Luke, Holly & Robert #16 - Luke Meets Holly, Oil Scam Begins - 8 hours

Jackie is having a crisis in confidence, as she hasn't been the secure confident person since she has been in PC, as she has lived with so much fear, life being out of control. She feels she has to go back to NY to prove something to herself. Laura comes in to say she has a clean bill of health and can start her new life. She raves about life in Port Charles with henew friends. Robert advises her not to get too attached to staying as Jackie is planning on going back to NY. Laura vows she will go with her sister as Jackie has stood by her throughout everything. Robert asks her to stay, as he would miss her.

Luke heads over the clinic and fills Leslie and Rick in. When Luke returns, he finds Robert at the bar drinking. Luke asks if it isn't a bit early? Robert tells him about Jackie leaving. Luke advises that he use that Aussie/James Bond charm and talk Jackie out of it. The mayor calls and the Prince of Malcouth would like to present Luke with a medal for outstanding service to the country of Malcouth. The ceremony is set for tomorrow and the mayor has invited some local dignitaries. Luke refuses and the mayor says that this would be a snub to the Prince and points out that there is a cash reward. Luke says he didn't do this for a reward but for himself. The mayor gets him to agree to a short ceremony. Luke tells Robert that this might be a way to get Jackie to stay in town.

The Prince arrives on the boat, and Blackie tries to give him a box of garbage to toss out. Tiffany, realizing a Prince is in her midst, scatters to make herself glam. The Prince feels responsible for all of the damage to Luke's life, as David was his brother. He acknowledges that David not only caused great damage to his boat, and the loss of his wife. Luke tells the Prince that he has agreed to the ceremony but that he isn't much for awards and the Prince agrees to keep it short. The Prince is eager to make amends with Luke, Luke tells him about Jackie and asks him to grant Jackie an interview. The Prince's assistant comments that the Prince has a strict no interview policy. Luke points out that Jackie was instrumental in stopping David and Luke is asking this as a personal favor. The Prince grants the exclusive interview. As the Prince is leaving, Tiffany comes out to flirt with the Prince. He tells her about the award ceremony and offers to tell her all about Malcouth and to get better acquainted. He whips out a gift for her as a token of his esteem; it's a 14 carat gold bracelet. She opens it after he leaves and says it's nice for a start.

Robert is questioning Jackie about her NY plans.  Robert tries again to get her to stay in Port Charles for him and barring that to at least take a loan from him till she get settled as she only has $200. Tiffany tells Luke she is off to go shopping. Blackie flirts with Tiffany and offers his help in picking out a sexy outfit. Robert comes out on deck and Blackie fills him in on Tiffany's plan and asks what does the Prince have that Blackie doesn't? Robert replies, "A small country to start with, and a hole collection of beautiful crown jewels."

A rather sad Robert fills Luke in on Jackie's plans to leave and his inability to stop her. Luke tells him of the deal he made for Jackie to interview the Prince. Robert heads over to the Port Charles Herald and pitches the idea to the new editor. He doesn't believe that Robert can arrange this, as the Prince doesn't give interviews. Robert tells him that he knows a young writer who can get the interview, he instructs the editor to call Jackie at her hotel and ask her to get the interview. The only catch is the editor cannot reveal the source of this information to Jackie.

An excited Jackie tells Robert and Luke about the opportunity but she is nervous, as the Prince doesn't grant interviews. Luke points out everything that David did to her and her sister and her part in bringing him down, including throwing the bomb overboard that saved a whole lot of lives. She assumes the Prince doesn't know anything about that but Luke says that the Prince is very well filled in and suggests that she ask him after the award ceremony. She is excited as this could mean a staff job if she is successful.

Jackie approaches the Prince after the ceremony, he agrees to the interview, and she begins by asking him about his relationship with David. He comments that he prefers to remember David in his early years, as he was possessed by evil in his later years. The Prince begins flirting with Jackie, and comments about her beauty. He gives her a gift as well. A jealous Tiffany overhears this exchange and heads over to interrupt them but Robert grabs her elbow and steers her away. The Prince agrees to meet with Jackie later to continue their interview. When he is done, Tiffany makes her way over to the Prince and comments again on being interested in his country. He hopes that she can visit his country sometime and offers her a personal tour but then is called away. Tiffany comments on Jackie's trinket, and Jackie points out that her bracelet is larger and 18 carats!

