Now Available on DVD!

This is a brand new edit and much improved in quality with additional scenes added. 

Spencer vs Cassadine #1 and Spencer vs Cassadine #2-11

Cassidine vs. Spencers #1  June 14 - August 14, 1996 - 8 hours 

Luke and Laura try to get back to normal after her acquittal. Lucky whizzes in and hits the old man up for some money for a date with a girl named Jamie. Luke parts with $40 and give his some dating advice. Then Laura and Lucky start razzing Luke about his first date, with one of Ruby's "girls" as it turned out! Bobbie arrives for dinner and she joins in the fun of teasing her big brother. Luke cuts out to pay Sonny a quick visit and Lucky gets ready to leave for his date. Laura and Bobbie talk about Justus' upcoming election and how glad Laura is to get back to work. 

Luke arrives later on for a short visit. Luke mentions that he knows who killed Damian, "Want him killed?" Sonny asks as a polite mobster host should. Luke declines the offer saying if he wanted that he'd have done it himself. Sonny tells him about going to Puerto Rico to kill Rivera and then seeing how pathetic the old guy was, he left the gun so Rivera could kill himself. Luke asks if that's what Sonny is waiting for somebody to put him out of his misery? 

Bobbie goes up to check on Lesley-Lu who has been taking antibiotics for yet another ear infection. She brings the feverish infant downstairs and tells Laura that the kid isn't responding to the medication. There is a certain urgency in Bobbie's tone over the high fever Lulu has and they rush Lu to the hospital. Bobbie phones Luke at Sonny's and tells him they are taking Lulu to the hospital. After running tests on her, Simone and Alan don't like what they see and want to do even more tests. Luke and Laura quiz Bobbie on what the docs are looking for. Bobbie reluctantly admits that they're testing Lu for leukemia. 

Lesley Lu's fever continues to rise. There is mention by Simone that a rising fever indicates a blood issue. Simone and Laura add they fear LuLu having a seizure. Later, Bobbie has Luke and Laura sign for Leslie's private room, which only adds to the tension as Luke and Laura are told that the doctors "still aren't sure" what is wrong with LuLu but that a private room would keep other germs away from her. Lucky enters at the end of this discussion and hears Luke mention Leukemia. Lucky goes to bond with LuLu, while Luke and Laura watch. LuLu sneezed several times and then got a nosebleed. Luke and Laura get very worried and call Simone. Later, Simone reports that the baby's white cell count is low and Leukemia usually is accompanied by a high white cell count. Leukemia is not totally ruled out yet, however. Simone wants to run two more tests and when Luke and Laura question what those tests are, Simone reveals she wants to perform a "bone marrow aspiration and a biopsy." 

It's Nurse's Ball 1996, Lucy in yet another slinky outfit introduces Katherine who starts to lipsynch "Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend." Luke arrives during their number and as Kat gets going, Lucy opens the curtains revealing the singing ADA. Lucy then grabs the mike from Katy, and the two proceed to snatch the mike back and forth in a humorous routine; however, both their voices leave much to be desired. Lucy announces the death of Jon Hanley (Lee Mathis) and introduces singer Janis Ian who sings "When Angels Cry" while we see images of Robin, Stone, and other GHers dabbing the tears from their eyes. (Note: the NB is very edited as the Spencers were only seen during a couple of scenes. I do have this edited separately for anyone who would like to see the entire NB episodes). 

Luke and Laura are waiting for Lulu's biopsy to come back. It has been determined that it is aplastic anemia and not leukemia. Lucky is relieved that it is AA and not leukemia, but Laura and Simone remind him that it's still a very serious disease and there is no simple cure, but that he may be able to help. They talk about bone marrow donation, and Lucky demands to have blood drawn immediately so that he can donate. They remind him that he may not match, and he swears he will. While he gets tested, Luke and Laura discuss genetics and what options will be if it doesn't work. They wonder how Lulu got aplastic anemia. Lulu looks at them and they wave. They begin to talk about the campaign, and Laura worries about Justus. Luke tells her not to worry about Justus. They ask Simone what's up with Justus, and she says she's not sure of anything between Justus and her. Lulu is holding steady at 103 degrees. Lucky talks about maybe there's a web page on the Internet about aplastic anemia as they wait for Lucky's blood test to come back. Simone comes back and says Lucky isn't a match. He is agonized over this. 

Luke and Laura tell Simone that they want to be tested even if the chances are zero to none. Lucky is very frustrated and hits the wall as Bobbie overlooks. Lucky comes in to talk to Kevin (note: there is a national news pre-emption during this scene, I'm including the description of the scene though again part of this was pre-empted). They discuss his feelings about Lu and how he feels helpless because he wasn't a match and that nobody is doing anything to help his sister and begins to cry. This was a chance to pay his family back for everything they have done for him. Kevin tells him that with most adolescents he just talks about rock bands or shoots paperclips into the basket. Lucky hopes that their parents have insurance because who would want to pay for that. Kevin promises, "I'll be direct. Your just an adolescent, you can't control everything." 

Lucky questions, "Was that supposed to help me?" 

Kevin responds, "Oo ouch that hurt. Put doc shrink at the end and you'd sound just like your dad. Do you really think that nobody is trying to help? You don't have to be a hero here." 

Lucky admits, "I don't do helpless well." 

Kevin continues, "How are you at positive? Thats what your parents will need most of all in this sorrow." 

Lucky replies, "I see what your saying. How do I get from where I am to positive?" 

Kevin advises, "One step at a time. Think about it." 

Bobbie and Luke discuss Lucky seeing Kevin. Bobbie says that she will be tested as well. Luke asks what ever happened to her search for the daughter that she gave up for adoption? She says she dropped it. As Luke asks why she dropped the search, Carly walks up. Laura tells Luke how this situation is worse than if she was in jail because then Lu would be safe and in her darkest nightmares she would have never thought of this. Simone comes in to say that Bobbie isn't a match. Simone explains the odds of a non-family member being a match to Laura. Luke and Bobbie discuss how they must find her daughter. 

Simone discusses Lesley Lu's latest blood tests with Luke and Laura. Since her white blood cell count hasn't dropped any they are going to take her out of isolation. Both Luke and Simone gang up on Laura to get her to get some rest. Laura doesn't want to leave her daughter. Luke finally convinces her to go home since Bobbie is staying with Lesley Lu. Laura wants to go by the club to see what's happening with the election. Luke is not interested in doing that and wonders why Laura is thinking about Justus at a time like this. Laura can't understand Luke's attitude. Laura asks him about it, but Luke just says that they're having a crisis and why think about Justus. She explains to him that Justus is a friend and she needs a diversion. She needs a little hope and to see that the good guys can win. Luke says that he didn't like the fact that Justus took off and left everyone else to do his work. Luke finally agrees to stop by the club for a minute, then they will go home. 

