Complete GH Episodes, 2008

The recaps are from and SoapNet.

Episode Breakdown

December 28 - July 2, 2008

July 3-11, 2008:  7/3, (7/4 no show repeat aired), 7/7, 7/8, 7/9, 7/10, 7/11 [Episode Descriptions]

July 14-21, 2008:  7/14, 7/15, 7/16, 7/17, 7/18, 7/21 [Episode Descriptions]

July 22-29, 2008:  7/22,  7/23, 7/24, 7/25, 7/28, 7/29
[Episode Descriptions]

July 30-August 6, 2008:  7/30, 7/31, 8/1, 8/4, 8/5, 8/6
[Episode Descriptions]

August 7-14, 2008:  8/7, 8/8, 8/11, 8/12, 8/13, 8/14 [Episode Descriptions]

August 15-22, 2008:  8/15, 8/18, 8/19, 8/20, 8/21, 8/22 [Episode Descriptions]

August 25 - September 1, 2008:  8/25, 8/26, 8/27, 8/28, 8/29, 9/1 repeat [Episode Descriptions]

September 2-9, 2008:  9/2, 9/3, 9/4, 9/5, 9/8, 9/9 [Episode Descriptions]

September 10-16, 2008:  9/10, 9/11, 9/12, 9/15 cm, 9/16 cm *Note five epis on this dvd as show ran a few minutes longer for a few episodes [Episode Descriptions]

September 17-23, 2008:  9/17, 9/18, 9/19, 9/22 cm, 9/23 cm *Note five epis on this dvd as show ran a few minutes longer for a few episodes [Episode Descriptions]

September 24-30, 2008:  9/24, 9/25, 9/26, 9/29 cm, 9/30 cm *Note five epis on this dvd as show ran a few minutes longer for a few episodes [Episode Descriptions]

October 1-8, 2008: 10/1, 10/2, 10/3, 10/6, 10/7, 10/8 [Episode Descriptions]

October 9-16, 2008: 10/9, 10/10, 10/13, 10/14, 10/15, 10/16 [Episode Descriptions]

October 17-24, 2008:  10/17, 10/18, 10/21, 10/22, 10/23, 10/24 [Episode Descriptions]

October 27 - November 3, 2008:  10/27, 10/28, 10/29, 10/30, 10/31, 11/3 [Episode Descriptions]

November 4-11, 2008:  11/4, 11/5, 11/6, 11/7, 11/10, 11/11 [Episode Descriptions]

November 12-19, 2008:  11/12, 11/13, 11/14, 11/17, 11/18, 11/19 [Episode Descriptions]

November 20 - December 1, 2008: 11/20, 11/21, 11/24, 11/25, 11/26, 12/1 (no show aired on 11/27 & 11/28) [Episode Descriptions]

December 2-9, 2008:  12/2, 12/3, 12/4, 12/5, 12/8, 12/9 [Episode Descriptions]

December 10-17, 2008: 12/10, 12/11, 12/12, 12/15, 12/16, 12/17 [Episode Descriptions]

December 18-26, 2008: 12/18, 12/19, 12/22, 12/23, 12/24, (no show aired 12/25), 12/26 [Episode Descriptions]

Expanded Episode Descriptions

Below are GH episode descriptions from  For longer episode descriptions, you can go to Soap Central's GH Daily Recaps Archive.  Also, episode transcripts can be read at the TV Megasite.

July 3-11, 2008:  7/3, (7/4 no show repeat aired), 7/7, 7/8, 7/9, 7/10, 7/11

7/3- Claudia very nearly confesses her role in Michael's shooting to Carly, but she can't quite do it. Later, Jerry puts the screws to Claudia when he demands she confess her role in Michael's shooting to Anthony or he'll tell. Claudia does tell her father, and Anthony blames Claudia for dragging Johnny down with her. In the course of the conversation, the two dance around some dark incident from their past. Carly is angry to learn Kate and Jax are flying to Manhattan together. Jax's pilot mentions to Carly that Jax and Kate kissed. Carly grows more furious and plans to take action against Kate.
     Lulu tries to stop a potential Nikolas and Johnny argument, but is not so successful. Nikolas realizes Johnny knows that he (Nikolas) knows about Michael's shooting, and tells Johnny he'll keep quiet, as long as Johnny never hurts Lulu. Leyla tries to give Spinelli advice on women, mostly by telling him to be himself. Jax offers Spinelli a job but Diane advises him to turn it down. Alexis warns Kate not to marry Sonny.
     Maxie tells Matt that Logan's a loser. His anger towards her grows. Logan visits Lulu and makes another plea for them, but she tells him to back off and doesn't want to see him. This makes Logan furious, he channels his anger towards Maxie, and corners her at Kate's office. Alone at Johnny's penthouse across the way, Lulu sees this. Matt and Nikolas get proof that some of the drugs at the clinic are counterfeit.

7/4- repeat episode aired

7/7- Carly asks The Jackel to dig up dirt on Kate, so she can use it to bury her. Jason enters, and suppresses an eye roll. He knows exactly what Carly is up to. He kicks Spinelli out to talk some sense into Carly. Carly tells Jason she knows Kate kissed Jax and she's gonna make her pay! Jason is like, uh, hello, you slept with Sonny? Carly is convinced Sonny and Jax are better off without Kate.
     Meanwhile, Robin and Sonny reminisce about Stone. Sonny offers to make Patrick back down RE: the baby. Robin observes that Sonny may be marrying Kate for the wrong reason: grief over losing Michael. Sonny denies, says Kate's his soul mate. Anthony reveals that Claudia seduced Trevor when she was sixteen to try to expose him, but Claudia claims Trevor did the seducing. She relives the pain she felt when Anthony sent her way, choosing Trevor over her. Anthony then plays on Claudia's insecurities: once a tramp, always a tramp. Johnny arrives to see Claudia brandishing a letter opener, daring her father to kill her. As Claudia runs off, Anthony tells Johnny he's better off without his sister. Claudia shows up at Sonny's door, telling him he's the only man who appreciates her slutty side as she sheds her clothes.
     At Crimson, Logan knocks Maxie out after beating her up. Lulu watches horrified from Johnny's penthouse across the way. Logan races over there as Lulu tries to call Lucky, then Maxie, then, of course, her phone dies. She grabs a butcher knife as Logan pleads with her through the locked door to let him explain. When Lulu doesn't open up, Logan hacks his way through the door with an axe! Logan waxes poetic as he blathers about how he and Lulu are meant to be. Lulu tries to escape, but Logan grabs her. Lulu tries to fight him off and ends up plunging the butcher knife into Logan's stomach

7/8- Noah returns to find Patrick looking for a doctor to assist in surgery. It's no shock that Patrick's not thrilled to see his dad, but he lets him come into the OR. During surgery, Patrick accidentally mentions Robin's pregnancy, and Noah practically drops the scalpel - does Patrick really think he can be a good father? Patrick insists for the millionth time that he's committed to Robin and their baby. Later, Noah says sign me up when he learns Patrick is suing Robin... except he's on Robin's side! Anna/Patrick vs. Robin/Noah – let the battle begin! Robin arrives home to find her mom nesting, but spy-gal Anna has some interesting decorating ideas: bulletproof glass and Kevlar curtains in cheerful colors! Anna reits that Patrick has a right to be in his child's life, but Robin doesn't want to hear it. She bumps into Jason outside of Kelly's, where Jason dispenses some sage advice: Robin shouldn't push Patrick away just because she's afraid... and then Elizabeth arrives.
     Earlier, Jason calls Carly on her self-destructive ways: Don't hurt her marriage to mask the pain of losing her son. Before Carly can retaliate, Spinelli bursts in with a downloaded photo of Kate's head in Jax's lap. As we predicted, Carly's head explodes. Jason again rolls his eyes as Carly runs straight to Sonny to show him the incriminating photo. Later, Carly gives Jax a laundry list of demands: 1) explain how Kate's head ended up in his lap; 2) how can he not see that Kate's hitting on him; and 3) just try to explain that their marriage isn't in trouble, because guess what, buddy, it totally is!
     Claudia throws herself at Sonny, but he pushes her away and hits Claudia's emotional bull's-eye: She's trying to use sex to cover her pain. Claudia opens up about her damaged relationship with her father. When Sonny suggests Claudia make some changes to her life, Claudia shuts down and leaves. On their way back to Port Charles, Kate frets about Sonny's reaction to the paps' photo. Jax is confident Carly will understand once he explains, and takes the opportunity to showcase his superiority: If Kate is so worried about Sonny's reaction, maybe she shouldn't marry him. Kate has a right to be nervous: When she arrives home, Sonny cuts Kate's babbling short. He knows all about the picture of her doing Jax.
     Johnny and Maxie find Lulu standing over Logan's dead body. Lulu is shaken, but relieved to see Maxie's OK. Johnny tries to calm Lulu, who admits she messed up and panicked. Both Maxie and Johnny try to convince Lulu to cover up Logan's death; there's no way Scott Baldwin -- Logan's dad and Luke's rival -- will believe this was an accident. Or that Logan attacked Maxie and Lulu. Lulu is speechless but has to play along as Claudia arrives and Johnny announces he killed Logan

7/9- Elizabeth arrives just in time to hear Jason advise Robin about her baby-daddy issues. Jason leaves the ladies to do some girl talk, and Robin and Liz commiserate over loving men who can't give them the future they want. Liz, thinking of her own situation with Jason, urges Robin to give Patrick a chance. Later, Robin returns home to find Anna and Noah arguing about the baby's future. Robin quickly reminds them that this isn't about them as parents but about what Robin wants for her child. She loves Patrick and plans to tell the judge that she doesn't expect him to change who he is. Sonny looks particularly grim as Kate tries to explain what really happened between her and Jax in the limo: nothing! The faintest twitch of a smile crosses his face as Kate starts to get worked up. She really thinks she's going to lose him! When he finally reveals he's playing her, Kate is both relieved and furious. She later warns him: If you ever cheat on me with Carly, we're over.
     Jax, meanwhile, is not having the same luck with Carly. He tries to employ the Sonny tactic -- smooth and charming -- but Carly is bent on having a hissy fit. It doesn't help when Jax admits he did kiss Kate the night Carly took Michael to the institute. Carly storms over to Jason's, explaining that flipping out will make her marriage better. Jason rubs his head when Carly says sex with Sonny is a "redux," like an old habit, but Jax kissing Kate was truly an infidelity. Say what? Later, Jax and Carly kiss and make up. Seems like Carly's logic worked - for now.
     Claudia walks in on her bro, his girlfriend, his former fling, and a dead body. Johnny tells her he killed Logan because Logan attacked him. Claudia sees the axe and the splintered door, and Lulu almost loses it. Maxie manages to get Lulu out of there as Claudia tells Johnny his girlfriend - the one she never liked - is trouble. But Claudia still helps Johnny dump the body in a place where no one would expect: Nikolas's free clinic! Nadine finds Logan's body and sees Claudia's car speed away, catching the first three digits of the license plate. But that's no problem, because the plates are fake.
     Maxie takes Lulu to Kelly's, where she grabs Spinelli's soda and threatens to dump it all over Lulu. The two have yet another catfight, but Lulu's not really into it. Later, Maxie admits she staged the fight to give Lulu an alibi. Lulu can't believe her nemesis is being nice, so Maxie sets Lulu straight: She still hates her, but if it hadn't been for Lulu, Logan probably would've raped Maxie. So, for now, they're frenemies. Meanwhile, Spinelli opens his soda and the whole thing explodes on him

7/10- Matt arrives at the free clinic to find Lucky and Harper talking to Nikolas and Nadine about Logan's murder. Matt's shocked and tells the cops he saw Logan and Maxie arguing at the docks. He neglects to mention that Logan was his counterfeit-drug supplier. Later, Matt tells a mysterious someone that Logan is dead and they need to move to Plan B. At the PCPD, Lucky tells Nikolas and Nadine that Jason is a suspect, but he thinks Logan was killed by a member of the Zacchara family. Nikolas doesn't want Nadine caught up in this, but Nadine refuses to let someone get away with murder and cooperates with Lucky.
     Diane rushes over to Jason's to ask him if he has an alibi for last night. She groans when Spinelli pipes up but is relieved when Jason says he was also with Carly and Robin. Diane fears that Jason is the No. 1 suspect, and -- surprise! -- he is. Harper arrives to arrest Jason. Later, Harper asks Nadine to look at a lineup that includes Jason. Lucky isn't the only one who suspects the Zacchara family. Mac visits Anthony, Ric, and Trevor and asks where they were last night. Anthony gestures to his wheelchair and laughs. He can't go to the bathroom without help, let alone knife an ex-soldier. Only, it's not Anthony whom Mac suspects. Claudia hires carpenters to replace the front door and the carpet, adding a super-nice tip to make sure they keep their mouths shut. Later, Anthony asks her when and where Johnny killed Logan. Seems like they can't fool good ol' dad! Anthony orders Claudia to tell the cops she saw Jason kill Logan. We have to admire the efficiency of that move: Protect Johnny and rub out Jason in one fell swoop.
     Maxie urges Lulu to keep cool. Lulu is ready to run to the police, when Mac arrives to tell the girls that Logan's dead. Maxie overreacts to compensate for Lulu's obviously guilty face. Later, Maxie and Lulu head over to Johnny's, where Claudia tells them they'd better do what she says, but Lulu starts to crumble under the strain. She tells Johnny she doesn't know if she can live with what he's doing to protect her. Maxie visits Spinelli, who tells her that Jason's been arrested and he's investigating the case. Maxie freaks out and "accidentally" spills soda all over Spinelli's computer. Spinelli is suspicious when Maxie firmly declares that Jason didn't murder Logan.
     In events totally unrelated to Logan's death, the Scorpios and the Drakes have brunch. Noah and Patrick hash out their father/son issues, which ends with Noah telling Patrick he's too much like him: He'll be a rotten dad, so get out while he still can. This makes Patrick more determined than ever to have his day in court.

7/11- Robin arrives at the courthouse to hear Diane and Alexis verbally sparring. Anna and Noah surprise everyone when they go back on their offer to testify, but Patrick takes the stand anyway. He gives a three-hanky speech about his love for Robin and their baby. By this time, Robin's hormones are in turmoil. She leaps to her feet, calling off the whole custody battle. As Robin and Patrick kiss and make up, Anna beats a hasty exit to avoid Eli Love learning she's going to be a grandmother.
     Spinelli asks Maxie again why she's so sure of Jason's innocence - does she know something? To Maxie's relief, Sonny arrives and wants to know how Jason's arrest will affect the "business." Spinelli stands up to Sonny, refusing to tell him anything. After Sonny leaves, Maxie tries to sidetrack Spinelli from investigating Logan's murder, but Jason kicks her out. While looking at security footage, Jason realizes who killed Logan. Later, Claudia finds Jason poking around her car and points a gun at him. Earlier at the PCPD, Jason gets released after Nadine admits she can't identify the driver of the car that dumped Logan's body. Carly tells Jason everything has been handled, and admits she sent some paps over to harass Kate at Crimson. Mac tells the mayor he has a good idea who killed Logan. We wonder if Mac and Jason have the same suspect in mind.
     Mac and Lucky are suspicious to find Lulu at Johnny's. Johnny refuses to answer Mac's questions without his attorney, while Lucky takes Lulu to Kelly's. Lulu may be all grown up, but Lucky knows his baby sister. She's definitely hiding something. Lulu deflects and meets up with Spinelli, who announces he knows who killed Logan. Johnny pops up out of nowhere, looking foreboding and upset. Is he following Lulu?
     At the Metro Court, Anthony scoffs at Claudia's weak attempts to cover up Logan's murder. He's even more disappointed in her when she refuses to finger Jason as the killer. Claudia reluctantly spills all she knows about Logan's death, including Maxie and Lulu's involvement. Anthony warns her that if Johnny winds up in jail, it's all her fault. Anthony's goon grabs Maxie and bring her to Anthony, who grills her. At Crimson, Kate and Jax fend off the paps by announcing Kate's engagement to Sonny. Sonny arrives to talk to Kate and later gives Carly a warning: Back off Kate, or he'll tell Jax about their limo sex. Of course, Jax overhears but what, exactly?