Ruby is very proud of Luke and suggests that now he relaxes. He has kept so busy with this adventure that he doesn't know what to do with himself now. Ruby assures him that she is sure he will have another big adventure ahead of him. Robert is a bit concerned about Luke taking off when he tells him that he needs to get. Luke assures him it's just for a couple of weeks and he needs to get away. Luke shares with Robert that he had concerns the past few months that Robert would get bored with Port Charles and take off to resume his adventures with the WSB.

The girls and then Blackie walk in and they all begin to ask him about his vacation plans. Luke admits that he has decided to go hiking up to the mountains. There is a lot of good-natured teasing at the thought of Luke camping out. Luke then heads over to Ruby and tells her he is heading out on his own to the woods. Ruby wants to know what resort he is staying at? She laughs when he tells her that he is going camping on his own with just his sleeping bag. He reminds her that he spent a lot of time outdoors during his time on the island the previous summer.

Tiffany receives a huge bouquet of flowers, jewelry and an invite to Malcouth. She gloats that it's nice to know she hasn't lost her touch. Robert asks Tiffany about her plans; she indicates she is considering returning to her former jet set lifestyle. He tells her that she has friends in Port Charles who know her like her for who she is; in the jet set world she is just another pretty face. Jackie gets a call from the Port Charles Herald and not only is her article is published in the paper with a nice byline but the editor offers her a job.

Luke arrives and the gang teases about his lack of gear and not being prepared. Each give him a gift, compass, canteen, Swiss Army knife, portable shaving kit and collapsible toothbrush.  Robert whips out the champagne and they toast to Luke's trip. He is off on his big adventure and the rest of the gang decide to attend a party at Kelly's celebrating Amy's graduating nursing school. The party is disturbed when Rick and Blackie have it out with Packy and Johnny. Amy is distressed that the argument is ruining her party. Robert intervenes and yells at them all to quiet down, observes that there has been a bit too much to drink and kicks them all out and breaks it up.

Luke walks into a mountain bar and sits next to a ranger who laughs at this obvious city slicker who intends on going hiking. He warns Luke that there is no disco up in the mountains; Luke makes a crack that the disco is long gone (an inside joke for us long time fans). He is sent off to be outfitted in mountain gear and when he returns, they give him directions as he plans on hiking to a lake.

Luke wakes up and hears splashing in the nearby lake and finds a woman skinny-dipping. Luke claps in admiration as she swims away. He follows her to a rowboat and suggests that he join her. She insists that he throw her towel to her and turn his back. When he compiles, she slips on her clothes and slips away. He turns around surprised to find her gone. Luke runs into her at the restrooms, and he asks her why she left so suddenly. She continues to play coy and slips into the restroom. The guys outside are waiting quite awhile when the ranger points out that the restroom is empty and Luke realizes she has snuck away again!     

Jackie and Laura arrive to breathlessly tell Robert and Tiffany about a pimp who works for Diurnally and was slapping one of his girls around. Robert warns her that a guy like Diurnally isn't going to stand for a pipsqueak reporter lousing up his organization and warns her to be careful of questions she might ask. When she says she has an obligation to the public to report this and he argues she has an obligation to her own safety. Diurnally owns Ruby's apartment building and his goons set a fire in her apartment while she is out of town.

In the meantime, Robert asks her about a real estate company in Florida and asks her if she has any enemies there? She says sure she had her share of spats over the years but can think of anyone who would be out to get her know. Ruby is informed about the fire and her and Robert rush over there. He insists she stay with him on the Star where he can protect her and she agrees. He observes that he believes the perps have got what they wanted, Ruby out of her apartment. Durnally gets word that Ruby is leaving and celebrates. (This isn't complete so I'm really not sure who Durnally is or why he has a vendetta against Ruby. I almost didn't keep these scenes but wanted to include as much of Robert as possible and he becomes Ruby's protector in Luke's absence).     

