Robert's Return  January 27 - March 1, then April 13 - June 5, 2006 - 8 hour original edit 

  • :00-3:35 Virus Storyline Jan 27-March 1, 2006 (also DVD #1A)
  • 3:35 Robert returns April 13th  (also DVD #1A)
  • 5:00 Holly returns May 1-19, 2006 (DVD #1B at 1 hour)
  • 6:06 Anna Arrives May 12-19, 2006 (DVD #1B at 2:06)

On the Markham Islands, "Dr. Jacque Von Skeimerman" (better known as Luke) is warned by a native that a storm is approaching, and he should stay in. Moments later, another native sizes him up from behind, and shoots him in the neck with a dart gun; down Luke goes. He awakens to find his assumed medical skills are needed on a sick young boy. The natives ignore Luke's confession that he's a fraud, and at dart gunpoint, he's left with no choice but to give the boy "powerful medicine"---a single Tic-Tac!! The boy's fever down, the grateful natives offer Luke a young woman named Sky, but when he politely refuses, they present him a canteen that holds a strong-tasting and smelling liquid; Luke downs it and drops again. This time when he awakens, there are flames everywhere! The ‘doctor' grabs a loose monkey and escapes...seconds before Robert Scorpio emerges, with the cryptic message "and so it begins" displayed across the screen. Luke and his monkey head back to Port Charles on a plane while Robert is searching desperately for Luke.

Alice is thrilled to see Luke home, even though he has a chimpanzee in tow. She offers to make him a drink and finds out the monkey has also been drinking on the plane ride home. Tracy is less than thrilled about Luke's arrival home and insists that the monkey cannot stay. Just as Lulu comes downstairs to greet her dad, Nikolas, Lucky, and Elizabeth walk in. Nikolas is insisting with his brother's support that Lulu come live with him. They don't feel that Luke is giving Lulu the attention she deserves. Lulu asks Luke what he wants, and he says that he wants her to stay. Lulu thanks the group for loving her and caring about her, but she's staying with her father. When Elizabeth, Nikolas, and Lucky leave, the rest of the group notices that the chimpanzee has disappeared during the arguing. When the kids run out to see where the monkey went, Luke collapses in a cold sweat. Robert Scorpio continues to try and find Luke overseas.

The young adults return from a fruitless search for the chimp. As Luke insists he go look for his new friend himself, the family convinces him he's too sick and needs to stay put. Robert listens to the whole exchange from the patio and soon bolts. Moments later, Luke shares the whole island adventure, from the sick boy to the fire, with Tracy and Alice. When Skye later passes through the mansion, Luke who is thought to be asleep on the sofa, fakes delirium in an attempt to win Skye back, but the jig fails when Tracy dumps a whole pitcher of ice on his lap!! She then begins to suspect Luke is also faking his illness. As Dillon continues his conspiracy pitch, Lulu gets so ill she collapses in Luke's arms, barely staying conscious! Luke realizes whatever he got is contagious, and anybody else who's recently been at the mansion and anyone they come in contact with (Skye, Lorenzo, Liz, Lucky, Emily, Jason, Samantha, Michael, Morgan, Tracy, Dillon, Georgie, Alexis and Rick) could be at risk.

Robert has accessed a private computer room, and after a few failed password attempts finally accesses GH's flu records. Robin stumbles upon him by accident and her jaw nearly hits the floor upon laying eyes on her dad for the first time in well over a decade. A "Hello, sweetheart" is all Robert can manage. Robin is in shock but that shock soon turns into disbelief and anger. She lashes out at him for making her believe he was dead all these years. Robert tells her he wants to explain it all to her. Robin doesn't want to listen to any of his explanations and accuses him and Anna of pretending to be dead all these years and then suddenly coming back in her life because they missed her. Robert tells her that Anna doesn't know he is alive. Robin gets angry with Robert for keeping away from both of them for 14 years without a word or phone call.

Robert tries to explain things to her but Robin's resentment and anger toward him shut him out. Robert asks her to at least give him a chance to explain. Robin asks him why she should sit and listen to him make excuses for why he couldn't contact her all these years. Robert reminds her that he is her father and has that right. Robin sits down and agrees to listen but makes it clear to him that she hates him and that won't change. Robert tells her that the boat explosion did happen but it wasn't caused by Faison but by the WSB themselves. He tells her that he was officially declared dead then and that they had him in a holding cell and treated him like he was a double agent even though it was just her mother that actually was at one time. He tells her that the WSB threatened to kill Anna and her if he didn't agree to work for them as a spy. Robert believed they were target her and he couldn't let that happen and felt she would be safer if she didn't know he was alive. Robin asks him why he didn't try to find her and see her. Robert tells her he tried but he couldn't do that.

Robin doesn't know whether to believe him or not. She starts crying more and asks him what he did after the eleven years he was a spy. He tells her about his new job as an agent for some medical safety commission and shows her his I.D. Robin doesn't know if she can believe it is a real job or just a cover for what he is really doing. Robert tells her his job is to investigate and track unknown and dangerous viruses to their sources and contain them in their environment. Robin asks him if he ran into Frisco while working as a spy since Frisco works for the WSB. Robin tells him that Frisco left his wife and children to go off and be a hero also. Robert tells her he never saw him. Robert tells her that he did keep track of her and saw her from a far over the years and even almost came to see her at her apartment in Paris. Robert tells her why he came back to Port Charles, to find out if Luke and the chimp he brought back with him are carriers for a deadly virus. Robert tells Robin he wants her to go home right now because he is worried that her compromised immune system may be too weak to deal with this kind of virus with her HIV-positive condition. Robin tells him he has no right to act like her father after all these years and order her around.

Robin goes to leave but Patrick comes in to talk to her. She tells him he has good timing for a change and introduces him to Robert. Patrick is confused since he thought her father was dead too. Robin tells him that Robert gave her some story about Luke and a chimp being a carrier for some dangerous virus. Patrick confirms to them that could be true since Luke came in with his daughter who was very sick and was exposed to the chimp also. Robert tells Robin to go home but she tells him to go to hell. Robert tells Patrick what he knows and asks him to take him to where Luke is.

Lulu's fever gets dangerously high and she is treated in the ER with Luke by her side. Luke passes out while trying to reassure Lulu that he will be right by her side. He wakes up and tries to go see Lulu but Tracy tells him that he isn't going anyway and orders him to stay there. She leaves to go check on Lulu and Elizabeth checks his vital signs and leaves. Luke thinks his feverish mind is at work when he sees Robert standing near his cubicle in ER. Robert assures him they are both still alive. Luke seems happy to see him and asks him if he is working for the WSB again. Robert explains what he does for a living and voices his concerns that Luke and the chimp may be carriers of a deadly virus that the government tried to contain to the village where Luke found the chimp. He asks Luke to write down anyone who was exposed to him or the chimp in the last 24 hours. Luke realizes this is not some flu epidemic. They overhear Lorenzo outside the cubicle tell a nurse about Skye. Luke tells Robert that Skye was exposed when she was at the Quartermaines earlier this evening.

