Early Robert #1A DVD  December, 1980 - February, 1981 - 4 hours

Luke questions Alex about how dangerous of a situation they are in? She denies there is any danger but he wants to know who has been following her? She denies it is anything to worry about and says she just ducked into the disco to get a drink. He walks her out and as he is trying to hail a cab, he sees someone lurking in wait. He ushers her inside and later offers to drive Alex home. Luke returns home to his apartment and finds Robert Scorpio waiting for him with a gun trained on him. Robert sternly warns him not to make any sudden moves. Luke thinks he is with Frank Smith's organization and assures him he does not have the black book that the cops have it. Luke thinks that Robert is there to kill him on behalf of the mob. Robert doesn't know or care anything about the black book, he wants to know where the Ice Princess is. Luke suddenly understands that he has stepped into another mess as Robert threathens him, he tells him he doesn't want to kill him but he will!     

Alex calls Luke and is concerned when Robert answers the phone which convinces Robert that Luke is involved in this caper. Alex tells Edward she is worried as she believes this is the same man who has been following her. Robert questions Luke who is cagey and doesn't give up much information, though he offers to work a deal with Robert. Luke doesn't know anything about the Ice Princess at this point (including what it is or where it is) so he fishes trying to get Robert to clue him in by telling him what he wants to know. Robert is sure since Luke is working for Alex that he knows all and demands the information. Luke offers information for a price but Robert quickly sees through it and realizes Luke is bluffing. He observes that he believes the Quartermaines have kept Luke totally in the dark. Robert pulls out his gun and Luke tries to jump him, Robert's partner comes in and hits Luke over the head and knocks him out.     

Luke wakes up the next morning with a throbbing head. Joe Kelly stops by and wonders what Luke has gotten himself into this time! An irate Luke shows up at ELQ demanding answers from Edward and Alex. Luke tells them that he was followed all day yesterday and he is tired of Alex lying to him as she told him there wasn't any danger and she wasn't being followed. He tells them what happened when he returned home last night, he is mad as hell, he has had it and he quits! He tells them that he stared down the barrel the strangers gun, with his steely blue eyes and his accent. Alex pretends that she doesn't know who it was, and Luke knows that she is lying again as the guy only wanted to know about the Ice Princess and he knew all abut Alex. Alex and Edward are sorry that he was hurt but declare they don't know anything about an Ice Princess and what happened last night had nothing to do with him working for them. Luke storms out, and Alex observes that it was the deadly Scorpio who paid Luke a visit last night. This insures that Scorpio and the cartel he works for don't have the Ice Princess.     

Alex receives a rattle snake in the mail. Robert is lurking out front as Luke goes down to question the guard about who sent the package. The guard gives Luke a description of the guy that dropped off the box, medium height, medium build, dark hair and well dressed (which could have been Robert as far as Luke knows). Robert rents out the penthouse and requests that his arrangement be kept in complete secrecy. Luke has followed Robert though and says to himself, "Next time, I make the sting!" Over at the ELQ building, Robert watches as Alex and Edward leave the building and then goes up and asks Laura to see Alex. Two guys from the zoo arrive to pick up the snake, Robert laughs as he realizes that someone sent Alex a snake for Christmas. Laura laughs, "What else do you get a girl that has everything?" Robert tries to pump Laura for information on what commodity Alex is working on trying to acquire? Laura pretends ignorance and Robert suggests they discuss it further over dinner. Laura cooly tells him that she is a married woman and doesn't date. Robert observes that she isn't wearing a wedding ring and rightly guesses that her marriage has recently ended.

Luke questions Dan Rooney about Robert Scorpio and he tells him he had dealings with him in Australia. Luke is curious about whether he can trust Robert, Dan urges him that given a choice between having Robert as a friend or an enemy that Dan would rather have Robert as his friend. Luke wants to know if the Cassidines and Robert are in the same room, who would back down first? Dan observes that Robert doesn't back down from anything and neither would the Cassidines. Luke doesn't know who he can trust and tells Dan that Scorpio is here in Port Charles, and after the Frank Smith thing Luke doesn't feel like he can make any more enemies. Dan believes that Robert will only sting if he has been double crossed. Dan tells him that he tried to cut Robert out of a business deal but Robert never held a grudge against him but he should never try something like that against Robert again. Dan advises that Luke never get into a showdown with Robert, but Luke admits it may have already gone too far for that.     

