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mIRC is software that you can download (for free) and use to chat with your fellow pups in The Cabin. You can also use it to chat with zillions of people in billions of other rooms. (but why would you want to?).

To download mIRC, click here. This will take you directly to the mIRC homepage. You can read through some of the info given there before downloading. Follow the instructions given for installing this software.

Once the software is installed, you are just about ready to chat. You will need to use dalnet as your server. Your server list should come up in the setup menu as soon as you run the program, if it doesn't click on: File>Setup The dalnet server should be on the list. Choose the location closest to you or use a random server. To get to the Merpupspack room, type: /join #merpupspack This will bring you right to the room.

mIRC Help

Just some general terminology and some fun stuff that you can do in mIRC.


DCC: Allows you to send and receive files by providing a direct connection between you and another IRC user. Very useful for trading mp3's, fanfic, and of course popups.

Ping's: This is used to determine how long it is taking for your response to reach another person. Depending on how busy the server is, a typical time is between 3-8 seconds. Anything more than that and you begin to experince lag which disrupts chatting. (make's you feel like your in the twilight zone). So, if somebody ask's you to "ping" them…they aren't being lewd, they'd just like to know if they're lagging or not.

Popups: One of the best things about using mIRC is the popups. These are neat little things that allow you to do anything from display a picture to slap someone with a dirty sock. Once you start using them and learning how they work, you will be able to create some of your own. Until then, below is a list of sample popups. This is what most "rookies" start out with. (note: These popups may not work with all versions of the mIRC client and will not work at all with any other IRC client)


Sample Popups

.Hi's + Bye's

..Hiya!:/Me says Howdy, come on in and stay awhile $$1

..Cya:/say Have a good one $$1. See you around

..BRBDontKnow:/me says BRB....I don't know where I am going but I will brb ;)))


..Slap:/me slaps $$1 around with a $?

..Throw:/me throws a $? at $$1

.Sweet's & Drinks

..Chocolate:/me gives $$1 some chocolate. Enjoy!

..Misc:/me hands $$1 some $?

..ColdDrink:/me offers $$1 a nice, cold $?


Copy this section just as it is and paste it into your popup menu. To do this, you need to click on: Tools> Popups There is a button called "View" make sure this is set to Nickname list. Then, arrow down in the white text area until you reach a spot where there is nothing written. Then simply paste the above text in there and hit okay. You should now be able to use your popups when you are in a room. Simply left click on somebody's name in the room, then right click. This will bring up your menu, then just pick whichever option you would like to use. If you have any trouble with this, feel free to ask questions. Also, if you'd like to learn how to make your own popups, we are always willing to recruit another popup master.

*One little note about using popups in the room. If the room is extremely busy or there is something going on, please use the popups sparingly.*


One Last Word Of Advice

When in doubt, Ask. We were all new at this at one point and there is no such thing as a stupid question. mIRC can be a bit overwhelming at first, but you will catch on and soon you'll be a seasoned pro.



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