The next scene starts with a great action location shot, as an ambulance rolls up to the emergency room to bring in Nik. There is chaos in the ER, and Robert warns Noah that they have an epidemic on their hands and if they don't take action they will lose the entire town. Lorenzo worries over Skye and blames Luke for bringing the chimp home. As the virus outbreak becomes evident, Robert wants all of the patients interviewed to find out who they have had contact with and who else may have been exposed. Robert orders GH quarantined to attempt to contain the contagion. There is a great deal of unrest as people are prevented from leaving the hospital. Patrick and Robert warn them that if they were able to leave that they would only infect their friends, family, and co-workers. Mac arrives and socks Robert in the face upon finding him alive. He says he just has to see if he was alive. Mac is angry at Robert for leaving Robin but he informs Robert that it was his privilege to raise the girls that he and Frisco left behind. Mac states that Robert doesn't own him an apology, he owes one to his daughter! Robert holds a press conference to inform the public of the outbreak and they identify Luke as patient zero and if anyone has had contact him within the last 24 hours to immediately seek medical attention. The chimp and Luke are both tested and it is determined that it is not the chimp that is the source of the outbreak but Luke! Luke is isolated in a room and restrained, he realizes he is the source of the virus and has brought this down on the town.

Skye and a delirious Lulu become roommates. Robert and Patrick tell Luke that his body is producing an antibody and they want to take his blood and create a serum and see if it works. Robert warns Luke that they might not be able to save his life but it might help Lulu. Luke agrees and says he will do whatever he has to in order to save his daughter. Robert, Robin, and Patrick determine that Luke is the carrier for the deadly virus. Since he's also the only one fighting it off, they decide to try to develop a serum using Luke's blood plasma. The hard decision is going to be who will receive and who won't receive the potentially life saving medicine.  Lorenzo desperate to save Skye, switches the lab results between Skye and Lulu so that Skye receives the antidote instead of Lulu. When Luke finds out Lulu isn't getting the antidote, he is furious. He tells Bobbie that he wants to undergo the plasma filtering procedure again to get Lulu the medicine she needs. Bobbie warns it is too soon and he could die. She goes to get Noah to help her with the blood procedure, and true to her word, Luke goes into shock while Bobbie and Noah perform the procedure. Emily overhears Robert telling the doctors' council that Sonny should be the last on the list to get the medicine. Emily pleads Sonny's case, to deaf ears. In fact, Alan gets so frustrated with her he reminds her she's not a physician and boots his dejected daughter out of the meeting! Soon after, Robin blasts Robert's judgment of Sonny and lets him know Sonny will mean more to her than he ever will. Emily wheels in Ric so he can plead Sonny's case to the council himself. Once Ric goes, the council unanimously nominates Patrick to decide who gets doses when, as he's considered the most impartial doctor.

Noah and Bobbie work to bring Luke back from code blue. When he awakens, Bobbie walks him over to his hallucinating daughter. The two share a very tender moment, the tail end of which is overheard by Lorenzo. Luke decides to do whatever it takes to help her himself. As Lesley Lu suffers convulsions, her dad bursts in on the council, armed with Jesse's gun, and demands Lulu be saved. "Congratulations, Junior Drake, you've been elected God. Here's your first commandment: My daughter gets the serum or somebody in this room DIES." - the episode's final quote courtesy of an armed Luke, to Patrick and the rest of the doctor's council. The committee of doctors and Robert agree with Robin that Patrick should head the committee since he seems the most objective of the doctors in deciding what patients get the rest of the serum. Meanwhile, Lulu gets worse and starts to convulse with a seizure. Luke shows up at the conference room and points a gun at them all and demands that Lulu get the serum since he produced it from his body and he should decide who gets it next. Robert approaches Luke and asks him to put the gun down and listen to reason. Luke refuses to put the gun down and is willing to shoot Robert if that is what it takes. Robert tells him that if he shoots them he will accomplish nothing but more trouble and that will not help save Lulu. Tony gets a call from Elizabeth to come tend to Lulu. He tries to get Luke to go with him to see Lulu and put the gun down. Luke reluctantly drops his weapon and goes with Tony. Lulu doesn't respond to anyone or anything. Bobbie feels Luke needs to be there with Lulu. Tony examines Lulu while Alcazar and Skye watch from behind. Alcazar feels terrible for what he has done by helping Skye.

Tony and Bobbie have bad news for Luke, Lulu is getting weaker and her organs are starting to shut down. Bobbie tells him he needs to be there with Lulu or he will regret it if he doesn't stay by her. Patrick and Robin discuss the list of patients that will get the serum and Lulu isn't on it. Lulu is chosen next to receive the serum and after she finally receives the treatment, her temperature starts to drop slowly and she starts to get better and wakes up. She is so happy to see Luke and vise-versa.

Robert comes back to the conference room and runs into Patrick. Patrick informs him that they have enough of the serum to give it to a fifth person and they decided to give it to Lulu. Robert is happy to hear that and thinks Patrick came up with that brilliant plan. Patrick tells him that Robin is the genius behind the idea. Robert finds Robin poring over patient files at the nurses' station. He brings her some more files and apologizes for making her wait. Robin turns to him and laughs a little and asks him if he is joking. He smiles at her and tells her that he never expected their reunion to be easy and compliments her on coming up with the idea to give Lulu the serum. Robin downplays it and Robert comments that she was never one to accept a compliment even when she was younger. Robin tells him that she learned from him how to think about things differently.

Noah and Robin pump Luke for more magic serum and Elizabeth checked up on her father-in-law. "You married into very strong, stubborn stock," Luke told her, urging her to stay strong for Lucky.  Lulu visited Luke, telling him Mom would've been proud, and confiding that "Uncle Tony" was in bad shape. "You stand tall," Tony told Lucas, confiding his pride in his son as Luke listened in. Then Luke and his "Doc Ex-Bro-in-Law" shared good-byes. "You have a hell of a journey," Luke urged him, fondly. "You're a part of me forever," Bobbie told Tony. Then, Tony gasped in wonder: "She's here. BJ. She says it's time to go." He quietly joined BJ. Patrick arrived too late with serum and called Time of Death: 3:52.  Luke comforted his nephew and namesake, Lucas.

Tracy and Luke are happy to see Dillon is doing better. Luke is curious to see if Tracy becomes a better person. Elizabeth tells Luke that she got a phone call from Lucky and that he said goodbye to her. Luke and Elizabeth find Robert in the hallway. They tell him about Lucky's call. Elizabeth tells Robert what she found out from Jason about Crylium Industries, a pharmaceutical company that they believe purposely released the virus. Robert gets upset that no one bothered to tell him sooner and recognizes the name of the company. Luke accuses Robert of working for this company secretly. Robert points out to him that he would never be part of any plan to release a deadly virus so his daughter could get it. Luke backs off a little but wants Robert to help save Lucky.