A frantic Ruby calls Robert and tells him that a rock has been thrown through her window and he rushes right over. A box of cockroaches are delivered to Ruby next and she screams as Robert interrogates the delivery guy who claims he has a grudge against the super and just trying to cause trouble for him. Robert is still puzzled why Ruby is being targeted and realizes she lives in a rent controlled apartment and if she moves they can raise the rent, which seems the most likely motivation.
He urges her again to move into the star as he fears for her safety, as he believes things will get a lot worse for her. She digs in her heels and swears she isn't budging and will not be forced out. Robert brings Joe Kelly in to use his connections to help investigate the owners of the Aero Real Estate Corporation. Joe later tries to get a hold of Robert to tell him that Durnally owns Aero Real Estate. He reaches Ruby though she isn't shocked to learn Durnally is behind this, Robert isn't surprised either.     

Back in the mountains, Luke comes across a little girl fishing though she shushes him from disturbing the fish. Her family invites him to join them for lunch but give him the job of cleaning the fish! After lunch as Luke says his goodbyes, the father gives him a fishing pole and the little girl gives him a quick lesson on casting. Luke heads off to a lake to fish and enjoys being out of doors and lies out in the sun on the dock. Next, he comes upon Holly again as she lays out by a river. He does his best to get her to talk to him and she ignores him. She does confirm she is British but doesn't say much more, packs up and heads out as he calls out to her, once again giving him the brush off. "Come To Me" plays as she walks off into the woods.     

Next, Luke comes upon Holly as she sits eating lunch at a picnic table. Holly hurriedly finishes her lunch, picks up her knapsack and rushes off down the trail. Luke stairs after her saying how fine she is, obviously hoping to run into her again. Later in the day, as Luke hikes he hears Holly calling out for help. He finds her lying in the dirt with her knee bloody. This time he brushes her off unwilling to help her but hesitates as she begs him telling him she has hurt her knee and can't get up. He asks if he has permission to approach her royal standoffishness. When he leaves her to go up to his backpack, she asks if he is too feeble to carry her to where his backpack is? He takes her challenge and picks her up and slings her over his shoulder.     

After he patches her knee, he talks her into sharing a campsite with him for the night as he warns her of tales of bears and wolves. Later as they talk around the campfire, Holly becomes nervous as they hear a wolf howling in the night. He tells her he is the only wolf on the mountain and kisses her. They lay together that night and Luke leans over and kisses her again as they snuggle together under the sleeping bag. Luke wakes up the next morning after they made love and finds Holly has left.

(Note: Tony has talked about his brief moment of full frontal nudity on GH and doing love scenes in the nude. As Tony is trying to slip on his pants without getting out of the sleeping bag, the sleeping bag slips down and while it is extremely brief and not very obvious even using pause on your remote, I believe this is the scene he referred to and fans have asked about over the years. I wouldn't have noticed the full frontal nudity if I hadn't known where to look for it and even with slow motion and freeze frame it would have been easy to pass over. But I believe this is the scene fans have heard about.) Luke gets up and yells out Holly's name but receives no answer.     

Robert and the gang take a stand against the landlord bullies. Robert comes across the goons in the basement and he gets knocked out. Ruby and the aging residents of the building head down ladened with baseball bats and picket sticks ready to do battle and come to Robert's aid. The goons are flushed out of the building and told they are done and its over. The residents rejoice as they have won the day and caught the bad guys red-handed.     

Luke returns to town and hollers to his friends surprised at the lack of a welcome home reception not realizing how busy they have been helping Ruby. Robert comes out to say hello and Luke asks what happened to his head? Robert claims that Tiffany hit him with a hammer when he made the mistake of standing behind her. Later, Luke mentions it in front of the girls and they blow Robert's lie and say Tiffany hasn't held a hammer all week. Luke gets the truth out of them and isn't happy to have been kept in the dark. He heads over to make sure Ruby is okay and she explains everything to him and how Robert helped her.     

Holly returns home and talks to her father and tells him she has an idea on how to cozy up to Luke again and she is taking the next plane to Port Charles. Luke gets a call to come down to the police department, when he arrives he is asked to vouch for Holly who is in jail. He pretends he doesn't know her. She is indignant and says they spent the night together! He says no that he had a nice dream but it must have been just a dream as when he woke up in the morning he was alone and he leaves her in jail!
After leaving her to stew in jail overnight, he returns the next morning and bails her out and takes her back to the Star. He is snarky with her, still smarting that she left him without a word after their night together. He is curious how she found him and she tells him that he had his name on his backpack. She tells him that she needs his help as her father died recently and left her some land in Port Charles. When she tells him where it is, he tells her it is out by the city dump. She acts discouraged and he tells her she needs to go to the county records office.     

