Sonny & Carly & Angel #9 April 30 - July 10, 2001: 8 hr original edit

Carly returns from her trip with a new plan for happiness (this is Tamara's first scene). She wants Sonny to quit the mob, so they can have a baby. Sonny says only real way out for him, is death. She says they can take his money and disappear. He says, "Been there, done that, didn’t like it". He reminds her that she knew what she was getting into when she insisted they stay married, so now she has to accept it, because he will not give up the mob life, even for her. He tells her she has a choice, she can accept things the way they are and stay, or she can leave. Carly goes to GH to talk to Bobbie. Before she can find Bobbie she runs into Roy who tells her about Lucas. Carly realizes Roy can help her. She wants Roy to help her get Sonny arrested by the FBI.

Carly is at GH. Her latest harebrained idea involves getting Sonny arrested by the FBI, at which point he will make a deal with them, providing information about organized crime and leading them to join the witness protection program. Carly tries to convince Roy that this is her only option to get Sonny away from the business. Recognizing a bad idea when he hears one, Roy tries to change Carly’s mind, informing her that Sonny would never snitch on others and reminding her that Sonny would never forgive her if he heard of this plan. Crazy Carly sees no other way to live happily ever after with the man she loves. She is even convinced Sonny would forgive her if he found out the plan. Roy hesitates to help, but finally agrees and shakes hands on the deal. Later, he goes to the FBI asking for a favor.

Taggert and his posse burst into Sonny’s penthouse threatening to arrest him for obstruction of justice. Seems an “anonymous tip” informed the cops about the bomb. The cops search the penthouse to no avail, while Taggert gives Sonny a hard time, asking him if he wants to lose another wife & child to a bomb. Sonny tells him to mind his own business but Taggert continues to give him a hard time, when Mike shows up. Mike tells Sonny he would be a great father and he should try to have another child.

Roy tells Agent Ford that he can and will deliver Sonny, but only if they agree to offer Sonny a deal in exchange for immunity and entry to the witness protection program. When Ford balks, Roy calls in a favor. Roy helped him when Larkin sabotaged Ford's career, now it's time to pay up.

Carly tells Sonny they can get through anything because they love each other. She then listens outside the door when Sonny receives a call. He agrees to be at a warehouse in * hour, his people have the person who sent the bomb on his birthday. As soon as Sonny leaves, Carly calls Roy. Later, Carly and Roy meet in the hospital stairway, and she asks him to promise everything will be all right. He reminds that there is no guarantee. AS SONNY confronts the bomber (gagged and tied to a chair). The door bursts open. It is Agent Ford and several other men. They identify themselves as FBI agents and tell Sonny he is under arrest.

Sonny, Roy, Alan, and Zander are feeling quite frustrated with their circumstances. First, Sonny is being held in custody by the FBI and Taggert. Since Roy tried to help Carly snag Sonny so he can get away from the mob, Roy realizes that their covert plan may backfire. Carly rushes to save Sonny. Things aren't going as Roy and Carly had planned.

In Taggert's office, Carly is asked by Sonny:"How did you know I was here?" She says that she called someone which, of course, is a lie. S. Sonny asks:"Who set me up?" Before Carly can answer, Roy arrives and says :"I can answer that."

Roy tries to convince Sonny he wasn't setup, by bending the truth. "The FBI knew about the bomb, they were watching you and waiting for you to make a move. I was at Ford's office when it came down and convinced Ford to offer you a deal", he tells Sonny. Alone with Roy, Carly whines that things are not going as planned. She confides that Sonny is big time claustrophobic. "Maybe that will help change his mind" says Roy. Sonny doesn't buy Roy's version and refuses to deal with the FBI. He is taken to a cell. As soon as the door closes he is assailed by memories of the abuse he and his mother suffered at the hands of Deke. He is climbing the walls when Carly arrives.

Carly almost lets slip to a guard that Sonny is claustrophobic. Sonny warns her to tell no one, if the FBI find out they will use it against him. Sonny wears he will find out who betrayed him. A nervous Carly tries to convince him to turn a deal, by saying others would get less time than him, or would not protect him if the situation was reversed. Sonny will not turn on the people who DO trust him, he says. Taggart visits and urges Sonny to take deal. Sonny starts to realize that very few people had access to his whereabouts. He then comments only she was with him when the call about the bomber came. A very nervous Carly babbles and starts to point fingers at every possible suspect, Roy, Taggart, one of his men? As visiting hours end, Carly promises to return, she loves him, she would do ANYTHING for him, ANYTHING to keep him safe, she says. After she leaves, an upset Sonny throws furniture around.

Sonny is laying on his cot in his jail cell, running conversations through his head and they all seem to lead to one person being his betrayer. Carly then shows up with bad news, the bail hearing didn’t go well. Next, AJ & Scotty show up with even worse news, AJ is filing for custody of Michael. Needless to say, Carly is not pleased with this news and even threatens to kill AJ if he takes away her son. BUT, this is another reason for Sonny to take the FBI deal, Carly pleads with him. Sonny asks her, Then you’ll have everything you want, right? She explains what she wants is to be safe. Roy shows up and tells Sonny to take the deal. Sonny yells that he will NEVER ACCEPT BETRAYAL. Carly tries one last time and asks him to take the deal for Michael’s sake. Sonny seems to suddenly have a change of heart and tells her to arrange bail, he’ll agree to the deal, leaving Carly thrilled!! He’s released from jail, telling Carly he knows what she can do when she sets her mind to something.