Sonny, Max, Michael and Kristina are leaving the hospital and they run into Robert in the hallway. He tells Sonny that he can't leave the hospital with Michael because they have both been exposed to the virus and could spread it to others on the outside. Sonny tells him he has been released and Michael isn't sick, so they have been allowed to leave the hospital. Robert tells Sonny that he is the one who is in charge around here and he will have to arrest him if he tries to leave the hospital. Emily overhears their conversation and gets Robin. Sonny tells Robert that no one tells him what to do concerning his son. Emily and Robin interrupt their conversation. Robin tells Robert that Sonny and Michael have been tested and don't show any signs of the virus in their systems and can go home. Robert concedes to Robin and lets Sonny go. Robert comments about how Robin seemed to become friendly with the criminal element in Port Charles and accuses Sonny of using her to make himself look like a boy scout by claiming to be friends with the police commissioner's niece. Robin tells him that she doesn't believe Sonny ever used her and that he was there for her when she needed someone unlike himself.

Patrick finds Robin, sick with a fever and carries her out of the room and insists that she get her own private room. When Robert realizes that his little girl is sick, he is furious. He comes in and tells her that she should have gone home when he told her to, but Patrick tells him to back off and let her rest. Later, Patrick finds a package with a note in it. He takes it to Robert, who reads the note while Patrick finds the vile with the antidote in it. When Robin finds out the antidote Patrick is about to give her is the only one they have, she refuses it. Robert is upset, but he can't convince her to take it. The next two people in line are Danny and Alexis. Holly, with her voice disguised, calls Robert at the hospital and tells him that one more vial of antidote will cost him $1 Million. When Luke finds out what's going on, he decides to team up with Robert to help.

In an attempt to learn more about the virus and what they are dealing with, Robert pulls Jason aside. Jason doesn't want to give any information to Robert, though. Luke convinces him to give Robert any information that he may have, though. Luke manages to get the million dollars and he and Robert go to stake out the place where they left the money. They see a mysterious lady enter and start to put a vial down. Shots are fired and when the smoke clears, the lady is gone, along with the vial. Robert is disappointed, but Luke seems to think that she will contact them again to get her money.

Robert takes out his frustration on Luke for not being able to catch the mystery woman who has the antidote. Luke notices a chocolate wrapper on the ground. He picks it up and something about it is familiar to him. Robert thinks he is wasting more time fixating on some chocolate wrapper but Luke sees it as a potential clue. Robert and Luke compare notes on what they observed happened earlier when the gunshots started and the woman took off and left the money. They noticed that she seemed to disappear under the pier and that she seemed to know where she was going which could be reason to believe she was once a local there. Lucky shows up and only sees their backs. He tells them to put up their hands and not to move. Luke recognizes Lucky's voice and tells him to give it rest. They turn around.

Robert is curious when Luke seems to talk so familiarly with Lucky and tells Lucky to stop the cop nonsense and give him a hug. Lucky hugs Luke. Luke introduces Lucky to Robert and informs him that Lucky became a cop. Robert finds great humor and irony in that and makes a joke about it. Lucky looks at Robert and recognizes who he is. Luke jokes that Robert isn't quite as dead as they thought. Robert fills him in with what happened. Lucky thanks Robert for trying to help but makes it clear that he is in charge of this case. Robert is impressed with Lucky. They go back to the hospital. Carly sees them huddled together talking. She approaches them just as Robert asks Lucky something about Jason discovering something at the lab. Carly thinks Robert is trying to point a finger at Jason. Luke stands between Carly and Robert and tells her that no one was pointing fingers at Jason for anything and tells Robert that Carly is Bobbie's daughter. Luke has the chocolate wrapper in a plastic envelope as evidence for Lucky to have tested at the police lab for possible forensic evidence. Carly looks at the wrapper and chastises Robert and Luke for bungling up the meeting at the docks. She tells them that they are pathetic and need to do a better job getting the antidote. She storms off.

Robert doesn't like her too much and tells Luke he is glad she is a member of his family and not his own. Luke believes that Carly knows something she isn't telling them about the brand of chocolate wrapper he showed her. Luke tells him he wishes sometimes she wasn't his niece. A nurse informs Luke he has an urgent phone call from someone. Luke answers the phone and notices the voice is disguised so it must be their mystery woman. Holly tells Luke that he and Robert didn't follow directions when she said she wanted Robert to come alone to the docks. Luke asks her what she wants. She tells him she will give him one more chance. She tells Luke that she wants Robert and him to meet her outside the "Floating Rib" that evening to try to make the exchange. She asks for more money for the antidote this time. Robert silently agrees to the meeting. Luke tells him what she said. Luke tells Robert that the "Floating Rib" has not been around in years and is now a tattoo parlor. They agree that whomever called them hasn't been in Port Charles in years.

Later, Carly talks to the hotel manager while she is at Metro court. She tells her about the chocolate brand. The manager confirms that they are the only hotel that sells that brand of chocolate. She also gives Carly useful information about someone checking into the hotel recently with a foreign passport as I.D. and that she is staying in a room under some other man's name. Carly gets the passkey for the room. She investigates the room. She finds a closet full of new clothes with their price tags still on them. She takes out a suitcase and looks inside to find a woman's clothes inside. She hears someone getting ready to come inside the room and she hides. Holly returns to her room. She opens up the briefcase containing vials of the antidote. She shuts the briefcase as Carly spies on her from the closet. Holly locks the briefcase of vials inside a cabinet and leaves the room. Carly leaves the closet and tries to get into the cabinet but realizes it is locked up. She leaves the room and goes out in the hallway. She calls Jason and tells him she found out where the antidote is and that she needs his help and that the briefcase is locked up in one of the hotel rooms. Jason tries to find out more but hears a muffled sound and no answer from Carly. He calls for Carly to answer but Carly is knocked out on the floor outside Holly's room with her cell-phone near her.

Aboard the Haunted Star, Carly learns that her captor is the widow of Cryleum's late CEO. Luke and Jason manage to free Carly but their target escapes with the antidote.

Robert is stunned to recognize the extortionist as a woman from his past.  Jason and Carly confront two armed men at the airport, who are loading the antidote onto a plane. Carly tells them she has the virus and pretends to faint. When she gets down on the ground, she knocks out one of the men and Jason takes care of the other man. They take the virus back to the hospital but are stopped at the door. The police guarding the hospital won't let them in. Thankfully, they called ahead and Patrick comes out and lets them in. Alan tells Patrick that they don't have time to test all the drugs, but Patrick goes ahead and starts administering it anyway. He's happy to be able to give Robin the medicine and continues to check on her progress. Robin and Sam, Ric, Mike, and baby John all receive the antidote and therefore will survive.

