The Vacation *note from Magenta*
Yep...another oldie and moldy. This one is a PWP (that stands for Plot, What Plot?) and I normally don’t write things like this...but I was possessed one day and did to speak.

disclaimer: If I owned the rights, I'd be rich. If I worked for RenPics...I wouldn't need to write this. Since I'm poor and I don't work for RenPics (yet), my writing this is not meant to infringe upon anyone else's rights. Kay-bye. =)

warning: This is an alt fanfict. There are descriptions of sex between Xena and Gabrielle. If you don’t like that sort of thing, if it’s illegal where you live or if you’re *gasp* my mother (gods, how embarrassing would THAT be?), please don’t read. Yousa no likey, yousa no readey, okeday? Okeday. =)

"The Vacation" by Magenta copyright 1999 Kimyoo Films (with the exception of the characters...this is my story.)
August 10, 1999

"Xena, prepare to die," snarled the scarred man who held a massive, well-used sword ready to try to kill Xena, Warrior Princess.

"Not today," replied the warrior to the threat. Xena, in a flash of raven hair and silver blade, leaped at her foe and knocked away his sword as she put the pinch on him. He fell to the ground like a sack of potatoes.

"1-2-3-4..." counted the golden haired bard of Poteidaia, in an attempt to shake the man into confessing faster.

Xena smirked at the man as he lay in a pained heap, the flow of blood to his brain cut off by the warrior's oft-used technique. "Tell me what I want to know-"

"-or I'll die in thirty seconds...blah, blah, blah..."

"...10-11-12-13..." continued Gabrielle.

"You know as well as I there's always a bounty on your head, Xena...and whatever else can be sold. No warlord is stronger than I. I should reap all the benefits of your death...."


Xena took the pinch off of the bounty hunter just before Gabrielle counted to twenty-nine, then hit him with the hilt of her sword, knocking him unconscious.

The warrior sighed. "I need a vacation."

Gabrielle brushed aside a stray strand of her short hair and looked at Xena. "A vacation? Really?"

"Yeah." Xena smirked at her friend. "Wanna come?"

"Of course!" jumped Gabrielle. "Where are we going?"

"Oh, I don't know," Xena said as she moved closer to Gabrielle, the bounty hunter still in an unconscious pile on the ground. "I was thinking that we'd go to this little island where no one will find us...for a couple of weeks, at least."

Gabrielle wrapped her arms around the tall warrior's waist and pulled her closer, looking deep into her blue eyes. "Sounds nice... What would we do there, in peaceful surroundings, for two whole weeks?"

Xena bent her head down. "Everything," she whispered softly. They've been running around Greece for the past few months, hardly having time to breathe much less spend any quality time together.

The bard smiled and turned her head to kiss Xena. "Let's go," she said. They put the unconscious man on Argo and took him to a nearby jail, then themselves mounted the horse and left for the nearest port.


The lovers arrived in a port village two hours before sunset.

"Why don't you arrange to rent a small boat while I put Argo up in the stables?" suggested Xena as she took the bags they needed off Argo and put them in front of Gabrielle.

"You're going to ROW us to this island you're talking about?" asked the bard, a little weary.

“We can’t exactly walk there,” the warrior said before she dropped her voice and said, “I have many skills...”

"I know...I've experienced quite a few of them...but I don‘t know about sailing," she said, her stomach churning as thoughts of squid swam through her head.

"Trust'll be worth it."

Gabrielle smiled, then turned and walked over to the harbour master's shack to rent the boat. Xena watched her lover walk away and took a shiny object out of her bodice.

"Gabrielle's going to love this," thought the warrior. She flipped the object as she would a coin, then put it back and took Argo to the stables.


Xena walked out of the stables, having given the woman who owned them the rent for Argo's two week stay and a few extra dinars to keep who her owner is a secret. She walked over to Gabrielle, who was sitting on the dock near a small, but adequate sail boat, dangling her feet into the cool, clear water below. Her boots were next to her on the dock.

"Everything all set, Xena?" asked Gabrielle when she turned to see who was approaching her.

"Yeah... Hopefully, I can trust the woman who owns the place, but Argo can take care of herself, should it come to that."

Gabrielle picked up her boots and threw them on to the boat next to their bags, then stood, smiling. "Of course. She'll be fine. Shall we go?"

Xena smiled and nodded. The tall warrior and the smaller bard climbed into the sail boat and started out towards their destination as the sun began to descend below the horizon, casting a red yellow light onto their surroundings.

Xena took off her armor. "No need for it for the next couple of weeks," she thought to herself.

The warrior sat in the rear of the boat to steer them as they glided along the surface of the water. Gabrielle sat on the starboard side, an arm hanging over into the water.

