“Robin’s Return” Aug 1-12, 2014 & November 12, 2015 - January 7, 2016: 4 hr dvd

DVD #22A8/1 At Sam's penthouse, Sam picked up Danny's scattered toys until she saw a picture of her and Silas on the fireplace mantel. Her thoughts immediately drifted to the previous evening when she had walked in on Silas kissing Nina. She pushed the unsettling memory away when she heard a knock at the door. It was Patrick.

Patrick explained that he had heard about the fire at Alexis' house, so Sam assured him that no one had been hurt because Danny had thrown a timely tantrum over a truck that had been left at the penthouse. Patrick was relieved that no one had been home at the time of the fire, but he couldn't believe that the authorities suspected it had been set intentionally. Sam pointed out that it was to be expected when one's father was in the mob. Patrick was surprised because he had been under the impression that Julian had left the mob. Sam admitted that she had too.

Patrick tactfully changed the subject by asking if Sam had had a chance to view the security footage from the hospital's rooftop. Sam revealed that she had been able to confirm that someone had eavesdropped on her conversation with Silas on the rooftop, but she hadn't been able to identify the person. However, she suspected that it had been Nina. Patrick pointed out that Nina was in a wheelchair, but Sam argued that it was possible that Nina was not as wheelchair-bound as Nina pretended to be. He was curious why Nina would fake not being able to walk, so Sam explained that appearing helpless and fragile had its advantages.

Patrick chuckled because he was curious how a "badass chick" like Sam could know that. Sam appeared flattered that he considered her a "badass" but she focused on Nina by explaining that Nina had wanted Silas since emerging from the coma. She was certain that Nina had told the reporter about Patrick's confession to drive a wedge between Sam and Silas, so Patrick wondered if Sam had confronted Nina. Sam admitted that she had, but it had been difficult for Nina to talk because Silas' tongue had been down Nina's throat. Patrick felt bad for Sam, but she reminded him that she had ended things with Silas.

Patrick was curious about Silas' reaction to everything, so Sam explained that it had been difficult to tell because Silas had seemed a bit intoxicated. Sam suggested that perhaps the alcohol had lowered his inhibitions enough for him to act on his true feelings for Nina. Regardless, Sam remained determined not to let Nina get away with what she had done to Patrick. Patrick reminded Sam that Silas might also be Nina's victim.

Sam explained that Nina had to be held accountable for Patrick losing his job, but Patrick argued that Nina wasn't really to blame because he had debated letting Rafe die during surgery when he should have been focused on saving Rafe. Patrick reminded Sam that busting Nina wouldn't change anything, but Sam insisted that it had been a dirty move on Nina's part, which was not okay with Sam. Patrick was curious if Sam was okay with Nina deceiving Silas. Sam appeared startled by the question but assured Patrick that she was not. However, it wasn't about revenge for Sam but rather closure.

Patrick admitted that he wanted closure, too, but he was certain that a part of Sam was concerned about Silas, so Sam admitted that Silas had a right to know the truth about Nina. Sam was surprised when Patrick admitted that he wanted to help Sam search for answers because Patrick needed the excitement of going on a mission to solve a crime to get out of his own head for a while. Sam conceded that she had learned from experience after Jason died that an adrenaline rush was the best cure for grief. Sam and Patrick quickly decided that their next step should be to find out exactly what Nina's medical condition was. Sam suggested that she and Patrick go to the Crichton-Clark facility in Westchester, New York, because that was where Nina had woken up from the coma. Sam was certain that the facility held the answers they needed.

8/4 Sam warned Patrick that the clinic was like a fortress. She was determined to find out if Nina was a liar, and she was happy to have a doctor along with her in order to decipher medical records. Patrick promised to distract the guards long enough for her to hack into the computers. He wondered how she would get into the clinic, since she was banned after breaking in and knocking out security guards. She put on a pair of glasses and told him that Sabrina Santiago wasn't banned.

Sam and Patrick walked up to the front desk and introduced themselves as Patrick Drake and Sabrina Santiago. Patrick explained to the man at the desk, William, that they had booked the tour of the facility, hoping that the clinic would be their "new home" after not seeing eye to eye with their new chief of staff. William asked for identification, since they'd had a "security issue" a few months before. Patrick showed his ID and turned to go down the hall. The man wanted to see "Sabrina's" identification as well. Sam handed Sabrina's hospital ID to William. He inspected it and finally approved.

Patrick and Sabrina followed William down the hall as he explained the "state-of-the-art" facility. As the man touched on the research labs, Sam asked William where the bathroom was. He pointed her in the right direction, and she walked away. Sam managed to get back to the front desk and inserted a flash drive of Spinelli's into the computer, which was to help her break into the password-protected computer.

Patrick told William about his success waking Michael up from a year-long coma after he'd been shot in the head. He didn't think his experimental procedure would have worked had Michael been older, so he asked if there had ever been any success at the clinic with waking up older coma patients. The man seemed suspicious, so Patrick asked to see the research lab, which was behind a door marked "Restricted." Just then, William's pager went off. He excused himself for a minute and offered for Patrick to explore.

When William was gone, Patrick attempted to open the door, but it was locked. A minute later, the door's lock clicked open, and the door was opened from the inside. Patrick looked through the doorway in shock.

8/5 In another area of Crichton-Clark, Patrick tried to enter a room, but it was locked. He started to walk away until he heard a beep as someone unlocked the door. He was stunned when he saw Robin emerge from the room seconds later. Robin was equally shocked when she saw Patrick standing in the hallway, so she nervously asked what he was doing there.

Patrick's disbelief turned to anger as he realized that Robin had only been an hour away from Port Charles since she had left five months earlier, but she hadn't once tried to visit him or their daughter. Robin explained that she hadn't been able to, but Patrick wasn't satisfied because she hadn't made any effort to be there for her family when they had needed her most. Patrick accused Robin of putting Jason ahead of everyone else, including Emma, but Robin insisted that Patrick was wrong.

Patrick reminded Robin that Emma had been devastated when Gabriel had died, but Robin argued that she hadn't been able to return home because she wasn't permitted to leave the facility. Patrick insisted that Robin could have used her famous mind to find a way to sneak a visit with Emma, but Robin continued to make excuses, while Patrick accused her of putting Jason first. Robin tried to explain that her work was important, but Patrick argued that her work was only important to the psychopaths around the world who hoped to return from the dead.

Patrick admitted that he had given up on saving their marriage but he hated what Robin's absence had done to Emma. Robin became teary-eyed as she begged Patrick to explain how he had found her. She was stunned when he revealed that he wasn't there for her; he had accompanied Sam. Robin was shocked to realize that Sam was on the premises, but Patrick assured Robin that he hadn't told Sam about Jason.

Patrick explained that he had agreed to help Sam get some answers about Silas' wife, Nina. Robin was confused because she thought that Sam and Silas were involved, so Patrick pointedly reminded Robin that some relationships didn't work out. Patrick appeared to take pleasure in letting Robin know that Sam had been there for him when Robin hadn't. He admitted that he had agreed to help Sam because he felt that he owed her for everything that she had done for him after Gabriel's death.

Robin assured Patrick that she cared about him but she insisted that Patrick and Sam had to leave the facility immediately. Patrick became angry and demanded to know if Helena and Stavros Cassadine were on the other side of the door, ready to pounce. Robin began to squirm, so Patrick decided to check for himself. Robin pleaded with Patrick to leave, but he grabbed her key card then opened the door to the room Robin had vacated.

8/6 Patrick decided that he had a right to know what was going on in the room that Robin had been working in, so he snatched her key card from her then opened the door. Robin panicked as she begged Patrick not to enter the room, but he ignored her. Robin followed Patrick imploring him to turn back, but Patrick kept walking until he entered a room with a cryogenic chamber. Patrick demanded to know if Jason was in the chamber, but Robin refused to answer.

