Robin & Patrick #20 NB 2013, October 1 - November 25, 2013: 8 hour original edit

DVD #20A4/5/13 On the red carpet, an entertainment television host introduced the viewing audience to Duke, sporting a kilt, arrived on the red carpet alone, but Anna and Emma soon followed, and Anna stopped to talk to the host. Anna confessed that she believed that her daughter, Robin, was there in spirit. Emma smiled brightly when she saw Duke posing for pictures, so she called out to him. Duke waved back at Emma as she ran towards him.

Later, Patrick joined his family at their table in the ballroom. Emma happily hugged her father, but noticed something on his collar. Noah smiled knowingly at his son. "Looks like you found her," Noah said. Patrick retuned his father's smile as he replied, "Yes." Lucy stepped onto the stage to officially kick off the 2013 Nurses Ball. Emma thought that Sabrina looked like a princess and invited her to sit with them. Patrick agreed and invited Sabrina to sit.

4/8 Sabrina sat with Patrick and Emma, who asked if Milo was still Sabrina's boyfriend. When Sabrina said, "No," Emma asked if Patrick could be Sabrina's boyfriend. Both Sabrina and Patrick looked very happy. Emma noticed Duke and Anna and asked if Anna had a boyfriend, too. After Sabrina took Emma away to get dressed for their number together, Anna gave her blessing to Patrick and Sabrina. Lucy introduced Emma and Sabrina, who did a cute song and dance number together to the song "Call Me Maybe." Patrick was entranced with his "pretty in pink" girls.

Lucy got serious as she said that the ball was held in Robin's honor, and she introduced Patrick. Patrick talked about the AIDS epidemic. He said that it was not over and that Robin had devoted her life to helping fight it. He told Robin's story. Patrick called Emma on-stage and said that they were grateful for the love that everyone had show Robin. He added that Robin's legacy lived on, thanks to each and every person who had contributed to making Robin's dream a reality. Britt walked up to the stage. Patrick asked what she was doing. Britt merely said that she wanted to add a few words of her own. Back in the hotel room, Dr. Obrecht watched Britt and looked at a photograph. She told the photograph that he would be a proud papa. A closeup revealed that the man in the photo was Faison.

4/9 In the ballroom, Patrick warily asked Britt what she was doing on stage. Britt claimed that his speech had inspired her, so she had wanted to add a few words of her own. Sabrina stood protectively close to Emma as Patrick quietly reminded Britt that the night was intended to honor Robin. He asked Britt not to make a scene, but Britt was confident that everyone would want to hear what she had to say. Sabrina tried to intervene, but Britt warned Sabrina that it didn't concern Sabrina. Sabrina disagreed, so Britt announced that she had great news. An audible gasp reverberated through the room as Britt shrugged out of her coat to proudly reveal that she was pregnant with a baby that she claimed Patrick had fathered. Nearby, Anna watched intently as Patrick tried to handle the situation.

Britt innocently explained that she had been caught up in the joy of the evening, so she had wanted to share her surprise with everyone and celebrate the wonderful news with Patrick. Patrick tried to contain his fury as Britt's eyes zeroed in on Emma. Britt insisted that the baby would be as beautiful as Emma then asked the frightened little girl if Emma looked forward to welcoming a little sister or brother. Anna dashed to the stage, while Patrick warned Britt not to talk to Emma. Anna ushered Emma off stage as Britt boldly announced that Britt and Patrick were a family now. Sabrina accused Britt of lying, but Britt stroked her slightly rounded belly as she assured Sabrina that the pregnancy was very real. Patrick decided to continue his discussion with Britt in private, so he escorted Britt off of the stage. Distraught, Sabrina ran in the opposite direction.

Anna and Duke took Emma to a dressing room. Duke tried to cheer the little girl up with a dessert that he had stolen, but Emma was concerned about Britt's startling news. Anna confessed that she didn't know if what Britt had said was true, so Emma wondered if it was because Britt was a mean person who lied. Anna struggled to find the right words. "Yes, that's why we don't know," Duke answered for Anna. Anna quickly assured her granddaughter that Emma would be a wonderful big sister whenever she became one. Emma confessed that she didn't want a brother or sister if it meant that Britt had to be her mother too.

Lucy returned to the stage and invited Sabrina to join her. Sabrina reluctantly went with encouragement from Patrick. However, Sabrina insisted that Emma had been the true driving force behind the Nurses Ball. Patrick carried his daughter on stage, so that Emma could thank everyone. Emma then wondered if Patrick thought that her mother was looking down on them, "I think she's always watching," Patrick admitted. Sabrina suddenly sang a touching song assuring Emma that Emma was not alone. Patrick joined in as the guests gathered around the stage and softly swayed to the heartwarming song.

10/1/13 Duke and Anna entered the diner and then sat down at a table as Duke confessed that working for Derek had been surprisingly easy. Duke admitted that it was as if Duke and Derek had worked together before. Duke's smile faded when he noticed how quiet Anna was, so he asked what was troubling her. Anna admitted that she wasn't good company because she had been thinking about her daughter. Anna explained that she had had a talk with Patrick about letting go and moving forward, even though Anna had been "utterly" incapable of doing so herself. Duke was surprised when Anna mentioned that Patrick had still been wearing a wedding ring because Duke hadn't noticed it before. Anna revealed that Patrick hadn't either until someone had pointed it out to Patrick. Anna confided that Patrick hadn't been able to take it off because Patrick hadn't been able to commit to life without Robin.

Anna confessed that she had urged Patrick to let go of the past for Sabrina's sake, but Anna hadn't had the right to do that because Anna hadn't moved forward either. Anna's eyes filled with fresh tears as she explained that she thought about her daughter constantly and that there had been times when Anna would spot a dress in a department store and go to buy it for Robin, but then realize that her daughter would never wear it. Anna realized that she had to accept that Robin was gone, but it was hard to believe that her daughter had died because a part of her felt as if Robin were alive and somewhere out in the world. Duke offered to take the rest of the day off to focus on Anna, but she rejected the idea because it was Duke's first day on the job, and she was swamped with work. Anna reminded him that she still had to track down Dr. Obrecht. "She needs to pay for the hell she caused, and I intend to make sure she does," Anna added.

At the Drake residence, Sabrina was curious what Patrick wanted to tell her about Robin. Patrick realized that they hadn't talked about Robin since Patrick and Sabrina had become romantically involved. Sabrina assured Patrick that it hadn't made her uncomfortable when he had talked about Robin. Patrick appreciated that. However, a big part of him hadn't been able to accept that Robin was gone. Sabrina knew what it was like to lose a loved one because she still had difficult days when she missed her mother. Patrick insisted that Sabrina was too kind because he still wore his wedding ring a year and a half after Robin's tragic death. He admitted that a part of him had been clinging to the fantasy that Robin was still alive. Sabrina feared that Carlos' comments had made the wedding ring an issue for Patrick. Patrick hadn't appreciated Carlos' delivery, but Carlos had made a good point by questioning how serious Patrick was about Sabrina. "How serious are you?" Sabrina quietly asked.

Patrick assured Sabrina that he loved her because she was beautiful, smart, funny, sexy, and kind. He felt like a hypocrite for holding onto the ring when he had urged Sam to stop using her grief for Jason as an excuse to keep from moving forward. Patrick regretted that he had sent Sabrina mixed signals because he was serious about her. Sabrina confessed that a part of her had wondered if Robin would always be first in Patrick's heart because of the ring, so Patrick admitted that he had been waiting for the right time to take off the ring. Patrick admitted that a part of him would always love Robin, but he had to make the choice to let go and move forward. Patrick wanted to live in the present with Sabrina, so he slid the wedding ring off of his finger and then placed it into a small jewelry box alongside Robin's wedding ring. After Patrick closed the ring box, he reached for Sabrina and then kissed her.

On Cassadine Island, Jerry Jacks entered the laboratory where Robin was working hard to develop a serum to cure him of radiation poisoning. He hoped that she had made progress, but Robin glared at him and then spit in his face. Jerry was annoyed, but calmly reminded her of their deal; she could return home if she cured him. Jerry announced that he had some incentive to encourage Robin to complete the task with the greatest possible speed and then held up a DVD. Robin was shocked when he revealed that the DVD was of the 2013 Nurses Ball. Robin recalled that there hadn't been any funding for the ball for years, so Jerry explained that Lucy Coe had raised the money to get the Nurses Ball off of the ground. Robin appeared skeptical, but Jerry assured her that it was true and then confessed that he had made an anonymous donation to cover the expenses.

Robin wondered why Jerry would do that, so he admitted that "on a global level" the vicious disease needed to be eradicated and on a personal note he had been worried about Robin's health. Robin pointed out that she was fine. "Thanks to me," Jerry replied. He reminded her that he had provided her with the cocktail she needed to keep her disease under control, but Robin argued that he just wanted her to stay alive long enough to develop a cure. Jerry shifted gears to ask if Robin wanted to watch the DVD, so she reluctantly put it into the computer's disk drive. Jerry warned her that there was a male strip show and then revealed that Lucy had lost her clothes "because of Richard Simmons, of all people." Robin was surprised, so Jerry admitted that it had made the whole thing worth watching.

Jerry quickly fast-forwarded the DVD to Patrick's speech about the reason behind the Nurses Ball. Robin's eyes filled with tears as she watched her beloved husband. "I love you," she told Patrick. "Worth pushing yourself a little harder to get home, isn't it?" Jerry asked. Robin ignored Jerry as an image of Duke and Anna appeared on the screen. Robin was stunned, so Jerry confirmed that Duke was indeed alive and had reunited with Anna. Robin realized that she really had had an encounter with Duke in the clinic. The DVD then showed Emma joining Patrick on stage. Robin's eyes once again welled up with tears as she looked at her daughter, who had grown since Robin had last seen her.

Robin was puzzled when she saw Sabrina on the stage because she didn't recognize her. Jerry revealed that Sabrina was the new woman in Patrick's life. Jerry warned Robin that Patrick and Sabrina's relationship was serious, so Robin needed to get home before it was too late. Robin's tears continued as she watched Emma ask Patrick asked if Robin was watching them. Sabrina stood next to Patrick as he assured his daughter that her mother was always watching. After Jerry left the room, Robin made a vow. "I'm coming, Patrick. I swear it," Robin whispered with determination.

10/3 At Kelly's, Mac and Felicia joined Sabrina, Patrick, and Emma for breakfast. Mac was curious if Emma had picked a costume for Halloween, but Emma confessed that she hadn't decided what she wanted to go trick-or-treating as. Felicia slid a ring off of her finger and then extended it to Emma as she suggested that Emma consider going as an Aztec princess. Emma's smile faded when she realized that the ring was too big, so Sabrina assured Emma that the ring could be resized.

Emma ran over to Felicia to hug and thank Felicia. Emma turned to her father, but noticed that he wasn't wearing his wedding band. Patrick gently explained that he had worn it to remember Robin, but he had put it in a safe place because he didn't need it anymore. Patrick admitted that he saw Robin whenever he looked at Emma and that Robin would always remain in their hearts. Maxie saw her family gathered around a table, so she approached them. They warmly greeted Maxie and explained that they had been remembering Robin. Maxie smiled nervously and asked to speak privately to her parents.

After Mac and Felicia followed Maxie outside, Patrick and Sabrina stepped away from the table. Sabrina worried that she had pressured Patrick into taking off the wedding ring, but he assured her that it had been the right thing to do. He had realized that he could honor his late wife and still move forward, so it had been his decision. Patrick was curious if Sabrina had heard from Carlos, so she revealed that Carlos had called her several times, but she had ignored the calls. She suspected that Carlos had gotten the message that she was happily taken because the calls had stopped. Moments later, a delivery person entered with a bouquet of flowers and a card for Sabrina.

In the laboratory on Cassadine Island, Robin fast-forwarded the DVD to pause it on images of Maxie and Anna. She then spoke into her recorder as she explained that Jerry would die if the next trial failed. Robin had no idea what would become of her, but she noted that Jerry had been holding her hostage for 289 days. She admitted that the little girl inside of her kept hoping for her mother to rescue her. Robin realized that it was silly because Anna wasn't a god, but she had always seen her mother as a superhero, so she expected Anna to burst through the door at any moment. Robin realized that some people became accustomed to imprisonment, but time hadn't dulled her ache for her loved ones. She confessed that she constantly wondered what they were doing and if they thought about her. Robin was particularly concerned if Emma remembered her. Robin's eyes strayed to the screen and froze the DVD on an image of Patrick holding Emma.

Jerry suddenly entered the laboratory and quickly turned off the DVD. He reminded Robin that she was there to work, so Robin assured him that she had been working all day. Jerry explained that he had given Robin the DVD as an incentive not a distraction. He warned her that if he died then she would be lost to her family forever. Robin insisted that the cure would take time to develop, but Jerry made it clear that it was a luxury that they didn't have. He insisted that she would join him in death if she failed. Robin was curious what guarantee she had that he would uphold his promise if she provided him with the cure. "My word," Jerry assured her. Robin reminded Jerry that he had nearly killed her before, so she didn't trust him.

Jerry explained that the shooting during the hostage crisis had been a means to an end. According to Jerry, he had been careful about the placement of the bullet when he had shot her, so he had given her a reasonable chance at survival. Robin wanted assurance that Jerry would let her go when she gave him the cure, but Jerry insisted that she would have to settle for his word. Jerry ordered Robin to get back to work and then left. Robin resumed watching the DVD and was stunned when she saw Britt inform Patrick that Britt was pregnant with his child.

In the outer room, Jerry stopped short when Liesl Obrecht entered. Liesl smiled and greeted Jerry, but he demanded to know what she was doing with a baby. Liesl introduced her grandson, "Cesar," and explained that she had liberated the baby because her daughter's plans for Cesar had been "inadequate." Jerry was livid that Liesl had risked everything by going to Port Charles to kidnap her grandson. He warned her that her daughter would not rest until the baby was found, which meant that Anna and the WSB would be alerted and track Liesl to the island. Liesl assured him that she had been deceiving more powerful women than Anna since Jerry had been in "nappies."

Jerry was not appeased. Jerry was curious if Liesl had ever heard of Skype, but Liesl argued that "little Cesar" had required more than a few digital images of his grandmother. Liesl announced that she needed a babysitter for her grandson, so Jerry made it clear that he would not do it. Liesl chuckled as she conceded that Jerry was many things, but not paternal. Liesl revealed that she had another idea. Jerry objected when she filled him in on her plans, but Liesl reminded him that she had been the one to hand Robin to him, so she could take Robin away. Jerry dared Liesl to try. Liesl refused to back down, so Jerry stepped aside.

In the laboratory, Robin was surprised when Dr. Obrecht walked in pushing a pram. Liesl invited Robin to call her Liesl, but Robin wanted to know why Dr. Obrecht was there. Liesl revealed that she wanted Robin to take care of the baby, but Robin refused to babysit. Liesl was surprised because she thought that Robin would appreciate having a roommate. Robin was stunned when Liesl revealed that the baby was her daughter, Britta's, son and that the father was Patrick.

Robin refused to believe it, but Liesl assured Robin that it was true. Liesl claimed that Britt and Patrick had been a good match, but Patrick had moved on to Sabrina. "Patrick had a child with another woman?" Robin asked. Robin insisted that it didn't make sense, but Liesl chuckled because Patrick hadn't been known for his fidelity and then gloated that her daughter was "very, very attractive." Robin wondered if Dr. Obrecht had helped Britt and if Britt had been involved in Robin's kidnapping. Dr. Obrecht explained that if Robin knew Britt then Robin would know what an absurd question that had been.

10/4 At the hospital, Sabrina bumped into Patrick and mentioned Britt's son's kidnapping. Sabrina felt terrible for Britt, so Patrick admitted that there was no telling what would happen to the baby because Dr. Obrecht was a psychopath. Sabrina doubted that Dr. Obrecht would hurt her own grandson, but Patrick reminded Sabrina of the horrible things that Britt's mother had done. Moments later, a nurse walked up to ask Patrick and Sabrina what the special occasion was. Patrick and Sabrina appeared puzzled, so the nurse revealed that Sabrina had received a bouquet of flowers.

At the nurses' station, Sabrina looked at the card that had accompanied the bouquet of red roses. Patrick guessed that the flowers were from Carlos, so Sabrina confirmed that they were. She read the card aloud. It declared that Carlos would not give up on Sabrina because she was the only woman in his heart, unlike Patrick who couldn't say the same. Sabrina apologized and assured Patrick that she would make certain that Carlos left her alone.

After Sabrina left, Sam walked up to talk to Patrick. Patrick congratulated Sam because he had heard that Danny had been discharged. Sam smiled as she admitted that it had been ages since her life had felt normal. She thanked Patrick for helping her by patiently talking to her and making her feel strong. Patrick insisted that Sam was strong, but Sam waved the compliment away and asked if there was anything that she could do for Patrick. Patrick assured Sam that it wasn't necessary, but Sam wanted to show her appreciation. Patrick told Sam that Danny's recovery was more than enough, but Sam was certain that there had to be something that she could do. Patrick glanced at the discarded bouquet of red roses on the counter and then jokingly suggested that perhaps Sam could help get rid of Carlos Rivera.

Sam was curious who Carlos was, so Patrick explained that Carlos was Sabrina's ex-boyfriend from Puerto Rico. Patrick quickly filled her in on Carlos' desire to win Sabrina back and his accusation that Patrick had been wearing the wedding band because Patrick wasn't over Robin. Sam had noticed that he had been wearing his wedding ring, so she had suspected that Patrick hadn't been as ready to move forward as he had hoped. Sam was curious why Patrick had taken the ring off, so he revealed that it hadn't been fair to Sabrina. Sam suggested that perhaps he hadn't been fair to Robin either. She reminded him that he had told her that Jason would want Sam to be happy and to find love again. Sam was certain that Patrick had been right, but she was also certain that Robin would want the same for Patrick. Sam explained that Robin wouldn't have wanted him to wear the ring to keep him tied to the memories and the loss of his wife.