Sonny and Carly arrive home. When Carly goes upstairs, Sonny searches her purse and removes her cell-phone. Using the re-dial button, he dials the last number she called, Roy's. Mike arrives, he just heard and offers to help if he can. Sonny questions him about his feelings and thoughts when Mike left him and his mother. "How do you betray someone you are supposed to love?" Sonny asks. Mike answers that just because you betray someone doesn't mean you don't love him or her, sometimes it's because you DO love them. After Mike leaves, Sonny joins Carly upstairs, although they make love, he won't allow her to caress him. Afterwards, sure she has won, Carly babbles about how maybe the arrest was a blessing in disguise. Now they can go where ever, be whoever, etc. She finishes with "Maybe who ever turned you in did us a favor in a backward sort of way, so it really doesn't matter who it was." Sonny looks at her and says (as a tear rolls down his face), "I KNOW WHO IT WAS, IT WAS YOU". Sonny tells Carly he knows she is his betrayer. He even knows when she made the call to Roy and questions how else she would have known he had been arrested. Carly denies it, but Sonny tells her they are finished and to pack her things. Carly pleads her case and says she loves him and she's innocent, but Sonny isn't hearing it and leaves her upstairs to pack. Sonny says good-bye to Michael, telling him he's a good kid and apologizing for breaking his promise. Carly can't believe it. She decides to fess up and admits she did set him up, but did it to save him, just like he tried to save her before their wedding by pushing her away. Sonny ignores her. She comes down in her wedding dress to remind him of the promises they made, (for better or worse, in sickness & in health--this being a worse situation and Carly being of poor mental health). He finally comes to her and kisses her, but it is only a good-bye kiss as he then asks Johnny to escort Carly out of the penthouse, in her wedding dress & all.

Sonny sat solemnly on his sofa and contemplated his status. He must have been in disbelief about the last few days. Alexis came over to offer her help. She asked if he was all right. She said she was concerned about him. Sonny replied, "I betrayed you, and there's no coming back from that." Alexis told him that betrayal is a question of beliefs. Sometimes there is being less than candid with your attorney and then there is snitching. I know what happened. Sonny was surprised. Then she asked where was Carly, she should at least be around supporting you. Sonny could not answer and only looked at the ceiling. Alexis figured out that it was Carly who turned him in. She apologized. He asked her politely to go. Please just go. Alexis left. A short while later, Carly appeared at the door and tried to open it. Sonny had the locks changed. Carly knocked and banged at the door pleading with Sonny to let her in the house. I love you and I never meant to hurt you. I did this for us and for our family. I could never hurt you. Sonny just sat on the couch. Johnny asked if he wanted him to open the door but he shook his head no. Carly stopped for a moment and Alexis came outside. She asked Carly to leave Sonny alone. Carly told Alexis she had no business in her business. Sonny was her husband. Alexis told Carly that Sonny was her friend and that if Sonny went to prison it would be on Carly's conscious. Carly started to cry and went back to banging on the door. She slouched down and repeated that she will always love Sonny forever and had no intention of letting him go.

Roy confronted Sonny about Carly's whereabouts. Sonny told Roy that thanks to him, Carly no longer existed. Sonny accused Roy of using Carly to seek his own revenge. Fearing that Carly has been harmed, Roy asked Mac to use his influence and past ties in the PCPD to help find the missing Carly and Michael. While gazing into a mirror, Sonny had visions of Carly standing in his apartment telling him that he will forgive her, that she didn't betray him, and that she will always love him. Sonny fired his gun into the mirror.

As Alexis prepares to enter the elevator, she looks over and notices that there is no guard at Sonny's door, Sonny's WIDE OPEN door. Inside she notices the broken mirror. She comments that she heard Carly pounding at the door the night before, and asks if he let her in. Sonny asks her if she has changed her mind and wants to be his attorney again. Mike arrives and also asks about the mirror. Before he gets an answer, Agent Ford and Taggert walk in (through the still open door) and demand to know what Sonny has done to their witness. Seems the witness (bomber), is stating that Sonny had nothing to do with his kidnapping. Obviously this means they have no case against Sonny. Sonny asks them to leave or he will have HIS attorney file harassment charges against them. Before he leaves, Taggert asks where Mrs. Corinthos is. He obviously knows Carly is missing. After they leave Mike also asks where Carly is, but Sonny just asks him to leave. As Mike and Alexis leave, Sonny asks them to leave the door open. Outside Alexis fills Mike in on what she knows - Carly set Sonny up, he found out and threw her out, Michael too! Inside Sonny sits alone on the couch, suddenly he spots something wedged between the cushions, it’s an earring.

Sonny tells Bobbie what happened when Carly informed the FBI about him. He said that Roy had helped her with this betrayal so she should ask Roy for the details. Bobbie pleads with Sonny to try to understand Carly's love for him and why she did this. Of course, Carly and Michael have been missing for days. When Bobbie asks Where is she, A Cold-hearted , despondent Sonny says:" For all I 'm concerned, she's dead." His love for Carly has turned to HATRED. An unforgiving Sonny must have forgotten his "FOR BETTER OR WORSE VOWS". No body betrays Sonny.. especially Carly.