Luke comes in and finds Ned, Edward, and Justus in the Quartermaine living room, "Look at this, suitable for framing. The Quartermaine Testosterone Trust." Luke goes on: he knows why Edward and Justus are there, but why is Ned there? Oh, yes, he lives there. Well then, the question remains, why is LUKE there? Well, Edward has asked him over. Edward asks Ned to leave. Luke asks: "Don't you two talk? You only huddle." Edward tries to bribe Luke into being quiet by offering to help Lulu. Luke says if he was the one-in-twenty-million genetic match Luke would dig his marrow out with a silver spoon himself. Luke asks Justus if it's worth it, selling out to the Q's. Justus says he was going to throw himself off a bridge but he didn't want anyone sending him flowers. Luke leaves. 

Luke, Laura and Lucky were upset that they cannot donate bone marrow to Lesley Lu. Bobbie told Laura about a daughter she gave up for adoption after giving Luke permission to search for the girl as a possible bone marrow donor. In ICU, Luke and Laura stare helplessly at Lesley Lu. Tony announces that neither he, Bobbie, Sly nor Jennie are matches. Carly, who was lurking in the doorway, offers to be tested. Before she is tested, Tony helps Carly with the paperwork. She is reluctant to give her social security number. Alone outside the room, Luke and Bobbie discuss finding Bobbie's daughter. Luke presses her to agree to continue the search. Bobbie still insists on keeping Tony in the dark about being a teenage mother. Later on, Bobbie tells Laura about the possibility of a matching donor if they can find the daughter she gave up for adoption 20 years ago. Laura listens dumfounded, tears streaming down her face, while Bobbie tells her tale of woe. They hug. 

Somewhere in a richly appointed room we see a man's shoulder, arm, hand; he's wearing a ring with an emblem or family crest. Another man comes in and announces, "I thought you'd want to know that Laura Spencer's daughter is gravely ill!" Lucky is stressed about Lu. Why didn't they have more children? Laura gives him a strange look and then says don't you remember it doesn't have to be a relative. Luke tells Laura about his little progress with finding the lawyer after Lucky leaves to see Lu. Lucky runs out and tells them that Lu has a fever. 

Bobbie explains Lulu's condition and that a transplant is very important now. Bobbie and Luke discuss the baby and how she is scared if they find her as Carly listens in. Luke is telling Lulu a fairy tale loosely based on the Spencer family history. The fair maiden Laura married a blacksmith, and had a child -the Princess Lesley Lu. Lesley Lu got lost in the forest one day, and the blacksmith and the fair maiden "declared it very uncool" [this is a totally Luke fairy tale], so the blacksmith went into the forest to find the princess. He found her, brought her home, and she was safe. During the story, Laura goes out of the room to make a phone call. We don't know to whom, but the operator says the phone has been disconnected. Later, Tony comes into the hospital room and talks to Laura. He reminds her that, unlike BJ after her accident, Lulu has a future. He comforts Laura, reminding her that her presence means a great deal to Lulu. Still later, Laura stands by Lesley Lu's bed, lost in thought. She holds a medallion with a crest of some kind on it - no doubt the match to the one on the mystery man's ring. Meanwhile, the mystery man is on the phone, discussing Laura's earlier attempt at contact, and the expectation that she will call again. 

Luke, watching the baby, tells Bobbie that he's ready to tear GH down. They discuss Bobbie's daughter. Luke calls Sonny to ask for help in finding Peyser. The Mystery Man is told "there's still no match for the little girl" and comments "good." Lucky brings a book about a dancing Lulu and reads it to Lulu while Laura keeps trying her mysterious phone calls.Bobbie brings by deli food from Eli's and invites Lucky to the Brownstone to watch the fireworks from the roof. Laura and Lucky talk and she says "I'm not going to lose ANY of my children." The Mystery Man says, "She's ready. Fuel the jet." 

Luke sees Sonny outside LuLu's room and knows he has found the lawyer who cheated Bobbie. Luke tells Laura Sonny's people have the guy. Sonny says they're bringing the guy to GH. Laura suggests Luke warn Bobbie. Luke tells Bobbie that the lawyer is on the way and suggests she should tell Tony now. She basically says for him not to worry; it's her job to tell Tony. In a plane, we hear a man with a ring saying into a phone, "The day we've been waiting for has come." He goes on to say to keep someone "there." We learn the plane is headed to PC. While Bobbie quickly talks Tony into going home and practically pushes him out the door, Sonny's men bring the reluctant scumbag to see Luke. Luke questions him while practically breaking his arm. 

Laura gets a call from the man on the plane. When she says hello, the man replies, "Lasha?" 

"No, you're dead," she gasps. He tells her to meet him on Spoon Island that night, and she agrees. Luke presses the guy further until he gives up Bobbie's daughter's adopted parents' address. He says he gave the daughter Bobbie's name and address. Luke tells Bobbie he's going to go check out the parents in Florida. The phone man tells Laura to come alone, and she agrees. Luke tells Laura he's headed off to see the parents. She tells him they need to do something rather than just wait. In perhaps a prophetic statement, she says she'll do anything to save her child. After Luke leaves, Laura arranges for a nurse to stay with Lou. Interestingly, when Laura asks about another nurse that was there, the ICU nurse tells her the other one is not an ICU nurse. 

Luke knocks at Carly's mother's door; she answers. Luke tries to find more info about Bobbie's daughter from Virginia Benson, but gets no where. 

Laura arrives on Spoon Island. "Stavros?" she says in fear to an unseen figure. A man came down the stairs slowly to face her. Laura's face lights up in joy and relief. "I should've known!" she exclaims happily. The man is obviously not happy with her, and is purposely frightening her. Laura is extremely tense to be in the presence of a Cassadine again. The man asks her why she called him Stavros? He tells her he will call her Lasha, the name Stavros gave to her. He asks Laura if there are other nights she wishes Stavros were in front of her again. Laura is afraid and whispers, "Stefan...please don't do this." 

Stefan asks Laura if she wishes Stavros were here now and she screams "NO"! Laura looks at him, obviously knowing him very well. She is stunned because he is completely different from the man she knew. He looks at her intensely with hatred. Laura, afraid for her daughter's life can only say, "Whatever you thought of me then, whatever it is that you think of me now...I'm very grateful that you're here." Stefan is unaffected. Laura proceeds to tell him that she's been trying to contact Helena. Stefan tortures her with words, obviously knowing so much about her that we don't. 