Patrick admitted that Sam was a very astute woman. Sam smiled and then reminded him that he had encouraged her to let go of Jason and to find happiness. She revealed that she had gone out on a date with Silas, which had been a disaster, but it had given her hope. She appreciated that it was hard to move on, but she urged Patrick to follow his own advice. Patrick handed Sam the bouquet of flowers to thank her for the talk, but Sam smiled because she suspected that it was really Patrick's way of getting rid of Carlos. Patrick returned the smile and confessed that she was right. However, he also wanted Sam to have the flowers because she deserved them. Sam thanked Patrick and then left. Moments later, Patrick appeared sad as he thought about his wedding to Robin and the vows that they had exchanged.

In the laboratory on Cassadine Island, Robin held Ben as she confessed that she and Patrick had talked about having another baby one day. "But now he has you...with someone else," Robin added with a touch sadness in her tone.

Liesl Obrecht entered the room and cooed to her grandson in German as she took the baby from Robin. Robin's attitude towards Liesl was cold, so Liesl warned Robin that Robin's hostility might affect the baby. Robin demanded to know what Liesl was doing with Patrick's son. Liesl warned Robin that Robin wasn't in a position to ask, so she suggested that Robin simply be grateful that Liesl hadn't killed her.

Robin pointed out that the only reason that Robin was still alive was because Robert had stopped Liesl from injecting Robin with the deadly propofol. Liesl conceded that Robert's timing had been unfortunate, but Robin made it clear that Liesl had only gained the upper hand because Robert had been shocked when he had seen Robin. Liesl shrugged and insisted that everything had worked out, but Robin vehemently disagreed. Liesl warned Robin that Jerry Jacks was the only reason that Robin was still breathing. Robin was certain that Robert would wake up and tell Anna that Robin was alive, but Liesl doubted that Robert would remember the moments prior to slipping into a coma. Liesl informed Robin that Robin's only hope for freedom was to formulate Jerry's cure.

Robin refused to do anything until Liesl explained what Patrick's son was doing there. Liesl told her that the baby was important, even if Patrick wasn't. Robin didn't believe that the baby was Patrick's son because Robin couldn't imagine Patrick allowing Liesl to take the baby. Liesl laughed and admitted that she hadn't asked for Patrick's permission. Robin realized that Liesl had kidnapped the baby, so Robin worried about Patrick. Liesl assured Robin that Sabrina would comfort Patrick. Robin was curious if Sabrina was the woman that Jerry had claimed had replaced Robin. Liesl nodded and then confessed that she had admired Sabrina's single-minded focus in pursing Patrick. Liesl pointed out that Sabrina wasn't Patrick's professional equal or a beauty, but Sabrina had managed to worm her way into Patrick's heart. Liesl revealed that Britt was a doctor, too, but Britt was weak and principled, so Britt hadn't been a match for Sabrina. Robin was curious what Sabrina had done, so Liesl claimed that Sabrina had stalked Patrick and had used every opportunity to get close to him.

Liesl appreciated that it was a bitter pill for Robin to swallow and admitted that Robin had her sympathy. Robin didn't believe Liesl, but Liesl assured Robin that Liesl knew what it was like to have a rival. Liesl advised Robin to do what was most expedient to eliminate the competition and then confided that she had tried to remove her own rival, but had nearly killed the woman's boyfriend instead. Robin revealed that she had left Patrick a message urging him to move forward and to find love again. Liesl appeared skeptical and continued to prey on Robin's hurt by suggesting that Sabrina had gotten to Patrick by using Robin's memory and getting close to Emma. According to Liesl, Sabrina had gleaned the information about the Nurses Ball from Emma and had used the event to reel Patrick in. Liesl warned Robin that Robin didn't have a family to go home to because Sabrina had stolen Patrick and Emma.

Robin blamed Liesl for everything because Liesl had allowed Patrick to believe that Robin had died. Liesl pointed out that it didn't matter because Robin would die if Robin failed to cure Jerry. Robin felt sorry for Liesl's daughter because no one deserved a mother like the diabolical doctor. Liesl noticed that the baby had fallen asleep, so she announced that she had to leave. Robin wanted to know where Liesl was going. "To see someone I love as much as you love Patrick," Liesl answered. Robin went over to the microscope as Liesl started to leave. "Oh, my God," Robin suddenly said. Robin claimed that she might have discovered the key to saving Jerry. Robin asked Liesl to take a look at the slide because Robin wanted a second opinion, so Liesl agreed. However, Liesl frowned when she failed to see what Robin had been talking about. Robin picked up heavy beaker and then smashed it over Liesl's head. Liesl fell to the ground, unconscious, so Robin vowed to return home to Port Charles and her family.

Elsewhere in the Cassadine stronghold, Jerry looked at his cell phone as a henchman walked up with a tray of food. The guard assumed that Anna Donely had contacted Jerry, so Jerry revealed that Anna wanted more elixir for Sean. Jerry admitted that he wasn't inclined to help Anna because it was Anna's fault that Luke had ended up on Cassadine Island. Jerry put the phone away and then took the tray from the henchman. Jerry noted that Luke hadn't died yet, so he set the tray of food down and then sprinkled ice water on Luke's face to wake Luke up. Luke slowly opened his eyes and tried to sit up, but he was too weak. Jerry greeted Luke and then moved the tray of food to the bed. Luke immediately recognized the "Cassadine hellhole." Jerry conceded that the stronghold lacked amenities, but the atmosphere made up for it. Luke hadn't expected to wake up, so he was curious why Jerry hadn't killed him. Jerry confessed that he hadn't seen the point of wasting a bullet when the polonium poisoning was doing an effective job. Luke asked Jerry to let the guard take Luke somewhere to die, but Jerry refused.

Jerry suspected that the illness had made him soft because he had decided to make Luke comfortable until the end. Luke saw through the lie and demanded to know the real reason that Jerry wanted Luke to remain alive. Jerry smiled pleasantly as he confessed that he had decided to test the formula that the doctor was working on to make certain that the doctor wouldn't try to kill Jerry. Surprised, Luke was curious why Jerry's doctor would want to kill Jerry. "She's just not that into me," Jerry answered. Jerry started to leave, but Luke was curious what Jerry would do if the doctor's intentions were deadly. Jerry explained that the doctor had too much to lose. In Lucerne, Switzerland, Anna stood outside of Robert's room as she spoke to Duke on the phone. She explained that Holly had been called away to help Ethan, but Duke wanted to know if it was true that Robert was awake. Anna revealed that Mac was with Robert, so she didn't know exactly what was going on, but she promised to call Duke when she had an update and then ended the call.

Moments later, Mac stepped into the hallway to invite Anna into Robert's room. Anna entered cautiously, but stopped short in the doorway when she saw Robert sitting up in bed and smiling. "Hey, Sweetheart," Robert greeted Anna. Anna's face lit up with happiness as she approached the bed and hugged Robert. Anna admitted that she had been praying for Robert to wake up, so Robert reminded her that he would have never stayed away for long. Mac told his brother that life hadn't been the same without Robert, so Robert asked how long he had been in a coma. Anna revealed that it had been almost a year, so Mac added that Anna had been working hard to put Dr. Obrecht behind bars. Robert had no idea who Dr. Obrecht was, so Anna explained that the evil doctor had injected Robert with a near fatal dose of propofol. Robert became alarmed when Mac mentioned that Faison had been involved, so Anna quickly assured Robert that Faison had been captured.

Anna told Robert about the events that had led to Robert's encounter with Dr. Obrecht. Duke was stunned to learn that Duke Lavery had indeed been alive and had been held captive in the clinic. Anna was curious what Robert remembered, so he confessed that he recalled hearing voices from one of the rooms and had followed the sounds but he didn't recall what had happened after that. Robert was desperate to remember, but Anna and Mac thought that Robert should get some rest. Robert had a sense that he needed to remember something important, so he begged Anna to help him recover the memory. Anna recalled that she had found Robert alone in a room with a syringe sticking out of his chest and muttering 'We have to find her,' but Anna hadn't known what he had meant.

Robert struggled to remember, but the memory remained elusive. Anna urged Robert to rest and promised that they would try again later. Mac decided to call Felicia with an update. Robert was pleasantly surprised when Mac revealed that Mac and Felicia were married, so he congratulated his brother. After Mac left, Robert closed his eyes to sleep, so Anna quietly made her way to the door. Robert suddenly recalled bursting into a room and finding Dr. Obrecht looming over Robin who had been tied to the bed. "Oh, my God," Robert said as his eyes snapped open. Anna rushed to his side when she heard the urgency in his voice. Robert told Anna that Dr. Obrecht had their daughter.

10/7 Robin tricked Liesl, Dr. Obrecht, into looking at a microscope and then conked her on the head. Robin used Liesl's fingerprint to open the lab, grabbed Ben, and tried to escape, but Jerry stopped her. Jerry asked Robin how she expected to escape. Robin said she would activate the cryogenic chamber and freeze the cure if Jerry tried to stop her. Jerry said that it would also freeze Dr. Obrecht, and he did not think that Robin would kill another human. Jerry dared Robin to hit the switch. Robin did, but nothing happened. Jerry joked that Robin was more ruthless that he had imagined and that her parents would be proud. He told her that the cryogenic chamber had been removed to create the lab. Dr. Obrecht awoke and was very angry. She wanted to kill Robin and finish the antidote, but Jerry intervened and said that Robin would finish the cure. Robin and Ben were forced to return to the lab. Jerry told Dr. Obrecht that the cure would soon be finished, and their association would be over. Tracy overheard.

Robin pounded on the lab door, demanding to be let out, but no one responded. Ben started crying. Robin apologized for frightening him and soothed Ben's anxieties. Once Ben fell asleep, Robin went back to work. Tracy returned to Luke and told him that she had not been able to get to the doctor. As Tracy checked her gun, she said that the cure would find them. Luke realized that Tracy was planning to ambush Jerry. Luke was smiling as he complimented Tracy for being full of surprises.

In the Swiss clinic where he was recovering, Robert told Anna that Robin was alive and being held by Dr. Obrecht. Anna thought that Robert was delusional and refused to take him seriously. Robert told Anna that Dr. Obrecht worked hand in hand with Faison, who was more than capable of faking Robin's death. Anna remembered that Faison had mentioned not being able to fool someone whom Anna had thought at the time might be Robin.

Anna quickly rejected that notion, but Robert insisted that if Anna found Dr. Obrecht, she would find Robin. Anna said that Dr. Obrecht had tried to kill Duke and had recently kidnapped a child. Robert said, "Our child." Robert advised Anna to get back on the doctor's trail before it went cold. Anna said that she had to see Faison. She made a phone call and an appointment. Robert said that he was going with her because Faison had a hold on Anna. Anna said that she had nothing but contempt for Faison and could see him without Robert, who needed to rest and recover. Robert agreed not to tell anyone that Robin was alive until Anna and Robert had proof that Robin had not died in the lab fire.

10/10 At Kelly's, Patrick told Emma to eat her breakfast, but Emma wasn't interested in the food because she was "in the zone" coloring. Moments later, Elizabeth entered the diner, so Patrick and Emma warmly greeted her. Elizabeth noticed Emma's untouched food, prompting Patrickmnk to remind his daughter to eat, so Emma dutifully took a bite and then resumed coloring. Elizabeth showed Patrick the front page of the Port Charles Press, which featured a story about the jury selection for A.J.'s murder trial. Patrick asked if Elizabeth had visited A.J., so she confessed that she hadn't seen A.J. since the arraignment. She explained that she hadn't been able to force herself to go to the jail, but she missed A.J. because he had been a big presence in her life, and he had been great with the boys. Patrick felt bad that he hadn't been there for her because she had been there for him and Emma after Robin had died, but Elizabeth assured him that it was okay.

"Aunty Elizabeth? Did Daddy tell you what today is?" Emma asked. Elizabeth smiled when Emma announced that it was Robin's birthday and that Emma had made Robin a card. Emma proudly presented the card to Elizabeth and then invited Elizabeth to read what Emma had written. Elizabeth was impressed with the picture that Emma had drawn depicting Robin as an angel looking down on Patrick and Emma. Elizabeth read the note that Emma had written wishing Robin a happy birthday and confessing that Patrick and Emma missed Robin every day. Emma explained that she intended to put the card in a special box where Robin and Patrick's wedding rings had been placed for safekeeping. Patrick suggested that Emma show the card to T.J. because T.J. had asked to see it when Emma was done. Emma called out to T.J. as she scampered off.

Elizabeth admitted that she had wondered when Patrick would take off his wedding ring. She appreciated that it had been a big decision, so Patrick explained that it hadn't been fair to Sabrina for him to hold on to the past because Sabrina had been wonderful throughout the ordeal with Britt and the baby. Elizabeth suspected that Sabrina's ex-boyfriend showing up out of the blue might have influenced Patrick's decision, but Patrick assured her that Carlos was not the reason that Patrick had taken off the wedding ring.

Patrick explained that he loved Sabrina and had been ready to move forward. Elizabeth was curious how it had felt to take off the ring. Patrick's eyes welled up with tears as he confided that his connection to Robin felt stronger than ever and that he still had difficulty believing that Robin would never return.

Moments later, Emma returned to the table with a muffin and a birthday candle that T.J. had given to Emma to celebrate Robin's birthday. Patrick lit the candle and then invited Emma to make a wish for her mother. After Emma blew out the candle, she asked if her father wanted to know the wish that she had made for her mother. Patrick nodded, so Emma confided that "Mommy" had wished to return home to Patrick and Emma. Emma suddenly realized that she had left the card on the counter, so she ran off to fetch it. Elizabeth took the opportunity to ask if Patrick was okay. Patrick sadly recalled Robin's last birthday when he had surprised Robin with plane tickets to Tokyo, Paris, and Rio de Janeiro. Elizabeth smiled because Robin had told her about the special gift.

Patrick confessed that he had thought that he and Robin would have their whole lives to travel, but Robin's life had been cut short. Elizabeth pointed out that Patrick couldn't have known that, so she urged him to focus on the good times and how much Robin had loved him. She suspected that Patrick felt especially close to Robin at the moment because he realized that it was time to let Robin go. Patrick agreed, but he admitted that taking off the ring had been painful. Elizabeth suggested that it had been painful for Patrick because it meant that he was saying goodbye to Robin. Elizabeth suddenly noticed the time and told Patrick that she had to leave. She affectionately kissed the top of his head and then invited him to call her if he needed to talk.

After Elizabeth left, Emma returned to the table with the birthday card, so Patrick announced that it was time for Emma to go to school. Emma asked him to hold onto the card until they could put it in the memory box, so Patrick took the card. Emma gathered her things as Patrick looked at the angel on the card and quietly whispered, "Happy birthday, my love."

At the clinic in Lucerne, Switzerland, Robert left Anna a voicemail message offering her advice on how to handle Faison when she questioned Faison about Robin. Mac appeared in the doorway as Robert ended the call, so Mac wondered who Robert had called. Robert admitted that he had left Anna a message. Mac was curious where Anna had disappeared to, so Robert carefully suggested that Anna might have gotten a lead on a bad guy. Mac assumed that it had something to do with Liesl Obrecht, so he told his brother that Liesl had knocked out her own daughter to kidnap Liesl's newborn grandson. Robert hoped that an angel was watching over the baby, but Mac feared that Liesl would use the baby as a lab rat.

The conversation then turned to Robin's birthday. Robert regretted that he had missed many of his daughter's birthdays as well as her funeral. "Even though...," Robert started to say before he caught himself. "'Even though' what?" Mac asked. Robert managed to cover his slip by confessing that he wished that he had stayed to say goodbye to his daughter. Mac assured Robert that Luke had read the letter that Robert had written, but Robert was disappointed in himself because he hadn't been stronger. Mac revealed that AMFAR had asked that the funeral be taped because AMFAR had wanted to do a tribute to Robin, so Robert asked to see the footage. Mac pulled it up online and then handed the laptop to Robert.

Robert watched the funeral, which started with Mac talking about his niece's capacity for love and her unwavering courage. Next, Elizabeth spoke about how Robin had fought hard for what Robin had believed in and that Robin had been irreplaceable. Robert agreed. Mac's eyes misted as he listened to Patrick's eulogy. Patrick had confessed that Robin had changed his life by opening him up to a new world that included love and a family, and she had taught Patrick about compassion and perseverance.

Robert noticed the tears in his brother's eyes, so Mac explained that he continued to miss Robin deeply. Robert confessed that he had something to tell Mac, but then Robert suddenly recalled Anna's warning not to tell Mac that Robin might be alive because Anna knew what it was like to get her hopes up only to have them dashed. Robert decided not to put his brother through that, so he suggested that he and Mac focus on how Robin had been full of hope and had believed that anything was possible. Robert hoped that Robin could hear them, wherever she was. "Happy birthday, Robin," Robert said. "Happy birthday, Sweetheart. We love you," Mac added.

On Cassadine Island, Jerry entered the laboratory with a breakfast tray. Robin rocked the baby as she warned Jerry that the cure would have to wait. Jerry offered Robin incentive by revealing that he had a jet plane fueled and ready to take her home. Jerry handed her a glass of water, but Robin was reluctant to accept it. Jerry told her that she was lucky to have gotten anything after the stunt that she had pulled the previous day.