July 14-21, 2008:  7/14, 7/15, 7/16, 7/17, 7/18, 7/21

7/14- At Crimson, Carly comes clean: She sicced the paps on Kate to humiliate her. Jax, disgusted, leaves. Sonny warns Carly she's going to lose Jax - and when she does, she'd better not crawl back to him. They continue to bicker as Kate enters, wondering what all the yelling is about. Carly can't resist throwing one last parting shot: Arguing with Sonny is almost as good as SEX! Kate's all pouty, until Diane tells her that press for Crimson is hot -- red hot. For the sake of the magazine and her career, Kate decides she'll keep being seen in public with Jax. At casa de Carly/Jax, Jax tries to sneak out with a packed bag when Morgan reminds him of his karate tournament on Saturday. Jax can't resist the little moppet and decides to stay. When Carly comes home, they fight until they reach an agreement: Carly won't mess with Kate and Sonny's wedding, and Jax will only do business with Kate over the phone.
     In the parking garage, Claudia holds Jason at gunpoint and demands to know why he's poking around her car. Jason admits he suspects that Johnny killed Logan and is determined to prove his own innocence. Then Lucky and Harper show up. Uh, oh. As we expected, Jason and Claudia are hauled off to the PCPD, where Jason whispers to Claudia that he's not her enemy -- the forensic exam performed on her car is. Claudia thinks for a moment, then asks Jason what's it like to be on trial for murder. Mac releases them, after announcing he's found the real killer.
     At the Metro Court, Anthony tells Maxie he's a terrible enemy but a terrific guy to have by her side. Yeah, OK -- tell that to Maxie's trembly knees. Maxie pretty much has two choices: Spill what she knows about the night Logan was murdered, or disappear forever. She spins a quick story of how she and Lulu arrived after Logan was already dead, etc. Anthony lets her go with a warning: She'd better not tell anyone, especially her dad, or else. Shaken, Maxie runs to Spinelli and confesses that Lulu killed Logan. Spinelli vows never to let anything happen to her, which gives Maxie so many warm fuzzies that she kisses Spinelli.
     Earlier, Spinelli lies to Lulu: He doesn't have any leads on Logan's killer. Lulu later confirms to Johnny that Spinelli is lying, and they talk about how Lulu can't let Johnny take the fall for her. Anthony and Trevor interrupt to give the kids a warning: Johnny better do as Anthony says, or else Lulu will pay for it. Later, Lulu has a better idea: Run away together, just her and Johnny

7/15- Eli Love is in the house, and Anna's panicked -- he's not going to want her when he learns she's about to be a grandma! Robin rolls her eyes, but she and her pregnant belly dive under the nurses' station when Eli arrives. Anna, Patrick, and Kelly distract Eli as Robin tries to escape. Eli catches her but doesn't notice her baby bump, thanks to a bunch of files and Kelly's torso. Robin takes off, and Anna smooches Eli in the elevator.
     Kate explains to Sonny how her attending galas with Jax will boost Crimson's sales, but Sonny thinks it's a bad idea. Jax makes good on his promise to Carly and tells Kate he can only do business with her over the phone. Kate's miffed, which bugs Sonny. When Kate confirms with a party planner that she will attend with either Sonny or Jax, Sonny tells her he will not be "Mr. Kate Howard" and leaves. Johnny tells Lulu it's too late to run away. Lulu reits again how she wants to tell all, but Johnny stops her: If she confesses, his dad will know she let Johnny take the fall for her, and Anthony won't think twice about killing her. Johnny promises he'll handle everything and barely breaks a sweat when Lucky and Harper arrest him.
     Mac gets suspicious when Claudia and Jason don't leave the PCPD right after they're let go. Claudia freaks when her brother is brought in, trailed by Lulu. Anthony and Trevor show up as well and send Lulu on her way. Anthony also tries to get Claudia to shove off, but she stays. Privately, she tells Johnny she'll get him out of this mess, even if that means pinning the murder on someone else. Lulu flings herself on her bed for a good cry. Tracy finds her and tries to be a good stepmom. Lulu threatens to leave if she hears any "I told yous." Instead, Tracy shows her tender side offering a sympathetic ear -- and Lulu almost confesses.
     At Jason's penthouse, the kiss between Maxie and Spinelli heats up. Maxie tells Spinelli she needs him, and they make love. Afterward, Spinelli is totally blissed-out, while Maxie is instantly regretful. She's even more embarrassed when Jason comes home and finds them naked on his sofa. Maxie mutters she'll call Spinelli and rushes out. Jason picks up Maxie's troubled vibe, so Spinelli spills: Lulu killed Logan! Later, Jason appears like a ghost in Lulu's dark bedroom to say he'll help her. When Maxie calls later, Spinelli comes running, clutching a Shakespearean love sonnet. He doesn't get the chance to read it, because Maxie apologizes about using him for comfort sex. She promises it will never happen again; their friendship is too important to her. Spinelli protests, but Maxie proceeds to rip out his heart

7/16- Sonny and Max have a heart-to-heart after Max delivers "I'm sorry" flowers from Kate. He pretty much tells Max that there isn't enough room in Kate's life for her career and him. Later, Sonny realizes he's being pigheaded, so he heads over to Crimson, where he's mistaken for a model and sent away. When Kate realizes Sonny's gone, she wants to go after him, but instead opts to stay and finish her meeting with a big-time designer. At home, Sonny again makes it clear he will not be "Mr. Kate Howard."Sam pays a visit to Nikolas's free clinic. She's upset when a woman comes in with her comatose daughter, who is about the same age Sam's daughter would've been. Turns out the little girl was given fake antibiotics - evil doc Matt strikes again? Nadine and Matt get the girl admitted to General Hospital. Later, Sam talks Lucky, Nikolas, and Nadine into tackling the fake-drug problem in Port Charles.
     At the PCPD, Lucky interrogates Johnny. Lulu interrupts them, proclaiming that Johnny didn't do it. Lucky sends her away. Later, Maxie visits Johnny to warn him that Lulu is about to crack. Johnny grabs Maxie's hand and pleads with her to help Lulu, just as Lulu stumbles upon the very cozy picture. She gets instantly jealous, forgetting that Johnny's willing to go to jail for her. In the squad room, Mac takes the opportunity to punch Jerry in the kidneys when Jerry demands to see Alexis. Jerry goes straight to the clinic to get his bruises checked out, and grills Matt about his finances. Hmm, could Jerry be onto something here? Anna returns to Robin's place, all aglow, and thanks Robin for hiding her pregnancy from Eli. Anna reassures Robin she's proud of her and vows to be the best spy-grandmommy ever. Spinelli tries to drown his sorrows, but Coleman refuses to serve him. Eli shows up, blissed from a night spent with Anna, and happily agrees to give Spinelli some love advice: Play the guitar. Chicks dig the guitar

7/17- Sam shares with her crime-fighting partners her plan to get a job as captain of one of the transport ships so she can trace the fake meds. Lucky pooh-poohs the idea because everyone knows Sam is his girlfriend ... but not for long. When Sam sees Lucky looking cozy with Elizabeth, she rips into him and they break up. Later, at Sam's place, Sam throws herself into Lucky's waiting arms. Turns out, they faked the breakup so Sam could get a job working the transport ships without suspicion. Lulu immediately lashes out at Johnny when she sees him holding Maxie's hand. She's also insulted when Johnny admits he wants Maxie to keep an eye on her. Lulu storms out, with Maxie following. They get into it at the docks, dredging up old history (Maxie seducing Lucky; Lulu seducing Dillon to break up him and Georgie, who's now dead) as Maxie warns Lulu to keep it together. Lulu tells her to back off, but it's clear Maxie has a right to worry about Lulu's emotional state. Looks like they're back to being enemies.
     At General Hospital, Jerry observes Matt as Matt makes an offhand joke about needing a new drug supplier. Later, Nadine overhears Matt on the phone talking about a drug shipment. She calls Nikolas to tell him, not realizing that Matt is eavesdropping. Robin has a craving for cheese fries, so Patrick takes her to Jake's, where they bump into Anna and Eli. Coleman is in the background, dancing. Eli does a double-take at the sight of Robin's stomach, and Anna admits she's a grandma-to-be. Anna's impressed by Eli's acceptance, but later fumes when Eli reveals to a journalist that he has a girlfriend who's a bikini model and that Anna's a grandma. Patrick takes offense and goes to punch Eli.
     Carly and Jax's happy morning is cut short when Kate arrives, asking Jax to attend a really important Crimson distribution meeting. Jax knows it's good for the business and goes to dazzle the distributor, much to Kate's delight. Meanwhile, Carly tells Jason she plans to buy Jax out of the business and makes a mysterious phone call behind Jax's back. At the PCPD, brokenhearted Spinelli tells Johnny that Maxie told him the truth: Lulu killed Logan. Johnny throws a chair across the room and confesses he doesn't know how to help Lulu. He's worried she'll crack at any moment. Later, Mac puts pressure on Johnny to come clean as Lulu arrives outside, a gun concealed in her purse.

7/18- It's pretty clear Sonny is bored. He went legit but worries he'll become "Mr. Kate Howard." Enter a blonde attorney who asks Sonny to lunch with her boss, Andre Karpov - as in, the Russian mob boss. Max, who now works for Sonny, is a little apprehensive as Sonny's like, sure, why not, I'll meet with Karpov. At lunch, Karpov tempts Sonny with re-entry into the business. Sonny will consider the offer on one condition: Their dealings will not interfere with his old organization (aka Jason's). They shake hands as Claudia watches. Later, Claudia visits Sonny to warn him about Karpov.
    Speaking of which, Claudia agrees to have lunch with Carly, who has a business proposition: Buy out Jax's shares in Crimson. Claudia laughs: What's the incentive for her? Jax, however, isn't laughing when he learns of Carly's plan. He puts her in her place, reminding her that any business with Claudia will put him under investigation, especially since he pleaded "no contest" to RICO charges to save his dad and Jerry. Jax goes to Kate to tell her about Carly's latest plan. Kate's fed up and threatens to sue Jax for breach of contract if he sells. Jax is also fed up and warns Kate to back off. Later, Kate tells Clarice to schedule a distribution meeting, but don't tell Jax about it. She plans to pin the blame on Carly.
     Patrick's in trouble when he learns Eli has a hairline fracture along his jaw and probably won't be able to sing. Robin, however, is gaga over Patrick's caveman move. Anna asks Noah to step in for Eli again, but Noah impresses Anna when he refuses to risk his sobriety. When Eli insults Anna a second time, however, Noah isn't afraid to land a sucker punch on his doppelganger, much to the shocked delight of Patrick, Robin, and Anna. Matt tells an unknown caller that Nadine overheard him, but he'll take care of her ... which means ask her out on a date. Nadine hesitate as the wheels turn in her pretty little head: If I say yes, then maybe I can find out about his fake-meds connection, and then Nikolas will like me!
     Maxie knows she and Lulu are in over their heads, so she spills all to Jason. Spinelli hurts for Maxie as she recounts how Logan attacked her and would've raped and killed her had it not been for Lulu. After she's done, Jason rushes over to the PCPD. Lulu's jumping out of her skin as she waits to see Johnny. Her brother tries to take her out for coffee, but she snaps at him. When Lulu finally gets Johnny alone, she shows him the gun hidden in her purse and cries that she can't take it anymore. Just as Lucky enters, Johnny grabs the gun and Lulu, threatening to shoot her.

7/21- Johnny holds a gun to Lulu's head, and they make it all the way outside, with the help of Jason's not-so-subtle knock into Harper. Johnny even manages to steal Mayor Floyd's car and find an abandoned apartment, where he coaxes Lulu inside with sweet words: "You changed my life, Lulu."
     Back at the PCPD, Jason's in hot water. Mac, livid, calls Maxie, Spinelli, and Claudia in for questioning. Maxie's really having a bad day. She got all emotional on Spinelli earlier, and then pulled back because she didn't want to use him for comfort sex again. Spinelli, however, is all like, "Please use me! I love you!" Anyway, at the PCPD, she stonewalls dear ol' dad, who also tells Claudia that her brother had better turn himself in or he'll get himself killed. Maxie later turns to Spinelli for his help in finding Johnny. Maxie, Spinelli, and Claudia continue to deny their involvement in Johnny's escape as Nikolas points out to Lucky that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree: How many times did Laura help Luke stage a getaway?
    Jason admits to Diane that he did knock into Harper because he didn't want Lulu hurt in the crossfire. Diane's afraid he's gonna have to spend at least one night in jail. Later, Jason gets more bad news: Karpov is in town. Something tells us Jason's not going to send over the mobster welcome wagon. At Sonny's place, Claudia warns Sonny how dangerous Karpov is; she knows him from her time in Europe. Does she know him as well as she knows Sonny? Claudia challenges Sonny: He's returning to the mob because he misses being in control. Sonny deflects and later makes an appointment with Karpov, offering to be his mob consultant on one condition: They are not to make any moves on Jason.
     Jax and Carly are arguing and then make up when Clarice calls, frantic: Jax is late to a meeting! As directed by Kate, Clarice explains she told Carly twice about the meeting - Carly must've forgotten. Jax races over to Crimson, just in time to make a stellar business deal. Carly follows and insists she did not talk to Clarice, who says she did. Jax pulls a real jerk move and believes Kate/Clarice over Carly. Carly's blindsided when Jax moves out. But Carly isn't giving him up without a fight. Over dinner, Nadine tries to play coy, asking Matt if he's a risk taker.

July 22-29, 2008:  7/22,  7/23, 7/24, 7/25, 7/28, 7/29

7/22- Johnny tells Lulu they can hide out in the old apartment for a while; it belongs to his former piano teacher, Professor Siegal. Lulu's touched when Johnny tells her how his mom found this teacher and how music saved his life, but that doesn't stop her from fretting: She ruined his life, etc. She tells Johnny about Laura killing her stepdad and how it led to Laura's mental breakdown -- and Lulu fears that will happen to her as well. Anyway, the kids are interrupted by Sal, a menacing-looking guy who lives downstairs. Johnny says they came for a visit, and Lulu spins a fantastic story about being a froshie at NYU and how Johnny needs the prof's advice on whether to stay in the band or go the classical route. But Sal busts them: The professor is dead.
     At Jason's penthouse, Maxie tells Claudia that Spinelli won't help her unless Jason orders him to. Claudia threatens to tell Spinelli about paying Maxie to sleep with Johnny, thus breaking up him and Lulu, but Maxie beats her to the punch and spills all. Of course, Spinelli doesn't care about Maxie's past and is impressed she told him instead of letting Claudia blackmail her. Claudia goes to the PCPD. Maxie's so glad to have Spinelli in her life and decides to spend the night there, but Mac begs to differ. Later, after Spinelli drops Maxie off at home, she comes face-to-face with shirtless Matt, otherwise known as the wrench in the Spixie romance. Anthony throws a glass across the room when he learns Johnny's on the lam. He tells Trevor that he will rip his heart out if Johnny dies.Later, Anthony says that, once Johnny returns, Lulu's as good as dead.
     They go to the PCPD, where Ric gets in Jason's face and Nikolas attacks Anthony out of fear for Lulu. Nadine, having bailed on her date with Matt (spilling marinara sauce on him), arrives to comfort Nik and takes him home, where she urges him to talk to her. Earlier, Jason and Nikolas agree that Lulu was probably in on the impromptu kidnapping. Claudia arrives to ask for Jason's permission to get Spinelli to help her find Johnny. Jason agrees, but only if Claudia will tell him when Johnny contacts her. It's Claudia's turn to agree, but only if Jason can guarantee protection for her brother. It looks like Jason and Claudia are coming to a nice understanding.
     Meanwhile, Carly and Jax go 'round and 'round about their marriage. Carly scores a major point when she says Jax tends to bail on all of his marriages just when the going gets rough. She even uses her trump card Morgan as a ploy to get Jax to stay. Jax tells her he can't live with her kind of love, but kisses her anyway before leaving. Carly knows he still loves her and starts scheming immediately to get him back

7/23- Sal reits that Professor Siegal died, so what the hell are Johnny and Lulu doing in the guy's apartment? Johnny quickly plays a beautiful, complicated tune the professor inspired him to learn, proving he is indeed a former student. Sal relaxes a bit and agrees to let the kids stay if Johnny gives piano lessons to Sal's sister. After Sal leaves, Lulu frets they're still not safe, but Johnny convinces her otherwise. They kiss and eventually make love. Guess being on the run is a mighty aphrodisiac.
     Lucky visits Elizabeth to ask if she's heard from Lulu; he's upset for not helping Lulu sooner. He saw the look of terror on Lulu's face at the PCPD; it was the same look he saw on his mom's face, right before she went batty. Again, Lucky worries that Lulu will eventually end up like Laura.
     At the Scorpio residence, Spinelli attacks Matt to protect Maxie, but Matt gets the upper hand. Maxie grabs a fireplace poker and is about to help Spinelli out when Robin enters. Robin explains that she and Mac decided to rent Georgie's room to Matt. One look from Maxie makes Robin realize that was a very bad idea. Of course, Matt - the anti-Spinelli - is totally insensitive and tells Maxie to get used to it. Robin apologizes, but Maxie assures her that she and Spinelli will find a way to get rid of Matt. At the free clinic, Nadine catches Matt scoping out meds, but she covers for him when Nikolas finds them. Earlier, Sam interrupts Nadine comforting Nikolas over Lulu. Sam reveals she and Lucky had faked their breakup and that she has a job on an import ship, so their plan is working.
     At the Metro Restaurant, Sonny meets with Sasha, Karpov's leggy blonde attorney. She flirts with Sonny, surprised that he would settle for the role of an "adviser" when it's clear he should be in charge. Diane enters, and is immediately suspicious of the leggy blonde. She watches as Anthony berates Claudia for the millionth time that she's no good and if Johnny gets hurt, it's her fault. Sonny swoops in and takes Claudia home, where he shares some of his past -- that is, abuse courtesy of his evil stepdaddy, Deke. Sonny advises Claudia not to let Anthony get to her; she has to rise above it, just like he did with his stepdad. He also tells her Johnny needs her more than ever, because Johnny's probably not thinking clearly right now.
     At the PCPD, Diane tells Jason he could face lethal injection as an accessory to Johnny's escape. Diane also mentions the leggy blonde with Sonny and him leaving with Claudia, asks if Sonny's cheating on her gal pal Kate? Jason doesn't think so but asks Diane to ask Max to keep an eye on Mr. C.