Patrick made it clear that he would not leave until he had some answers. He tried to open the chamber, but Robin beseeched him to stop because it would kill the person inside. Patrick demanded to know whose body was in the chamber, so she reluctantly revealed that it was Stavros Cassadine. Patrick wanted to know where Helena Cassadine and Jason Morgan were, but Robin insisted that she couldn't talk about it. Patrick kept pushing until Robin finally confessed that Jason was dead.

Patrick was stunned as Robin explained that she had developed a promising protocol but it had been in the early stages. According to Robin, Victor had forced her to use the experimental protocol on Jason despite her warnings that the protocol hadn't been ready for testing on humans. She admitted that Jason had been close to death, but initially the protocol had worked. However, the tide had turned when Jason's organs had begun to shut down. Robin blamed herself for letting both Jason and his loved ones down.

Patrick admitted that he was sorry because he knew that it had been difficult for Robin to lose a friend, but he pointed out that with Jason gone, there wasn't anything to keep Robin at the clinic. Robin disagreed because she insisted that her work was important and could revolutionize medicine. Patrick argued that her family should be more important than her research, but Robin insisted that her work could save lives because a terminally ill patient could be put in a cryogenic stasis until a cure was found.

Robin was startled when Patrick announced that their marriage was over. Her eyes clouded with sadness as she begged Patrick to give her more time, but Patrick refused because he was tired of waiting for her. Robin tearfully promised Patrick that she loved him and always would, but Patrick quietly told her goodbye then wished her luck with her "corpses" as he walked away.

8/7 At the Crichton Clark facility in Westchester, New York, Robin assured Patrick that she loved him and always would, but Patrick tearfully told her goodbye then wished her luck with her "corpses." Robin watched helplessly as Patrick left the lab.

Moments later, Patrick bumped into Sam in the hallway as Sam ran from the security guards. She stopped to let Patrick know that they had to leave quickly, so Patrick followed her. Before he rounded the corner, he looked back and saw Robin standing by the door to her lab, watching him.

Robin returned to her lab and vented her frustration by knocking over some equipment, unaware that Victor had appeared in the doorway. He warned her to be careful because the equipment was expensive then threatened to charge her if she had broken anything. Robin snapped at him, so he asked her about her visitors. Robin assured Victor that Patrick and Sam hadn't been at the clinic for her then admitted that she had told Patrick that Jason had died. Victor was surprised.

"In other words, you lied," Victor said as he rested his hand on the cryogenic chamber. Robin admitted that it had been necessary because Patrick had correctly guessed that Jason had been in the cryogenic chamber. Victor assured her that she had done the right thing, but Robin disagreed because her husband hadn't been able to understand why she would continue to help Victor if Jason was dead.

Robin explained that the lie had cost her because Patrick had decided to file for divorce because she had put her work head of her own family. Victor clucked with sympathy but he was more concerned about what Patrick might tell Sam. Robin was confident that Patrick wouldn't say anything to Sam about Jason because Patrick wouldn't want to open old wounds only to dash Sam's hopes again by revealing that Jason was dead. Victor hoped that Robin was right because he would hate to have to arrange another accident for Patrick.

Robin accused Victor of being a monster because he had manipulated Rafe Kovich into driving Patrick's car off the road, which had killed Patrick's son. Victor was unapologetic as he pointed out that sometimes "a little collateral damage" was unavoidable. Robin insisted that it hadn't been necessary because she had been helping to revive Victor's "psychotic" family. Victor resented Robin's attitude because she was cooperating to save her beloved Jason Morgan.

Victor explained that the accident had served its purpose to motivate Robin, so Robin asked how Victor had known Rafe. Victor insisted that all that mattered was that Rafe had followed Victor's instructions after Victor had dangled the possibility that Rafe's mother, Alison, might be alive. After Victor left, Robin approached Jason's cryogenic chamber to confide that she hated lying to everyone, but she conceded that it would be worth it once Jason was okay. Robin vowed that she and Jason would make the Cassadines pay for everything, so she hoped that her family would understand the choices that she had made once they learned the truth.

8/11 Emma talked to Robin by way of a webcam. Patrick entered the room, and Emma offered for him to say hello to Robin. Just then, his phone rang, and he left the room to take the call from Sam. Emma asked Robin if Patrick and Robin were still getting divorced and wondered if they'd ever be together again. Robin confirmed the divorce but promised that she would see Emma again. She told Emma that, although Patrick and Robin could no longer be married, they would always be Emma's family. Just then, Victor entered Robin's lab, so Robin cut the call short.

Patrick returned and asked Emma if she was ready for camp, but Emma was crying and looking at a picture of her, Robin, and Patrick. She wondered why he and Robin had "stopped loving each other." Patrick explained that adults sometimes got angry with each other, but neither he nor Robin was angry with Emma. Emma told Patrick that she'd missed him the day before and wondered where he'd been. He answered that he'd been helping Sam with "adult stuff." He apologized for not being there and for the divorce. He insisted that Emma would always be number one in his and Robin's lives. As he was about to leave to take Emma to camp, his phone rang.

Victor wondered why Patrick hadn't said hello to Robin on the webcam. She explained that he'd gotten a call. "Probably from his divorce attorney. Thanks for that," she added. Victor told her that she was just diverting blame and that she shouldn't have told Patrick anything in the first place. He wanted her to focus on Jason, or he'd "arrange another mishap." He called Gabriel "collateral damage."

Victor continued that Robin needed a breakthrough soon, but she revealed that she'd had one the night before. He accused her of bluffing, but she explained that she'd stayed up working all night after seeing Patrick. She wanted to get the job over with before she "lost everything." Victor wanted to try the new protocol, but Robin objected. She told him that, since Jason was "too far gone" and she'd been so unsuccessful at reviving him, she wanted to try the new drug on Helena or Stavros.

Victor told Robin that Jason was there in order to be the guinea pig, so the drug would be experimented on him first. She pleaded with Victor for one more day to adjust the formula, but he refused. Two guards held Robin back as Victor held a syringe filled with the drug. "If Jason dies, it's on you," he told her as he walked toward Jason with the syringe.

8/12 At the Crichton-Clark facility, two of Victor's henchmen held Robin in a firm grip as Victor approached the cryogenic chamber to inject Jason with Robin's latest drug protocol. Robin begged Victor not to use the drug on Jason because it was too potent, but Victor ignored her pleas because he refused to risk Helena and Stavros' lives by injecting either of his relatives with the experimental drug. Robin watched helplessly as Victor opened the pod then injected the drug into Jason's arm.

Initially, Robin was encouraged until the alarms on the monitors began to beep erratically. She fought to break free, but the henchmen kept her tightly restrained. Desperate, she begged Victor to let her help Jason, so Victor nodded to the henchmen to release her. Robin immediately grabbed the defibrillator to try to start Jason's heart. After several minutes, Victor decided that Jason was past saving, so he ordered the henchmen to turn off the machines. Distraught, Robin implored Victor to let her keep working on Jason, but Victor refused.

Victor marched over to the pod to drop the lid shut. As Victor reached for the lid, Jason's hand suddenly shot up to stop Victor from closing the lid. Startled, Victor and Robin stared at Jason's hand as it slowly lowered. Robin ran to the cryogenic chamber to quickly examine Jason. Victor was pleased when she confirmed that it appeared that Jason was emerging from stasis.

Later, Robin quietly urged Jason to rest. She promised that he would get better then vowed to take him home to Sam and Danny. Robin continued to offer Jason words of encouragement until Victor demanded to know if Jason would make a full recovery. Robin confessed that she didn't know because she would have to continue to monitor Jason's progress, but she was hopeful because Jason's vital signs had steadily improved. Victor was pleased, so he decided that Robin's services were no longer needed.

