Sonny & Emily #1, Sonny & Emily #2, Sonny & Emily #3, Sonny & Emily #4

Sonny & Emily #1 May 30 - December 20, 2005: 8 hour original edit
Dvd #1A (Prequel) 5/30- 9/28/2005 First Two Hours:
This edit contains all scenes between Sonny & Emily. Emily witnesses Michael run out of his therapy session with Dr. Thomas, Emily takes Michael to the park, Michael later runs out of another session, Sonny tells Michael that he does not have to go back, Emily confides in Sonny about her rape and explains that therapy will help Michael, Sonny tells Nikolas that Emily has been staying at his home helping with Michael, Sonny walks in on an argument between them in his living room, Emily hides Michael in the tunnels at Wyndemere after Durant issues a warrant for his arrest, Durant has Emily taken into custody, Emily calls Sonny, Nikolas is angry that Emily didn’t confide in him, Sonny interrupts their argument, Emily tells Sonny that Nikolas had an affair, Sonny tells Emily that his home is open to her, Emily makes arrangements to move, Nikolas drops by to see Emily, Sonny asks Emily to look out for Michael and Morgan while their mother is sick, Emily witnesses Carly’s breakdown and asks Lainey to help her, Carly causes an accident that leads to Liz miscarrying, Emily tells Sonny that Carly needs professional help, Carly begins to hallucinate about Faith.

9/29- 11/15/2005 Next Two hours: Carly comes after Emily in the park with a hand sickle, Nikolas finds Emily, Sonny tells Emily that he has decided to have Carly committed, Emily returns to Sonny’s in time for Michael’s open house at school, Sonny & Michael tease her about a moth attack, Emily overhears Courtney & Sonny talking about her pregnancy, Sonny asks Emily to be the legal guardian of his children, Sonny & Reese are shot and brought into the ER, Monica is concerned about Emily, Sonny asks Emily to check on Carly, Alan threatens to have Emily expelled from med school, Sonny asks Emily to move out because of Manny, Emily meets with the dean, Nikolas and Sonny argue after Liz is taken hostage by Manny, Emily tells Sonny that she wants to stay, Liz’s wedding veil arrives, Sonny catches Emily trying it on, Sonny joins Liz & Lucky’s wedding party on the train to talk to Emily about Carly, the trains wreck, Emily provides medical help to the injured, Reese dies, the rescue workers get Emily out, Sonny leads Sam away from Jason to safety, Manny’s dynamite is detonated.

Dvd #1B 11/16-12/5/2005 Next two Hours: Sonny tells Sam that Jason has not been found, Emily collapses at the rescue site, Emily struggles with her feelings over losing a patient, Sonny confides in Emily about losing Jason, Jason comes in, Sonny finds Carly telling the children that she’s been released from Roselawn, Monica encourages Emily to seek Lainey’s counseling, Emily freezes while trying to treat Dillon, Sonny attends Reese;s memorial, Durant threatens him, Durant suggests to Carly that Emily is taking her place, Emily brings the boys to visit Carly, Carly accuses Emily of falling for Sonny, Monica accuses Emily of leaving med school for Sonny, Sonny tells Emily that Jason has his memory back and they hug, Emily dreams about Sonny and Liz misinterprets, Carly overhears Sonny confiding in Jason, Sonny tries to convince Jason to have the surgery, Liz tricks Emily & Nikolas on their anniversary.

12/6-12/20/2005 Last Two Hours: Sonny tells Emily about Jason’s decision but Jason changes his mind and shows up for the surgery, Emily & Nikolas sign their divorce papers, Manny shows up for Jason’s surgery and takes Carly hostage, Courtney is hit by a tree limb but Emily freezes and cannot help her, Sonny shoots Manny, Emily and Nikolas take Courtney to the ER, Emily catches an intern’s mistake, Emily checks in with Sonny on Jason, Carly tells Sonny that Emily is in love with him, Emily confronts Jax about his manipulations, Jax wonders about her relationship with Sonny, Jason asks Emily about Sonny, Emily cuts Nikolas off before he can ask, Sonny slips when Alcazar confronts Carly, Jason asks Sonny about Emily, Emily tells Jason that he was right about her feelings for Sonny, Emily overhears Carly and Sonny in the chapel, Lainey leaves Emily and Carly to a confrontation in the GH elevator, Emily calms Michael down after he becomes angry that Carly must return to Roselawn.

