Sonny & Carly #3  January 7 - March 16, 000 - 8 hr

Sonny sends Johnny down to get the car. Hannah is hiding by Jason’s apartment. Carly is in the living room organizing things. AJ comes in and compliments her on her appearance. Carly makes nice and tells AJ she understands how important the party is to him. Edward comes in, compliments Carly on her appearance, and tells AJ that his job is on the line tonight. If he doesn’t get the European guest to sign the contract, he is out as CEO. Carly purrs that everything will go according to plan. AJ tells her not to try to sneak out with Michael during the party. Carly tells him she knows exactly what to do. Allan and Monica enter. Alan is nice to Carly; Monica takes jabs at her. Allan tells Monica to be nice and they begin to argue. Carly goes to check on Michael.

Sonny leaves for the party. Hannah comes out of hiding and tries to let herself into the penthouse with the key Sonny gave her. Wisely, Sonny has changed the locks. She leaves. Sonny arrives at the party. Edward tells AJ that Carly invited him. AJ tells Sonny that he is not welcome. Edward says that any board member is welcome and thanks him for taking the time out of his schedule to come to the party “considering the labor unrest at the docks.” Sonny says that his workers are fine. Edward is quite happy and wants to take him into the living room for a drink. Sonny goes over and introduces himself to the European guests. Lila enters. She welcomes Sonny. Sonny flatters Lila. Jax comes over to greet Lila. Lila says he’s happy to have both Jax and Sonny at the party; each takes her hand. Edward tries to shoo them away from Lila. Carly finally arrives. Carly makes her entrance by whistling loudly at the top of the stairs. She walks down yelling “Yo! Listen up everybody, glad you could make it. Anybody asks, I’m Mrs. AJ Quartermaine.” She is dressed in a black crop-top sweater, a light blue sequin very mini-skirt, and boots that come to just above her knees. The Q’s are mortified; Sonny tries to hide his amusement. Carly blows AJ a kiss, then blows a bubble with her gum. Carly comes down and has a great time embarrassing A.J. by getting the foreign investors to say Carly babes and propositioning Edward. Sonny gets a kick out of her performance, loving watching her stick it to the Q's, the more they squirm with embarrassment over her antics the bigger Sonny's grin gets! AJ storms off after threatening Carly that if she leaves him he will make her sorry. Sonny, claps for her performance. But he tells her that the Q's will never allow her to take Michael out of that house. Monica comes down with a bag and orders her to pack because she won't see Carly ruin her son's life. Carly tells her to look the other way. A.J. tells Carly that she has an appointment with the psychiatrist in the morning and that he's sending over some tranquilizers. Carly tells him to get real, as if she's going to take drugs. He tells her that if she refuses treatment, with so many witnesses to her bizarre behavior, how could he let her near his son? Carly says the only way to get rid of her is a divorce with her having custody of Michael. In your dreams retorts AJ. Edward and Carly have a chat in which he says he enjoyed her performance "Carly-babe", but she would be better off fighting for the Qs' than against them. He ends up telling her that neither she nor her son will leave the Qs'. Carly asks if Lila is upset because she ruined the party. Says she did it to prove that her and Michael don't belong there. And that everything she does is in her sons' best interest. Is it really, or are you doing what is best for yourself, asks Lila leaving Carly to think it over.

Hannah goes to Jason and asks him to tell Sonny that she loves him. Jason tells her to get out and Sonny walks in. Sonny walks in on Jason telling Hannah to leave. Wants to know if she's there to get evidence. He tells her she thought she could get to him thru Jason. After she leaves, the two guys have a stilted conversation about how Sorel’s explosive guy was in town the day before the body was found, the need to beef up security for an expected shipment and Jason’s' wound. Alone again, Jason looks at a picture of Michael/Carly, remembering when he told Michael he couldn't see him anymore.

Alan talks to Carly about AJ, and he explains that he too knows what it's like to love Jason more than AJ. He tries to convince her that there *is* nothing wrong with AJ, other than not being Jason, and she should try to make her marriage work.

Sorel approaches Liz on the docks. He convinces her to stop and talk to him with the mention of Jason's safety. Suddenly, Jason races to her rescue, and with one quick swoop he grabs and restrains Sorel. Jason tells her to leave, but she refuses. So Jason lets Sorel go... but ONLY after warning him to stay away from Elizabeth. Jason scolds Liz for not listening. She tells him she couldn't leave as she was worried about his safety. He doesn't want her in danger and wants her to stay away from him. She tells him she can't that she cares for him. He responds that he thought if he stayed away from her that Sorel would leave her alone. She says that the way Jason just charged at Sorel that he got that Jason cares for Liz. They take off on Jason's bike.

Back at the Q's mansion, Carly explains to Alan that he was right before that Jason is better than AJ. Enter AJ who asks Alan to leave. He then proceeds to ask Carly if she has made an appointment for a psychologist yet, quickly followed by "Have you taken your medication yet?" Carly threatens back with humiliating him at every business turn he makes. She asks him why he doesn't just let her and Michael go, as it would be easier than dealing with her struggle to leave. To which he replies "Easier, sure. But not nearly as satisfying. Your so desperate to get out of here, it's worth whatever it takes to keep you. It's what you deserve." Jason is not pleased that Carly brought Michael to his penthouse. Her pretense is that Michael can't sleep and she'll only stay until he does. Jason starts to read to him. We come back to them later, and Michael's asleep. Jason chews Carly out. She tries to tell him what she did at the party but he's not interested. He accuses her of putting Michael in the middle rather than keeping what's best for him in mind. She begs for his help, but he declines. Jason asks why she can't just stay away…she says because Michael needs him. Back at the Q's Michael is awake, and Carly is "reading" to him. She's really telling him about how much Jason loves him. This is a sweet scenes as Michael calls her "mama". Sarah looks so touched and tells him "Mama loves you!". He sweetly repeats it to her in an obviously unscripted moment! Jason is writing a letter to Michael saying he loves him very much, even though by the time he reads it, he won't remember Jason anymore.

Hannah comes downstairs at Kelly's and Sonny gives her the cold shoulder, he tells Tammy he's here to get coffee and jokes to "find out her intentions with his father". Sonny apologizes to Bobbie for what happened to Jerry. Sonny meets with Roy in the dock, asks if Roy is still interested in a bigger job with him. Roy says yes. Hannah is shown eavesdropping.

