of armour on the floor, then threw it at the door to the trailer. "Go away! We're not awake yet!" shouted Renee.

"Oh...okay, I'll come back later..."

"You're not getting away from me again, Ms. Lawless," the blonde said, that sexy, feral smile returning.

The raven haired woman arched an eyebrow playfully. "Do you think you can stop me?"

"Oh yeah..." Renee reached up with the hand that just threw the grieve and threaded her fingers through the midnight black locks, pulling Lucy down to her.

The kiss was hesitant at first, then grew in intensity and meaning as they each explored their feelings for the other. The leather clad actor put her hand on her co-star's hip and drew her closer, tighter against her body.

Lucy leaned back and smiled as she broke the kiss. "Damn, you're good..." Renee giggled at the compliment, crinkling her nose, and pulled her in for another scalding kiss.

(You happy now, Evy? heeheehee)

copyright 2000 Kimyoo Films

Send correspondence for Magenta to the_AURYN@angelfire.com and place "Magenta" and the name of the piece you're referring to into the subject line.

Table of Contents

To be continued...