Robin refused to apologize for knocking Liesl out and trying to escape, but she was curious where Liesl had gone. Jerry informed Robin that it was none of Robin's concern, but Robin confessed that her interest had been piqued because Liesl had mentioned visiting someone that Liesl loved as much as Robin loved Patrick. Robin couldn't understand why Liesl hadn't taken the baby with her, so Jerry was curious why Robin questioned the motives of a "sociopathic" woman.

Robin shrugged and admitted that she was grateful that she had the baby for company. Jerry warned Robin not to become sidetracked from her work and then lifted the lid off of a plate. Robin looked at the muffin with a small candle in its center but appeared confused. Jerry explained that it was a small gesture to celebrate her birthday. Robin pointed out that she had no idea what day it was, so she was skeptical that it was her birthday. Jerry assured her that on that very date, Robin had been born across the Ionian Sea in Italy. He recalled that Anna had named her Robin Soltini to protect Robin from Robert and Anna's enemies and then had allowed Robin to grow up believing that Anna was a family friend. Robin sarcastically assured him that he would be her first call if she ever needed a biographer.

Robin knew that Jerry didn't care about her, so she was curious why he had gone through the trouble of commemorating her birthday. Jerry confessed that he had hoped that it would give her incentive to work harder so she could celebrate her next birthday with her family. He reminded her that if she failed to formulate a cure then she would die right along with him. Robin assured Jerry that he had threatened her enough times for her to appreciate the consequences of failing. Jerry ordered Robin to get back to work and then left. Robin lit the candle on the muffin, made a wish, blew it out, and then returned to her research. She was determined to find a cure so she could return home that very day. Later, Robin went to the intercom and demanded that Jerry get in the lab right away. Moments later, Jerry walked through the door, so she informed him that he would not die of polonium poisoning because she had the cure.

At Steinmauer Maximum Security Prison in Geneva, Switzerland, Anna approached the front desk to show a guard her identification. The guard checked his records to confirm that she had been granted permission by the WSB to meet with Cesar Faison, so Anna asked to retain her sidearm because Faison was a dangerous criminal. The guard agreed and then led her to a small room.

Moments later, Faison was led into the room in shackles. After the guards left, Anna took a seat. Faison smiled at her, but Anna quickly informed him that she was not there to reminisce. She explained that she had something of great importance to ask him, but Faison wanted Anna to know how much he loved her. Anna didn't want to talk about that, but he insisted that they could have been happy together if his plan hadn't gone awry. He was curious if she could forgive him. Anna held back her tears as she conceded that perhaps one day she could. However, it depended on Faison's response to what she had to tell him. Faison promised that he would do anything to make things up to her, so Anna told him that it was about Robin.

Faison was certain that Robin was never far from Anna's thoughts, especially on that day. Anna was surprised that he had known that it was Robin's birthday, so he explained that anything that was important to Anna was important to him. A tear slid down Anna's cheek as she admitted that it was unbearable knowing that she would never touch or see her daughter again. Faison quietly revealed that Robin was alive. Anna refused to believe it, but Faison assured her that it was true. She immediately demanded to know how he had kept Robin hidden. Faison admitted that he'd had help, so Anna wanted names. Faison admitted that Jerry Jacks, the late Dr. Ewen Keenan, and Liesl Obrecht had been his accomplices.

Anna confessed that she was familiar with Dr. Obrecht, so she knew that Dr. Obrecht would die for him. Faison assured Anna that he was fully aware of Liesl's feelings, but he insisted that he had never returned them because he had always been in love with Anna. Anna was certain that there had to be some attachment to Liesl after everything the doctor had done for Faison, but Faison was adamant that Anna was the only woman in his life.

Faison stood up and then slowly approached Anna until he had backed her against the door. Anna stood still as he leaned in to kiss her. After the kiss ended, Faison was filled with hope because Anna had kissed him back. "Yes, I did," Anna admitted. Faison was certain that she returned his feelings, so she conceded that she loved him. Faison smiled with satisfaction because he had been certain that she would love him once he had told her about Robin. Faison's happiness quickly turned to shock when the woman before him began to speak German and accuse him of being a dirty man. To his horror, she pulled off a latex mask to reveal that she was Liesl Obrecht.

Meanwhile, the real Anna Devane approached the front desk at the prison and showed the guard her identification.

10/11 At Steinmauer Maximum Security Prison in Geneva, Switzerland, Faison was horrified when he realized that the woman that he had kissed was not Anna. Liesl pulled off the latex mask with disgust as she spat a German insult at Faison. Faison was furious that Liesl had deceived him.

Meanwhile, Anna approached the guard's desk to show her identification and inform the guard that the WSB had cleared her to see Faison. The guard was puzzled because his records indicated that Anna had signed in thirty minutes earlier. Anna pointed out that it was impossible because she had just arrived, so she suggested that perhaps it had been a clerical error. The guard insisted that they were not in the habit of making mistakes at Steinmauer. Anna argued that an imposter had signed in, so she marched to the interrogation room with the intention of exposing the culprit. The guard immediately blocked her from entering the room, but Anna insisted that it was a matter of life or death that she question Faison, so she needed to get to the bottom of things. The guard ordered Anna to wait while he checked with his supervisor. Anna agreed to give the guard ten minutes to get everything straightened out.

At Steinmauer, Anna answered a call from Duke. He asked how Robert was doing and then told Anna about Olivia's vision. Anna hoped that Duke had told Olivia that the vision had been insane, so he assured her that he had. Anna promised Duke that she would not kiss Faison. "That's repulsive," Anna added. Duke pointed out that it was also impossible because Anna was at the clinic with Robert. Anna was forced to admit that she was at Steinmauer to question Faison about something that Robert had recalled. Duke wanted details, but Anna explained that she couldn't discuss it. However, she assured Duke that the prison was a high-security facility, so she was perfectly safe.

After Anna ended the call with Duke, the guard returned to inform her that he had talked to the guard who had personally escorted Anna Devane into the interrogation room. Anna insisted that the guard had been mistaken because she was Anna Devane. She decided to put an end to the confusion by confronting the person who had impersonated her. Anna turned to enter the interrogation room just as Liesl, disguised at Anna, exited the room.

Sabrina entered Patrick's office. Startled, Patrick dropped the tickets, so Sabrina stepped forward to help him pick them up. She saw the tickets to Paris and assumed that they were a surprise for her upcoming birthday. Patrick looked pained as Sabrina smiled with joy and promised to pretend that she had not seen them. Patrick confessed that the tickets were not for her. Sabrina's smile disappeared when Patrick explained that he had bought the plane tickets as a gift for Robin before she had died. Sabrina was mortified when Patrick revealed that it was Robin's birthday, so she quickly apologized for jumping to the wrong conclusion and then tried to make an excuse to leave. Patrick asked Sabrina to wait because he wanted her to understand why he had been looking at the tickets. Patrick assured Sabrina that he was ready to move forward, but he had been thinking a lot about Robin lately. He admitted that he had talked to Elizabeth about it and that Elizabeth had suggested that Robin had been on his mind because he knew that it was time for him to let go of the past.

Sabrina was curious what Patrick thought. He admitted that he wasn't certain that he would ever fully accept that Robin had died, so Sabrina reminded him that it was a process. Patrick felt bad because he knew that it wasn't fair to Sabrina, but she argued that it wasn't about her. She promised him that she understood that he needed to grieve, so he told her that she was amazing. Patrick confessed that he wanted to plan trips with Sabrina, but first he needed to let go of the past. Sabrina was surprised when he ripped up the plane tickets and then dropped them into a wastepaper basket. Sabrina assured him that it hadn't been necessary, but Patrick explained that he had done it for himself because he wanted to make plans with her. Sabrina smiled and told him that she loved him. He assured her that he felt the same, so Sabrina confessed that she had always wanted to go to Rome.

Jerry entered the laboratory to find out why Robin had demanded his presence. Robin assured Jerry that he would not die of polonium poisoning because she had the cure. She held up the vial of lifesaving serum as she demanded that he hold up his end the bargain. Jerry warned Robin that it would not be that easy because he needed to make certain that the elixir wouldn't kill him. Robin reminded Jerry that he had recently pointed out that she was not a murderer, but he argued that he had said that before she had tried to kill Dr. Obrecht.

Robin didn't know how to prove that she was telling the truth about the serum. "I do," Jerry replied. He explained that he intended to test the serum on someone. Horrified, Robin offered to take the serum herself to show him that it wouldn't kill him. Jerry argued that her HIV cocktail might protect her from the side effects of the serum. Robin wondered if he intended to poison someone with polonium to test out the drug.

"Oh, you do think the worst of me," Jerry groused. He revealed that he already had someone stashed in one of the bedrooms who had been exposed to the deadly toxin. Jerry explained that he intended to give the patient just enough of the drug to make certain that it wouldn't kill Jerry and then Jerry would inject himself with the remainder of the serum.

Disgusted, Robin realized that Jerry intended to allow the other patient to die. Jerry was unrepentant as he confided that the man's illness was advanced, so it was likely that the man would die sooner rather than later. Robin wanted to know who the man was, but Jerry refused to tell her. Robin shifted gears by requesting that Jerry provide her with a sample of his blood. She explained that she would be able to confirm that the serum had worked by comparing the blood sample to a second blood sample taken after Jerry had been injected with the drug.

Jerry agreed, so Robin helped him take off his jacket. Jerry was surprised by her eagerness, so she reminded him that she wanted to get home to her family. Jerry balked when she approached him with a needle, but she pointed out that she couldn't kill him with an empty syringe. Jerry conceded that she was right, so he sat down and allowed her to draw a blood sample.

Afterwards, Jerry collected the vial of serum and left. The baby began to cry, so Robin picked him up and confided that Jerry was a bad man even though Jerry was charming at times. Robin feared that Jerry might not hold up his end the bargain because she knew too much, but then scolded herself for thinking like that. Robin suddenly noticed that Jerry had left his jacket behind with a cell phone in it.

In Luke's bedroom, Tracy heard Jerry's approach, so she quickly took her place by the door and carefully kept her head down. Jerry barely noticed her as he entered the room and dismissed her. Tracy stepped into the hallway, but kept a close eye on Jerry as Jerry held up the vial and announce that it was the cure. "The moment of truth," Jerry said as he extracted a small amount of the serum from the vial with a syringe. Jerry tucked the vial into his back pocket and then leaned down to inject Luke, but Tracy walked up behind Jerry, pressed a gun to his back, and then ordered Jerry to hand over the vial.

In the lab, Robin held up the cell phone and walked around until the phone received a signal. She quickly dialed a number. In Patrick's office, Patrick's cell phone rang. He noticed that it was a blocked number but answered the call.

10/14 On Cassadine Island, Tracy got the drop on Jerry and forced him to give her the vial containing the antidote. Jerry quipped that Tracy would not kill him in cold blood, but both Tracy and Luke assured Jerry that Tracy would shoot him because Tracy held Jerry responsible for both Alan and Edward's deaths. Tracy ordered Jerry to fill the syringe. Luke held the gun on Jerry while Tracy injected Luke with the cure. Tracy took the gun back, and then shot Jerry in the shoulder when he lunged for Luke. Despite threats from Jerry that the guards would kill Tracy and Luke before they could get away, Luke and Tracy locked Jerry in the bedroom where Luke had been held, and they took off.

In the lab, Robin found Jerry's cell phone and called Patrick. Static marred the connection, and Patrick was only able to understand Robin's name before the connection was lost and Jerry's phone battery died. Robin got a thirty-second recharge using a baby blanket to create static electricity, a trick she had learned from Maxie. As Robin assured the baby that Patrick would soon find them and tried to call Patrick again, Jerry burst into the lab and said that the cure had been stolen from him. He ordered Robin to make another dose. When Robin demanded to be let go, Jerry said that their deal still stood. He would let Robin go when she completed the cure, and if Jerry died, Robin died.

In his office at General Hospital, Patrick could not believe his ears when he received a garbled call from Robin. When the connection was lost, Patrick tried unsuccessfully to get it back. Outside, Sabrina and Felix discussed Carlos and his attempts to derail the romance between Patrick and Sabrina. Felix encouraged Sabrina to look at Patrick's actions in a positive light, but Sabrina feared that every time Patrick took one step forward, he took one step back. Sabrina perked up when Felix suggested that Puerto Rico would be the perfect place for Sabina and Patrick to have an adventure and start new memories together. Sabrina's joy was short-lived, when an obviously distraught Patrick burst out of his office and told her that he had just had a call from Robin and had to tell Anna. Sabrina tried to convince Patrick that it was his imagination playing tricks, but Patrick insisted that he had heard Robin's voice as Sabrina held him and comforted him.

At the Swiss prison, Dr. Obrecht, wearing an Anna mask, left Faison's cell, and Anna and a prison guard confronted her. Both Anna and Dr. Obrecht pulled guns and insisted that they were the real Anna Devane. Anna was stunned, as was the prison guard who ordered both women to put down their guns. Both women appeared to comply, but when Anna let go of her gun, Dr. Obrecht shot the prison guard. Dr. Obrecht missed Anna, who ducked, and after a physical fight, Anna clocked Dr. Obrecht and removed her mask. Faison left his cell and complimented Anna on getting the best of Dr. Obrecht. Anna begged Faison to tell her if Robin was alive. Faison finally admitted that he had taken Robin as part of his plot to return her in his guise as Duke so that Anna would finally love Faison. Anna begged Faison to tell her where Robin was being held. He was about to relent when Dr. Obrecht recovered and knocked Anna out. Faison stopped Dr. Obrecht from killing Anna. Faison wanted to stay with Anna, but Dr. Obrecht pointed out that Faison finally had the heir he wanted and that the future was with Dr. Obrecht and his grandson, not with Anna. When a guard eventually revived Anna, Faison and Dr. Obrecht had escaped.

10/17 At the nurses' station, Patrick called Duke to find out if Anna was in town. Duke admitted that he had no idea when Anna would return from Switzerland because she had been "dealing with a situation." Patrick asked if it was serious, so Duke reminded Patrick that Anna could handle herself. Patrick agreed and then asked Duke to let Anna know that Patrick needed to talk to Anna about something important. Sabrina walked up in time to catch the last part of Patrick's conversation, so she asked him if he intended to tell Anna about the phone call from Robin.

Later, Sabrina handed Patrick a cup of coffee as a peace offering, but he assured her that it wasn't necessary because he had called Duke to let Anna know that Robin had called. Sabrina reminded Patrick that they had agreed that it would be wrong to get Anna's hopes up over nothing, but Patrick couldn't discount the phone call because he was certain that Robin had called him. Sabrina suggested that perhaps Patrick had merely heard what he had wanted because it had been Robin's birthday and his thoughts had been on his late wife.

Patrick was adamant that he knew Robin's voice and pointed out that he had irrefutable proof that someone had called him. Sabrina argued that it could have been a prank call, but Patrick couldn't imagine a kid calling from a blocked number to pretend to be Robin. Sabrina conceded that it was unlikely, but she insisted that it couldn't have been Robin because Robin had died. Patrick wondered who would have a reason to call him, pretending to be Robin. Sabrina insisted that there had to be an explanation and then suddenly tensed. She quickly changed the subject by claiming that she had promised to meet Felix, so she promised to catch up with Patrick later. She kissed Patrick and then asked him not to let the phone call get to him because Robin had loved him and would not want that.

In Lucerne, Switzerland, Robert limped around the room with the aid of a cane as Mac watched. Robert was eager to leave the clinic, but Mac suspected that Robert was frustrated because Mac had shown Robert the video of Robin's funeral. Robert insisted that he had needed to watch the video, so Mac asked why Robert was so ticked off. Robert recalled Anna warning Robert not to tell anyone that Robin might be alive, so he carefully explained that he was worried about Anna.

Mac pointed out that Anna could hold her own in the field, so Mac wanted to know what was really going on. Robert appeared on the verge of telling his brother about Robin when Anna suddenly appeared in the doorway. Robert cryptically asked Anna if she had talked to "the thing" about "the thing." Mac assured Robert and Anna that it wasn't necessary to talk in code in front of him. Mac claimed that Robert had filled him in, so Mac offered to help in any way that he could. Anna relaxed when she realized that Mac had been referring to the search for Liesl Obrecht, not Robin, so Anna assured Mac that she had things well in hand. Mac sensed that Anna was eager to talk to Robert in private, so he decided to check in with Felicia.

After Mac left, Anna closed the door and then revealed that Faison had confirmed that Robin was alive. Robert smiled with relief, but Anna warned him that Faison couldn't be trusted because Faison would say anything to get inside of Anna's head. She feared that Faison had simply confirmed that Robin was alive because it was what Anna had wanted to hear. Robert insisted that Anna had Robert's word for it, so Faison's confirmation hadn't been necessary. Robert assured Anna that he had seen their daughter and that Robin had looked directly into Robert's eyes as Liesl had taken their daughter out of the clinic. Anna was forced to break the news to Robert that Faison had escaped with Liesl before Anna could find out where Robin was.

Moments later, Nikolas called to get an update from Anna. Anna told Nikolas about Faison's escape but admitted that she had no idea where Faison and Liesl had disappeared to. Nikolas told Anna about Liesl's video message and Nikolas' suspicions that Liesl was hiding out on Cassadine Island. Anna assured Nikolas that she would investigate the island immediately, so Nikolas admitted that he had already landed in Greece. Anna reminded Nikolas that Faison and Liesl were dangerous, so she ordered Nikolas and Britt to remain in Athens until they heard from Anna. After Anna ended the call with Nikolas, she told Robert about Nikolas' suspicions. Robert insisted on leaving right away, but Anna objected because Robert hadn't fully recovered from being in a coma. Robert made it clear that he would go with or without Anna.