Jason meets Emily on the docks to say good-bye, he's leaving for good. Emily asks who or what is pushing Jason to leave. Jason tells Emily that staying would hurt all the people he cares about. Jason asks a very upset Emily to watch over Michael. He promises to write. They say how they love each other. Jason goes to see Lila to say good-bye. Lila tells him to remember how loved he is. Jason says good-bye to Monica. He tells her is not telling Carly and asks that Monica not tell anyone until he leaves town. He says he now understands how she loves him, that's how he feels about Michael. He tells Monica he loves her, which of course makes Monica very happy. He asks to see Michael one last time, but only if Michael doesn't see him. Jason watches Monica and Lila playing with Michael. He is saying good-bye to Michael through the window, very sad!

Carly walks in and talks with Bobbie, when Bobbie gives her a tort to munch on with coffee, she once again gets queasy and asks Bobbie for tea instead. Carly tells Bobbie that since Jerry is now out of the picture, she should see how her feelings are towards Jerry. Bobbie politely tells her not to interfere. Carly privately takes out her calendar and starts counting weeks. By the look on her face she realizes she may be pregnant. Carly chases after Jason on the dock. Jason stops and faces Carly. Carly approached Jason, telling him no explanations or excuses, she just wanted to know if her actions had lost her his ‘being there to catch her’. Jason says he’ll always help her when she needs it, but he can’t ‘love her the way she wants him to’. Basically, he says he’s not strong enough for her, that they’re friends, the best of friends, and that he hopes she’s happy, that she finds someone who can love her the way she needs, but it’s not him. Never was. Carly tells him, sweetly, that the kind of love he’s given her, being a person she could count on ,was exactly what she’d always needed. They hug, he tells her to trust herself with Michael and to watch out for him, and leaves.

Next, Jason tells Liz he’s leaving; Liz doesn’t react well. She tells him if he’s leaving to protect her, she’ll hurt less if he stays. He says he doesn’t want her to be afraid all the time, and that’s only part of it, anyway. Eventually, they come to an understanding, he kisses her long and lingeringly on the forehead, tells her ‘goodbye’ and Liz responds, with a shaky smile, ‘See ya later’, and runs off. Jason looks after her, lingeringly.

Jason goes to the penthouse to tell Sonny he’s leaving, not because of Sonny/Carly as Sonny first presumes but because his staying ‘hurts to many people’, mainly Elizabeth and Michael. Sonny latches onto Carly as a reason for Jason’s departure; Jason defends her. He says if he stays, Carly will keep fighting for Jason/Carly/Michael to be a family; if he leaves, she’ll fight for Michael. Finally, he says he just needs Sonny to accept that he needs to leave, as he gives him power of attorney, all his worldly goods, etc. He asks Sonny to watch out for Elizabeth and take it easy on Carly. Sonny tells Jason he’s the worst enemy Jason ever had, not just for the Carly stuff but for what he made Jason into. Jason retorts that he forgives Sonny and wants Sonny to forgive himself. They speak of growing up, and Sonny tells Jason, finally, that perhaps it’s a good thing he’s leaving that he may find his life outside of Port Charles or he may find that he left his life behind and come back. Either way, he’ll know, now. Jason calls Sonny the only father he ever had, and tells him Sonny gave him his life. Sonny, with a crack in his voice, admonishes Jason not to ‘die on him’. Jason left, and Sonny cried, alone.

Hannah comes in just after Jason leaves, REMARKABLY bad timing, and gives Sonny his FBI file that she has stolen on his behalf. She tries to tell Sonny what they had together was real. She took the file to show him she loves him. She could lose her job for this. Also, since she broke the chain of evidence, the information is useless to the FBI. He is insulted that she thought he would fall for this and basically tells her she must think he's stupid to fall for that. There is no reason for him to forgive her or ever trust her again. He reminds her that he knows all about betrayal and then tells her to get out and never come back. She leaves, and then turns around and pounds on his door, shouting she loves him and begging him to let her back in. A montage-ish cut between Carly taking a home pregnancy test, finding out it’s positive and despairing; Liz staring out over the water on the docks; and finally, finally, Jason on his motorcycle, heading out of town. “Don’t know where I’m going .... now that I’m gone....”

Carly wonders how accurate home pregnancy test really are, and calls a drugstore. She's disappointed to hear they're very accurate and paces around looking stressed. Finally she puts the test back in the bag and throws it into the wastebasket in her bedroom. Carly is pounding on Jason's door, but there is no answer. She talks her way past Johnny and gets into Sonny's apartment. He tells her (mostly nicely) that Jason isn't coming back. She doesn't believe him and tells him about her conversation with Jason on the docks. He told her "they'd always be the best of friends". Sonny's reply: "Don't you know goodbye when you hear it?" She begs to know where Jason is because she's really screwed up this time and needs him…Sonny honestly doesn't know and wouldn't tell her even if he did know. Sonny finally says, "Jason left because of you." She begs Sonny to tell Jason she has to tell him something. He finally acknowledges that it took two to "go upstairs" and that they probably both drove Jason away. Her parting shot is: "Honey, you have no idea." And goes. Carly comes home and into her bedroom, where AJ is sitting at her desk. She tries to casually look around to see if he found the pregnancy test she threw in the trash…he notices and asks what she's looking for. He tells her she looks awful and ask if she and Jason had a spat. She says, "You know what I want AJ." He replies that she's never going to get it and leaves. She takes the test out of the trash and shoves it in her purse. Our show closes with Sonny pacing and thinking in the dark…he seems cold and maybe a little sad.

At the Clinic, Tony agreed to take some of the caseload. Carly entered when he was out of the room and gave her name as Caroline Morgan, explaining that she may be pregnant. Later, she was anxious for the test results and as Tony entered reading them, he at first did not see that his patient was Carly. When he saw it was she, he read her the riot act for trying to stir up more trouble with yet another baby. Carly tried to explain that she was trying to fix a mess, not create one, that she and AJ hadn't planned another baby so soon, anything can happen in the first three months, etc. and asked Tony to keep her secret, but Tony didn't buy any of it. He said that it brings back every lie she told while pregnant with Michael, and that he's afraid she will do to someone else what she did to him. Carly suggested that perhaps Tony is jealous, as she and AJ have "something real" and he has nothing. Tony stated grimly that he has a duty as a physician to protect the privacy of his patients, so he would go along with keeping the secret, but added that he "will be watching you, Caroline". Later, back home at the Quartermaine mansion, Carly thought over conversations with Jason and remembered her night with Sonny. AJ entered and demanded her attention, wanting to discuss the ramifications of Jason's departure. He told her about Edward's offer, and suggested she could make a similar fresh start if she chose, or she could leave, with Michael, of course, remaining with AJ. Carly gave up, stating "Okay, you win" and AJ shot back "We could both win, here, baby - it's up to you".