Back in Laura’s office, Sonny gets to the point with Laura and hands her the remaining shares of Deception, claiming that under certain circumstances Carly’s shares revert back to him and now he wants to give Laura full control of Deception. She doesn’t understand what could’ve happened between Carly & Sonny, but knows they love each other and makes sappy comments about how even short marriages are important and mean a lot to those involved. Conveniently, Scott has arrived and overhears these comments. Laura, at first, refuses to take the shares, but in the end, takes them and now controls Deception completely. She is thrilled, but feels a little guilty. Scott is thrilled for her and even more thrilled that the gangster is out of the picture.

Edward gives Skye a tour of ELQ offices. While in the boardroom he lets her know he has called a meeting. This surprises Skye as much as finding her there surprises the rest of the Qs. Ned has sold AJ some shares, now AJ is able to vote again. Edward gets his own surprise, Sonny shows up for the meeting even though Ed didn't want him there. First order of business (after Sonny introduces himself to Skye and they flirt) is Skye's appointment as Director if Communications. A vote is called for, Ed, Lila (by proxy) and Alan vote yes, Ned and AJ vote no. Monica votes no, but Alan calls her outside and asks for her co-operation. Monica tells him she spoke to a friend in Llanview, and found out what kind of person Skye is. She tells Alan that Skye was hired to seduce a man away from his wife. Never the less, at Alan's request, Monica ends up voting yes. Sonny actually asks Skye if she is qualified for the position, then votes yes. Second order of business is the dock renovation. Sonny opposes it immediately; it will interfere with HIS expansion plans he says. Edward tells him that it doesn't matter, he has enough family votes to pass. Sonny then pulls out his second surprise, TRACY'S PROXY. Even so, Ed says, with the rest of the family 's vote it will still be enough. Don't be sure says Monica. She will vote NO also. After the meeting breaks up, Edward gives Skye her first assignment. Get Sonny's shares! Any way she can!

Edward assures Ned and AJ that Sonny is on his way out of ELQ. As Ned & AJ quiz Ed about what he is up to now, Skye presents herself (all dressed up) and asks if she is presentable. Edward tells her she looks great, and should be on her way, as Sonny is at the Grill already. Ned blasts Edward for sending yet another family member in to the "hands of Sonny". AJ hopes that maybe they will get really lucky and be able to rid themselves of both Sonny and Skye. Everyone is surprised to see Sonny enter the restaurant with a group of people, which consists of Johnny, another man and two blonde women (best described as bimbos).

Bobbie approaches Sonny's table. She demands to know where Carly is. When Sonny answers with "She took my money and left, that's all I know" Bobbie throws her drink in his face. She tells him that is for being so cold hearted. Sonny gives her no reaction, other than to wipe his face. Bobbie leaves and Roy approaches. He and Sonny stare at each other until one of the bimbos returns to claim the seat she had given up to Bobbie. Skye shows up and wrangles and invitation to sit at Sonny's table (displacing one of the bimbos). They flirt, and Sonny's asks if he can give her a tour of PC, starting with the terrace. Once outside they make idle talk about the docks, etc. Skye points out what appears to be a couple dancing under a street light. Suddenly she confesses to Sonny that all the Q's hate her. She tells him that Edward asked her to get Sonny's ELQ stock away from him. Sonny tells her he figured that much. She then tells him she wants his help to destroy ALL the Qs. Skye wanted Sonny to help her bring down the Quartermaines. He said he would like nothing better, but didn't agree with her betraying her own family. He knew what it was like to have family betray you. Ned overheard Sonny and Skye talking and old Skye he had declared all out war on her. Alexis had come out and Sonny asked her later why she had come outside after Ned, was she jealous of Skye? She said she had come out for him, Sonny. Nobody told her that Skye was Ned's cousin, she wouldn't have reason to be jealous, if she was. Sonny and Alexis sat at the bar and had a talk. She admitted no matter what he did, he was her friend and she was his.

Sonny is brooding and sees a vision of Carly. She taunts him, telling him that she knows he wants her back, she knows he still loves her. Please let her come home. Taggert shows up with a search warrant. Sonny is pissed that the cops are rifling through his things, he tells the cops he is busy and leaves. Sonny is waiting to talk to a police captain, when who should show up in handcuffs and orange jumpsuit but Sorel. The two mobsters exchange barbs. The captain shows up and Sonny explains how upset he is about the police currently searching his apartment. The captain offers apologies but can’t really do anything about it. Sonny recants some blackmailing story to the captain, who suddenly changes his tune and says he will fix everything. Free for now, Sonny doesn’t pass up an opportunity to taunt Sorel and shows up at his jail cell. Sonny taunts Sorrel with the package. When Sonny starts to open it, Sorrel calls for a guard. Alexis is there and convinces Sonny to leave. Before he goes Sonny tells Sorrel, next time it might be real.