Robin was shocked when Victor's henchmen suddenly grabbed her to drag her out of the lab. She quickly reminded Victor that he still needed her because Jason had received the only vial of the drug protocol, but Victor was confident that his team of doctors could replicate the drug protocol from Robin's notes. She was stunned when Victor explained that he intended to tap into Jason's potential because Jason had been extremely gifted in a highly specialized field. Robin argued that Victor had promised that she could return Jason to Sam and Danny, but Victor clarified that he had only agreed to allow Robin to save Jason's life. Victor smugly pointed out that he had kept his promise because Jason was alive.

Robin was furious that Victor had double-crossed her, but Victor was unapologetic. The henchmen started to take Robin away, so she yelled out to Jason, begging her friend not to listen to Victor. "When are you going to learn? Never trust a Cassadine," Victor said with a smirk. After Robin's shouting faded, Victor turned his attention to Jason to let Jason know that it was time to "rise and shine" because Jason's new life awaited. Moments later, Jason's hands appeared from the depths of the pod as he reached for the sides to pull himself up.

5/1/15 On the red carpet, Ric and Elizabeth arrived with Cameron and Emma. Moments later, Anna arrived on Kyle Sloane's arm.

5/4/15 Cameron was sitting dejectedly backstage when Emma found him. He was sad that Elizabeth and Ric wouldn't be getting married because of Ric's lies. Emma suggested that they skip out on their dance number, but Cameron assured her that it would only make his night better. As the two walked away, Spencer entered the backstage area in a cape.

Backstage, Emma and Cameron ran into Spencer, who claimed to be the "Phantom of the Nurses Ball." He wanted to "whisk Emma away on an adventure through the catacombs of Wyndemere." Emma didn't want to go, and Spencer accused her of being horrified by his face. She didn't care how he looked, only how he treated her, which, to her, was like "a prize to be won." She hoped he could be happy again and left with Cameron. "You won't get away with this," Spencer muttered.

The next number was a tango performed by Emma and Cameron. During the dance, Anna and Duke shared a meaningful look. Suddenly, sandbags began to fall to the stage. Anna and Patrick quickly got the kids off the stage as Spencer appeared on the video screen. "I am the Phantom of the Nurses Ball! If you think I'm a monster, I'll give you a monster!" he cried.

Spencer continued that everyone should be afraid because, "you never know when I'll strike!" He appeared onstage, and Dante wondered where Nikolas was. Lulu went up onstage with Spencer and wondered why he'd almost hurt Cameron and Emma. Spencer claimed that Cameron had started the fire at his birthday party on purpose. Lulu took Spencer off the stage and went to find Nikolas.

Onstage at the Nurses Ball, Patrick and Emma played guitar and sang together. They sang of Emma's ability to do anything she chose to do as home movies and picture of Emma as a baby and toddler played in the background. Elizabeth entered the room and saw Sam happily watching Patrick and Emma. As the song ended, there wasn't a dry eye in the house.Lucy got onstage and dubbed the performance as the most touching thing she'd ever seen.

5/5/15 At the Nurses Ball, Patrick and Emma performed a song together as they each strummed a guitar. Elizabeth stood in the background and watched, but her gaze drifted to Sam, who watched the performance with a big smile on her face. After the song ended, Anna ran up to kiss her granddaughter as Sam clapped for both Patrick and Emma. At the same time, Lucy returned to the stage to thank Patrick and Emma, for the "amazing" performance. Lucy stepped onto the stage to thank everyone, and she introduced Epiphany and Sabrina, who closed the show with the song You're Not Alone. During the performance, Lucy invited guests to join Epiphany and Sabrina on stage.

10/7/15 At the Drake-Morgan residence, Anna helped Emma make a beaded necklace as they talked about Robin's upcoming birthday. Anna smiled wistfully as she told Emma that a mother never forgot her child's birth because it was an incredible feeling to become a mother, but Emma wondered if Robin felt the same way about Emma. Anna quickly assured her granddaughter that Robin loved Emma and would be delighted by the special necklace Emma was working on for Robin's birthday. Anna and Emma looked up when Sam arrived home. "No, don't come in," Emma cried as she quickly hid the necklace.

Sam and Anna were alarmed by Emma's reaction, but Emma explained that she didn't want to hurt Sam's feelings because Emma had been making a necklace for Robin. Sam promised Emma that it was fine and assured the little girl that Emma was free to think and talk about Robin whenever Emma liked. Sam acknowledged that she could never take the place of Emma's real mother, but Sam loved Emma and hoped to be a different kind of mother to her stepdaughter. Emma was relieved because she adored Sam and thought Danny would make an "awesome" little brother.

Emma continued to work on the necklace then proudly showed it to Sam. Sam was impressed, so Emma offered to make one for Sam to wear on Sam's wedding day. Emma's smile suddenly faded when it occurred to her that something terrible might happen as it had when Patrick and Sabrina had exchanged vows. Anna quickly explained that Robin's return had been an extraordinary miracle because Robin hadn't really died. She reminded Emma that Robin and Patrick were divorced. Emma remained worried because she feared that Patrick might be the one who would end up getting hurt.

Sam and Anna gently explained that Jason was in heaven just like Duke, so nothing could stop Sam from marrying Patrick. Emma hoped that Sam was right because Emma didn't want to lose Sam the way she had lost both Robin and Sabrina. Anna's eyes filled with tears at her granddaughter's heartbreaking admission, but she managed to paste on a smile as she instructed Emma to get ready for bed. After Emma gave both Sam and Anna a hug, she scampered off. Anna commented that her granddaughter was a sensitive soul then changed the subject by asking if Sam had learned anything new about Sonny's shooting.

Sam was curious why Anna was determined to clear Carlos' name in Sonny's shooting when Carlos had murdered Duke. Anna remained evasive until Emma returned to announce that she had brushed and flossed her teeth and was ready for bed. Anna stood up, eager to tuck Emma in bed. Emma admitted that she couldn't wait for Patrick and Sam to marry because they would all be family. Emma hugged Sam and then disappeared into the bedroom with Anna.

11/12/15 At the nurses' station, Patrick left Robin a voicemail message, asking her to return his call. After he ended the call, Elizabeth walked up. He was surprised that she had stopped by the hospital, but he was curious how she had been holding up. Elizabeth became choked up with emotion as she admitted that she still loved Jason. Patrick admitted that the shocking development had affected many lives, but Elizabeth thought it might help if Patrick kept Sam away from Jason.

Patrick pulled Elizabeth aside and gently explained that it wasn't his place to dictate what Sam could and couldn't do. He reminded Elizabeth that Jason and Sam had loved each other once and shared a child, but Elizabeth countered that she also had a child with Jason. Elizabeth reminded Patrick that she and Jason had made plans for a future, but Patrick pointed out that -- as far as he could tell -- those plans hadn't changed.

Patrick was hurt when Elizabeth expressed concern that Sam might want Jason back because it minimized what Patrick and Sam shared. Elizabeth was curious if there was even a small part of Patrick that worried that Jason might remember and want to pick up with Sam where Jason and Sam had left off. Patrick insisted that what he had with Sam was real, and things would work out. Elizabeth remained concerned as she watched Patrick walk away.

Moments later, Monica approached to thank Elizabeth for calling about Jason. Elizabeth smiled and asked about the visit. Monica warned Elizabeth that Jason was overwhelmed and felt as if he were being pulled in different directions because people kept pressuring him to remember the Jason they had known. Elizabeth wondered if Monica thought Elizabeth was one of the people upsetting Jason. Monica urged Elizabeth to give Jason time to explore who he was and possibly remember his past.

Nearby, Patrick answered a phone call from Robin.