7/24- Sam and Lucky wake up together, happy for a few stolen moments, until Elizabeth arrives, wanting to talk to Sam. Lucky hides as Elizabeth coaxes Sam into taking Lucky back, reassuring her that she and Lucky are only parents to Cameron and Jake, nothing more. After Elizabeth leaves, Sam and Lucky are both touched by Liz's concern for Lucky's happiness. Sam has to give Liz some props. Carly goes to see Jason at the PCPD, where he tells her everything: Lulu killed Logan, et cetera. He makes her promise not to do anything until he gets out. Of course, she runs over to Spinelli and orders him to frame someone else for Logan's murder in order to help Lulu.
     Meanwhile, Lulu's having one hell of a nightmare. She dreams about Logan attacking her, with his last words, "You'll never get over me," echoing in her head. Johnny tries to comfort her, but Lulu's pretty shaken up. She needs to clear her head, so she offers to buy some groceries. Johnny's got a bad feeling about that, but HE lets her go because he has piano lessons to give. Lourdes, Sal's teenage sister, shows up, and she wants to do more than tickle the ivories.
     Karpov visits Sonny to let him know he didn't appreciate Sonny bailing on Sasha to help Claudia. Sonny reminds Karpov of his status as "advisor" or "consultant" or whatever he's calling himself these days. Basically, it means Karpov has no say in Sonny's business. But when Karpov says he wants to meet Jason, Sonny'snot having it. We guess being a mob consultant is a little trickier than we initially thought. Sonny assures Karpov that the Johnny-on-the-lam situation will occupy the Zacchara family, so there's nothing to worry about. Later, Max tells Sonny he should worry how this all looks to Jason. Anthony pays Claudia a surprise visit, wanting to apologize. Claudia's not surprised, however, when Anthony reiterates that if anything bad happens to Johnny, it's her fault. Johnny calls Claudia, who answers, but he realizes Anthony is there. Claudia, however, has a plan. She goes to the PCPD and tells Lucky she plans to "seduce" Jason in order to learn where Johnny and Lulu are. But when she sees Jason, she makes good on her promise and tells him she heard from Johnny.
     Scott arrives back in town, fresh from a tropical vacay with his daughter Serena. He's livid when Tracy gives him the bad news: Logan's dead. Scott storms around, wanting retribution, revenge, and everything under the sun. He later corners Maxie at the Metro and demands she tell him everything she knows about the night Logan died

7/25- Lulu and Johnny are totally cute when Johnny tries to teach her how to play piano. They're interrupted by Lourdes, who comes bearing flowers. She's so obviously into Johnny that it's embarrassing, but Johnny takes some pity on her. He and Lulu quickly spin a story about how they met. When Lulu's calm, she's a totally good con artist, but she has to leave the room when she becomes overwhelmed by memories of Logan. Later, Lourdes watches Scott's press conference on the TV in her own apartment. She's stunned to see photos of Lulu and Johnny accompanied by a reward offer.
     At Sonny's, Diane reacts to Sonny's new mob consulting gig: Perhaps she should resign, since working for both Sonny and Jason could present a conflict of interest. Sonny insists his partnership with Karpov won't interfere with Jason's organization. Diane warns Sonny that Jason might see this as a betrayal, but Sonny disagrees. See, he and Jas are cool like that. They don't have to talk to know what each other is doing. Diane's not the only one who thinks Sonny's teaming up with Karpov will upset Jason. Claudia tries to blackmail Sonny: Provide a fake ID and transport out of the country for Johnny, or she'll tell Jason about Sonny and Karpov. Sonny laughs; doesn't everyone know that his deal with Karpov is entirely separate from Jason?
     Earlier, Claudia tells Jason she didn't have a chance to talk to Johnny because her dad was there. Jason tells her to sit tight and wait, but Claudia can't. She really believes this mess is her fault. Claudia's pretty much at her wit's end when Ric later darkens her doorstep. It looks like daddy's newest lawyer claims he can help her and Johnny, but only if she gives him something in return. Carly tells Spinelli she knows the perfect stooge to pin Logan's murder on: Ric. Spinelli fears it won't be as simple as the Fearsome One thinks. They don't know where Ric was at the time of the murder; he could have an airtight alibi. Carly backs offs, realizing Spinelli is right, so she goes to find something to obsess over: Jax!
     Jax, meanwhile, is busy saving Maxie from a super-scary Scott. Maxie sometimes doesn't know when to keep her mouth shut; telling Scott how deranged Logan was before his death was not a smart move! Incensed, Scott leaves to hold a press conference, only to be visited by Laura's boys, who demand he retract his reward offer before Lulu gets hurt! We think if Scott ever loved Laura, he'd do it. But the bigger question is: Is his love for Laura bigger than his need for vengeance? Jax tells Carly he's going on a business trip and is super surprised when she shows up with champagne on his private jet. Maxie heads over to Jason's to warn him about Scott. She asks him how he's going to get Lulu and Johnny out of this mess. Why does everyone think Jason can fix everything? Oh, yeah, that's right: He said he would

7/28- Carly keeps pressuring Jax into sex as Jax tries to get her to see this isn't about him not wanting her, it's about how they deal with things as a couple. She reminds him of how good they are together -- one button at a time. She's so convincing that Jax gives in, and they make love. Afterward, he's cranky when Carly reveals she asked the pilot to circle around in the air. Guess what, sweetie? You're late for your meeting. Undaunted, Jax grabs a parachute and jumps out of the plane, but first he warns Carly to buckle up - she could get sucked out of the cabin!
     Sonny's pretty cranky too. He tells Jason that his being in jail compromises the organization - the one Sonny built and handed over to his BFF. Jason pretty much tells Sonny to butt out, so Sonny goes home to complain to Max, who gently suggests Sonny explain to Jason why he's so concerned. But Sonny's clearly mad, insisting that Jason can never know about his association with Karpov. After showing Claudia his research, Ric convinces her to get into bed with him, so to speak. She realizes she doesn't have much to lose and agrees to sleep with Ric, if and when Johnny goes free. Just as Claudia seals her deal with Ric, Jason shows up, newly released. Ric sees Jason, and he can't help but taunt him: Sonny's partnered up with Karpov.
     Lourdes screams for her brother to come see Scott's press conference offering a capture reward for Johnny and Lulu, but changes her mind when she learns Johnny's dad is none other than Anthony Zacchara. Later, she heads upstairs for her second piano lesson of the day, but pounding the keys is not her priority. Lulu, who's already skittish thanks to those pesky scary flashbacks of killing Logan, gets even more antsy when Lourdes starts to grill Johnny about where he went to school, etc. When Sal comes to get Lourdes, she conveniently lets it slip that the Zacchara family killed her dad. Better watch your backs, Johnny and Lulu! There's nothing more troubling than a headstrong teenage girl who has a crush on the son of the guy who killed her dad. Meanwhile, Sam fakes an arm injury and Nadine offers to show her into cubicle 3, where Lucky awaits. Lucky's concerned when Sam excitedly tells him she has a meeting with Karpov. Nikolas, fresh from threatening Scott, joins them and tells Sam it's her decision if she wants to get involved with Karpov.
     After Anna declines Robin's invite to attend an Eli Love concert, Robin gets the bright idea to kidnap Anna and show Eli what he's missing. She seems to think Anna needs an ego pick-me-up. Robin recruits Noah to ask Anna out, which wasn't too hard, seeing as how Noah clearly has the hots for the grandma-to-be. Then Robin and Patrick go to ask Sonny for his help.

7/29- Robin, Patrick, and Anna rock out to Eli Love's newest song (which is actually Rick Springfield's "What's Victoria's Secret?"). It's a pretty catchy tune - so catchy that Anna finds herself softening toward Eli, only to get angry later when a bimbo runs onstage and throws herself into his welcoming arms. Later, Robin's plan goes into action: Max and friends will attempt to kidnap Eli so he can see Anna in action. Wow. We didn't see that one coming! Sure enough, Max and company assault Eli wearing Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton masks, only to get their butts kicked by Anna, who barely breaks a sweat taking them down. Eli is incredibly impressed.
     Ric takes great pleasure in driving a wedge between Jason and Sonny by telling Jas all about Sonny's new gig for Karpov. Jason doesn't believe a word that comes out of Ric's mouth, but he races home to ask The Jackal to investigate anyway. Claudia calls Ric on his scheme and tries to break their deal, but Ric reminds her she needs him to help Johnny. Still, the former bad girl feels, well, badly, so she visits Jason to confirm: Sonny is indeed in cahoots with Karpov, but really, it's to protect Jason. Jason again doesn't buy that. Now the question is: What's Jason going to do about it? Jax is impressed to see that Carly has managed to track him down, but he tries to hide his feelings by playing hard to get. He throws Carly out during a business meeting with Giselle, who tells Carly the role of possessive wife is so over. But Carly comes back swinging, donning a sexy red dress and lying on the bed, seductively eating strawberries. Giselle smirks and leaves, but Jax is determined not to give in. He avoids looking at Carly and turns on the TV!
     Lourdes manages to get Sal ranting and raving about how the Zacchara family ruined their lives and then smiles to herself as Lulu and Johnny squirm with guilt. She even goes so far as to point out a pic of young Johnny to Sal. Lucky for Lulu and Johnny, Sal doesn't make the connection, because the photo looks nothing like Johnny. Just how long will Lourdes continue to play Johnny and Lulu? At General Hospital, Nadine ups the ante in her undercover investigation. She picks a fight with a bewildered Nikolas in front of Matt, hoping to prove that Matt can trust her. She's doing pretty well, until she follows Nik into the elevator. At that point, she kind of seems at a loss for words and flails her arms around. Speaking of Sam, she meets with Karpov and dazzles him with her eagerness and ingenuity. Later, Karpov interrupts a meeting with Jerry to call Sam and tell her she got the job as captain of one of his ships, not realizing that Sam recognizes Jerry's voice in the background.

July 30-August 6, 2008:   7/30, 7/31, 8/1, 8/4, 8/5, 8/6

7/30- Lulu tries to shake off memories of killing Logan by fixing dinner with Johnny, but she freezes when she grabs a knife to cut some carrots. Johnny gently takes the knife from her as Lulu tries not to freak out. To distract her, Johnny surprises Lulu with PB & J, food that doesn't require sharp cutlery.
     In Montreal, Carly and Jax wake up nose-to-nose, but fully clothed. Jax continues to play hard to get, protesting a bit too much over how he and Carly aren't good together. Carly's getting tired of his whining, so, in a very Carly-like move, she handcuffs herself to Jax. Jax ruins the party, convincing Carly to uncuff herself, but guess what: She can't find the key. How convenient! Jax ends up missing his meeting, and the locksmith says Jax is one lucky dude. Jax still can't trust Carly, so Carly vows to wait forever until he comes around.
     At Sonny's, Diane's horrified to see Max sporting a black eye. Max doesn't want to talk about it - he can't break Mr. C's confidentiality agreement - but Sonny, with a wicked gleam in his eye, makes an exception. As Max mutters he got his butt kicked by a granny, he says Milo looks much worse, Diane sends him out to talk to Sonny. She actually says the idea of a gangster war is too horrible to contemplate. Diane points out that if Jason were working with Karpov, Sonny would see it as a betrayal. Touche! But normal rules don't apply to Sonny, who insists working for Karpov is really protecting Jason. Karpov arrives and makes a sexist remark about Diane, which bugs Max. He defends Diane, much to her pleasant surprise. Sonny tells Karpov there's a glitch with their new shipment: One of the docks they want to use is Jason-protected, so they'll need to find another dock. Karpov's not pleased to be put behind schedule, but he agrees. Sonny, on the other hand, wants to explore his other options. He meets with Ric at the Metro Court and listens as Ric kisses his butt. Sonny thinks Ric is about to offer him a job, when Claudia approaches and wants to talk about Jason.
     Meanwhile, Sam and Lucky continue to secretly rendezvous at the free clinic. They share some stolen kisses before Sam gets a call from Karpov's men and has to jet. Earlier, Nikolas isn't pleased to hear Nadine bragging about her undercover activities to Sam. He even goes so far as to foil her plans by offering her a raise - right in the middle of her griping about her money woes in order to gain Matt's trust. But Nadine's annoyance turns all aflutter when Nik says he won't let someone else he cares about get hurt.
     Robin apologizes to her mom for setting up the fake kidnapping so that Anna could showcase her super-spy skills to Eli. Anna doesn't care what Eli thinks or so she says. Later, she seems about to melt when Eli admits he wants her in his life but luckily she's saved from absolutely swooning when a woman comes in with a young boy: Eli's son!

7/31- Outraged by Eli's attitude towards his own son, Anna flattens him with one kick. On Spoon Island, Nadine is crushed when Nikolas tells her she's been like a sister to him. Jason explains to Monica why he won't be able to visit her once she leaves rehab and returns to the Quartermaine mansion. Claudia interrupts Ric's tete-a-tete with Sonny to take her family's lawyer to task for consorting with the enemy. Patrick blasts Eli for turning his back on the child he helped create. Nadine angrily reminds Nikolas that since she is certainly not his sister he has no say in how she lives her life. Monica points out to Jason how Sonny deprived him of a bright future long ago. Johnny succeeds in teasing Lulu out of her doldrums but Lourdes barges in again just as the couple begins to get cozy. Anna admits to Noah how much she regrets wasting any time on a loser like Eli. Edward warns Tracy to be on her best behavior when Monica comes home. Spinelli regretfully informs Jason that Karpov has been transferring money into Sonny's offshore account. An agitated Lucky tells his brother he feels like he's losing it. Lulu cautions Johnny that Lourdes is trouble. Later, Lourdes confronts Johnny with what she's learned but promises to keep his dark secret. Noah and Anna share a kiss.

8/1- Sonny's having a meeting with Karpov when Kate makes a surprise return from Paris, loaded with gifts. Karpov covers, explaining he's a big European coffee distributor. Kate buys it and happily gives Sonny some presents, then leaves for the office. Sonny tears into Max for letting Kate interrupt them. Later, Mike stops by, totally thrilled to get French cuff links from Kate, and tells Sonny he likes the influence Kate has on him. Sonny asks his pa to be in his wedding, and Mike happily accepts. But we know there's another guy in Sonny's life who's not so happy. After finding out for sure from Spinelli that Sonny is indeed on Karpov's payroll, Jason pays his BFF a little visit - right in the middle of a romantic dinner with Kate. Spinelli comes clean to Maxie about Sonny when she sees Spinelli investigating Karpov.
     Elizabeth goes to the free clinic to ask Nikolas to encourage Lucky to get back together with Sam. Unbeknownst to Liz, Sam and Lucky are hot and heavy in the back room, discussing Sam's new gig shipping stuff for Karpov. Lucky feels bad for fooling Liz, especially later, when she surprises him with a picnic with the boys. Jason bumps into Liz and the boys while setting up their picnic. He can't stop staring at Jake, his son. Jason and Elizabeth share a couple of longing looks, and then Monica stumbles upon the adorable family scene. Jason goes bye-bye, leaving Monica to tell Liz she knows Jason still loves Liz, but Liz knows Jason loves the mob more. It's total guilt time when Monica expresses her longing for grandchildren and sadness over Michael being in a coma, all the while not realizing that little Jake is also her grandson!
     Meanwhile, Nadine gives Nikolas the cold shoulder. She's determined to prove to Nik she can get the dirt on Matt. Her newest idea: Break into Mac's to snoop around Matt's room while Leyla distracts him. Thankfully, Nik stops her. Sam, on the other hand, is normally much better at snooping -- but, as she digs through Karpov's latest shipment and paperwork, she's caught by her mom's boyfriend and mobster-in-the-making Jerry. In New York, Lulu warns Johnny that the minute Lourdes realizes Johnny doesn't love her, she's going to expose them. Johnny disagrees, thinks Lourdes's crush is harmless. For a mobster's son, Johnny can be totally naive. But he starts to see Lulu's point when Lourdes arrives early for her next piano lesson and lays on the flirting, extra thick. Lulu sees Logan, all bloody with the butcher knife sticking out of his stomach.

8/4- As Johnny holds Lulu tight, she sees a bloody Logan standing over in the corner. Lulu screams but tells Johnny it was a rat. Johnny finally gets the truth out of her, and Lulu breaks down. They're interrupted by Lourdes, who tells Johnny that Sal needs his help moving things (again).Lulu freaks out again. She can't take it so she runs away.
     Sonny and Jason lock eyes as Kate tells Jason, in her snootiest voice, that they haven't seen him since he dissolved his business partnership with Sonny, and friendships shouldn't have to rely on business to exist, but still, he should've called first. Jason and Sonny ignore her presence and pretty much kick her out. Jason thinks Sonny betrayed him and says that if Sonny wants back in, he'll gladly hand over the business. But Sonny's still living in denial and claims working with Karpov is actually about protecting Jason. Jason doesn't believe it. The two reach a stalemate, which sends Jason to Carly to tell her that Sonny's back in the mob business. Kate comes clean about setting Carly up, and Carly warns her that, as soon as she and Jax are stable again, Kate's butt is grass. Sam also runs into Kate and sees the huge rock on her hand. Sam's not too thrilled to see her former flame and stillborn baby daddy moving on with his life, when she couldn't have a future with Jason, thanks to the mob business. Sam's not really having a great day. Earlier, Jerry catches her snooping in Karpov's warehouse and basically tells her he's dating her mom because she's the DA and he needs a good cover for his sleazy deals. She later tells Nikolas that Jerry's probably the leader in the fake-meds ring.
     At the hospital, Robin and Patrick seek some privacy in the storage closet, only to find Anna and Noah already there, making out. Robin and Patrick are surprisingly cool about it. They even separately talk to their parents to make sure they're in this romance for the right reasons. Nadine's still out to prove herself to Nikolas. She convinces Leyla to distract Maxie as she sneaks into Matt's room. Maxie's furious that Matt ate her enchilada. But Leyla has the perfect topic to distract Maxie: Spinelli. She advises Maxie to really listen to what Spinelli is telling her - like he loves you - while Nadine hides in Matt's closet and watches him undress.

8/5- Johnny's frantic - where could Lulu be? Sal calls him overprotective, but Lourdes is over the moon that Lulu's gone. She tries to convince Johnny that Lulu went to turn herself in, so Johnny needs to get out of here! We'd bet she'd like to take him to Mexico, like she originally suggested. Too bad Lulu came back to claim her man. Meanwhile, Lulu shows up ... in Laura's room at Shadybrook! She talks to her mom and tells her all about Logan and Johnny, and how she fears she'll end up crazy like her mom. As she talks, Lulu gets an epiphany: Logan was too far gone to listen to what she had to say, so she really did kill him in self-defense. Lulu leaves, looking refreshed and happy. She narrowly misses Scott, who also goes in to tell Laura he's not going after Lulu so much as getting justice for his son. Nikolas and Lucky see Scott leave Laura's room, and they effectively ban him from seeing her.
     Jason tells Carly that Karpov is a threat to him and if Sonny's with Karpov ... Carly says what Jason cannot: He's going to have to treat Sonny like he would any other threat. Jason can't quite bear to go that far. He's still hurt that his bestie stepped out with another mobster. Jason asks Diane to set up a meeting with Karpov. Jason strikes a deal: He'll stay out of Karpov's way if Karpov stays out of his. Karpov seems amused and says if anything did happen, the first casualty would be Sonny.
     Over at Mac's place, it's high jinks central. Nadine's hiding in Matt's room as Matt emerges from the bathroom clad only in a towel. Maxie barges in to yell at him again and catches sight of Nadine. She mistakenly thinks Nadine is there for a quickie with Matt and goes to call Mac. Turns out there's a no-nookie clause in Matt's lease! Matt's angry and does some damage control. He later confronts Nadine, who tells him she wants in on the counterfeit-drug scheme. Matt denies there is one, and starts yelling at Nadine. Of course, Nik comes to Nadine's rescue and tells Matt to cool it; otherwise, he's revoking his fellowship.

August 6-13, 2008:  8/6, 8/7, 8/8, 8/11, 8/12, 8/13

8/6- In New York, everything seems hunky dory with Lulu and Johnny … until the cops bust down their door! Caught? Nope. The cops question Johnny and Lulu about Sal. Seems their teddy bear/gangster neighbor is wanted in connection with a shooting. Lourdes pops in, and Johnny covers for her, says all three of them are from Chicago, blah blah. After the cops leave, Lourdes gushes how brave and smart Johnny is while Lulu rolls her eyes. She is, however, losing her sanity. Lulu and Johnny get romantic and make love, but afterward, Lulu awakens to the sound of the piano … and a dead, sightless Logan tickling the ivories!
     In Port Charles, Sonny finds it harder and harder to hide his new job from Kate. First, Kate walks in on Sonny asking Claudia if she's the one who told Jason about his gig with Karpov. Later, after Kate stresses out over Sonny's lukewarm attitude toward their wedding, Sonny tells her he'll take her out tomorrow night but gets antsy when Kate asks why not tonight? Kate may not like Sonny's attitude, but she will defend her man. She reams out Claudia for trying to pull Sonny back into the mob, but Claudia, who knows better, laughs at her. Claudia's day gets better when she tells Ric he owes her; she didn't mention him at all when Sonny asked her who ratted him out.
     Carly, on the other hand, is no one's doormat. She's feisty when Anthony tries to chat her up about Laura's mental instability, and how Lulu could snap at any moment. Carly keeps her family's business to herself, but we can see she's worried too. Later, she goes to see Jason, who tells her that Anthony's concern for his son will give Karpov the chance to strike -- with Sonny's help. Jason doesn't want Carly involved, but guess what? Carly doesn't listen and arranges a date -- with Karpov! Little does she know that Karpov's last two girlfriends met very grisly ends. Sam's overseeing a Karpov shipment at the pier when Lucky arrives and stages a fight, giving them a chance to talk. Later, a box falls over, revealing white boxes. When Sam goes to open them, a dock worker orders her to leave it. Hmm, that's suspicious. And who is this guy? While Sam doesn't know who that guy is, she sure knows Jerry, who tries to charm her. But Sam isn't swooning.
     Jason's upset about Sonny working with Karpov, but he's determined not to strike out at Sonny. He's already frustrated with Carly and gets exasperated when Spinelli tells him he told Maxie about Karpov. Scott somehow manages to sneak into the Quartermaine mansion to harass them. Things get very interesting when Anthony shows up, claiming he's there to ask Tracy out on a date. Of course, Scott thinks the Zaccharas and the Quartermaines are hiding Lulu and Johnny together. After he storms out, Monica has to remind everyone it's her house. Anthony warns the Qs that if anything happens to Johnny, they will pay.