Moments later, Mac returned. Mac sensed that something was going on, but Robert and Anna refused to tell him about the possibility that Robin might be alive. Mac seemed resigned to being left in the dark, so he revealed that he had to return to Port Charles because there was a problem with Maxie. Anna and Robert expressed concern for Maxie, so Mac assured them that everything would be fine. After Mac left, Anna tried to dissuade Robert from going to Cassadine Island, but Robert refused to let their daughter slip through his fingers for a second time.

In the laboratory, Robin paced the floor because she didn't have any idea where to begin to make a new batch of medicine in time to save Jerry. Robin picked up the baby and admitted that she didn't have any reason to believe that Jerry wouldn't carry out his threat to kill her, so she was worried about what would become of the baby. She placed the baby back into the pram as the door opened. "My God, Mom?" Robin asked in shock as Anna appeared in the doorway. Anna smiled and then ran to embrace her daughter. Robin tearfully hugged her mother as Anna warned her that they had to move fast because there wasn't much time. Robin smiled with relief until Anna began to laugh.

"Do you think I'm here to save you, little twit?" Liesl Obrecht whispered into Robin's ear. Robin watched in horror as Liesl ripped the mask off and cackled that she hadn't been able to resist pulling the prank on Robin. Furious, Robin demanded to know where Jerry was, so Liesl revealed that he was recovering from a gunshot. Robin wondered if Liesl intended to kidnap Anna and then pass herself off as Robin's mother. Liesl laughed at the suggestion and then revealed that she had needed the mask to "procure" someone else. "Who?" Robin asked. "That would be me," Faison said as he stepped into the room.

Robin was visibly shaken when she saw Faison, so ordered him to stay away from her. Robin turned to Liesl and glared at the evil doctor with disgust because she couldn't believe that Liesl had helped a "psychopath" like Faison escape from jail. Liesl smiled with satisfaction as she made her way to the pram to retrieve her grandson, so he could meet Faison. Faison happily took the crying baby from Liesl and cooed to his grandson that they would accomplish many things together. Liesl insisted that the baby was the spitting image of his "Opa."

Robin was stunned when she realized that Faison was the baby's grandfather. Liesl confirmed that Faison was Britta's father, so Robin wondered if Patrick knew. Liesl was tired of answering Robin's questions, but she admitted that Patrick hadn't known about Britta's lineage. Faison played with his grandson as Liesl smiled with pride. She wondered if Faison regretted leaving with her. Faison confessed that he didn't, but he wished that it hadn't been at Anna's expense. Robin demanded to know what they were talking about. To Liesl's frustration, Faison filled Robin in on what had transpired at Steinmauer.

Robin was excited when she realized that her father had woken up from the coma and that both of her parents knew that she was alive. Liesl pointed out that Robert and Anna had no idea where Robin was, but Robin insisted that her parents would find her and that they would make Liesl and Faison pay. Liesl suggested that she and Faison take the baby to a more private setting, so Faison could get to know his grandson. Robin warned Liesl that nothing would stop Robert and Anna from finding Robin. "We'll see," Liesl snarled and then followed Faison and the baby out of the lab. Robin banged on the door and demanded to be let out, but the door remained closed.

10/18 At the Drake residence, Elizabeth wiped down the table as Patrick arrived home. Patrick felt bad that he had asked Elizabeth to babysit on her day off, but she assured him that she hadn't minded because Cam and Aiden were visiting her sister, Sarah. Elizabeth filled Patrick in about her evening with Emma, which had included a game that Emma had been competitive about. Patrick chuckled and confided that Emma always went easy on Sabrina when they played the game, so Elizabeth suspected that it was because Emma adored Sabrina. Elizabeth sensed that something was troubling Patrick, so he told her about the phone call from Robin. She pointed out that what he had described was improbable because Robin had died. Patrick agreed, but he admitted that it had hit him like a ton of bricks to hear Robin's voice, so he couldn't seem to let the incident go.

Elizabeth confessed that she knew firsthand how grief could make a person believe things that weren't real because she had gone through something similar after Jake had died. She told Patrick about a time that she had seen Jake in the grocery store and then admitted that the visions had continued. Patrick was curious how she had moved on, so she credited Cam. Elizabeth explained that she had called out Jake's name one too many times, and Cam had finally been forced to remind his mother that Jake was gone. Elizabeth had realized that holding on to Jake hadn't been fair to Cam or Aiden. Patrick added that it hadn't been fair to her either. Elizabeth agreed and told Patrick that he couldn't keep expecting Robin to walk through the door because it was beyond Robin's capabilities. "Robin's not coming back," Elizabeth gently reminded him.

Later, Patrick walked Elizabeth to the door and thanked her for sharing her story about Jake. Elizabeth explained that she hadn't wanted Patrick to feel alone, so Patrick admitted that it had helped him put things into perspective. Elizabeth urged Patrick to think about what Robin would want for him and then left. Patrick returned to the living room and fetched a DVD, which he put in the laptop's disk drive. Moments later, Robin's image filled the screen as she implored Patrick to find a way to be happy again. She reminded him that their daughter was still young, so she wanted Emma to grow up in a happy home. Robin begged Patrick to honor her memory by opening his heart to another woman. Robin was confident that there was a woman out there for Patrick who would love him and love their daughter as her own.

Patrick quickly closed the laptop when he heard Sabrina open the front door and walk in. Sabrina apologized for being late but tensed when she sensed that something was troubling Patrick. Patrick assured Sabrina that everything was finally right and then took both of her hands in his. "Patrick, what's wrong?" Sabrina asked with concern. "Marry me," Patrick replied.

In the laboratory, Robin worked furiously to try to develop another dose of serum for Jerry, but she knew that it was a fruitless endeavor because she would not be able to formulate it in time to save Jerry. She prayed that her parents found her before Jerry carried out his threat to kill her. Moments later, the door opened. Robin looked up expectantly, but Jerry entered the room. Robin immediately began examining Jerry to determine how advanced the radiation poisoning was, but Jerry pulled away from her when he noticed that the baby was missing. He demanded to know where the baby was, so Robin sarcastically explained that the baby had decided to escape through a duct. Jerry was not amused, prompting Robin to ask why he cared. Jerry avoided the question by accusing Robin of not caring about the baby because the baby wasn't her child. He suspected that Robin wanted the baby out of the way, so she could focus on her other competition. "Nurse Santiago," Jerry added.

Robin agreed that she wanted to get back to Patrick and Emma as well as the rest of the life that Jerry had ripped her away from. Jerry reminded Robin that it hadn't been personal; she had been a means to an end. Robin wasn't interested in hearing his justification because she wanted to get back to work on the serum without any interruptions from Jerry, Liesl, or Faison. Jerry was surprised when he heard Faison's name, so Robin told him that Liesl had helped Faison escape from Steinmauer and had collected the baby. Jerry was furious because he was certain that WSB wouldn't be far behind Liesl and Faison. Robin warned Jerry that the cavalry might have arrived already, but Jerry warned Robin that no one would save her. Robin smirked because he had underestimated her parents.

Jerry assured Robin that Robert and Anna were not on the island. Jerry decided that it was time for him to go home to visit his mother and brother one last time. Robin was hopeful that Jerry would let her go, but Jerry quickly clarified that he intended to carry out his threat. He pulled out a gun and aimed it at Robin, so Robin quickly revealed that she could still save him. Jerry didn't believe her, but Robin explained that the person who had taken the dose of serum could carry the antidote in their bloodstream. Robin was stunned when Jerry revealed that Luke Spencer had taken the serum and had left the island with Tracy Quartermaine. Robin wondered if they had been on the island, looking for her, so Jerry clarified that Luke had been searching for the cure because Helena Cassadine had exposed Luke to polonium.

Jerry decided to go to Port Charles to collect Luke's blood and then to kill the man, but Robin explained that one transfusion would not be enough to save Jerry, so they needed Luke alive. Robin insisted that it would be best if she went with Jerry to Port Charles. Jerry agreed to mull it over, but he had other matters to attend to first. Robin warned Jerry that time was of the essence. Moments later, Nikolas, armed with a gun, cautiously made his way into the outer chamber of the lab. He saw the light on in the lab, so he decided to check it out. Nikolas opened the door, but froze when he saw Robin standing in the lab. Robin turned and stared in shock at Nikolas.

10/21 Anna and Robert arrived on Cassadine Island and found Dr. Obrecht, who was unconscious. Robert woke her. When Anna tried to find out about Robin, Dr Obrecht denied that Robin was alive and instead ranted about Faison's rejection and about how Faison had refused to make love to Dr. Obrecht unless she wore the Anna mask. Anna used Dr. Obrecht's hurt to her advantage as she stoked Dr. Obrecht's desire for revenge against Faison. She also encouraged Dr. Obrecht's love for her daughter, Britt, and used it to find out where Dr. Obrecht had hidden baby Ben. Dr. Obrecht relented and sent Anna and Robert to the lab, but not before Robert knocked Dr. Obrecht out again.

Both Robin and Nikolas were stunned speechless when Nikolas opened the lab door. Robin quickly told Nikolas how Jerry Jacks had faked her death. Nikolas told Robin that Patrick had not sent him, but he was there to locate Britt's baby, Ben. He also told Robin that Ben was not Patrick's son and that Britt had lied about the baby's paternity. Nikolas wanted to leave Robin in the lab for her own safety, but she refused to be shut up there again and insisted on going with him. Sabrina was stunned by Patrick's marriage proposal. Patrick said that he was clumsy but sincere. Sabrina wondered what had changed in the few hours since Patrick had been convinced that he had received a phone call from Robin. Patrick said that he had spoken with Elizabeth, who had shared what had happened to her after Jake’s death. Elizabeth had told of how she had kept seeing her son and had wanted him to be alive, even though she had known that he was dead.

Patrick said that he had suddenly realized that he had been doing the same thing. Patrick added that even though he had received a phone call, there had to be some other explanation than that Robin was alive. Sabrina admitted that she had gone to Carlos and accused him of making a prank call, but he had denied it. She was unsure if Carlos had been telling the truth. Sabrina wondered if Carlos was the reason that Patrick was proposing. Sabrina told Patrick that he could take the proposal back if he wanted to. Patrick said absolutely not. Patrick added that he had been wallowing in grief and had not known how he could make it another day when Sabrina had entered his life and had brightened it. Patrick told Sabrina that she had made Patrick and Emma smile and had made him realize that he could have a life without Robin. Patrick got on his knees and told Sabrina that he loved her and wanted a family with Sabrina and Emma. Sabrina was crying as Patrick proposed again, and she accepted.

Robert and Anna got to the lab, but Robin was not there. They were disappointed until Anna found a photo of Patrick and Emma on Robin's laptop computer. Nikolas and Robin found Dr. Obrecht, who was still unconscious. Nikolas gave Robin a gun as he went hunting for Faison. Robin told Dr. Obrecht that she had won and was finally going home. Nikolas found Faison and Britt, who were struggling. Nikolas pointed his gun and demanded that Faison let Britt go.

10/22 Mac was startled when Maxie blamed herself for Robin's tragic death. He argued that Maxie hadn't been to blame, but Maxie disagreed because she had been so wrapped up in her own problems that she had yanked her purse strap free and broken the valve that had subsequently caused the deadly explosion. Maxie insisted that Robin wouldn't have died if Maxie had taken the time to properly pick up the purse. Mac insisted that it had been an accident, but Maxie remained unconvinced.

Mac reminded Maxie that Robin would not want Maxie to blame herself for the explosion, so Maxie admitted that she would give anything to have a few minutes with Robin because she could use Robin's sage advice. Mac gently reminded Maxie that they had to accept that Robin was gone and that nothing could return Robin to them.

At the Drake residence, Patrick kissed Sabrina after she happily accepted his proposal of marriage. He credited her with teaching him to love again, so he was eager to spend the rest of his life with her. Sabrina couldn't wait to share the news, especially with Felix, but Patrick asked her to wait because he wanted to buy Sabrina an engagement ring first. Patrick promised to take Sabrina ring shopping the following day, so Sabrina hugged and kissed him.

Emma appeared in the doorway and asked why Patrick and Sabrina were celebrating. Patrick picked up his daughter and asked her why she wasn't in bed. Emma admitted that the shadows on her bedroom wall had frightened her, but then repeated her earlier question. Patrick and Sabrina decided to share their news with Emma, so they sat the little girl down on the sofa. Patrick explained that he and Sabrina loved each other very much, so he was curious if Emma loved Sabrina. Emma smiled and hugged Sabrina to assure her father that she did. Satisfied, Patrick told Emma that he and Sabrina had decided to get married because they wanted to spend the rest of their lives being a family with Emma.

"What about Mommy?" Emma asked as her smile faded. Emma pointed out that Patrick was married to Robin, so Patrick explained that he wasn't married because Robin had gone to Heaven. Emma was curious if that was why he had taken off his wedding ring, so Patrick nodded. However, he assured Emma that she would get her mother's wedding ring one day. Sabrina asked if anything else was troubling Emma, so Emma admitted that she was afraid that her mother would be sad. Patrick confided that Robin had wanted him to find someone to love who would also love Emma, so he was certain that Robin would be happy. Sabrina admitted that she didn't want to get married without Emma's blessing, so Emma assured Sabrina that she okay with the wedding. Relieved, Sabrina hugged Emma and then snuggled on the sofa with father and daughter to make wedding plans.

On Cassadine Island, Anna was certain that Robin had been in the laboratory because the computer's screensaver was a snapshot of Patrick and Emma. Robert and Anna headed to the door, but Jerry Jacks suddenly appeared and blocked their path. Robert and Anna immediately aimed their guns at Jerry as Jerry took aim at Robert. Jerry recognized the Scorpios, so Anna demanded to know where Robin was. Jerry mused that they were in a standoff, so he refused to answer Anna's questions.

Robert, Anna, and Jerry exchanged threats until Jerry managed to gain the upper hand by waving his gun around and then firing a stray bullet at a cabinet. Robert and Anna ducked for cover as Jerry quickly stepped back to seal Robert and Anna in the lab. Frustrated, Anna paced the room. She hated the idea of their daughter trapped in the lab, knowing that no one had been looking for her. Robert distracted Anna by enlisting her help to find a way out of the room. Anna tried to override the panel on the door but failed.

In the main room, Robin sat in a chair, holding a gun as she looked at Liesl Obrecht's unconscious body. Robin gloated that she would soon return home, so no one could keep her from her family. Robin anticipated being reunited with Patrick and Emma the following day, so she was impatient to leave. She got up and started to walk around the room until she noticed Liesl Obrecht slowly regain consciousness. Robin waved a gun at Liesl and made it clear that she wouldn't hesitate to shoot the diabolical doctor. Liesl was curious how Robin had managed to escape from the lab, so Robin credited Nikolas Cassadine with rescuing her.

Robin explained that Liesl had made a mistake by sending a video message because Nikolas had recognized the background of his own home. Robin warned Liesl that Nikolas was not happy about the "squatters" who had taken up residence on his island and then revealed that she knew that Liesl's grandson hadn't been Patrick's son. Robin was curious who had knocked Liesl out, so Liesl admitted that Anna and Robert were on the island. Robin demanded to know where her parents were, so Liesl suggested that Robin check the lab. Robin decided to go to the lab, but she didn't want to leave Liesl behind, so she ordered Liesl to lead the way. "Not so fast," Jerry growled from the doorway as he aimed his gun at Robin.

Liesl smiled with satisfaction as Jerry entered the room. Jerry reminded Robin that he didn't have a lot to lose, so he ordered her to drop the gun, or he wouldn't hesitate to kill her. Robin reluctantly put the gun on the floor and then kicked it away as Jerry had instructed. Jerry turned the gun on Liesl and then asked her how Robin had managed to gain the upper hand. Liesl scoffed as she revealed that she had been knocked out by Liesl's "insipid" daughter. Jerry pointed out that Liesl shouldn't have been surprised that her daughter had shown up, since Liesl had taken the woman's child, so Liesl was more trouble than she was worth.

Robin assured Jerry that she wouldn't object if Jerry killed Liesl, but Liesl doubted that Jerry would kill her. Jerry admitted that it depended on where Liesl's daughter was, so Liesl told him that Britta was trying to get the baby away from Faison. "And I succeeded, Mother," Britt said as she entered the room with Ben cradled in her arms. Britt was stunned when she noticed Robin and realized who Robin was. Robin confronted the woman who had tried to pass another man's baby off as Patrick's son, but Britt was more concerned if Liesl had known all along that Robin had been alive. Liesl spat that it didn't matter and then asked where Faison was. Jerry was also eager to know where the "outrageously expensive and increasingly bothersome uber-criminal" was.

Moments later, Nikolas led Faison by gunpoint into the room. Jerry immediately grabbed Robin and used her as a shield and hostage as Nikolas pointed the gun at Jerry. Jerry threatened to kill Robin's parents if Nikolas didn't drop the gun. Faison perked up when he realized that Anna was nearby, so Liesl scornfully accused Faison of acting like an adolescent. Robin wanted proof that her parents were on the premises, so Jerry pulled out his cell phone to show her a live feed from inside the lab. Robin's eyes became misty when she saw her parents pacing the lab, looking for a way out.

Jerry made it clear that he was in charge and that he was fighting for his life, so everyone had to follow his instructions to the letter. Nikolas reluctantly put the gun down when Jerry informed Nikolas that the guards were loyal to Jerry, not Nikolas, so they would not help Nikolas. Jerry explained that he needed Luke's blood, so he decided that Robin would return to Port Charles with Liesl Obrecht and Faison. Faison argued that he couldn't go to Port Charles, so Jerry reminded Faison and Liesl that he had paid them millions for a cure, so he wouldn't hesitate to turn Faison and Liesl over to the WSB.