Elizabeth brought Sonny some brownies, and explained that she feels responsible for driving Jason away, but Sonny disagreed. She told the story of how she and Jason met, and how he felt he had to keep his distance after the bomb scare, but Sonny said that people disappointed Jason and that Liz was probably the only friend he could count on. She shared a memory about an old family portrait of hers, and Sonny commented that "people come, people go - that's what life's about." He reminded her that he is only a phone call away and offered her a home-cooked meal any time she wanted one. She thanked him and left.

Later, Taggert pushed his way in, wanting to know how to get in touch with Jason. They swapped insults, then Sonny convinced him that Jason had gone, and Taggert left after commenting "Good things come to those who wait - one down, one to go." Roy arrived at the penthouse, and Sonny asked if he were still interested in a job. Roy indicated that he was, so Sonny told him to go to the casino, get a substantial amount of cash, and bring it back to him. He cautioned that if Roy were to be intercepted by anyone inside the government or outside it, he would be on his own. Sonny gave Roy a big briefcase and questioned why Roy, as an ex-con, would want to take such a risk, but Roy just replied that he couldn't see his future in lugging coffee beans, he wanted more. They shook hands, and Roy left, with Sonny gazing thoughtfully after him.

Bobbie and Carly are discussing Jason's departure and how much Carly needed him. Bobbie tells her that she'll be there for Carly, but Carly tells her that she's probably not up for the job. She says she shouldn't have dumped all of her problems on Jason and she's going to solve her own problems. She goes to take care of her 'baby' and plans to make A.J. think this baby is his since Jason is not there for her to tell that he is the father and she can't tell Sonny it's his. She finds A.J. in her room concerned about her and wanting a truce and her plan starts to take shape. Later, Carly begins her seduction of AJ and they go upstairs.

Mike comes over to ask Sonny where Jason is. Sonny tells him he's gone and that Jason ripped up the note that said how much Mike owed him. Mike keeps on and on asking for a cell phone number or something so that he can smooth things over for Sonny and Jason. Sonny keeps telling him it's not like that and he doesn't want to get upset etc. etc. He leaves and asks Mike to lock up. Bobbie comes over to Sonny at the Grill and asks him if Roy is working for him. Sonny says he's the best employee he has and Bobbie is more specific about his 'side' business. She tells him that Roy already lost twenty years of his life and Sonny should cut him out if he's in and if he's not, don't cut him in. She reminds Sonny that he owes her for not reporting Jason's wound, which she was legally bound to do. She asks Sonny how many people's lives would have been different and probably better if they had never been around him and he says quite a few.

Roy is coming back from the island and U.S. Customs meets him on the way back. They open the briefcase and see all the money and start asking Roy to roll on Sonny, since Sonny doesn't care about him etc. Roy sticks to his story that he was on vacation and someone must have switched briefcases on him, he doesn't know anything about the money etc. etc. They squeeze him pretty hard but he doesn't break. Sonny calls him and asks him how's it going, Roy? Sonny walks in on the "Feds" asking Roy questions about the money. "You passed the test, congratulations Roy". Roy is upset at being setup saying I was honest with you and this is what I get. I can't trust you. Sonny explains why the setup was done " I test all my people I have to or I would be dead by now." Roy says I did exactly what you wanted, if that doesn't cut it with you (he grabs some $) and walking out says call us even.

Carly and AJ are talking about how they each want their marriage to work. They start kissing and move to the bed. He keeps trying to kiss her on the mouth and she's avoiding that. Finally he "asks why won't you kiss me? Are you making yourself do this?" They have a conversation about Jason leaving and how AJ wants a "real" wife, "too bad; you got me" says Carly. He walks out. After AJ left, Carly went to Jason’s penthouse. This is a very soft scene. She made a fire and was sitting on couch. Sonny on his way home, notices the door ajar and walks in. They talk about Jason, Carly is obviously heart broken. She tells Sonny to just leave her alone, that she will leave in a minute. He pauses but can't seem to bring himself to walk away. Instead he enters the room. Sadly she says they could have been a family now, her and Jason on the couch before the fire with Michael asleep upstairs. She has tears in her eyes, and Sonny's eyes look moist as well as he too misses Jason. "We get what we deserve Carly, we destroy the people we love" he goes home. After the door closes she softly says "By the way, Sonny, we're having a baby"

Liz remembers every moment with Jason from the day they met at Jake’s to his saying goodbye.

Carly is sitting at the docks pining for Jason when AJ walks up and gets down on her for missing Jason. She defends herself, is trying to make a go at the “marriage”. Finally Carly says something like "when I defend myself you get mad at me, when I don’t you come down on me – maybe you should think about that". Surprisingly AJ agrees – maybe I should and walks away. Carly goes right to a pay phone to call an abortion clinic she makes an appointment for right then and there. When she hangs up Tony is standing there – hope you were making an appointment for prenatal care. She tells him to bud out, he rehashes her last pregnancy. Carly is at the clinic and the Doctor/Counselor is asking questions – Carly is adamant that she has made up her mind. The counselor is concerned that Carly is planning to go through this alone but she insists that there is no one she can turn to for support. The Dr gives her some reading information, however Carly makes an appointment to have the procedure done tomorrow at 5:00.

Roy apologized to Sonny for losing his temper, once he calmed down he thought about it and he does want to work for Sonny. Apology accepted. Elizabeth goes to Sonny tells him about her run in with Sorel, he tells her she can’t go back to her studio, she would be the safest in Jason’s penthouse, she refuses; go back to your grandmother’s, she refuses and asks Sonny if he would accept her staying at Kelley’s where she and Tammy can keep an eye on each other – he agrees and puts her under protective custody. “Your life is not going to be your own for a while”. Sonny continues with its my fault if I hadn't let Jason down he wouldn't have been in the snow for you to find, which put you in danger. I'll fix it as soon as I can.

