Emily & Zander #2  January 5 - April 30, 2001 - 8 hr original edit

Alexis takes Zander to Kelly's to eat. Zander comments on her kitchen. She tells him to order food and drop it. Juan comes to Kelly's waiting for Em. Em arrives and they talk. Em just wants to leave a message, walks into Kelly's and there's Alexis and Zander. Juan leaves in a huff.

AJ walks up and AJ introduces himself to Zander. Emily looks uncomfortable. He stopped by for a little chat with Em's buddy. He must be happy to be out of jail. AJ grills him about his plans. If you are gonna stay in PC, I obviously would like to know. If your future plans include her, I obviously have an opinion about that. Zander says if he gets off he'll see Zander anywhere and anytime he wants.... AJ says he's seen it before. He tells Em that Zander is a dead end road and he hopes she sees that before it's too late. She was hoping AJ would be more open minded. Zander says he thinks he likes the brother who pulled a gun on him because he was more open minded. Em needs to leave. She asks if he'll be ok. Zander says Sonny's guard will give him a ride back. Zander wonders if it would be alright for him to go see Sonny. Em leaves and runs in to Juan outside. Juan wonders what she has in common with Zander. Does he make her laugh etc. Yes he does she says. He asks what her feelings for Zander are? He wonders if she likes Zander as a friend or if it's more than that. She hems and haws around. She knows it hurts him to hear this but it's time to let go. Emily told Juan that it was over between them, it was time to let go. She said she had feelings for Zander. Zander came out of Kelly's just in time to overhear that part and Emily was embarrassed. He asked her if she meant what she said and he said yes. Em is upset about her encounter with Juan. Zander is going to see Sonny. Em leaves to go home.

Zander went to see Sonny and said he was healing and was Sonny healing also. Sonny said apparently and they were both lucky that Sorel's goons were so terrible at their jobs. Zander asked if Sorel had tried to kill him before and Sonny said he was usually just a nuisance. Zander said that the bullets Sonny got should have been his as he suspected they were really after him that night. Sonny disagreed, he figured they were after both of them and because of the failure, he would be even more desperate. He said that Zander was safe at Alexis' place, but only really safe after Sorel was behind bars or removed.

Emily & Zander share a kiss or two outside of Kelly's, later when Em arrives back at the Quartermaine's she finds her parents and Edward awaiting her arrival with her bags packed. Monica forbids Em to see Zander or else they will have to take action. Em tells the family that once Zander testifies against Sorel, life will be back to normal. She's been studying for ACT's. She knows what she wants to do with her life. Go to college and become a lawyer. First thing she wants to do is abolish the death penalty. Edward goes off. Monica and Alan rant and rave about her spending time with Zander even though she keeps good grades. Em say she's not the same person he use to be. She's going to see him whether they like it or not. She leaves to go see Zander. Grand jury tomorrow. He asks if she's OK. She's not ready to explain about Juan or him or anything. She doesn't know how she feels. It's like this avalanche wave that comes over her. Maybe she'll regret it. It's really scary. She doesn't know if she's ready to feel all this yet. Neither is he. There'll never be anybody else like you for me...ever says Zander. Zander touches her face. Then he tells her he didn't mean to say that, he doesn't want to scare her. She tells him that he matters to her, its terrifying but great at the same time. The tells him that there will never be anyone like him for her either. They touch foreheads then pull back and kiss. Zander leans in long, lingering kiss, he touches her hair, cupping back of her head.

They linger together basking in the afterglow of the kiss. They share their happiness together. He kisses her forehead, hugs her, caressing her hair. They talk of him testifing. He could still have to go back to jail. Another kiss! She pulls back, has to go home. They hold hands and walk away. Em arrives back home. Monica says they are sending her to boarding school. Em comes rushing in to find out why the family wanted to see her. She sees her suitcases and wonders what's going on. A&M tell her they are taking her to St. Catherine's in CA cuz they think that will be better for her. She's not amused. Em tells the family she's not gonna go. They can't make her. They begged her not to see Zander but she didn't listen. She says she's going to sleep the night at Alexis'. Em is throwing a tantrum. You won't hear anything you don't like she says. They are trying to save her life. Zander is testifying tomorrow in front of the GJ and then she'll be safe. You'll never be safe as long as you are with Zander. She pleads with Lila who says she's done all she can do. She brings up Alan's addiction. She is yelling at all of them. She thinks they are dumping her in California. She says her real mother would never have done this to her. That's not fair says Alan. More arguing. I used to come home from school and the first thing my real mother would ask me was ''How was your day''? cuz she cared. She always wanted me under her roof. ALWAYS! emotional blackmail. AJ would rather be drunk than live in this house and Jason would rather be anywhere. I want to be here, why won't you let me? She goes to Lila again. She says she tried, they're wrong but they love you. Em kisses Lila. I want to be perfectly clear....if you do this...I will hate all of you for the rest of my life, except for grandmother. Ed says at least she'll be alive. Mom, please don't do this. Please? she asks. Will you stop seeing Zander Monica asks? The jet is waiting says Edward. She kisses Lila and then leaves. Lila says know that I'll always love you. They all leave. Lila tells Ed she may never forgive him for this. They hop on the Quartermaine jet as Em looks dreamily out the window telling her parents they can't make her forget Zander.

Zander & Alexis outside Sonny's ICU room. Sonny and Carly are together. Cute scene with Alexis yelling through the closed ICU door. Alexis outside door wanting to know why Sonny's door is closed. Because you can't go in there says Amy. "He's unavailable? Patients are not unavailable." Alexis argues, not understanding. She's wondering what's going on. Zander knows what's happening and is cracking up. Alexis is oblivious. She knocks. Carly tells her to comeback later, much later. Alexis tells her to cease and desist. Carly kissing Sonny and laughing. Enjoying themselves.

Alexis tells Zander she is sorry they can't go over his testimony with Sonny. Zander responds that is ok. All he needs is Emily and she'll be there for sure. Alexis called Zander, he came downstairs looking very good in his blue suit. Alexis helped him put on his tie since he was unfamiliar with the Windsor Knot. The two were off to the courthouse. Zander expected to see Emily, but she was not there. Alexis reassured him that Emily was running late and would be there when he finished. Zander did extremely well in his testimony. He remained calm and was sincere. He even was relieved when he was vocalizing the truth in front of the law. Zander burst out of the courtroom looking for Emily, but only Ned and Alexis were there. Alexis started to tell him, but Ned interjected. He told Zander that Alan and Monica had taken Emily away to California. Zander was in disbelief and furious. He could not contain himself so he bolted out of the courthouse headed directly for the Quartemaines. Zander found Lila and asked if Emily was home. Lila invited him inside and he introduced himself as Zander Smith. She confirmed that Emily was indeed in California. Zander said that this was not possible, but Lila told him that it was so and that he was to blame. Zander proclaimed his deep feelings for Emily. He even stated that he would die before he would let anything happen to Emily. Lila was surprised by Zander. Edward came in the room and was shocked. He immediately picked up the first thing he could find the poker from the fireplace and aimed it at Zander. Zander told him he knew who he was from Emily's description and told him to put the poker down or else he would take it away from him. Edward threatened Zander. Zander told him his threats were useless because they could not separate him and Emily because their feeling for each other went too deep. Lila kept trying to calm Edward, but he was just becoming more ridiculous. Zander decided to leave but told them that they he and Emily will be together.

Alan, Monica, and Emily finally reached St. Catherine's Boarding School in California. Emily was less than happy and she was doing her best to stay clam and try to reason with her parents. She kept pleading with them to take her back to Port Charles. However, all her parents could say is that this was for the best. They were trying to keep her safe and this was the only way they knew how to do this. By this point Emily had had enough and started to lash out at her parents. She told them that she had done everything that they had asked. She studied and was keeping all A's in her classes, she always kept her curfew, and was up front about her visits to Zander yet now she was being punished for keeping her word and for supporting her friend. Alan was strong faced and said that this did not matter now because they had made a decision. Alan excused himself. Emily then begged her mom to take her home, she reminded her of the prom and her birthday. Monica told her that they would visit often and the next time they would bring Lucky and Elizabeth. Emily sobbed inconsolably as Monica left.