After Faison backed down, Jerry instructed Faison and Liesl to keep tabs on Nikolas and Britt in case they tried to alert anyone to what was going on. Jerry also expected Robin to keep her presence in Port Charles hidden until she developed an antidote and sent it to him.

DVD #20B Robert spotted a small recorder on Robin's desk, so he picked it up and pressed play. Anna's eyes filled with tears when she heard Robin's voice as Robin talked about trying to replicate the antidote for polonium poisoning to save Jerry. Robert showed Anna the digital timestamp of the recording. Her face lit up with joy because it was irrefutable proof that Robin was alive. Robert hugged Anna as he vowed that they would get out and find their daughter.

Jerry promised that Robert and Anna would be freed once Jerry had the cure. Robin hated that she would have to stay hidden from her family when she would be so close to them, but she realized that it was the only way to keep her parents alive. 

10/25 In the laboratory on Cassadine Island, Robert threw himself against the door, hoping to force it open, but instead he hurt his shoulder. Anna cautioned Robert to be careful, but he insisted that they needed to find Faison, get Robin, and leave the island. Robert sat down and rubbed his shoulder as he groused that it was hard to believe that someone with a name like Jerry Jacks had gotten the jump on them.

Anna was confident that someone would find them because the World Security Bureau was hot on Faison's tail. Robert didn't have a lot of faith in the WSB, so Anna assured him that Holly would search for Robert when she discovered that Robert had left the clinic. Anna admitted that she had told Duke about her trip to Steinmauer to talk to Faison, so Duke would put things together when Anna failed to check in. Robert made a sarcastic remark about Duke's criminal connections, so Anna informed Robert that Duke had gone straight. She bragged that Duke had worked for ELQ and had recently taken a job with Derek Wells. Robert tensed.

"Did you say Derek Wells?" he asked. Anna was curious if Robert knew Derek, so he muttered that he did and then tried to change the subject. Anna realized that Robert was hiding something, so she demanded to know what it was. Robert was reluctant to tell Anna because he feared that she would turn violent. Anna insisted that he tell her, so Robert revealed that Anna knew Derek Wells by another name. "Julian Jerome," Robert quietly said.

Anna recovered from her shock and demanded an explanation. Robert revealed that he had found Julian in the cabin and had thought that Julian had been dead. According to Robert, the EMTs had taken the body to the morgue, but someone had noticed that Julian had been breathing, so they had stabilized Julian and then taken him to the hospital. Shortly afterwards, Robert explained, the WSB had showed up to whisk Julian to one of their medical facilities. Robert had been told that Julian had had sensitive information that the WSB had needed, so the WSB had ordered Robert to tell everyone that Julian had died.

Robert told Anna that Julian had worked out a deal with the WSB, so the WSB had put Julian into a witness protection program, given him plastic surgery to change his appearance, and provided him with a new identity. Anna was hurt that Robert had lied to her and hated that Julian had been allowed to walk away a free man. Robert apologized for hurting Anna, but he had feared that she would try to hunt Julian down if she had known the truth. Anna doubted that Robert had kept quiet for her sake. Robert revealed that Julian's deal with the WSB had required Julian to stay away from Port Charles. Anna pointed out that Julian was in Port Charles and that Duke was working for the very people that Duke had fought hard to get away from.

At the hospital, Felix spotted Sabrina and Patrick at the elevator so he greeted the affectionate couple. Patrick and Sabrina surprised Felix by announcing that they were engaged to be married. Felix was thrilled for the happy couple, so Sabrina showed off her stunning engagement ring.

On Spoon Island, Nikolas realized that Robin wasn't with them, so he asked where Robin was. Liesl calmly informed them that Robin had seized the opportunity to escape. Faison immediately ordered Liesl to find Robin because he didn't want to risk Anna being killed by Jerry. Liesl's temper flared, so she blasted Faison for worrying about Anna. Liesl and Faison continued to squabble, so Nikolas decided to look for Robin. Seconds later, Robin entered the parlor. Nikolas was curious where she had been, so she confessed that she had gone to the terrace to look at the Port Charles skyline and then had realized that she could see General Hospital from the island.

Meanwhile, Britt asked her bickering parents to keep their voices down so they didn't wake Ben. Faison switched gears by demanding that he be given the master suite overlooking the cliffs and suggested that Liesl be dumped in the basement. Liesl quickly reminded Nikolas that she and Faison were in charge and called the shots, so if anyone failed to follow their orders then Anna and Robert would pay the price.

Faison and Liesl began to argue about whether Jerry would kill Anna or Robert first. Britt decided to take Ben to the hospital for a blood test to make certain that Ben hadn't picked anything up in Robin's lab. Robin insisted on going to the hospital with Britt for supplies, but Faison was certain that Robin hoped to bump into Patrick. Liesl accused Patrick of being a dog "like all men" because Patrick hadn't wasted any time finding his way into Britt's bed and then Sabrina's after Robin had died. Robin pointed out that she wasn't dead and then defended her husband, but Liesl was unmoved.

Liesl assured Robin that Britt could pick up what Robin needed, but Robin argued that Britt wasn't a researcher and wouldn't know what to get. Liesl threatened to call Jerry and recommend that he kill Anna if Robin left the castle. Robin immediately backed down, but Faison took umbrage at Liesl's threat to have Anna killed. Liesl and Faison resumed their argument, so Britt asked if Robin would be okay being left alone with Liesl and Faison. Robin assured Britt that she was fine, so Nikolas made it clear that if Robin was harmed then Liesl and Faison would discover that Nikolas was not so different from his grandmother, Helena.

After Nikolas and Britt left, Faison confessed that he was famished, so he asked Liesl to whip up her famous "aelplermagronen." "Whip it up yourself. See if you touch your tongue to anything of mine again," Liesl snarled and then left. Robin snidely commented that Faison clearly hadn't lost any of his charm. Faison was curious why Robin was so hostile towards him when they had once been friends. Robin disagreed, but Faison reminded her that he had once been her favorite writer. Robin argued that she had been a child and had thought that he had been P.K. Sinclair, the author of Grandmother's Fang and Horselords of Rainbow Ridge.

Robin bristled when Faison suggested that she had read his books to Emma, so she warned Faison never to say her daughter's name again. Faison couldn't wait to read his books to "little Cesar," but Robin assured Faison that Faison would be in prison long before the baby could sit up. Faison chuckled because he was confident that Anna loved him and that Robert wasn't a threat to him. Robin argued that her parents were more than a match for Faison, but Faison laughed because Robert and Anna were Jerry's hostages, while Faison was free.

Robin informed Faison that there was one person in Port Charles who would figure out what was going on because he was a close friend of hers. She explained that he visited the piers daily and watched Wyndemere closely. According to Robin, her friend was smarter than most gave him credit for and capable of putting a bullet in Faison's head before Faison even realized that he was there. Robin hated the path that Jason had chosen in life, but she was glad that he would be the one to kill Faison. Faison smiled as he informed Robin that he had killed Jason on Pier 52 by shooting Jason in the back and then kicking Jason's body into the water. Robin refused to believe Faison. "Google it," Faison invited. Moments later, Robin saw an article online about Jason's murder. She insisted that Jason wasn't dead because they hadn't found a body, but Faison pointed out that it had likely disintegrated because it had been at the bottom of the harbor for a year. Faison took delight in assuring Robin that no one would rescue her.

At the hospital, Nikolas and Britt arrived with Ben. Patrick saw them, so he approached Britt to check on Ben and to find out how she had found her baby. Nikolas explained that Liesl had taken Ben to Cassadine Island. Patrick was curious why Liesl had gone there, so Nikolas reminded Patrick that Faison had once worked for Helena. Nikolas claimed that Liesl had assumed that the island would be a safe refuge because no one had been in residence since Helena had died and Nikolas had returned to Port Charles. Patrick was curious what had happened to Liesl, so Nikolas told him that Liesl had managed to escape. Britt quickly changed the subject by explaining that she wanted to have some blood work done on Ben to be certain that Ben hadn't been exposed to anything dangerous. Patrick asked Britt to follow him, but Britt lingered behind for a moment to ask Nikolas if they should tell Patrick about Robin. Nikolas warned Britt that they had to keep quiet.

At Wyndemere, Faison bragged that it had been easy to kill Jason, but Robin reminded Faison that he had shot Jason in the back. Faison argued that a professional killer like Jason should have anticipated it. Robin's eyes filled with tears as she talked about what Jason had meant to her. She credited Jason with making her believe that she had a future when she hadn't thought it was possible. Robin had been certain that Jason would always be there when she needed him, but Faison coldly reminded her that Jason was dead. Robin's grief turned to anger as she advanced on Faison with raised fists. Faison fended off the blows and then grabbed her wrists. He liked that she was willful and spirited like her mother.

Moments later, Nikolas and Britt returned from the hospital. Faison released Robin, so Nikolas asked if she was okay. Robin tearfully asked Nikolas why he hadn't told her that Jason was dead. Nikolas apologized, but Robin cried that Jason had helped her to go on and had made it possible for her to love Patrick. Britt looked at Nikolas and asked him if they should tell Robin the news. Nikolas told Britt that it wasn't a good idea, but Britt feared that it would be too late if they waited. Robin demanded to know what they were talking about, so Britt revealed that Patrick and Sabrina were engaged to be married.

10/28 Outside Kelly's, Patrick met Maxie and told her about his engagement to Sabrina. Maxie said that even though the engagements was unexpected, Maxie was happy for Patrick. They discussed Maxie's baby dilemma and their mutual love for Robin. Robin tried to leave Wyndemere, but Nikolas stopped her and reminded her what was at stake if she left Spoon Island. Nikolas said that as soon as Robin created a cure for Jerry, she would be free to go back to Patrick and Emma. Robin was worried about "horrible" Sabrina moving in on her family, but Nikolas quickly disabused Robin of that notion, which Dr. Obrecht had implanted.

Nikolas said that Sabrina was a kind, caring person, and Robin realized that Sabrina was exactly the kind of person she had encouraged Patrick -- on the dvd she had left for him -- to find. The irony that she was not dead was not lost on Robin, who reminisced that it had been exactly five years ago to the day that she and Patrick had been about to be married, her water had broken, and Emma had been born. Patrick and Maxie shared the same recollection at the same time. Patrick covered Maxie's hand with his as Sabrina walked up to them. Maxie said that Patrick had shared the news, and then Maxie offered Sabrina her very sincere congratulations before leaving Patrick and Sabrina. Sabrina was prepared to be disappointed when she told Patrick that she wanted to be married soon. She was overjoyed, to learn that they were on the same page. She and Patrick kissed joyously.

10/31 At the Drake residence, Patrick, dressed as Indiana Jones, was buried beneath a mound of stuffed animals including snakes. Emma, sporting a "Dynagirl" costume, arrived to rescue him. Seconds later, Emma was joined by Sabrina, who wore a blonde wig and similar superhero costume. Sabrina reminded Emma that Dynagirl and Electrawoman were a team, so Sabrina and Emma worked together to free Patrick from the clutches of the stuffed animals. Afterwards, Emma asked her father if he liked their costumes. Patrick assured Emma that he did, but he confessed that he had hoped for another appearance from Sabrina's purple grapes costume. Emma liked their superhero costumes better, but she conceded that the purple grapes had been better than the nurses' costume that Britt had worn because it had been insulting to nurses.

Moments later, Elizabeth arrived with Cam and Aiden in tow. Elizabeth, dressed as Snow White, explained that she and the boys had stopped by Carly's house. Patrick smiled knowingly because Carly had a reputation with the kids for handing out the most candy. Cam and Aiden, dressed as Woody and Buzz Lightyear from Toy Story, ran over to sift through the candy with Emma, while the adults chatted. Elizabeth admitted that she had heard through the hospital's grapevine that Patrick and Sabrina were engaged, so she congratulated them. Elizabeth suddenly noticed that her boys were eating too much candy, so Sabrina offered to take care of it.

After Sabrina walked away, Elizabeth quietly asked if Patrick was truly ready to take the next step with Sabrina. Patrick assured her that he was and credited his talk with Elizabeth for helping him to sort things out. Elizabeth smiled and congratulated Patrick again. Meanwhile, Emma assured Cam that the "electrocom" on her wrist would protect both of them because she didn't want anything to happen to her new boyfriend. Cam swallowed nervously as Emma smiled, so Elizabeth decided that it was time to head out. Cam and Aiden thanked Patrick and Sabrina for the candy and then ran out of the door. Emma begged her father to take her to the hospital's Halloween party because she liked Cam and intended to marry him one day.

A short time later, Duke stopped by. Emma happily greeted her "Uncle Duke," but then frowned because he wasn't in costume. Duke explained that he was dressed as a "legitimate businessman" and then let Patrick know that he needed to talk to him privately. Sabrina quickly collected Emma to keep her occupied while Patrick and Duke talked. Duke quickly filled Patrick in on Anna's recent movements and sudden disappearance. Duke feared that Faison had managed to turn the tables on Robert and Anna, but Patrick cautioned Duke not to get ahead of himself. Patrick explained that Nikolas had recently rescued Britt's son from Liesl Obrecht, so Nikolas might be able to shed some light on why Anna had not checked in with Duke.

At Wyndemere, Liesl Obrecht was dressed for Halloween in a traditional German dirndl and braided pigtail wig. Liesl was in hot pursuit of Robin because she wanted Robin to get in the spirit of things and put on the costume that Liesl had handpicked. Robin refused and suggested that Liesl play dress up-with Britt. "I already tried," Liesl muttered. Robin made it clear that she wasn't interested in dressing up for Halloween, so Liesl dropped the costume on the back of the sofa and accused Robin of being sour and looking for reasons to mope.

At the front door, Lesley Webber, dressed as an old crone, gave Spencer, who had selected a Captain Hook costume, last-minute instructions on what to say when Nikolas opened the door. They rang the doorbell and waited. Moments later the door opened. "Trick or treat!" Spencer yelled. Faison, dressed as Beetlejuice, answered, "Trick." Lesley screamed in terror and then fainted when she recognized Faison under the makeup. Spencer ran to hide as Liesl and Robin rushed to the front door and saw Lesley on the ground. Robin immediately sprang into action to check on Lesley.

Moments later, Nikolas and Britt arrived. Spencer ran to his father as Nikolas realized that Lesley was on the ground. Nikolas demanded to know what had happened, so Spencer pointed an accusing finger at Faison and told Nikolas that the "bad man" had scared them. Faison insisted that Beetlejuice had not been bad, just misunderstood. Nikolas ignored Faison and asked Spencer why Spencer and Lesley were at Wyndemere. Spencer explained that he and his great-grandmother had wanted to surprise Nikolas. Liesl reminded everyone that they couldn't afford to have any witnesses, so Faison offered to take care of Lesley. Nikolas ordered Faison to shut up, but Faison bristled. "Or what? You will knock me over my head with your scepter?" Faison asked.

Robin warned everyone that Lesley was about to wake up, so Robin, Faison, and Liesl ran into the house to hide in the salon while Britt and Nikolas took Robin's place at Lesley's side. (Note: I included all of this next section as Robin stood at the door and listened in). Nikolas led his grandmother into the castle and guided her to a chair, so she could rest and get her bearings. He was curious why Lesley was in Port Charles, so Lesley explained that she had wanted to meet Lulu's new daughter. Lesley's eyes rounded as she suddenly recalled seeing Faison, but Nikolas assured Lesley that she had been mistaken; it had been Alfred dressed as Beetlejuice. Lesley appeared skeptical, so Nikolas told her that he would never harbor a man who had once kidnapped Nikolas' brother, Lucky, and had terrorized the town.

Spencer was curious who the two ladies had been who had helped his great-grandmother. Lesley perked up because she wanted to thank the women, so Spencer revealed that they had gone into the salon. Lesley stood up, intending to enter the salon, but Nikolas managed to divert his grandmother when the doorbell rang. It was Elizabeth and the boys. Lesley warmly greeted her two great-grandsons as they ran into her welcoming arms. Elizabeth was curious why Spencer had picked the Captain Hook costume, so Spencer revealed that it was because the Cassadines owned a lot of ships.

Britt stood in the background as Nikolas teasingly accused Elizabeth of expecting Spencer to have picked the costume because all the Cassadines were villains. "Not all," Elizabeth argued as she looked pointedly at Nikolas. "It's good to see you, Snow White," Nikolas replied. "You too, Prince Charming," Elizabeth returned with a soft smile. Britt pulled away from the wall to make her presence known. Elizabeth smiled politely and admitted that she had been happy to hear that Britt's baby was safe and sound and away from Britt's crazy mother. Britt returned a saccharine smile as she asked Elizabeth how A.J. was.

"Still facing a murder rap?" Britt asked. Elizabeth ignored the taunt as Cam ran up to ask if Spencer to go to the hospital's Halloween party with them. Cam bragged about his girlfriend to his cousin, so Spencer wondered who Cam's girlfriend was. "Emma Drake," Cam replied. Not to be outdone, Spencer announced that he had a girlfriend, too, but she was in Italy.

Elizabeth seized the opportunity to mention Patrick and Sabrina's engagement. Britt groused that Sabrina's joy had been "overflowing" as Sabrina had shoved the engagement ring in Britt's face. Spencer was eager for an answer about the party, so Britt confessed that she could use a night off. Elizabeth offered to take Lesley and Spencer with her, so Nikolas and Britt could get ready and catch up with them at the hospital. Lesley happily agreed and whispered to Elizabeth that Wyndemere gave her the creeps, especially since Alfred has an uncanny resemblance to Faison. Elizabeth shuddered and admitted that she never wanted to hear that name again.