Robert arrives home to find Luke waiting in the dark for him, with a gun drawn on Robert. Robert tells him he regrets having Luke knocked out the other night as he has a distaste for violence but he moves in a violent circle of people. Robert assures him there was nothing personal, he had to toss Luke's apartment while looking for the information he sought. Luke wants to know what the hell the Ice Princess is as he has figured out it sure isn't a diamond mine! When Robert tries to work his way over to a liquour cabinet, Luke growls at him to sit down. Robert condensends that Luke is third rate and insinuating that he is out of his league. Robert doesn't believe Luke is capable of killing him, and asks him if he has ever killed anyone before? Robert tells him that the Ice Princess can turn the world upside down and whoever possesses it will be King and Robert intends that it be him! Robert tells Luke they have both been lied to but he suspects that Alex is better at lying than at anything else. Neither Luke nor Robert trust each other though Luke puts down his gun and they decide to share a brandy. Luke brings up Dan Rooney and Robert admits he ran across him a feel years ago in Australia and Dan made the mistake of underestimating him during a business deal. Robert is tired of Luke's fence sitting and wants to know if he will work with Robert? Luke tells him he is currently on the ELQ payroll supposedly working on the Ice Princess diamond mine but he is actually looking for the Cassidines. Robert admits he is also looking for the Cassidines but they aren't easy to find, he causually sets his brandy down near the gun but Luke anticipates him and grabs the gun. Robert wants to know what the Quartermaines are paying him? Robert finds it interesting that Alex wants Luke to find the Cassidines as she is the one who stole the Ice Princess from them!

At that moment, Alex tells Edward that they are losing control of Luke and she doesn't like how comfortable Robert felt strolling into ELQ to leave her a message. Alex wants to know if Luke will sell out to Robert? Edward isn't sure. Robert continues to make overtures about Luke working with him, then tries to throw his drink in Luke's face, but Luke returns the favor by knocking Robert out.     

Luke questions Alex and Edward again about what exactly the Ice Princess is and when a cagey Edward refuses to answer him, Luke quits again! Later that night, Robert arrives at ELQ looking for Luke and finds Laura there alone. He is eager to get in touch with Luke and his tone worries Laura and she wants to know if Luke is in danger? He tells her they are all in danger. He offers to take her home.

Back at Laura's, Robert is feeling well and admits he got hit over the head and is feeling a bit dizzy. Laura insists on calling her father and Rick offers to come over and take a look at her new friend. While waiting for Ric, Laura questions Robert on his supposed friendship with Luke and  when she doesn't' like his answers, she accuses him of lying. Rick arrives and believes Robert will be fine but tells him to take a cab home and not drive. When she questions him about his injury, he tells her that he got hit with a telephone but doesn't go into any further details.     

The next day, Robert arrives at ELQ again and wants to know how he can pay Rick for his visit. Laura suggest he can make a donation to his waterfront clinic. Alex comes in and Robert invites her out to dinner. Luke calls in and tells Alex they have to talk as he suspects Robert maybe working with the Cassidines. Luke asks her to meet him for dinner so they can discuss it, he wants more answers. Laura listens in and hears the details of their plans.     

Robert calls Laura and asks her for dinner. She agrees as long as they can make it for that night and she suggests the Versaille Room (where Luke and Alex are going). He tells her he can't make it as he has a business meeting with Alex but seems relieved when Laura tells him Alex won't be able to make it due to a business complication. Robert is more than happy to ditch business to enjoy an evening with Laura.     

Luke finds it very interesting when he and Alex arrive and find Robert and Laura dining there as well.  Laura pretends it's a coincidence, Luke isn't buying it. Luke and Alex wind up joining them. Later in the evening, Luke slips their waiter some money and as soon as Alex goes to the bathroom, Robert gets called away to the phone leaving Luke and Laura alone together. Luke grills Laura about what she is doing with Robert. He asks her, "What are you doing with this guy? He carries a gun! He likes to smack people over the head with it!" (Referring to Robert bopping him on the head at his apartment the first time they meet.) When he makes a comment about Robert being a Scorpion, she comments that he is the one in danger of being stung by Alex! Luke warns her further, "This guy could be a killer!" Laura responds, "So...some of my best friends have been killers. Look at Hutch!"     

Laura asks him about he knows about the Ice Princess? He is shocked that she knows about that. She tells him she overheard Alex and Robert talking about it. He is even more shocked to learn that Robert is talking to Alex about. Laura surmises that the Ice Princess is at the heart of the danger Luke has been involved in, and he and Robert have been beating each other up over it. He questions why she let Robert in her apartment. She explains that he showed up at her door hurt and she let him in and called her father, that at the time she didn't know that Luke had been the one who had hit him. He demands that she not do anything like that again! She tells him he can't tell her who she can or can't see! He tells her to get off his back about Alex. She then interrogates him whether his relationship with Alex is more than just business. He accuses her of being jealous. He warns her to keep out of trouble and get rid of the Australian insect that he is dangerous. She points out that she goes for dangerous men, why does he think she hung around him all summer?     