August 7-14, 2008:  8/7, 8/8, 8/11, 8/12, 8/13, 8/14

8/7- Lulu rubs her eyes; she can't believe she's seeing bloody, dead Logan playing the piano! She moves over to him as he smiles creepily at her, but then he vanishes when Johnny enters. Johnny sees the crazy creeping into Lulu's eyes and urges her to resist it. Sal swings by, totally in trouble, and asks Johnny and Lulu to babysit Lourdes for a couple of days while he hides out. You'd think Sal would be more responsible, but whatever. Anyway, Lourdes sees the next few days as a chance to stay with Johnny, but he suggests she stay in her own bed. Lourdes agrees, but only if Johnny visits her at night.
     Carly arranges to have drinks with Karpov, who has taken a liking to the leggy blonde. He takes her to his warehouse and tries to put the moves on her. Carly and Karpov are interrupted by Jason, who turns to Carly: What are you doing? But Carly smiles and holds up her palm. The girl stole Karpov's PDA. Earlier, Spinelli digs up some dirt on Karpov, mostly how it seems he likes to off his girlfriends after sleeping with them. Just like a black widow, only male. Looks like Spinelli has some issues of his own: He wants to prove to Jason he's more than just brains. He can do field work too. Maxie is ultra-supportive. Sonny has a hard time putting Kate off when she asks why they can't go out tonight. He smoothes things over for a little while by talking wedding stuff, then escapes to oversee a Karpov shipment. When he opens it, however, he gets more than he bargained for: white powder. Also at the docks, Sam tells Jerry she has a reason to be there -- what's his reason? Jerry gets all sleazy with her, convincing Sam more than ever that he's behind the counterfeit drugs. She runs to tell Lucky, Nikolas, and Nadine at the free clinic, but Nadine's busy following Matt down dark alleys... and getting caught!

8/8- Sonny makes an enemy out of Karpov when he abruptly ends his association with him (Sonny found drugs in Karpov's shipment). Karpov says their dealings are not over. Jason is angry with Carly for putting herself at risk by associating with Karpov. Jason finds Carly snooping around Karpov's warehouse and gets angry with her. Just then, Claudia arrives, sees a shooter and yells for them to look out. Jerry is the shooter. Jason gives Spinelli Karpov's PDA to download. Spinelli decides to go to the warehouse to put it back and gets grabbed by Karpov's goons. Maxie arrives and starts spinning lies to help him. Johnny tries to cheer Lulu up on her birthday. Lulu's hallucinations of Logan become more horrific. Nikolas and Claudia form a pact to work together to help Johnny and Lulu. Nadine bungles her investigation into Matt's possible involvement with the drug smuggling ring. Nadine confronts Nikolas over sending her mixed signals and kisses him.

8/11- Lulu is certain she's going to suffer the same fate as her mother as her hallucinations of Logan become more and more unsettling. Johnny secretly contacts Claudia, asking her to question Nikolas about Laura's behavior before her breakdown. Claudia tells Nikolas that Lulu is having a breakdown. Spinelli is humiliated when Maxie once again comes to his rescue and gets him out of the jam with Karpov's men. He remains determined to prove his manhood by suggesting he and Jason stake out Karpov's warehouse. Sonny makes an enemy out of Karpov when he severs ties with him. Karpov tells Jerry he wants Jason dead. Jason gets Carly and Claudia out of the line of fire but they don't discover that Jerry was the one shooting at them. Nikolas tries to let Nadine down gently but she still feels the sting of rejection when she jumps to the wrong conclusion about him and Elizabeth. Leyla gives Nadine a pep talk.

8/12- Jason doesn't want Spinelli anywhere near a stakeout of Karpov's warehouse. The Jackal begs Stone Cold to let him prove his manliness (to Maxie and himself) by helping out. As Spinelli sees it, his lack of prowess in the ways of butch Stone Cold is a big reason Maxie's not feeling him. Finally, the begging gets to be too much, so Jason agrees to take Spinelli on a stakeout. While on the stakeout, Spinelli ends up passing out on the steering wheel due to heatstroke and inadvertently draws attention to himself and Jason. Nikolas runs into Claudia after she's gone running. Nik tells Claudia he's got a plan to get Lulu/Johnny out of the country. Nikolas goes to visit Alexis, who reveals that the only way Lulu won't be prosecuted is if she's committed to a mental institution.
     Earlier, Alexis tries to get info from Maxie about the night of Logan's murder, but Maximista lies and/or keeps things vague. Trevor warns Alexis to find a way to make the charges against Johnny go away, or Anthony will declare war on everyone involved. When Alexis finds Anthony in the park threatening her daughter, Kristina, that seems like a reality.
     Robin and Patrick are anxious to learn if their baby is a boy or a girl. The big ultrasound is today. Robin's depressed because she can't have caffeine, since she's pregnant. Anyway, they get to the hospital, all nerves and excitement. Robin tells Maxie that pregnancy is scary to her, but exciting. We learn that Robin and Patrick are having a baby girl!

8/13- Jason cuts the stakeout short to take Spinelli to the hospital after he passes out from the heat. Maxie, still there from Robin's ultrasound, worries about Spinelli's well being and becomes angry when an arrogant Matt mentions that Spinelli could have a brain tumor. Maxie also lays into Jason for not watching out for Spinelli. She tells Stone Cold that Spinelli has total hero worship for him. Matt seems interested in Patrick and Robin's baby news, and Maxie calls him on it.
     In New York, Johnny comes home to see Lulu just staring off into space. But still lucid enough to tell Johnny she will NOT let him turn himself in for her sake. Lourdes arrives and is alone with Lulu. Lourdes doesn't think Johnny killed Logan. Lulu has another Logan vision and freaks out, which in turns freaks Lourdes out.
     Trevor tells Sonny that Anthony's on the warpath, and unless Johnny/Lulu are brought home soon, all hell is going to break loose. Of course, this is the moment when Kate walks in to find her current BF talking to her old one. Kate questions why Trevor wanted to speak with Sonny. Sonny explains to Kate that the situation with Johnny and Lulu is in Jason's hands. Alexis, freaked thanks to Anthony's creepy encounter with her daughter, goes to see Sonny. She tells Sonny (little Kristina's father) that Anthony basically threatened Kristina unless Alexis gets Johnny out of charges. Jerry warns Kate that Sonny will never be free from his enemies and that she will always be in danger. Alexis and Jerry also have a moment, where she admits she's still scared of him sometimes. Alexis doesn't reveal the whole truth about Kristina to him.
     Carly's thrilled when Jax returns home, but her joy is short-lived when he reveals he isn't sure they should stay together. Obviously, Carly gets angry, then falls down while screaming at Jax. Jax accuses Carly of faking it when she claims she's sprained her ankle. Patrick is freaking out over the news he's going to be the dad to a little girl. He doesn't feel he's capable of advising little girls. Robin tries to calm him down. Later, Robin sees Jason and shares the baby news with him.

8/14- Lulu has another Logan vision and starts screaming and freaking out. To Lourdes and the entering Johnny, though, it's just air. So no surprise that Johnny realizes his GF desperately needs professional help. Johnny makes a mysterious call, then takes Lulu for a drive. She very quickly figures out that he's taking her to Shadybrook. She flips out.
     Robin and Jason chat more. She tells him it was during their time living at the cottage that she realized she could actually have a family, and she's grateful for that. Robin tells Jason that she wants him to be part of her daughter's life, and Patrick overhears. Later, he tells Robin that idea makes him nervous because, you know, Jason gets shot a lot. Robin tells Patrick that Jason himself will keep his distance and feels bad that Jason's cursed with never being allowed to be close to anyone. Jason observes Lucky arrive at the hospital with Cameron and Jake. The two little boys have sweet moments with Liz and Lucky. Jason longingly looks at the son, Jake, he can never acknowledge.
     Alexis spills to Sonny about Anthony's threats against Kristina. Sonny's furious. He calls a meeting with Jason and starts ranting and raving about Jason's leadership tactics and how he's not doing a good job protecting those close to him. Somewhere in there, the whole Anthony-threatening-Kristina is communicated. Jason, like many, doesn't do well with being yelled at, so he takes off. Later, Liz encounters Jason. She tells him she feels so bad for him, but she loves him.
     Lucky and Sam have secret sex, and Sam prepares to handle Karpov's shipment later that night. She hopes it will lead to busting Karpov soon. Jax thinks Carly's faking her ankle sprain, so he walks out to visit Kate at work. Jax feels guilty, so he goes back to see Carly. But Kate later interrupts their reunion with a business emergency. Claudia's shocked to learn that Anthony has moved all her stuff back into his home. Anthony tells her that, unless Johnny is brought home with all charges cleared, Claudia is going to pay the price. Before they can get into it, Sonny shows up, looking to have some words with Anthony.

August 15-22, 2008:  8/15, 8/18, 8/19, 8/20, 8/21, 8/22

8/15- Jason opens up to Liz about his fight with Sonny. Liz tells him he needs to make up with Sonny, because all this fighting is keeping them from healing from Michael's shooting. Sonny lets Anthony know that if Anthony messes with Sonny's kids, he'd better watch his back. Anthony, ever the manipulator, starts to criticize Jason's leadership skills (inferring that there'd be peace if Sonny was back in charge). Anthony tells Claudia he wants Sonny in charge, because Sonny's easier to manipulate. Later, Jason and Sonny start to talk about their fight and their issues. Kate comes into this and is right away suspicious that Sonny's back in the mob. Sonny denies.
    Nikolas walks into Claudia and Anthony's fight and reveals that he's arranged safe passage out of the country for Johnny and Lulu. Privately, Nikolas and Claudia learn that Lulu's been taken to Shadybrook, so they go there to see their respective siblings. In the car, Lulu's still freaking out over the idea of going to Shadybrook. Johnny calms her down and convinces her it's the right thing to do. Johnny and Lulu are kissing goodbye when Mac and Scott show up to arrest Johnny. They drag him away as Lulu screams bloody murder. Jax handles Kate's business crisis (apparently, "Scarlett" wanted to back out of the cover). Carly just glares at Kate the whole time. Kate leaves, and Carly makes the very sharp observation that Kate could have called with this problem. Carly does the big thing and offers to accept the Kate/Jax friendship/relationship if Jax comes home. Jax says he needs to take things slowly. Later, Carly is going to meet Jax when she runs into Karpov! Sam is working undercover with Karpov's shipment trying to get information to bust him. Lucky learns the DEA is raiding the shipment, and goes to warn Sam. Just as he arrives the raid begins, shots ring out and Sam is hit.

8/18- At the pier, Lucky rushes over to Sam, who's been shot. Lucky wants to take her to General Hospital, but Sam begs to go home, so he calls Liz and asks her to grab her trusty gunshot-wound kit and hurry over. Liz realizes Sam and Lucky staged their breakup and witnesses mucho smoochies. Jason and Sonny get interrupted by Kate, who declares that if Sonny's going back to the mob, that changes everything, mainly the wedding. Jason and Sonny reach another stalemate. Jason goes to meet with Bernie, who advises him to get rid of Karpov before Karpov gets rid of him, while Sonny opens up to Kate about his lingering anger at Jason for helping Carly take Morgan and Michael away. But Sonny's heart-to-heart with Kate is interrupted by Sasha, who eyes Sonny like an ice cream cone on a hot day. Sonny's none too pleased, since Karpov insists on pushing drugs, but Sasha leaves her business card anyway.
     Later, Karpov tells Sasha he knows who squealed about his most recent drug shipment as Jason lines up to take a shot at him with a sniper rifle ... only to stop at the last second when Karpov's daughter runs in to hug her daddy. Earlier, Karpov tries to talk Carly into a romantic boat ride, but she's not playing. He senses the chill, but Carly expertly plays it off. She goes to see Jax, hiding her hurt ankle, and delivers a basket full of Jax goodies. Jax realizes she's hurt, but Carly tells him he knows where to find her once he's ready to get back together. Jax, can you please do us a favor and go home to your wife?
     At Shadybrook, the cops arrest Johnny, using a lot more force than is necessary. Claudia and Nikolas rush in. She follows her dad and Trevor to the PCPD, where Johnny looks so very sad and forlorn. Claudia slaps a smirky Scott, trying to keep him from persecuting her brother so much. The distraction only works for a minute. Meanwhile, Lulu is sedated and babbles incoherently to Nikolas and Lainey. Nik is super-worried, especially when Lainey says Lulu's outlook is not so good.

8/19- Now that Patrick and Robin know they're about to have a girl, Patrick's freaked. He orders oatmeal and whole wheat toast for Robin's breakfast and chases Matt away from Leyla. Looks like Patrick is trying to make up for his womanizing ways. Anyway, Anna misinterprets Patrick's protectiveness toward Leyla as a desire to stray, but Robin sets her straight: They're having a girl. Anna's thrilled.
     Liz goes to Sam's to check in on her. Lucky's happy that Liz could help Sam and thinks now's the time for Sam to get out of Karpov's organization, but Sam thinks taking a bullet will prove to Karpov she can be trusted, thus leading her to the counterfeit drugs. Liz watches as Lucky and Sam argue and defends Sam to Lucky. Later, Liz tells Sam to trust Lucky - he won't let her down. At Shadybrook, Lulu is still seeing bloody Logan, but this time with a blue spooky light. Nikolas talks her down, and the Quartermaines (minus Tracy, but including Alice!) come to offer their support and yummy muffins. Later, Lulu goes to visit her mom. She kisses the head of Laura and asks her what's it like to lose your mind? Lucky arrives to advise Lulu to let people help her, just like he did when he kicked his drug habit. Lulu looks a little doubtful, but sort of agrees. But Lucky isn't her last visitor of the day: Scott shows up in complete bully mode. He tells Lulu to stop faking the crazy and that he's going to use her to put Johnny away forever. Nikolas leaves Shadybrook to meet up with Claudia, who makes it clear she doesn't care about Lulu, only Johnny. They end up bonding over sibling troubles, but it turns out Nik's more upset than he lets on. When Nadine goes to Wyndemere to cheer him up, he lashes out, telling her she's crazy to care about him. Nadine refuses to back down, so Nik dares her by sweeping her into a really passionate kiss, which practically lifts her off the ground.
     At the PCPD, Claudia visits Johnny. She pretty much thinks Lulu ruined Johnny's life, but Johnny tells her that if she can't accept his love for Lulu, she should leave. Anthony goes to see Alexis and not too subtly threatens to kill Kristina and Molly if Alexis doesn't get the charges against Johnny dropped. Shaken, Alexis shows photos of her girls to Johnny and pleads with him to admit he's guilty. Jason's also still shaken from almost killing Karpov's daughter. He tells Bernie, who reits that the best time to take out Karpov is now. Jason knows that's what Sonny would do, and he's determined not to be Sonny, but he has Karpov tailed anyway. Later, Sasha comes calling with more than Karpov's business in mind. She unbuttons her shirt and drops it on the floor. 

8/20- Alexis is begging Johnny to confess to save her daughters when Trevor enters and kicks her out. Trevor makes it clear that the only way to keep Kristina and Molly safe is to make sure Johnny's a free man. Sonny also pays Johnny a visit, after kicking a rabid Scott out of Lulu's face. He tells Johnny how fragile Lulu is and that if Johnny's lawyers put her on the stand, she'll crumble. Later, Lucky tells Johnny the same thing and thinks Johnny should plead guilty - that's the only way to save Lulu. Claudia, who's already upset with Lucky, gets even more enraged and tells Lucky that the only way to save Lulu is to save Johnny.
     At Wyndemere, Nikolas and Nadine's kiss heats up. He sweeps her onto a desk, and it looks like they're about to make love ... when they stop. Nikolas gives Nadine some bull about not being good for her, which frustrates the hell out of Nadine. Lucky goes to see Nikolas and pretty much blames Johnny for Lulu's breakdown, just as Claudia arrives. Claudia gets into it with Lucky, blaming Lulu for ruining Johnny's life, and asks them to do whatever they can to make sure Lulu doesn't take the stand - it could cost Johnny his freedom.
     Over at Jason's, Spinelli can't believe his eyes: Sasha, semi-naked in front of Jason. He uncharacteristically reams Jason out for sleeping with Karpov's lawyer, even though Jason denies it. Later, Spinelli tells Maxie, which really pisses Jason off. Kate sends Maxie to Shadybrook to give Lulu some truffles and a promise that her job at Crimson is waiting for her. It practically kills Maxie to say that, and the girls think it's so weird that they hate each other, yet they're bonded by what really happened the night Logan died. Sonny goes to Kate and tells her how he couldn't get through to Lulu, which starts a conversation about his own troubles with bipolar disorder. Kate vows to stand by Sonny no matter what, as Sonny worries that he can't guarantee Kate will never witness an episode.
     Anna, Robin, and Mike give Patrick a lot of grief over his womanizing past, which only makes Patrick more paranoid about having a daughter. If they keep this up, Robin and Patrick's little girl will be lucky to get to leave the house before her 40th birthday.