Sonny comes in to talk to Liz about the bodyguard. He tells her to just act like he's not there. He assures Tammy that she'll be protected and won't need any more weapons. Sonny tells Frances no breaks unless he has backup that the girl stays safe at any price.

Carly comes to the hospital to talk to Bobbie. Carly tells her that she finally understands how hard it was for Bobbie to give her up as a baby, that she knows now it doesn't mean Bobbie didn't love her. Carly's getting upset and Bobbie thinks it's about Michael and wonders if she's thinking of giving Michael up. Carly says no that she's just realizing how hard it is to be a mother. Bobbie asks her for coffee she says no and leaves. Bobbie is confused by Carly's comments, not knowing that Carly is pregnant and planning an abortion.

Luke is at Kelly's hassling Sonny about what's happening to Elizabeth. He tells Sonny that little girl will always have a piece of his son's heart and he wants her safe. He tells Liz to follow Sonny's instructions to the T. She promises she will. She sits down with a depressed looking Sonny and tells him that Luke is overreacting. He tells her that Luke thinks he betrayed him. Liz insists that Sonny is not the betraying kind and Sonny informs her that he's stabbed many people in the back that deserved better from him. Sonny goes down to the docks and Carly is there. Carly laughs that it drove her crazy how loyal Jason was to Sonny. She tells him Jason thought Sonny was better than Sonny thought he was. Sonny tells Carly that Jason said the same thing about her. It was actually starting to be something wonderful between them and Carly asks for a truce. Sonny's guilt rises to the surface and Sonny wrecks it by telling her that Jason should have taken Michael with him because of the mother he's stuck with. She responds that he is deeply twisted as he didn't even try to make it right with Jason. Carly tells him to go to hell and she makes up her mind. Off to the abortion clinic.

Bobbie is frustrated at the hospital and Tony comes over to talk to her. They talk about Carly and Tony finally tells her that Carly is pregnant. Bobbie starts calling around to clinics and finds the one Carly is at. Carly is called back to see the doctor after reminiscing what Michael's birth was like.

After finding out that Carly was planning to have an abortion, Bobbie rushed to the clinic, only to be denied access to her daughter. While waiting to be taken to the operating room, Carly reminisced about Michael as a baby. While Bobbie was anxiously waiting, Carly came out and told Bobbie she was unable to go through with it. Carly also told Bobbie that Sonny is the baby's father and made Bobbie swear not to tell him. Carly intends on convincing AJ that he is her baby's father. Bobbie groans that Carly hasn't learned anything. Bobbie warns her that if she doesn't tell Sonny he is the baby's father that she will!

Elizabeth and Sonny talked about Francis. Liz assured Sonny it will be awkward at first, but she is glad for the protection and will get used to it. They also remembered lost loves (Lucky and Lily).

Bobbie struggles to understand how Carly could be pregnant by Sonny. She wants to know why Carly slept with him. At first, Carly blames Sonny – he did it to ruin her relationship with Jason. Bobbie reminds her that it takes two to tango. Carly tells her about the fight with AJ and seeing Jason and Elizabeth slow dance. She says she went to Sonny for information about Jason and Liz. She tells Bobbie she was feeling insecure and that's why she slept with Sonny. She says that Jason knows about it and that’s why he left town. Bobbie tells Carly to consider what’s best for the baby. Carly says she thought not having the baby was the best thing to do, but she couldn’t go through with it. They discuss Bobbie’s decision to have Carly. Bobbie thinks Carly should tell Sonny about the baby. Carly refuses – she tells Bobbie what Sonny thinks of her. Bobbie tries to talk to her about it, but Carly has already decided that she is going to make AJ think the baby is his. Bobbie reminds Carly what happened the last time she lied about the father of a baby. Carly blames that fiasco on Robin’s inability to keep a secret. Carly thinks it’s okay because she and AJ are married. Carly is convinced she can make it work. Bobbie finally tells Carly that she will tell Sonny if Carly doesn’t. They argue some more. Bobbie says they can’t solve anything tonight, so they get ready to leave. Carly tells Bobbie that she understands that Bobbie came to the clinic because she cares about her. Bobbie says she will always love Carly.

Sonny is in the park with Laura and Lulu. He is remembering that he would have a child and is telling Laura about it. Sonny also tells Laura how he feels that it was his fault that Luke and Lucky had their relationship problems. Laura also learns that Luke and Sonny are no longer in Business together as well as friends.

Carly's plan to seduce AJ was finally successful. Carly tells Edward that she is trying to make AJ happy. Alan and Edward talk about AJ & Carly and Alan tells Edward that he should be giving AJ just as much slack as he is giving Carly. Carly calls AJ's office and tells him he needs to come home. He comes home to find Carly all dressed up. She brings him upstairs and for a surprise. She bought him a bunch of silk boxers and her room is "all ready". He wants to know what is going on? She sugar coats everything and starts throwing herself at him. They make love and he really seems to think that everything is better.

Sonny and Hannah literally run into each other while she’s jogging and he is on his cell phone. He asks her if he needs to get a restraining order. She tells him she jogs in this park everyday. He says yea and everywhere else he goes. Hannah asks him what is she supposed to do? She has tried everything to prove her love. He tells her he isn’t going to get into now. He turns to walk away and she grabs his arm. He throws it off in anger and shouts, “Get your hands off me!” just as Roy walks up. Roy says, “What are you doing to her?” Sonny tells Hannah that he is tired of telling her to leave him alone. If she doesn’t keep her distance he will sue her and the whole bureau. Hannah asks hasn’t everyone been hurt enough and walks away. Sonny tells Roy it was unnecessary for him to interfere and that he “doesn’t beat women.” Roy said Sonny had his hand on her wrist. Sonny tells Roy she grabbed him. He tells Roy that Hannah is a fed and her assignment is him. His bed was her headquarters before he kicked her out. Hannah does her best work between the sheets Sonny tells Roy. Roy tells him, biting his tongue, steer clear of her. Sonny says it isn’t as easy as it seems. Sonny tells Roy that if Hannah finds out that Roy works for him Hannah will be all over him like a cheap suit. Sonny walks away and leaves Roy fuming.