Laura asks Stefan, "How is he?" 

Stefan replies, "Who?" 

"Is he with you? Can I see him please?" Laura is in tears, desperately trying to see "him". Stefan looks at her blankly, so she turns and begs him to help her save her daughter's life. He makes it hard for her, driving her nuts, and then tells her he is going to avenge his brother's death. She says, "You're better than this." 

He replies, "Yes, tell me Lasha. How much worthier I am than Stavros and the rest. Used to work on occasion." Laura screams at him through her tears, "Why did you make me come here! What do you want? Do you wanna see me beg? FINE! I will beg! You want me to kneel? You wanna see me cry?" 

Stefan laughs. "What makes you think I would give a damn for your tears? You killed my brother, you destroyed my people. The Cassadines owe you nothing." He begins to walk away and Laura stops him, telling him how evil Helena is, that he knows! Laura reminds him that Stavros kidnapped her, made her believe she had nothing to live for. She then screams, "You know this! Why are you doing this to me?" Stefan receits the last words of Stavros Cassadine to frighten Laura. Laura flashbacks to 1983, in the hospital room with Stavros. Laura asks how he could have been there. She looks back up at Stefan and he says, "Do you begin to feel it now Lasha?" Meaning, the power of the Cassadines, to know her every step. 

Stefan tells Laura that he knows every step she took, everything she's done since she left the island in 1983, scaring the hell out of her. She accepts it, understanding that he hates her now. "You want to avenge Stavros's death," she says. "Stavros would never have done this to me." Stefan coolly replies, "Well he may have been dazzled by you but I never was." "Think back," Laura says intensely. "To what?" Stefan says. Laura's eyes widen slightly. "You know what," she says in a very spooky voice. She comes closer to him. "You couldn't have changed that much. Please." she says, begging him to save her daughter. 

"Did I say I wouldn't grant your request?" he says. "Then you'll let me see him! Where is he!" she begs. "Did I say I would?" he says and leaves. Laura tries to chase after him, but the poor woman's in those heels again and she should've taken them off and thrown them at him! Laura leaves, goes back to the hospital, while Stefan stands at the docks of Spoon Island, watching. Very spooky. 

Luke is looking in the window at Lulu and a thoroughly wrapped up Laura. When Laura comes out, Luke tells her "I wish I had good news." Laura tells him "I do, they found a donor." Luke is delighted. Simone comes out and explains they're using high doses of chemotherapy to kill Lulu's immune system. Bobbie thinks maybe the donor is her daughter. Later, when talking to Luke, she finds out Caroline was raised by a single mother and breaks down. Luke says that Virginia was better able to take care of Caroline than a 16-yr-old would have been. He tells her that three years ago Caroline left Ft. Meyers owing money, which by Spencer logic is a good thing, she's a survivor. A true Spencer. Later Bobbie talks to Laura, and thinks maybe the donor in Switzerland could be her daughter. It's hard to forget you have a child (Laura says "I know", and we can hear her intensity.) 

In Switzerland, Stephan says to a resting person on a bed, "Well done. Thanks to you. She'll never be able to repay this debt. I'm betting she'll try." 

Lesley Lu undergoes the bone marrow transplant. Simone explains the procedure to Luke/Laura/Lucky. Bobbie wonders if the donor is her long lost daughter; Laura looks guilty. Later on, Laura tries to deflect Bobbie as she starts anew to obsess about finding her daughter who, she is convinced, IS the marrow donor. Near the nurse's station in the lobby, Luke and Bobbie discuss his search for the adopted daughter with Carly eavesdropping like mad. After Luke leaves, Carly admits to listening in. Bobbie tells her how difficult it was to make the decision to give up her baby; she also tells Carly not to mention anything about the daughter to anyone...especially not to Tony. 

Bobbie and Alan run a check on the donor and find out that all information is being kept confidential, including age and sex. In Lesley Lu's room, Luke overhears a couple of hospital technicians talking about the bone marrow match. He is troubled when they say the match looks perfect enough to be a sibling. Laura says she is going home to take a shower and rest; in reality she meets Stefan on Windemere Island. She asks what the price is for Lesley Lu's bone marrow? He tells her to go home and enjoy her family. 

Luke, Laura, Lucky and Bobbie are gazing down at Lulu, who is rapidly regaining her health. They leave to go talk at the observation area, and Laura and Bobbie are both tearful. Bobbie continues to focus on how the donor could be her daughter, because it has been such a close match. She wants to find her. Laura wetblankets her every comment, saying that the donor deserves to be left alone since it was requested. She thinks Bobbie should just let sleeping dogs lie, leave it alone, never tell Tony and hurt him needlessly. Luke tells them that he thinks at this stage there should be no secrets, they are husband and wife, after all, which directly contradicts what Laura told Bobbie the other day about how she and Luke didn't necessarily have to tell each other everything. She gets more agitated as the conversation continues. Luke asks her why this makes her so uncomfortable, and she falls back on "Please hold me, please. I'm tired. Hold me." 

Luke and Laura go to the lounge to sit, and he talks about how it was such a miracle. He asks her directly why she is being so discouraging toward Bobbie's quest to find the donor. He asks her if something happened while he was in Florida. She says yes, and then tells him that a donor was found, and they should leave it at that. Lucky comes back, asks if they are fighting, and when asked if he thinks they should find the donor, says no. (Before, Lucky played a tape of Foster for Lulu), Luke looks like he is starting to catch on and says, "That big a secret could be very dangerous; it could cause irreparable damage." Lucky leaves to go talk to Lulu again, and Luke keeps trying to figure out why Laura is acting so jumpy and upset. She tries to reason with him, and he counters with "Why are you so scared?" She slips and calls the donated marrow "his." Luke then says "I think we should go home. We have something very private to discuss." They go get in the elevator and leave. 