11/13 At the park, Spencer showered Emma with flattery as they looked for leaves. Emma reminded him that they were there for a school project and added that they weren't getting married like Elizabeth and "Jake" had or Patrick and Sam would. Spencer realized that Emma hadn't heard the news, so he quickly filled her in about what had transpired at the church. Emma was shocked that Sam's husband was alive and feared that Sam might break up with Patrick. Emma began to cry because she didn't want to lose Sam and Danny.

Spencer tried to cheer Emma up by reminding her that things might work out for everyone, but Emma was skeptical because she recalled her father had been evasive when she had asked him about his wedding to Sam. Emma realized that Sam couldn't marry Patrick because Sam was still married to Jason. Upset, Emma talked about all the ways Sam was like a mother to her. Emma was happy for Danny, but she wanted Sam and Danny to stay with Patrick and Emma. Spencer explained that Jason didn't remember Sam, which meant that Jason might still marry Elizabeth.

Later, Spencer and Emma nibbled on apples that Chandler had dropped off when he had checked on the children. Spencer confided that he suspected his father was in love with Hayden. Emma smiled, but her eyes were sad, as she assured Spencer that she was happy for him because she knew Spencer wanted a mother. Spencer admitted something was going on between Nikolas and Hayden that Spencer didn't understand. Emma remained distracted, prompting Spencer to remind her of their project.

Spencer suggested that he and Emma count the leaves they had collected to see if they had enough for each of the things they were thankful for. Emma invited Spencer to go first. Spencer was grateful that Emma had forgiven him but mentioned finding Jason's wedding ring in Nikolas' safe. Spencer admitted that he couldn't understand why Nikolas had been angry about Spencer's discovery.

At the hospital, Patrick thanked Robin for returning his call because he had important news to share. Robin remained quiet as he told her that Jason was alive and in Port Charles. She took a deep breath then cryptically told Patrick that there was more to the story than Patrick realized. Patrick asked Robin to elaborate, but the line went dead.

In a Paris medical facility, a guard snatched Robin's phone out of her hand and disconnected the call. The guard's expression grew stern when the phone began to ring. Robin warned the man that her husband would continue to call until she answered, but the guard refused to let her take the call because she had been about to reveal confidential information. Robin insisted that Patrick would become suspicious if she ignored the calls, but the guard turned off the phone and turned to leave. Robin grabbed a glass beaker and smashed it over his head.

The guard crumbled to the ground. Robin quickly retrieved her phone, shut the door, and used a chair as reinforcement to keep it closed. After barricading herself inside, Robin called Patrick.

At the hospital, Patrick thanked Anna for meeting him. He explained that he had been trying to reach Robin, but the call had gone dead due to a poor connection. He hoped that Anna might have another number to reach Robin, but Anna regrettably shook her head and admitted that her contact with Robin was infrequent. Seconds later, Patrick's phone rang. It was Robin. She explained that she didn't have much time, but Patrick needed to know the truth about Jason.

Patrick noticed that Robin hadn't been surprised that Jason was alive and questioned why. Robin jumped when another guard kicked in the door, wielding a gun. He held up a picture of Robin and Emma as he quietly instructed Robin to end the call. Robin tried to appease her captor by explaining to Patrick that she was relieved that Jason was alive because she had blamed herself for not being able to save him. Patrick knew something was wrong and asked what "truth" Robin had been referring to.

Robin thanked Patrick for the call and added that she had to go because a colleague had arrived. Patrick was frustrated when Robin abruptly ended the call. Anna suspected that Robin suffered from posttraumatic stress disorder and had buried herself in work to avoid developing an emotional attachment.

Later, Robin tensed when a man entered the lab and informed her that he was there to punish her for having a big mouth and being insubordinate. Robin insisted that she hadn't done anything wrong because Patrick had already known the truth about Jason. The man ignored her as he opened a computer tablet, which had a live feed of the park where Spencer and Emma were talking about the things they were thankful for. Robin watched with trepidation as Spencer received a text message ordering him to get to the car. Emma worried about being left alone in the park, but Spencer promised that Patrick was on his way.

After Spencer left, a frantic woman walked by, calling for her dog. Robin's eyes rounded with horror as Emma volunteered to help the woman look for the lost dog.

11/16 "That's my girl," Robin said as she watched Emma bite the woman. The man told Robin that her family would be left alone if she fully cooperated. Robin thought her captivity would be "over sooner than you think." She taunted that Jason was alive, and he would find her, which would cause the man's death. The man told Robin that Jason had "bigger problems than you." He informed her that success in her work was the only hope she had of seeing her family alive and in person again.

Patrick arrived at his house and saw that Sam was holding Jason's wedding ring. She told him that Jason had been there to see Danny. She admitted that they had been talking about the past, and they had kissed. He wondered what she had wanted to happen. She believed a part of her wanted to see if it helped Jason remember anything, which it hadn't. He asked what she would want if Jason did remember and if she even cared that they were engaged. She insisted that her love for Patrick hadn't changed, but "everything else has."

Sam continued that she wanted Jason to remember for his own sake, for his sons' sakes, and for her sake, even if it meant that she and Patrick had no future. He responded that he couldn't just sit back and wait for her. Just then, his phone rang. He answered it to Tracy, and he urgently told her that he would "be right there." Sam asked to go with him, but he tearfully refused and left the house.

Patrick arrived at the park. Emma ran into his arms as Tracy explained what had happened. There was a cop there, and she told Patrick that Emma had given a good description of the strange woman, and an alert would soon be put out for the predator. The cop left, first promising to call with any questions. Tracy left to call Hayden. She left a message warning Hayden not to get distracted by Nikolas' "charms."

Patrick wanted to take Emma home. She wondered if Sam and Danny would be there. To Patrick's surprise, she admitted that Spencer had told her about Jason returning. Crying, she told Patrick that she didn't want Sam to leave like Robin had. He confessed that he didn't know what would happen, but Sam and Danny would figure out what was best for them. He hugged Emma and assured her that Sam loved her as much as she loved him. They both cried.

12/10 In a French laboratory, Robin was working when a guard entered to inform her that Helena Cassadine has passed away four days earlier. Stunned, Robin wondered why no one had told her sooner. The guard explained that others had to be notified first then shifted gears to warn Robin that she would be expected to explain herself. "To who?" she asked. "To me," Jerry Jacks answered as he entered the room.

Jerry greeted Robin then announced that they had a lot to talk about, starting with Robin's work, because it was up to him to take care of Helena's unfinished business. Robin assured him that she had been making progress, but Jerry warned her that it hadn't been fast enough because Robin had failed to keep Helena alive. Jerry admitted that he had been interested in Robin's work because the profit margin on immortality was high, but Robin hadn't had any success. Robin revealed that she had been working on an alternate method, but she would need Helena's body to test the process.

Robin tried to explain what she had been working on, but Jerry wasn't interested. Robin nervously asked what Jerry intended to do with her, but he was confident that she already knew. Jerry explained that he couldn't risk Robin letting Robert and Anna know about what had been going on, but Robin promised not tell anyone about Jerry's involvement. Jerry didn't believe Robin, but she remained adamant that she was close to a medical breakthrough. Moments later, Robin heard her cell phone ring and recognized Emma's ringtone.

Robin begged Jerry to give her the phone because she wanted an opportunity to at least talk to her daughter one last time. Jerry agreed, but he warned Robin not to say anything that would raise questions, or Emma would pay the price.

At Patrick's house, Patrick told Sam that their relationship was over because it was clear to him that she loved Jason. Sam's eyes filled with tears as she insisted that she loved and wanted to marry Patrick, but he urged Sam to be honest with herself. He suspected that Sam had hoped to expose Elizabeth as a liar to prove that Elizabeth wasn't worthy of Jason. Sam insisted that she believed that Jason had a right to know the truth, but Patrick didn't believe her.