8/21- Lulu cries to Lucky and Jason about how much she needs to see Johnny. She's still sane enough to fake her way into a phone call to Johnny in lockup, but Scott cuts the call short. Lucky refuses to help Lulu, telling her Johnny's the reason she's at Shadybrook, while Jason disagrees but isn't so sure taking Lulu out is such a hot idea. Johnny can't live without Lulu, either. He snaps at his sister, the one person on his side, to do whatever she can to get him to Lulu. Big sis gives him a reality check: He's most likely going to be convicted, so he needs to stay the hell away from Lulu.
     Nadine complains to Liz about how she can't compete with Saint Emily. Liz says Emily wasn't perfect and encourages Nadine not to give up on Nikolas. Then she tells Nikolas to drop the brooding-prince act and lighten up. Nik takes Liz's advice and asks Nadine to come to Wyndemere. Nadine arrives, expecting yet another "we're just friends" lecture, but instead gets a very pleasant surprise: a candlelight dinner.
     At General Hospital, Robin catches Patrick and Epiphany in some kind of cahoots. She thinks Patrick is conspiring to get her early maternity leave, but the joke's on her when Patrick gets on the PA system and declares his love for Robin. Robin dumps her patient faster than you can say "appendicitis" and rushes to the nurses' station, where Patrick proposes to her in the presence of Mac, Anna, and all their friends.
     Spinelli still doesn't believe Jason didn't sleep with Sasha. Spinelli and Maxie decide they need to catch Sasha "cheating" on Jason with Karpov, and they stake out Karpov's warehouse. Maxie thinks this is all a bit silly but realizes Spinelli is out to prove to Jason that he's a man (and can handle stakeouts). Sonny's out to prove something too - that he meant it when he told Karpov he's out of the business. Karpov sends Kate a Faberge music box as a wedding present, forcing Sonny to admit that Karpov is a mobster, but he wasn't doing mob business with him at all. Kate gives Sonny the stink eye but lets him go on this one. Sonny plans to return the music box to Karpov and is about to knock as Karpov takes a meeting with Jerry. 

8/22- Jason caves in and pretends to be Lulu's brother so he can take her to see Johnny in lockup. Lulu's overjoyed to see Johnny, who makes her promise to hang in there. Lulu seems all calm and practically sane ... until she sees bloody Logan standing behind Johnny! Earlier, Claudia tries to convince Johnny that dumping Lulu would be his best chance for survival but slightly softens when Johnny admits he feels Lulu's breakdown is his fault. Claudia's not thrilled to see Lulu visit, but she did tell Lucky to back off of Johnny. Jason also stops Lucky from interrupting Lulu and Johnny, but it's pretty clear Lucky's pissed.
     Sonny storms into Karpov's warehouse to return his wedding gift. Luckily, Jerry hid before Sonny could see him, but he listens as Karpov explains the gift meant no hard feelings. Sonny doesn't buy that and rudely shoves the music box at Karpov and leaves. Still, things don't bode well for Sonny when he accidentally walks in on Kate trying on a gorgeous dress for the reception. Even though it's not her actual wedding dress, she hides from Sonny, who is mesmerized. She's stunning to him, and he goes to hug her, only to prick his hand on one of the dress pins and bleed a little on the dress. Kate freaks out - that's a sign of bad luck!
     With everyone looking at Robin and holding their breath, she gets so overwhelmed by Patrick's marriage proposal that she hightails it out of the hospital. Patrick follows her to the park, where Robin challenges him: He only asked her to marry him because she's pregnant. Patrick says yeah, but adds that he does want to be with her for the rest of his life. But that answer's not good enough for Robin, who tearfully tells Patrick she can't marry him and bolts.
     At Wyndemere, Nadine's touched by Nikolas's dinner, but she feels a little awkward. Salad fork, dinner fork, and what's with the three spoons? Nikolas settles Nadine's nerves with a couple of funny stories, and then tops the evening off with a nice waltz. Maxie's getting bored on the stakeout, but Spinelli assures her they're about to learn something bad (and useful) about Sasha. Maxie thinks they should be helping Johnny and Lulu, and worries she'll eventually be booked as Lulu's accomplice, but realizes Spinelli brought her on this stakeout to help take her mind off things. Their patience pays off: Maxie sees someone with a gun enter the warehouse. Naturally, Spinelli wants to take a closer look, so he gets out of the car, with Maxie following. Suddenly there's a glare of bright lights, the sharp squeal of tires, and Maxie screaming.

August 25-September 1, 2008:  8/25, 8/26, 8/27, 8/28, 8/29, 9/1 repeat

8/25- Nadine fantasizes that she's a princess dancing with her prince. Just as she leans in for a kiss, Nikolas catches her, asks if she's dizzy? Embarrassed, Nadine says she likes dancing with him, but she's saved from any more mistakes when her pager goes off - Spinelli's hurt and needs emergency surgery! Maxie screams as an unknown car races toward them and hits Spinelli! She frantically dials 911, begging Spinelli to hang in there. He's rushed to General Hospital, where Maxie's furious to learn that Matt is the attending on call. She refuses to let him operate on Spinelli, and Nadine backs her up. But Spinelli's spleen is ruptured, so he's gonna die if they don't operate soon. He regains consciousness just long enough to give Maxie permission to do what she thinks is best.
     Matt, who just learned that Patrick had an affair with Leyla before going back to Robin, is surprised when Maxie gets all emotional and tells him how Spinelli's her best friend and she couldn't live without him. Sam's leaving a message for Lucky when she sees Jerry arrive at the docks to meet with Karpov. Later, she's not too happy to spot Jerry romancing her mom at work with an impromptu dinner picnic. Sam decides not to spill about Jerry working with Karpov and goes with Alexis to the PCPD.
     At the PCPD, Lucky's horrified to see Lulu screaming at nothing. Johnny tries to calm her down; some cops hold him back as Lucky tries to intervene, but Lulu only wants Johnny. Scott brags to Johnny that he's still going to put Lulu on the stand, crazy or not, so Johnny slams Scott against the wall. Claudia looks at Lulu and demands to know what else Johnny isn't telling her about the night Logan died. Johnny sticks to the cover story, but it's clear he's not that great at lying to his sister. Claudia sees Alexis arrive with Sam. Since her brother is determined to ruin his life, she figures it's up to her to save him, so she breaks into Alexis's office, hoping to find something useful. But all she gets is a sticky note with the number of the hotel Ric's staying at in New York ... and she gets busted by Alexis. Back at Shadybrook, Lucky and Lainey tell Lulu she doesn't have to tell them what happened the night Logan died, but it might make her feel better. Lulu's calm - for now - and sneaks out to seek comfort from Laura, who speaks! Sonny pooh-poohs Kate's superstitious fear about the blood on her dress. He kisses her and starts to undress her. Afterward, Kate tells Sonny about her cousin Olivia, how they were always rivals as girls, and now she wishes Olivia could come to the wedding to see how good Kate's life is. Later, Sonny makes a cryptic phone call to Gloria Cerullo

8/26- Lulu can't believe her eyes and ears: Her mom just spoke to her! She closes her eyes for a sec, hoping it's not her imagination, but Laura assures her she's really there. Turns out Laura's been drifting in and out of her catatonic state - and staffers at Shadybrook know it. Laura didn't want her family get their hopes up, so, for now, this is their little secret. Too bad Johnny can't share some of that hope. Anthony tells Johnny that Lulu's craziness could be the key to his freedom -- put the girl on the stand and let the crazy prove that Lulu drove Logan to attack Johnny. Johnny's horrified; he fears that, if Lulu testifies, she'll not only admit to killing Logan but also really lose it for good. Lucky has to agree. He thinks Johnny should stay out of Lulu's life forever, but Nikolas is willing to help Johnny if it means helping Lulu. He seems to think that Johnny going free is the one thing that will keep Lulu sane. But Johnny's so against Lulu testifying that Nik gets suspicious - did something else happen the night Logan died?
     When Alexis catches Claudia snooping in her office, Nik defends Claudia, accusing Alexis of calling the cops just because she doesn't like the mob princess. Nikolas may have convinced Alexis that Claudia meant no harm, but Claudia did manage to grab the sticky note with Ric's NY hotel information. She bribes a maid to let her into Ric's room, where he's enjoying a nice romp in the sack with a lady lawyer friend. Claudia's super-annoyed and tells Ric that he's a better lawyer than Trevor and she needs him to help Johnny. She'll make it worth his while.
     Karpov is definitely looking to hook up with our favorite pesky blonde. Carly smoothly sidesteps him once again, while Jax gets jealous and worried. Jerry tells Jax to keep Carly away from Karpov at all costs, but when Jax confronts Carly, she bursts into tears, saying she can't fight right now - she's worried about Lulu. Spinelli's in a lot of pain, but still manages to talk a LOT. Maxie quickly decides that Matt should operate but wonders if she's made the wrong choice. Nadine keeps a close eye on Matt during surgery -- so close that she gets extremely unprofessional, so Epiphany kicks her out of the OR. You can always count on Epiphany to be the straight shooter. Spinelli's OK - for now. Maxie's relieved, but that's short-lived when Spinelli develops a fever. She slaps Matt, warning him that he's going down if anything bad happens to Spinelli.
     Lucky thinks Sam's too into trying to prove Jerry's a bad guy for Alexis instead of focusing on getting the real bad guys. Lucky convinces Sam to take the night off - she IS still healing from a gunshot wound. They get all romantic but are interrupted by Jerry, who thinks Sam said something to Alexis that made her shut him out. Lucky hides as Jerry hits on Sam. Sam tries not to puke, but it's clear she's more determined than ever to prove what a lowlife Jerry is.

8/27- Maxie keeps vigil by Spinelli's feverish bedside. Even though he has an extremely high fever of 103, he manages to spout whole paragraphs of gratitude to her. Maxie's ready to tear Matt limb from limb, while Matt blames the illness on counterfeit meds. Earlier, Patrick makes Anna a gourmet breakfast (while plotting with her to get Robin to marry him) and points out that Robin didn't exactly say no to marriage. Robin has a lot on her plate, now that her dad is really sick. All the more reason to marry Patrick, Liz tells her. Liz also says it's not every day you get to marry the man you're madly in love with.
     Kate visits Jax at his Metro Court room to talk Crimson business and is very surprised to see Carly in her underwear in Jax's bed. Jax rips into Kate for lying to him about a distribution meeting and blaming it on Carly. Humiliated, Kate leaves while Carly throws herself at Jax, who kisses her. Later, Jax tells Carly he wants to attend Kate and Sonny's wedding to prove to the world that Crimson is stable. Carly's actually OK with this, because she's finally happy with Jax. Diane advises Sonny not to have Jax and Carly at his wedding; she saw the invites and thinks it's a bad idea. You know, because of the limo sex. Sonny's a little mad Diane knows about that, and says he loves Kate. Kate tells Sonny she wants to invite Jax and Carly to make amends, but Sonny's not so sure. Mike tells Sonny how much he likes Kate, and he knows Sonny can't seem to stop going back to Carly, but really, Kate is so much better for him.
     Ric returns from New York and works his lawyer magic, stopping Johnny's transfer to a not-so-desirable prison, angering Scott in the process, and giving Claudia yet another chance to get in Scott's face. Johnny tells Ric the only way he'll trust him is if he keeps anyone from putting Lulu on the stand. That's going to be a problem, since Scott just took Alexis off the case - and put himself on! Sam tells Lucky how determined she is to get to the bottom of the counterfeit drug ring and that the best way is through Karpov. Lucky's still doubtful.

8/28- Spinelli's still in bad shape. He wants to talk to Jason, so Maxie tricks Bernie and Diane into coming to Jason's office and does some fast-talking to convince them to tell her where Jason is. Diane finally gives in and lets Maxie talk to Jason. While Maxie's hunting Jason down, Sasha pays Spinelli a not-so-friendly visit. Luckily, Spinelli's so feverish that Sasha can't make heads or tails out of his ramblings. He imagines himself as a James Bond-type character and Leyla as a Bond girl (or is it a Spinelli girl?), who chases bad gal Sasha away. In reality, Leyla doesn't like how Sasha's trying to grill Spinelli, so she kicks her out.
     The hospital seems to be the place for wacky high jinks today. Robin jumps to a conclusion and makes an ass of herself by assuming the girls at the nurses' station are talking about her and Patrick. Robin then realizes she needs to get on the PA system, so she gives a huge heartfelt speech about how much she loves Patrick and how excited she is about the family they'll have together, but she can't marry him.
     Sonny walks in on Kate trying on her wedding dress, but Kate makes sure his eyes are closed. Sonny wants to take Kate to Aruba, but Kate insists on going to Sonny's island. Sonny caves in and they go, where Kate immediately wants to get busy, as in make new memories, etc. At the Metro, Jax gives Karpov all kinds of attitude. Carly doesn't think it's a good idea for Jax to stir up trouble with Karpov, but Jax doesn't listen. He goes to Alexis to try to get Karpov's visa revoked.
     At Shadybrook, Lulu enjoys a nice visit from the Quartermaines (again without Tracy, as she's busy tracking down negligent dad Luke), but the visit is ruined when bloody Logan shows up again. Lulu screams her head off, scaring the poor Quartermaines. Later, Lulu calms down and goes to see Laura, where she drops two big bombs: 1) Laura didn't kill Rick, her step-dad; Scott did. And 2) Lulu killed Logan, who is Scott's long-lost kid. At the PCPD, Johnny's irritated and tells Ric to quit hitting on his sister and work on getting him free. Ric's pretty savvy. He knows Johnny's not telling him something about the night Logan was killed, but Johnny sticks to his story, leaving out any mention of Lulu or Maxie. As much as we like Johnny, we're afraid this can't end well.

8/29- Jason hurries to the hospital after receiving Maxie's message. Karpov snarls at Carly for trying to play him. At Shady Brook, a weeping Lulu relates for Laura how she fatally stabbed Logan Hayes. After making love on the island, Kate and Sonny reminisce about the old days in Bensonhurst and happily discuss how far they've come since their Brooklyn years. Johnny reminds Claudia why she'll need to take out their father if he's convicted of killing Logan. Spinelli admits to Jason how he and Maxie were staking out Karpov's warehouse when a speeding car came straight at them. Patrick and Matt continue to argue about Spinelli's surgery. Anthony lets his children know he's on to their murderous intent. Lulu tells her mom how she froze when she saw Logan attacking Maxie. Jason promises Spinelli that Sasha won't be back. Declaring that she's a self-made woman, Kate refuses to allow her fiance to bankroll her fun at the casino. A shaken Carly discloses to Jax how Karpov hit on her again and how ugly he became when she insisted she loves her husband. Spinelli urges Elizabeth to save Jason from the snare of Sasha's embrace. Ric warns Anthony to back off before he jeopardizes his son's case. Patrick enlists Spinelli and Anna's help making a webcam appeal to Robin. Jason assures a relieved Elizabeth he's not involved with Sasha or any other woman for that matter. As they return from the casino, an embarrassed Kate accuses Sonny of rigging the tables so she could win big. Laura gently encourages her unhappy daughter to forgive herself. Jax informs Karpov that his visa has been revoked. Elizabeth makes her feelings clear to Jason.

9/1- repeat episode

September 2-9, 2008:  9/2, 9/3, 9/4, 9/5, 9/8, 9/9

9/2- While on the island, Kate's insecurities threaten to get the better of her as she's hit with constant reminders of Carly. Sonny tries to reassure Kate that his relationship with Carly is in the past. Kate tells Sonny that she'd lose all faith in him if she ever found out he cheated on her with Carly. Meanwhile, Clarice overhears Max and Diane talking about Sonny and Carly's tryst in the back of the limo back in May. Carly fears Karpov will seek retaliation against Jax when Jax has Karpov's Visa revoked. An angry Karpov kills his lawyer in front of Jerry. Karpov orders Jerry to take care of Matt after Jerry tells him Matt might have infiltrated the counterfeit drug ring. Jason stops himself from giving into his feelings for Elizabeth, saying they still can't be together. Elizabeth is an emotional wreck when Jason walks away from her. Claudia figures out that Lulu is the one who really killed Logan. Laura forces Lulu to face her feelings and banish Logan from her mind for good.

9/3- Jax recommits to his marriage and moves back in with Carly while beginning to make plans to build them a new dream house. Alexis cautions Jax that he's just setting himself up for heartache by putting his faith in Carly. Diane tries to convince Max to tell Kate about Sonny and Carly's indiscretion. Clarice, armed with the knowledge that Sonny and Carly slept together, arrives at Sonny's just as he and Kate are returning from the island. Tracy visits Lulu, who is clearly doing better thanks to spending time with Laura. Laura asks Lulu not to tell Nikolas about the change in her condition just yet. Jason and Spinelli try to calm a panicked Maxie after she's subpoenaed to testify at Johnny's murder trial. Edward and Epiphany are both selected as jurors at Johnny's trial. Scott makes a shocking announcement as the trial commences. Anna questions Robin's reasons for not accepting Patrick's proposal.

9/4- Max loses his nerve as he's on the verge of telling Kate that Sonny and Carly slept together. Clarice drops a bombshell on Kate. Sonny and Carly wish each other well and are happy they've both found love again. Jax ignores Alexis' concerns that Carly will end up hurting him. Jason takes Spinelli home from the hospital and lectures him about taking unnecessary risks. Maxie arrives at Jason's door with her suitcases packed ready to take over caring for Spinelli while he recuperates. Johnny faces the death penalty as a result of Scott's underhanded maneuvering. Lulu reels over the fact Johnny could be put to death for something she did. Claudia is called to the stand at Johnny's trial.

9/5- Kate struggles to absorb the fact Sonny cheated on her with Carly last May and later shares her newfound knowledge with a disbelieving Jax. Jax and Kate set out to separately confront Carly and Sonny, respectively. Mac hits the roof when he discovers that Maxie has moved in with Jason and Spinelli but she refuses to leave. Maxie may have inadvertently triggered a mob war while arguing with Sasha. Claudia holds her own on the witness stand. Nadine's passionate defense of Nikolas lands her in jail. The pressure of everyone wanting her to accept Patrick's proposal takes its toll on Robin.