Alexis asks Sonny why does he put himself in danger? This leads them to discuss their life choices, mainly his. He tells her when he joined the mob (at age 16) he knew there was no going back, you have to live with your choices. He understands that Carly didn't want his life anymore, but SHE CHOOSE the wrong way to go about getting out, now they all have to live with that choice. When Alexis expresses sympathy, Sonny flirts with her by saying, "Don't worry so much, I'm going to think you like me." Alexis is getting ready to head out the door, but changes her mind when Zander arrives. Zander apologizes for running out on them, and explains about what happened in Canada, then tells them that he wants a real life and school. Sonny tells him to show up at the warehouse for a job, enroll in night classes and send him a bill for tuition. After they leave Sonny, Alexis tells Zander maybe not good idea to work for Sonny. When Zander assures her he will stay clean, Alexis comments that that is not what she is worried about. Inside the penthouse, Sonny sees Carly's image on the stairs. She talks to him saying that she know how nothing he does is helping him forget her. He should just let her come back. Sonny sees more visions of Carly and then decides he needs to get out of the house and knocks on Alexis' door and tells her to be ready for dinner in five minutes. Of course, Alexis objects to the demand and insists on an invitation. Once he invites her, she turns him down, but then, he asks her again very sweetly and she realizes he needs a friend, so she goes with him. At the restaurant, some floozy comes over to flirt with Sonny and, when he flirts back, Alexis tells him that denial is not healthy. She wants him to talk about what's bothering him, how much he still loves Carly and how upset he is. He plays down his loneliness and hurt, even trying to remind Alexis that his marriage was just to prevent Carly from testifying against him. Alexis knows it was more than that. Taggert joins them at their table to tell Sonny that Sorel escaped from jail. Alexis is upset.

When they get back to the penthouses, Alexis expresses her worry about Sonny and his lack of bodyguards, particularly with Sorel on the loose. Sonny tells her not to worry, he'll deal with Sorel in his own way. She is reminded that he is a dangerous mobster, but admits to him that if Sorel did turn up dead and Sonny was arrested, she would defend him. They compliment each other some more and then part ways. Alexis, once inside her apartment, calls Benny and tells him to provide some protection for Sonny. Sonny, once inside his apartment, sees visions of Carly almost immediately. There is a knock on his door and what do you know, it is the real Carly smiling up at him. Carly throws her arms around Sonny and says she can tell he has not managed to forget her. When Sonny pushes her away, she says she knows he WANTS to forgive her. Sonny answers that he DOES WANT to but DOESN'T know how to forgive. That is why every time he looks at Mike all he sees is that Mike left them. Now every time he looks at Carly all he will see is a LIAR! He tells her that he would rather die than become a snitch. Carly is determined to get him back even if she has to prove her love by dying. Carly tries again to tell Sonny that they can get past her betrayal. Sonny tells her nothing has changed in his life, so what makes her think there is a difference now? Carly answers "What if I where having your baby?" When Sonny asks, she admits she is not pregnant, but could be if they went upstairs and got busy. He tells her again that it would not work because he can never trust her again, and eventually that would kill their "love" and make things worse for everyone, especially Michael. He tells her to let it go, that there is nothing between them anymore. Carly tries to coax Sonny upstairs (to bed) so they can kiss and make up. (In case you where wondering she was in Martinique. She has left Michael and Leticia there while she tries to make up with Sonny).

Sonny and Carly talk about the vows they took. Sonny (very calmly) tells Carly that she broke her vows when she turned him into the FBI and had him arrested. SHE has destroyed the trust he placed in her. Carly promises to be the good mob wife if he will give her another chance. Sonny assures her she is wasting her time and self respect by begging. She tries to give him a gift. A small angel figurine she bought in Martinique and had blessed by the priest who married them. It will keep him safe she says. Sonny refuses it, and tells her to leave. When she refuses, Sonny gets his briefcase and keys. Meanwhile, Carly puts the angel in Sonny's jacket pocket. He hands her the keys, puts on his jacket and tells her since she won't leave, HE WILL! Carly begs him not to go, especially without a guard. Sonny ignores her and orders her not to follow him. Sonny is unaware that he is being followed.

Sonny arrives at the grave with a large bouquet of roses. He places them on Lily's grave and confides that Carly has returned asking for forgiveness. He confesses that he never learned to forgive and asks her to teach him how. He states that she is the only one who was completely loyal to him and maybe he is destined to be alone forever as his punishment for betraying HER! He reaches into his jacket pocket and come up with the figurine Carly placed there. As he contemplates it, he is not aware of the man with a knife who is watching him. Suddenly, Sonny is grabbed from behind by the man with the knife and stabbed. It is Sorrel. Sonny tries to stand but passes out and falls to the ground at Lily's grave!

Somebody found Sonny. They picked him up and when he woke up he was on a red boat bleeding. He started then to hallucinate he was on the docks by a beautiful brown head dressed in white. Without speaking she asked Sonny to come to her he did and she disappeared to the other side of the docks. Sonny told her he wasn't going after her and that she would have to come to him. She did and motioned for the rose when she touched the peach rose it turned red. He woke up again but fell back to sleep. When he woke up again he was in a house on a bed. He felt someone aiding his wound. Looking at Angel he saw it was the person in his dreams and said 'Your real' She smiled and said 'yes,'

Alexis found Carly in Sonny's apartment and gave her a few choice words about betraying Sonny. Carly insisted she did it for love and safety. Their argument was interrupted by the police, who were there to question Carly, telling her she could make things easier for Sonny if she told them what she knew. She refused to help.