Holly tells Robert that he can't arrest her because she will have the water contaminated. Robert reluctantly lets her go, but he notices that the driver of her car is Luke. Holly shoots him and then threatens him if he doesn't let her go. Robert comes up behind them and points a gun at Holly and tells her to give it up. Holly wants him to run away with him. She still loves him, and she knows that he can hide them for good. He looks as if he's accepting the offer and hugs her. He takes the gun away from her and tells her she's going to jail. Robert fills Robin in on Holly’s recent activities. He tells her that Holly decided to cash in on the antidote to get back at Robert. He does point out Holly did lead him to believe that she was dead and he was married to Anna at the time his death was faked. Robin doesn't want to hear his excuses and tells him its not just going to go away and be forgiven.

Luke brings Holly a cup of coffee, and as she gulps it down, he informs her that the extra kick she tastes is 10 ccs of the virus that he laced it with. Holly spits it out, sure he is bluffing but just in case. Holly tries to get Luke on her side and tells him that she still thinks about him. She asks him if he remembers their first night together on the mountaintop under the stars? She says she has never been as happy with anyone else (note: Holly's arrival in Port Charles is contained on the Luke & Robert & Holly #16). He tells her that her actions have over shadowed any feelings he had for her, that he lost his brother-in-law due to this virus. She promises that she didn't manufacturer the virus, merely tried to profit from the cure. She is sure he would have done the same thing in her situation. He tells her that he will never forget her, as he will carry the scar in his leg from where she shot him! Robert enters as Holly is kissing Luke. Luke and Robert agree to meet later at the Metro Court and Luke says goodbye to Holly.

Robert realizes she will do anything to avoid prosecution. Holly tries desperately to reach Robert, reminding him how much they love and trust they shared together. Robert tells Holly that he was wrong to let everyone think he was dead for so long and if he had anything to do with her trying to profit from a drug that could have saved lives then he is truly sorry. She sincerely tells him that she loves him that she never stopped loving him and she never will.  Holly is extradited back to the islands. Luke and Robert meet up drinking at the Metro Court. Robert is so quiet that Luke asks if he killed Holly and stashed her in the trunk of his car? He says no but they agree it was some reunion. Luke teases Robert that he hasn't aged that well, though Robert counters that he is looking in the wrong mirror. They reminisce about old times.

Luke waits at Kelly's for Bobbie and when she arrives, Luke tells her that he thought he would need some time alone before Tony's service. They briefly talk and reminisce about Tony. Bobbie tells him that she always knew he was a phone call away and she will miss that. At Tony's memorial service, Luke is surprised to see Carly there. He tells her so and she thinks that he is being rude to her. Luke quickly corrects himself and tells her that while he is surprised she is there, he is still glad to see her. Bobbie also makes a point of making sure Carly sits next to her instead of in another pew. Luke delivers a moving eulogy that brings many people to tears.

Robert comes into Robin's hospital room and tells her that he is leaving town unless she wants him to stay. Robin tells him that she has done just fine without him in the past and she doesn't need him. She is obviously still angry at her father. He tells her if she ever needs him, he is just a phone call away. After he leaves, Patrick comes in and sees Robin crying annoyed that her father can still get to her. After the funeral, Robert and Luke meet one more time for a last drink together at the Metro Court. Luke warns Robert to be careful out there as Robert is slowing down. Robert claims he is on top of his game and tied up the virus case much sooner than he would have in the old days. Robert brings up the Aztec Adventure in Mexico and how he saved Luke who was wandering around out in the desert. (This concludes Robert and Holly's first return).

Robert & Holly's Second Return April 13th- Luke tries to make Skye jealous by acting like he wants to renew his vows with Tracy because he has true affection for her. The doorbell rings and Alice answers it. A few minutes later, she announces to everyone that Robert Scorpio is here to see them. Robert strolls in and announces to Luke that he is there to extradite him back to the Markham Islands because there is a bounty on his head and he wants to cash in on bringing him in. Luke acts shocked and can't believe Robert would trade in their friendship for money. Robert tells him he would since it would be like old times. Luke insists that Robert wait until he renews his vows first before taking him in. Robert describes what the men in the Markham Islands do when they torture men. Luke believes he can cut a deal with Robert when the time comes. He then asks Robert to be his best man. Robert smiles and says he would be honored. Luke then suggests that Skye be Tracy's maid of honor. Skye is appalled by the idea since she hates Tracy. Lulu comes in the room and is informed about their nuptials tonight. Lulu doesn't understand why they are doing it since they are already married. Tracy surprises everyone when she defends Luke to everyone and plans to make sure Luke doesn't go anywhere with Robert. Lulu goes along with their act of love and hugs Tracy and acts like they are one big happy family.

Later, Alan, Monica, and Ned find themselves toasting the couple against their will though they agree since the idea of Luke being taken into custody and dragged off to the island brightens their day considerably. Tracy takes Luke aside and tells him about her lawyer and how he can help Luke by getting an injunction to stop the extradition order. Luke and Robert talk privately as Luke is picking out the suit he is going to wear for the wedding. Robert still plans to bring Luke in. Lulu comes up to see him and asks him why he is doing what he is doing with Tracy. Luke tells her that Tracy may be a witch but she came through for him. Robert overhears Luke tell Lulu about how they are going to turn the tables on Robert. Robert just smiles and walks away. Lulu goes to see Tracy. She listens to Tracy act tough not letting Robert bring Luke to the Markham Islands to get money. Lulu sees a softer side to her and realizes Tracy really cares about Luke. Alice daydreams about being the one who marries Luke. Tracy snaps her out of her daydream by barking orders at her to help with the wedding. Luke waits around upstairs and gets a call from Tracy's lawyer. Then he gets another call on his cell-phone and is surprised to find that it is Holly calling him. He listens to her and realizes she is in trouble and needs his help because they are planning to kill her there in prison in the Markham Islands. He tells her he will get there as soon as he can to help her.

Alan, Monica, Ned, Skye, Alcazar, Dillon and Georgie entered and grumbled that they wanted to get the wedding over with. Alice entered to perform the ceremony (she'd just been ordained by the Church of Online Divinity). Over Robert's protests that he was due at his own wedding, Luke promised Holly by phone that he would come find her. After Luke got off the phone, he and Robert exulted that as soon as the nuptials were completed, the quicker they could get out of town and find the $50,000. Luke made it clear to Robert that he wanted a cut. Suddenly, though, Luke had a change of heart about going through with the wedding. Luke noted that in many ways, Tracy was the perfect wife for him, but the only time he'd ever said vows from the heart were to Laura. Tracy overheard him and ordered him to find a way to go through with it. She requested a moment alone with her groom; Robert complied. Luke then explained to Tracy that they needed to stall because Robert was becoming suspicious. Tracy ticked off the ways she'd expedited the ceremony but he said he needed more time to figure out what to say in his vows. Tracy didn't buy it. Luke begged her to go back downstairs and convince Scorpio that their union is legit. She remained suspicious but left the room anyway. Once the coast was clear, Luke attempted to climb out of the window, but was caught by Lulu. "There's been a change in plans," Luke gulped. He explained to Lulu that Holly was in trouble and needed his help. Lulu was unsympathetic and was aghast at the notion that Luke may have a thing for Holly. Luke denied it. Lulu tried to dissuade Luke from bolting and leaving her behind to suffer Tracy's wrath, but had no luck. He promised Lulu that he'd be back, and then dispatched her downstairs to cover up his departure.

