7.25.03: I need to move my Buffy fan fiction to a new site (I would actually prefer to move the entire enchilada because Angelfire is, well, Angelfire.) If any of you have any suggestions for a free webspace provider, please drop me a line at the_AURYN@angelfire.com with "free webspace for the AURYN and/or Dancer in the Dark" (or some such) in the subject. Thanks heaps and don't forget to head over to Evy's auction!!!

7.24.03: Hey, everyone! I've got a friend who needs to get rid of some of her Xena and Buffy collectibles. She has some things I've never seen before, or haven't seen too many of, including autographs and trading cards and stuff. This link will take you directly to a list of everything she's selling, and more will be added soon so keep checking back! This auction is a great way to start your collection if you're a newbie Xenite, or to build on your existing collection if you're and Old Schooler!

7-13-03:I've fixed the bad link to Reminisce on the Table of Contents page. Sorry for any inconvenience!

6.18.03: Hey hey hey! It's been a while since I've been here. As a matter of fact, it's been so long that I had to reactivate my e-mail address. If anyone has written me, and I haven't written you back, I apologize from the deepest depths of my soul...I can't even explain my absense properly, other than to say that I've been working a lot, not only on scripts in production but also for the XWPVS 8 and my real job, which is closing at the end of this month. I make it a point to write to everyone who bothers to take the time to send me a note and I apologize for not doing so lately. Whew!

I don't have any new Xena stories or updates. Other than for the XWPVS, I haven't been able to write Xena fan fiction. Heck, I haven't even watched an episode since AFiN... I will try my best to fulfill my promises to finish "Ghost" and "Rewriting Reel Life"...and even "Croc Hunter Goes Grecian," but I can't guarantee that I will.

On the Buffy side, I do have a new fiction or two that I'm working on, but after that, I don't think I'll be writing any more Buffy either. Don't know for sure yet. One story was a "suggestion" made to me by a friend lol, and the other is along the lines of "Impetus Viscus."

Well, that's all the news that's fit to print right now. Sorry for the delays and everything.


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Generation: XG - Xena/Gabby clique

I am Gabby, the irritating blonde..
Which Old Skewl Xena Character Are You?. Made by: lj user "djnookie"

One of two semi-official Chance websites.

The other semi-official Chance website.
Images used with permission from Benson Entertainment.
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first for the images then mine for the banner.
The Zengurljen site's no longer up, but I'll continue
to proudly wear my banner...I'm an Amberholics and proud. ;)

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The AURYN is not affiliated with Universal Studios, Studios USA, Renaissance Pictures, Twentieth Century Fox, and Lucasfilms Ltd. They, as far as we know, don't even know we exist.

The term "AURYN" is not owned by Blue Inkomicx Digital, Kimyoo Films, or the Webmaster, nor is it endorsed by any of the Lycos/Angelfire family. It is, in fact, owned by author Michael Ende. I'm just borrowing.

The above passage is from the book The NeverEnding Story, copyright 1979 K. Thienemanns Verlag, Stuttgart. My english language version is copyright 1983 Doubleday and Co., Inc. It was used without permission. Bad me. Bad, bad me...

The authors of The Speed of the Beat of My Heart aren't in cahoots with me and they don't publicize this website. I just really like their story.

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This site was created March 10, 2000 by Blue Inkomicx Digital. Copyright 2000 and on Kimyoo Films. Last modified: September 10, 2002.

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Email: the_auryn@angelfire.com