A dazed Sonny woke up in a hospital setting and met "Angel," who explained to him that she knew who he is and that he had been stabbed. She said she's going to take care of him.

Carly asked Roy for help in finding Sonny but he refused saying all he would do for her is take her to her mother's house. Sonny had a nightmare of Carly begging him to hold her but when he reached out he had chains on his arms and asked what she did to him. He woke up to Angel. Carly continues to beg Roy to find Sonny by telling him he owes Sonny for saving his and Bobbie's life. Roy says he doesn't. Roy tells Carly if Sorel has found Sonny then he is probably already dead. But then tells her Sonny is too smart to let that happen. Carly is outraged and tells him she'll find him herself.

Angel again tries to give Sonny juice but Sonny doesn't want it. She tells him he needs it because of the fever and the antibiotics. Sonny takes it and drinks it. She asks if she can call anybody again but he tells he no. She tells him if he wants to leave its up to him. Sonny struggles to leave in clothes Angel had given him. She tries to help but he tells her she has helped him enough and tries to continue on. Sonny still struggles to leave but Angel convinces him that he should stay till he is better. When he is back in bed Angel gives him the guardian Angel Carly had given him and asks him if the person who gave it to him was someone important to him.

Roy tells Carly the best thing for her to go is nothing. Carly explains without knowing Sonny is alive she can't eat or sleep, nothing with out her man. He tells her to focus attention on herself and Michael then leaves. She doesn't listen and leaves also. Carly goes to Lily's gravesite and asks her to have Sonny be okay remember she loves him still. She notices the roses, the briefcase and the blood. Carly kneels at Lily's grave and wonders where an injured Sonny is. When Sorrel surprises her, she is sure HE has done something to Sonny and begs him to tell her where Sonny is. Luckily for her Sorrel and his goon don't have time to hurt her. Later Sorrel is angry that Sonny's "body" has disappeared. He orders his goon to find Sonny and who ever is helping him.

Carly returns to the penthouse and accuses Alexis of abandoning Sonny when he needed her most. Alexis assures her that if Sonny was careless, the blames rests solely at Carly's feet. Alexis does however call the police to report the Sorrel sighting.

Angel questions Sonny about the guardian angel, Sonny denies that it has special meaning, instead he wants to know why she is living alone in the middle of nowhere. What is she trying to escape? Angel changes his bandage (and the subject) by asking Sonny "If your wife is dead, why do you still wear your wedding ring?" She talks about the different things she has tried to do with her life, and comments that she hasn't found the right one yet. Later a feverish Sonny mistakes Angel for Carly and talks to her as if she where Carly. Unable to warm Sonny with blankets, and realizing he could get worse, Angel decides that she has to do something. She will warm him by sharing her body-heat, so she climbs into bed with Sonny.

A hopeful Carly answers the door. It is AJ who has come to enforce his court ordered visitation. Carly warns AJ to leave before Sonny returns. It is obvious that AJ knows Sonny is gone when he tells her he WILL wait for Sonny. A flustered Carly lets AJ know that Michael is not even in the country. An angry AJ tells Carly he will make her pay for abandoning Michael. Before he can make any more threats, Mike arrives and urges him to leave. Carly tells Mike Sonny is gone and asks for advice on how to get him back. Mike's advice is to give Sonny time to come around on his own. They are interrupted when Zander knocks. He wants Sonny's help protecting Emily. In typical Carly fashion she yells at him that HE is to blame for everything wrong in her life at the moment. She assures him that Sonny will NOT help him again and tells him to leave. After Zander leaves Mike tells Carly that Sonny would help Zander and she doesn't really know Sonny if she thinks otherwise. When Carly says she is no good at waiting, Mike tells her to learn how and learn how fast.

Sonny refuses Angels' offer to call a doctor. Later, still feverish, he dreams about Carly. HE and Carly are at Lily's grave. Carly is trying to give him the guardian angel. It will keep him safe she says. When Sonny pulls his hand out from under his jacket, it is covered with blood. Carly asks, "What happened?" Sonny answers "Someone stabbed me in the back." Carly asks "Who?" to which Sonny answers "It was you. YOU betrayed me!" Carly falls at his feet crying and begging for forgiveness. When he awakens Angel asks who betrayed him. Sonny denies any knowledge. "It was just a dream." He tells Angel to throw the guardian angel away. Angel answers that she can't. It's her namesake, plus it would disrespectful to her mother who believed in guardian angels. They both acknowledge that Sonny's injury could easily have been fatal and wonder what saved him.

Carly shows up to WORK! Laura explains to her that Sonny sold her all the shares to the company. Carly doesn’t believe it, thinks it is some plot she and Scott cooked up. When Scott shows up and backs Laura up, Carly is definitely convinced they are in cahoots. Laura keeps telling Carly to talk to Sonny about it. Laura is kind enough to offer Carly a job there, but Carly isn’t too thrilled about that offer. Deception’s success is all due to her, after all.