Luke asks Laura if she knows who the doner is, she nods in tears. "My son," she says softly. Luke is stunned of course. He automatically assumes it was before they met, and asks if it was Scott's or David Hamilton's. She says it wasn't before they met and he silently freaks out and moves away from her. She tells him that he knows what Stavros did to her, Luke witnessed Stavros raping her. She tells Luke she thought he was dead and that she assumed it was a legal marriage. She tells Luke that she grieved for him desperately but in agreeing to marry Stavros whom she hated, she would be allowed a few hours a week to herself, where she wouldn't have to feel the weight of his body on top of hers and she would be able to take a bath without him present. She tells Luke that those hours was the only thing that kept her sane, when she could be free to roam the island and cry at the waves and scream her fury at the world as loud as she wanted and no one could hear. She tells Luke that she eventually learned that she was pregnant, and that she was happier than she ever thought possible, knowing that now there was someone that she could take care of and love for the rest of her life. After the baby was several weeks old, she heard of Luke's inauguration as mayor and how she showed up, never expecting to let him see her but wanting to be with all the others there who loved him. And when he saw her and pulled her into his arms and loved her, it rebuilt her from the insanity and the revulsion of Stavros's rape and Helena's torture. Luke asks her why she didn't trust him enough to tell him? 

Luke tells her he would've gotten the boy back for her and protected her from Helena. Laura knew that even Luke couldn't have. She breaks down in tears telling Luke that she couldn't stay away from the son she had loved so much, and she had killed her mother because she had dared to try to get him back. Luke tells her she's overreacting, that Lesley's death wasn't her fault. Laura tells Luke that Helena threatened her and screamed at her and was furious and insane with anger to learn about Stavros's death, and that not only if she ever tried to see her son again would she kill everyone Laura ever loved but if Laura ever mentioned her son Helena would kill him. Laura knew what Helena was capable of and made the promise, but in a very short amount of time was unable to stay away from her baby. Taking a plane in 1984 to Athens, she tried to get to the island to get her son back, but Helena met her at the airport, and told her that her mother was dead. Rick Webber, Laura's adoptive father had told Luke and Laura the heart breaking news. 

Luke though took a different flight and wasn't with Laura at this point. Helena goaded Laura, degraded and taunted her, telling her that her mother was the first, next she would kill Luke and any children Laura might ever have. And losing her mother was all Laura could handle. Luke is stunned and still cannot quite conceive of how his wife could keep this from him. She tells him how much she loves him and how afraid for him she's been, but that Nikolas did save their daughter's life and without Helena's permission, so maybe there's hope. Luke disagrees, knowing the Cassadine history. Lucky suddenly comes in, Laura tries to swallow her tears as Lucky tells them about Nikolas, some guy saying he's his brother and Lesley Lu's doner. Luke and Laura know what's going on, and the longer they stay silent, the more freaked out Lucky gets. Tears gather in his eyes as he begs his parents to tell them what's going on. "Mom and Dad please," he begs. 

Lulu is alone in her room, looking up at someone, who is touching her gently, just sort of letting his fingers brush her chin, etc. It's obviously Nik, Laura's Cassadine son. Lulu, adorable as always, spends most of the scene gnawing at her hospital bracelet while Nikolas talks to her. He explains that he is her brother, and that nothing will come between them ever again. He promises to protect her. He tells her a story about a prince who had everything he could ever want until he saved the life of a beautiful little girl. Then he knew what he had been missing: someone who needs him, a little princess. Lulu's nurse comes in and asks if he is a family member? Nikolas answers, "I'm someone who is very fond of the princess here." Lulu fidgets in her crib and looks cuter than ever. 

Lucky comes in and finds Nik in his sister's room. Lucky tells Nikolas to get the hell out and asks who Nikolas is to Lesley Lu? "The same as you, more in fact," the kid replies. Lucky is totally confused and tells the kid to make some sense. Nikolas gives him attitude right back and says how surprised he is that Lesley Lu is fair-haired like her mother. Nikolas starts to freak Lucky out. Nikolas says he's here for the same reason, visiting his little sister. "Okay, look, she's got a brother, and that's me, and're not me, you're not her brother, do you follow my logic?" Lucky says. Nikolas tells him that Laura left him behind for the man who then killed his father. Lucky tells Nikolas he's crazy. Nikolas tells Lucky he should've done his research to know that the best doners are siblings. 

#1B  Lucky then says that it's impossible because the doner's not here. Nikolas says that he came from Switzerland by this great invention called a plane. Lucky tells him to leave before he calls security. Nikolas slowly and proudly does. Back at the Spencer house, Lucky demands the truth from Laura. He explains his encounter with Nikolas, treating it as though Nikolas was crazy or a con artist until Luke and Laura's reaction made it clear that Nikolas's story was the truth. Laura tries to explain, while Lucky yells and snipes at Laura until Luke stops him, saying, "The last thing you do when you're blind-sided is to turn on your own." Luke insists that Lucky hear Laura out. Laura provides Lucky a condensed version of the story she told Luke on yesterday's show. Lucky is predictably upset, and makes a bitter remark at one point about Nikolas being "the hero". The Spencers head back to the hospital, getting off the elevator about five seconds too late to see Nikolas leaving. 

Lucky suggests that he and Luke stay with Lulu while Laura looks for "your newfound hero, your big family reunion." Lucky coldly rejects Laura's attempts to explain, and then yells and struggles as Luke stops him from running off. Luke forcibly tells Lucky that the only thing that matters right now is Lulu, and she needs Lucky. "Not as much as she needed him," mutters Lucky. Luke insists that it's not Lucky's fault that he wasn't a match. Lucky wants to know if Nikolas will be part of their family, and Luke insists that he will not. Tony arrives and says that Lulu is fine. They need to run some tests, but things are a bit slow today. Laura asks why, and Tony explains about Steve Hardy. Laura, agitated, asks how it happened? When she hears it was a heart attack, she dissolves into tears in Luke's arms. 

Simone has told Laura that Lulu is doing very well. Lucky leaves Lulu's room without a word to Laura, who fears that Lucky hates her. Luke assures her that Lucky is hurt, angry, and jealous, and needs some distance, but he doesn't hate her. Laura will spend the night with Lulu. She thanks Luke for his support, and asks him to tell Lucky she loves him. They kiss, and Luke collects Lucky and leaves. Nikolas is at the Spencer house, looking at a photo on the mantel in Luke and Laura's bedroom showing the Spencer clan. Foster comes into the room and, in a move which will land him in the dog house if Lucky ever finds out, he allows Nikolas to pet him. 

Laura is upstairs in the bedroom, gazing down at a medallion she has kept in her jewelry box. Luke sees her gazing at it as he comes upstairs to check on her, and is aware she is keeping something from him. He asks her if she's still tired, and she sits down on the bed saying yes. He sighs and says, "I was just trying to remember the last time you lied to me...or would I even know?" She looks up at him with a little aggravation, for how much pain she is in and how much she is trying to finally tell him the truth. 