Patrick wondered who Sam would pick if Jason had remembered his life with her, but she argued that it was an unfair question because Jason didn't have any memory of the past. Patrick admitted that Jason might remember one day, which meant that Sam might regret being trapped in a marriage to Patrick. Sam reiterated that she loved Patrick, but he insisted that Jason was the love of her life. Patrick was certain that a part of Sam had been praying for Jason to remember. Sam tearfully begged Patrick to give her more time because she had only learned the truth about Jason less than a month earlier, but Patrick thought it would be more painful if they prolonged the inevitable.

Later, Patrick wrapped up a call with Emma's friend's mother. He told Sam that Emma was being dropped off. Sam decided to turn down Emma's bed, but Patrick thought it would be best if they didn't drag things out. Sam tearfully told Patrick that she still wanted to marry him, but he pointed out that they couldn't turn back time. Patrick hugged Sam as she conceded that he deserved more than just a piece of her heart.

Sam slid off the engagement ring and handed it to Patrick. He fought back tears as he hugged her again. A short time later, Emma arrived home. Emma admitted that she had lied about having a stomachache because she had been eager to return home to find out when Patrick and Sam were getting married. Patrick and Sam's expressions were filled with sadness as Emma excitedly asked when the wedding was. Sam and Patrick sat Emma down to gently explain that they had called off the wedding and had decided to go their separate ways.

Emma began to cry as she pleaded with Sam and Patrick to work things out, but Sam admitted that it wasn't possible. Sam promised that she loved Emma and would continue to see her, but Sam and Danny would be moving out. Emma became distraught when she realized that Sam was leaving. Her hurt turned to anger as she told Sam to just go. Heartbroken, Emma turned to her father for comfort and begged him to call Robin because Emma needed her mother.

Patrick called Robin and handed the phone to Emma. Emma began to cry when Robin answered. Robin asked why Emma was upset, but Emma implored her mother to return home because Emma desperately needed her. Robin promised that she loved Emma -- Emma was Robin's reason for living. Emma asked her mother to prove it by returning home, but Robin explained that she couldn't. Robin hoped that one day Emma would understand.

Robin promised that no matter what happened, she loved Emma then she abruptly ended the call. Patrick asked what Robin had said. "She said goodbye, like everybody else," Emma cried. Later, Emma remained upset as Sam returned to the living room with a packed bag. Sam hugged Emma and promised to remain a part of Emma's life, but Emma pulled away and ran out of the room in tears. Sam felt terrible for breaking Emma's heart, but Patrick feared that it might have been worse if they had waited to end things.

Sam told Patrick that she loved him, but she conceded that he deserved to be loved the way he had loved her. Sam hugged Patrick one last time and left. Emma appeared in the doorway to ask if Sam was gone. "Yes," Patrick quietly answered. Emma began to cry again. Patrick held his daughter, but she desperately wanted to see her mother. Patrick promised to take Emma to Paris to find Robin.

In Paris, Jerry agreed to give Robin 48 hours to provide him with results. "Deliver a successful product or die. It's that simple," Jerry said as he left the lab.

12/16 In a Paris hotel room, Emma asked if Patrick had reached Robin. Patrick assured his daughter that he had left a voicemail message, but he decided to take Emma to see the Eiffel Tower until Robin called back. Emma suggested they surprise Robin, since they had Robin's address. Patrick was reluctant, but Emma begged her father to agree because she was desperate to see Robin.

A short time later, Patrick and Emma returned to the hotel room. They couldn't understand why the address had been to an antique store rather than Robin's residence, where Emma had been sending letters and packages. Patrick assured Emma that they would get to the bottom of things when Robin called. Emma feared that it would take forever, but Patrick suggested they enjoy the sights of Paris. Emma reluctantly fetched her mittens as someone knocked on the door.

Patrick and Emma's visitor was the owner of the antique shop that Patrick and Emma had visited earlier. Emma walked out as the woman explained that Patrick had likely gotten the address mixed up with a similar address across town. Patrick and Emma thanked the woman for taking the time to stop by. Emma noticed the woman's necklace and complimented it. The woman appeared nervous as she clutched the necklace and left. Emma told Patrick that Spencer had a tie pin identical to the necklace, which Spencer had worn on picture day at school.

In Metro Court Restaurant, Anna smiled when she saw Patrick's incoming call and quickly answered the phone because she wanted to spend time with Emma. Patrick revealed that he was in Paris then quietly explained that he didn't want Emma to overhear, but he was afraid that Robin was not in Paris and the Cassadines were somehow involved. Anna promised to meet Patrick in Paris right away and ended the call. She told Mac that he would have to continue to investigate Paul because Robin was missing.

In a laboratory at an undisclosed location, a guard delivered a tray of food to help keep Robin's strength up. Robin appreciated the act of kindness because she had seen little of it since her arrival. Seconds later, Jerry entered the room and dismissed the guard. Jerry demanded to know if Robin had made any progress with her work because her 48 hours had expired. Robin insisted that she needed more time, but she promised that she was close to a breakthrough. Jerry was furious because he needed results in order to sell it to the highest bidder.

Robin promised that she could make someone "immortal" and explained the process of preserving brain tissue and digitally storing a person's memories, emotions, personality, and behaviors until someone created an artificial functioning body to download the information into. Jerry thought it was science fiction, but Robin insisted that it was possible for the brain to exist in a digital format. Jerry conceded that he might be able to sell it, but he was curious how long it would take Robin to perfect the process. She admitted that it was years away, which was not good enough for Jerry. Jerry decided that Robin had outlived her usefulness, and he left.

In the hallway, Jerry ordered the guard to kill Robin.

12/17 Sam dropped off a gift bag for Patrick, but a nurse informed her that he had taken a leave of absence. Sam was stunned, but Elizabeth walked up and wondered what Sam had expected after Sam had blown apart everyone's lives. Sam had never imagined that Patrick would abandon his patients, but Elizabeth accused Sam of making him miserable and forcing him to flee. Sam argued that Elizabeth had been the one to lie to everyone for seven months by keeping Jason from his son and wife. Sam insisted that Elizabeth was a "lying bitch and a selfish hypocrite," but Elizabeth argued that Sam hadn't been any better by pretending to be in love with Patrick when, in reality, Sam had wanted Jason back.

Elizabeth smugly suggested that perhaps Patrick had taken Emma to Paris to reunite with Robin. Elizabeth admitted that she had always loved Patrick and Robin as a couple and thought it would serve Sam right if Patrick and Robin rekindled their romance.

In Robin's laboratory, Robin nervously smiled when the guard entered, sporting a set of headphones. She was curious what he was listening to. Surprised by the question, Manrico told her it was opera because it helped him to remain focused and even-tempered. Robin suspected that Manrico was not happy with Jerry's order to kill her. Manrico was curious why she had assumed that, prompting Robin to point out that Manrico had been the only guard to treat her with kindness.

Seconds later, Jerry walked in and became annoyed when he noticed that Robin was still alive. Jerry warned Manrico to get the job done because Anna and Patrick had arrived and were poised to raid the compound. Robin's expression was filled with hope, but Jerry assured her that she would be dead by the time Anna and Patrick reached her. Robin begged Jerry to spare her life, but he ignored her pleas and reminded Manrico to execute the plan.

After Jerry left, Robin tearfully begged Manrico to let her say goodbye to her loved ones. Manrico agreed and handed her a phone. Robin called Patrick to explain that she had heard about his trip to Paris and to tell him that she had to say goodbye because she was going to Elysium. Jerry returned to the lab and was furious when he saw Robin with the phone. Jerry quickly ripped the phone out of her hand and ended the call.

Jerry demanded that Manrico kill Robin, or Manrico would pay the price. After Jerry stormed off, Robin was filled with hope that Manrico would help her. Manrico explained that it was out of his hands and dragged her away at gunpoint.