"Xena, should we maybe wait until tomorrow to start sailing?" the bard suggested, looking a little peaked. They were far from shore now, well on their way to the island.

"No. It's a clear night. We'll be okay. Come here," replied Xena. Gabrielle smiled wanly as the movement of the boat on the ocean set in, and moved to the back of the boat and sat between the warrior's legs, resting her head on her shoulder.

Xena kept one hand on the rudder and wrapped her other arm around Gabrielle and kissed the bard's head, then rested her head on it.

"I love you, Gabrielle."

Gabrielle turned her head and looked into the powerful blue eyes inches away from her. "I love you, too, Xena." She pushed herself up to lightly kiss the dark warrior.

The need creeped up from nowhere and threatened to annihilate them if they didn't act upon it. The blonde inched Xena's hand downward, between her legs as she deepened their kiss. She removed her underclothes enough so she could fit Xena's hand under them. The warrior lightly touched the ticklish areas around Gabrielle's vital center, tracing her way around and around with her fingertips.

Xena smiled against Gabrielle's soft lips as the bard sighed deeply, both of them acknowledging their need for this contact and each other. Gabrielle pressed Xena's hand to her middle when she felt her smile.

Gabrielle turned her head back around and closed her eyes as Xena gently pleasured her. The warrior bent her head and kissed Gabrielle's neck.

" feel so good..."

Gabrielle couldn't reply except for a soft moan, she was so enraptured in Xena's soft but firm touch. Her right hand helped guide and encourage the warrior, as her left hand crept behind her and between Xena's legs, underneath her underclothes.

Gabrielle teased her lover as she had been teased, caressed her, her fingers leaving tingles of warmth on the aroused warrior.

"Please...Gabrielle...please..." Xena pleaded, her intense desire making her whisper her plea.

Gabrielle slowly and gently moved her hand in time to the waves as they moved the boat. The lovers soon fell into a rhythm with one another, but Gabrielle began to make love to Xena too late for a simultaneous orgasm as the bard erupted in her climax, moaning, pressing Xena's hand harder to herself. The sun finished it's descent below the horizon.

"Gods Xena...Oh Gods YES!!" were the only words Gabrielle could get out between her moans of pleasure.

The bard moved her head backwards. Xena sucked her neck, then moved her hand underneath Gabrielle's top. She lightly pinched her, then squeezed softly. Xena breathed shallowly as she began to approach orgasm.

Gabrielle, her hand never leaving Xena, turned around to face her. Xena replaced her hand on Gabrielle's breast. The bard removed Xena's underclothes enough to fit both of her hands beneath them and pressed her body close.

Xena let go of the rudder and wrapped her arm around the bard, who was sitting on her knees, pulling her even closer, caressing her as she made love to her.

Gabrielle bent and kissed Xena, but this time it was the warrior who filled the other's mouth with her tongue.

Xena broke the kiss with a moan, and Gabrielle increased her speed according to how Xena moved her hips.

"Oh yes, Gabrielle...mmm...just like that...Gods, that feels so good...I love you..."

Xena exploded in her climax, moaning into the silent sunset.

Gabrielle leaned forward and kissed the warrior, absorbing further cries of pleasure. She looked deep into the warrior's eyes.

"Well...I think we've discovered a new way to cure sea sickness...I feel great!!" said Gabrielle, a smile on her lips.

The bard lay beside Xena and dangled her legs over the side of the boat, resting her blonde head on the warrior's lap. As the stars peeked out into the dusk sky, Gabrielle fell asleep. Xena ran her fingers through the bard's hair as she steered the boat towards the island.

"She's the best thing that's ever happened to you, you damned fool 'Warrior Princess'," Xena thought to herself. "And in spite of your promises to the contrary, you've let things hurt her...YOU've hurt her. Yet, she keeps coming back to you, forgiving you.

Xena sighed, perplexed by the questions she's asking herself. "What if Gabrielle wants to leave you someday? Would you be brave enough to let her go? Would you be brave enough to make her stay?"

The warrior looked down at the peacefully sleeping bard. "Look at her...she's so beautiful, but something's changed. You know she's not the same bright-eyed bard of Poteidaia she was a few years ago.
"She's seen and experienced so much...too much. Hope, Perdicus, Ephiny, me... It all comes down to me, doesn't it? I made her what she is and I broke my own promise to her, to keep her safe.
"I don't regret our time together, but I'm so sorry for everything she's gone through."

Needing to talk to her, Xena gently woke Gabrielle up. Coming to slowly, the bard looked up into Xena's eyes and smiled. "What's the matter?"

"I need to talk to you."