Emily noticed the uniform hanging on the door of her new room. She began to put it on, but all she could think about was Zander. Later she just lay on her purse on the bed. She thought, her cell phone, but it had been disconnected. She began to cry more. A little while later the school's representative came to welcome Emily and go over a few items with her. Emily was polite, but cold. The lady informed Emily that she had to go to every class and join them for all meals. She also mentioned that the computer in the room had access to the Internet so that she could do journalism research. This peaked Emily's interest. After the lady left, Emily started to search for her credit card. She found it and began to log onto the Internet. She said, Zander don't worry I am coming back. Emily hunts for a way out of the exile her family has imposed upon her. Using a borrowed cell phone, Emily finally manages to contact Elizabeth and asks her friend to get a message to Zander.

Zander went to see Sonny and Sonny asked how he was doing. Zander told him better since the Grand Jury indicted Sorel. Sonny told him Alexis praised him on his testimony; told him to do the same thing at the trial, and Sorel would be put away for good. He asked what else was on his mind and Zander said he hated to ask but he felt he was in the way at Alexis' place and needed a place of his own. He asked if Sonny could lend him the money. Sonny didn't think it was safe for him to be on his own yet but gave in and lent him two months worth of rent. Zander said he would repay him and Sonny said the best way to repay him would be to get Sorel arrested. Zander said he owed him his life and someday, somehow he would pay him back.

Zander called St. Catherine's to try and get a number to call Emily or at least an address. He said he was Nikolas Cassadine, a good friend of Emily's. Alexis came downstairs and he said he had called Elizabeth to find out if Emily had called her again. He couldn't believe what her parents had done to her. Alexis said she didn't agree with what they did but understood it since her involvement with him had got her almost shot. She guessed they thought an angry kid was better than a dead one. She said to give it time; Sorel would be behind bars and they could breathe easier. Zander objected that it could be months before that happened. Alexis advised Zander to be patient and said he would try. Roy came to see Alexis and Zander thanked him for his visit in jail. Roy told him what a big break he had and not to blow it. Zander said he wouldn't and told Alexis he was going to see Sonny. Ned & Alexis were snuggled up on the couch, when Zander came in and interrupted them. He went upstairs but later came down to go to the airport and took some cash from Alexis' wallet.

The Head Mistress caught Emily trying to escape out of the window. She asked her to return inside the room. She had birthday presents from her family. Emily did not have much to say except that she was there against her will. The Head Mistress said that she was going to call her parents and tell them about her planned departure. She also explained that her parents could end up sending her to a worst place with more discipline and stricter rules. Emily pondered. She sat lonely on her bed opening presents. Was there nothing she could do? After a while she heard a knock on the window. It was Zander! Emily was overjoyed to see him. They hugged each other tightly. She's all surprised and practically drags the boy inside " I can't believe you're here." He asks if she's all right...she's better now.. He's brought her pixie sticks.

Emily is glad to see Zander. She yells at him for leaving without discussing things with Alexis first because he could have jeopardized the case against Sorel. Emily tries to convince Zander that he could lose everything if the police find out he skipped bail. Zander says if she is all right at the school then he will turn around and go back. Emily tells him she is miserable and feels like she is in prison. The Head Mistress drops by to discuss Emily's trying to run away, while Zander hides in the closet. Emily tells the Head Mistress she would like to stay and give St Catherine's a chance. Emily tells Zander she was only putting on an act and the sooner they leave the better. Zander gives Emily a bus ticket that is good to go anywhere and they take off.

Emily and Zander had gotten off the bus to get some fresh air. She told him about her real mother and growing up in Arizona. During the summer they had been up before dawn to see the sunrise, how it lit up the sky as far as the eye could see. Zander said he heard it was like that in Mexico. She asked if that was where they were going and Zander said it was up to her. She didn't want to decide right that moment. She said it would be nice to just hop on the bus; go for a while; get off and get some fresh air and stretch their legs. They would have nobody to tell them what to do. She asked how much money they had left and he told her enough to keep her supplied with pixie stix and they tussled a little till he handed them over to her. They discussed their options and Emily said couldn't they get on the bus as Emily and Zander and get off somewhere else as Cindy and Jim; they could get fake IDs and work when they wanted, where they wanted. He said he thought she wanted to be a lawyer, to abolish the death penalty. She couldn't do that on a job in Mexico, making $.05 per hour. She said that was just for him but if they went back to Port Charles he could go to jail. Em wonders if Zander thinks about the night he grabbed her. Why Me? He wanted her away from the rave. She didn't need to be anywhere near him. He had drugs in his car. Then all the cops. I picked up on something. You're strong, brave and wild he says. She was scared when she couldn't get the car in first gear, she thought he was gonna shoot her. He's sorry. If this is the only way they can be together he's not sorry. They kiss. They agreed that the next bus that came along they would get on it. It turned out to be a bus headed for Tucson and points south.

Emily and Zander were at the bus terminal. Zander was trying to help Emily make a choice about their travel plans. It was either Port Charles or Mexico. Zander told Emily if she was having second thoughts about a trip to Mexico then they needed to go back home. Emily said she did not want him to go to prison so they had to go to Mexico. The duo had good intentions, but the bus broke down on the way and left them back at the bus depot. Emily was starting to feel very home sick at this moment. She asked Zander to talk about their future in Mexico. Zander made up a wonderful story about their apartment and living overlooking the gulf, but it was enough to overcome the homesickness. So even though being with Zander made her happy, she wanted to go home. Zander recognized Emily's change in decision and agreed to go back to Port Charles. The two kiss and promised to go to Mexico someday.

Emily and Zander return to Port Charles and hunt for a safe place to spend the night. Elizabeth happily welcomes her friend home but balks at hiding Zander out until Emily reveals that he's come back to turn himself in. Liz tells them that the police and the FBI are looking for Zander. Zander tells Liz he will stay somewhere else, Emily doesn't let him leave. She asks Liz again if they could please stay in the studio and promise not to involve her with the police. Liz agrees but just for one night. Liz tells Zander to take care of Emily. Emily tells him to forget about their problems so they could focus on just being together. They give each other a warm hug. They break apart. Em lights candles. They agree that they never want to be apart but will face this and other battles together. They kiss, slowly and passionately. Emily wants to be with Zander. They fall on the couch and being to make love. Zander stops. Em thinks he doesn't want her, but he assures her that he does. He just doesn't want to scare her, he feels they have time together. Emily swears she will wait for Zander and they will fight together.

Emily and Zander got back to Elizabeth's studio after a day of playing in the snow. Zander was worried that maybe someone had seen them making snow angels but Emily assured him nobody had been watching them. She said she felt like they were the only two people in the world and wondered if they could have just one more night at the studio. He insisted on taking her back to the Quartermaine's. Emily and Zander snuck in through the patio doors off the family room. Emily told Zander he should go but he said he should call Alexis. She stopped him mid-dial and said she would do it. They were kissing goodbye when A.J. walked in. He demanded that Zander get away from her. Emily said that Zander had brought her home. Monica and Alan walked in and they told Zander to get out. Emily said Zander was going to turn himself in and Alan asked if he told her that. He didn't believe it. Monica picked up the phone to call the police but Emily demanded that she put the phone down. Monica said she sounded like a criminal and Zander said they had treated her like a criminal. Edward had come in and then quietly snuck back out to call the police. Taggert came and arrested Zander and Emily demanded to know who had called the police. She immediately accused her grandfather. Lila came in and she was at least nice to Zander and he was gracious to her.