Sonny is doing better as he is out of bed and walking around, checking out Angel’s house. Angel, who apparently only owns white dresses, is surprised to see him doing so well. She explains to him the joys of using fine china everyday and how to de-stem strawberries and then they eat together. We find out Angel was married once, when she was young. When she asks Sonny questions, she surprisingly doesn’t get any answers. Angel leaves to go to the city to run some errands; Sonny makes a phone call.

Mike is giving Benny a hard time, wanting to know where Sonny is. First, Benny talks to Carly’s chauffeur, who is told that she is no longer his charge and that she can take cabs from now on. Then, Benny gets a call from Sonny. Even though Benny doesn’t let on, Mike realizes Sonny is on the other end and grabs the phone, demanding his son speak to him. Sonny told Mike he was okay but when Mike told him Carly was worried he hung up.

Carly is receiving the news that she no longer has a driver. Needless to say, she isn’t pleased. She manages to knock the keys out of the driver’s hands and jump into the driver’s seat herself. It’s her husband’s car and if he won’t drive her, then she’ll drive herself. Reminding Carly that she doesn’t even know how to drive, he just leaves. Carly manages to start the ignition on her own, but has some problems with the gas pedal once she shifts it into reverse. She backs right into another car. Yep, guess who? Angel. Angel found out Sonny's dead wife isn't so dead after all and they battle out the accident.

Carly demands Alexis be her attorney so that she can sue Laura and Scott but Alexis points out they had everything right when it came to buying the company and Mike shows up to tell Carly that Sonny is okay and is having Benny take care of everything. Then he explains that Sonny didn't really care that she was worried, she leaves the PH and cries outside the door.

Angel explains the accident to Sonny and he tells her Carly doesn't have a license, which is why she didn't produce a license. Angel starts to put pieces together about the betrayal. They sit outside after dinner and look up at the sky to see there isn't a moon out.

Outside of GH, Carly sits on a bench and cries as she remembers her life with Sonny. Melissa exits the building, sees Carly and asks if she needs help. Carly tells Melissa that Sonny has left her and is NOT coming back, and finally accepts the blame. Melissa offers her advice. Melissa assures Carly life goes on and it will get better. Carly realizes that Melissa is still in love with Roy and wants to know how/why she forgave him. Melissa explains that it just takes time. Carly thanks Melissa for giving hope that things with Sonny will get better.

Sonny and Angel continue to get to know each other. Sonny sleeps (and dreams) on a lawn chair but awakens when Angel returns from a late night swim. Sonny asks her if she is scared to live alone, so far away from everything and everyone. Angel answers that she knows every sound around her home and she enjoys the peace of being away from others. Plus she can handle any problem that arises. Later as Sonny sits and thinks, Angel falls asleep on his shoulder. Carly is on the phone, yelling at Benny about her inability to drive when AJ shows up with some legal document requiring her to tell him where Michael is. They bicker a little and Alexis shows up. She reminds AJ that he gave up all rights to Michael.. When he leaves, someone else delivers more legal documents, requesting Carly to appear in civil court for driving without a license. Alexis agrees to look into it while Carly fumes about that “Angel woman.” As Alexis leaves, Mike arrives and Carly asks him to take her somewhere. The unsuccessful goon reports back to Sorel that Zander spied him at the hospital. Sorel announces a change in plans, anyway. The goon is to follow Carly instead.

At Angel’s hideaway...Sonny ponders returning home. He & Angel talk about betrayal. Sonny goes off on Sorel, explaining how the man is a monster. This causes Angel to get up and walk away, clearly uncomfortable (is Sorel her ex-husband?!). Sonny notices and apologizes. She says that is exactly the life she knew and her house in the woods enables her to get away from all that. Although Sonny asks, she won’t specify the betrayal she faced. Sonny spends some time pondering and then takes off his wedding ring and leaves it on the railing. Sonny goes inside the house as Carly arrives.

Carly barges her way into Angel's home in her usual obnoxious way. Sonny manages to hide without being seen by her; he does however end up in prime spot to eavesdrop on the girl's conversation. At first Carly is her usual bully self and throws around Sonny's name like a threat. Later she ends up pouring her troubles out on Angel's listening ear. After hearing Carly's pitiful woe-is-me tale, Angel calls her insurance agent and tells him to drop the charges. A thankful Carly heads out the door and they meet up with Mike who was apparently waiting in the car this whole time.

At Angel’s hideaway...Mike says he knows where Sonny is hiding and Carly demands to be taken there. Mike reconsiders and doesn’t tell her anything. Carly doesn’t understand why Mike said he knew when he doesn’t. Angel says this is probably a private matter you should discuss amongst yourselves. Carly explains to Angel that her husband is not the mob monster that people think he is. Before leaving, Mike says that he and Carly just want Sonny to be safe and happy. Sonny, of course, overhears all of this. Mike leaves Sonny’s ring where he found it and takes Carly home. After Carly & Mike leave, Angel tells Sonny he can stay or go, whichever. She also doesn’t demand he give her any answers. She does tell him that it’s obvious Carly loves him a lot. Sonny says she thinks she loves him, but, bottom line, he can’t live with someone he doesn’t trust.