The tone of Xena's voice alarmed Gabrielle. She sat up, turned around, and grabbed the warrior's hand in one swift movement. "What's wrong?"

"I'm...uh...concerned. Gabrielle, I've been thinking about...the past...and I need you to know that...I want you to know...that I'm sorry for all the hurt I've caused you. You're so different from five short years ago and it's all my fault-" Xena broke off in a torrent of tears, releasing her iron grip from the rudder. Gabrielle wrapped her arms around the warrior, who was shuddering in her tears, and pulled her close.

"Oh, Xena...the past is the past, nothing more. Without you, I would have been a slave and think of what would have happened then. Since I've been with you, I've lived like no one's lived before. I've experienced things that have made me stronger and more independent." Gabrielle lifted Xena's tear streaked face to look into her eyes.

"I've loved better and been loved more than any of Aphrodite's prized mortals. If it weren't for you, Xena, my love, Gods know what would have happened to me.
"Please don't dwell on the past...just think of our future together."

Gabrielle smiled radiantly and kissed away Xena's fears. The warrior moved back to her place by the rudder and Gabrielle wiped away her tears, then wrapped herself in the warrior's arms.

Gabrielle fell asleep in Xena's warm, protective embrace. The warrior made a silent pledge to the bard and to herself as they glided along the surface of the water towards their destination.


They arrived on the island before dawn. It was small and deserted, covered with trees and brightly coloured flowers. When they landed, Xena let the bard sleep as she took the bags out and put them on shore, then dragged the boat as quietly as possible into the cover provided by the trees.

She built a small shack for their cover during the two week stay and set up camp. Gabrielle awoke, suddenly aware that Xena wasn't underneath her. She sat up and, still half asleep, darted her eyes about to figure out where she was.

"Camp's almost ready, Gabrielle. You might want to climb out of there."

"mmmohuhokaymmm," mumbled Gabrielle as she sleepily got up and stepped out of the boat.

Xena built the campfire, then walked over to Gabrielle and picked her up. The bard smiled. "Thanks..." Xena took her and laid her down in the bedroll. Gabrielle turned over onto her side.

Xena, once she checked everything over, laid down next to Gabrielle and cuddled close to her blonde saviour, wrapping her arms around her.

"I love you, Xena," said Gabrielle.

Xena softly squeezed the bard in her arms. "I love you, too, Gabrielle."

They fell asleep as the morning sun began to peek over the horizon, their eyes being shaded from the cruel light by the shack Xena built.


The first week of their vacation passed quickly as they played and frolicked and made love on the deserted island.

One night, Xena lay next to the bard, who was asleep, the warrior's head propped up on her elbow. In her free hand, she held the shiny object, afraid that it might break, even though it was sturdy and strong. Their blanket was draped carelessly over them, hardly covering their naked skin.

Xena watched the firelight dance on Gabrielle's exposed back and sighed. "How beautiful she looks tonight...every night," Xena thought. She smiled to herself when she looked at the object in her hand. The warrior got up, walked out from underneath their shelter and picked a red flower from a nearby bush, then climbed back into their bedroll and under the covers.

Gabrielle, disturbed by Xena's movements, rolled onto her back, the blanket coming off her shoulder. The warrior moved the flower from Gabrielle's forehead to her slightly parted lips, then down her chin and neck and stopped between her breasts. Xena's hand, however, continued down her body, going underneath the blanket and between Gabrielle's legs.

The bard moaned, but didn't wake up as Xena started to make love to her. She bent down and kissed Gabrielle's exposed breast, eliciting another moan of pleasure from the sleeping blonde, who then turned towards her lover and wrapped her arms around her.

"Oh Xena," Gabrielle whispered as she got on top of the warrior and leaned back. Xena brought her knees up to support the blonde as she entered her and dropped the shiny object to bring her other hand into service.

Gabrielle praised the Gods as she exploded in her climax, then, thoroughly satisfied, she fell forward onto Xena, still straddling her, breathing heavy.

"Good morning, Xena," panted the bard as she propped her elbows underneath her so she could look into her lover's eyes.

"What a way to wake up, huh?" smiled Xena, giving Gabrielle the flower.

The bard took it with a smile and sniffed it's sweet fragrance. "So much better than waking up to a bunch of bloodthirsty criminals...or Joxer." She smiled, then gave the warrior a long, deep kiss.

Xena smiled as she quickly picked up the shiny object before Gabrielle could see it clearly.

"What's that?" asked Gabrielle.

"What's what?" Xena hid a smirk as she replied, quickly putting on her clothes so she could hide the object in her dress near the breast dagger.

"Whatever it was that you just put in your bodice. Don't think I won't go in there after it..."