It's the day of Steve Hardy's Memorial service and Luke and Laura discuss his outfit and then Lulu. They start to touch on Lucky, but Luke says "we have a memorial to get through." The Spencers head to GH. Lucky is snarky, thinking that Laura has been seeing Nicholas. Laura spots Stefan standing in the rear. Alan begins, "Steve Hardy WAS General Hospital." When he had torn a strip off some residents, he'd stop Alan and ask, "Alan, was I too rough on them?" 

Alan would reassure him, "It's not a problem, Steve. With a little bit of therapy, they'll be just fine." Tony speaks and he has a flashback of BJ's death. Edward shares how Steve always wanted the last word. He flashes back to his stay in the hospital and his worry balls. "This time the last word is mine. God speed your journey, my good true friend." Amy speaks. Steve was "more than a boss, a mentor and father figure. From this day forward, General Hospital will operate without its heart and soul." She's crying. Laura gets up, gives her a hug, and speaks. She has a flashback to Luke and Laura's return. While Monica speaks, Laura reads a "meet me in the cemetery" note Stefan slipped into her prayerbook. Monica remembers Steve as a boss and a friend, and flashes back to when he sent her home for a month to fight the cancer. Audrey gets up to speak, but Tom stops her. He tells how Steve loved Audrey. Their love was something most people only dream about. Audrey flashes back to Steve's proposal and her response "Oh. Steve." A montage of flashbacks to Jimmy Durante singing "Make Someone Happy." It finishes with the ending to the 30th anniversary show, with Steve telling everyone "thank you for your support" and walking out of the hospital ontothe GH set, and away. 

Bobbie tells Luke she's going to Switzerland to try to find out if the donor was her daughter. He says don't bother; it's not her. Luke tells Bobbie that Laura had another son he didn't know about. Bobbie, who seemed a bit less shocked than expected, pleads for compassion for Laura. Luke is concerned that the Cassidines may want to take LuLu. Laura confronts Stephan at Leslie's grave and tells him she wants to see her son. He reminds her she made a pact with Helena never to see Nikolas or else, and besides, Nikolas loathes her because she made the choice to leave his father and abandon him. When Laura mentions that Lucky saw Nikolas at GH with LouLou, Stephan looks concerned and as though he didn't know Nikolas was in PC. Laura tells Stephan she doesn't want Nikolas going through life thinking she didn't love him. As he walks off, Luke arrives, but doesn't recognize him. Luke tells her LuLu will be moving to a new room which is great news. 

Nikolas angrily asks Stefan why he was never told that he had a sister. Stefan tells him Laura abandoned him to be with Luke and still won't want to see him. Nikolas says he doesn't want to leave PC, but Stefan orders him to go to the airport and return to Greece. However, after Stefan gets out, Nikolas tells the driver to go to GH. Laura and Luke lecture the staff on the necessity of security for LuLu. Suddenly, Laura sees Nikolas, and their eyes meet. She smiles, but he looks at her with animosity. Nik says "Guess you needed me after all" and gets on the elevator. Luke races down the stairs. He orders Laura not to see Nik again, and Laura says she must. Bobbie tells them Lulu's been moved. She has a few words with Laura about "that handsome young man" and they hug. Stefan pumps Nik about Laura. Because Nik defied Stefan, Lasha won't be able to stay away. He decides that they will stay in Port Charles. 

Laura had spent the night with Lulu. She wants to talk, but Luke wants to assert his territory, so they make love. Then he gets anarky. She is about to tell him about Stefan when Lucky comes in, ignoring her. "You okay Dad?" Luke and Lucky talk. Lucky hates Nik. When Laura returns, Luke has just left to confront Helena, and Lucky won't tell Laura anything. Nik and Stefan look at Windermere, which Nik doesn't like at all. Spooky music plays. 

Laura and Lucky are at breakfast. He won't go to the hospital, what if Dad calls? Where has he gone, anyway? It's all Laura's fault. Why did she have sex with the Cassadine? Laura asks if he'd rather she were dead? The phone rings, it's Bobbie, telling Laura that Lulu can go home tomorrow. She hears that Laura is close to tears, and wonders where Luke is? Then, hearing he's out of town, she drops everything and races over to help. Lucky sulks off to his room. Laura tells Bobbie how hard it is to tell the most gruesome secret of your life and then have to comfort the person you told, keeping them from spinning off in all directions. Bobbie snarks, "Maybe sympathy was just too much to expect." 

Laura retorts, "Well, it wasn't too much for YOU to expect, when Luke was off looking for your daughter." Bobbie says, "Oh, c'mon, Laura, that was something I was doing for YOU, and for Luke, and for your little girl, not that I was given a whole lot of choice, mind you." Laura responds, "Oh. So you know yow it feels. OK, fine, look. When YOU go all the way and you come clean with YOUR husband, THEN you stand in judgement of me!" 

Bobbie, "Oh, c'mon, what is this, an honesty contest? I mean, how do you think _I_ felt when I was standing there bleeding while you, and Luke, and Sonny Corinthos and his sidekick were picking over my inglorious past? My big mistake about the age of 16. Discussing my daughter like she was some blood bank. I mean, WOULD it have killed you to say 'I know how much you miss her because I've been there as well?'" 

Laura stammers, "I couldn't ... do all of you just not believe me?" 

Bobbie, rolling her eyes, "Oh, *of course*, Laura. I mean, you had a perfectly good reason for keeping your secret. I don't, I'm just a bad person." 

Laura,asks "Why did you come over here, Bobbie?" 

Bobbie answers, "Because, once again, my brother is off risking his neck on your account. Not that it's your fault, mind you, it never is. But does he at least have a clear picture of what he could be up against?" Laura tells her about Stefan. Bobbie wants to know why Laura didn't tell Luke. Bobbie reiterates how dangerous the Cassadines are. Lucky overhears this, and Laura wondering "if my children will be next." Laura asks Bobbie if, in the same situation, she could hope never to hear from her daughter again? She finally gets rid of her sister-in-law, and calls Lucky, but he doesn't answer. After the buildup of how dangerous the Cassadines are, we see Lulu being taken from her crib. 

Luke knocks out a guard, gets into the Cassadine estate. He gets into Helena's room, and she's on a respirator. "Darling!" she says, "What took you so long?" "Forgive me if I don't get up." 

Luke wants to know if she'd die a painful death if he threw the respirator out the window. He wants to know why she sent Nikolas and she tells him this is all Stefan's project. In fact, Stefan is also keeping her prisoner. Luke is stunned to hear about Stefan, and Helena puts her finger on it, "Poor Luke. Armed for battle and no one left to fight." She has him lie down by her "and we'll be friends till morning." 