Sonny and Benny are in the park when they come upon Carly pushing Michael in his stroller and they say hello. Sonny tells Benny he can go. Carly tells Sonny she thinks that are pretty lame that he would use a 2-year-old to pick a fight with her. Sonny tells her that is her game he only wants to spend some time with the tyke if his mother will let him. Carly says okay and Sonny starts talking to Michael about the kite flying overheard. Carly looks on softly at the scene. Sonny tells Michael to watch the kite above. He tells Carly where she can buy Michael a cart. Sonny tells her he probably misses his real Dad, Jason. Carly says thanks for being so sweet to her boy. Sonny tells her that Michael is the sweetest thing he has ever seen. She looks guilt ridden as she watches Sonny make the boy laugh. Just then, Bobbie walks up and says she is sorry she has interrupted. No she hasn’t, Reginald is waiting for them and Sonny tells Carly Michael’s cheeks are red and he is probably freezing. Carly concedes and leaves Bobbie to talk to Sonny. Bobbie tells Sonny that she is glad to see that they are getting along so well. He says it is only for the kid. Bobbie is pleased that Carly told Sonny.

Carly and AJ are in bed together sleeping. Carly wakes up and tries to sneak out. AJ wonders if it was all a dream and where is she going. She says they will have many mornings to wake up, but that she promised Michael she would take him to the park. AJ says okay. They will see each other later that night. AJ rolls over thrilled that his wife is his again. Carly goes down to breakfast and encounters Lila. Lila is concerned that she isn’t taking care of herself and shouldn’t she call a doctor? Carly assures Lila she is taking care of herself and will get some crackers from Michael’s stash when they are at the park. Lila pleads with Carly to eat and take care of herself. AJ goes down to breakfast and tells Lila he is happy because Ed seems to be developing confidence in him and his marriage is on track. Lila tells AJ he must be thrilled about the baby too. AJ says, “I’m sorry, WHAT?” Lila, oh dear she has ruined the surprise. AJ asks Lila if Carly told her. No she assumed because of all the queasiness. AJ reflects and realizes she has only been sick in the morning and no other symptoms. AJ says now he can give his pregnant wife the attention she deserves. AJ storms into Carly’s room and begins tearing it up looking for something. He is pulling out drawers, lifting cushions. He finds prenatal vitamins under one cushion and throws them against the wall. He finds a picture in her dresser of Jason, Michael and Carly. He grips the picture and says, “LIAR.” When Carly returns home she finds AJ in her destroyed room. She wants to know what has happened. He tells her she is smooth and good and when was she going to tell him that she is PREGNANT!!!!

Bobbie accidentally lets it slip to Sonny that something’s up with Carly. Bobbie tries to cover by saying that Michael needs o be around him. Sonny basically tells her when she’s ready to tell him what’s really going on, he’ll listen.

AJ tries to confront Carly about her pregnancy. He reports that Lila suspects, and she is indignant. He thinks it’s Jason’s and she is going to try and pass it off as his. AJ rips up the picture of Carly, Jason, and Michael, and tells her he’s all she has left and leaves. He threatens to throw her out, and she says not without Michael. She says she’ll win in court, “emotional abuse and mental cruelty”. His counter, “You got knocked up by my brother.” She promises him the fight of his life…he says she has no money, no resources without him. He finally suggests he pretend that the baby is his. Everyone wins that way. Carly isn’t so sure it’s a good idea; she’s afraid that he’ll hate the baby as much as he hates Jason. AJ thinks it will be ironic. He only has one condition: neither the new baby or Michael will ever hear Jason’s name. She gives up and tells him what he wants to hear.

Juan and Emily come back into Kelly’s and catch Sonny listening to the tape. Sonny is actually quite encouraging. Juan worries that people will think he’s cashing in on Miguel’s success, but Sonny tells him his mother would be proud. Juan looks like he’s starting to consider the idea. Juan and Emily offer to share their pizza with Sonny. Juan says it’s great that Sonny’s keeping an eye on Liz. Sonny takes Emily aside to ask if Michael is okay. She says no one tells her anything, but Carly leaves him with Leticia a lot. Emily seems a little panicked and worries that something’s wrong, but Sonny tries to reassure her, and he asks her to keep an eye out.

AJ runs downstairs to tell Edward that he’s about to be a great-grandfather again. Edward is ecstatic. Carly comes into the den, and Edward starts babying her and says he knows she’s Quartermaine material, and he’s thrilled to have her around. Bobbie runs into Roy on the docks. He says that Carly’s baby is better off not knowing that Sonny is his/her father.

Sonny sees Emily at Kelly's and she tells him she got a postcard from Jason from Minnesota. She wonders what he's doing there. Sonny goes inside to ask Liz if she's okay. She tells him yes and they start talking about Lucky. Audrey walks in and snaps at Sonny telling him to leave Liz alone she orders him to leave. Audrey then begs Liz to stay away from him - he's no friend, everyone around him gets hurt. Liz tells her that she's on her own and she can talk to who she wants and when.

Edward tells Carly and AJ that he's going to throw a party to announce the pregnancy. Edward tells AJ he is proud of the good work he is doing and then leaves the room and AJ then does his normal speech: You need to be the perfect wife, but this time he says in public and in private. Carly tells AJ that she is going to see Bobbie, he says "if I didn't know better, I would think you were going to see Jason" - he forbids her to say his name in the house. She leaves to go see Bobbie. Bobbie wants to know how she could pass the baby off as AJ's. Carly tells Bobbie how AJ thinks the baby is Jason's and that he plans to raise the baby as his own to get back at Jason.

Sonny returns to Kelly's and tells Liz that he would never let anyone hurt her. When he leaves he runs into AJ. AJ wants Sonny to relay a message to Jason: "Carly is pregnant with his child". AJ cockily makes it clear that he plans on raising Jason's child as his own and keeping Jason out of his child's life as AJ was kept out of Michael's. Sonny is shocked because he knows it can't be Jason’s. Sonny assured AJ that he had no plans to tell Jason about Carly's pregnancy. He then went over to the Q mansion to confront Carly about it, having realized that he was most likely the baby's father. (He flashed back to their sex scene and also remembered being told that Carly and AJ weren't sleeping together.) Carly wasn't home (she was still arguing with Bobbie about Sonny's paternal rights), so an angry Edward confronted Sonny. Edward went to great lengths to explain that the baby deserved to grow up as a true Quartermaine, which he's sure the baby is, even if the baby is Jason's. Sonny again had to assure someone that he wouldn't inform Jason of Carly's situation. Eventually he left. When Carly did return home, she dressed up in a sexy, short black dress and waited for AJ to return home. He was dumbfounded t that for him. She acted like she wants to be a happy couple and provide a great environment for their children. Needless to say, AJ believed her and continued to think he's winning.