At the Quartermaine's all hell broke loose. Emily was frantic about the police showing up out of the blue and Edward was a bear about Zander. Everyone was in a corner. For Zander there was Emily, Monica, and Lila and against him was Edward and Alan. Emily was doing her best to try and negotiate with Taggert to release Zander. She came up with the great idea to finally call Alexis. Alexis talked to Zander and asked him to remain silent and then talked to Taggert and asked him to stay put until she got there. Taggert agreed initially, but then decided to go to the station. Lila, with AJ's help, used a decoy to stall for time: a tea party. She held off the inevitable at least until Alexis had arrived and could go to the station with Zander. Once they were gone, Emily informed her grandfather that she would never forgive him for this.

At the PCPD, Zander & Emily meet and talk bail his bail. She wants to go to Sonny, he says Sonny has surely had it with him. She tells him she is moving out of the Q mansion. They discuss her moving into Kelly's and he tells her not to do is for him. She says she can't live with people who don't trust her. They share a short and very sweet kiss.

Zander meets with Lucky. They talk about Emily and Zander asks Lucky to keep an eye on her for him. Lucky says he will, but because he is her friend, not because of Zander. Emily is at the Quartermaines in her room and she is packing to leave. Edward barges in and argues with her about it. Monica & Alan find Emily packing. Emily says they've changed and she cannot live with them because they don't trust her and won't listen to her. They are very upset. Alan, Monica and Emily disagree about Zander. Emily asks will they let her see Zander if she follows all their rules and they refuse. Lila says she will always be there for Emily if Emily needs her. Emily tells them she is going to Kelly's and that she will always love all of them. Monica cries.

Zander is brought in and is informed by Mac that Sonny now has the option of re-posting his bail, or letting him return to jail Emily, Lucky, Tammy and Edward face off. Tammy ignores Edward's blustering and says that the room is Emily's if she wants it. Edward threatens to report Emily as a runaway but is stopped momentarily by harsh words from Lucky. Lucky begins yelling at Edward, saying that leaving home was the best thing that ever happened to him and that HIS parents never would have banished him to California. Hey Lucky, why don't you and your family issues go over there and let Emily talk to her OWN GRANDFATHER alone? Emily lays down the line, saying that she wants to come home, but won't. In a very well-acted bit, Emily reminisces about happier times with Edward, then telling him that all the way to the airport and on the plane to California, she expected him to change his mind and let her come home. Edward reminds Emily that he loves her, but Emily protests that love is not the issue-- trust is-- and she no longer trusts him after turning Zander in. Edward softens a bit, telling Emily to be sure to eat and reminding her that she can come back any time. Both their voices crack as they say goodbye.

Emily cries for real after Edward leaves. After calming down a bit, she discusses her future with Lucky. Being cut off from the Q funds, she'll have to give up on an Ivy League school. Lucky does an about-face and tells Emily not to back herself into a corner. He tells her that she's taking a big step and he hopes that Zander is worth it. Emily tells Tammy that she wants the room and she and Lucky head upstairs. Gia shows up a moment later, asking to rent a room. Tammy breaks the news that Emily took the last one. Gia is not pleased.

Sonny and Zander come in. A guilt trip ensues. Zander's protests are silenced. He apologizes and Sonny relents a little, not before telling Zander to "mind Alexis" and "treat her like a lady."

Emily wants Juan to be "friends" with Zander. Juan asks her "what planet she lives on" and storms off. Before Emily can get too upset, Zander shows up. Cue the kissing.

At Kelly's Emily, now working at Kelly's, is with Zander. She says she misses the family but she can't let them control her life. In walks AJ. He heard she was living there. You gonna be OK he asks. Yes, fine she says. So when he reports back he can tell the Q's she loves it there. He agrees to not fight with her about Zander but he will be her best customer and leave her a huge tip. Emily is not a very good waitress and messes up an order and Zander scares away the customer when he is rude to Emily. The Q's arrive and ask Emily to go back home. A.J. convinces Emily to give it a try, just as Emily is about to agree Edward starts yelling at Zander and Emily tells them to leave.

Emily guesses that Zander's jealous of her friendship with Juan. Emily was talking to Zander when Edward came in. He wanted her to have lunch with the family at the Port Charles Grill. Emily told Edward to leave her alone. Zander pulled her aside and said he didn't want her to cut her family off because of him. Emily called Edward back. Juan was there to meet Emily at Edward's request. Monica and Alan were surprised to see Edward arrive with Emily as they didn't know about Edward's plan. Emily commented on their surprise at seeing her and then she spotted Juan. She accused Edward of setting this up then went to talk to Juan. They talked and she told him it was over, again. Juan and Em argue. Her grandfather came to him. He wanted to see her. then why didn't you just come find me at Kelly's she asks. Cuz you're never without Zander. He tells her about his offer to go to South America. All he wanted to do is call her. Ed stops by and tells them to enjoy their meal cuz it's on him. Juan apologizes. She tells him before grandfather was complaining about him and now it's Zander. Juan says Zander is all she thinks about. He wonders what kind of hold Zander has on her.

Emily took Zander to a barn on Valentine's Day to remind them of their days on the run in California. Zander said all he wanted was to be with her, and they hugged. He told her how much he loved being with her. Emily wishes that Zander could be nicer to her family and friends. He says that it is just the way it is, and he doesn't care what people think, only what Emily thinks. He tells Emily how he wants to be a better person, and how he is afraid Emily will leave him. She says she won't. Emily asks Zander what happened to him in the past to make him feel so scared. He doesn't want to talk about it. All he wants to do is move on. Emily asked Zander how he felt having the ankle monitor. He hates it but it is better than being in jail. He asks Emily to forget about him if he goes back, she won't ever. She told Zander about her fantasy about them dancing. Zander asked Emily to dance. They did.

Later, Emily replays a rustic moment of romance that she shared with Zander. Music Montage of couples. Juan says goodbye to Emily. She wishes him love. Emily was working at Kelly's and Zander was keeping her company. As they were playfully kissing, her brother Jason walked in the door. He said excuse me can I get some coffee. She saw him and immediately ran over to give him a hug. Elizabeth and Lucky came down the steps. The room became filled with the tension caused by Lucky's anger towards Jason. Lucky started in on Jason and Emily tried to smooth things out. Finally Lucky and Elizabeth leave and head over to Deception. Jason just looked surprised and shook his head as they left Kelly's. Next in walked Monica and Alan. Monica was immediately overjoyed to see Jason and Alan was less, much less, thrilled. Monica tried to strike up conversation with Jason, but between Alan and then Edward walking in, it was just an impossible task. Monica assured Emily that they were not there to argue but just to visit and see how she was doing. Edward, however, could not control himself and started right in on Jason. Accusing him of every bad thing that has happened to the family. Monica asked him to stop and even Zander jumped in to silence Edward unsuccessfully. Taggert was the only reason they stopped. He came in with a warrant for Jason's arrest in connection with Sorel. As normal Jason went willing down to the station. Emily immediately called Alexis and explained that her brother required her legal assistance.

Stressed out by a busy night at Kelly's, Emily admits to Zander how much she despises waitressing. They talk about Winterfest. She has to cover tonight for another waitress. Zander wants Em to talk about how she's feeling. She doesn't know how Liz does it... She rants and raves...about working at Kelly's. Talk of school, $, She doesn't know how to do laundry. He patiently listens. You could always go home he suggests. NO! He has a solution. He undoes her apron. He puts it on and is going to work for her. She smiles. Zander is waiting on customers. People were nasty to him and he blasts them. He tells them if they don't like the service, they can go elsewhere. They do and threaten to write a letter. Em and Zander play around as she tries to get the apron back.

Emily walking through the park looking at her English Book. She gets hit by a snowball. It's Zander. They start throwing snow back and forth at teach other. He grabs her. You hear that he says. The ...cry of a sore loser. She says he treated. He wants her to say Uncle. You wish she says. He'll rub snow in her face if she doesn't. She wants him to go to the Deception party with her tomorrow night. Em says she didn't say uncle yet. She wants to know if he'll go with her. don't be a snob. The party is gonna be fun. They are going to announce the FOD/ She is so nervous. Her only competition is Gia and personality must count for something she says. He basically says it's not his thing but she talks him into it. They hug.