"I'm looking forward to it...but get dressed and come with me first."

Gabrielle, deciding to forego the clothes, stood and wrapped their blanket around herself. Xena took her left hand and lead her to an outcropping of land that overlooked the beach. The sun was just starting to rise over the ocean in the distance, casting a delicate pink hue over the land and the two women.

They stood for a minute, watching the sun rise, then Xena stepped in front of Gabrielle, her back to the sun, and knelt on one knee, still holding her hand. The warrior presented the object: a finely crafted silver ring. Tears welled up in Gabrielle's eyes and she covered her mouth, which dropped open in surprise.

"Gabrielle, in the beginning, I was hesitant to bring you along on this journey of mine. I didn't want you to experience all the heartache and pain I had and I vowed that day in Poteidaia that I would never let anything come to harm you.
"Yet it happened, a lot happened and we lost our way. In all that time, though, you never really left me. I know I haven't always been good to you, I've messed up a lot, yet you keep coming back to me.
"This journey of mine was to try to amend my past, do right to try and erase the ill I've caused. Now, all I think about, all I dream about is making you happy and erasing the ills from our past.
"Gabrielle, you're the only reason why I live right now. You are the air I breathe, the food I eat, the legs I stand on. All the strength I have comes from you. You are my soul, Gabrielle, and now I want to make you my partner for life.
"This is my grandmother's me, it represents our love: strong and sturdy and it shines through everything that happens. I wanted to know if you'd wear it...
"Will you marry me?"

Gabrielle's eyes erupted with tears of happiness. She could only nod her head yes and, as Xena slipped the ring on her, she collapsed onto the warrior, sobs of joy wracking her body. Gabrielle gathered Xena's face in her small hands and kissed her deeply. They sat, wrapped in each other's arms and legs, and looked out over the peaceful sea around them. They kissed.

"You know...I don't know why you bothered to get dressed. You're going to be naked again soon anyway."

Xena laughed. "I think we've made love more in the past week than we have ever in our lives combined."

Gabrielle stopped tugging at Xena's dress and raised her eyebrow, something she unconsciously picked up from her warrior.

"Not that I'm complaining," said Xena, sounding very much like her soon-to-be wife.


Knowing that finding the time to get married once they got back would be very hard, if not impossible, the two women decided to hold their own little ceremony until a suitable time could be found.

At sunset their last day on the island, Xena and Gabrielle went back to the outcropping to perform their marriage ceremony. Gabrielle went first since she had received her wedding band already.

"Xena, I've dreamed about this day, with you, for so long. It's because of you I am who I am. You've taught me so much about myself and the world around me...for which I could never thank you enough. My admiration of you is surpassed only by my love for you. You're all I'll ever need in life. You're everything to me. You're my way. You're my sunshine, my rain, my soul."

While she was saying her vows to Xena, the two of them braided three pieces of rope together.

"This green thread represents me, the black thread represents you, and this red thread represents our love. You and I braid these threads together as a symbol of our lives. As the fates had entwined us, so we entwine these threads - a concrete symbol of us.
"Xena, I love you so much. This ring and these threads, beautiful though they are, can hardly compare to how I feel about you."

They stopped braiding the threads and Gabrielle tied the braid to Xena's wrist. They didn't have any dinars to buy Xena a ring and Gabrielle's ring was Xena's grandmother's. If Gabrielle had given her a wedding twig, Xena would have been estatic.

The sun was almost completely below the horizon as the bard securely tied the threads around Xena's wrist, then looked into her eyes and smiled. She reached up behind Xena's head and bent her down to kiss her. They walked back to the camp just after sunset.


"It's our last night here, Xena..."

Embracing one another, they kissed and sank slowly down onto the bedroll. Xena lay on top of Gabrielle, but the bard rolled over and got on top of Xena, who lifted herself into a sitting position.

Straddling Xena, Gabrielle lifted her dress off of her. She pushed the warrior onto her back and kissed her. Xena tried to wrap her arms around the bard, but she grabbed her by the wrists and pinned her hands to the ground. Xena, though much stronger than the little blonde, was excited by this show of force and allowed Gabrielle to pin her down.

Gabrielle nibbled Xena's earlobe, then moved down her neck. Xena's breasts ached for Gabrielle's kiss, a desire she somehow knew and fulfilled. The warrior's eyes rolled back into her head and she closed her eyes as Gabrielle continued to move down her body, her arms still pinned to the ground.

Xena moved to welcome the bard's gentle kisses and was not disappointed. Birds flew from the trees in mass numbers as Xena moaned her pleasure and their last night on the island - and their one night long honeymoon -was to be remembered by them for a very long time.

the beginning

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