Robert returns and tells Luke that he has monopolized enough of "his lady's" time this evening. Luke questions when did Laura become Robert's lady? Robert says she is his lady for the evening, and asks Luke if he has a date with the wrong woman? Alex rejoins them, and during conversation, Robert comments about wishing he could show Laura Australia. Luke looks ill at the thought. Slick shows up and tells Luke that Robert carries a gun, as there have been attempts on his life. Slick reports that Robert doesn't have a criminal record, no violence but someone is willing to pay big bucks to have Robert killed. Next, the foursome are dancing at the disco and Robert is introduced to Amy, Brian and Claudia. Robert and Luke go back to Robert's to continue their negotiations. Robert offers Luke $50,000 to bring him the Ice Princess but warns him no more games, no more playing him against Alex.

Laura receives two dozen roses and finds a card that says, "I can't wait to see you again. Robert." He soon arrives and she thanks him for the flowers, he tells her he meant what he wrote on the card. He goes to the hospital with her when she visits Hutch before he is moved to prison. While he is waiting, Luke arrives and Robert asks him if he has given any further thought to his business proposition. Luke tells him he has to make a phone call and still doesn't commit. Luke looks almost ill when Laura comes out and he realizes that she is with Robert.

Robert takes her back to his penthouse and offers her a brandy as a storm rages outside. He invites her to sit on the couch and as she seems nervous, he promises he won't attack her not without warning anyway! He bluntly tells her they are dating each other as they both want information. He asks her what she wants to know? She asks him about his work, Australia? He in turn asks her about Luke and tells her that he wants to know all about Luke Spencer as he is thinking about hiring him and forming a partnership with him. He asks if Luke is honest and Laura says that yes he is very honest. They continue to dance around each other's questions, neither really gaining much information from the other. Robert admires her as he is usually a bit more adept at getting information out of people. They agree to get together again to match their skills further.

Luke shows up at ELQ after being missing in action for a couple of days. He makes plans to have dinner with Laura that night. He gets tired of everyone questioning him as to where he has been and warns Alex and Edward to back off. He tells Robert that he has chosen to see through this job for the Quartermaines. Robert is puzzled why he would continue to work for the Q's and figures that Luke is staying there because of Laura. Robert observes that it gets up Luke's nose that he has been dating Laura. Luke bluffs that Laura's social life is her own business. Robert says that's good as he has enjoyed the time he has spent with Laura enourmously and its going to continue. Robert raves that Laura is intelligent, beautiful and that they are sympatico. Luke snarks, "Congratulations, sounds like you have a dinner date made in heaven." (knowing full well that Laura is going to break her date with Robert to be with Luke that night).

Robert wonders why Luke is hanging around? Luke says that he is waiting for Laura as they carpool together. Robert assures him that Laura won't be going with Luke tonight as she has a date with Robert. Luke smugly comments that he recalls Laura indicating that there might be a problem with that and Robert might have to be simpatico with himself that night. Robert insists on waiting for Laura and urges her to take off with him for a nice quiet dinner and a cold bottle of champagne. Laura lies and says she completely forgot that she made plans for a business meeting with Luke that night. She asks him to forgive her.

Robert stops by the clinic for his checkup and insists on making a donation. Leslie and Rick play the concerned parents over his dating Laura and bring up her association with Luke the previous summer. Robert comments they must have been proud of Luke for bringing down Frank Smith's organization and Rick snarks that the jury is still out on Luke Spencer. Robert promises to go slow with Laura trying to assure them he isn't out to hurt her.

Luke returns home and finds Robert waiting for him again. Luke is not happy to find him waiting uninvited and he really doesn't like Robert dragging Laura into the muck of the Ice Princess deal. Robert urges him to work for Robert and together they can protect Laura. Luke tells him to get out, Robert says Luke is a tiresome fellow and he has backed the wrong team and may leave to regret it or worse, die to regret it!
Robert shows up at Kelly's the next day, and Luke is not happy to see him again. Joe tells him that Burt Ramsey is on his way over to meet with Luke as he requested. Luke is not happy about this as he doesn't want to talk to Burt with
"snake eyes" sitting over there. They go back to Burt's office, and Luke asks him about theft of docks shipments and tells him that the Quartermaines had part of an art shipment stolen. Burt confirms this and says they reported four crates were stolen and Luke realizes that the Ice Princess was in one of them. Robert follows Luke as he tracks this down.