Downstairs, Tracy grumbled about the family's unwillingness to believe that Luke sincerely wants to renew his vows with her. Lulu came downstairs and said that her dad was tweaking his vows and would be done soon. Robert tried to rush upstairs to check on Luke but Alice blocked him. Luke made another move to jump out the window, groaning that he was getting too old for this.  Robert insisted that something must be wrong since Luke hadn't arrived yet. Tracy's eyes widened as the truth of Luke's scheme dawned on her, "I've been left at the altar!" she bellowed, "Damn you, Luke Spencer!" Just then, Luke toppled out of the window and finally makes his escape.

Lulu tells Dillon how her dad raced off to rescue Holly. Robert again attempts to convince Robin that it was in her best interest that he stayed away for so many years. Robert is amused to realize that Tracy may have actually developed some real affection for her reprobate of a husband. Tracy offers to pay Robert a hundred grand to drag Luke back into town to face the music.  Lulu receives a call from her dad, which confirms Robert's suspicions about Luke's location. Robin extends an olive branch to her grateful father, then immediately grows angry again when she learns he's leaving for the Markham Islands in just a few hours. Alice decides to help a delighted Lulu prevent Robert from trailing Luke to the Markham Islands.  "Don't just stand there looking stupid. Tie him up!" grinned Tracy after knocking out Robert with a frying pan. Alice showed up with handcuffs and locked Robert to a chair in the freezer.

As Tracy denied everyone's accusations that she really loves Luke, Robert regained conscious and claimed he was blind. Lulu and Dillon went into a frenzied panic. Mac arrived in search of Robert, who has been reported missing, but Alice played dumb and kept him in the dark. Oblivious Edward got blustery, then told Mac they'd call him if Robert turns up. The kids brought Monica to examine Robert, who admitted he feigned the blindness. Robert then decided to work Tracy, citing that voluptuous Holly could make Luke putty in her pretty English hands. Tracy bought into Robert's stories about losing Luke to Holly and agreed to free him. The gang had other plans, though, and tied up Tracy. The gang decided to gag loudmouth Tracy. Robert and Tracy spend an uncomfortable night tied to their chairs in the Quartermaines' freezer. In the morning, Edward tries to release Robert but is foiled by the ever-watchful Alice. Tracy and Robert finally manage to extricate themselves. Funny moment when Dillon’s sees Tracy sitting on Robert's lap and he mistakenly thinks they are doing the naughty, though Tracy is actually trying to get Robert out of his handcuffs.

Robert gets on a plane heading to the Markham Islands. He sits next to an older woman and a flight attendant approaches him with a glass of scotch he didn't order. She tells Robert that she thought he would want something strong to drink. Robert downs the drink and then the flight attendant tells him that the drink is compliments of Luke. Robert starts to get dizzy and his vision blurs. He realizes that Luke had his drink drugged. He curses Luke just as he passes out. His head ends up falling on the shoulder of the older woman next to him. Robert dreams about his past life with Holly and how he fell in love with her and then flashes back to when he last saw her at the police station after she was arrested. He wakes up to find airport security dragging him away after informing him that he is being arrested on suspicion of being a terrorist because they found a gun in his belongings. Robert claims he is innocent and that Luke Spencer set him up. Meanwhile, Lulu returns home to find Dillon talking to Tracy. Dillon thinks something was going on between Tracy and Robert in the walk-in freezer because of how he found them. Tracy tells him that she was only helping Robert get his handcuffs off. Dillon feels much better after hearing that. Lulu asks Tracy why she would help Robert escape since she knows he is going to go after he father now. Tracy tells everyone including Skye and Lorenzo that she doesn't care what happens to Luke. Later, Tracy packs her bags and tells the family that she needs a little R&R after what happened and she is going on a trip. Lulu guesses that she is going off to find Luke. Tracy doesn't deny it and tells them she thinks that the Markham Islands would make a nice place to vacation. Edward tells her that she is not a real member of the family anymore if she brings Luke back with her.

Robert insisted to his interrogator that MIA Luke was probably holed up in a cheap hotel room with some booze and a woman. (Elsewhere, the camera panned to a closed door with a "Do Not Disturb" sign and a bottle of tequila; a woman moaned suggestively off camera.) The investigator decided to play hardball and brought in a sexy brunette who implied that she would give Scorpio a harsh questioning. Once they were alone, she straddled and kissed him. Robert was delighted to see the woman named Elsa until she slapped him. She chided him for leaving her behind when he ran off with a dictator's daughter years ago, but he charmed his way out of it. Elsa assured her colleague that Robert was on the level. A freed Robert burst into a room with a gun. "Spencer?" he gasped. Robert takes advantages of Luke's rather compromising position. He's tied to a bed, sans pants. After Robert notifies the authorities where they can find Luke, Robert leaves. Lucky for Luke he is rescued by a stranger before the police arrive. Luke quickly tracks Holly down to a room where she is living the high life drinking champagne and arranging a massage before bed. They are both surprised when Robert slips in through the balcony pointing a gun at them both. Each tries to convince Robert to take the other in. Robert's ploy backfires when he's arrested again as a suspected terrorist, leaving Luke and Holly to go scot-free. Holly cons Luke into helping her mount a rescue mission to free Robert.  Luke, Holly and Robert cooled their heels in the Markham Islands jail. Robert and Luke reminisced about the Prometheus disk days as Holly announced, "There's only one way out of here! Bogota!" Luke, Robert, and Holly trekked through the jungle and bantered. The gents kept fighting over Holly. "Spanky Buns is used to infidelity," Luke assured, revealing his provisions: scotch and a sleeping bag.

"Outback, plane crash, ring a bell?" Robert scoffed when Holly brought up his 15 years of faked death. Luke and Robert ended up in Luke's sleeping bag. Holly had no intention of sleeping between them.

Luke, Robert and Holly learn that they all have a large bounty on their heads. Holly tells her traveling companions that her late husband had a nearby villa where they can hole up for a while. Dillon, Lulu, Patrick and a hungover Robin board a flight for the Markham Islands. At the villa, Luke and Robert compete for Holly's attention. Robin, Patrick, Lulu and Dillon interrupt a tender moment between Luke and Holly just as an irked Robert reappears. Luke and Robin are both disconcerted when Holly flirts openly with Patrick. Lulu and Robin give their dads an earful about their reckless behavior. Everyone is sound asleep on the floor while a stranger spies on the group outside the doors. Dillon and Lulu wake up next to one another while Robin calls out Dr, Drake's name while she sleeps. She awakens to find Holly between herself and the doctor. Patrick offers Holly his good morning, while their legs are intertwined.