In Patrick's hotel room, Patrick wrapped up a call with Felicia, thanking her for flying to Paris to watch Emma. Patrick promised to keep Felicia updated on the search for Robin then ended the call. Anna warned Patrick not to jump to conclusions because the Cassadines might simply want him to believe that Robin was in Greece. Anna reminded him that the Cassadines were brazen but not stupid, which meant that Robin could still be in Paris. Patrick became alarmed when someone knocked on the door.

It was Robert. "Let's go get our daughter," Robert told Anna as he entered the hotel room. Robert revealed that the World Security Bureau had been monitoring Cassadine Island for months and confirmed that Robin was on the island, but Anna warned Patrick that they needed a plan before they rescued Robin, or they risked being captured or worse. Patrick was stunned when Robert revealed that Jerry Jacks had taken over since Helena's death. Anna and Patrick immediately regretted that they hadn't questioned Robin's decision to move to Paris, but Robert tried to keep Anna and Patrick focused by asking about Robin's last phone call.

Patrick relayed what he knew. Moments later, Patrick's phone rang. It was Robin. Patrick became increasingly concerned by Robin's cryptic remarks before the line suddenly went dead. Anna revealed that Elysium was another name for heaven. Robert and Anna decided that they didn't have the luxury of time and started for the door. Patrick insisted on joining them because he owed it to Emma to rescue Robin.

Later, Robert and Anna kicked open the lab door with their guns drawn. Jerry smiled as he greeted them and admitted that he had been wondering how long it would take for them to arrive. Patrick demanded to know where Robin was. Jerry gloated that they were too late because Robin was dead.

12/21 Patrick pinned Jerry against the wall and demanded to know where Robin was. "She was shot after you spoke," he divulged. He pulled out a Polaroid picture, which showed Robin with a gunshot wound in her chest. Anna screamed at Jerry, but he insisted that it had been Helena's project and that Helena had been the one to threaten Patrick and Emma in order to keep Robin in line. Anna realized that the stranger who had almost grabbed Emma in the park had been "staged."

Anna demanded to know where Robin's body was. "Tell me where, or I will kill you. Slowly," she warned, pointing her gun straight at Jerry. Just then, two guards entered with guns drawn, and Anna and Robert dropped their guns. Jerry instructed the guards to take Anna, Robert, and Patrick to Robin's body and then to kill them. As the guards rounded the three up, Anna faked a pain in her stomach and took advantage of the guard's confusion to knock him to the floor and grab his gun.

Jerry and the two guards ran out. Anna yelled not to let them get away, and she followed after them. Robert gave Patrick a gun. He instructed Patrick to find Robin while he and Anna took care of Jerry. A short while later, Patrick entered a crypt. "Robin?" he called out.

12/22 On Cassadine Island, Robert and Anna marched Jerry at gunpoint to Robin's laboratory. Anna vowed that Jerry would pay for his crimes, but Jerry was unconcerned as he goaded both Robert and Anna about killing Robin. Robert urged Anna to find Patrick because the proper authorities were on their way to take care of Jerry. After Anna left, Jerry continued to try to push Robert's buttons, but Robert refused to rise to the bait.

Elsewhere on the compound, Patrick entered a mausoleum and stopped short when he saw Robin lying on top of a crypt from what appeared to be a fatal gunshot wound. Tears swam in his eyes as he rushed to her side. Patrick gently kissed Robin as he confessed that he was filled with regret because he hadn't told her that he loved her when they had last spoken. He picked up her body and held her close as he told her how much he loved her, but his grief turned to disbelief when Robin took a deep breath and opened her eyes.

Robin was surprised when she saw Patrick, but he assured her that everything was okay because Robert and Anna were with him. She quickly explained that her guard had saved her life by giving her a paralytic drug to convince Jerry that she was dead, but she didn't want to risk Jerry returning and finding her. Patrick promised there was nothing to worry about because Robert and Anna would deal with Jerry. Robin was relieved when Patrick added that he knew she had been forced to cooperate with Helena and had been kept against her will. Robin tearfully assured Patrick that she had never stopped loving him.

Moments later, Anna appeared in the doorway of the mausoleum. Tears of joy welled up in Anna's eyes when she realized that Robin was alive. Anna ran to Robin and hugged her daughter tightly as she told Robin that she had feared that she had lost Robin again. Robin joked that Anna couldn't get rid of her that easily. She filled her mother in about the drug that Manrico had given Robin. Anna promised that Manrico would be given amnesty, but Anna needed to get word to Robert that Robin was alive.

In the lab, an agent arrived to collect Jerry and oversee Jerry's transport to Steinmauer Maximum Security Prison. Jerry bragged that Jax, and Jerry's mother, would be quick to help, but Robert warned Jerry that Interpol wasn't always reliable about notifying family members of an arrest. Anna returned as Jerry was about to leave. She instructed the agent to make certain that Jerry landed in the deepest, darkest hole. Unperturbed, Jerry assured Robert that there was still a bullet out there with Robert's name on it then turned on the charm as he bid farewell to Anna.

After Jerry was dragged away, Anna asked Robert to follow her. Robert heard the urgency in her tone and quickly raced after her as she left the lab. A short time later, Anna and Robert entered the mausoleum where Patrick and Robin waited. Robert was overjoyed when he saw that his daughter was alive. Robert and Robin hugged as Anna suggested that they return to Paris because Emma was waiting for them. After Robert and Anna left to give Patrick and Robin some privacy, Robin assured Patrick that she realized that he had moved on with Sam. Patrick revealed that he and Sam had broken up, but he suggested that they discuss it later because they had the rest of their lives to figure things out.

12/24 In Paris, Patrick and Emma entered the hotel suite. Robin quietly stood in a dark corner as Emma talked about asking Santa to return Robin to them. Robin stepped forward and tearfully smiled as she told her daughter that it wouldn't be necessary. Overjoyed, Emma ran into her mother's arms and told Robin how much she had missed Robin. Robin assured Emma that she loved her daughter very much, but Robin had been kidnapped and forced to stay away from Patrick and Emma.

Emma feared that Robin would leave again, but Robin insisted that nothing could tear Robin away from Emma again. Moments later, Robert and Anna arrived dressed as St. Nikolas and Mrs. Noel. Anna had bags filled with decorations to transform the hotel suite for Christmas. Emma was excited but more concerned about where Robin and Patrick stood with each other. Patrick explained that it wasn't that simple, but Anna managed to distract Emma by inviting the girl to leave with Robert and Anna to fetch a tree from a corner store.

Emma feared that Robin might leave, but Robin promised to be waiting when Emma returned. After Emma left, Patrick and Robin talked about their relationship. Robin admitted that she had never stopped loving Patrick. Patrick explained why he and Sam had broken up and added that he had understood Sam's love for Jason because Patrick felt the same way about Robin. Relieved, Robin kissed Patrick. A short time later, Robert, Anna, and Emma returned with a small tree, which they set on the coffee table.

Emma invited Robin to put the angel on the tree and make a wish, but Robin had everything and insisted that Emma do the honors. Emma put the angel on the tree and revealed that she had wished that they could all be a family again. Anna smiled knowingly at Robin and assured Emma that Emma would likely get her wish. Emma beamed because it was the best Christmas ever.

12/28 At Patrick's, Mac gave Robin a huge hug. Anna interrupted because she needed to discuss something with Mac, so the two left Robin and Patrick alone. Robin and Patrick were embracing when Sam entered the house. She immediately apologized, since she'd thought that Patrick was still on his leave of absence. She was dropping off an ornament that Danny had made for Patrick. Patrick happily told Sam that the "situation resolved itself sooner than expected." Sam wondered if Patrick and Robin were back together.

Robin told Sam that there was a complicated story that Patrick could tell Sam, because Robin had an appointment to get to. Before leaving, Robin thanked Sam for being so great to Emma. "It was a privilege to have her in my life," Sam replied sincerely. When Robin was gone, Sam assured Patrick that he didn't owe her anything. He thought she deserved an explanation. He confessed that there could be hope for him and Robin, and he told her the whole story.