Monica is happy to see Emily at the hospital. She asks if she has a minute. She's been busy with waitressing and school etc...Monica wishes she'd come back home. She misses everybody but Edward. He doesn't trust her and respect her and she doesn't think dad does either. Monica doesn't think Ed will ever change but her dad misses her. Monica gets dizzy. She asks Em not to say anything to Alan. Alan walks up and says Hi. Alan says he's obviously walked in on something and asks if everything is OK. Em says she can't come home until someone accepts she's with Zander. He's worried about her and starts listing reasons. Monica asks them to quiet down. She says Zander makes her feel special. She wanted to tell them she's going to the Deception party and asks for him to be polite. He'll try. He has an appointment and leaves. Em wants to know what's going on with her. Why she isn't telling dad. She thinks it's menopause she says. She's made an appointment with Dr. Meadows. Please let her know. She couldn't bear it if something happened to her Em says. Neither could she says Monica.

Zander to see Sonny. Sonny comes in and ignores him, finishing up other work. Zander sits down. Let's get this started he says. Your testimony. Alexis and he already went over this. Do you think you're going to be able to keep it straight. Sonny worries he will lose his cool and pop off. If the jury thinks he is a punk, Sorel will walk. He tells Zander he is useful but needs self control. Jason walks in. Sonny tells him he is in charge of Zander until the trial. Sonny says he needs Zander to stay close until to Alexis' apt. His curfew is 10pm. Zander is unhappy about that. He does agree. If he goes anywhere, he goes with one of Sonny's men. He leaves. Jason wonders if he can pull it off. He better says Sonny. When Em mentions this to Elizabeth she pretty much tells her Zander isn't welcome, given the charges against him and his mob ties - not a good image for the company. Em decides if Zander isn't welcome that she won't go.

Elizabeth was getting ready for the Deception party. Emily came in. She told Elizabeth she forgave her. Emily stayed be her decision not to go to the party. She helped Elizabeth get ready. Emily calmed Liz down, and told Lucky & Liz that she is spending time with Zander, instead of going to the party. Emily and Zander were washing dishes in the kitchen. Zander kisses her neck. Emily told Zander she didn't need to go to a party. He wanted to take her out to dinner. She says they already ate. What about dancing he offers? They danced in the barn she responds. Zander admired how Emily always stays so positive. Emily hugged Zander and told him he was the best. Zander told Emily how they live in a parallel universe. He is living her kind of life, and she is living his kind of life. Emily tells Zander she doesn't care. They talk about the fact she is missing the party and should have gone. Emily promises that the party isn't important they are. They talked about how much they cared about each other and had a water fight! Then he fed her pie. He gave her a kiss goodnight. Emily worried that Zander should get picked up. He said he would be fine. Emily heard a noise and goes out to the alley to see Zander getting pummeled.

Emily watched while two men kidnapped Zander and then rushed back inside to call for help. She was sitting in the dark when Jason came in. He asked if the guys who grabbed Zander saw her. She said no, she was hiding behind the door, peaking out. He asked for a description but she said it was too dark. She saw a gun and thought they were going to shoot him. He told her to relax and just tell him what she saw, they didn't have much time. Emily remembered one of them wearing red cowboy boots. Jason told her to lock the door and stay put, he'd be back. Later A.J. brought Hannah back and found Emily crouched on the floor, crying.

Sorel's men had Zander. He tried to outsmart them and bargain for his life but it was not working. Jason discovered him in an old warehouse and attempted to rescue him. Jason burst onto the scene through a glass window and surprised the thugs. Zander Smith is under Mr. Corinthos' protection. Jason hit the guy in the head with the pistol. They were immobilized. Zander asked Jason why he did not kill them. Jason told him he was not going to prison for him. Jason handed Zander a gun and said he could do it if he wanted. Zander tried but was unable to kill anyone. Jason was upset with Zander because he had ignored Sonny's direct order. Zander was supposed to call for a car when he wanted to go anywhere. What you did was dumb. I am not risking my life because you did not follow orders. The only reason you are still alive is because Sonny needs you to testify against Sorel and my sister Emily cares for you. Zander told Jason he got it. Then Jason let him used the phone to call Emily. He told her he was all right and that Jason had rescued him. Emily was thrilled and awaited them at Kelly's. AJ and Hannah were at Kelly's too. They were trying to comfort Emily even though they were not sure what was going on. Even AJ was being considerate to his sister.

At Kelly's diner after the Deception party, Lucky discouraged Elizabeth from staying and socializing with Emily because Jason was there. Emily asked Jason if it bothered him to see Liz going upstairs with Lucky, but he said she has to live her own life.

Jason escorted Zander home, and had harsh words with him about following Sonny's orders outside Alexis' apartment. Zander told Jason to calm down - that it wasn't his fault Jason had fallen for Lucky's girl. Jason looked stunned.

Sonny told Jason they have to take Zander to a safehouse before he gets killed because of his recklessness; or gets someone else killed. Sonny asked Zander to come see him and blasted him for what happened and said he was going to a safehouse. Zander was agreeing to anything Sonny wanted but Alexis disagreed. She told Sonny she was responsible for Zander and he was not going anywhere. They went round and round but Alexis won. Emily begged Sonny not to send Zander away, and Sonny accused Zander of using Emily to get to him.

Emily finds her mother crying alone in the park. Emily wanted to know what was wrong. Monica said it was just hormones, plus a patient she was concerned about. Emily wasn't buying that, she didn't usually cry over patients. Monica said how she missed Emily and wouldn't she come home. She needed her before she was all grown up and moved away to College. Monica said she comes into her room at night, and prays for her to be safe. Emily said she missed them all too, even Grandfather and Dad, but Zander means too much to let him go. Monica said they could make some kind of arrangement if Emily came home. Zander showed up then and was going to leave but Monica asked him to join them. They talked about Spring. Zander told Monica, he is from Florida but spent time in Canada. Emily told Monica she and Zander were going to go on the Carousel. Zander invited Monica. Monica turned them down, because she had to work. Monica asked Emily to think about what she said, about coming home. Emily and Zander were surprised that Monica was so friendly to them. Emily told Zander she thinks something is wrong with Monica. Zander thinks she is coming around. Emily is still not sure. Zander told Emily to stop feeling like nothing good can happen in her life. Zander told Emily to stop worrying all the time, and how he hates that she got this from him. Emily told Zander she wishes that the trial was over, so they can have a normal life, and her family can give him a chance. Zander doubted that could happen, but they will try to be happy. They kissed!

Emily visited Elizabeth at her Studio. Elizabeth told Emily that Gia is blackmailing her and will give in because she will not lose Lucky.

Zander arrives at Sonny's. Sonny gets mad at Zander for ditching his guards and spending time with Emily. He calls Zander a drug-dealing kidnapping Punk! Zander calls Sonny a mobster! Sonny told Zander he failed the test. He has to stay calm and respect him. He tells him to stop acting like a careless punk, and act like a responsible man. He asked Zander what he thought of him. Zander said: ''You are A Powerful Man.'' Zander said he will do whatever Sonny says, and will respect him from now on. Sonny says Zander has to do something but will not like it at all.

Monica is on the phone, making an appointment for a biopsy. Alan came in and Monica said she was filling out forms. Emily walked in and talked to Monica, asking how she was. Monica said she fine. Alan kept badgering Emily and Monica tried to get him to stop and he did. Emily gave Monica and Alan College applications to sign, and said she would pay for her tuition. Monica was happy Emily was stay in town after all. Both she and Alan were upset that Emily felt she had to pay her own way for school. Ned walked in surprised to see Emily and asked if something happened with Zander. Emily said she was fine and not moving back home. Emily picked up her papers and Monica's medical release form for the biopsy by mistake. Emily alone with Ned told him she missed her family. She then asked him to take her to see Zander. She thinks something is wrong with Monica, and needs Zander now! Emily tells Ned to speak to Alexis and forgive her. Ned agrees to take Emily to Zander.