9/8- Kate's devastated, but she repeats her question to Sonny: Did you have sex with Carly? Sonny explains they were both messed up from dropping Michael off at the institute, and weren't they on a break? Kate doesn't buy the grief-sex excuse and worries Sonny and Carly will always be connected, which leaves her where, exactly? Because Kate is a class act, she leaves Sonny to think about that. Sonny goes for a car ride to clear his head but ends up in a headlong collision - with Claudia! Carly also tries to give Jax the grief-sex excuse, but Jax is way more steamed than Kate. He can't believe Carly gave him so much crap about kissing Kate, when she slept with Sonny!
     At General Hospital, Robin's definitely having contractions! Patrick and Mac are by her side as she's rushed to the maternity ward. Is the baby coming early? Anna thinks it's because the baby may have HIV -- but if Anna'd done her research, she'd know that the chances of an HIV-positive mama passing on the virus to her baby are pretty slim. Baby girl Scorpio/Drake isn't ready to make her entrance today. Robin had Braxton Hicks (aka false labor),. Patrick apologizes for stressing Robin out and promises to stop asking her to marry him. He just wants to be with her. But by the look on Robin's face, she might be rethinking the whole till-death-do-us-part thing.
     Johnny's trial is over for the day. He thanks Claudia for not giving up Lulu on the stand, and she begs Johnny to reconsider taking the blame for Logan's death -- he could die over this! Johnny tells his big sister that she's a survivor; she can live without him. Claudia's so hurt it takes all of her strength to turn around and flee the room. At Jason's penthouse, Sasha asks Maxie if she's serious when she says Jason will retaliate if Karpov threatens them. Jason denies it and shoos Maxie upstairs with Spinelli. In Spinelli's room, Maxie sees on the news that two Russian men were beaten tonight. She totally thinks it's Jason and creeps downstairs to snoop around, when Jason grabs her. Jerry tells Sasha that he'll take care of Matt. And how he plans to do that is by planting a bomb at the clinic -- but he's careless, and Sam catches him.
     Earlier, there's a huge influx of patients at the clinic, all of them from nearby Mercy Hospital, with the same blinding stomach pain. Matt realizes the fake drugs are no longer just placebos - they're actually poison. Sam and Lucky are horrified. Nikolas is amused to find Nadine in jail for contempt of court. Turns out she went off on the judge because Scott said she's in love with Nik. Nikolas promises to bail her out, but when Scott insults Nadine and Lulu, Nik pops him - and lands in jail beside Nadine!

9/9- Lulu sneaks into Laura's room. She's feeling hopeless because her boyfriend could die for something she did. Laura tries to cheer her up. Lucky goes to visit Johnny in Nikolas's place because Nik is currently in lockup. Lucky's pretty ticked off at Johnny, and they argue about what's best for Lulu. Lucky leaves to vent to Sam at her penthouse, where they end up making love. Afterward, Sam reits that she knows Jerry is the key to bringing down the counterfeit-drug ring - she just needs to get some proof. Earlier, Sam catches Jerry looking suspicious at the clinic. He claims he's there to warn Nik about a new batch of fake meds hitting the streets, but Sam doesn't buy it. It's too bad she doesn't notice the bomb Jerry planted! Somehow, they end up back at her place, where Jerry hits on her again.
     Nikolas and Nadine are finally released from jail. Nik makes a beeline to Johnny and realizes the reason Johnny doesn't want Lulu on the stand is because Lulu actually killed Logan! Johnny asks Nik to get Lulu out of the country, but Nik is doubtful that Lulu is going to cooperate. He's pretty sure his sister isn't going to leave the man she loves hanging. Claudia gets into a car accident with Sonny. Sonny's fine, but Claudia's trapped in her car. As Sonny dials 911, Claudia notices gas leaking. Sonny manages to free Claudia using his trusty pocketknife to cut her seatbelt, right before the car explodes! Claudia's appropriately grateful, but Sonny says Michael saved her life. Turns out, Sonny keeps the pocketknife because they bought it together, and he carries it around to remind him of his son in a coma.
     At Jason's, Maxie tries to cover her embarrassment over being caught snooping. She asks Jason if he's the one who shot those two Russian men. Jason tells her to mind her own business. Maxie swears she would never do anything to compromise him or Spinelli, then waxes poetic about how much she cares for Spinelli. Spinelli listens from the stairs and is totally touched to hear Maxie talk about him. Jason asks Maxie to stay, so she goes upstairs and curls up with Spinelli, who pretends to sleep. Jax tells Carly they're over. Carly begs, pleads, cries, but finally gives in, telling Jax that loving him was the best part of her life. Jax leaves, but later returns to find the nanny alone. Turns out Carly took little Morgan and left for parts unknown. Needed to clear her head, or is hatching another scheme to get Jax back?

September 10-16, 2008:  9/10, 9/11, 9/12, 9/15 cm, 9/16 cm *Note five epis on this dvd as show ran a few minutes longer for a few episodes

9/10- Maxie gets ready for court, but it's clear she'd rather eat nails while sitting naked in a den of rattlesnakes and roaches than testify at Johnny's trial. Jason thinks everything will be fine as long as Maxie sticks to the truth. Spinelli defends Maxie to Jason, which earns him a big smooch! Later, Spinelli drags his not-quite-recovered body to court to support Maxie, but Maxie gets uber-embarrassed when Scott pretty much makes her look like a liar and a slut, especially since she and Logan had that whole "If you seduce Lulu, I'll sleep with you" agreement. Which Maxie admits to, and is mortified that Spinelli hears. Scott doesn't flinch when Anthony threatens his daughter Serena if Johnny doesn't get off.
     Nikolas arrives at Shadybrook (narrowly missing Laura) to take Lulu out of the country. Lulu refuses to abandon Johnny, but Laura thinks she should go. If Johnny's going to make this huge sacrifice, she should honor his wishes. Nikolas asks Jason to make a plan B in order to make sure Lulu gets out of the country, but when Jason goes to pick up Lulu, she's not there! Turns out Scott's guys already grabbed her and took her to court. 

     At General Hospital, Claudia tells anyone who will listen that she's fine; she needs to be in court for her brother! Ric tells her he has everything under control, but she doesn't believe him, so she tries to seduce/convince Patrick to release her. Of course, Robin catches Claudia hitting on him! Earlier, Robin realizes no one has said the "M" word (marriage) to her lately. She had asked Patrick to stop hassling her! Suddenly, Robin realizes she LIKES being harassed, especially by a cute doctor who is also her baby's father.
     Sam gets a phone call from Lucky, who thinks he's found evidence that ties Jerry and Karpov to the fake-drug ring. Turns out all he found was a box that was sent to Mercy Hospital from Karpov's ship, and he's sending cops over there to investigate. Sam kisses Lucky for his hard work, only to be caught by Jerry! To cover, Sam accuses Lucky of stalking her! Sam pretends to be grateful to Jerry for saving her from her "stalker ex-boyfriend." Lucky's not happy, especially since it's clear that Jerry has a crush on Sam.

9/11- Spinelli tells Jason he doesn't judge Maxie for her past misdeeds. Meanwhile, Maxie laments the shame she feels to a sympathetic Robin. Maxie thinks it would be best if she moved out of the penthouse. Lulu only makes things worse for Johnny with her testimony. Ric recalls Claudia to the stand. Sonny tries to win Kate back by solving a crisis involving the magazine but she remains resolute in her decision not to marry him and returns her engagement ring. Sam moves forward in her plan to get closer to Jerry. Jason pushes Elizabeth away. Robin is unfazed when she catches Claudia hitting on Patrick and is secure in the fact that Patrick loves her.

9/12- Sonny follows Kate around her office, trying to woo her back, but Kate stands firm. No matter how much Sonny sweet-talks her, their wedding is still off. She can't trust him. Sonny's win-Kate-back campaign is interrupted by Maxie and Spinelli. Sonny's bugged when Spinelli mentions Carly and shoos the two out. Kate is pretty exasperated at this point and asks Sonny what would happen if she did take him back and they got married? Earlier, Spinelli stops Maxie from moving out of Jason's penthouse with flowers and lots of sweet, encouraging words. He pretty much tells her how brave she was on the stand and generally how awesome she is. Maxie meltsand declares Spinelli the best person she's ever known as she goes into his arms.
     At Jason's office, Karpov spits a few more threats at Jason, who isn't scared. After Karpov leaves, Elizabeth comes out of her hiding place, determined to win Jason back, but Jason brushes her off to go follow Karpov to the free clinic. Later, she shows up at his penthouse, insistent that, even though they don't have a future together, she loves him despite what he does for a living. Liz kisses Jason, and instead of pushing her away, he kisses her back. Ric puts Claudia back on the stand, where she spins the biggest whopper: She and Logan were involved, but Logan still loved Lulu. When Lulu rejected Logan once again, Logan came after Claudia. Johnny saw Logan about to rape and kill Claudia, so he killed Logan. Later, Johnny tells Claudia how much he loves her for fighting for him.
     At Shadybrook, Laura urges Lulu to live her life, because that's what Johnny would want her to do. Later, Nikolas arrives (after Laura goes to take a nap) to tell Lulu what Claudia did. Lulu is shocked. Karpov meets Jerry in front of the free clinic and warns Jerry that he'd better do something about Matt -- soon. Jerry assures him everything is in place and later knocks out Matt in the empty clinic. Jerry detonates the bomb via remote, which sparks a fire. OK, strange but effective. Nadine arrives to see the raging fire and finds Matt unconscious. She tries to drag him out, but the fire's too strong.

9/15- Jason tries to throw Liz out, but she stands firm. Liz goes on and on about how she doesn't care; she wants to be with him, no strings attached. Jason worries that something will happen to her or the boys if she gets involved with him, but Liz pretty much tells him to shut it and asks if he wants her. Jason immediately grabs and kisses her, sweeping her upstairs. They kiss again and start shedding their clothes ... and then Carly walks in. At General Hospital, Carly's upset to learn that Jax was in a free-climbing accident. Apparently, he's been rather reckless with his life since splitting from Carly. Jax gives Carly a cold brush-off. Carly becomes pretty distraught, so she runs straight to Jason's.
     At Crimson, Kate's trying to run her magazine while Sonny pesters her: Love me, love me, love me! He realizes he has to do something pretty big to get her attention, so he threatens to break a mirror, saying he doesn't care if he gets seven years of bad luck if he's not with Kate. Sonny then dares Kate to break the mirror herself to prove she's over him. Threatening to break a mirror appeals to Kate's superstitious nature, so she actually softens a little. Turns out she still loves the guy. Sam gets all dolled up for her "date" with Jerry as Lucky watches. Lucky still hates the idea, but he's supportive. T Sam's date doesn't go as she's planned: Jerry realizes how ultra-friendly Sam's being and grabs her throat, demanding to know what she really wants.
     At Shadybrook, Nikolas tells Lulu what Claudia said on the witness stand. Lulu can't believe it and is thrilled when Johnny calls her (arranged by Ric and Claudia). The youngsters reit how much they love each other. Claudia is pleased with Ric. Laura reminds Lulu that Nikolas and Lucky cannot know she's awake until they know she'll make a full recovery. At the courthouse, the jurors elect Epiphany as their foreperson and start deliberations. Epiphany, Edward, and Ron get suspicious when Mrs. Albright chirps a little too much about Johnny's innocence. Later, they overhear her talking to Anthony on her cell phone. Turns out Anthony planted her on the jury to ensure a "not guilty" verdict for Johnny. After leaving Lulu at Shadybrook, Nikolas goes to check up on the clinic, only to find it on fire.

9/16- In the burning clinic, Nikolas struggles to free Nadine from the beam that fell on her. Nadine orders him to grab Matt first. Nik hesitates, then pulls Matt to safety and runs back in for Nadine. Outside, Nadine collapses, and both she and Matt are taken to General Hospital, where Nik waits at Nadine's bedside until she wakes up. Of course, Nadine's thrilled to see him and even more thrilled when he tells her that she's amazing. Matt, on the other hand, isn't doing so well.
     At Crimson, Sonny's hopeful when Kate can't break the mirror, meaning she still loves him. He then takes advantage of the moment to wax poetic: His love is like this mirror, unbreakable. Kate struggles for all of two minutes, then gives in. Yes, she'll marry him! Diane enters on the last and tells Sonny to sit DOWN. As any good girlfriend would do, she's going to prove to Kate why she shouldn't marry this schmuck. But before Diane can really get her argument going, Kate defends Sonny. Jax can't believe it either. He comes in, ready to do business, but finds Sonny and Kate together instead. He warns Kate's making a huge mistake, then goes home to sulk.
     At Sam's penthouse, Jerry still has Sam by the throat -- literally. He demands to know what kind of game she's playing, why one day she despises him and the next day she wants him. Sam stays cool; she explains how she wants to be "bad" again, that the good-girl act is boring. Jerry totally buys it and kisses her, promising that being bad is the best thing ever! Sam tries not to vomit as Jerry paws her, and finds an excuse not to sleep with him. Jerry pretty much calls her a tease and goes off to find Alexis.
     At Jason's penthouse, Carly is actually embarrassed when she stumbles upon Jason and Elizabeth half-naked. Is she embarrassed to interrupt her best friend in an intimate moment or that Elizabeth saw her crying? Maybe a little bit of both. Carly bolts, and Liz sighs. She urges Jason to go comfort Carly, which he does. Carly tells Jason that Jax found out about her limo sex with Sonny. She cries that she'll never love again after Jax.
     At the courthouse, Mrs. Albright is kicked off the jury and replaced by some guy who can't believe they haven't declared Johnny guilty yet. Anyway, after much deliberation, Epiphany announces to the judge that they find Johnny ... not guilty! Scott's enraged but Johnny, Ric, and Claudia are ecstatic. Later, Ric and Claudia acknowledge they made a good team, while Johnny thanks his father for standing by him, even if dad did want to murder his big sister and girlfriend.

September 17-23, 2008:  9/17, 9/18, 9/19, 9/22 cm, 9/23 cm *Note five epis on this dvd as show ran a few minutes longer for a few episodes

9/17- Matt got pretty burned in the clinic fire. Patrick tells Robin that Matt's going to need multiple skin grafts ASAP, but he doesn't know how to contact Matt's family. Robin volunteers to fix that and goes to ask Anna to look for them. Jerry is lurking in the hospital corridor, looking for an opportunity to kill him. When Anna mentions Matt's name to Noah (who's back in town in between his Doctors Without Borders trips), Noah gets all weird.
     Sam goes to see her stressed-out mom, Alexis, who's in no mood to talk about Jerry. It's too bad Alexis cut Sam off, because Sam could've helped her figure out who caused the fire at the clinic. Alexis gets suspicious when Jerry asks too many questions about that, but she doesn't think of her boyfriend when Lucky confirms it was arson. At General Hospital, Nadine finds Nikolas keeping watch over her. Nikolas is totally feeling the love for Nadine, having seen her almost die, and he invites her to stay with him while she recovers.
     At the Metro Court restaurant, Jax walks in expecting a staff meeting but instead finds Carly alone. Turns out she lied about the meeting to get some face time with him. Jax is super-mean to her, pretty much reiterating that their marriage is over. Carly has a hard time accepting this, so of course she gets uber upset when she sees Jax on a date with Leyla. Meanwhile, Spinelli and Maxie get the bright idea to find Carly a date - on the Internet. At first, Carly looks at them like they have three heads, but she gives in after seeing Jax with Leyla. Unbeknownst to Jason, Spinelli and Maxie want to set him up too. Max and Diane are having a nice breakfast at the Metro Court when they see Jax and Carly. Max feels guilty about his part in breaking up the former Mrs. C and her new husband; they'd still be together if he hadn't opened his big mouth. Diane, who shares some of that blame, doesn't feel the same way. She jumps to the conclusion that Max thinks infidelity is OK and that he's cheated on her. So, she breaks up with him!    
     Now that Johnny's a free man, thanks mostly to Claudia, Anthony welcomes Claudia back into the family business. He also orders Ric to keep an eye on her. At Shadybrook, Lulu's beyond thrilled when she sees Johnny. Is he real? Lulu runs and throws herself into his arms - yes, he's very real. Lulu says sorry for losing it on the stand and making his trial worse for him, but Johnny says it doesn't matter. Actually, it does matter, as Lainey points out to Johnny. She asks him to stay away so that Lulu can recover, which he does. Later, Lulu goes to tell Laura the good news about Johnny, but she finds Laura slow to respond.

9/18- Carly's totally jealous as she watches Jax and Leyla on their date. She tells Spinelli to hook her up with those Internet matches he and Maxie found. Turns out the No. 1 guy on the list is Scott Baldwin! There's another guy who looks like Carly's perfect match. No, it's not Jax OR Sonny. It's Jason.
     Jax and Leyla are getting along really well, so well that Jax invites her to do some scuba diving in Tahiti, but Leyla declines, realizing she'd be rebound woman for Jax.
     At Jason's office, Diane cries in Jason's arms, upset about her breakup with Max. Sonny sees them and thinks something's going on, but Diane quickly clears THAT up and rips into him for cheating on Kate. Sonny soon leaves as Diane tries to get herself together. Jason suggests that a day confronting the city council will make her feel better, and it totally does -- until she sees a cuff link Max left behind. She starts bawling again, much to Jason's discomfort. Turns out Max isn't handling the breakup very well either. Sonny arrives at Kate's to find Max miserable and babbling to himself. They talk to Max, who realizes he needs to do something, so he bolts. Kate and Sonny shrug - aren't the love lives of their employees amusing? Kate wants to talk wedding plans, but Sonny remembers he has an "important" meeting and leaves.
     At Wyndemere, Nikolas carries Nadine into the guest room. Nadine protests, says she's fine. She even starts cleaning up, but Nikolas quickly puts a stop to that, saying she needs to relax and recover. Nadine doesn't mind, which Nik finds utterly charming, so he kisses her.
    At the hospital, Patrick's a little upset that Robin wants their daughter to have her last name, Scorpio, and not his, Drake. Well, not all kids have their dad's last name. Just look at Matt. That's right! Matt is Noah's son ... AND Patrick's brother! Apparently, both Noah and Matt know this too. Noah tells Matt he needs extensive skin grafts, but Matt says, "Why do you care ... DAD?" Of course, Patrick arrives just in time to overhear Noah say, "I don't care how you feel, I'm still your dad."
     At Shadybrook, a doctor enters to talk to Laura, proving to Lulu that Laura being awake is indeed real. Lulu's so relieved that the only imaginary person she saw was Logan. She's even more relieved when Laura decides it may be time to tell Lucky and Nikolas that she's awake.

9/19- Lucky and Nikolas are skeptical of Lulu's claims about Laura. Patrick severs his ties to Noah after realizing he knew all along that Matt was his son. Sonny returns to his old neighborhood on a mission to find Kate's cousin Olivia, who finds him. Alexis and Diane commiserate about men. Diane is moved by Max's romantic gesture. Alexis is worried that Sam and Jerry are hooking up. In order to keep her plan alive, Sam challenges Jerry to choose her over Alexis. Jason orders Spinelli to stop trying to push him and Elizabeth back together.