Sonny demanded the truth about Carly's pregnancy from Bobbie. Bobbie told Sonny that yes, he is the father of Carly's baby. Meanwhile, at the Quartermaine's, the family was exchanging Valentine's. AJ gave Carly a charm bracelet with room to add for each heir. Sonny burst in demanding to speak with Carly alone. AJ said no and asked why he wanted to talk to her. Not one to stand on formality, Sonny told the whole family that he was the reason Jason left town. She also told Carly that she had sunk lower than her already low expectations. Being ordered out of the house, Carly said she wouldn't leave without Michael. Of course, no one would let him go so Carly stayed.

Emily really reemed into Sonny. She did an excellent perfomance though and I could tell that Sonny was feeling it. Emily just felt soooo passionate about it. Mike overhears and of course, he is concerned for Sonny. He offers comfort to Sonny. Edward barges in and makes a proposition to Sonny, who basically tells him to go to Hell.

Carly is furious with Bobbie for telling Sonny. Carly no longer wants to be in contact with Bobby. In a strange twist, AJ wants Carly to stay and it looks like Carly is going to fall for it. He uses the argument that if she leaves the Quartermaine House, she will have no one. Jason is no longer there to support her and Sonny wouldn't support her, or so she thinks. AJ is her only choice.

Carly is catalog browsing at the mansion when Sonny walks in asking if that is what she does all day, find ways to spend the Quartermaine money. Carly asks who let him in and he says the door was open. He tells her clearly that no baby of his will take anything from the Quartermaines, that he will provide everything for his baby. Carly reminds Sonny she is married to another man and all he did was get her pregnant. He doesn't get a vote in this situation and that she will be raising their baby in the Quartermaine home. Sonny says, "You wanna bet?" Just then Edward walks in demanding to know how Sonny got in.

Sonny says he is talking to the mother of his baby. Edward tells Sonny if he knew what was good for him he would take his advice and leave things alone. He tells Sonny if he has to, he will get a restraining order. Sonny tells Edward if he wants a fight, he'll get more than he bargained for and storms off. Edward tells Carly she needs to rest after a confrontation with Sonny but Carly assures Edward that she can handle it. Edward still has his doubts. He tells Carly that Sonny is meeting with Alexis Davis as they speak. He reminds her what Alexis was able to do with Jason's custody case when Michael wasn't even his and tells her it is very important that she stay there with the Quartermaines. They will help her fight Sonny. If she doesn't stay, he tells her she could lose both of her children. Ed walks out and a panicked Carly dials the phone and tells someone on the other end that she needs to see them right away.

Emily sits at the counter at Kelly's and blurts out to Liz that she can't believe Carly is pregnant with Sonny's child just as Hannah walks in. Hannah is stunned and says, "What did you just say?" She tells them it can't be, that Carly is fabricating the whole story and if she is going around spreading rumors about Sonny, Hannah needs to know about it. Emily tells Hannah to ask Sonny herself. Hannah storms out as Tammy walks in and gets no response to her hello from Hannah. Tammy asks what's up and Emily and Liz tell her about the new baby. Tammy says she is surprised. Liz tells Emily she thinks they should be a little nicer to Carly next time for the baby's sake. She tells Emily that that is what Jason would do.

Alexis arrives at Sonny's penthouse and asks if she should expect them to be interrupted by the police or the FBI. Sonny tells her neither, that he needs to know his legal parental rights.  Alexis looks surprised and tells Sonny that she didn't know he had a child. Sonny tells her he just found out that Carly is pregnant ands it's his baby. Alexis asks Sonny if he is sure it is his and he says he knows for a fact Carly only slept with him when the baby was conceived. He also tells her that he confronted Carly and she confirmed it. Alexis tells him his chances of winning a custody battle are slim and that she doesn't know if she wants to take his case. Sonny tell her that the Quartermaines only want to raise his baby to keep Michael and that he doesn't want his baby treated like a stray puppy. He will do whatever is necessary to insure his baby's safety. He says he doesn't want to take away the baby from Carly if she cooperates, although he doesn't think it is good for the baby to be with Carly. Alexis tells Sonny she will think about it and that he is not father material according to the courts. But then again, Carly isn't exactly the best either. They will need a paternity test in order to proceed. Sonny says he will do whatever it takes. Alexis says she thinks he might have possibilities and smiles as she leaves.

At the penthouse, Sonny opens the door to find Hannah in his face there. She bluntly asks, "Is Carly pregnant with your baby?" Sonny softly says, "Yes" and Hannah looks crushed.

Carly is alone in the living room when Bobbie walks in. She says she is surprised Carly called her. Carly says she hasn't forgiven her mother but she needs her and doesn't want to fight. She says her whole world is falling apart and she needs Bobbie's help. Carly tells Bobbie that Sonny is doing exactly what she thought and he only wants the baby to punish her. Bobbie says Sonny will cool down and she will be able to deal with him. Carly tells Bobbie not only was Sonny cold, he was confident. She tells Bobbie that Sonny wants her out of the Quartermaine mansion. Carly says they keep reminding her how she could lose both of her kids, that the house makes her crazy and that the Quartermaine's hate her. She knows they will hate her baby and she says they smother Michael. Bobbie reminds Carly about Jason's parentage and Carly countered that Jason was at least Alan's. Bobbie talks Carly into reconsidering her situation and offers her a home in the brownstone. Carly leaves to think.

Hannah tries to confront Sonny about Carly’s baby…he’s not interested. He doesn’t care about her, and she’s just as pathetic as ever. After she leaves, she runs into Carly on the docks and tries to confront her. Carly accuses Hannah of chasing Sonny; Hannah accuses Carly of trying to trap him. As Hannah storms off, Sonny comes up behind Carly and asks what she’s doing out there in the cold. He gives her his coat and suggest she try to take better care of herself…he actually seems compassionate, while she’s defensive. She makes it pretty clear she doesn’t want to go back to the Q’s. She begs Sonny not to take the baby away from her. He seems to be inviting to take her in, and she doesn’t want to go. She ends up going, though.