Alexis tells Zander the trial date moved up, and they have to go over Zander's testimony. Zander fears he will screw up his testimony. Alexis comforts Zander and questions him. Zander tells Alexis he knows that Sonny had the trial date moved up. He also tells Alexis that he knows she is helping him because, Sonny pays her to do so. Alexis tells Zander he is wrong and gives him a gift. Its a watch. Zander is shocked, and asks why Alexis gave him a watch. " To keep your curfew, and because you deserve a good watch." Alexis says. Zander is touched by Alexis gift. Zander tells Alexis how he almost bought a watch like this when he was selling drugs and gets upset. Alexis reminds Zander that he has changed. She tells him: "You're A Worthwhile Person." Zander thanked Alexis again for the watch and for her kindness. Alexis tells Zander she believes in him and everything will be fine, and offers him some popcorn to eat. Alexis tells Zander to focus and questions him again. Zander gets defensive and tense, and Alexis tells him how to act and what to say. Emily & Ned arrive. Zander gets excited when Emily arrives, and gives her a hug. They want to go upstairs, alone. No way. Then they ask if they can go for a walk. Again the answer is no, as it is after 10:00. They are allowed to go out in the hallway to talk, while Ned talks to Alexis. Emily & Zander are sitting on the floor in the hallway. Emily notices Zander's new watch, and is touched how Alexis gave it to Zander. As they talked, Zander kissed Emily on the side of the head. Emily tells Zander how she went to visit her family. Zander asked Emily how it went. Emily says something is wrong with Monica and gets upset. Zander comforts Emily as they hold each other.

Ned and Alexis argue and Ned tells Emily they are leaving NOW! Zander & Emily se the mess, and Zander gets mad at Ned, and asks about Alexis. Ned yells at Zander, and says good-bye to Emily. Alexis shouts out that she is okay, and says good-bye to Emily as well. Zander asks Alexis if she is all right, and wants to help and be there for her. She tells Zander to go upstairs and he does. At the hospital, Emily asks Bobbie if she's noticed anything different about Monica's behavior in recent days. Bobbie says she thinks Monica is okay. Emily tells Bobbie what happened in the park. Bobbie and Emily worry about Monica.

Zander thanks Alexis for being such a good friend to him in his hour of need. Zander gets ready to testify in front of The Prosecutor. Zander thanks Alexis for all of her help, and apologizes for ruining her life. Alexis tells Zander, he didn't and just worry about his testimony. Zander went into the courthouse, to give his testimony.

Emily asks Zander how his testimony went and she is happy they are finally alone together. Zander says the testimony was fine but feared, something could go wrong. Emily comforted Zander. Emily told Zander her plans for the future. She is going to Port Charles University, and will always be there for him. They kissed. Emily dropped her papers on the floor, including Monica's medical form. Zander wants to put on some music for Emily. Emily finds Monica's paper and is crestfallen. Zander asks Emily what's wrong. Emily looks at him heartbroken and says nothing. Emily says "She kept saying that she didn't want to miss another minute of me growing up. That means the cancer's back." Zander tried to comfort her, telling her it didn't necessarily mean that. She said it did and went on about the chemo and stuff she would go through. She was all doom and gloom even though she didn't know everything. Zander went with her to the hospital, saying he would take a cab home. Zander didn't contact Sonny and didn't have a guard around. Emily told Zander to stay safe and kissed him good-bye.

Emily went to see her and gave Monica the paper she had picked up by accident. She asked Monica if the cancer was back. Monica told her that Dr. Meadows just saw something and wanted to do a biopsy; it was probably just a cyst. Emily tells Monica to stop lying and wants to take care of her. She said nothing was going to keep her from seeing Emily graduate; walk down the aisle to get married; see her children. She would fight if it was the cancer back. Emily told her she loved her. Emily gave Monica a hug.

Pier: Alexis and Ned caught Zander going back to her place. She asked where his bodyguard was and he said he didn't need a bodyguard all the time. "You deliberately put yourself in danger," Alexis said. "You promised you would stay under Sonny's protection until the trial," she continued. Zander said he made sure he wasn't followed. Alexis told him the only reason he wasn't in a safehouse was because she promised Sonny she would keep him safe. He said he would be careful. She was going to go home with him, then changed her mind. Sonny interrupted Ned & Alexis and told her he had to talk to her, it was important. She told him not tonight, she had plans. He insisted it had to be tonight. She told him she had a life, she was busy. Ned stopped them both and suggested a compromise. He asked Sonny if he needed Alexis for long and Sonny said an hour at the most. Ned told Alexis he would go home, pack a bag and meet at her place in an hour; how did that sound. She said it was unbelievably reasonable. Sonny told Alexis that Sorel was going to make a move on Zander tonight. They raced off to her place to try and stop Sorel's men. The Penthouse is shown. It is dark and the place is a mess. Sonny & Alexis enter the Penthouse, see the mess and get worried.

Zander is gone. Alexis finds the Ankle Monitor on the floor and it's Destroyed! Alexis panics, while Sonny looks on. They were too late, Zander was gone. Zander is sitting in a chair with a black bag over his face. It looks like he is in some kinds of safehouse. Zander's kidnapper removes the bag off of his face. Zander looks up and says: You. Zander was shocked and angry to learn that Jason kidnapped him! Jason told him he was reckless and had to be detained. Zander wanted to see Emily. Jason said no, he had to stay at the safe house, for his own protection, until the trial. Zander told him off but it fell on deaf ears.

Jason called Sonny and told him he had Zander, and that he was fine. Sonny was pleased but didn't tell Alexis. Sonny let Alexis believe Sorel took Zander. He persuaded her not to call the cops, telling her Zander could wind up hurt. Jason tells Zander he will stay hidden till Sorel's trial. Zander: You're never going to pull this off, man. The cops will be here any minute and you'll be under arrest. Zander asks Jason to let him go and speak to Alexis. Jason just sits there. Sonny enters. Zander tries to justify his actions, Sonny tells Zander off. Zander realizes Alexis doesn't know where he is. Sonny tells Zander he wants his money's worth and him to be quiet. Sonny tells Zander, he will not tell Alexis where he is. Sonny tells Zander off, and that he will stay put. Zander tries to explain his actions. Sonny will NOT listen. All he wants Zander to do is get Sorel once and for all, and staying in the safehouse will keep him alive.

Emily had dinner with Alan & Monica, and was beginning to bond with them again. Emily was upset when she learned, Monica didn't tell Alan the cancer could be back. Emily told Monica to tell the family, they will support and love her no matter, just like she will. Emily hugged Monica and left.

Emily learned Zander was abducted by ''Sorel'' from Sonny. Emily was surprising calm but continued to worry about him. Alexis comforted Emily, and Sonny told her he would find Zander.

Roy & Alexis are at The Penthouse. She tells Roy about Zander being taken. Roy tries to comfort Alexis and assures her that Zander is alive, and ''Sorel'' will not kill him. Alexis asks him to find Zander. Roy is looking for clues to find Zander.

Zander asks Jason if he can come out. He does anyway. He sees Sonny is gone. Zander tells Jason that Emily needs him and asks Jason to let him go. He tells him off, saying Emily needs him around more. Zander tries to tell Jason why, he took Emily to the hospital and broke the rules. Jason wouldn't listen. Zander finally breaks and tells Jason Monica has cancer!

Jason looks at him in shock. Zander asks Sonny to let him see Emily, he says no but lets Jason leave to see Monica. Johnny will watch Zander. Emily spent the night at The Quartermaines. Emily found A.J. in Michael's old room. He told Emily that Michael had been gone almost a year; he belongs in this house. Emily said she wasn't sure of that. "Then he belongs with me," A.J. said. Emily asked what made him think of this all of a sudden. He said he had forgotten how important family was for awhile. They talked about their mother, being there for her at this time. Emily and A.J. talk about family and grow closer again. Emily told A.J. she stayed the night for Monica's sake, and will not be moving back home. She tells him to be there for Monica. She wants to tell Jason about Monica's illness.