Luke talks to a guy down at the docks, and arranges to meet with him later. Robert stops by and pretends to be an insurance guy and then tries to bribe him for more information. He immediately knows something is fishy as insurance companies don't go around paying out money. He calls off the meeting with Luke getting spooked. Joe knows the guy and intercedes and vouches for Luke and arranges for the meeting to take place. Luke asks him to describe the insurance agent and its obvious its Robert. Robert continues to follow Luke, and Luke sneaks up behind him on the docks later on.

Luke tells Robert that he overplayed his hand today, that Robert can't go around bribing people on the docks. Robert admits he learned something today. Luke tells him he knows Robert was following him around all day and he could have lost him any time he wanted to. He invites Robert to join him for a beer at Kelly's, as he knows Robert will follow him there anyway!

Robert shows up at Laura's with more roses and tells her that Luke has a meeting and offers to drive her to work. Luke has tracked the stolen goods to Benny the fence and is meeting with him. Laura heads upstairs and Luke gives her the brush off and tells her to take the ride with Robert and keep him busy for the day. She says that she would like to stop at GH to say good morning to her parents and then invites Robert to go out to breakfast with her so as to prevent him from following Luke around.

Robert indulges her though later in the day as she is satisfied for keeping him busy, he teases her about her need to give her folks a kiss and a hug to start her day, and all the friends she introduced him to and wanted to invite to breakfast and its too bad that there weren't more of her friends in the lobby. He tells her he spent the day with her because he wanted to, and he had no intention of following Luke that day as he preferred being with her so he had his associate tail Luke! The associate meets with Robert and tells him about Luke meeting with Benny the fence at the warehouse, that he went in with mink coats and came out empty handed. Robert knows that Luke didn't get what he was after so he can still lead Robert to it.
Laura shows up at Luke's to see if he is giving her a ride. He says he will drop her off but he has a complicated schedule for the day. He looks outside and sees Robert waiting outside for him. Luke tells her that he can't have Robert following him around and needs her help to ditch Robert. He has spotted some people moving a couch in and offers to help out and sneaks right past Robert unseen. He asks her not to be alone with him as he doesn't trust Robert.

Laura asks Robert out for that evening but he says he can't as he has business that night. She says that is too bad as Luke and Alex are going along as well. He grins that she sure knows how to manipulate him as she knows he will agree with Luke along for the evening but he suspects he is being lead up the garden path, he knows this is some kind of a setup.

They all arrive to pick up Bobbie, and Robert flirts with Ruby. Luke pulls Bobbie aside and tells her he wants her to be Robert's dance partner tonight in the dance contest. Bobbie insists that she will be dancing with her date, Joe, that night. Luke tells her he doesn't want Laura dancing with Robert but wants Bobbie to do it instead. Bobbie rolls her eyes as its always about Laura but she agrees and Luke says he will fill Joe in as well.

At the disco, Luke tells Laura he is jealous of her being with Robert and doesn't want her dancing with Kangaroo Breath and she is to say she sprained her ankle and Bobbie can be his dance partner. Laura grumbles a bit but flattered at Luke's jealousy agrees to go along with his plan especially after he tells her that he doesn't want her in the line of fire tonight. Luke stands up and cheers Bobbie on, then sneaks out while just about everyone is busy on the dance floor. Bobbie and Robert are crowned the winners, Robert is the King of the disco! (though how he won is a mystery as Robert is seriously NOT the best dancer! <grin> (Me thinks the contest was rigged, even Robert says he doesn't understand how he won as he wasn't born to be Gene Kelly).

When Robert realizes Luke has snuck off he realizes it was all a scam and he has been set up. Meanwhile, Luke is busy searching at the warehouse though Robert soon shows up. Luke says he thought Robert was being king of disco heaven and where is his crown? Robert warns him he owes him for that but at the moment two of the Cassidine goons followed him and Robert couldn't shake them. Robert suggests they team up for the night as the Cassidines are no friends of his. Luke is disturbed to learn Robert doesn't have his gun but he points out that Luke keeps taking it away from him and hitting him over the head with it! They wind up fighting the Cassidine goons and of course triumph. This is the first time they work together and prove they make a great team! Though at the last minute one of the goons breaks free and whacks Luke over the head with a chair, knocks Robert down, and frees his buddy and they run off.

They both start with the jokes and the adlibs, a sign of things to come. Robert wants to know how Luke rigged the dance contest though Luke insists Robert won it all on his own. Luke also wants to know how is the fool Robert has hired to follow Luke around on the days that Robert is busy, Luke complains the guy is really tacky. Luke surmises that Robert has also been following Alex and that Robert knows exactly what the Ice Princess is? Luke tells him he is sure that it is in Benny's warehouse as Luke has already found two of the other items that were stolen at the same time.

**End of First DVD**

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