Luke is trying to break into a vault while a passed out Robert lies on the bed. While being fed up with the vault, he begins to take his frustrations out with the crowbar. The loud noises cause Robert to awake with a nasty hangover. A final kick to the vault causes it to open, providing them with the contents. Patrick and Holly continue to lie together, while a jealous Robin shows her displeasure. Robin asks Holly to turn herself in so that they can all leave. Patrick comes to Holly defense. A suspicious Robert and Luke enter the room. Robin and Lulu try to find out what the men are up to when a diamond bracelet falls out of Luke's pant leg. Holly thanks Luke and Robert for finding her jewels that were given to her from her late husband. Robert and Luke not believing her story, ask for a description of the jewels. Rather than playing their petty game, Holly suggests that the jewels be divided in half, in her favor. Patrick decides to intervene only to have his wrist injured in the process. Bounty hunters demand that the Sutton, Scorpio and Spencer come out with their hands up. Dillon and Lulu greet the bounty hunters and lead them to believe that they have never met or seen Holly, Robert and Luke.

Everyone at the villa stares at Holly sleeping on the couch with the bag of jewels clutched in her hands. Later, Robin cooks dinner for everyone at the villa. Everyone compliments her on how good the food tastes. Robin surprises everyone by telling them that they are eating cooked snake. She assures Lulu that the snake she killed was not poisonous. Robin tells Luke, Robert, and Holly that she wants them to turn themselves in to the authorities. She thinks that Robert will be able to convince the authorities that he is not a terrorist and they will let them go free. Luke asks Robert how Robin could be so naive for being a Scorpio. Robert doesn't know how to explain Robin's behavior. Robin tells them that they should be honest with the authorities. Luke again looks over at Robert wondering how his daughter could be so unlike him. Robert tells him that Robin gets this from his brother and not from either her mother or him. Lulu decides to cut to the chase and tell them what she thinks of their ability to get out of trouble. She tells them that they are too old to be running off on any more adventures and that she and Robin came here to stop them from getting themselves killed. Luke doesn't appreciate Lulu's comments and tells her to butt out of his business and go home. Lulu tells him to go to hell and runs outside. Holly tells Luke that he is clueless sometimes. Robin is about to say something to Robert but he warns her not to say a word.

Holly catches up to Lulu outside and advises her about how to handle any man. Lulu tells her that she is worried that something will happen to Luke just as she starting to get close to him. Holly suggests she go home and let Robert and Luke take care of themselves. Lulu decides she has no other choice. She goes back inside. Dillon doesn't want to go home without helping Luke and Robert out first. Luke tells him he needs him to go with the girls to help protect them. He also reminds him that he needs to call Georgie also. Dillon agrees to go with Lulu and Robin back home. Robert approaches Robin and asks her if she would be willing to have dinner with him when he gets back to town and talk. Robin tells him she will consider having dinner with him. Lulu is about ready to leave and Luke gives her the cold shoulder at first. However, he stops her from leaving and thanks her for coming all this way to help him. He gives her a big hug before she leaves. Robert and Luke try to figure out how to escape without being caught and who will go up in the plane next. Holly offers to go first. The men disagree with that idea. A few moments later Dillon, Robin, and Lulu come back and tell them that they tried to leave but they ran into some fierce looking jaguar. Robert and Luke take the machete and go in search of it. They come back later after getting rid of the creature and find Holly, Lulu, Dillon, and Robin tied up at gunpoint by the bounty hunters (Patrick has returned to Port Charles to treat Sam).

Robert and Luke, who have yet to be restrained, begin bickering over making a run for it. The bounty hunters finally tie up Robert and Luke while the arguments continue. They ask that the kids be released but the Bounty Hunters refuse to let anyone go until they have received the money. Lulu informs them that they can make more money off the jewels that Holly is wearing. The hunters take Holly's jewels. Creating a new plan, the hunters decide to cash in still on the bounty as well as on the jewels. Dillon informs them that Robert is a "super spy" and the bounty hunters will be killed when the National Intelligence Agency comes to find him. Robert knocks Luke's chair over, blaming him for everything that has happened and that he should have turned him in. Tired of the constant arguing between the two, Robin screams for them to shut up and calls them worthless. She then proceeds to tell Robert that he is a self absorbed, self promotion, thinking that he's so important when no one cares and Luke who is a rebel without a cause, devil may care, too hip for the room attitude when he was so ten years ago. With the distraction, Robert and Luke manage to free themselves of their restraints and attack the bounty hunters. Robert and Luke fight the two bounty hunters holding them hostage, managing to knock them out cold. As the men rush to untie the rest, a third hunter cocks his gun. Lulu stuns him by hitting him from behind with an oar, and Dillon punches him in the face completely knocking him out.

Robert comments that Robin's freak out caused a good distraction. Robin informs the two that she meant every word of it. Believing that it's Waldo coming to save them, a helicopter hovers above them. Realizing that Waldo does not have access to a helicopter, the crew suspiciously watches as a stranger crawls down the ladder towards them. Once on the ground, the stranger removes her helmet to reveal that it is none other than Anna Devane. Robin and Anna embrace, and they briefly exchange how much they missed one another. She then hands Robin her bag to hold, and turns and kicks Robert in the head knocking him to the ground.

Robert tells Anna that he guessed that he had it coming. Anna expresses her anger and frustrations for Robert having pretended that he had been dead all of these years. Having heard enough, Robin fires a machine gun into the air. Robin tells her mom that she has every right to be angry with Robert, but fighting is not going to solve anything. Anna makes her intentions clear, by informing everyone that she will be turning over Holly, Robert and Luke for the half a million dollar bounty. Clearly disagreeing with this idea, Lulu holds Anna at gunpoint. Luke asks Lulu to hand him the gun, however she refuses. Robin comes to her mother's defense in saying that Anna hadn't thought things through clearly and that she will not be turning anyone in. Anna agrees with Robin about her hasty decision. Lulu hands the gun over to Robin. Robin asks her parents if it would be too much to have a few minutes of their undivided attention. Anna and Robert both express concern about leaving Holly, Luke, Dillon and Lulu by themselves. Robin offers them a choice between leaving the group behind to be with their daughter or staying with the group and not having their daughter. They both choose Robin. When alone, Robin asks her parents if they are sorry for what has happened. Lulu and Luke share an intimate father and daughter moment. Lulu tells her father that she is envious of Robin for being able to have both of her parents want to be with her.

Anna admitted that she and Robert had made selfish choices and had been horrible parents. Robert proclaimed that despite it all Robin turned out all right, that she had a successful career, an extended family and a neurosurgeon boyfriend in Patrick. Anna was pleasantly surprised and started asking questions regarding Patrick, and who he was. Robin shared that Patrick was a brilliant surgeon who was a self-centered, arrogant, womanizer with a little bit of compassion. She also claimed that even if she was to like him, she could never trust him. At that point, Anna punched Robert, exclaiming that Robert had made his daughter fall in love with a man just like him. Upon further discussion, Robin agreed that Patrick was in a way a substitute for Robert. As Robert and Anna continued their bantering, Robin asked if they had ever loved each other. At that point, both Robert and Anna proclaimed that they loved each other, but because of Anna's need to be independent, and Robert's need to be competitive, they could not stay together. However, both agreed that the best thing that happened to them was Robin, and that they were very grateful for that. Robert then left the room, and Anna and Robin shared some personal time. Anna asked Robin to try and give Robert another chance, that he was a good man, and that she would be fortunate to have him on her side.