Moments later, Nikolas and Britt entered the salon to announce that they were headed to the hospital's Halloween party. Faison remarked that Elizabeth had grown more fetching since the last time he had seen her, so Nikolas warned Faison to stay away from her. Britt noticed the costume on the back of the sofa, so Robin explained that Liesl had tried to get Robin to dress up for Halloween. Nikolas suggested that Liesl, Faison, and Robin retire upstairs for the evening because they needed to remain out of sight.

Liesl grabbed Faison's hand to find another costume for him to wear, since he had ignored her suggestion to dress as David Hasselhoff. After Liesl and Faison left, Nikolas offered to stay home with Robin, but Robin insisted that he go to make certain that Lesley didn't have any lingering questions about Faison. Nikolas agreed that they couldn't afford for the hospital's rumor mill to get wind of the information.

Robin stood outside, gazing at the Port Charles skyline. Nikolas quietly stepped out to check on her. She chuckled when she saw his costume, so he asked her how he looked. "I think you look like a dark prince," Robin answered to Nikolas' delight because it had been the look that he had been hoping for. Sobering, he promised that he would return as quickly as possible.

Robin confessed that it had been difficult to hear Elizabeth's voice and to realize how much the boys had grown. Nikolas agreed and admitted that he had been stunned that the boys had been talking about girlfriends. "Not just any girlfriend," Robin reminded him. Her eyes filled with tears as she admitted that it was hard to accept that she had missed a lot of time with her daughter that she would never be able to get back, so Nikolas assured her that she would soon be reunited with Emma and Patrick. After Nikolas and Britt left, Robin returned to the salon as she thought about the conversation that she'd had with Nikolas. Her eyes landed on the costume that Liesl had left on the sofa for her, so she walked over and picked up the mask.

At Wyndemere, Liesl and Faison entered the salon and discovered that Robin had disappeared.

At the hospital, a cloaked figure with a painted mask exited an elevator. The woman slipped around the corner and then lifted her mask. It was Robin.

11/1 On Spoon Island, Duke slipped into Wyndemere and called out to Nikolas. In the salon, Faison and Liesl ran to the bookcase and slid it open, so they could hide in the tunnels. Duke heard the loud noise from the salon, so he opened the door to investigate. Duke was surprised that no one was in the room, so he looked around to try to figure out what had made the noise, but he didn't notice anything amiss. Faison and Liesl listened as Duke continued to look around the house, hoping to find Nikolas. Eventually, Duke returned to the salon and noticed a small flowerpot on the floor. He realized that the bookcase wasn't completely closed, so he started to open it further, but "Anna" suddenly appeared behind him. Duke recovered from his shock and told Anna that he had been out of his mind with worry because she hadn't returned any of his phone calls. Anna claimed that she had been hot on Faison's trail, so she hadn't called Duke for fear that it would tip off Faison.

Duke was curious where Robert was, so Anna told him that Robert had returned to the clinic because he had needed more time to recuperate. Duke grabbed Anna's hands and started to pull her close, but Anna stepped back to keep some distance between them. In the tunnel, Faison quietly whispered, "Careful Obrecht."

Duke expressed his concerns about Anna's disappearance and sudden reappearance at Wyndemere, but Liesl deftly alleviated his worries by explaining that there had been whispers that Faison and Obrecht intended to kidnap their grandson again, so she had hoped to catch up with the villains on Spoon Island. Duke conceded that there might have been something to the rumors because he had noticed that the bookcase had been moved. Duke suspected that Faison might be in the secret tunnels, so he decided to investigate. Liesl tried to stop him, but Duke ignored her as he entered the tunnel. Moments later, Faison stepped around a corner with a gun aimed at Duke.

At the nurses' station, Robin spotted a framed photograph of herself with "In memory of" written across the top. Epiphany walked up behind Robin to ask if Robin needed help. Robin quickly slid her mask into place and then turned to face Epiphany. Epiphany sensed that the cloaked woman was lost, so she asked if the woman was looking for the Halloween party. Robin pretended to only speak Spanish, so Epiphany decided to take Robin to the party to introduce her to Sabrina Santiago, who was fluent in Spanish.

Meanwhile, at the hospital's Halloween party, Patrick suggested that "Dynagirl" didn't have time for a boyfriend. Emma argued that Sabrina rescued people every day as nurse and had time for a boyfriend, so Emma couldn't understand why she couldn't do the same. Moments later, Elizabeth and the boys arrived. Patrick was curious where Lesley was, so Elizabeth revealed that Aiden had had a meltdown from too much sugar, so Lesley had taken Aiden home. Elizabeth suspected that Lesley had been glad to leave because Lesley had seemed exhausted after an unsettling encounter with Nikolas' butler. Patrick and Elizabeth became distracted when Emma and the boys ran off. Patrick decided to follow the children while Sabrina lingered behind with Elizabeth.

Elizabeth warned Sabrina that Patrick would soon have his hands full with Emma. Elizabeth confided that she missed the days when all she had to worry about was being late for curfew, so Sabrina wondered if Elizabeth was okay. Elizabeth admitted that she wasn't in the party mood, prompting Sabrina to wonder if it had anything to do with Nikolas' date. Spencer ran up to his father, followed by Elizabeth, Cam, Patrick, Sabrina, and Emma. Elizabeth apologized to Nikolas for being late and explained that Lesley had taken Aiden home. Felix greeted Elizabeth and praised her Snow White costume; he remarked that she looked like she had been born to be a princess. After Felix left, Elizabeth complimented Nikolas' costume because she thought it suited him. Nikolas thanked her and admitted that Felix had been right on the money about the way Elizabeth looked.

Nearby, Felix, Patrick, and Sabrina were chatting when Epiphany entered the party with Robin in tow. Robin stiffened when Epiphany called out to Patrick and Sabrina. Patrick turned, but Robin quickly fled to the punch bowl before Patrick and Sabrina approached. Epiphany explained to Sabrina that the woman at the punch bowl only spoke Spanish, so Epiphany thought that Sabrina might be able to help. After Sabrina walked away, Epiphany congratulated Patrick on his engagement to Sabrina. She conceded that he had made his mistakes by getting hooked on pills and dating Britt, but Sabrina had been a wise choice. Epiphany was certain that Robin would be as proud of Patrick as Epiphany was.

At the punch bowl, Emma walked up to ask Robin about her costume. Emma explained that she was Dynagirl, so she was curious who Robin was supposed to be. Robin didn't get a chance to answer because Cam and Spencer ran up to ask Emma to play. During the commotion, one of the boys spilled some punch on Emma's costume, so they quickly fled. Emma began to cry, so Robin fetched some water and a napkin to clean the punch stain.

Moments later, Robin quietly announced that the stain was gone. Emma smiled brightly and thanked Robin with a hug. Robin held her daughter tightly, but was forced to let go too soon. Sabrina walked up and greeted Robin in Spanish. Emma happily announced that Sabrina was going to be her new mommy. Robin stood motionless for several heartbeats and then ran away.

Patrick checked on Sabrina and Emma, so Sabrina told him about the odd encounter that she'd had with the woman that Epiphany had asked Sabrina to talk to. Sabrina explained that she had spoken to the woman in Spanish, but the woman hadn't appeared to understand what Sabrina had said. Emma admitted that the woman had seemed sad, so she was worried about her. Patrick promised to check on the mystery woman, so he left. Sabrina told Emma that she loved her and admitted that what Emma had said to the lady had deeply touched Sabrina. However, Sabrina wanted Emma to know that Sabrina didn't want to replace Emma's mother because Robin had a permanent place in Emma's heart.

Nikolas noticed a cloaked figure brush past him and watched as the slight figure made her way to the door. He pointed the costume out to Britt and asked if it resembled the one that Liesl had wanted Robin to wear.

In the hallway, Patrick asked Erica if Erica had seen a woman in a long cloak and mask. "Exam one," Erica replied, so Patrick thanked her and headed to the room. Inside the examination room, Robin pulled off her mask and took several deep, calming breaths as she fought back tears.

11/4 At Wyndemere, Duke, who was fooled by Dr. Obrecht's rubber mask and her pretense to be Anna, explored the tunnels, and Faison confronted him. After a struggle, Duke wrestled the gun away from Faison and took Faison captive. Duke marched Faison back to the great room where fake Anna was waiting. Fake Anna tried to get the gun from Duke by guile, but he questioned why she was unarmed and had not gotten in touch with him. He asked why she had gone after notorious criminals without a weapon. In her attempt to convince Duke that she was Anna, Dr. Obrecht slipped up and her accent became apparent. Duke forced Dr. Obrecht to take off the mask, but when she taunted him about Anna, Duke turned his back on Faison who immediately jumped him, and they struggled.

At General Hospital, Sabrina tried to answer Emma’s questions about the sad lady in the blue costume and mask who had helped her. Britt and Nikolas realized that Robin was in the costume and feared the consequences. Nikolas took off quickly to find Robin and get her back to Wyndemere. Patrick knocked on the door of the room where Robin had fled. Robin replaced her mask as Patrick opened it a crack and tried to thank Robin for helping Emma.

Before Patrick could open the door further, Nikolas stopped him and said that the woman who had helped Emma was Ruta, the nanny he had hired to help out with Spencer and Ben. Patrick accepted the explanation that Nikolas gave him and left Nikolas to speak with Ruta. Nikolas warned Robin that she had taken a very risky action. Robin said it had been worth it to hear Patrick's voice and to see him and Emma. Robin noted how sad Patrick looked, and Nikolas said that Patrick had mourned Robin and still mourned her. Nikolas assured Robin that she had to think about her parents, but Robin pointed out that Anna and Robert might already have escaped from Jerry. Nikolas finally convinced Robin to wait a little longer, and she agreed to remain hidden. He hurried her toward the elevator.

Emma and Sabrina caught up with Patrick, who still had some questions after Emma told him that the sad woman in blue had spoken to her in English. Patrick, with Sabrina and Emma in tow, stopped Ruta and Nikolas at the elevator. When Patrick asked about the English, Nikolas explained that he had taught that phrase to Ruta so that she could comfort Spencer. Sabrina was satisfied, but Patrick was not. Patrick was about to grill Nikolas and Ruta further when Britt arrived with Ben. She told Nikolas that Ben was tired and needed to go home. Nikolas hurried his group to the elevator. Before Ruta boarded, she gave Emma a long hug. Patrick separated them, and Nikolas guided Robin onto the elevator. As they left, Patrick wondered why Nikolas would lie. Sabrina questioned why it mattered to Patrick. Patrick agreed that it should not, and they all held hands and returned to the party.

When Robin, Nikolas, and Britt returned to Wyndemere, Faison and Dr. Obrecht were out of the costumes that they had worn earlier and were sitting on the couch. They threatened to call Jerry and advise him that Robin had broken his rules, but Robin assured them that she had worn the costume that Dr. Obrecht had given her earlier and that Robin had not been recognized. Robin told them to stop worrying and to stop threatening. Faison agreed that he did not want to hurt anyone. Meanwhile, Duke was supine in the tunnels, either dead or unconscious.

11/14 At Wyndemere, Robin told Nikolas that she was eager to be reunited with Patrick and Emma, so she had worked through the night to figure out a way to isolate the cure from Luke's blood to give to Jerry. She confessed that it had been difficult for her not to rip off her mask and to reveal herself when Emma had hugged her during the Halloween party, so she was tired of waiting. Nikolas appreciated that Robin loved her husband and daughter and was anxious to be with them, but he pointed out that she had taken a risk by slipping into the hospital because Jerry wouldn't hesitate to kill Robert and Anna.

Robin assured Nikolas that Faison and Liesl kept close watch, so it would be next to impossible for her to sneak away again, but she found it disturbing that Faison had been skulking outside of her bedroom. Concerned, Nikolas asked if Faison had been bothering her. Robin explained that Faison's mere presence was unsettling because it was a constant reminder that Faison's "rodent" face had been the first face that she had seen when she woke up after the explosion. Nikolas assured Robin that her ordeal would soon be over, but Robin worried that Patrick would marry Sabrina before Robin could get to him. Nikolas revealed that he might be able to help because he had discovered that Luke had scheduled a doctor's appointment.

In the parlor, Britt was startled when she saw her mother appear to walk through a wall. Liesl was surprised that Nikolas hadn't told Britt about the secret passage that led to a labyrinth of catacombs around Spoon Island. Britt wanted to know what Liesl had been doing in the secret passage, so Liesl claimed that Faison had taken Liesl for a stroll down memory lane because Faison had once resided in the underground network. "Ah, along with the rats. I couldn't think of a better place for him," Britt grumbled.

Liesl resented the nasty remark and admitted that she wasn't surprised that Patrick had grown to despise Britt, which had forced Britt to search the hospital's lab for another father. Britt's expression briefly clouded with guilt, but she hid it behind a mask of indifference as she faced her mother. Britt pointed out that Liesl and Faison had been estranged, so she was curious what had changed. Liesl smiled as she explained that she and Faison were a part of each other, so a disagreement couldn't keep them apart for long. Britt realized that her mother was lying, but Liesl denied it.

Britt was curious why Faison wasn't with Liesl, so Liesl claimed that Faison had wanted to stay in the catacombs for a while longer. Britt suspected that something else was going on, so she decided to track down her father to find out what Liesl and Faison were really up to. However, before Britt could enter the secret passage, Nikolas and Robin entered the parlor to announce that they needed Britt's help and that it would involve Ben's "deadbeat" father.

Nikolas and Robin quickly filled Britt in on Luke's appointment and explained what they needed her to do, so she decided to check on Ben and then make the call to Brad. After Britt left, Nikolas pointed out that if everything worked out, Liesl and "Gandalf the great" would soon be gone. "And I will be home," Robin added. Liesl cautioned Robin not to get ahead of herself because Robin had been gone for a long time. Liesl suggested that Patrick might choose Sabrina over Robin, but Robin argued that Patrick was Robin's soul mate.

Robin insisted that no one could get in the way of that. Liesl thought that it was a romantic notion, but she reminded Robin that Patrick had slept with Britt mere months after the explosion and Robin's supposed death. Nikolas stepped in to remind Robin not to listen to Liesl because Liesl was bitter that Faison couldn't stand the sight of her. Liesl pointed out that no one could deny that Patrick had connected with Britt through the baby and that he had been devastated when he had found out that Britt's baby hadn't been his son.

At Wyndemere, Britt confirmed that Luke's blood was in the lab. Pleased, Robin turned to leave with the intention of heading to the hospital, but Liesl stopped her. Liesl reminded Robin that no one could know that Robin was alive until Jerry had the cure or else Robert and Anna would die. Robin pointed out that she needed access to special equipment to process the blood sample, so Liesl suggested that Nikolas order what Robin needed. Robin argued that they didn't have time for that. Liesl acquiesced, but reminded Robin that Robert and Anna's lives were at stake if Robin were to make a mistake. Nikolas asked Britt to call Brad back with instructions and then left with Robin.

Nikolas and Robin arrived at the lab. Robin was dressed in hospital scrubs and had a surgical mask that covered most of her face and a cap to hide her hair. Nikolas asked where Luke's blood sample was, so Brad pointed to the nearby table and microscope. Robin immediately went to work, but Brad objected because he had no idea who she was. Nikolas was disgusted that Brad was more concerned about the woman in the lab than Brad's own son, so he ordered Brad to stand guard outside of the lab and to make certain that no one entered.

After Brad left, Nikolas closed the door, so Robin took off the surgical mask and cap. Nikolas noticed that Robin looked troubled, so she explained that the lab had been the last place that Patrick had seen her alive. Nikolas was concerned about Robin, but she assured him that she would be fine. Nikolas left the lab with a promise to return soon and then stopped to remind Brad not to let anyone into the lab.

In the lab, Robin worked on the blood sample, but her thoughts were on the moments before the explosion when she and Patrick had said goodbye.

At the Drake residence, Patrick and Sabrina surprised Emma with a long white dress that they wanted her to wear for their wedding. Emma was delighted when they revealed that they intended to get married the following week, so they had booked the church, sent the invitations, and had made arrangements for the reception. Emma wondered if Spencer and Cameron would be at the wedding. Sabrina was curious if Emma wanted them there, so Emma admitted that she didn't because the boys would spill punch on her again.

Emma talked about the nice lady who had cleaned her outfit at the Halloween party. Sabrina reminded Patrick that Emma had been referring to the woman who hadn't spoken any English, but Emma told them that the lady had spoken English to her. Patrick explained that the woman was Spencer's nanny and that she only spoke a little English. Emma lit up with delight and asked if Patrick could take her to Wyndemere, so she could thank the lady for helping her.

Patrick explained that he had to go to work, so Emma asked if Sabrina would take her. Sabrina didn't have a chance to answer because Felix arrived with wedding dresses for Sabrina to try on. Felix quickly hustled Patrick out of the door and then carried the dresses into the house, so Emma dashed off to try on her flower girl dress. Later, Emma modeled her dress. Felix and Sabrina agreed that Emma looked lovely. Next, Sabrina tried on the wedding dresses that Felix had picked up. Felix and Emma weren't impressed with any of the dresses. Discouraged, Sabrina didn't know what to do. Emma slipped out of the room for several minutes and then returned with Patrick and Robin's wedding picture to suggest that Sabrina wear Emma's mother's wedding gown. Sabrina gently explained that the dress was for Emma to wear when Emma got married.

