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Humboldt High School

Compared to many towns and cities, Humboldt is very small. With only about 4000 people, Humboldt is the largest city in Humboldt County, followed by the county seat, Dakota City, just east of Humboldt with just over 1000 people. Many people would find it strange that two towns so close to one another would both have schools. There is one school in Dakota City, Mease Elementary, which, at one time housed students in grades K through 6, but was downsized to K through 5 by the time I went to school there. A few years ago, the school was downsized again to K through 2 when the two elementary schools integrated. Taft Elementary was once PK through 6, but is now 3 through 5. Our Junior High is currently 6 through 8 and on the block system as opposed to the regular period system. The Senior High is the standard 9 through 12 and on the period system, with 7 periods per day. The '02-'03 school year was our first year in the Trimester form and so far it seems to be going fairly smoothly, though some have expressed their concerns about problems that may arise in the future when graduates go off to colleges. Apparently some colleges don't recognise schools with trimester schedules. Therefore, as of the '05-'06 school year, the schools will be changing back to semesters.

Our school offers football, volleyball, wrestling, baseball, track, cross country, cheerleading, drill team, vocal and instrumental music, Spanish Club, FFA, a school newspaper (written by the Journalism class), and a musical and play each year, though with the recent changes, we are still unsure about our spring performances. I was a part of the vocal music, Spanish Club, fall musical and spring play, and Journalism class. Journalism was my favorite class (yay Mr. Mooney!!).

One thing we do every year is Spirit Week. This is the week of Homecoming, and each day we choose something to dress up in. Here are some pictures from these Spirit Days:

This would be a pic from "Occupation Day 2002" and I have to say that my cousin is in this pic on the right side, far back.

This picture, from my Junior year, is of a student in my Trigonometry class who was wrapped in plastic and put out into the hallway shortly after the drug dogs went by. I am uncertain to the reasoning behind it, but it was pretty funny.

My Journalism Articles