Emily runs into Elizabeth in the park. Monica going in for a biopsy, but she needs Jason. We think he left town because of you. Elizabeth sadly looks at Emily. Emily and Elizabeth argued about Jason. Emily wouldn't believe that Jason would attack Lucky without being provoked. She told Elizabeth to find Jason so he could see Monica.

Emily is at General Hospital, surprised to see Jason and hugs him. Emily asks about Zander, and he lies to her, but says Zander is fine and comforts Emily. Emily tells Jason she can't lose Zander. Jason assures her that won't happen. Emily and Jason talk about how angry she is at Elizabeth. He tells her everything is fine and he isn't worried about Elizabeth. Emily wants to be with Zander, and asks Jason to find him. She promises to call him if anything changes with Monica they hug.

Roy is at the safe house and is about to break in. He breaks in. Roy starts looking around for clues. He enters Zander's room and there is nothing there. He tears the couch apart, and is now looking through some boxes.

Emily sees Jason in the park. They hug. She thanks him for visiting Monica at the hospital. They talk about Elizabeth and Emily gets upset. Jason tells her not to get angry at Elizabeth. She needs her friendship. Jason tells Emily to keep an eye on her. Something could be wrong with Lucky!

Eluding Johnny's watchful eye, Roy manages to plant a tracking device on Sonny's limo and discovers where Zander is being hidden.

Zander feels Jason is an idiot for keeping him locked up and feels he will screw up on his testimony. The trial is tomorrow. Zander tells Jason he is a drug-dealing kidnapper and no one will believe him. Jason feels they will. Zander tells Jason he should be with Alexis getting ready, and if something happens to Emily it Jason and Sonny's fault! Jason tell him it is his fault for being careless. Zander tells Jason he is cold and has no feelings. He asks him if he ever worried or cared about anyone but himself. Jason said yes, and was talking about Michael. He cared for someone who needed everything from him. Jason told Zander to stop worrying and start thinking for himself. Johnny arrives, Roy is right behind him and says ''GOTCHA.''

Next day, Zander is with Jason, and he tells him not to tell anyone Sonny took him. Jason takes off Zander's watch. Jason tells him again to keep his mouth shut. Zander agrees to follows Jason's order. Sonny calls and tells Jason he sends a car for Zander, and wants him to testify and be convincing.

Emily beams and Alexis breathes a huge sigh of relief when Roy escorts Zander into court just as Sorel's trial begins.

Alexis is trying to comfort Emily and Dara shows up and asks where Zander is. Alexis tells Dara off, for falling for Sorel's lies. Dara tells Alexis off as well. Emily grows nervous again, and tells Alexis how much she needs and misses Zander. Alexis comforts Emily and tells him Zander is with Roy to calm her down. The judge and jury enter, trial begins. Still no Zander. Emily grows nervous by the second. The judge is not pleased by the trial being moved up. Dara is talking and says the trial should stop. She is about to explain herself and.... Roy walks in with Zander right behind him. Zander walks over and sits behind Emily. She smiles. Alexis whispers: "Thank You" to Roy. Sonny looks confident. Sorel is not happy.

Zander is on the stand. Webster goads Zander! Zander is nervous till he looks at Emily and gets calm. He tells Webster he is telling the truth, and that will not change. He looks at Emily the whole time. Sonny, Alexis and Sonny Emily smile at Zander! Sorel is escorted out and is upset, he knows it's over. Emily and Zander hug and reunite! Alexis & Sonny watch and smile.

Sonny thanked Zander. Sonny tells Zander he did a great job testifying but now he's responsible for his own security. He warns Zander to be careful. Zander hugged Alexis. She tells him she is proud of him. Emily tells Zander how much she missed him. Zander promised to always be there for Emily. They kissed! Alexis asked Roy how he found Zander. He looks at Sonny. Alexis to Roy: [Emily, Zander and Sonny look on.] How did you get him out? I really want to know. Roy asked if it really mattered, as Zander showed up and testified, and it went well. He said he played a hunch, looked through a window, and found Zander. "So you just knocked on the door and asked Sorel's men to hand over Zander?" Alexis asked, skeptically. She really wanted to know. "What if I tell you I broke through the window, surprising the guards, knocked them cold, then dragged Zander to safety?" Roy asked. "I would say you were lying," Alexis said. He said she would be right, it wasn't that spectacular. He said he made a deal. "Anything that's going to come back and haunt you?" Alexis asked. Roy said he settled a debt.

Later, Alexis watched Zander and Sonny talking, her attention not quite on what Dara was saying. She saw Johnny hand Zander his watch. She questioned Zander about where he had been held. Zander said he didn't remember much. She told him not to say anymore, she knew he was sworn to secrecy. She said it was gratifying to see he was a little uncomfortable. She said she knew it was Sonny who had held him. Roy had rescued him but Sonny had let him go. Monica said she didn't get the test results back but will soon. Monica vowed to make some positive changes in her life, to live it to the fullest. Monica asked Emily why she didn't go to The Deception Party. Emily wanted to be with Monica instead to hear her good news, they hugged as Alan watched. Everyone gathered at the Quartermaines' to lead Monica support. She was having a rough time waiting for the call with the biopsy results. The whole family was behaving nicely and they were not arguing which distressed Monica more. After a while they reverted back to normal and started to fight which helped Monica feel more relaxed. When asked how work was, Emily said she hated it, and didn't want to be a waitress forever. Edward wanted to talk about Zander, and try to get Emily to move back home. Everyone told him to shut up. Ned showed up and Monica was happy to see him. Alan says they should take a picture. They are all in the same room and not fighting. Monica agrees it's a miracle and laughs. Edward goes off about Emily again! Alan stands up for Emily, as well as Lila. Monica tells Edward to shut up and calls him a windbag. Monica thanked everyone for standing by her and then the phone rang. A tearful Monica celebrates with her overjoyed family after Dr. Meadows phones the mansion with the news that the tumor was benign. The Quartermaines celebrate. Edward makes a toast in honor of Monica. Everyone joins in the toast. Emily leaves and goes home to Kelly's.

The jury is about to announce the verdict in Sorel's trail, as he Sonny and Roy look on. Monica's celebration is cut short when Edward causes still another family brawl by claiming an inside source at the courthouse has informed him that the jury will find Zander Smith guilty. Emily storms off to the courthouse. Sorel is brought into the courthouse where he spots Zander and makes one last threat. "Enjoy today, Pigeon. Tomorrow you're a ghost!" When the jury announces the verdict, it's guilty! Sorel is sentenced to death and remanded to the prison to await sentencing. Dara tells Alexis and Zander that in return for his testimony, all charges against him will be dropped.

Edward appeared outside the courtroom and spoiled still another celebration, calling Zander a common criminal who would never be welcomed in his home. As Alexis and Dara try to diffuse the situation, Zander fires back insults and threats at Edward. Emily and Alexis encourage Zander to talk a walk so he can cool off. After Zander leaves, A.J. questions that decision, calling Zander a loose cannon capable of anything. Zander appears a few minutes later, seemingly relieved. When Emily asks him how he injured his hand, he replies that he punched a wall to vent his anger. Edward is seen face-down in an alley, obviously hurt… the victim of a beating. Taggert finds him and calls an ambulance. AJ vows to find out who the culprit is. Flash to Zander who has bruised knuckles.

Zander and Emily go to the barn they hid out in while they were on the run for a little time alone. Zander questions Emily, "How much more are we suppose to take from your family?" Zander worries out loud about Edward trying to keep them apart " I can't lose you," he tells Emily. Emily and Zander discuss the past. They talk about how her family doesn't like him and how Edward doesn't want them to be together. When Em tries to bring up his family he freaks and says he'll never talk about them. Zander lets her know that his past is just that the past and no one needs to know about his. That this is a new beginning for them and for him. Emily assures Zander, Edward will come around, and that the rest of her family will too. She tells him, that he has changed and that he has a second chance now, and she wants to be apart of it. He tells her a part of him will not forgive himself for hurting her. Zander kissed Emily and held her. Asking what he did to deserve her. They share a kiss.