Emily muses what a quiet peaceful morning it is and how unusual that is for the family. Monica, is quick to point out that the peace-n-quiet is because Carly is still upstairs with morning sickness. Edward indicates that he is still hoping that the family will be able to keep the new baby's paternity secret, but Emily confesses that she already spread the word around Kelly's. Just then, the maid enters with a letter that arrived for Carly. Edward, being the honest/law abiding citizen that passes judgement on Sonny's "professional dealings" every chance he gets, ironically doesn't think twice about committing a federal offense, abruptly opening Carly's mail.

A court order from Sonny for a paternity test. Edward calls his lawyers and is irritated that there is no way that they can get Carly out of showing up for the test. Monica points out that perhaps as "promiscuous" as Carly is, that the test may show the baby isn't Sonny's after all. AJ is hurt by his mother's comments and argues "It's not as if she had a new man every night." and that assures the family that the baby is indeed Sonny's. Edward concedes, and argues that they need to support Carly to make sure that she will stay in the Q house with Michael.

Carly, looking through baby magazines. Edward makes an appearance, notices the mags. Carly mentions how she used to go through magazines and clip out pics of stuff she knew she'd never have. Edward soon gets paranoid and posits a theory about who the real daddy of the new kid is; sadly, Carly brushes him off--supported by none other than Lila! The spunky lady of the house has made an appearance to dress down her hubby. They have a bit of a tiff over who has the most power, Lila wins. Edward goes out, and Carly thanks Lila for helping her. Carly is touched by Lila's support. She is surprised that Lila has continued to defend her in spite of everything Carly has done. She tells Lila that she is like Jason.

Sonny reacts badly to Alexis' questions. He gives a very heartfelt, subtextured monologue about how children should be treated and his Issues about the same. Alexis is quick on the uptake, and answers this with a very pointed question: "Were you ever physically abused as a child?" Sonny, of course, tries to avoid this--but Alexis persists, and he finally describes the eight years of abuse he and his mother suffered at the hands of Timothy Decan Woods (Deke). Nasty stuff, which ended nastily; according to Sonny, when he finally fought back at age 16, he nearly killed his stepfather.They make lists--first of the people who know about Deke's violence and could testify to it during a custody hearing, then of all the vile, reprehensible things Sonny's done. They talk about how he threw Larkin through a window, how he plead no contest to a prior misdemeanor, and then tells her about Karen Wexler. He clarified that he didn't sleep with her until she was 18 and that he only gave her access to "prescription medication". Alexis was disgusted--but she couldn't get too angry, 'cause the phone rang with news of Roy's capture. And as Alexis protested strenuously about having to defend Sonny's thugs, he simply lead the way out of the Penthouse, saying very coolly, "You're the greatest."

Carly goes to the hospital for the paternity test and runs into the mother-in-law from hell, Monica. The ensuing conversation went: Monica: Give up Michael! Carly: No! Monica: Tramp! Carly: Pot! Kettle! Black!

Sonny and Alexis get in to see Roy, who is showing off his skills in fiction to Taggert. Dara appears briefly. Sonny's intent on staying for the questioning--but Alexis sends him to the hospital for the paternity test. Before leaving, Sonny asks his attorney, "You sure you can handle this?" To which the always unflappable Ms. Davis answers, "No. I'm completely incompetent, isn't that why you pay me? Carly's finished her part of the tests, and asks her doc how the baby's doing. Doc assures Carly that the kid's doing well, and tells her not to be stressed out. Carly goes to the elevator where she promptly runs into Sonny, who's arriving to contribute his DNA for the work-up. Carly smiles at him and says to him "Hey, daddy." To which Sonny gives a bemused little half-smile--but doesn't look at all miffed at seeing her! He expressed genuine concern over her and the baby's health. It must have felt real to her, because she ended up at his penthouse door a while later. She tried to make him see how she's being pulled in a "zillion" directions over Michael and this new baby. She begged him to let it go so that she can keep her life with the Qs. He explained how important it is to him that he be a real father to this child. They end up bonding in a strange way, and he tells her to lie down while he goes to cook dinner for her. They were becoming closer over the salmon, and Carly told him she needs him to help her get out of the mansion with Michael. Before Sonny could even answer, Edward stormed in waving a paper, which he promptly handed to Sonny. It's a restraining order, a triumphant Edward announced. Sonny must now remain at least 50 feet away from Carly at all times. He has the nerve to threaten Carly that he will have her declared an unfit mother if she ever speaks to Sonny again and forces her to leave with him. He then drags her to Kelly's to present her with the restraining order that will also keep her from Michael, all it needs is the judge's signature (who is bought by Edward no doubt) to put it into effect.

Mike visited Sonny and asked him if he has reconsidered what an impact trying to be a father would have on his life. Sonny was unmoved and maintained that he will give his child, him or her, everything that he never had as a kid. Carly and AJ are arguing. Edwards walks in and tells AJ to quit badgering the pregnant girl. Bobbie comes to see Carly.

Sonny asks Mike to lie on the stand for him by saying that Sonny was not abused as a child. Sonny thinks that his abused childhood will ruin his chances of gaining custody of his unborn baby, since statistically speaking, abused kids grow up to be abusers themselves. Alexis says that the only way for the restraining order to disappear is if Carly signed an order that said that she didn't want a restraining order against Sonny. Her second news was that the paternity test is in and Sonny IS the father!

Carly is on the phone when Sonny comes to see her. She is picking out a pattern for the nursery when he says, "don't I get a say in this?" he tries to convince her that he is on her side. Edwards walks in and pulls a power trip. Carly is all confused and finally just tells Sonny that he's in violation of the restraining order.