"Tell me where Stefan is or I'll make him an orphan before dawn." Luke turns off her respirator but she still won't tell, he has to guess. Suddenly he realizes Stefan is in Port Charles, where he, Luke, the idiot, had left his family. He looks thunderstruck. Luke rails at Helena about Stefan being in Port Charles with Nikolas. He demands to know where their hideout is in PC. Then he yells at her about what her "bad seed" is up to. Luke asks Helena what she wants with him. After all, she sent for him didn't she? Then he demands to know why Stefan allowed Nikolas to save Lesley Lu if the Cassadines were bent on "punishing" Laura. Luke threatens to kill Stefan and Nikolas. Helena laughs merrily at his threats. Again Luke demands to know where Stefan is and Helena tells him that her son and nephew are at Windemere on Spoon Island. He leaves by telling her "see you in hell." She responds with "Let the games begin!" From the airplane, Luke calls Port Chuck and leaves a warning on the home phone. He leaves a message for Laura to implement "Plan B". 

Stefan is busy redecorating his digs on Spoon Island. He instructs his servant to uncrate a big picture. Later on, Luke arrives at Windemere and stealthily opens the door. He prepares to creep the house but stops in the living room. Luke is riveted by the huge portrait of Laura, hanging on the wall over the fireplace. He is so wrapped up that he fails to hear Stefan enter the room behind him. He turns and faces the dreaded Cassadine. 

Laura goes to GH to see Lesley Lu. Oh No! The baby is missing and Laura assumes that the Cassadines have kidnapped her. Laura freaks out and Amy tries, unsuccessfully, to settle her down as Laura yells screaming into the hall where Bobbie and Tony also try to calm her. Lucky appears and tries to tell Laura that he (and one of Sonny's bodyguards) removed LuLu to the safety of Aunt Ruby's place. Laura's anger and fear over the kidnapping kick in and she climbs all over the kid then gets hysterical when she apologizes to him. She starts to freak out again and they finally do give her a tranquilizer. Lucky is worried that she had a melt-down or something. Bobbie reassures him that he did the right thing. Tony also reassures Lucky that his mother will be fine. Lucky gets a moment alone with Laura and apologizes for his actions. Then she apologizes to him again, etc., etc...stupid. She warns Lucky that the Cassadines are very bad and says they've got to find Luke. Lulu has been returned to the safety of the hospital for now and Tony insists that Laura spend the night. She dozes off but awakens to find Nikolas staring at her. 

Laura: "Lucky..."(she realizes who it is) "It's you...Nikolas, please." 

Nikolas: "What's wrong with you?" 

Laura: "I'm so glad you're here." 

Nikolas: "Is my sister well?" 

Laura: "Yes, she is. Thanks to you." 

Nikolas: "All right then. Sorry to bother you, I was just curious." 

Laura: "No, please, don't go. Nikolas, there's something that I have to tell you." 

Nikolas: "Don't, alright? I already know they're lies." 

Laura: "Nikolas...look at me...please. Please. From the moment that you were born, I have loved you. Stronger than the distance between us or the fear, was my love for you. You're my son, and I love you. I love you now..." 

Nikolas: "I don't remember you. This conversation's out of place." 

Laura: "I didn't want to leave you." 

Nikokas: "Are you telling me you were forced?" 

Laura nods and whispers yes. 

Nikolas: "If you'd have left me my father that'd have been something. But no." 

Laura: "There are circumstances about your father's death that you haven't been told..." 

Nikolas: (near tears) "Love me? Are you delirious? If you'd have loved me, you'd have claimed me. You'd be one of us. But instead...instead, you left me and you never came back." 

Laura: "That's not true. I tried." 

Nikolas: "You know, I liked you better when you were asleep." 

Laura: "You're angry with me, and that's fair. But your family's quarrel is with me. It's not fair to punish Luke for all of this." 

Nikolas (angrily): "Are you asking me, to be your new husband's protector?" He storms out of the room as Bobbie enters. Bobbie asks if Laura is allright and whether she should call security. Laura assures Bobbie that she is fine, that Nik didn't do anything wrong, that Laura is the one in the wrong. Laura is worried what Luke would do if he learns Nik had been there to see Lulu. She begs Bobbie not to tell him. 

Later, Lucky arrives and asks how his mom is? Bobbie tells him that she is sleeping which is just what she needs. He is on guard and ready to move into action. 

Lucky: "No, listen, Aunt Bobbie, it's no sweat. I mean, it's no sweat if you've got a plan. I've got plans from A to Z. I learned 'em by heart when I was a little kid. You can bet that's what my little sister's gonna do." 

Bobbie: "Just promise me you won't be running off anywhere tonight, for your mother's sake." 

Lucky: "You know, she, um...she seemed kind of upset when you were in there, at me." 

Bobbie: "Oh no, not at you! Oh my goodness, she loves you to distraction. (sighs) No, I think it's just because she hates the way all of this has come out...about Nikolas, about his father. She hates what it's doing to you." 

Lucky "Yeah, well...I...yelled at her, you know...I...I said things... if I'd just SHUT UP she wouldn't be here!" 

BOBBIE: "Oh, Lucky, that's not true. It's not your fault." 

Tony reports that Laura's labwork is fine and she is in excellent health. He believes that all the stress of the murder trial, being in jail, then the anxiety over Lulu and sitting up all night with her and all of the pressure just got to her. Tony recommends that she just needs some time off and wonders where is Luke anyway? Lucky promises to fill his father in. 

Meanwhile, Luke confronts Stefan. 

Luke: "You. That day in the cemetery." 

Stefan: "You remember. But we weren't introduced. Stefan Cassadine. 

Luke: "I know who you are. I know all about you." 

Stefan: "a man whose wife has been meeting someone in secret can hardly claim to know everything. Can he?" 

Luke: "You ought to be happy Laura kept quiet about meeting you. It was only to keep me from putting a bullet in your head." 

Stefan: "I find myself in the awkward position of having to explain your wife to you. What she feels toward me...toward a deep gratitude. But perhaps your daughter's life means more to her." 

Luke: "Did you think we'd be so grateful that we couldn't defend ourselves? You can drag my kids out of burning buildings every day of the week, it won't change a thing about how I feel about you. You people killed my wife's mother. You made her live like a slave, and then you threatened to kill everyone she loves if she talked about it. The reason that she kept quiet about meeting with her blackmailer is because those were your rules, weren't they?" 

Stefan: "Not mine." 

Luke: "Slick touch, meeting her at her mother's grave." 

Stefan: "There was a funeral that day I knew Lasha was attending. Old habits die hard. That's what my brother called her. Her other husband." 