Sabrina confessed that she had always dreamed of wearing her own mother's wedding gown, so Felix asked if Sabrina had a picture of it because he might be able to find one that looked similar to the one that Sabrina's mother had worn. Sabrina revealed that she didn't have any pictures of her mother because Sabrina's father had put all of the pictures away. Emma was curious why, so Sabrina explained that her mother had died when Sabrina had been a young girl and that her father had been sad. Emma realized that was why Sabrina understood that no one could ever replace her mother. Sabrina promised to take good care of Emma because she loved her, so Emma assured Sabrina that she believed her and loved Sabrina too. Moments later, Felix decided to leave, but he promised to find Sabrina's wedding dress. On the porch, Felix called Brad to ask Brad to meet him because Felix needed his help.

Luke and Tracy bumped into Patrick at the nurses' station. Tracy made some caustic remarks about the hospital's decision to fire Monica and then admitted that it was good to see a familiar face. Patrick smiled as he greeted Tracy. "I see you finally got the daughter you always wanted," Patrick quipped. Luke and Tracy chuckled. Tracy explained that they had been waiting to talk to Dr. Beckett. Patrick revealed that the doctor had been called into surgery, so he offered to help Tracy and Luke. Tracy revealed that Luke had met a doctor who had spent eighteen months working on a cure for polonium poisoning and that Luke had taken the serum. Patrick hadn't heard about the doctor's work, but if the serum had worked then Patrick wanted to meet the doctor.

Tracy and Luke quickly explained that the doctor was in another country and preferred to keep a low profile. However, Tracy was eager to find out if Luke had been cured. Patrick offered to collect a sample of Luke's blood, but Tracy revealed that Ellie had already taken it. Tracy asked Patrick to go to the lab to check on the results, so Patrick agreed. Luke and Tracy went to the waiting area and played with Connie as they talked. Tracy confessed that Patrick had been right; she had always wanted a daughter. Tracy revealed that being Lulu's stepmother had been the most rewarding experience of her life, so Luke warned Tracy that it wasn't over because Lulu might need Tracy if things didn't work out in court.

Meanwhile, Patrick rounded the corner and approached the lab.

11/15 At Wyndemere in the catacombs, an unconscious Duke had been bound, gagged, and secured to a pipe. Faison entered the cavern and threw a bucket of cold water on Duke as he ordered Duke to wake up. Duke's sputtered around the gag and glared at Faison. Faison suggested that Duke get used to being Faison's prisoner because it wouldn't change anytime soon. Duke made a muffled vow to kill Faison with his bare hands, so Faison decided to remove the gag. Duke immediately called for help, but Faison revealed that no one could hear Duke. Duke began to threaten Faison, so Faison slid Duke's gag back into place and told Duke that he should have stayed out of Faison's affairs and away from Anna. Moments later, Liesl entered the cavern with the tray of food. Faison was annoyed that it had taken her so long, so she explained that she had been trying to satisfy their suspicious daughter's curiosity. She warned Faison that they couldn't keep Duke hidden much longer, but Faison barked that it wouldn't have been a problem if Liesl had given him a son. "I'll forward your complaint to your sperm," Liesl replied with a sneer.

"You're both mad as hatters," Duke said. Faison looked at the tray of food with disgust and informed Liesl that he wanted his prisoner to be well fed. Liesl argued that Duke could expose them, so they should "eliminate" Duke, but Faison made it clear that Duke was not to be harmed. Liesl disagreed and lunged at Duke with a knife, but Faison quickly sprang into action and restrained her before the knife reached its target.

Liesl insisted that Duke's life didn't serve any purpose, but Duke disagreed. Duke explained that Faison wanted Duke alive to get to Anna because Faison was more obsessed than ever. According to Duke, all Faison knew was his desire for Anna, so Faison would say anything and use anyone to coerce his way into Anna's life. Faison stood behind Liesl, silently warning Duke to stop talking, but Duke ignored him. Duke revealed that Faison intended to blackmail Anna into being with Faison by threatening to make Duke pay the price if she refused. Duke dared Faison to deny it, so Liesl asked if Duke was right. Faison pointed out that even a broken clock was right twice a day. Liesl was furious that she had fooled herself into thinking that Faison had given up on Anna.

"Did Sisyphus give up?" Faison whispered in Liesl's ear. "Sisyphus was cursed, you idiot. Doomed to eternal failure, as are you," Liesl growled. Faison argued that Liesl was wrong because he was certain that he could win Anna's love as he had in the past. Duke told Liesl that she wasn't powerless because there was a way that she could stop playing Faison's game and save herself in the bargain. Faison insisted that Liesl was loyal "like a dog." Duke warned Liesl that Faison would never give up his quest for Anna, so she could put a stop to it all by giving herself up and cutting a deal. Faison was confident that Liesl would never do that. "Watch me," Liesl shot back as she turned to leave. Faison quickly grabbed Liesl, but she managed to retain a tight grip on the knife in her hand.

In the laboratory on Cassadine Island, Robert became frustrated when his latest attempt to open the door failed. Robert regretted that he had kept his brother in the dark because no one would know where to look for them. Anna suggested that they prepare for the guards, but Robert pointed out that the odds of overpowering them weren't in their favor because the two guards were young and burly. Anna proposed that they try to negotiate with the men, but Robert argued that they didn't have anything to bargain with.

Dejected, Anna and Robert began to talk to fill the time. Robert was suddenly struck by inspiration when Anna mentioned something from their past, so he asked her if she had any more gum. A short time later, Anna and Robert were each chewing on gum, but Robert complained about the flavor. Anna explained that it was their granddaughter's favorite and then looked up when she heard the door open. She casually spit the gum into her hand then made her way to the lunch tray and asked the guards if there had been any news about her daughter. The guards refused to tell Anna anything, so Robert asked for some salt and perhaps a bottle of wine. One of the guards set a shaker of salt on the tray and then walked out with his partner. Anna and Robert quickly went to work. Robert used tape to lift the guard's thumbprint from the control panel as Anna grabbed the shaker of salt.

At the table, Robert sprinkled the salt on the tape to make the thumbprint three-dimensional. Next, Anna pressed a wad of gum on the salt and tape. Robert used his thumb to lift the wad of gum with the thumbprint impression and then went to the control panel. Seconds later, the door opened.

In the hospital's lab, Robin stood by the door and reminded herself to focus and save Jerry, so she could see Patrick again. She panicked when she heard a doctor in the hallway call out to Patrick as Patrick was about to enter the lab. Robin was stunned when she overheard Patrick talk about his plans to marry Sabrina the following week. Patrick mentioned that he was at the lab to pick up test results from Brad, so the doctor revealed that Brad had just left. Patrick knew his way around the lab, so he was confident he could find the results without Brad's help. Robin managed to hide under a worktable before Patrick entered the lab.

Moments later, Sabrina entered the lab to drop off a wedding invitation for Ellie. Robin was forced to listen as Patrick and Sabrina talked about their wedding plans. Patrick pulled Sabrina close as he reminded her that she would soon be "Mrs. Doctor Patrick Drake" and then kissed her. Patrick sensed that something was troubling Sabrina, so she admitted that Carlos had stopped by the house to talk to her about Derek Wells's true identity, Julian Jerome. Patrick was not happy that Carlos had been near Sabrina and Emma, so Sabrina assured Patrick that Emma had been at a sleepover. Patrick explained that Robin had been close to two men who had been in the mob and that they had endangered Robin, Emma, and Patrick on several occasions.

Sabrina suggested that they ask Anna to talk to Carlos to make it clear that Carlos was to keep his distance from them. Patrick agreed that it was a good idea and then announced that he needed to get some test results to Luke. After Patrick and Sabrina left the lab, Robin crawled out from under the table and then looked at wedding invitation that Sabrina had left behind. Moments later, Carlos burst through the door. "I told you I wasn't through, Sabrina," Carlos said to Robin's back. Robin froze, so Carlos reached out to turn her to face him. He was startled when he realized that she wasn't Sabrina.

11/18 At General Hospital, Patrick and Sabrina gave Luke, Tracy and baby Connie, whom they were babysitting, the good news that Luke had been completely cured of polonium poisoning. Luke and Tracy were overjoyed. Tracy was so ebullient that both Sabrina and Patrick commented on it. Tracy's good mood made her chatty, and as Luke and Tracy explained how Luke had gotten the cure, Patrick filled them in on Anna and Robert's disappearance. Luke and Tracy made the connection between Faison, Dr. Obrecht, Jerry Jacks, and Cassadine Island.

When Patrick added that Duke had last been seen on his way to question Nikolas, Luke immediately left for Wyndemere after telling Tracy and Patrick, who wanted to contact the police, that some things were better handled outside the law. Tracy stayed behind with Connie. Tracy lovingly admonished Connie not to fall for a dashing rogue because he would break her heart while she had the time of her life.

Carlos burst into the GH lab and found Robin, who, when her back was turned, he had mistaken for Sabrina. Carlos thought Robin looked familiar, but could not place her. Carlos asked for her name, and Robin blurted out Epiphany Johnson. As Carlos turned to leave, Robin stopped him and asked if he was Sabrina's ex. Carlos wanted to know why she was interested, but Robin said it was hospital gossip and she was curious. Carlos sensed a kindred spirit when he said that he still loved Sabrina and intended to stop her wedding to Patrick.

As Carlos left the lab, Robin advised Carlos to never give up in his pursuit of Sabrina and wished him good luck in his quest. As soon as she tested Luke's blood and found that it was producing antibodies, Robin got busy on the cure. Robin started processing the serum, which would take 24 hours, donned her mask and cap, and then left the lab.

Carlos looked for Sabrina but found a wall of photos instead. One of them was Head Nurse Epiphany Johnson, who was definitely not the woman he had met in the lab. As Carlos thought about it, he noticed a photo of Patrick and immediately flashed to the wedding photo he had seen in Patrick's house, and he recognized Robin. Carlos rushed back to the lab. Instead of Robin, he found Sabrina. He boldly told her that Patrick Drake's wife was still alive.

Robert's trick with the chewing gum fingerprint worked, and the lab door on Cassadine Island opened, but alarms started blaring. Gerry and his guards assembled outside the second door. They entered but saw no one. As the guards followed Jerry into the lab, Anna and Robert hit the two guards from behind and grabbed their guns. Jerry turned and pointed his gun at them, but Anna and Robert already had their guns pointed at Jerry.

Jerry thought he had them over a barrel when he showed Anna and Robert a picture of Duke, who was being held by Faison, but that changed quickly when Anna shot him in the leg, and Jerry fell to the ground, where he was quickly subdued. Anna and Robert tied up the guards and prepared to depart. Jerry told them they would never find Robin without him, and he wanted a deal. Anna put a gun to his head and said they would find Robin with or without him. Jerry caved in and said he would lead them to Robin.

In the catacombs under Wyndemere, Duke successfully instigated an argument about Anna, which led to a knockdown-dragout fight, between Faison and Dr. Obrecht. During the argument Faison mentioned that Robin was alive. Duke was startled but did not let on that he had noticed. Faison eventually won the battle and tied Obrecht up to the post next to the one where Duke was tied up. Faison told her that he would never give up on Anna because Anna was his reason for living.

Faison left the cavern as Dr. Obrecht begged him not to go. Duke and Obrecht argued. She was sorry she had listened to Duke, but Duke was made of sterner stuff. He told Obrecht that in her position, he would want revenge, and there was no better way to get it than to put Faison behind bars where he could never have Anna. Obrecht saw the logic but said that Jerry had Robert and Anna. Duke said not to count Robert and Anna out. Duke said he was positive that Anna would find him. Obrecht worried that if she gave herself up, she would go to jail. Duke told her not to worry because there were lots of people living in Port Charles who had cut deals. Duke worked on loosening the rope that bound him to a post.

Robin got home safely and told Nikolas and Britt that she had started the process, and they would have a cure for Jerry in 48 hours. She did not mention conversing with Carlos. Outside the door, Luke started shouting that he needed to talk to Nikolas.

11/19 At Wyndemere, Robin explained to Nikolas and Britt that Luke's antibodies should have reproduced enough within forty-eight hours for Robin to synthesize the cure for Jerry. Nikolas and Britt were relieved that everything would be over soon, so Robin reminded them that they just needed to make sure no one saw Robin before Jerry held up his end of the bargain.

Moments later, Luke called out, demanding to talk to Nikolas. Nikolas hustled Robin into the secret passage just as Luke entered the room. Nikolas carefully stepped away from the passage's entrance to introduce Britt to Luke. Luke recognized Britt's name because he knew that Britt's mother was Faison's sidekick and "pinup queen for the SS." Nikolas steered the conversation away from Britt's parents by asking if there was something that he could do for Luke.

Luke revealed that he had reason to believe that Jerry Jacks, Liesl, and Faison were hiding out on Cassadine Island. Nikolas feigned surprise that Jerry was alive, so Luke conceded that Jerry didn't have long to live because Jerry was withering away on the island, along with the doctor who had saved Luke's life. Luke realized that Nikolas hadn't seemed surprised by the news, so Nikolas admitted that he had been aware of the situation on the island and had been monitoring it. Luke expected Nikolas to do more than monitor things, so he demanded that Nikolas fire up the jet. Luke explained that Anna and Robert had disappeared and might be Jerry's prisoners on the island, but Nikolas ordered Luke to stay out of it. Luke refused to back down and announced his intention to take matters into his own hands.

"Luke, no," Robin cried out as she stepped into the room. Stunned, Luke stared at Robin with disbelief, so she assured him that it was really her. Luke wanted to know how it was possible, but Robin explained that it was a long story and that they didn't have time. However, Robin confirmed that Jerry had been holding Anna and Robert captive and that she had also been Jerry's prisoner on the island. Luke realized that Robin had been the doctor responsible for saving his life.

Robin confirmed Luke's suspicion and then filled him in on Jerry's terms for her parents' release. Luke reminded Robin that Jerry couldn't be trusted, so he wanted to rescue Anna and Robert right away. Luke insisted that Robert needed to know that Robin was alive and then told Robin about her father's suicide attempt. Nikolas argued that they couldn't risk endangering lives, but Luke was determined to find a way to help his friends. Robin revealed that Luke had already helped because the cure was in Luke's blood. Luke wanted to give the cure to Sean and allow Jerry to die, but Nikolas made it clear that was not an option.

Patrick walked up and admitted that he hoped that Felix would not get involved with Brad because Brad could not be trusted. Felix assured Patrick that he hadn't forgotten what Brad had done nor would Felix give Brad a free pass on those transgressions, but Felix appreciated that Brad was trying to do better. Felix grudgingly admitted that Brad also had a point about the baby; Brad had never agreed to be anything other than a sperm donor. Felix pointed out that even Britt didn't appear to have an issue with Brad's lack of involvement.

However, Felix conceded that he had noticed that Brad never looked at the baby, so Felix suspected that Brad might even question if he had fathered the baby because the baby didn't look anything like Brad. Patrick insisted that Felix deserved better than someone like Brad, but Patrick believed that Felix was capable of drawing the good out in Brad. Felix appreciated the vote of confidence and then chatted about Patrick's upcoming wedding to Sabrina.

Patrick grumbled about Carlos, who had stopped by Patrick's house to convince Sabrina that Patrick was still "hung up" on Robin. Felix didn't want to offend Patrick, but he was curious if there was any truth to what Carlos had said. Patrick admitted that Robin had been his first priority when she had been alive, but he promised to put Sabrina first and to make certain that she was happy. Pleased, Felix asked if it would be weird for them hug. Patrick thought that it would be, but he suggested that they do it anyway.

Outside of the hospital laboratory, Carlos insisted that Sabrina needed to hear what he had to say about Patrick, but Sabrina wasn't interested. "What if I tell you his wife is still alive?" Carlos asked. Shocked, Sabrina asked him what he was talking about. Carlos explained that Patrick's wife hadn't died in a tragic accident and was very much alive, but Sabrina didn't believe him. Carlos insisted that he had seen Robin, so Sabrina wanted to know where. Carlos told Sabrina about his encounter in the lab with a woman who had claimed to be Epiphany Johnson, but it had been a lie because he had later seen what the real Epiphany looked like. He admitted that was when he had realized that the familiar-looking woman had been Robin. Sabrina questioned how Carlos would know what Robin looked like, so he reminded Sabrina th

at he had seen Robin's picture the first time that he had stopped by Patrick's house to talk to Sabrina.

Later, Sabrina was working at the nurses' station when Patrick walked up and nuzzled the back of her neck. He was curious if she had lost her way to the lab because she had been gone awhile. Sabrina smiled as she turned to look at Patrick, but she caught a glimpse of Carlos in the corner of her eye as Carlos made his way to the elevator, so she explained that she had gotten tangled up in something. However, Sabrina assured Patrick that it hadn't been anything that she couldn't handle. At the elevator, Carlos shook his head as he watched Sabrina and Patrick hug.

11/21 At Wyndemere, Nikolas noticed Robin looking at Patrick and Sabrina's wedding invitation, so he joked that his and Britt's invitation had probably been sent by carrier pigeon. Robin chuckled and then admitted that she had swiped the invitation from Ellie when Sabrina had dropped it off in the hospital's laboratory.

Nikolas was stunned when Robin told him about what had transpired in the lab when Patrick and Sabrina had nearly walked in on her. She admitted that it had been difficult to listen to Patrick being affectionate with Sabrina, so Nikolas reminded Robin that she couldn't risk being caught because a lot was at stake. Robin was forced to reveal that Sabrina's ex-boyfriend, Carlos, had seen her, but she was confident that Carlos hadn't realized who she was. Nikolas was not pleased, but Robin insisted that what was done was done, so all they could do was cross their fingers and hope that Carlos didn't put everything together.

Nikolas realized that Robin's secret was likely safe because he doubted that Carlos would have sat on the information if he had realized who Robin was. Robin doubted that Sabrina would have changed her mind about marrying Patrick, but Nikolas argued that Patrick was only marrying Sabrina because Patrick believed that Robin was dead. Robin argued that the issue was that Patrick had fallen in love with someone else, so she didn't expect Patrick's feelings for Sabrina to suddenly disappear simply because Patrick learned that Robin was alive.