Sonny & Emily #2 December 21, 2005- March 2, 2006: 8 hour original edit
Dvd #2A 12/21/2005-1/6/2006 First Two Hours:
Sonny tells Michael that Carly can’t come home for Christmas, Michael invites Emily, Emily gets Carly released, GH Christmas party, Emily brings Sonny a Christmas gift, Sonny invites Emily to stay in the main house when the heat goes out in the guesthouse, Sonny & Emily encounter each other in the hall in towels, Michael helps Emily get back into her room, Michael tells Sonny that Carly came through his bedroom window to say goodnight, Michael’s birthday party, Emily confides in Liz, Sonny asks Emily to watch the kids while Durant takes his deposition, Emily & Liz discuss what her life would be like with Sonny, Michael invites Emily to dinner, Emily has too much wine and tells Sonny that she;s falling in love with him, Sonny lets down Emily gently but later confides in Jason that he does have feelings for her, Emily saves Michael from drowning, Sonny and Emily kiss.

1/9-1/24/2006 Next Two Hours: Sonny apologizes to Emily, Carly finds a strand of Emily’s hair on Sonny’s jacket, Emily asks Patrick out, Coleman tells Lucky & Nikolas about Emily’s date while Det. Rodriguez relates the events to Sonny, Liz confronts Sonny about his feelings for Emily, Emily gets flowers from Sonny, Emily finds Sonny threatening Patrick, Emily confronts Jason, Emily returns Sonny’s flowers and tells him that she will go if that’s what he really wants, Sonny stops her and they kiss, Sonny gives Emily a birthday present, Sonny takes Emily to the MetroCourt for a birthday dinner, Courtney runs out when Nikolas is distracted by Sonny & Emily, Sonny is concerned that Emily still has feelings for Nikolas, Sonny overhears Carly tell Emily that she and Sonny will never happen, Alexis accuses Sonny of seducing Emily, Jason acts indifferent towards Emily, Emily realizes what her pursuit of Sonny could cost him.

  Dvd #2B 1/25- 2/10/2006 Next Two Hours: Sonny asks Emily to pick up the boys, Sonny invites Emily to Skycreek Lodge, Emily convinces Sonny to give them a chance, Jason interrupts, Sonny breaks things off, Emily walks in on Sonny & Carly kissing, Sonny tells Jason, Emily confides in Sam, Michael tells Emily about the monkey, an epidemic hits Port Charles, Nikolas collapses in front of Emily, Sonny collapses after dinner with Carly and the boys, GH is quarantined, Sonny tells Emily the kiss with Carly was fake while in a feverish delirium, Nikolas is moved into a room with Sonny, Emily overhears Robert tell the doctor’s counsel that criminals like Corinthos should be at the bottom of the list, Emily fights for Sonny, Sonny & Nikolas argue over his involvement with Emily, Patrick asks Emily to choose who gets the next dose of the serum, Sonny or Nikolas.

2/13- 3/2/2006 Last Two Hours: Nikolas stops Patrick’s coin toss and tells him to give the dose to Sonny, Sonny refuses to take it but Patrick insists that Sonny is in worse condition than Nikolas, Sonny starts to recover, Sam informs Sonny that Carly is sick, Emily takes Sonny to the roof for air, Sonny admits that the kiss with Carly was staged and that he can’t push her away anymore, Sonny is released, Emily collapses after Sonny leaves, Sonny takes Emily home with him, Sonny & Emily make love, Carly accuses Sonny of sleeping with Emily, Emily breaks the news to Sonny & Carly that Courtney died, Sonny & Carly say goodbye to Courtney, Mike pushes Sonny away, Emily reaches out to Nikolas, Sonny & Emily resolve to stay together, Sonny sits with Sam, the antidote is found, Sonny and Emily decide to keep their relationship a secret.

