DISCLAIMERS: I don't own the Xena: Warrior Princess characters herein contained. I like to take them out and show them a good time. Paint the town pink, as it were. ;)

SEXUAL and SUBTEXT DISCLAIMERS: Uh....yep. That's all I'll say, other than I'm well known at leaving people...uh...FRUSTRATED...hehhehheh

TIMELINE DISCLAIMERS: Really, you can place this into any time you want, but remember that it's ALT. None of that Rift nonsense...tho now that ROC's hair is growing out, I like it a lot. *wiggles eyebrows* Not that I didn't before, mind you...she is, as always, drop dead gorgeous.

SPECIAL THANKS: Jordan and Kristien for their suggestions for "Finish What You Start" and this one. Thanks guys!!! =)

"Shopping" by Magenta

It was a beautiful summer day in Amphipolis. The sun was shining brightly, the birds were chirping happily, and the sky was almost as blue as the eyes that stared at the cloth-covered derriére of one Gabrielle, Bard of Poteidaia, Queen of the Amazons, and Owner of the Warrior Princess' heart.

"I can feel you staring at my ass, Xena," whispered Gabrielle as she modeled another dress in front of the mirror in the dressmaker's shop. The object of her playful irritation sat in a chair placed strategically behind her.

"Uh huh...and?" retorted Xena, her voice low as she sat forward in her seat.

"It's distracting... How do I look?" asked the bard without turning from her assessment.

The warrior stood and walked up behind Gabrielle, looking at her reflection. The petite blonde was wearing a soft black dress that went down to her ankles and was cut low in front. The right side had a slit that went up to just above mid-thigh.

*Perfect,* thought Xena as she wrapped her arms around Gabrielle and nuzzled her neck.

"You look absolutely...mmm, grotesque." To emphasize her point, the warrior licked the sensitive skin just behind the bard's right ear, then switched sides. Gabrielle's head lolled back on Xena's shoulder as she felt the warrior's teeth gently bite her neck. Her eyes closed in pleasure. "Really quite horrible, you know."

"Xena," she grated through clenched teeth, "if you don't go and sit down right now, I'm going to throw you down onto the floor and take you in the middle of this shop."

"Promises, promises," replied Xena, knowing Talia, the dressmaker, was behind them....but she didn't care. However, before Gabrielle could make good on her word, the dressmaker softly cleared her throat to announce her presence, the load of dresses in her arms quite unwieldy.

"I love it when you dominate," the warrior whispered as she playfully swatted the bard's rear-end, then sat down behind her.

Gabrielle turned and mock glared at Xena as Talia layed out her load for inspection.

"I have a bunch more dresses for you to look at, Gabrielle. I know how important this is for you two, so I've gathered all the best that I have."

"Thank you, Talia. We're grateful." The bard gave the dressmaker her most winning smile, then turned back to examine her reflection. "Gods...this is so difficult. Xena, would you do me a favour?"

"Yes," the warrior replied.

"Would you get me a mug of water, please?"

The warrior smiled, then stood. As she walked past Gabrielle, she whispered, "Yes, Mistress," then chuckled as she left and went to her mother's tavern for some water.

Meanwhile, Gabrielle decided to look over the new pile of dresses. *The one I'm wearing is great...but...hmm. I don't know. There's got to be something else in here.*

It was then that she saw it. It was as if the colour called out to her from underneath the dresses. It sang to her like the siren's song and she knew she'd have to try it on.


Xena, on the other hand, was having a Hades' of a time trying to get into the tavern.

"Hey...what's going on here!" she shouted to her mother over the din as she grabbed a mug and a covered flagon of water.

"I think word got out about the celebration and all of Greece has come to witness it."

The warror rolled her baby blues. "Gods...just what we need.
"Has anyone shown up yet...that's been invited?"

Cyrene smiled. "Not yet, but I got a message from Autolycus saying that he'll be here later today and another one from Salmoneus that says he's unavoidably detained until tomorrow."

Xena gave her mother a hug. "Love you, mom, and thanks....gotta get back to Gabrielle with the water."

Cyrene smiled as she watched her baby leave. *She's not a baby anymore....hasn't been for a while, but she'll always be MY baby.* She wiped away an errant tear as she served a customer his port.


*Oh yeah,* thought Gabrielle. *This is the one.*

"Hey, Gabrielle...have you been to the tavern today? Gods..." Xena looked around her for the bard, her heart jumping into her throat when she didn't see her.

She found Talia shuffling through another wall of dresses and, without turning, the dressmaker said, "She's in the dressing room."

Xena turned and strode through the shop to the back where the dressing rooms where located. She carefully peaked into each one. "Gabrielle?" she called.

The bard smiled to herself. *Let her see me now or wait until later?*

"Gabrielle?" the warrior called again as she passed the second stall from the back wall.

"In here," replied the bard from behind a black curtain.

"Oh good," said Xena as she stepped through the doorway. "I've got your wa-....wa-....wow." The warrior dropped the mug and the covered flagon at the site before her.