Robert comes in and is introduced to Holly, and the threesome head over to Kelly's and are joined by Jackie. When she asks Holly how she met Luke, she bluntly tells her they spent the night together on top of the mountain. When Jackie asks how they reunited, Holly continues to shock when she shares that Luke bailed her out of jail that morning. Robert is cracking up this whole time, seems to like Holly and her refreshing bluntness.     

Luke and Holly head over to the records office and when they are told they are closing for the day, Luke pretends they are honeymooners and need information on the land and its confirmed that it is next to the city dump. Back on the yacht, Holly pleads exhaustion after having spent the night in jail and takes off. Luke tries to stop her and wants to know where she is staying? She coyly says she has a place and will see him tomorrow and walks off. Luke, tired of her brush offs, tells her not to count on it!     

Holly has returned home for the night to her posh bedroom and breakfast in bed. Charles comes in and welcomes her home. They sit down and go over their plan. Charles asks her if Luke fits the pattern they are looking for? She says not quite that he is unpredictable. He hands her a complete background dossier on Luke and she promises to commit it to memory. Later, she tells her father she has read and memorized it. Charles cautions her, as this is only her second time out working with them. She tells him about meeting Luke and their first encounter and that she is positive that she intrigued him (though she leaves out the part about sleeping with Luke).

She continues that since meeting Robert Scorpio that she finds him even more attractive. Charles warns her that Robert was a respected agent with the WSB and to be careful around him. When she is quite confident of her ability to handle both men, Charles warns her to not be overly confident. She has changed into her mountain clothes and Charles grins that she is not quite like the sophisticated daughter he loves so much. As she picks up her backpack, he reminds her to be careful and not take any unnecessary chances.     

Luke is standing on the deck of the Star, looking out, as if waiting for Holly to arrive. Robert comes along and Luke tells him Holly hasn't shown up. He tells him that Holly asked him to look over some property with her. He tries to pretend that he doesn't care that she hasn't shown up but it's obvious that he does. Cute scene as Luke heads into check out the sound system, puts on some jitterbug music and starts dancing. Robert comes in and joins him (though Tristan definitely doesn't have the rhythm that Tony does).
Delphina helps Jackie, Tiffany, and Laura T. move into their new apartment. Blackie shows up with a lamp as a housing warming present. The girls are rather speechless at the ugliness of the lamp but don't want to hurt his feelings. Jackie suggests the perfect place would be in Tiffany's room! Robert joins them with a bottle of champagne and they toast to friendship and their new digs.     

Luke returns to the Star to find an impatient Holly waiting for him. He tells her he has been busy and she asks if he is too busy to go and see that land with her? As she picks up her backpack, he suggests that she leave that on the Star. They head off in a cool 70's muscle car to the area next to the Port Charles City Dump. Holly pretends disappointment at its location next to the dump. They walk out a bit to check it out and she almost immediately suggests leaving. He stops her and says that they should walk the boundaries of her land. She says a 100 acres next to the dump is worthless unless the city wants it to expand the dump.

As they walk around, Holly subtly steers their path so that Luke steps into a puddle. As he wipes it off his boots, he realizes it is oil. He excitedly tells her it is black gold and yells that it is oil (funny its just a little puddle and he immediately assumes it is an oil field rather than just an oil spill from a vehicle). Luke says this is pure crude straight up from the ground. Luke is very excited to think she has oil. He grabs her face with his oil-slicked hands and she returns the favor. Luke warns her that he wants to keep this quiet until they are sure though says he wants to tell Robert as his contacts may come in handy. He suggests they contact a geologist to check it out.     

#16B Back on the Star, he asks her to spend the night in his stateroom. She agrees and he heads off to get some champagne though she stops him to clarify that she will be staying in his room alone, with the door locked and him on the other side! She asks him not to back her into a corner as she will strike out and run. She tells him that she doesn't want to be hurt, or hurt him, and that they had that night together on the mountain but this is the way things have to be between them for now. He isn't too happy about it and leaves.