Sonny & Emily #3 March 2 - May 10, 2006: 8 Hour original edit
Dvd #3A 3/2- 3/21/2006 First Two Hours:
Courtney’s funeral, Carly is suspicious of Emily, Michael and Morgan almost walk in on Sonny & Emily in the guest house, Monica & Emily make plans to go to a spa, Emily agrees to go away with Sonny instead, Carly overhears Emily’s travel plans, Emily sees Sonny get angry with Janine, Sonny takes Emily to Spain, Emily becomes concerned with Sonny’s mood, Emily tries to get Sonny to open up to her, she accuses him of pushing her away, Sonny accuses her of running away when she threatens to leave, Sonny & Emily open up to each other about their feelings and trust, they agree to continue to hide their relationship upon their return, Sonny & Emily return to Port Charles, Jason tells Sonny that Alexis is Sam’s daughter, Jason believes that Sonny & Emily are lying to him, Sonny confides in Emily about Sam being Alexis’s daughter, Sonny tells Emily that he loves her. 

3/21-4/6/2006 Next Two Hours: Sonny runs into Jason after his confession, Sonny & Emily attend the reopening of the Haunted Star separately, they both leaves after a scene between Sam & Alexis, a suspicious Jason goes over to Sonny’s and finds them together, Ric tells Sonny that Jason attacked him, Lorenzo tells Sonny that he told Jason he wanted a truce, Emily admits to Liz that she & Sonny are involved, Sonny becomes angry with Jason for speaking for him with Alcazar, Lorenzo accuses Jason & Sonny for gunning after his son, Sonny & Emily plan a rendezvous at a hotel, Jason shoots an assassin in their room, the ensuing scandal is all over the media, Jason is arrested, the police interrogate Emily, Sonny asks Nikolas to escort her home, Nikolas assists Emily handle the Q’s, Sonny & Carly do damage control with the boys, Emily visits Jason at the PCPD, Ric takes Sonny’s side, Carly asks Emily to break things off with Sonny.  

Dvd #3B 4/6-4/25/2006 Next Two Hours: Sonny & Emily stand up to the Q’s, Carly sets Emily up with Nikolas at the cabin, Sonny & Jason begin to argue but they are interrupted by the news that Manny has taken Liz hostage, Emily worries about the rift between Sonny & Jason, Emily convinces Sonny to go to the island with her, Sonny returns from their trip to find that Jason has taken over his business, Jason tells Sonny that he can have his business back if he gives up Emily, Emily breaks up a fight between Sonny & Jason, Sonny & Emily resolve to stay together, Michael & Morgan throw Sonny a surprise birthday party, Sonny tries to reason with the families but Jason takes out an Escobar, Emily takes this as a good sign but Sonny is angry to find out that he is now under Jason’s protection, Sonny warns Sam that Jason needs to back down.  

4/26-5/10/2006 Last Two Hours: Ric convinces Sonny to turn Jason in for Escobar’s shooting, Carly is shocked to learn this news from Sam, Sonny explains his position to Emily, Emily decides to leave, Sonny puts a hit on Jason in motion, Carly’s Bachelor Auction, Sam is shot, Jason tells Emily that he's coming after Sonny, Sonny calls off the hit, Emily’s shocked to find out that Sonny had a hit on Jason, Sonny hears from his assassin that he did not take a shot, Sonny asks Emily to stay with the children while he confronts Jason, Carly takes the kids, Sonny tells Jason that he is not responsible, Sonny is surprised that Emily waited for him, Emily forgives Sonny and stays with him, Ric urges Sonny to take back his territory while Jason is distracted by Sam, Jason holds Ric at gunpoint, Sonny tells Ric that Sam is Alexis’s daughter, Sonny wants to reach out to Jason, he gives blood to help Sam.

Sonny & Emily #4 May 11 - August 1, 2006: 9 1/2 hour original edit
Dvd #4A 5/11- 6/2/2006 First Two Hours:
Sonny gives Emily a ton of roses then fixes her dinner, Sonny tells Jason to follow his instincts, Sonny buys a Maserati and takes Emily for a spin, Emily is surprised by his spontaneity, Sonny wants to take Ric & Emily to Vegas, Sonny thanks Jason for taking away the business, Mike & Sonny bond, Sonny throws over the table because the pasta sauce isn’t perfect, Emily discusses Sonny’s mood swings with Lainey, Emily tells Sonny that she thinks that he’s bipolar, Sonny insists that his problems were caused by his childhood, Emily tries to talk to Jason for Sam, a sniper fires a shot at Jason’s PH, Sonny attacks Escobar for the shooting, Jason takes him home, Sonny threatens Alexis, Max prevents Sonny from swinging a wine bottle at Nikolas, Sonny tells Jason that he wants to expand the coffee warehouse, Sam bursts in.