Gabrielle stood before the warrior wearing a vibrant red dress that went down to her knees. It had thin straps on the shoulders and was cut modestly in front and back. The dressed hugged her curves without being tight and restrictive, perfect for dancing or, should the need arise, to fight.

When the bard spun once around for her warrior her long strawberry blonde hair turned with her and most of it landed on her right shoulder. Xena thought she might faint, although warriors do not do that, and collapsed against the wall to steady herself.

"I guess you like it," Gabrielle purred as she stepped towards the stunned warrior, pinning her to the wall behind her as she pressed and moulded herself to the tall, muscular frame. "I've heard that the colour red invokes passion...what do you think?"

Xena couldn't answer. Her mouth was dry though she felt as if she were drooling and her entire body was focused on the bard.

The bard knew the effect the dress was having on the warrior, but she was having too much fun. "Well, if you don't think so...I can always get that black one I was looking at befo-"

"NO!!!" exclaimed Xena. She watched helplessly as a feral smile bloomed across Gabrielle's face.

"Good...because I like this one." The bard lapped briefly at the hollow of the warrior's throat. "It makes me feel sexy," she bit Xena's neck, "...hungry." Gabrielle flicked her warrior's earlobe with her tongue as her hands slid onto Xena's hips and around to her backside. "Wanton."

The bard pulled back when she felt the ripple flow through the warrior's body at the word. She looked into cerulean eyes glazed over and dark with desire, her own expression a mirror image of Xena's.

"Talia?" Gabrielle called, not taking her eyes from the warrior before her.

"Yes, Gabrielle?" returned the dressmaker from somewhere in the shop.

"I'll take the short red dress from that last pile you brought me."

"Are you sure that's appropriate? I mean-"

"Oh yeah...it's just right," she cut her off, smiling. "I've got something else for that," she continued, allaying any fears the dressmaker might have had about the upcoming event.

"We'll be out in a minute," the bard said, her green eyes still boring into Xena's. Gabrielle's hands slid down and cupped the warrior's rear-end, pulling her hips closer as she stepped between her legs.

Xena whimpered, wanting the bard to continue. "I don't want to mess up the dress," she replied, the smile never leaving her lips.

"I can fix that," whispered Xena as she moved to strip Gabrielle of her clothing.

"Don't touch," commanded Gabrielle as she grabbed the warrior's forearms and pressed them firmly against the wall. The bard removed her hands from Xena's wrists, knowing that she would comply, and slowly ran her fingers down the warrior's sides, stopping her feather light touch as she arrived on Xena's hips.

Gabrielle bent forward and lightly kissed the warrior's chest just above her leathers as her right hand dropped and stroked the inside of Xena's thigh.

"Gab...rielle..." she whispered then whimpered at the loss of feeling the bard's soft flesh on her exposed skin.

"I didn't say you could speak, warrior."

If Xena weren't so highly turned on, she would have giggled at her bold little bard. All she could really do was moan as she felt the small hand come back to her thigh and go up underneath the leather strips of her battle skirt.

Gabrielle turned her oral assault onto Xena's lips, kissing her fervently. It was a struggle for the warrior to keep her hands against the wall, but she did it, instead arching herself into the blonde's body for maximum contact.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the wall by the curtain. "Xena, are you in there?"

*Oh gods...I don't think I can speak,* thought the tall woman as she opened her eyes and looked into the smouldering, sparkling green before her.

"Mmm hmm," she replied in the affirmative.

"Some of your guests have arrived. I thought you might want to come and join them," her mother informed.

"Okay, I'll be there in a minute." Xena grimaced, her voice sounding thick to her own ears. Gabrielle covered her giggles with the back of her hand.

Cyrene smiled to herself and shook her head. *It's a good sign that after a few years they still can't keep their hands off each other.*

"Okay...make it quick, Xena...your guests are waiting." With that, Cyrene left the dressmakers to entertain until the warrior could detach herself from the bard.

Gabrielle looked up at Xena. "Hey...you invited them."

The warrior sighed. "Mother made me as soon as I told her the news."

The women looked at each other, silently discussing whether or not to continue. "Go ahead, Xena. I have to get back into my street clothes anyway."

"You have to get naked first," the warrior pointed out hopefully.

"True...but I want to be able to take my time with you and not rush..."

Xena visably shuddered. She knew that when Gabrielle takes her time, she REALLY takes her time...they would have to wait until later. Gabrielle kissed her warrior passionately, invading Xena's mouth with her tongue and conquering the lands there.

*Gods almighty...* thought the warrior. She, of course, didn't plan on making the night easy for the little minx in front of her.


"Yes?" replied the bard as she gathered up her street clothes.

"Uh...may I move now?"

Gabrielle smiled. "You could leave your hands here if you wanted, I'd be able to keep them busy, but I think you need them to welcome people and hold the mug of cold water you need."

Xena growled playfully as she stepped away from the wall and hugged Gabrielle. "I love you."

"I love you more."

Xena stole one more quick kiss from the love of her life before slipping out of the dressing room and heading to the tavern to welcome their guests.

*to be continued....*

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