Luke: "Her kidnapper. I remember." 

Stefan: "So I offered to come to her at the cemetery, in order to save her the trouble of making the trip out here again. But I don't suppose you knew about that either." 

Luke: "Do you really think I care? How many times you met my wife or where? What she does, she does for me and for our kids. You can hang all the portraits and dangle all the insinuations you want, but you've made a serious miscalculation. If you think anything or anybody is gonna come between me and Laura." 

Stefan, "I'm sorry to hear you don't like the portrait." 

Luke, "It's miserable. She looks trapped." 

Stefan, "You know, coming between you and Lasha has never been my intention." 

Luke, "Then what the hell is?" 

Stefan, "I think it's a beautiful likeness myself. She posed for many happy hours." 

Luke, "The artist forgot to paint in the shackles and the tape across her mouth." 

Stefan, "You like a joke." 

Luke, "You can paper your walls with pictures of my wife. You can build a shrine, open a wax museum of Laura's, just don't ..ever...go near the real one again." 

Stefan, "Knowing Lasha as I do, I doubt she'd like anyone making decisions for her." 

Luke: "No, I'm making that decision for YOU. Keep yourself and your wandering nephew off my turf." 

Stefan: "You're on my turf now, Mr. Spencer. Uninvited, at that. It's the only turf for miles around, in fact." 

Luke: "That's right, it is. That makes it a good place for you and that kid. Nobody cares what you do out here. Keep your secrets from the eels and the spiders, turn the lights down and suck each other's blood. But I'll tell you this: in town, if one morning some stray Cassadine is found floating face down in the river, nobody will care." Stefan: "In return for your daughter's life you threaten mine." 

Luke: "You were expecting flowers?" 

Stefan: "I never ask or expect anything. Whatever comes to me from you will be offered. Does that ease your mind any, Luke?" 

Luke: "When you get home, give my regards to your mother." 

Stefan: "Oh, that won't be any time soon. Nicholas and I have decided to stay on here for now." 

Luke: "Really? I'd invest in storms and screens, it gets buggy out here." 

Stefan: "Aren't you going to ask why?" 

Luke: "Like you'd tell me? It doesn't matter." 

Stefan: "That sounds like a phrase to have engraved on your tombstone." 

Luke: "No, that's already picked out. It's gonna say 'this is merely a temporary setback.'" 

Stefan: "I'd like to show you my brother's grave sometime." 

Luke: "Great...when I feel like dancing. Don't forget, Stefan. Every Cassadine who ever came up against me is now dead." 

Stefan: "Let me point out one crucial difference between myself and the Cassadines you've known." 

Luke: "You've got a beard?" 

Stefan: "I've got Lasha's son." 

Luke: "I'm sure you made him everything he is today." 

Stefan: "Someone had to raise him." 

Luke: "The two of you oughta be happy here, as long as you brought the coffins to sleep in." 

(Nikolas enters the room) Nikolas: "What's he doing here?" 

Stefan: "This is Mr. Spencer, Nikolas..." 

Nikolas: "I know who he is." 

Stefan: "Apparently he was in the neighborhood, but he was just leaving." 

Nikolas: "So what's taking you so long?" 

Luke: "You must be so proud, Stefan." 

Nikolas: "And what kind of father ARE you? They don't even know where you are! They're at the mercy of your namesake and his 'A to Z' plan. You call yourself your family's protector. Who saved my sister's life, huh? Not YOU. And who waited tonight by Laura's bedside, huh? Not you." (Luke lunges forward and grabs him) 

Luke: "You little bastard!!!" 

Stefan: "Spencer, release the boy!" 

Nikolas: "It's your own fault that we ever came here in the first place!" 

Stefan: "Nikolas!" (turns to Luke) "If you ever lay a hand on him again, you will have a use for that headstone." 

Luke: "You make sure I don't have to." (he leaves) 

Stefan: "This is how you obey me? What did I tell you about seeing your mother?" 

Nikolas: "I didn't know she was there!" 

Stefan: "Tell me everything." 

Nikolas: "I didn't make any trouble. I said almost nothing." 

Stefan: "And what did your mother say to you?" 

Nikolas: "They gave her something...I don't know...she wasn't very coherent." 

Stefan: "Will she be all right?" 

Nikolas: "That's what her doctor said. Seems he's a relative too." 

Stefan: "Sounds as if our visitor will have his hands full at home." 

Nikolas: "I only wanted to get a closer look at her." 

Stefan: "Why? You know what she looks like." (indicating the portrait) 

Nikolas: "Why does that have to BE here?" 

Stefan: "That's what Luke Spencer is asking himself as we speak." 

Luke arrives back at GH and is proud of the action Lucky took. He tells his son that he ran into Bobbie downstairs and she filled him in on everything. Luke assures Lucky that he didn't screw up, that he followed his instincts to protect his sister. Luke admires that he even made contingency plans. Lucky is curious what happened with the Cassidines? Luke reports that he put them on notice. Lucky hopes "the kid" is gone for good. Luke doesn't respond and says he has to check on Laura. Luke tells her, "Your son told me where you were...your OTHER son." 

When Luke angrily demands to know why she failed to mention her meetings with Stefan, Laura again grows hysterical, screeching that she feared the omnipotent power of the deadly Cassadine clan. Meanwhile, on Spoon Island, Stefan warns Nicholas to never let his guard down around Luke. Glaring at the huge portrait of Laura which hangs in Windemere's main room, Nicholas tells his uncle he's always hated the picture for its false promise of hope. Though Laura expresses hope that her firstborn can be redeemed, Luke reminds her it's too late to erase the years of lies and bitterness Nicholas has been fed by Stavros' family. 

Luke asks Sonny if he knows Stefan Cassidine. Sonny asks if Luke wants the Cassidines "gone" , but Luke declines the offer saying if he wanted them dead he'd do it himself. Luke says Laura thinks Stephan has some good in him, but Luke is sure it's all just a plot for revenge on them for destroying the Cassidine family. Luke and Sonny discuss Brenda and Jax. Sonny says he would have nothing left to give her, and besides, she seems happy; however, he doesn't trust Jax. 

Bobbie opens various presents. Lucy gives her a lifetime supply of Jax cosmetics, Monica a sexy negligee, Carly a framed picture of Bobbie, Tony, and Lucas at the Nurses Ball. Tony finally gives her his gift, a week's vacation [alone] at a great spa [read fat farm]; however, when Tony, again being incredibly dim, reveals it was Carly's idea, Bobbie stands up and announces let's hear it for Carly and storms out. 