9/22- Lulu begs Laura to wake up, the boys are here, as Lucky and Nikolas exchange uh-oh looks. Lulu claims she's not making this up. She asks Lainey to check Laura's records, but guess what: Laura hasn't been awake since 2006. So it seems Laura's not real. At Sam's penthouse, Jerry calls Sam's bluff: Does she really want him? Sam steels herself and kisses him. Just when things start to heat up, Jerry pulls away (much to Sam's relief) and says if Sam really wants him, she'll come to his hotel room; otherwise, he'll know she's setting him up. But Sam has a counter offer: If Jerry really wants HER, he'll break up with her mom. In Bensonhurst, Sonny greets Olivia, Kate's cousin. Only Olivia calls Kate "Connie" and hates Kate for being a poser. Apparently, Sonny dated Olivia in high school and for some reason he thinks it's super-important that Olivia be at his wedding. Olivia reluctantly agrees, yes, she'll go to the wedding.
     Kate invites Jason to her wedding, but Jason says if Sonny really wanted him there, he would've asked himself. Later, Maxie, who invited Spinelli as her date, tries to convince Jason to attend. Jason has better things to do, like convince Carly to move on with her life. Carly and Kate have yet another throw-down at the Metro Court.
     At General Hospital, Matt gets the Drake/Scorpio family full court press. Noah and Patrick argue about Matt's care, while Matt wants everyone to leave him alone. Patrick tries to side with his new brother, but that just bugs Matt even more. Later, Robin explains Patrick's rotten childhood to Matt. He actually only gives Patrick minor attitude when Patrick tells him he won't walk away from him, not like their dad did. Meanwhile, Noah's embarrassed while talking to Anna. Anna doesn't sugarcoat it, but she does encourage Noah to stay away from the booze and attend an AA meeting instead, which he does.

9/23- Olivia's brother sees a disaster in the making if she attends Kate's wedding. Kate worries about the string of bad omens that have preceded her wedding but Sonny dismisses her fears. With her own agenda in mind, Maxie sets out to get Carly to attend the wedding. Carly convinces a reluctant Jason to escort her to Sonny's wedding. Maxie proves to be a good friend to Lulu. Lulu vows to Laura that she's going to get better and lead a full life. Someone overhears Lulu talking to Laura and learns that Lulu was the one who stabbed Logan. Jason lays down the law to Anthony. Jax and Carly move ahead with their divorce proceedings. Noah warns Matt and Patrick not to end up like him. Patrick leaves Matt with a challenge.

September 24-30, 2008:  9/24, 9/25, 9/26, 9/29 cm, 9/30 cm *Note five epis on this dvd as show ran a few minutes longer for a few episodes

9/24- Sonny catches Kate going through her childhood diary, reading about her fights with Olivia. Kate opens up to Sonny about how much she misses her parents and how angry her family was when she became "Kate Howard." Just as Sonny reassures Kate that everything's going to be OK, Maxie rushes in: Giselle has thrown out her back and can't be Kate's maid of honor! Kate takes a deep breath and says that's OK, Clarice can be her maid of honor. Clarice has food poisoning, so Maxie ends up in the coveted position. Superstitious Kate struggles to stay calm, but she loses it when her florist accidentally delivers FUNERAL flowers instead of her wedding arrangements! Hmm, a sign from above? Kate thinks so, but Sonny gives her an amazing pep talk. The wedding's back on! Olivia, in the meantime, boards a plane, totally nervous, and talks with the good nun seated beside her. It's obvious Olivia still digs Sonny; she gives the most glowing description of his dimples that we've ever heard.
     At the Metro Court, Jax overhears Carly ordering a dress for Sonny's wedding. He thinks it's a very bad idea for her to attend, but Carly tells him to suck it up and moves on to overhear Olivia checking in using Sonny's name. Carly's not the only one having wardrobe issues. Diane and Alexis are wearing the same dress to the wedding. Neither one wants to back off. Jason walks in on Spinelli dancing to an Italian waltz. Jason has a special secret job for Spinelli -- so secret that he declines Diane's suggestion that he go buy some crucial waterfront property. Jason has Spinelli book a romantic getaway to Italy for Jason and ... Elizabeth! Elizabeth's all happy when Jason asks her to meet him at her art studio, but she's floored when he asks her to go to Italy with him. Italy! Lucky does not like the idea of Johnny seeing Lulu. Claudia (and Nikolas, and Lainey) think Johnny and Lulu together is a colossally bad idea, so she asks Ric to accidentally tell Lucky that Johnny's going to see Lulu.

9/25- Kate and Sonny get all emotional practicing their wedding vows. Kate returns home to change her dress and finds a surprise waiting for her: Olivia! Olivia and Kate are both happy to see each other, but they're nervous because it's been 20 years. They kind of do a half-hug and dance around their family issues. It gets a little more awkward when Sonny comes home, so proud that he was able to surprise Kate. He pretty much asks Olivia to be Kate's maid of honor, which she accepts. Earlier, Carly's excited to meet Olivia, one of Sonny's exes from Bensonhurst! Carly wastes no time getting to know Olivia, and Olivia spills on Kate and Sonny's past. Later, Jason tells Carly he's not taking her to the wedding if she's gonna cause trouble, but Carly says she's just there to see Kate get what's coming to her.
     At Shadybrook, Lucky has Johnny pinned to the wall and tells him that Lulu can't get better if he's around. Johnny surprisingly allows himself to get kicked out while Lainey lectures Lulu on why Johnny's bad for her. Lulu gets angry. Johnny vents to Claudia about not being able to see Lulu, but Claudia has no sympathy. Claudia gets playful and flirty as she tries to convince Ric to take her to Sonny's wedding.
     At Elizabeth's art studio, Liz can't believe her ears: Did Jason just ask her to go to Italy with him? Jason thinks she's saying no, but Liz quickly shushes him. She throws her arms around him and accepts his romantic offer. Jason has to go to Sonny's wedding, so he tells her to meet him at the airport.

9/26- Everyone's getting all dressed up for Sonny and Kate's black-tie wedding, except for Nadine, who's tied up on one of Karpov's ships. The nurse-by-day, sleuth-by-night was caught sneaking on board by Sasha and her goons. Nadine manages to get free and is about to jump overboard when the goons grab her. But, unknown to them, she had stolen one of their cell phones and dials Nikolas's number. Luckily, Nikolas is smart enough to figure out what he's listening to (Sasha threatening Nadine) and rushes to her rescue!
     Sonny gets two visitors right before the wedding: Jason, who wants to make sure it's OK he's attending with Carly (it is), and Robin. She can't attend due to a emergency doctor consult. Sonny has nice, touching moments with both Jason and Robin, and later thanks Mike for being there for him. Maxie is startled to find Olivia in the maid-of-honor gown, but she's not bummed about giving up her post. After learning Olivia is Kate's cousin, Maxie asks Spinelli to do some Internet research on Kate and learns she's faked her past. Olivia helps Kate get ready by giving her Nonna's special necklace, the one that all the women in their family wear on their wedding day. Kate's so touched, but too bad it's a really plain necklace. Kate refuses to wear it; it clashes with her dress. Olivia's steamed, so of course they have a huge blowout, which everyone hears.
     At Shadybrook, Lulu brushes off her therapy appointment with Lainey, who keeps telling her that Johnny is no good for her recovery. Too bad Lainey doesn't notice the handsome orderly who enters Lulu's room right after she leaves, because it's Johnny, there to sweep Lulu away to Sonny's wedding. Finally, the wedding begins. Just as Kate reaches the end of the aisle ... BAM! A shot rings out!

9/29- Kate walks down the aisle, looking radiant in her one-of-a-kind designer dress. She reaches the front of the church, and just as Sonny takes her hand ... BAM! Everyone takes cover. Jax leaps to protect Carly as Jason runs up to shield Sonny and Kate. Sonny's fine, but Kate has been hit. Jason sends Bernie and his guys to check the choir loft, while Olivia and Sonny try to keep Kate alert. Carly, who has a year of nursing school under her belt, helps to staunch Kate's bleeding until the ambulance gets there. Outside where the guests have retreated, Spinelli wants to go back in to help Jason, but Maxie says he's not going anywhere without her. Johnny takes Lulu back to Shadybrook, while Diane and Alexis fret over Kate. Jason finds the bullet casing and shows it to Spinelli, who thinks it's Russian. Meaning Karpov. Sonny and Olivia go with Kate to General Hospital while Mac, Scott, and a bunch of cops arrive at the church. Claudia declares she had nothing to do with this, but the cops think Jason did. At General Hospital, Monica is on call to operate on Kate. Turns out the bullet is lodged near Kate's spine - she could be paralyzed! Sonny's pretty much wracked with guilt, but Olivia kicks him out of Kate's room. Alone, Olivia promises Kate to keep her secret. What secret?
     At Shadybrook, Tracy is not happy to find Lulu with Johnny. Lulu insists it was her idea to attend Sonny's wedding, but Tracy hauls Johnny over to see Laura. She tells him that Lulu could end up like her mom - catatonic - and Johnny dragging Lulu to violent weddings isn't helping. While Tracy and Johnny visit Laura, Lulu gets her dinner, which has a note attached: "You killed Logan. You should pay."
     Meanwhile, Lucky and Sam head over to Elizabeth's to pick up Cameron and Jake. The boys are so excited to go camping, but Lucky notices a certain spring to Liz's step. Liz confesses she's going to Italy with Jason. Lucky's about to go off on her when Sam steps in and tells Lucky he needs to respect Liz's choices. Liz kisses her sons goodbye and rushes to the airport, where she waits for Jason, who never shows. That's because Jason is at the hospital. Sonny asks him to retaliate against Karpov, but Jason just gives him a stone-cold stare. At the church, the cops let Claudia go. Ric wants to take her home, but Claudia insists she has someone to see first: Karpov. She confronts Karpov, but he denies any involvement. Ric arrives at Zacchara central and gasps when he sees Anthony STANDING and holding a SNIPER RIFLE. Anthony smiles impishly.

9/30- Lulu shakes as she reads the note on her dinner tray: "You killed Logan. You should pay." She runs into the corridor and confronts an orderly, who tells her there is no note with her food. Lulu returns to her room, and the note is gone. Lulu calls Johnny, who rushes over, but you can tell he doesn't believe her. Actually, Johnny thinks Lulu's getting worse and probably imagined the note, just like she imagined Laura waking up. Lulu gets upset and starts thrashing around, which makes her look so crazy, the white coats come and cart her off to isolation.
     At the hospital, Sonny demands that Jason kill Karpov, especially since Spinelli confirms the bullet was Russian-made. Jason argues that doesn't necessarily mean Karpov shot Kate, but Sonny's so upset that he calls Jason a traitor and tells him to leave. Karpov also shows up to give his condolences, but Sonny slams him against the wall. Olivia weeps by unconscious Kate's bed, telling her how much she loves her cousin and that Sonny will never know Kate's secret. When Kate doesn't respond, Olivia goes to give Sonny a scathing lecture on how he's responsible for putting Kate in danger. Jason calls Elizabeth to tell her what's going on with Kate and why he didn't show up at the airport.
     Jax goes to Carly's to check up on her and Morgan. He convinces Carly to move into one of the suites at the Metro Court, where he can beef up security and keep her and Morgan safe. Carly starts glowing. Ric can't believe Anthony's walking AND holding a sniper rifle. He shot Kate! Anthony smirks. He guessed Ric would be the one to find him. As he puts the gun away, Anthony reveals his plan to start a major mob war in Port Charles. First, pin Kate's shooting on Karpov. When Jason refuses to retaliate, Sonny will turn to Anthony, and they will eliminate both Karpov and Jason. Then, when Sonny's not looking, Anthony will kill him, thus ending up as the mob king. Claudia enters just as Mac and Harper arrive to question Anthony. Ric makes a decision and starts going on and on about how Karpov is behind the shooting. Claudia defends Karpov, but Anthony laughs at her and orders Claudia to assure Sonny that they had nothing to do with Kate's shooting.

October 1-8, 2008:  10/1, 10/2, 10/3, 10/6, 10/7, 10/8

10/1- Kate's still unconscious. Olivia yells at Sonny, while Jason uses Kate to show Elizabeth what life with him would be like. Elizabeth looks at Kate and leaves without a word. Robin and Patrick come to give Sonny their condolences. Patrick explains he could operate on Kate, but it would be pretty tricky. Luckily, he's a badass surgeon, so Kate's in good hands. Olivia reluctantly consults Sonny about Kate. They both agree that Kate wouldn't want to be in a wheelchair, so Olivia gives Patrick the green light. Later, as Patrick preps Kate, she wakes up and tries to tell someone her secret: "Sonny has ... ." Sonny has what? Carly kisses Jax as thanks for protecting her and Morgan. As much as Jax loves Carly, he breaks the kiss, saying their marriage is over. Rejected, Carly calls Jason to find out if Morgan's life is in danger. Jason tells her that he's pretty sure Kate was the intended target and Karpov is NOT behind it, but Sonny's determined to get revenge. Carly doesn't believe Jason when he says he won't help Sonny. Upset about Lulu, Johnny drinks himself into a stupor as Anthony and Ric convince Claudia to talk to Sonny on behalf of the Zacchara family. Claudia doesn't think it's a good idea, but she goes anyway. Sonny doesn't want anything to do with Claudia, but he does believe her family had nothing to do with the shooting. Nikolas takes Nadine back to Wyndemere after rescuing her from Karpov's goons. Instead of admonishing her for getting into yet another dangerous situation, he tells her how brave she is. Nadine kisses him, and it looks like it will lead to more when Nik abruptly pulls away and says he's going for a nighttime horse ride. But Nadine knows he's got cold feet, so she waits for Nikolas in his room, where she lays it out for him. She knows he wants her. She wants him. So, why are they waiting? The only answer Nik has is to kiss her, which leads into a nice them making love.

10/2- Nikolas and Nadine wake up happy, but the moment turns bad when Alfred arrives with a breakfast tray. Nadine clutches the covers, totally mortified, as Nikolas invites Alfred in, asks if some important faxes arrived yet, what's on his calendar for today, etc. Nadine's so embarrassed that she grab her clothes and goes into work - on her day off. Leyla thinks she's nuts, but Nadine knows she did the right thing by leaving, especially when she sees Carly and Nikolas hugging at the Metro Court (actually Carly was fixing his collar). Having been rejected by Jax, Nikolas goes to Carly to see if she's interested in selling her half of Metro Court. Carly realizes Nikolas is looking for a "challenge," or at least something to keep himself busy since Emily's death. After getting drunk, Johnny he took a boat out and rammed it into one of Karpov's. Is he trying to kill himself? Scott has Johnny brought in. They get into it, with Johnny taunting Scott: I killed Logan and enjoyed every minute of it. Ric and Claudia arrive at the PCPD to bail Johnny out. It's a good thing too, because Scott loses his temper and starts pummeling Johnny. They talk Scott out of locking Johnny up, then do some major flirting. At General Hospital, Olivia steps out to get some stuff for Kate post-surgery, leaving Patrick alone with Sonny. Patrick mentions Kate tried to tell him something about Sonny, but passed out. Sonny's more concerned with Kate's upcoming surgery (which goes well), than with what she had to say. Sonny and Robin have a nice heart-to-heart about seizing life and how pregnant Robin gives Sonny so much hope. Robin's so affected by Sonny's live-for-today talk that she stops Patrick in the hall and asks him to marry her. Olivia meets up with Carly and asks her if Sonny lied to Kate about leaving the mob. Carly admits that he did, but it's complicated. Olivia is angry. Jason tells Max what happened with Kate and how Sonny wants them to retaliate against Karpov. Max is willing to do whatever Mr. C wants, but Jason says that would put a lot of people's lives in danger. Besides, they really don't have concrete proof that Karpov is responsible for shooting Kate. Sonny vows to an unconscious Kate that he's back in the mob ... and the first thing he's going to do is take out Karpov.

10/3- Patrick lets Robin down gently: No. He thinks she got caught up in the moment with Sonny and Kate, and he doesn't want her to get married, only to regret it later. He's saying no because he loves her. Robin's upset, and realizes she should've said yes when she had the chance. Nadine can't believe what she sees: Carly and Nikolas in a close embrace. If she could get closer, she'd see that Carly is just fixing Nikolas's collar. But Nadine's so riddled with insecurity that she jumps out to confront Carly after Nikolas leaves. Carly laughs, says nothing is going on, but Nadine isn't buying, so she calls Spinelli to meet her at the docks. Just as Nikolas arrives, Nadine grabs Spinelli and kisses him! Jax approaches Carly at the Metro Court. He knows Nikolas tried to convince her to sell her half of the hotel to him, and he hopes she said no. Carly affirms she did say no, then asks Jax if he'd like to sell his share to her instead? Jax is confused. Carly tells him to stop playing coy. She knows he wants out. He has business investments all over the world, so why stay here, especially since their marriage is over? Bernie and Spinelli greet Jason at his office to talk about Sonny wanting revenge on Karpov. Bernie agrees with Jason: Retaliating would put a lot of people in danger, especially those who work in Jason's organization, but Spinelli thinks Jason should go after Karpov to prove to Sonny how much he cares. Sonny arrives, says Kate survived the surgery, and from now on, Jason will be taking orders from him. At General Hospital, Patrick mentions to Sonny and Olivia that Kate had something she wanted to tell Sonny. Sonny wonders what it was, as Olivia fidgets. Thankfully, Sonny leaves while Olivia steps out to make a phone call to Dante, her son. Kate opens her eyes and weakly tells Patrick that if she dies, Sonny has to know ... because Olivia won't tell him ... Sonny has a son!

10/6- Sonny barges into Jason's office, demanding Jason give back the organization. He thinks it'd be great for Jason to be No. 2 again - Sonny needs someone who isn't going to question him. Jason refuses to step down, saying Sonny's going to put the organization in danger for no good reason. Sonny Jason a traitor and storms out. Later, Sonny is praying in the chapel when Anthony wheels in with an offer to join forces. Sonny looks tempted, but pauses long enough to ask: What's the catch? Jason tells Cody about his tiff with Sonny, but Cody says Sonny already asked him to join forces and he said yes.
     At General Hospital, Patrick gently tells a groggy Kate that she's going to be all right; she'll be able to tell Sonny about his super-secret son with Olivia. Kate explains that she needs Patrick to tell Sonny, in case she doesn't make it. She passes out as Olivia returns to the room, wanting to know what Kate said. Patrick says Kate wanted to tell Sonny something, so Olivia sits by unconscious Kate's bedside, musing aloud that Kate couldn't possibly want to tell Sonny about the child he fathered with Olivia! Later, Kate finally wakes up. Olivia's so happy that "Connie" opened her eyes, but she tells her that Sonny never left the mob.
     Johnny cries to his dad that he should just accept his fate and become a full-fledged Zacchara mobster. Anthony's moved by Johnny's tears and says Johnny's actual destiny is to be Anthony's legacy. Then Anthony tells Johnny he doesn't want him involved in the family business just yet, which angers Johnny enough that he stomp around the room ... where he finds a Russian sniper rifle. Johnny realizes Anthony shot Kate to frame Karpov and start a mob war. He dumps Anthony out of his chair, daring him to walk: either Anthony will get up, thereby admitting he shot Kate, or he'll lies there, calling for his bodyguards -- and then they'll find the rifle. Johnny says it's Anthony's decision and leaves. Anthony jumps up, grinning. Meanwhile, Claudia is busy flirting with Ric. They have their usual heated banter, but this time Ric starts playing with Claudia's foot and takes off her leather boot. They start kissing and are pretty soon having sex. Afterwards, the two are quite the giggly pair. Johnny stumbles in and wants to know what Ric's doing with his sister.
     Elsewhere, Nikolas is bothered to see Nadine kissing Spinelli, but stays cool. Elizabeth explains that Nadine's scared to look like she's really into Nik, while Spinelli asks Nadine why would she kiss him when it's clear she really likes Nikolas. Nadine realizes she's being silly, and when she sees Nikolas at the docks, she rushes down the stairs, only to fall and hit her head! Carly sees how much it's bothering Jax that Nikolas wants a piece of the Metro Court. Jax wants to hang onto the hotel, no matter how much it hurts him, which tells Carly that he still loves her.