Zander and Emily fed each other a snack cake and kissed. Zander and Emily get up. He gets Emily's jacket and gives it to her. She drops it on the floor, and kisses Zander instead. Emily unbuttons his shirt, and he takes it off. They fall to the ground, kissing. Emily and Zander are preparing to consummate their relationship, but they are interrupted by Emily's ringing purse. Emily's phone call is from A.J. with the news about Edwards mugging. She hears about Edward and asks how he is and starts to cry. She feels guilty for yelling at Edward; he has a bad heart. Zander is very understanding and rushes her to the hospital. Emily goes in to see Edward, while Z waits in the hall. When she asks, Edward says he doesn't remember the attack. He asks her to come home - He misses her. Emily misses him also, but before she agrees to come home, Edward has to agree that she and Zander can keep seeing each other. In the hall A.J. confronts Zander. A.J. accuses Zander of being Edwards's attacker just as Emily steps into the hallway. As they argue Taggert arrives and asks what is going on. A.J. suggests that Zander was the attacker, just as an officer arrives and hands Taggert a plastic baggie. It is Edward's wallet. The police recovered it from the drug addict who was wrecking havoc in the GH ER and is now in police custody. Emily tells A.J. "I told you Zander didn't do it!".

Emily tells Zander about Edward. Emily gets dressed as Zander tries to help her. She fears something will happen to Edward's heart. Emily gets scared, and Zander tries to calm her down. Zander tells Emily she did nothing wrong. Zander hugs Emily and kisses her. They leave the barn and are on their way to GH. Emily asked Zander: ''Who would do this to an old man?'' Emily arrives and Zander agrees to wait outside. He doesn't want to upset Edward. Emily tells Zander he is a good person. She hugs Edward. He tells Emily that he is worried that he looks awful. She says he looks ''Handsome As Always.'' He asks Emily not to leave him and she agrees. She asks him who did this. Edward tells Emily about the attack. Saying he was walking to the car and got mugged. Edward tries to guilt trip Emily into coming home. Emily admitted that she wanted to come home, she really does. Emily told Edward she will if he lets her see Zander. AJ tells Zander off for mugging Edward. Zander tells him to back off and leave him alone. AJ threatens Zander. He tells him he will pay for what he has done, and that Emily will leave him for good. Emily sees A.J. fighting with Zander and stops them. She gets angry that A.J. is accusing Zander of mugging Edward and tells him he's crazy. Zander gets this weird look on his face. Taggert arrives and asks what is going on. A fellow police officer arrives. He gives Taggert something that might implicate Zander to the mugging. Zander looks worried as A.J. and Emily look on. A.J. tells Taggert that Zander mugged Edward. Zander says he is lying. Emily says she was with him. A.J. said this happened when Zander went out for his "walk." Taggert shows Edward his wallet. He says it was found on the drug dealer who held Melissa hostage in the ER. Emily says "I told you so!"

Emily and Zander went to the hospital to check up on Edward, but they decided to leave for a while rather than run into A.J. and Taggert, who were there too. Taggert came back to interview Edward about the mugging. Edward recalled seeing a man in front of the courthouse wearing an orange jacket. He claimed the man that he saw was a waiter at the coffee house where he had been earlier in the day. Taggert told Edward and A.J. that the junkie who had the wallet had an alibi that checked out.

The Q's were relieved when Edward was discharged, and thanked Melissa for her tender care. As they were leaving, Emily and Zander returned. At first Alan was confrontational but later softened up after Zander apologized to the family for kidnapping Emily. Just as Alan finished inviting Zander to come back to the house with them to celebrate Edwards' homecoming, Taggert came back and claimed that there was an eyewitness who could identify Zander as the man who assaulted Edward! The Quartermaines were stunned as Taggert arrested Zander and took him away.

Zander is at The PCPD in handcuffs. Emily wants to call Alexis and assures Zander everything will be fine. He says that Emily is the only one who trusts him. He feels Alexis is too angry at him to help him out right now. Edward arrives with Alan, Monica and A.J. He sees Emily with Zander and gets upset. Edward says he can't stand to look at ''his attacker.'' Emily calls Sonny to help Zander out. Sonny answers the phone and gets upset, when he hears about Zander's arrest. Sonny came to the station and chastised him for getting into trouble again. After agreeing to help Zander, he called Alexis. Alexis arrived and Zander was surprised to see her. She thanked Sonny for calling her. She said she could handle Zander, and told Sonny to stay away from him once and for all. She didn't want him to end up like Jason did, and didn't want Zander to owe Sonny anything anymore. Edward told Emily that Zander's fate was in her hands, and that he would not press charges if she agreed to give her boyfriend up. Taggert wants Edward to give a statement. Edward wants Zander arrested and away from Emily now! Zander gets in Taggert's face and Taggert told him off. Emily comforted him. Zander didn't want Sonny's help and called himself a loser. Emily told him he wasn't and that Sonny would help him. He is the reason Sorel is in jail, and that Carly & Michael are safe. Sonny asked Zander what happened. Zander asked if he was going to help him or blow him off. Emily defended Zander to Sonny. He asked her if he can talk to Zander alone. He said Zander was a pain and a trouble maker. He told him to control his temper and agreed to help him. Emily thanked Sonny for helping her. Taggert tells Zander to sign some papers. Zander gets in his face again. Alexis tells him to sign them and he does. Sonny says Zander is his friend, and he doesn't walk out on a friend no matter what the situation is. Alexis tells Zander he has to spend the night in jail and he is upset. Edward comes back and Dara tells him he has to sign the statement. Edward says he will but he wants to talk to Emily first. Emily asked Edward not to sign the statement against Zander. Edward said he had to do what was right, unless Emily did something for him. Emily to Edward: "I Will Do Anything You Want If You Don't Press Charges."

Emily pleads with Edward "I know Zander didn't do it, please don't sign the complaint." Edward agrees not to sign, on two conditions. Em returns home immediately and She never sees Zander again. Edward stands firm in the face of Emily's tears and pleas. She knows how to keep Zander out of jail, agree to his conditions. Emily agrees to Edward's blackmail. Taggert and Dara are stunned when Edward refuses to sign, as are the Q's. In exchange for privacy to break up with Zander, Em agrees not to mention deal with Edward to anyone, not the Q's, police or even Zander. Emily and Zander return to the barn, and start to kiss. He thanks her again, for being the one to get him out of jail again. He asks her how she did it. She looks at him. Zander tells Emily how happy he is Edward changed his mind. He swears he will try his best, to make The Quartermaines see that he has changed. He kisses Emily. She enjoys it, but you can sense the pain she is feeling. She says that he is free to do or go wherever he wants. All he wants is Emily. He says he will die without her. She is his reason for everything. He wants to make love to her, and make her happy. They kiss again! Things get steamy between them and he puts his hands under her shirt and she stops him. He apologizes and asks what is wrong. She is crying. He tells her he understands if she doesn't want to have sex yet. She says it's not that. He asks her again what's wrong. Emily to Zander: ''We can't be together Zander.'' Emily breaks up with Zander. He tries to convince her that her family will come around once he proves himself. She says that won't happen, they all believe he attacked Edward, and so does she! Zander pleads with her not to give up on him now, he loves her. Emily continues to lie to Zander. She says there relationship wasn't real. She was rebelling against her family, and everything they went through was a mistake! She calls him a liar and practically calls him a hood! She is crying and Zander is upset. He keeps telling her how much he loves her. He tells her it's not true and wonders why she is saying all these things. Zander is starting to cry asking ''Why is she doing this?'' Zander told Emily that he loved her over and over. He tried to tell her that he wasn't guilty and wouldn't let go when she tried to leave. She ran away and he broke down and cried.She tells him never to say that again, and never come near her family, then leaves crying. Zander throws around a bale of hay. Out side the barn, Emily sobs like her heart is breaking, whispering to herself that she is sorry.