On her front porch, Stefan Cassidine takes his opportunity to talk to a distraught Bobbie. Unaware of his identity, Bobbie chats amicably with him about birthdays and "measuring up." Luke suddenly arrives and orders Bobbie into the house. He angrily tells Stefan to stay away or he'll kill him and then decks Stephan as punctuation. Bobbie runs in the house screaming for help? When the others come out to see what's happening, Stefan says he has an urgent message for Alan. Stefan says GH is in trouble of going into the bedpan because Mercy Hospital may move during the power vacuum at GH left by Steve Hardy's untimely demise. Luke chastises Bobbie for talking to Stephan. She counters saying she didn't know who he was then claims she was upset and fires off a litany of complaints against Carly as reasons. Standing outside, Carly overhears her diatribe. A slight smirk crosses her lips. 

Stephan returns home to find Laura sitting and smiling smugly in his chair under her portrait (no description yet for rest of this scene) 

It's Lulu's birthday and Gucky thinks she should learn the Hiphop. Luke and Laura see this from the stairs. Laura says "We have so much to be thankful for" and Luke comments: "Yeah. Why do I feel the bank is about to foreclose?" They take cute family pictures. Laura has invited folks to come during the day. Lucky wants to know why they are having an all-day open house instead of a blowout party. Laura says nothing will change, and the Brat says it already has. Laura said yes, Lulu will live because of Nikolas. The Brat explodes. He goes off to get Lulu a present. Luke says his own anger is difficult to control, and Laura wants to talk. Lulu, always heading for the pertinent, says "Cookie. Cookie." What an actress! Luke spews: "You're so damn determined to find good in people who have done nothing but try to destroy us! That kid carries nothing but hate." He walks off with the baby. 

Justus comes by. Laura and Justus talk. She tells him about Nikolas. It's a relief not to have this huge secret hanging over her head. In the end the truth always comes out. They look up to see Luke thunderclouding at them. Justus leaves the present from himself and Keesha. Luke sees him out. "Don't mistake me for a forgiving man." He won't call the cops, the main thing he's mad about is how he made Laura suffer, "Maybe living in a Hell of your own making is worse than anything I could do for momentary gratification." "You speak the truth, my friend, you speak the truth." The present from Tony and Bobbie is a doll. Lulu prefers the radishes, of course. When they leave, Laura says Carly is "interesting." Luke agrees. 

At the park, Gina is remembering when Robin told her off about Stone. Foster, who is not leashed, what a surprise, comes up, with Gucky right behind. They talk. She's missing her brother, and he has an idea what she must feel, as his sister almost died. Nikolas overhears. Foster comes to say hi to his friend Nik. Gina tells Gucky to "make sure you tell her how much you love her. Now. Now before you run out of time." Lucky invites Gina along to buy the present. Nikolas leaves. 

That evening, Nik sneaks up to leave his present on the porch. Laura sees him. Laura discovers Nik on the porch, bearing a present for Lesley Lu; she asks him to stay and give the baby the birthday present in person. Luke warns her not to be too friendly. She brings LuLu downstairs to see Nik. He's sweet with the baby and Laura lets Nik hold LuLu while she opens the gift. Nik presents Lu a Faberge egg! Lucky blows in just then with his present for Lesley Lu. Luke and Lucky depart to breathe "cleaner air" and leave Foster to guard the baby from Nikolas. Lucky whines at Luke and demands to know why Laura is letting Nikolas get close to the baby and why Luke is ALLOWING Laura to let him close. Luke says they've got to keep on Nik's good side until Lu is out of the woods, health-wise. Then he tells Lucky how proud he is of his behavior toward Nikolas. Lucky says he can't sit by and watch Lu with Nik; he goes upstairs. 

After Nik leaves, he demands to see a photo Nikolas left with her; it's a picture of Nik as a baby, taken after he was baptized. "What was his point [in leaving the picture]?" asked Luke. "He was my baby" replied Laura serenely. Luke tells her that Nik is trying to make Laura feel guilty and that the Cassadine's aim is to alienate her from the Luke and Lucky. They get into a major beef about Luke's attitude toward Nikolas. Then Luke says that Nik ruined Lu's birthday for Lucky. Laura can't believe that Luke hates "my own child" but he says he can't feel any other way; he's convinced that Nik is planting a wedge between them. He huffs off and she gazes at the old picture. Nikolas returns home to Uncle Stefan who gives him a bad time about visiting the Spencers. Then he talks about Laura's guilt over leaving Nik when he was a baby. He warns the kid not to forgive Laura in order to make her feel better; "you can't trust her" he says. After railing at Nikolas for a while, Stefan makes the kid breaks down in tears. Later on, he stares soulfully at Laura's portrait. 

Luke, Laura, and Lulu are at the hospital for Lulu's check-up. Laura is worried that Lucky, who is with Sly, will be mad that they went without him. They meet Sonny, who is there for his meeting with Alan Q. After Sonny leaves, Laura asks if Sonny knows about Nikolas. Yes, says Luke, he does. Laura says, fine, she's glad Luke had someone to talk to about it, but Sonny never looked at her that way before. 

Luke says hello to Bobbie, telling her she looks good after her trip to the "fat farm". He tells her that Lulu is doing well. Bobbie asks about the birthday party - Luke describes it as "okay". Bobbie says she will bring a present by - Luke tells her not to bother, as Tony *and* *Carly* dropped one off. Tony comes in with Lulu's results - normal white cell count, and platelets just below normal. It will be a long time before they know for sure, but they can be "cautiously optimistic". Luke goes to tell Bobbie the news; Tony and Laura discuss Nikolas. Tony has gotten over his previous angst about the whole thing; he is kind to Laura about the situation. 

Luke is griping to Bobbie about Nikolas's existence. She points out that he ought to be glad about it since it saved Lulu. This of course doesn't impress Luke - why should he be grateful to "that specimen" when any stranger with the matching marrow could have done it too. Bobbie tries valiantly to defend Laura's point of view, but Luke's mind is sealed. Bobbie explains that she has one photo of her daughter taped up in her locker. Based on what she feels when she looks at it, and the hopes and wishes she has for her daughter, she can understand what Laura must be feeling. "Doc Bro-in-Law" advises them to "enjoy your baby", and all three Spencers are smiling as they go to call "Gucky". As they head for the phone, Luke remarks that the "Princess Lesley Lu" did indeed find her way out of the forest. Laura calls Lucky and he is of course pleased by the news. Luke walks off with Lulu, and Laura pulls out a sheet of paper with a phone number and dials. "Nikolas," she says into the phone, "I have some wonderful news."

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