Patrick kicked himself for not noticing earlier that Robin had been in trouble, but Sam reminded him that he hadn't had all the information, just like she hadn't when Jason had returned. He wasn't proud of how he'd handled the end of their relationship, but he thought that, without Sam's feelings for Jason, Patrick never would have been able to rescue Robin. He wondered if she and Jason were going to have a second chance.

Sam was just happy that everything was "out in the open," and she added that everything else was "up for grabs." He felt that both Robin and Jason returning were miracles. "Not every miracle has good timing," Sam joked. She updated Patrick on Jason and Nikolas' fight, and seeing Elizabeth hugging Jason. She believed that Nikolas had started the fight. Patrick knew that no one could ever make Sam doubt Jason.

Patrick expressed how grateful he was for the time he'd had with Sam, and she agreed. She'd loved their "little family," and she told him that she missed him. He pulled her into a hug and repeated the sentiment. They tearfully said their goodbyes, and she left.

Elizabeth was ecstatic to bump into Robin at the hospital. Robin expressed how happy she was that Elizabeth had gotten Jake back. She also congratulated Elizabeth on her engagement to Jason. "Not anymore," Elizabeth broke to Robin. She admitted that Jason had broken off the engagement when he'd found out that Elizabeth had lied about his identity. Robin wondered how Elizabeth could have done that to Jason.

Elizabeth explained that she'd fallen in love with Jake Doe, and she'd taken him in when he'd had nowhere else to go. When she'd found out that Jake was Jason, she had been scared that Carly would drag Jason back to Sam. She knew that her actions had been "selfish and unfair," but she confessed that she would do it again. Elizabeth expected a wish of punishment from Robin, but Robin assured Elizabeth that she wasn't there to judge, and she hugged Elizabeth. Elizabeth explained that no one had known that Jake was Jason, but while the faces were different, Jason was exactly the same.

A short while later, Robin arrived at the bridge. Seeing that someone was there, she apologized and turned to "leave you in peace." "Are you Robin?" Jason asked. "Jason?" Robin called out in disbelief.

12/29 At the walking bridge overlooking Port Charles, Robin was startled when she realized the man on the bridge was Jason. He was equally surprised to meet Robin because he knew that she had saved his life, even though he had no memory of her. Robin was curious what had drawn him to the bridge they were on, but he didn't have an answer beyond needing a place to clear his head at place with a nice view of the city. Robin smiled as she explained the bridge was where they'd fallen in love. Robin told him about Stone and how he had bungee cord jumped from the bridge six months before he had succumbed to AIDS.

Robin admitted that she had known she was HIV positive when Stone had died, which in those days had been a death sentence. She acknowledged that she had made peace with an early demise in part because she didn't know if she could face a grueling and strict drug regimen of 30 pills a day. Robin explained that she had known Jason when he had been a Quartermaine, but their encounter on the bridge as she had contemplated her death had been the first time she had met him as Jason Morgan -- the boy without a past.

Jason expressed his frustration that no one seemed to accept that he was a different man than the one everyone remembered. He explained that all of his relationships were one-side because he couldn't connect with all the stories people told him about his life. Robin realized he was once again a man without a past, but things were different because she had a future, which she owed to Jason. Robin explained that she had felt compelled to always show her gratitude for the love and support of her family and the community by remaining positive, but Jason had allowed her to express her fears and doubts without any judgment, which had eventually allowed her to follow her dreams of becoming a doctor, wife, and mother.

Jason admitted Robin had helped change his perspective about things. She was pleased because she thought Jason was a great guy, but he disagreed and described himself as a "reactive, self-indulgent bastard" who had pushed the people he cared about away. He couldn't understand why they kept returning, but Robin chuckled and told him to get used to it. Jason shifted gears because he was curious why things hadn't worked out for him and Robin. Robin admitted that in the end, she hadn't been able to accept Jason's life as Sonny's enforcer.

Jason thought he was an "idiot" for picking Sonny over a life with Robin, but she insisted that he had simply been true to himself. She told him about their final goodbye on the bridge and how he had wished for her to be happy. Jason was glad that everything had worked out. Robin confided that she had always had faith in his future then kissed him on the cheek and left. Jason appeared deep in thought until he suddenly had a flashback of Robin talking to him long before on the bridge about having faith in his future.

At the Drake residence, Patrick looked at a Christmas ornament with Danny's handprint when someone knocked on the door. Patrick carefully set the ornament down and went to the door. Maxie was eager to visit with her cousin, but Patrick quickly explained that Robin wasn't home and Emma was fast asleep, recovering from jetlag. Maxie was delighted when Patrick added that Robin and Emma had been inseparable since reuniting. Maxie was curious where Patrick and Robin stood with each other, but Patrick insisted that it was complicated and too soon to make any decisions.

Maxie disagreed because Robin had been forced to leave and hadn't willingly divorced Patrick. Maxie thought the solution was simple if Patrick and Robin loved each other, but Patrick confessed that he was afraid of getting hurt again. Maxie reminded him that life was short and full of unexpected losses. She thought he'd be a fool to let a chance at love slip though his fingers.

Shortly after Maxie left, Robin returned home. Patrick told her about Maxie's visit, while Robin told Patrick about the encounter with Jason. Patrick thought it had been fate that Robin and Jason had talked about the future.

12/30 At the Drake residence, Robin greeted Patrick as he arrived home after dropping Emma off at a sleepover. They happily talked about their daughter's future and agreed that Emma would be a wonderful writer. Patrick mentioned that he had picked up a surprise for their quiet New Year's Eve at home. Robin was delighted when she discovered her favorite treat -- chocolate-covered popcorn -- in the bag he handed her. Robin admitted that she had a present for him, too, and handed him a perpetual calendar.

Robin explained that she wanted Patrick to see that they could have infinite days together if he wished it. Patrick's brow furrowed as he asked if Robin was saying what he thought she was. She smiled with joy when he added that he wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of his days with her and asked her to marry him. Robin jokingly asked if they had truly just proposed to each other. Patrick reminded her that it was a tradition, but she suggested that they give each other an answer at the same time. "Yes," they said in unison and kissed.

Patrick led Robin to the bedroom and made love to her. As the glow of the fireworks filled the sky outside their window, Patrick and Robin pledged their love to one another then wished each other a happy New Year.

1/5/16 At the hospital, Robin smiled as she exited the elevator. Patrick quickly wrapped up a phone call with Noah when he saw Robin. After a warm greeting, Patrick and Robin talked about the phone call. Patrick mentioned that Noah had asked for recommendations to fill a chief of staff opening at Berkeley because Noah was part of the election committee. Robin recalled that a roommate from school had moved to Berkeley and loved it there. Patrick admitted that it was a great place to work and live.

Sonny's smile turned to genuine delight when Robin followed Patrick into the room. Robin and Sonny exchanged an affectionate hug as Patrick and Michael left to give the two old friends time to catch up. Sonny was curious about Robin's health, but she assured him that she was fine because Helena had made certain Robin remained healthy enough to work. Sonny confided that he was tempted to put a hit out on Jerry, but Robin insisted that it wasn't necessary because Jerry had been sent to Steinmauer Maximum Security Prison.

Robin also reminded Sonny that she had taken an oath as a doctor, so she refused to let him kill anyone on her behalf. Moments later, Patrick and Michael returned. Robin announced that she had an appointment to get to and left with a promise to catch up with Sonny later. After Robin left, Patrick asked about the improvement Sonny had experienced. Patrick was eager to see if Sonny could repeat the movement. Sonny struggled, but after several seconds, he successfully moved his leg a fraction. Patrick smiled with satisfaction and confirmed that it was an encouraging sign. Patrick decided to run a few tests and promised to return with the results.