Meanwhile, a suspicious AJ goes to the hospital and questions Melissa about Edward's injuries. She can't tell him everything but when he asks her if Edward was faking the attack her look answers his question.

Emily had a dream about Zander coming to her room and telling her that he loved her and wanted her back. In the dream, Emily told Zander that she loved him too and they began to make-up; however, she woke up only to find Zander standing in front of her. Zander begged Emily to believe that he didn't injury Edward, but she continued to push Zander away. Emily asks how Zander got in her room. He climbed the fire escape. Zander begs Emily to believe in him. She says she can't. He says he will do anything, but he won't stop loving her and he knows she loves him too. Edward knocked at Emily's door. Emily hid Zander in her closet while she told her grandfather that she still needed time to pack her belongings. Edward assured Emily that he would wait downstairs for her until she was ready. Zander commented on how quick Edward ''Recovered.'' She tells him she is moving back home where she belongs. She gets angry at Zander, and says he is an awful person, he kidnapped her and beat up an old man. She called him a ''deviant.'' he got upset and started to cry. Zander finally gave up and walked out on Emily for good. After Zander left her room, Emily calls Alexis and asks her for a favor. She tells her about breaking up with Zander, and how upset he truly is. Emily asks Alexis to look out for him, and not to tell anyone she called her.

Before Alexis could find Zander, he tried to steal a boat from the docks. Sonny arrived to find Zander trying to hot wire his boat. Sonny wanted to know what Zander planned on doing to the boat once he stole it and Zander told him that he was going to get revenge because Q's had convinced Emily that he had attacked her grandfather. Sonny explained that he knew how Zander felt, but that self-destructing wouldn't help anyone, including himself. Sonny told Zander he would help him move on with his life by getting him set-up in school or to find a job, but Alexis arrived to explain "Over her dead body". Alexis shows up and hovers over Zander and starts trashing Sonny in front of him. She sees that he hurt his hand. He tells her how he tried to steal Sonny's boat. She says Sonny caused him to do this. He says it's not true. Zander defends Sonny, but she stops him. She tells Sonny to leave Zander alone and takes him to General Hospital to treat his hand.

As Edward brought Emily to the house and inquired about everyone's whereabouts, Emily told Edward that she despised him. Later, Monica welcomed Emily back to the house. Monica did question Emily's motives and her melancholy mood, but Emily asked her to change the subject. Monica asked Emily if she would be the maid-of-honor at the renewal of Monica and Alan's wedding vows at the party that night. Emily accepted just as AJ entered the room and asked to speak to Emily alone. Once alone AJ asked Emily about Zander. Emily told AJ that she didn't want to discuss Zander. AJ told Emily that he didn't believe Edward's story and that the witness that came forward had mysteriously left town. AJ told Emily that he knew their grandfather had set her up. A. J. comes in and wants to talk to Emily alone and wants to talk about Zander. Emily tries to avoid talking to A. J. He tells her that he believes Zander didn't mug Edward. He tells her ''The Witness'' left town. Emily tries to cover with A. J. A. J. questions Emily and why she moved back home and pushed Zander away. Edward spies and is happy Emily is keeping quiet. A. J. tells Emily how wrong it is, that she is giving up on Zander now. She has stood by him through everything. He says she loves Zander. Emily gets upset and leaves. He starts putting two-and-two together, and sees that Emily is lying. A. J. asks Emily if she is covering for Edward and she says nothing. Emily manages to avoid answering AJ questions. Later Edward congratulates her on dealing with AJ.

Alexis brings Zander to GH for treatment on his burned hand. At first Alan refuses assistance. He gets angry and Zander wants to leave. Alexis calms him down. Alan agrees to call for Tony Jones when Alexis threatens with a Lawsuit. Zander gets antsy with Alexis. She tells him to get his medicine for his hand. All He wants to do is leave GH. He tells Alexis, how Emily broke up with him and gets upset again. Later, at Kelly's Zander tells Alexis he wants to leave PC.

AJ tells Ned that he is sure Edward faked attack. A. J. tells Ned, about Edward lying about the attack. They talk about how hurt Emily is, and how much Edward hates him and the way he has been acting. Ned finally believes him. Ned asks Zander "Did you attack Edward". When Zander denies it, Ned heads for the Q mansion.

Emily is sitting on the staircase with a book in her hands. Edward rubs it in that Emily is home. She gets in his face again and tells him off. He tries to touch her, and she pulls away. Emily tells Edward how empty she is without Zander. ''She feels half alive.'' She also told him Zander will always be in her heart, and even he can't take that away from her. She says she hates Edward and always will and hopes he feels just as empty as she does. Emily gives Monica a gift from Alan. Flowers from Alan. Monica reads the card and Emily gets upset.

A.J. and Ned teamed up, believe it or not, to catch Edward in his lie about Zander and being beaten up. Ned talks to Edward about Zander, and badgers him about dropping the charges against Zander. Ned insinuates that Edward is losing his edge, getting soft, why else would he drop the charges against Zander. Edward gets angry, and says he finally has control of The Emily & Zander situation. Ned was talking to Edward and turned on the intercom, so everyone in the house heard his confession. A. J. and Alan hear this in the Living room! Emily hears all of this with Monica in her bedroom with Chloe by her side. She is shocked and destroyed. A. J. comes into the Living Room and tells Edward he is BUSTED! Edward tries to his tracks. Alan confronts him! Emily arrives in the Living Room! She is crying and tells Edward off. Emily tells everyone what Edward did to her and tells AJ that he was right all along. She tells Edward she hates him for making her break Zander's heart! Emily tells Edward off for everything he has done to her for the last few months. Sending her away to school, framing Zander, blackmailing her, making her move back home, and forcing her to lie to everyone she loves. Emily tells her family she loves Zander and will do anything to get him back! Emily wants to leave The Mansion and find Zander and apologize.

She sees Skye and asks her who she is. Skye bursts in on The Quartermaines' and tells Alan she is his daughter! Shocking everyone! Skye calls Emily a kid as she tries to calm Monica down. Skye tries to get to know her NEW family, but they basically tell her to go to hell! Emily asks if Skye is telling the truth and tells her to back off and stop calling Alan her father! Rae tries to get Skye to back off as well! Emily thinks Skye is lying and so do Ned and A. J.

Zander pours his heart out to Alexis. He tells her how much he misses Emily and how pointless his life is without her. Alexis suggests he take the job or find another job and start his life over. Alexis gives Zander a hard time telling him to move on. He thanks Alexis and says he is leaving tonight! Job or no job! Alexis tried to stop Zander from leaving Kelly's.

Zander said he was leaving town, because Emily hated him. Alexis told him to take the job in Manhattan. He wanted a job that kept him moving, not indoors. Sonny showed up and said that Zander can work for him. Alexis said NO. Sonny said he should decide for himself. Taking a job from a ''Friend'' or a ''Stranger.''

Sonny feels he owes Zander and wants to help. Zander says no and gets ready to pack. Sonny & Alexis fight over Zander. Sonny wants to get him a legitimate job, but Alexis says he really doesn't care about anyone but himself. Alexis continued to argue with Sonny about Zander. Saying he will not have a legitimate job, he will fall into the mob. Zander stops the fight saying he is leaving town and that is final! Sonny gives him money and he gives it back to him. Zander thanks Alexis and Sonny for everything and feels everything is over for him and Emily.

Emily shows up at Alexis' and tells her everything Edward did! Alexis is happy to hear this, and goes upstairs to get Zander. As Alexis is doing this, Emily looks at herself in the mirror and fixes her hair and make-up. Alexis comes down the stairs and tells Emily Zander is GONE! Emily is crestfallen.

**The End**

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