6/2- 6/21/2006 Next Two Hours: Sonny takes Sam back to GH, Alexis warns Sonny not to threaten her again, Sonny questions Max about what he said to Alexis, Emily tells Jason that Sonny’s fine, Emily finds Sonny digging in the garden in the middle of the night, Emily fakes a Q crisis to leave Lainey alone with Sonny for lunch, Sonny tells Emily afterwards that he was shining Lainey on, Sonny begins to confuse Emily with Lily, Sonny attacks Ric for suggesting he take his business back, Mike tells Sonny that Nikolas is really John’s father, Sonny believes that he will lose Emily to Nikolas, Ric buys Sonny a Lily dress for Emily, Sonny rips the dress off of Emily, Ric denies buying the dress, Sonny arranges a private party for Emily with Luke at the Haunted Star.  

Dvd #4B 6/21- 7/7/2006 Next Two Hours: Sonny attacks Nikolas when he finds him with Emily on the Haunted Star, Emily convinces Nikolas not to press charges, Edward confronts Sonny over Justus’s death, Ric encourages Sonny to talk about Lily, Sonny goes to Jake’s to get Emily, Sonny thinks that his car exploded, Ric takes him home, Sonny pulls a gun on Ric, Emily tells Liz that she thinks that Sonny is bipolar, Emily finds Sonny attacking Ric, Max takes Ric out, Emily refuses to go, Sam is kidnapped by Manny, Sonny asks Jason for help, Jason asks Carly to stay with Sonny and arranges for Emily to go away,  Jason is shot, Sonny believes that Jason is dead, he confronts Alcazar, Carly talks him down, Carly leaves Sonny with Max to check on Jason, Sonny questions Max about his feeling for Carly then becomes accusatory towards Carly, Jason stops him.  

7/10- 7/21/2006 Last Two Hours:  Jason insists that Sonny get help, Sonny believes that he doesn’t deserve Jason & Carly’s loyalty, Jason admits that he was wrong to keep Sonny & Emily apart,  Carly tries to chase Ric out with a poker, Sonny tells Ric that Carly & Jason can take care of him now, Emily returns from the island, Emily encourages Sonny to seek professional help, Sonny asks Jason to run the business until he is better, Emily escorts Sonny to GH for his first therapy session, Emily attends Lucky/s award ceremony, Lainey questions Sonny about his relationship with Carly, Sonny discusses his session with Emily, Sonny shares his fears of therapy and medication with Jason, Emily walks in, Sonny and Emily go for a walk in the garden, Emily walks in on Carly taking the torn dress, Carly explains that Ric is responsible for the dress incident, Emily asks Carly to leave as Sonny should be focusing on getting better, Carly brings the boys by for Sonny to explain his illness.   

Dvd #4C 7/24- 8/1/2006: 94 minutes Lainey diagnoses Sonny with bipolar disorder, Ric tries to explain his actions to Sonny, Sonny tells Ric to get out, Sonny wavers about taking his medication, Emily worries when he calls Jason, Sonny tells Jason about his fears then takes the medication, Sonny’s next session with Lainey does not go well when she brings up his mother, Lainey wants to up his dosage, Sonny gets angry when Emily doesn’t disagree with Lainey’s assessment of Adella, Carly walks in, Emily tells Sonny off, Carly agrees with Emily, Sonny takes his medication after a talk with Carly, Emily runs into a strung out Lucky on the docks, Emily returns to Sonny’s, Sonny tells Emily that he thinks that he should continue with his recovery but he needs to do it alone, Emily accepts Sonny’s decision to end their relationship, Emily moves back into the Quartermaine’s, Emily asks Carly to make sure that Sonny follows up with his recovery.  



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