Lulu and Luke talked about Laura, and how much Lulu had missed out on. Luke spoke about all of the wonderful qualities of Laura, and that the cruelest thing was Laura getting ill. Lulu wondered if her mother would have liked her. Luke said that he didn't doubt that Laura would have liked her, because Lulu was a combination of the best things of Luke and Laura, with a bit of her own originality. However, he reiterated that while he appreciated her willingness to come and help him, they would never have a typical father daughter relationship. Lulu agreed that Luke was his own man, and that the only reason she came to aid him was to break up the monotony.  Luke went inside to talk to Holly while Lulu apologized to Dillon for dragging him with her. Dillon said that everything happened for a reason, and perhaps in a long time, they would understand why this happened. Inside the mansion, Luke and Holly (who was dripping in jewels) were talking about the disadvantages of having a romance, and that it was more advantageous to have companionship. They were kissing on the couch when Robert walked in on them.

Anna, Robert and the others conduct an impromptu investigation to determine who among them is the guilty party. Robin theorizes that her mother took Holly's rubies, while Dillon guesses that the alleged "victim" herself is the real thief. Tracy shows up at the villa to stop Luke from running off with Holly and the jewels. She tells Holly to stay away from her husband. She asks Luke where Dillon is. Luke tells her he is around there somewhere. Tracy pushes her way inside and finds everyone tied up. She notices that Robert, Anna and Robin are tied up together. She realizes that Anna is there and is surprised to see her. Tracy has her little harem of men untie everyone and expects an explanation as to why Luke would tie up her son. Luke has to backpedal and explain himself. Tracy isn't impressed and expects him to thank her for saving them. She informs everyone that she paid money to the authorities to lift the bounty off of their heads. Tracy expects Luke to make it up to her and insinuates that she expects sex. Dillon and Lulu try not to cringe when they hear them talking. Luke asks everyone to stay and let him cook dinner for everyone before they leave the island. Robin thanks Luke for the offer but she plans on getting on a plane and heading home. Anna plans to leave as well. Robert offers to drive them to the airport. Robin touches Robert's heart when she tells him that despite everything she had an exciting time with everyone. Robert hugs her and tells her he enjoyed being with her too. Tracy sits with Holly while Luke drugs Tracy's wine. They drink a glass of wine together. Tracy pretends she isn't jealous of Holly but it is clear that she feels Holly is a threat. Dillon and Lulu also head to the airport as well.

Later, Robert returns to the villa to find Luke sulking about having to return to Tracy. He also tells Robert that Holly is upstairs waiting for him. Robert plans to go up and take her up on her offer. Luke drugs Robert's glass of wine without his knowledge. Robert ends up going upstairs and gets into bed with who he thinks is a sleeping Holly. However, Holly appears downstairs and asks Luke where Robert is and why he isn't back yet. Luke tells her not to worry about Robert. Meanwhile, Anna tells Robin, Dillon and Lulu that only two people can take the next flight back to the states and that the other two people will have to catch the next flight. Dillon tells Robin to go first since she may be needed back at the hospital. Robin thanks him. Lulu tells Anna to go ahead with Robin and she will fly back with Dillon. Lulu tells Dillon that despite the danger it was fun being on the island. Dillon agrees with her. She reminds him that he should be excited to go home to see his wife. Dillon isn't too sure he will be welcomed home by Georgie. Anna informs Robin that she isn't going back to Port Charles with her and that she needs to take care of something and she will come see her soon. Robin is disappointed that she isn't coming with her but wishes her well. Anna tells her she hopes to meet Patrick someday. Robin doesn't bother correcting her on her relationship with Patrick and leaves.

A drugged Robert awakens to a lump next to him on the bed. Robert thinking that it's Holly and Tracy thinking that it's Luke, find comfort in each other's arms. They begin to kiss when they see a bright flashing light. Holly and Luke are standing at the foot of the bed taking a photo. Realizing that they had just been kissing one another, an upset Robert and Tracy scream. Tracy freaks out on Luke for his lack of gratitude for paying off the bounty hunters. In all of the commotion, Holly manages to slip out of the room unnoticed. Finally noticing that she has left, Luke and Robert begin to search the grounds. Unable to find her, they return to the Villa. Holly asks the pilot if he is able to fly the plane any faster as she is in a rush. Anna approaches Holly on the plane and tells her that there has been a change in plans. Anna informs Holly that her actions were too predictable. On the other hand, because Anna was able to maintain such a cool head, she would be the one to succeed. Anna takes the jewels and escapes the plane by skydiving. Luke informs Tracy and Robert that there was a Plan B to all of this chaos. He produces the jewels and informs them of the switch he had made on Holly. Tracy manages to take the jewels from Luke, only to have the jewels taken from her by the bounty hunters.

Lulu shudders when Tracy announces that she and Luke have reached a new understanding. Lulu wants to know what Tracy has on him now? Maxie and Robin are together at Kelly's, Maxie groans when Mac walks in. He wants to know when she is moving back home for the summer? She tries to tell him they are letting her stay in the dorm for the summer but he knows that isn't true. Maxie wants to know if he was this tough on Robin, she grins (if Maxie only knew!). A broken hearted Georgie comes downstairs and asks if she can move back home and Mac tells her she always has a home with him. He does however want to set some ground rules as Maxie declares she is in college and Georgie points out she is married. Robin encourages them to be nice to Mac and be grateful that they have a father around who cares about them. Robert enters, thrilled at the family reunion also encouraging the treat the father with respect though this seems more directed at Robin than at his nieces. Robert boasts to Mac, Robin, Maxie and Georgie about his recent exploits in the Markham Islands. Robert gives them the highlights of his latest adventure, as they all tease him about his life as a super spy. Robin is more than a bit cynical about his story. She wants to know why he is staying in town, isn't this about the time that he disappears for another decade? Robert says he turned down the next assignment, as he wants to stay in town for everything he has missed. Robert asks Mac if he can stay with him but Mac says no that the girls are coming home and he doesn't have room. Robin suggests he get a hotel room somewhere but Robert points out that defeats the purpose of him staying in town to be the father that she needs. She laughs that she is now a grown woman with a wife of her own. He wants to know when she is going to get over being angry at him? She retorts that she is not angry with him that she just finds him mildly amusing and now that she is all grown up she really doesn't need a father but thanks him for volunteering. Maxie points out that Robin was just suggesting to them that they should appreciate the father that they have? Robin clarifies that she was suggesting that they should appreciate having a father around when they need him and says all three of them can be grateful for having that in Uncle Mac.