Jason calls Sonny and gives him some information. Sonny thanked Jason for the information and promised to get Carly and Michael out of the Quartermaine mansion and to take care of all three of them. At the Quartermaine mansion, Sonny made his way past the made and casually told Leticia to pack Michael, that he was leaving today. Edward asked where Sonny got off ordering around his help and Sonny informed him it was easier that way. Monica, Alan, AJ, Edward and Sonny assembled in the foyer and Sonny announced that he had come to take Carly and Michael out of the mansion today. Carly came downstairs and the Quartermaines stared holes in her until she asked him to leave. Sonny asked to speak to AJ alone. AJ refused and Edward began calling the police. Sonny encouraged him to do so and had a seat. AJ finally agreed to speak to him and they went into the living room and closed the door. Sonny quietly informed AJ (with everyone else listening at door and comically misinterpreting what he was saying) that he knew AJ had hired an arsonist to set the fire to his coffee warehouse last February…and he had proof. He assured AJ that unless he signed over full custody of Michael to Carly and let them both leave the mansion, he would be in jail before the day was done. AJ balked, then realized that Sonny was dead serious. Angrily, he signed the papers. Sonny opened the door to invite everyone in and said he hoped they'd been able to hear all right. He told them that Carly and Michael would be leaving today. They were incredulous as AJ admitted that it was true, he had signed over full custody. Carly's face was a picture of disbelief, then joy as the realization set in that she and Michael were indeed free, thanks to Sonny. Sonny takes Carly and Michael to his place against Carly's wishes. She wants to go to the brownstone and is indignant when Sonny tells her she is going home with him to the penthouse. Sonny tells Carly that Jason called him this morning and told him to get her and Michael away from the Quartermaines, but informs her that he is not coming home.

AJ confesses to Edward, Monica and Alan that he hired an arsonist to burn down Jason's warehouse, Sonny found out and that is why he let Michael leave with Sonny.

Carly awoke to find that Leticia had taken Michael to the park. Sonny offered her breakfast and she asked if he had any donuts. He made her an omelet instead. He left to handle some business at the warehouse and returned to find toys, clothes and fabric samples strewn all over the penthouse. Carly said he was just trying to keep Michael comfortable. He quickly saw through her plan and told her she wasn’t going to get him to throw her out just be leaving things around his house. Just then, Bobbie came in and quickly assessed the situation. She questioned why Sonny would want to live this way and guaranteed him visitation of the baby if Michael and Carly came to live with her. Sonny insisted that he and Carly needed to live together and learn to get along if they are going to parent together.

AJ went to the penthouse & demanded his rings back. She explained they were lost when she got mugged and the ones she has are from Jason so she won't give them up. He tells her she lost Jason for screwing Sonny. She claims Jason's is still protecting her because he's the one who gave the info that freed her from the Q house. They shouted at each other and he grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her as Sonny walked in. Sonny told AJ if he ever comes near Carly or Michael again he will use the info to have him sent to prison for arson. AJ left without a word. Bobbie visited Carly & stole info out of Sonny's desk to find out about Roy's assignment. Carly first objected then let Bobbie have the desk key. Bobbie hid at the meeting site but was found by Sorel & taken hostage before Roy arrived. Sorel's comment 'wonder what Sonny's willing do to save the grandmother of baby?'. They pull her into a back corner as Roy enters. Sorrel isn’t pleased that Roy came instead of Sonny. Bobbie kicks over a box and draws attention. Roy is suspicious that they were planning to ambush Sonny. After Roy goes, they tell Bobbie that her freedom is in Sonny’s hands.

Sonny then told Mike he & Carly are living together. Carly admitted to Sonny that she provoked AJ. Carly thanked Sonny for defending her against AJ and he told her he will always defend her now. At the beginning of the show he had told her to send back new furniture she had delivered. Later, after the confrontation with AJ he told her she could keep it and they exchanged smiles. Carly and Sonny share a playful argument about her eating habits. She tells him that she eats so much junk because it drove AJ nuts. He tells her he’ll protect her. Carly is worried that the Q's will take some kind of legal action to take Michael away from her. Sonny sweetly assures her that he won't let that happen. They make a pact that they will never tell their child that the other person is a horrible person. Sonny tells her that he knows she only wants the best for their baby and she says she knows he does too.

Later alone, Carly tells the baby that perhaps if she plays her cards right they won't have to go live with grandma after all. Sonny breezes through the room on his way out, he refuses to answer her questions about where he is going and when he will come back. He warns her "we share space not a life". After he leaves, she complains to the baby "That's your old man, secretive and selfish to the bone." Then realizing she has already violated her deal with Sonny amends that she agreed not to say anything bad about Sonny after the baby is born but she will give the baby an earful before then!

Sonny comes home and tells Carly to be ready to go early in the morning. He’s taking her to the Dominican Republic to get a divorce. She lets him know she isn’t to happy about being ordered around. She tells him she has had it with being told what to do. He then very nicely asks her to please go with him so she can divorce AJ. She quickly agrees. He does tell her to clean up after herself. He watches from the top of the stairs and smiles to himself as she beings picking up the clutter (which we are sure she has left lying around in an attempt to annoy Sonny).

In the Dominican Republic, Carly was nervous as Sonny came to pick her up to go get the divorce. When they arrived at the courthouse, there was a long line of people waiting, but Sonny escorted Carly to the front of the line and an officer of the court greeted him warmly and assured him that all was in order and they would be handled quickly. A few minutes later, they emerged from the office and were told to wait a few minutes while the papers were processed. Carly talked about how happy she was to be free of AJ and said she had known the day she married him that she'd divorce him. Her face softened as she remembered that she had thought that she and Michael would be going to Jason when that happened. Sonny gently said that sometimes things don't work out as we plan. She remembered a time after Virginia had died when she and Jason had gone to pack up her belongings.

Afterward, she said, they were on the beach and Jason had come up out of the water with Michael and she had been holding a towel for them and in that moment, she'd had everything she'd ever wanted…she and the man she loved and their son were a real family. Sonny told her that Jason had felt the same way. When she doubted him, he told her that one day he and Jason had been fighting about her and Jason had told him the same story. She told him that the only reason she'd married AJ was so he wouldn't be a threat to Jason, that AJ was nothing to him, just some guy she had a baby with. He looked at her and said, "It happens" and they laughed together. She asked him if he thought a child should ever know he was an accident and Sonny was adamant that he should not. She agreed, saying that it didn't matter how a baby got there, but just that he was loved. The man returned with some papers for her to sign and after that, he congratulated her on being a free woman and said that a copy of the decree would be mailed to her. She thanked Sonny and said, "You don't know how good this feels." He replied, "I know AJ, I can fill in the blanks." Back at the hotel, she said if she wasn't so tired, she'd let him take her out to celebrate. He smiled and said they would do that tomorrow. She asked what they'd do and he said that he'd think of something, smiled and left.

**The End**

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