At Sonny’s penthouse...Carly asks Mike yet again why he sounded so sure about where Sonny was. Mike says it was a misunderstanding. She starts to write Sonny a letter, but Mike tells her not to bother, that Sonny won’t even get it. Bobbie walks in and tells Carly to divorce Sonny.

Melissa tells Bobbie about finding Carly out side the hospital on the night of the Nurse's Ball. At first Bobbie sarcastically says "and you waited this long to tell me?". But she does end up thanking her for the info.

Apparently tired of waiting in the car, Mike decides to go see what is keeping Carly. Before he can knock, he gaze falls on an item sitting on the porch railing. It is a gold wedding band. The engraving reads "S & C Forever". It is Sonny's, Mike realizes. No sooner does he figure this out than Carly and Angel exit the house. After Carly introduces them, Mike tells her he has figured out where Sonny is.

At the penthouse, Bobbie advises Carly to divorce Sonny, pointing out how horrible he's been by leaving her. Carly refuses to give up on Sonny, blaming herself (and rightly so) for the rift in their marriage. When she runs upstairs in tears, Mike defends Sonny to Bobbie, almost letting it slip that Sonny is not alone in hiding. Of course, Carly overhears and demands to know who Sonny is with. Mike says she misunderstood. Bobbie again begs Carly to let Sonny go before she leaves. Watching a storm brew outside, Carly breaks down and asks Mike to stay at the penthouse for the night so she won't be alone.

Sonny says he's torn between leaving and staying. Angel finally admits she wants him to stay. His response is to start telling her how to cook. Out on the porch he demonstrates how to chop celery the correct way, which involves guiding her hand himself so they are touching. He flashes his smile a couple times, which she says is nice, and flirting commences. Angel notices his ring on the railing. Later when thunder booms, Angel observes that "a storm makes everything more powerful, heightens the senses." A particularly loud clap of thunder makes Sonny jump. The lights go out in the house. Angel and Sonny drift closer to each other.

At Angel's house, the storm has knocked the power out. This leads them to sit in the candlelight and talk about her upbringing (one of privilege). She tells Sonny she enjoys feeling free. She decides to go outside and check on something. Suddenly she cries out. Sonny rushes after her only to find she has slipped in the mud. He helps her up and once back inside he gently helps her clean up. When Angel goes to shower, Sonny calls Benny and tells him that Mike knows where he is, but Benny is NOT to give Mike any info. He also tells Benny to hurry with the check on the girl he mentioned before. Angel expresses concern about Sonny; he won't take any pain medication. He lets her check the wound. When she touches him they both feel it. They admit they are attracted to each other but the timing is wrong so they will do nothing about it. Angel tells Sonny he can stay for as long as he wants.

AT GH: (2nd floor nurses' station): AJ gets a message from Sonny via Johnny; Leave Carly & Michael alone or he WILL have to deal with Sonny.

Angel is on the phone telling someone that they had more than repaid their debt to her. When Sonny came in, she ended the phone conversation abruptly. He asked her point blank, "Who are you?" but Angel never answered the question. She tried to make small talk and asked Sonny to tell her about how his family passed the 4th of July holiday. Sonny shared stories of him and Mike fishing, but when he began to get melancholy, she quickly changed the subject. Their conversation was interrupted when Mike showed up. Even though Angel denied knowing Sony, Mike told her he knew she was lying. When Mike called her bluff and told her he'd seen his son's wedding ring there, Sonny finally came out and confronted his father. Mike made Sonny aware of the fact that Carly was falling apart over A.J.'s custody suit and the fact that her husband had left her. Even though Sonny told Mike that he had arranged for Michael and Letticia to have protection, Mike begged his son to forgive his wife. Sonny merely glared back at Mike and said nothing.

Alexis came to the penthouse and told Carly about the new court date in the custody case. Carly lashed out at Alexis, demanding that she do something to stop A.J. Alexis reminded Carly that she was actually on her side this time, but that there was nothing to be done at this point. She then offered to go for a walk with Carly so they could enjoy the festivities in the park. Carly wasn't exactly thrilled, but she decided that it beat staying home alone.

The park was a buzz with 4th of July festivities. The Q's enjoyed their upscale picnic, complete with servants, while A.J. taunted Skye with veiled threats. Just as the other family members were calling A.J.'s bluff, a better target came along! Carly and Alexis came upon the ritzy picnic. Although Alexis tried to drag Carly away, A.J. and Carly fired volley after volley at each other, with A.J. definitely getting the upper hand. When he threw up the fact that Sonny had dumped her like everyone else in her life, Carly was devastated and ran away, weeping. Later on in the day, A.J. told Skye that they could both possibly get what they wanted. A freaked out Carly, wandering through the park, alone. Stavros, who had just discovered her relationship to Luke, approached her, oozing charm from every pore. He offered her comfort and whatever she needed. Carly, of course, couldn't resist the temptation to flirt back and asked him if he wanted to drive her home or just sleep with her. Stavros laughed and told her she could choose whatever she wanted!

Stavros forced Carly into a kiss even when she wanted to pull away he wouldn't let her and if it weren't for Alexis he probably would have raped her.