He runs into Robert and babbles about oil and getting rich but makes him wait till the morning for details. The next day, Holly has disappeared again to meet with her father for breakfast. Basil calls and she is not happy to have Basil involved and claims they don't need him. He points out this is only her second operation and he feels he needs Basil's expertise and contacts. Holly leaves to take a plane back to Port Charles, her father cautions her not to let Luke out of her sight.     

Luke is frustrated over Holly leaving again, and tells Robert about the oil find. Robert finds it hard to believe even with the evidence of oil on Luke's boot that he shows him. Holly returns and agrees with Robert that she also has a hard time believing in this. Jackie wants to write an article about it but Luke tells her it will cause an oil rush and they have to be sure. They take Robert and Jackie out to the dump to see the oil. They all agree on contacting a geologist and Luke later tells them about someone named Van Gelder who is supposed to be one of the best in the field. They stop by Kelly's and Rose overhears Holly talking about finding a place to live and offers her a room upstairs. She welcomes Holly and generously tells her she can pay once she gets settled and gets work. Holly finds a private moment before going up to her room to call her father and tell him that Luke has contacted Van Gelder in Rochester and her father commends her work and tells her that he will take care of the rest.     

As Luke and Holly leave for Rochester to meet with Van Gelder, he receives a call that his wife has been in an accident and has been taken to a hospital. He runs out and a fake Van Gelder obviously in the Sutton's employ enters the house. When Luke and Holly arrive and tell him about possibly finding oil in Port Charles, he agrees to vist the land and do an evaluation of their find. Luke remains very optimistic and think this is an answer to all of their hopes and dreams. After having completed his initial tests of the land, he confirms the presence of oil though he says he can't determine how much of it there is and he suggests they get a second opinion.

Luke returns to the yacht in a celebratory mood with the good news. Tiffany is practicing her 20's dancing with Blackie, Robert is kissing Jackie, and as Luke raves about his new project the room quickly clears leaving him alone with Holly. They decide to get a second opinion and get out the phone book. He suggests that Holly pick one, and she closes her eyes and points and comes up with Phillip Harper. He kisses her hand, and then draws her into his arms for a kiss, which Robert interrupts, and drags Luke of. Holly lightly touches her lips in thought after he leaves. She then calls her father to report in.     

Basil arrives to confer with Holly's father, and Basil comments on Mr. Sutton's squeamishness when dirty jobs are required. He reports to Basil that Luke has selected a geologist for a second opinion. They meet with Harper and double the amount he is getting paid, half now and half after the job. The gang holds a Roaring 20's party to celebrate the new naming of the yacht to simply, "The Star". In a cute moment, Robert, Luke, Blackie, Tiffany, and Slick all meet up on deck in their 20's period costumes. Luke plays a great gangsta, Ruby comes as a moll, Jackie is a flapper, Tiffany is a glamour girl, and Leslie is a gum popping tart (too funny!).

The joint is jumping this night, Steve & Audrey Hardy, Edward, Leslie, Dan Rooney all arrive. Luke welcomes them all to the roaring 20's night. Holly arrives looking particularly lovely and Luke is almost speechless in admiration. He takes her into his arms and they slow dance as his nose rubs hers and he gently begins stepping up the tempo of their dance and Holly is able to keep up with him. When Jackie finds Holly alone she asks her if she is "going steady" with Luke. Luke, Robert, Blackie and the gang rush in dressed in period cop uniforms complete with handlebar mustaches and simulate a prohibition raid.
At the end of the evening, Luke happy with the success of the night and the brightness of his future looks contentedly out over the water, whistling. Holly reports in again with her father and assures him she won't let him down. But after she hangs up, she seems rather pensive.     

Holly arrives the next morning, finding Luke shaving. They joke and tease a bit then get down to finances. Holly is hesitant about borrowing money from Luke or anyone else. He assures her she will be able to repay the loans with her oil strike. Luke and Holly meet the second geologist, Phillip Harper, and they go out to the oil site and he goes over some of the things he will be looking for. While the geologist surveys the land, Luke gloats that a barrel of oil goes for $30-40 a barrel (don't we wish!). Holly innocently questions that isn't it expensive to drill for oil and how would they come up with the money? Luke suggests that he can mortgage the Star.