Nikolas admired Robin's strength because she was in a difficult situation, but he promised Robin that it would be over soon. Robin explained that she and Patrick couldn't simply pick up where they had left off because Patrick had moved on, which was ironic because Patrick had done exactly as Robin had asked. Robin wondered how fair it would be for her to waltz in and disrupt Patrick and Emma's happy lives, but Nikolas insisted that Patrick and Emma still needed her. Robin disagreed because her husband and daughter had Sabrina. Nikolas appreciated that Robin was afraid that she wouldn't get the response from Patrick that she had been hoping for, but he implored Robin to remember that Robin was the mother of Patrick's daughter and the woman that Patrick had fallen in love with and married.

Robin pointed out that Patrick had also fallen in love with Sabrina and that Emma considered Sabrina her new "mommy." "What am I supposed to do with that?" Robin asked in frustration. Nikolas was confident that Robin would figure everything out and then hugged her. Robin's eyes strayed to the wedding invitation on the coffee table.

At the nurses' station, Patrick called out Elizabeth's name several times before she heard him and looked up from her work on the computer. Elizabeth apologized and explained that it had been a long day, so Patrick asked how things had gone in court. Elizabeth admitted that she had hated testifying against A.J. and that she had felt bad because A.J. had assumed that she had been in court to support him. Patrick was surprised that Diane hadn't warned A.J. that Elizabeth would be testifying. Elizabeth suspected that Diane had told A.J., but A.J. had either ignored Diane or he had refused to believe it. Elizabeth explained that she had been forced to tell the truth on the witness stand, but she had tried to make the jury understand that A.J. had been blowing off steam when A.J. had made the threat against Connie. However, she conceded that the damage had already been done, so she was afraid that she had sent A.J. to jail for the rest of his life.

Patrick insisted that Elizabeth had simply told the truth, but Elizabeth argued that she had felt terrible for A.J. because he had looked miserable, as if A.J. had realized that he was all alone. Patrick pointed out that A.J. had Monica and Michael, so A.J. was not alone. Elizabeth sensed that Patrick had wanted to add her to the list, so she admitted that her relationship with A.J. was over. She confessed that she had thought that things would be different with A.J., but she realized that she and A.J. had been doomed from the beginning because they had been looking to change their lives and find redemption.

However, Elizabeth was happy for Patrick and Sabrina, so she looked forward to attending the wedding the following day. Patrick seized the opportunity to ask Elizabeth an important question; he wanted her to be his "best man." Patrick rushed to explain that he would have asked his brother, but Matt wasn't in a position to accept. Patrick also admitted that Elizabeth had been there for him and for Emma during all of the difficult times, so he considered Elizabeth a close and dear friend. Elizabeth was moved to tears and agreed to be Patrick's "best person." Relieved, Patrick announced that he had to meet Sabrina and Felix at Metro Court, so he reminded Elizabeth to be at the church early. Elizabeth informed Patrick that she would see him in three hours because she intended to take him out for a bachelor party, so she would send a cab to pick him up at his house.

At Metro Court, Patrick and Sabrina walked hand-in-hand through the lobby as they agreed that they were pleased with the wedding arrangements. Patrick suggested that they head home, but Sabrina explained that it would be bad luck for her to spend the night with Patrick on the eve of their wedding. Patrick assured Sabrina that the wedding would be perfect, but Sabrina didn't want to risk something going wrong.

11/22 At the apartment, Sabrina was looking through pictures of herself and Patrick when the phone rang. It was Patrick calling to check on his bride-to-be. Sabrina confessed that she was excited that she would soon be Mrs. Patrick Drake, provided that Patrick didn't stand her up at the altar. Patrick assured Sabrina that nothing would keep him from marrying her, so Sabrina smiled and shifted gears to ask him about his bachelor party.

Elizabeth arrived at Patrick's house, sporting a pair of sunglasses and moving slowly. She snatched the cup of coffee out of Patrick's hand and made her way to the sofa. Elizabeth informed Patrick that he owed her, but Patrick pointed out that the party had been her idea. Elizabeth was curious why Patrick didn't have a hangover, so he reminded her that it hadn't been his first time "at the rodeo." He explained that he had been hydrating himself since dawn because he had to look good for his bride.

Later, Mac and Emma arrived. Emma ran into her father's arms and then looked down at her "Aunt Elizabeth" and asked why Elizabeth had sunglasses on. Patrick explained that Elizabeth had a headache, but he promised that she would feel better in time for the wedding. Mac chuckled as Elizabeth leaned back to rest. Moments later, Elizabeth groaned when an obnoxious melody suddenly blared from her cell phone. Patrick smiled as he revealed that Elizabeth had downloaded the ringtone the previous evening. Elizabeth grumpily answered the call. Felix informed her that they had an emergency, so he needed to see her right away. A short time later, Elizabeth and Emma left.

Patrick wondered if Mac had heard from Anna, so Mac shook his head and then carefully pointed out that Anna had a habit of disappearing because of her work for the WSB. Patrick nodded in agreement and then thanked Mac for agreeing to attend his wedding. Mac admitted that he and Patrick had had a rocky start, but Patrick had proved time and again that he had loved Robin, so Mac considered Patrick a part of the family. Mac was also certain that Robin would want him to be there. Mac offered Patrick some parting advice about marriage and then casually asked if Patrick had heard from Duke, but Patrick shook his head.

Later, Patrick gazed at his and Robin's wedding portrait until the doorbell rang. He put the picture down and then answered the door. Patrick appeared surprised when he saw who was standing on his doorstep.

At the apartment, Felix was relieved when Elizabeth and Emma arrived. Emma dashed off to check on Sabrina, so Felix quickly explained that Sabrina had hated the wedding dress because nothing except Sabrina's mother's wedding gown would do. Elizabeth assured Felix that she had reached out to her friend, but she had no idea if their plan would work.

Sabrina and Emma entered the living room in time to hear the tail end of Elizabeth and Felix's conversation, so Sabrina wondered what they had been talking about. Felix admitted that it was a wedding surprise, but he refused to elaborate. Sabrina smiled and then showed Elizabeth the wedding dress that Felix had picked up. Elizabeth loved the gown and was certain that Patrick would not be able to take his eyes off of Sabrina when he saw her in it. Emma complained that she was hungry, so Felix took Emma to the kitchen to grab a bite to each. Elizabeth and Sabrina talked about the wedding dress until someone knocked on the door. Felix popped out of the kitchen as Sabrina went to the door. "Oh, my God," Sabrina said in shock when she saw her visitor.

Luke was taken aback when he saw Robert smiling back at him when he answered the door. Robert greeted his old friend and invited Luke to admit how much he had missed Robert. Luke wondered what Robert was doing in town, but Anna suddenly appeared with her prisoner, Jerry Jacks, and shoved Jerry into Luke's room. Luke noticed that Jerry had been shot, so he was curious who had done the honors. Jerry glared at Luke because it was clear that Luke felt better than the last time that Jerry had seen him. Luke confirmed that he had been cured of the polonium poisoning, so the serum had worked. Robert informed Luke that Robin had created the life-saving serum, so Anna revealed that Robin was alive. Luke surprised everyone when he admitted that he had seen Robin. Luke told Robert and Anna about his encounter with Robin at Wyndemere and the threat that Jerry had been holding over Robin's head.

Luke was delighted because Robin no longer had any reason to remain in hiding, but Anna disagreed and told Luke about Duke's capture. Jerry pointed out that Robert and Anna still needed him because Faison had orders to kill Duke if Faison didn't hear from Jerry every twenty-four hours. Jerry made it clear that he would not make the next phone call, which was due within the hour, unless he had the antidote for the polonium poisoning. Luke argued that an hour was sufficient time to go to Wyndemere and rescue both Robin and Duke. Robert and Anna agreed, so they armed themselves and ordered Luke to keep an eye on Jerry. Luke insisted that Robert and Anna needed backup and reminded the duo that he had unfinished business with Faison because Faison had once kidnapped and brainwashed Lucky. Luke decided to handcuff Jerry to the bed, confident that Jerry was too weak to escape, and then joined Robert and Anna as they left for Spoon Island.

In the parlor, Robin was looking at Patrick and Sabrina's wedding invitation when Faison entered the room. He was curious why she was so sad when she was on the verge of being reunited with her family. Robin told Faison to leave her alone and suggested that he find someone else to torment. Faison resented her tone and reminded her that all he had to do was make one phone call. Robin wasn't intimidated because Jerry Jacks, not Faison, called the shots. Robin was also confident that Faison would never do anything to hurt Anna. Faison agreed, but he pointed out that Robert was another matter. Robin warned Faison that her parents would find a way to escape from Cassadine Island and track him down. Faison's temper flared, so he grabbed her arm and told her to stop acting like a kid. "Grow up," Faison barked.

Robin refused to back down because she had spent her life watching her parents do the impossible. Robin assured Faison that Anna would never have anything to do with Faison because Anna despised him. Furious, Faison pulled a gun out of the back of his waistband and cocked it. Robin smirked and informed Faison that no matter how much he obsessed over Anna, Anna would never love him. Faison conceded that he loved Anna, but he couldn't care less about Robin. He decided that Robin was more trouble than she was worth, so he reached for her. "Faison," Nikolas shouted as he appeared in the doorway with his gun aimed with deadly accuracy at Faison.

Faison immediately took a step back, but Nikolas wasn't satisfied and made it clear that he wouldn't hesitate to kill Faison if Faison harmed a single hair on Robin's head. Britt demanded to know where her mother was, so Faison claimed that Liesl had mentioned going to town. Britt didn't believe him, but Faison suggested that Britt be more concerned about what was happening at the hospital's laboratory rather than Liesl. Robin admitted that Faison had a point because Luke's blood sample should be ready for her to create the cure for Jerry. Robin decided to go to the hospital to fetch the blood sample, but Faison blocked her path and made it clear that she could not leave. Robin objected, but Faison ordered Britt to go to the hospital. Britt was reluctant to leave, but Nikolas assured her that he would keep an eye on things and look for her mother.

After Britt left, Nikolas decided to search the catacombs for Liesl. Robin started to follow Nikolas, but Faison wanted Robin to stay. Nikolas refused to consider it because Faison had threatened Robin earlier, but Robin assured Nikolas that she would be fine because Faison couldn't afford to hurt her. Robin explained that she was still needed to create the serum and to safely administer it. After Nikolas left, Faison remarked that Robin had always been too brave for her own good. Robin continued to goad Faison by insisting that her parents would find him and make him pay for everything that he had done. Robin kept pushing Faison until he grabbed her and marched her out of the room at gunpoint.

In the catacombs, Duke blamed Liesl for their predicament because she had helped Faison escape from Steinmauer prison. Liesl suggested that Duke blame Luke Spencer because Luke's search for the cure for polonium poisoning had landed them in the catacombs. Duke worked to loosen the ropes binding his hands as he pointed out that polonium poisoning couldn't be cured. Liesl revealed that there had been a cure, but Luke had stolen it from Jerry Jacks.

"Brilliant," Duke murmured with a smile, but he had no idea what that had to do with Duke and Liesl being held captive in the catacombs. Liesl explained that Faison had helped a gifted physician develop the life-saving serum. Duke assumed that Liesl had been the "gifted" physician, but Liesl confessed that he was wrong. However, she admitted that he knew the doctor well. Duke wanted to know who the doctor was, but Liesl refused to tell him.

Frustrated, Duke suggested that he and Liesl focus on finding a way out of the catacombs because Duke wanted to go home to Anna. Liesl was sick of hearing about Anna, but Duke ignored her because he had managed to loosen the rope enough to move his hand. Surprised, Liesl wondered if he could free himself from the rope. Duke admitted that he couldn't, but he was confident that he could untie Liesl. Liesl was curious why he would untie her hands when she could easily flee and leave him behind. Duke explained that they needed to put their mutual hatred for each other aside to work together. Liesl conceded that he had a point, so Duke began to work on the rope binding her hands together. They immediately stopped when they heard someone approach.

Moments later, Nikolas appeared in the doorway with his gun raised. "Duke?" Nikolas asked as he looked at the two people tied to the pipes in the room. Nikolas started loosening the rope around Liesl's wrists as he explained that Britt had been worried about her. Liesl seemed genuinely surprised by the news. She suddenly looked up and cried out a warning to Nikolas, but it was too late. Faison bashed Nikolas in the head. Nikolas crumbled to the ground as Faison kicked Nikolas. Liesl begged Faison to let them go, but Faison refused. He informed Liesl that her loyalty had been her only worth to him, but that was gone. Faison leaned down and then picked up Nikolas' feet to drag Nikolas out of the room.

After Faison left, Liesl went to work on her ropes and quickly freed herself. Duke was elated and asked her to untie him. Liesl picked up the gun that Nikolas had dropped. "I'm afraid I can't do that, Mr. Lavery," Liesl said as she aimed the gun at him. Liesl couldn't risk Duke turning her over to the WSB, so Duke pointed out that Liesl could work out a deal because the WSB wanted Faison, not her. Meanwhile, Robert, Anna, and Luke arrived at Wyndemere and did a quick search of the ground floor. They were surprised that they hadn't seen anyone, so they decided to split up and search the castle. Robert took the second floor, while Luke decided to take another look around the ground floor. Anna opted to go "down the rabbit hole" and entered the secret passage leading to the catacombs. A short time later, Anna stumbled on Liesl threatening Duke with a gun.

In the parlor, Luke called out to Faison, demanding that his nemesis show himself. Faison stepped out of the secret passage with his gun raised and greeted Luke.

Elsewhere in the castle, Robert found a locked door, so he decided to kick it in and enter the room. Robert was startled when Robin suddenly charged out of her hiding spot, wielding a heavy statute as a weapon. Robert's face lit with joy as Robin stopped short and stared at him.

11/25 opened her door and was surprised to find her cousin, Juan Santiago, a famous recording artist, standing on the threshold. Sabrina happily welcomed him inside and introduced Juan to Emma, and Felix. Juan already knew Elizabeth from the time he had previously spent in Port Charles. Though on tour, Juan told Sabrina that he had made a brief stop to deliver a gift. Sabrina was ecstatic to find that Juan had found and delivered Sabrina's mother's wedding dress so that Sabrina's wedding would be perfect. Sabrina was touched to know that she had such thoughtful friends. She thanked Elizabeth for calling Juan. After several hugs and words of affection, Juan had to get back on his plane. When Elizabeth returned to Sabrina, Felix, and Emma, Sabrina could not contain her joy. Sabrina said that she had it all: the perfect dress, the perfect daugher, perfect friends, and the perfect husband-to-be. Sabrina was radiant when she said that it was the happiest day of her life.

At home, Patrick got a visit from Ava. He tried to get rid of her, but Ava was very persistent. Eventually, after trying to convince Patrick to stop the wedding because Carlos loved Sabrina more than Patrick did, Ava told him that Robin was alive and that Carlos had seen her. Patrick scoffed and accused Ava of calling him while pretending to be Robin. Ava denied the accusation. Patrick called Carlos a liar and threw Ava out. After she left, Patrick looked at a wedding photo of Robin and recalled Ava's parting word as she had asked him if he would want to know the truth if there was even the slightest chance that Robin was alive.

Robert, Anna, and Luke took Wyndemere by storm. Robert kicked in an upstairs door and found Robin. They had a tearful reunion as they filled each other in on the events that had occurred to each of them since Robert had taken the needle Dr. Obrecht had meant for Robin. Robin said that she hated Faison because he was obsessed with Anna and used the people Anna loved to hurt and torture her. Robert said that it was time to deal with Faison and then celebrate. Robin told Robert that she was ready to help Robert find Faison and then kick his butt.

Anna found Dr. Obrecht holding a gun on Duke, who was tied to a post in the catacombs. Anna begged Dr. Obrecht not to hurt Duke, but Dr. Obrecht said that she did not want to hurt Duke; she wanted to hurt Anna. Dr. Obrecht raved about how Anna had infected the air Dr. Obrecht breathed. She blamed Anna for Faison's obsession.

Despite Anna's insistence that Faison repulsed her and she would like nothing better than for Faison to turn to Dr. Obrecht, Dr. Obrecht continued to threaten Duke's life. Dr. Obrecht raved about how much she hated Anna and wanted to make Anna suffer. Anna noticed Duke struggling with his bonds and diverted Dr. Obrecht's attention. Anna offered to put down her gun and let Dr. Obrecht shoot Anna in exchange for Duke's life. Anna put down her gun. Dr. Obrecht called Anna a "stupid cow" that she could not kill because Faison would kill Dr. Obrecht. Duke freed himself and subdued Dr. Obrecht. Duke and Anna tied Dr. Obrecht to a post and caught up. Duke was astounded to find out that Robin was alive. Duke stayed with Dr. Obrecht while Anna went looking for Robin.

Luke caught up with Faison as Faison exited the tunnel. They each pointed a gun at the other. Faison taunted Luke and said that Luke would not shoot. Luke said he had plenty of reasons, including that Faison had kidnapped and brainwashed Lucky. Faison made another wisecrack, and Luke shot him. Faison went down, but when Luke checked his pulse, Faison, who had been wearing a bulletproof vest, got the drop on Luke. As Faison prepared to shoot Luke, Robert burst into the room. He and Luke captured Faison and tied him up. Luke took Faison away. Robert was about to go into the tunnels when Anna emerged. She said she had found Duke and asked about Robin, who was standing in the doorway. When they saw each other, both Robin and Anna had tears in their eyes.

**The End**

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