Mike tried to get Sonny to talk to Carly but he refused and asked him not the interfere with him and Angel anymore. Sonny and Angel played a card game to get answers out of each to stuff the wanted to know. Sonny won every hand and asked Angel simple Q's. She told him her favorite place was right there and right then. Awww!

Sonny answers Angel's question; He IS through with Carly. Angel tries her hand at Tarot reading, and sees that there IS still some thing that Sonny has to do with/about Carly. The talk turns to Angel's family and she tells him she had strong parents and a happy loving childhood, it was perfect, except she won't say anymore than that. They discuss travel preferences, and Sonny admits he has always wanted to go to Greece. Angel has been there, recently, and tells him about it. They pause to hear a news bulletin about dangerous criminal-at-large Joseph Sorrel. Angels realizes that is who is after Sonny, would he come to Greece with her? Why? Asks Sonny. She doesn't want him to be the next body on Sorrel's list of crimes. Sonny asks her, "When do you want to go?"

Sorrel questions Carly about Sonny whereabouts. Carly denies any knowledge and tries to convince Sorrel that Sonny has left her for good. Sorrel doesn't believe her; he saw how upset Sonny was the day Sonny visited him in jail (with the fake bomb). But if it is true, he tells Carly, he will save Sonny the trouble of divorcing her. Later he tells Carly that he stabbed Sonny at Lily's grave, but knows he is not dead because no body has been found. This upsets Carly enough for her to grab a fireplace poker and charge at Sorrel, but she fails to hit him. The attempt angers Sorrel enough to pull his gun. The bell saves her, literally, when Taggart knocks on the door. Sorel warns Carly that if she gives him up, Bobbie and Michael will pay the price. Carly is her usual rude self to Taggart, but won't let him in the penthouse. Taggart just wanted to warn her that Sorel is still on the loose (well duh!) and she should help him by telling him where Sonny is. After Taggart leaves, Carly tries to convince Sorel that he will gain nothing from killing her now. Sorel calls one of his men and tells him to put the word out that he has Carly. That should get Sonny's attention and bring him out of hiding.

Carly went into this whole idea that the only reason Sonny hasn't come to help her is because he is dead. She told Sorel he may as well kill her as well. He began to believe her and was about to leave when here AJ comes banging on the door.

Sonny finally gets the truth of Angels past out of her. She tells him how her hubby used to work for Sorrel and he got to close to the top and Sorrel made an example out of him. Angel asks Sonny if he will go away with her, just for a week at the beach in Greece. He says he has commitments in Port Charles that he has put off for far too long already. She wonders if she will ever see him again. His cab comes and he leaves, heading back to civilization. Left alone, Angel gets mad at her photo album and rips out a bunch of photos. She starts a fire and throws the photos in the fire. We can see one photo contains a picture of Sorel.

At Sonny’s office, Johnny, the bodyguard, is arguing with two other Sonny goons and saying that despite Sonny's anger at Carly, he would want to know that Sorel has her. The guys argue with him and are no help. Johnny vows to find Sonny on his own then. As soon as he leaves, Sonny walks in through the back door. He asks them what is new with Sorel; they claim nothing. He asks them what else is going on and they give him the run-around. He finally leaves, miffed. Mike walks by in time to hear the two goons discussing Sorel holding Carly.

Alexis meets up with Sonny on the docks and asks him where he’s been. She forces him to apologize to her for making her worry and then updates him on what’s been going on, with Zander, with Carly, with the custody hearing and with Sorel.

Sorel tells Carly not to say a word as AJ pounds on the door, but she screams out to him anyway. Sorel warns her not to do anything stupid. When she opens the door, Carly asks AJ to please give her a break since Sonny is dead. She says this is not yet common knowledge, but it isn’t AJ Quartermaine Dies. He tells her no one but Sonny would have done that and unless he is contacting him from the dead, the man is very much still alive. Carly tells AJ it was probably one last order carried out on Sonny’s behalf, but Sonny is certainly dead. AJ doesn’t buy it and vows to get custody of Michael. Sorel finds the events with AJ interesting. He tells Carly he loves her fierce loyalty. He suggests she switch sides in his direction.

A very relieved Alexis told Sonny how miserable Carly had been without him and that she was falling apart. Sonny thought that Carly had been physically hurt, and started to freak out, but Alexis assured him that Carly was physically well, but emotionally unstable. Sonny then went to the warehouse to confront A.J., who had been brought there against his will. Sonny warned him against pursuing custody of Michael, but A.J. wouldn't back down. Sonny's concern was re-ignited when A.J. told him that Carly was crazier than ever and she hadn't wanted him to leave the Penthouse.

Carly laughed in Sorel's face when he came on to her. She told him she would die before she let him touch her. Sorel reminded her that once he had killed Sonny and had total control, nothing and no one including her could stop him from taking what he wanted. Sorel answered a knock at the door, and when he found Alexis there, he forced her inside at gunpoint. He threatened to kill her unless she told him where Sonny was. Much to Alexis's surprise, Carly threw herself in front of Alexis and told Sorel to leave her alone. Sorel said, "Sonny has one hour to respond and if he doesn't, one of you ladies will die". The phone rang and Sorel told Carly to answer it while he pressed the gun to Alexis's temple. Carly picked up the phone and Sonny was on the other end.

**The End**

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