Luke returns to Kelly's to wait for the findings and meets with Robert and asks him. The geologist comes in and confirms the presence of oil, Robert agrees to mortgage the Star but points out they still have to talk to Tiffany. She comes in and refuses as she has her diamonds tied up in the yacht and she isn't risking her "babies". She says how extremely difficult oil exploration can be and nothing is guaranteed, everything she has is tied up in The Star. The boys seduce her with promises of millions and the lifestyle she would like to become accustomed to. She hesitantly agrees, their enthusiasm and belief in the project contagious. Holly calls her father and reports to him that the oil info has been leaked to a local newspaper.     

Basil and Charles are moving into Robert's old penthouse; Holly arrives with a bouquet of flowers. Basil warns her how dangerous it is for her to come there in the daytime or be seen with them. She assures them she was very careful. Luke asks Tiffany to take Holly to get some clothes from Delphina as he can't have her hostessing in her green shorts and hiking boots. He trusts her special expertise to make Holly as gorgeous as Luke knows she can be. Tiffany smugly tells him that she is way ahead of him and took Holly over there yesterday.

Holly later walks in wearing a new dress and Luke eyes her approvingly. He takes the first opportunity to kiss her. She doesn't seem to object. Charles and Basil arrive to meet with Edward and ask him how they can get involved in the oil find. Edward is surprised but covers it well. Charles is sure that with a project of this size that he is sure Edward would be involved with it and isn't surprised that Holly Sutton would come to Edward. Charles mentions Luke and Edward assures them that he is a friend of Edward's and Luke actually came to him first. Charles says that they would like to invest and willing to discuss and meet with Edward's terms. His interest is immediately peaked given the prominence of the Corso family, that if they are interested then Edward doesn't want to be left out of a big money project.

Next, they arrive at the Star and introduce themselves to Luke and Holly. They offer to buy her land for an amount that will allow her to live very comfortably for the rest of her life. She is very interested, Luke says they are not interested and pulls Holly away. He warns her that if these guys are willing to start throwing money at her that they must believe they will make millions from the oil on her land. She is unsure but tells Luke that if he believes it then she will trust his instincts.     

Luke talks to Joe about protecting the oil field. He recommends that they set up a corporation immediately. Luke doesn't see the point of that since they haven't actually hit oil yet. Joe advises that when or if they do that things will move very fast and they need to have the corporation in place. Luke trusts his judgment and agrees. Robert, Jackie, and Laura talk about the oil exploration. Tiffany and Noah arrive and join in. Holly calls and tells Robert they are getting the run around from city hall. Ian arrives and tells Jackie that the Corso's are trying to get a hold of the land adjacent to Holly's. Holly later reports that she was able to beat the Corso's to leasing the land next to the oil find.

After 10 hours of drilling, Luke disappointedly tells Robert about the lack of progress. Robert doesn't understand why the Corso's are involved in this if there is no oil? Luke and Holly worry as it looks like the oil well is dry! Edward has called Holly to come meet with him. He is quite eager to buy her oil field but she tells him that she has already turned down several offers. He commends her business sense. He then offers to enter into a partnership with her, she coyly comments that if she didn't know better that she would think that he was trying to railroad her. She is noncommittal but does agree to join him for lunch at the Versaille Room.

Holly tells Luke about Edward's offer. He knows Edward well and tells Holly that the answer is no and he will join her at lunch and make sure Edward understands this. Luke and Holly arrive and Luke tells Edward that they will NOT be going into any partnership with Edward and they go sit at a separate table away from Edward. Basil and Charles arrive and approach Luke and Holly. Luke gives them the brush off as well and quite firmly tells them he doesn't want any partners. He objects to being manipulated by rich investors who he believes will take over.

Basil and Charles join Edward and commiserate with him over having their investment turned down. They promise Edward that the when the crunch comes that Holly will turn to families like the Corso's and the Quartermaines for backing and will need their financial expertise. Edward is flattered to be included in the Corso's vision.     

The gang receives a call to come down to the drilling site as they have hit salt water, this evidently is evidence of an oil strike with oil below the salt water and they all begin to celebrate. Unfortunately, the site master is also on the Sutton payroll and its set up. They head over to the girl's place and fill in the rest of the gang about hitting salt water and what it means. They break out the champagne, Jackie wants her exclusive but Luke refuses to go public with this or take anyone's money until he is sure.
He goes out to the patio and tells Holly that he is scared that he is going to get in over his head and he doesn't want to be responsible for risking his friend's life savings. A somber Luke shares his past with the syndicate and how they would take people's money and shatter lives and never look back. She looks at him with the big pansy eyes and finally cries that he isn't like he is supposed to be, he is a straight shooter and honest with people. He is surprised and asks how would she know he is supposed to be? She covers and he teases her that she is just in it for the money and intends on taking them all for a ride. This hits a bit close to home and she tells him to stop it. She is very sad and says she isn't sure about anything, obviously having doubts about continuing with the scam.     