Luke gets upset when he finds Alice massaging Robert's head and that Robert is drinking the martini usually reserved for him. Alice tells Luke that she didn't think he would mind since Robert saved his life on the island. Luke grabs Robert and throws him off the couch and tries to throw him out of the mansion. Edward intervenes and informs Luke that he hired Robert to help him get Luke out of the house. He also tells Luke that he invited Robert to move in to the mansion. Luke can't believe this is happening and tries to warn Edward that Robert will try to lay claim to everything in the mansion if he doesn't get rid of him. Edward tells him that if he moves out of the mansion he can take Robert with him. Robert smiles and tells Luke it will be like old times. Luke doesn't like that prospect and asks Robert if there is anything of his he hasn't had. Tracy is there and points to herself as being the one woman they haven't shared. Robert laughs and tells him "not yet." Later, Robert tries to get Tracy to sit with him on the couch. Tracy tells him that Robert went for a walk and that he hasn't gotten rid of him yet.  Later, Georgie and Dillon show up at the Quartermaine mansion and inform Tracy and Luke that they are more in love than ever but they are getting an annulment. Lulu overhears them and is partially happy with that news.

Robin and Patrick decide to make love, they start kissing on the bed when Robin stops them and sits up. She tells Patrick that she just realized something, her mother was right. Patrick asks her why she is bringing her mother into this. Robin tells him that her mother told her that Patrick is just like her father. Robin wonders if she is attracted to him because he is like her father and that disturbs her. She explains to him that he and Robert are both conceited jerks and that they think they are God's gift to women. Patrick doesn't like the idea that she is comparing him to Robert just as they are going to make love. Robin apologizes for breaking the mood. She decides to forget about her father and leads him back to the bed to make love. They are starting to undress each other when there is a pounding on the door. Patrick and Robin try to ignore it but it is insistent. Patrick hollers at the intruder to go away.

Once Robert hears Patrick's voice, Robert bangs even harder on the door telling him that he wishes to know his intentions with his daughter. Robin answers the door and asks him what he is doing here? Patrick's shirt is off and Robin is only half dressed, Robert assures her that he didn't know Patrick is there but then Robert informs Robin that he wishes to be the father that Robin has always wanted and he doesn't want to see her hurt. So he would like to know what exactly Patrick has in mind concerning her? Patrick agrees to answer any question that Robert may have. Believing that her father has ulterior motives, Robin tries to explain to Patrick that her father is trying to trap him. She believes that Robert is trying to find out just how many similarities they have. Robert tells Patrick that Robin is a lot like her mother, and that he had better be prepared for a challenge. Patrick agrees that he is up for whatever she throws at him. Robin asks Patrick for some alone time with her father. Once Patrick has left; Robin turns to Robert and asks him why he is trying to ruin her life.

Robin is thankful for Robert's concern, but she mentions that he doesn't need to overdue the parenting in one afternoon. Robert tells her that he is having issues seeing her as an adult, she still reminds him of the little 7-year-old girl that he had left behind. Robin tries to tell him that despite seeing her like that, she isn't a little girl anymore. Proceeding to speak to Robin about sex, Robert asks his daughter if she is taking all of the protective measures that are required with her having HIV. Robin informs him that after dealing with the illness for 10 years, she knows what she is doing. Robert offers his concern that being cautious for too many years may have taught Robin to become overprotective of her heart. Robin tells her father that she isn't afraid of love. She has loved both Stone and Jason and that she just isn't sure if she will ever find love again. Robert asks her why she can't find love with Patrick. Robin tells him that this is not the type of relationship that two have, and that it's merely sexual. At that moment, Patrick re-enters the room.

Alan, Edward and Monica complain to Alice about how disappointing lunch was for them at the house. They thought "Cook" had been baking a peach cobbler and smoked salmon. Alice reminds them that there are more mouths in the house to feed now that Robert is living there. Edward tells them that he is hoping that Robert will work his magic to run Luke out of the mansion and then he will leave soon. Tracy comes in the room and overhears him. She tells Edward that Luke is going nowhere as far as she is concerned. Luke comes in the room and starts accusing Tracy of trying to freeze all his assets. Tracy expects Luke to live on the allowance she is giving him. Robert comes in the room complaining about all the noise waking him up from his nap. Edward chastises Robert for taking a nap as if he was a two year old instead of a grown man. Later, Luke and Robert show up at the "Haunted Star" together. Luke gives him a tour. Robert isn't that impressed with how the place looks. Luke takes offense to Robert's negativity and complains about Tracy. Robert tells Luke he expects him to do better with handling Tracy and the Quartermaines. Nikolas comes over to see Luke. Luke introduces Robert to Nikolas, not realizing they already met briefly before. Luke asks Nikolas for another infusion of cash for the casino after Tracy froze his accounts. Tracy shows up and Nikolas isn't that surprised to see her or know what is going on. Luke realizes that Tracy already told Nikolas what was going on and that he didn't stop her. Nikolas tells him that what he is doing has nothing to do with being a Cassadine but that he is a businessman who expects to get a profit off of his investment. Nikolas leaves them to talk to Tracy. Tracy surprises Luke when she hires Robert to be the manager of the casino so he can keep an eye on Luke and make sure the profits don't get lost. Robert accepts the job, which irritates Luke. Robert suggests they have a cocktail to discuss it further. Luke makes a call on his cell-phone to someone. He identifies who he is and tells the person on the other line that he needs him to help him pull off a robbery and that he will be the victim.

Luke hires Coleman to rob the vault on the Haunted Star. He asks Coleman that there be no violence, and that none of the men should touch the customers. Luke tells Coleman that in exchange for his services, he will give him 10% of the amount stolen. Coleman agrees to provide his services. Luke tells Robert that he used to look up to him and now he is nothing more than a socialite's lackey. Luke continues to say that he can't believe that Robert agreed to be on Tracy's payroll to watch him. Robert tells Luke that he is trying to make an effort to be in his daughter's life and plans to hang around for her sake. Acting as host for the night Robert begins to charm all of the customers upon their arrival at the Haunted Star. Robert provides Tracy with an update on Luke's dealings. He tells her that Luke's attention is being occupied by Lulu so it doesn't appear that he is up to much.

The Haunted Star is quieted when a gunshot is overheard at the entrance. A few men sporting ski masks enter and begin to rob the place. Lulu apologizes for not knowing robbery protocol when one of the robbers asks her to put her hands up in the air. Hearing her voice, one of the robbers stops collecting the money and stares at her. Recognizing the expensive watch, Lulu realizes that one of the robbers is Diego.  Luke watches approvingly as the masked gunmen clean out his casino. As Mac and his officers begin their investigation, Tracy starts to suspect that her ever-loving hubby was behind the robbery. Later on the docks, Lulu accuses Diego of stealing from her dad and he surprises her with the info that Luke hired Coleman to arrange the heist.

**The End**

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