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Interview With KAM
on the Posting Board Parties

Out-of-Control Shrine-rs - PBP Party Interview with KAM
Every year a Posting Board Party (the official posting board at is held for the posters known as Bronzers. It takes place in L.A. and provides an opportunity for the Bronzers to mix with one another and perhaps meet the cast and crew of BtVS and Angel. It's organised by a very dedicated group of Bronzers known as the PB Committee and the outcome is fun for all and funds are given to charity. Claddagh spoke with one member of the PB Committee and fellow Bronzer, KAM who was kind enough to give of his time for the following interview...

David Boreanaz as Angel
How did you become a fan of Buffy the Vampire Slayer?

Well I saw the Movie in the theater and thought it was ok. To be honest I saw the Advertisements for the TV show and scoffed... However I happened to catch it and was hooked instantly, and went about telling EVERYONE I know about it--to the point where they were like, "Um...I am working here."

What do you like the most about it? Why do you think it is so popular?

Well the answer is the same for Both. For me it was the character interaction that really drew me in. I think that is what makes people keep coming back too. Everyone at some point in their life felt like the characters on the show. To be honest there are a lot more "unpopular" people...some might label them "losers" in the world than the popular types. This show taps into those feelings with Xander, Buffy and Willow especially in the earlier episodes. People can relate.

How long have you been at the Bronze?

I was a lurker at the Bronze at first since I was not at all an Internet-Active person...I was lurker boy during the Summer between season one and two, and came out of lurkdom near the beginning of season 2...and glad I did.

How did you come to be involved with the organisation of the PBPs?

Well very simply I attended the First PBP in 1998, and it went from there. I asked around and volunteered to help out. After that I was recruited to the team for the 2nd and 3rd PBPs. It is a Bronzer based party and I am a Bronzer--right place right time I suppose.

Blade, yourself and the other members of the committee seem to do a great job each year. Do you have a different goal for each PBP or does it remain the same from year to year?

Buffy Well the number one goal was, and always will be, to have a fun party that allows Bronzers to get together for a specific party. It only happens once a year, and I have been so happy with the turnout. We have also adopted the goal of benefitting a really worthwhile charity--the Make a Wish Foundation (for years 2 and 3). However, the core of this that allows us to really pull it off is the Bronzers. I have to say that I am very proud to be a member of our community.

What has been the most memorable experience at the PBPs?

Well the entire first year was just an amazing thing for me. I am not a big traveller so I still can't be sure what made me go to California to meet a bunch of people that were then strangers. I am just glad I did.

Are there any cast/crew that you feel "make" the party each year?

Yes, and let me preface this by saying that ALL of them have been really great, and I am so pleased they take the time to spend with the fans, but Joss (Whedon...series creator, writer and all round genius) I have to say is the best of all. He is the guy in my opinion. Anthony Stewart Head (Giles) has attended all three as well. Eliza Dushku (Faith) and Joss really mixed in with hundreds of Bronzers like they were long time friends at PBP99. Marc Blucas (Riley) was a total hit at PBP2000--they guy was unstoppable. And I can't forget RD Price--he is currently a Producer on Angel and has even directed. He has been the single most helpful person in making this all happen from the VIP end of things and I credit him much of the success of the Party from that end of things. I could go on and on naming something specific about each of them. Suffice it to say--they were really great sports about the whole thing--all three years.

BuffyIt looks like everyone has a great time at the it the same for the organisers or do you spend the night making sure everyone else has a great time? comment. Seriously it is a lot of work, but if everyone has a good time though I'm happy.

Raising money for charity is one of the great things about the PBPs...are you finding that the amount raised increases every year? Do you always give to the same charity? Who is that charity chosen by?

Well we have benefitted the Make a Wish Foundation for PBP99 and PBP2000 (we didn't have the charity aspect the first year). We chose the charity out of a pool of nominees and voted for the 99 party, and then re-confirmed for this year. I think most everyone can agree that this is an organization that does really good work. It is nice to be able to help out a little in addition to having a good fun time.

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