Noah's uncle the senator stops by and meets the gang and raves about Tiffany's last movie. Robert laughs that finally someone has seen one of her movies. Emma Lutz and Slick come by all excited. Emma reports that they have found gas and are in business with a French woman while Slick clarifies they found gold with an Italian woman. Emma begs to invest.

Later, Luke tells Holly that its one thing for a big company to invest as they can stand to take a loss but its different with his friend's life savings. He picks up on Holly's disappointment in his resistance to taking the investments but there is also an underlining respect for his integrity and that he isn't the greedy and selfish man that she seemed to expect. Jackie's editor insists on printing a story about Luke's oil strike and his friends line up to invest in it. The phone at the Star rings off the hook with pranksters, and eager investors.     

A geologist, Al Barker, contacts the gang and tells them there is absolutely no way that there could be oil on that land. He offers to do soil samples. Holly informs Basil and her father of this and Basil assures her he will take care of it that there is a contingency plan for such an eventuality.     

Luke takes Holly to pick out a hard hat (this is a simple scene that is full of the humor that Tony typically brings to his work at this time). Luke and Holly meet with Basil and Charles and they offer to underwrite the project. They ask for $500,000 good faith money from Luke and point out that since he has become incorporated that he will have access to the investor's money. Next they meet with an attorney who advises them to sell a million dollars worth of shares to the public to raise the initial capital. He says that the Corso deal of offering to cover all of the costs of drilling in return for a percentage is a good deal (little does he know).

Meanwhile, Edward fusses to Lila about not being in on an oil strike in Port Charles. Lila meets with Basil and Charles (who she believes to be the rich Corso family) and asks to buy into the oil project. Charles quickly sells her 5% (half of their share) for $750,000! After she leaves, Basil complains that Charles gave in too easily and could have gotten twice that.     

The geologist leaves a message at the girl's penthouse that there is no oil on that land and his tests confirm it. He is attacked and killed before he is able to find and speak to Luke (Basil uses the opportunity to switch the shale samples). Robert and Luke meet Jackie at the penthouse and she says that someone has been in the apartment and they concur that they see evidence of forced entry. The message from Barker is no longer waiting for them on the answering machine. They decide to go down to meet Barker and find him dead!

Burt Ramsey questions them and Holly begins to feel faint. She about loses it with the thought of this young man having been killed, she obviously knows Basil is responsible for it. Back on the yacht, Holly is obviously rattled by all of the day's events and Luke tries to reassure her that he believes everything is on the up and up. The gang decides to get the shale samples analyzed by someone else not realizing they have already been switched.     

Holly confronts Basil and accuses him of murdering Barker. Basil completely denies it but Holly is disgusted and doesn't believe a word of his denials. Basil insists that he did go to the lab and switched the soil samples but didn't kill Barker. Holly observes that Barker new the truth and would have told Luke and that Basil had no choice but to kill him. Basil continues to deny this and says that Luke believes there is oil there and would have had the sample retested by someone else as he is already doing and without proof Luke would never have believed Barker.

Holly tells Basil that they are to  wrap this up as soon as possible and then she wants out! Basil has the foreman call Luke with news that the second oil well has also hit salt water to try to allay his suspicions about the operation. Basil is concerned about Holly's conscience and subtly threatens that she wouldn't want her father to have another one of her attacks. He also says she might enjoy leaving in the English countryside and enjoying the view through the bars of her window!

Luke receives the call that the second well has hit salt water and more celebration at the Star begins. Luke continues to refuse to take investor's money until the third well comes in. Holly can't believe he is refusing to take investor's money and snarks that he is forgetting whose oil well this is! She runs out and he finds her out on the deck, crying. The pressure of the scam getting to her. She is still reeling from Barker's death and can't get him out of her mind, that he is such a young man. She claims that it brought back her mother's death.

**The End**

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