Robin approached Liesl's office and knocked. Liesl was impressed that Robin was on time and invited Robin to have a seat. Robin admitted that she wanted her old job back. A short time later, Patrick checked in to see how Robin and Liesl's meeting had gone. He was shocked when Robin revealed that Liesl had agreed to hire Robin, but for less money and without any funding for research because the focus of the hospital was on teaching. After Patrick and Robin left Liesl's office, they discussed their options. Patrick promised to support whatever Robin decided. "Go big or go home," Robin said with a smile. Patrick grinned as he agreed to "go big" with her.

1/6 At the Drake residence, Emma was curious why her parents had picked her up early from school. Patrick and Robin revealed that they had important news. Emma was shocked when Patrick and Robin explained that they had decided to move to California. Emma reminded her parents that their home was in Port Charles, but Patrick and Robin explained that they each had accepted a new job in Berkeley. Emma became upset at the prospect of leaving her friends behind, but Robin reminded Emma that there was a whole world outside of Port Charles while Patrick added that it would be an exciting adventure.

Robin added that Emma would only be a plane flight away from her friends, but Robin worried about Anna. A short time later, Anna arrived. Robin greeted her mother then gently broke the news about Patrick and Robin's decision to move to Berkeley. Anna was deeply disappointed as her eyes filled with tears, but Robin explained that it was for the best because Robin's career would never flourish at General Hospital. Robin admitted that she and Patrick also wanted a fresh start for their family.

Anna reluctantly supported her daughter's decision, but Robin surprised Anna by inviting Anna to move to California with them. Anna was tempted but admitted that she couldn't accept because Anna still had work to do in Port Charles. However, Anna promised to consider it once things changed. Moments later, Emma entered the living room, eager to know if Robin had told Anna about the move. Anna was shocked when Emma revealed that they would be leaving town the following day.

Anna wondered about Patrick and Robin's wedding, but Robin assured her mother that Anna could fly to California for the wedding. Emma objected to waiting because she wanted Mac and Felicia to attend and for Robin and Patrick to be married before they left town.

1/7 At the Drake residence, Robin and Emma finished getting ready for the wedding as Anna put the finishing touches on the decorations. Patrick entered the living room with an ice bucket for Champagne, but he warned everyone that they were out of ice. Robin suggested that he put the bottles of Champagne in the snow outside. Emma chuckled as she pointed out that snow wouldn't be a problem when they moved to Berkeley and got a dog. Moments later, Maxie arrived and quickly complimented Robin's knee-length royal blue dress. Robin credited her wedding planners -- Maxie and Emma -- for the fashion selection.

Next, Sonny arrived. Sonny explained that Max had dropped him off because Carly had decided to run a quick errand before the nuptials. Moments later, Elizabeth arrived. Elizabeth was surprised when she realized that she was attending Patrick and Robin's wedding rather than a farewell party. Elizabeth assured Robin that she would have gladly helped if she had known about the wedding, but Robin assured her friend that everything had been taken care of.

Patrick and Robin disappeared into another room to attend to a last-minute wedding preparation, while Elizabeth answered the doorbell. It was Jason. Elizabeth and Jason exchanged awkward smiles before Elizabeth invited him in. She apologized to Jason and quickly explained that she hadn't realized that he would be there. Jason assured her that it was fine and went to greet Sonny. Jason admitted that he was uncomfortable around the large crowd and intended to duck out, but Sonny insisted that Jason stay because Robin would be hurt.

Moments later, Robin approached Jason. Jason admitted that he wanted to leave, but Robin asked him to stay because she was eager for Jason to see the future that he had once imagined for her. Jason smiled and agreed. Nearby, Maxie panicked when she realized that she had neglected to arrange for someone to marry Patrick and Robin. Mac assured Maxie that it wouldn't be a problem because Mac had been ordained online earlier that morning. Robert jokingly grumbled about his younger brother always trying to get into the act as Anna and Felicia smiled.

After everyone sat, Emma walked down the aisle, sprinkling flower petals along the way. Patrick stood at the end of the aisle, smiling, as Robin appeared in the doorway, flanked by her parents. Robert and Anna walked their daughter down the aisle then took their seats. Meanwhile, Carly slipped in and set a box on the fireplace mantel before sliding into a seat between Sonny and Jason.

Mac began the ceremony, but Patrick and Robin each decided to say something to each other. Patrick talked about second and third chances at love and how Robin's love inspired him to be a better father and person. Robin's eyes misted with tears as she told Patrick how she had spent her time as a captive remembering all the special moments she had shared with Patrick and Emma. Robin concluded her short speech by admitting that she felt blessed. Emma was surprised when her parents turned to her because they each wanted to make a vow to their daughter.

Patrick started by promising Emma that he would do everything in his power to make life for Emma as special in Berkeley as it had been in Port Charles. Robin vowed to never leave Emma again and assured her daughter that they would live an ordinary, boring life without any of the upheaval of the past few years. Emma smiled with joy and returned to her seat as Mac announced that it was time to exchange wedding rings. Maxie groaned because she had forgotten to pick them up, but Patrick assured Maxie that it was fine. Patrick held out his hand to Felicia, who handed him a set of wedding rings. Mac officiated as Patrick and Robin exchanged rings. Mac happily pronounced the couple husband and wife. Everyone clapped as Patrick kissed Robin.

Later, the guests watched as Patrick, Robin, and Emma cut the chocolate wedding cake, which read, "Bon Voyage." Carly explained that she had thought it would be appropriate, since wedding cakes from Kelly's tended to end in disaster. After everyone received a slice of cake, Robin pulled Carly aside to thank Carly for the cake. Carly admitted that it was the least she could do because Robin had done so much for Carly by saving Jason's life. Robin confessed that she had never given Carly the credit that Carly was due because Carly was good for both Jason and Sonny.

After Carly and Robin hugged, Jason walked up to congratulate Robin. He admitted that she looked happy. Robin appreciated that Jason had stayed for the wedding. Jason confided that he'd had a memory of Robin, which had made him realize that she had been important to him. Robin regretted that she wouldn't get to spend more time with Jason, but she urged him to look her up if he was ever in California. Meanwhile, Patrick thanked Sonny and Carly for attending the wedding. Sonny was grateful for everything that Patrick had done for Sonny, including saving Sonny's life.

Sonny acknowledged that it was clear that Patrick made Robin happy, so Sonny wished the couple all the best. Nearby, Robin asked if Elizabeth was okay. Elizabeth promised that she was fine, but Robin knew it had been a rough few months for her friend. Elizabeth argued that Robin had had it far worse by being held captive, while Elizabeth had chosen to lie to Jason. Robin reminded Elizabeth that they all had made mistakes, but it didn't mean that Elizabeth couldn't find happiness. Robin knew how much Elizabeth loved Jason and was certain that Elizabeth would have the life that Elizabeth had dreamed of.

Later, Mac and Felicia prepared to leave. Mac said goodbye to his niece, hugged her tightly, and told her that he loved her. After Mac and Felicia left, Patrick helped Elizabeth on with her coat. Patrick admitted that he would miss working with Elizabeth and assured her that she would always be welcome to visit him and Robin in California. Elizabeth's eyes welled up with tears as she thanked Patrick for being a good friend to her.

After Elizabeth left, Anna pulled Emma aside to give Emma a plane ticket to visit Anna whenever Emma wanted. Meanwhile, Sonny and Carly said their goodbyes and wished the newlyweds well. Robin told Sonny not to give up hope because he had made tremendous progress with his recovery. Moments later, Robert helped Patrick carry the luggage to the car as Robin and Anna shared a final goodbye. After mother and daughter hugged, Robin looked around and recalled all the special moments with Patrick through the years.

**The End**

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