10/7- Cody explains to Jason that, although he's already accepted Sonny's invite to work with him, he only did it to see how far Sonny will take things. Jason realizes Cody's really on his side, so together they go spy on Sonny. But before they do, Spinelli tells Jason that Sonny has contacted ALL of Jason's men in an effort to get them to join him. At the warehouse, Jason listens as Sonny trashes Jason to Tom (one of Jason's men): Jason makes poor decisions; he can't handle pressure, etc. Jason finally busts Sonny, and reiterates that he won't let Sonny take back the organization because it'll hurt a lot of people, not to mention Sonny's not bothering to figure out if Karpov really did shoot Kate. Sonny tells Jason he's going to regret this and storms out. Earlier, Sonny yells at Anthony: I don't want to work with you! Anthony sweetens the deal: I'll let you run my organization. Sonny says that he can deal with Karpov and Jason on his own, but he is tempted to take the offer.
     At General Hospital, Kate gets upset when Olivia tells her Sonny's back with the mob. She thinks Olivia's lying, so she asks Diane if it's true. Diane, who can't break her client/attorney privilege with Sonny, carefully says the people Sonny works with have changed. Meanwhile, Olivia's son, Dante, is all worried about his mom and wants to go to Port Charles to check on her. Olivia's freaking that Sonny may find out about Dante. She tells Kate she'll cut out her own tongue before telling Sonny about Dante. Kate thinks Sonny needs to know, but Olivia reminds her that Sonny almost got her killed -- twice. Does Kate really want to expose Dante to that life? Down the hall, Nadine gets checked out for her bruised ego and black eye. She thinks falling down the stairs is a sign: She and Nikolas were not meant to be. Nikolas tells Elizabeth he thinks he should stay away from Nadine. Elizabeth tells Nikolas that if f he likes Nadine and wants her to be herself around him, just say so! Matt's up and walking around. He even checks Nadine out and gives her a clean bill of health. Instead of telling Nikolas how much she cares about him, Nadine says sleeping together won't change their friendship and SHAKES his hand.
     At Claudia's, Johnny freaks out when he sees his sister naked with Ric on the couch. Johnny thinks her sleeping with Ric is payment for Ric defending Johnny in court. Johnny starts pummeling Ric. Claudia can't get Johnny to stop, so she slams a book on his head, knocking him out cold. Later, Ric tells Anthony that Johnny beat him up, and Anthony looks mighty pleased by Johnny's descent into the dark side.

10/8- Robin and Patrick are awkward around each other at work ever since Patrick turned down Robin's proposal. Epiphany tells them to keep their personal lives at home. Robin seeks some solace from her Uncle Mac, who tells her what's meant to be will be. Then, as soon as Robin starts to feel better, Mac puts Patrick in handcuffs and arrests him for saying no to his niece.
     Nikolas finds Nadine working and admits he wanted her to come back to Wyndemere last night. Nadine says if she went back, she and Nik would most likely have had sex. Nikolas tries not to laugh as Nadine fumbles with her words and tries not to say "sex." Later, Nadine sneaks into the Metro Court and steals a maid's outfit and a passkey to Jerry's room. She starts snooping around but carelessly leaves a drawer open, which Jerry immediately notices when he comes back. He opens the closet and yanks Nadine out, saying he's tired of her shenanigans. Downstairs, Jax watches Carly compare tiles with a big smile on his face. He gets so close to her that she's startled and drops them. They look at each other flirtatiously but are interrupted by Alexis, who reminds them they're getting divorced. Carly and Jax go back and forth about their various shared holdings (like hotels), while Alexis tries not to get frustrated with Carly. Nikolas arrives, ready to buy half of Carly's shares, much to Jax's chagrin.
     Jason goes to meet up with Elizabeth at her art studio, where she tries to return her ticket to Italy. They realize Jason can never give her what she needs (or even what he wants) as long as he's the head of the organization. Jason explains how much he wanted to go to Italy with Liz and how it would be great if Sonny could take back the business, but not while Sonny isn't thinking clearly. Meanwhile, Lucky and Sam bring the boys home and put them to bed. They start kissing, only to have Elizabeth walk in on them. Jason stomps back into his office to find Max and Milo there with their dad, retired mob king Maximus, Jason is surprised to learn that the brothers have told their dad that MAX is the head of the Port Charles mob, not Jason.

October 9-16, 2008:  10/9, 10/10, 10/13, 10/14, 10/15, 10/16

10/9- At the PCPD, Mac has Patrick handcuffed and in custody. Mac tells him and Robin to make a decision about getting married or not. Hen says that that, although things with Felicia didn't work out, he wouldn't trade those years together for anything. Robin and Patrick realize Mac's right. Robin apologizes for the way she's been acting and assures Patrick she loves him. Patrick starts talking about soccer practices and dancing with Robin at their 25th wedding anniversary. Patrick then gets down on one knee and asks, "Will you marry me?" Robin happily accepts and goes to hug Patrick as Mac pats Pat's back and says it's about time.
     Maxie, with Spinelli's help, preps the next issue of Crimson. She fields calls from Clarice, insisting she knows what Kate wants, but Olivia busts her. Maxie explains she's only holding down the fort for Kate's sake as Spinelli charms Olivia. Luckily, Olivia takes a liking to Spinelli, so she lets Maxie keep doing what she's doing. Later at Crimson, two Russian thugs enter and start tearing the office apart. Maxie and Spinelli hide in Kate's office as one of the thugs pulls out his gun and approaches the office door.
     At General Hospital, Sonny tells Kate that Karpov was behind her shooting, and he has to retaliate. It's up to Kate if she still wants to stay together, but he needs to return to the mob life. He says this is the only way. Jason arrives at his office to find Max sitting behind his desk and Max's dad, Maximus, holding court. Maximus makes Jason apologize to Max for disrespecting him by wearing jeans and a T-shirt to work. As Max, Milo, and Diane all cringe, Jason grits his teeth and says he's sorry. Then Jason leaves, only to return wearing a suit, and has to fetch Maximus an espresso. Things get really sticky when Bernie calls, and Max has to give Bernie some directions via Jason's pantomiming. Later, after Maximus steps out, Max apologizes profusely. Jason tells him to get his dad out in three days -- or else.
     At the Metro Court, Jax is furious that Nikolas wants a piece of the hotel. He accuses Nikolas of going for some sort of revenge tactic for everything that happened with Courtney and baby Spencer. Carly tells Jax she's considering selling to Nik because it's good business, but Jax warns Carly he's going to find a way to stop this deal. Upstairs, in Jerry's room at the Metro Court, Jerry holds a struggling Nadine and injects her with something. She crumples to the floor, only to wake up on the waiting-room couch in the free clinic. She doesn't know how she got there or what happened to her

10/10- Sonny watches Olivia fix Kate's car and comments that she was always good at that -- for a girl. Olivia calls him sexist. As Sonny talks about wanting to protect Kate, Olivia realizes he wants back in with the mob to seek revenge on Karpov, which is not something she wants for her cousin Kate. So when Alexis drops by, Olivia tells her that Karpov is the one who shot Kate, much to Sonny's annoyance. Alexis immediately heads over to Karpov and threatens him. She can't prove he shot Kate (or had one of his guys do it), but she can - and will - get him on drug trafficking. Later, Karpov tells Jerry he wants him to handle his girlfriend, Alexis. Jerry has some ideas, but Karpov wants her dead.
     At Crimson, Maxie and Spinelli hide as the Russian thugs ransack the office and leave a note saying next time, Kate Howard dies. Maxie and Spinelli race over to Jason's, where they find Jason - in a suit - serving drinks to Max and his dad, Maximus. Maxie realizes that Maximus thinks Max is the boss and Jason's his lackey, so she orders Jason to get her a coffee. Spinelli's horrified, but Maxie's too busy having fun. Spinelli shows Jason, via Max, the note the Russian mobsters left behind, observing that it's in English. Maximus looks at it and says Karpov would never be so obvious, confirming Jason's suspicions. Earlier, Carly walks in to find Jason kowtowing to Max. Diane quickly clues her in, and Max says Carly's his girlfriend. Carly plays it up, much to Diane's horror, and Maximus is so pleased, he wants to start dating Carly.
     At the hospital, Robin and Kate bond over Sonny. Robin explains Sonny wasn't always in the mob; he IS the mob, but she hopes Kate can convince Sonny to stay away from it. Kate's not so sure. Later, Patrick, after eavesdropping on Robin's conversation with Kate, asks Robin what she thinks about Sonny's kids. Knowing about Dante is really weighing on Patrick; later, he mentions it (without saying Sonny's name) to Coleman. At Jake's, Claudia and Ric play some pool, then go upstairs to the apartment Claudia rented for them. Afterwards, Claudia meets Olivia, and it's clear they don't really like each other. Sonny barges into Alexis's office and tells her she can't stop him from going after Karpov. 

10/13- At Jake's, Patrick confides in Coleman that he knows of a "dangerous man" who has a long-lost son and wonders if he should tell this hypothetical man. Coleman knows exactly who Patrick is talking about and helps Pat make a pro-and-con list. At the other end of the bar, Olivia and Claudia square off. Later, Olivia tells Kate she ran into Claudia, and Kate warns her that Olivia could get into a lot of trouble. Olivia is not scared. Patrick gets drunk and calls Robin, telling her he's picked a best man. Robin, who just asked Maxie to be her maid of honor and to plan her wedding, heads to the bar, only to learn that Coleman is Pat's pick. Maxie, for one, is unimpressed.
     At the hospital, Kate asks Carly to visit and apologizes for messing with Carly and Jax's marriage and asks for a favor: Can she convince Sonny to give up getting revenge on Karpov? Carly goes to see Sonny and tries to convince him to back off. She asks what she should tell Morgan when Sonny winds up dead, which he will be if he goes after Karpov. It's not enough to stop Sonny from taking a shot at Karpov, locking him in his warehouse, and then holding a gun to his head.
     Earlier, Sam cuts short a romantic dinner with Lucky to meet with Karpov. While Karpov is asking her which routes she'll take for his latest shipment, someone snaps a few photos of them together. Karpov also meets with Jerry and demands he kill Alexis ... or else he will. But when Alexis shows Jerry photos of Sam meeting with Karpov, he realizes he's found an out. Elsewhere, Maximus wants Max to take a more hands-on approach to the organization, and he's going to show him how. Max furtively asks Diane to call Jason now!

10/14- Sonny has a gun to Karpov's head and says he's going to pay for shooting Kate. Karpov denies he had anything to do with it. Just as Sonny's about to pull the trigger, Sasha and a couple of thugs show up, guns pointed at Sonny. Then Max, dad Maximus, and brother Milo burst in, guns also drawn. Max convinces Sonny to retreat, so they regroup at Jason's office, where Sonny figures out Max is pretending to be in charge. After Maximus leaves, Sonny says he appreciates Max wanting to help him out, but this is something he has to do alone. Later, Jason goes to see Sonny (after talking to Carly, who told Jason he's the only one who can talk sense into Sonny right now) and asks him again to lay off Karpov. Sonny tells him he has to do it -- because Jason won't.
     At the hospital, Olivia tells Kate that Sonny's lifestyle is going to get her killed, which is why Olivia will never tell him about their son, Dante. Kate says she knows life with Sonny is dangerous, but she wants to stand by him. When Olivia refuses to back off, Kate says she thinks real reason Olivia wants Kate to break up with Sonny is because she's afraid Kate will tell Sonny about Dante. Alexis shows Jerry the photos of Sam with Karpov. She's afraid Sam's working for Karpov or, worse, pulling a scam on him. Jerry tries to defend Sam, but later "confesses" that he "may have" seen her talking to a man who looked like Karpov about handling a few shipments for him. Alexis asks Diane for advice, and Diane tells her to talk to Sam before taking any legal action.
     Meanwhile, Sam and Lucky are enjoying a romantic night when Karpov calls and asks her to meet him. At the docks, Sam arrives to see Jerry with Karpov. She hides and watches as Karpov takes out his PDA and shows it to Jerry. But, just as Sam turns to leave, one of Karpov's guys grabs her.
     Also at the docks, Lucky questions Claudia about Johnny, who has been terrorizing some of Jason's guys on his speedboat. Claudia lies and says Johnny's not on a boat -- he's with some hooker, trying to get over Lulu. After Lucky leaves, Johnny comes out of hiding and tells Claudia that if Lulu's condition gets worse, it's all her fault. Claudia retorts that if Johnny dies due to his reckless behavior, it's all LULU'S fault.

10/15- At the hospital, Carly enters on the tail end of Olivia and Kate's talk about Dante, Olivia's son. The cousins worry that Carly heard that Dante is Sonny's son, but it doesn't seem so as she's too busy telling them she couldn't talk Sonny out of seeking revenge on Karpov for Kate's shooting. Kate defends Sonny, saying he's trying to END the violence. Carly and Olivia tell her she's going to get killed if she stays with Sonny. But Kate doesn't care what Carly and Olivia have to say. She wants her happy ending with Sonny. Later, Sonny tells her he has to go after Karpov, no matter what -- even if that means losing Kate. Meanwhile, Carly tells Olivia how she took Michael and Morgan from Sonny, and shows her a photo of Morgan. Olivia can't understand why Sonny doesn't see that Carly wants to protect their sons. Jason and Sonny argue once again about Sonny's recent actions. Jason thinks Sonny going after Karpov will get him killed, but Sonny says if anything bad happens, it's Jason's fault because Jason's a weak leader. Maximus also has some advice for Sonny: Don't take on Karpov alone. He doesn't want Max getting hurt in the crossfire. Sonny admits Max is a good friend. Maximus knows that, and he also knows Max isn't the boss, but asks Sonny not to tell Max.
     At the pier, Sam gets manhandled by Karpov and his men. Karpov grabs her cell phone and drags her off. Meanwhile, Lucky goes to see Alexis about Johnny. If Johnny interferes with Jason's men one more time, Lucky's going to have to bring him in. Alexis, thinking of those photos of Sam and Karpov, asks Lucky if he's talked to Sam lately, but Lucky lies and says not since the "breakup." Lucky later pretends he has to question Sam at the pier. It turns out Karpov only wanted to have her land a shipment for him. Sam tells Lucky that she couldn't ID the contents. Lucky wants her to get out of this now because Karpov's onto her. Sam thinks they're too close to cracking the drug ring. All they need is the PDA that Karpov gave to Jerry. Sam plans to get it by seducing Jerry.
     Scott barges into Alexis's office, demanding she have her surveillance team focus on Johnny Zacchara. Scott says the Zaccharas are behind Kate's shooting, but Alexis knows Scott still has a vendetta against Johnny. After Alexis shoos Scott away, Jerry arrives, ready to spend a romantic night with her. Alexis puts him off to make a call -- she needs a search warrant for Sam's place -- while Sam phones Jerry to make a date.
     Over at the Quartermaine mansion, Tracy announces to Monica and Edward that she has a lead on Luke's whereabouts. She argues with them, wanting Edward to get charges against Luke dropped (so he can return to Port Charles), then dashes off to find Luke after getting a phone call ... but not before she threatens to tell everyone about Edward's internet dating. Edward throws his hands in the air and agrees to drop the charges.

10/16- Tracy finds Luke passed out drunk in a Mexican cantina. She sobers him up by pouring cold water on his head, then tells him about what's been going on with Lulu, from Logan's death to her room at Shadybrook. Luke realizes Lulu's condition is serious and finally agrees to leave with Tracy, but then he collapses. Tracy helps him back up as Luke assures her he's not having a heart attack. Just as they finally get on their way, a man enters and arrests Luke.
     Back in Port Charles, Jason works with Spinelli to figure out who shot Kate. Jason knows Karpov would never be so sloppy as to leave Russian bullet casings behind or a threatening note in Kate's office. However, he doesn't think Anthony could have done it, because he thinks he can't walk. Spinelli leaves to go visit Lulu, while Carly arrives to ask Jason if she should sell part of her shares of the Metro Court? She's afraid Nikolas will end up edging out both her and Jax, but she only wants to sell to show Jax she can make decisions without him. Jason doesn't think she should give up something she loves just to make a point to Jax, but if it were him, he would go into business with Nikolas. Jason gets a call from Elizabeth, who earlier had told Nadine to keep things simple with Nikolas. Jason arrives at Liz's art studio to find her painting the walls. She asks for his help and explains she wants to create a haven for them, a place where they can just relax and be themselves. Jason musters a tiny smile and then climbs a ladder, only to tumble off.
     At Shadybrook, Maxie brings Lulu some perfume and magazines, but all Lulu wants to know is if Maxie has seen Johnny. Later, when Spinelli shows up Lulu is glassy-eyed and insisting Johnny will come to see her. Maxie is so concerned about Lulu that she barges into the Zacchara home to tell Johnny to go see Lulu before she gets worse. Johnny's uncomfortable, especially after he insisted to Anthony that he's ready to join the family business, but his love for Lulu gets the better of him and he goes to eavesdrop on her therapy session with Lainey. Later, Lulu opens the book of poetry Spinelli left behind, and out drops a note that says, "You killed Logan. You have to pay." Meanwhile, Spinelli and Maxie meet up and realize Lulu's getting worse.
     At Wyndemere, Nikolas is happy to see Nadine. He says their night together meant a lot to him. Nadine's relieved; she likes him too! They kiss and start to undress each other when Carly walks in.

October 17-24, 2008:  10/17, 10/18, 10/21, 10/22, 10/23, 10/24

10/17- In Mexico, Tracy makes quick work of the cop and pays him off. Luke tries to grab a bottle of tequila for the road as Tracy talks to Edward: Seems like Scott is making it impossible for Luke to return. Luke vents about Scott a bit more and is interrupted by yet another officer trying to arrest him. Tracy tries to bribe the guy, only SHE ends up arrested!
     At General Hospital, Patrick has accidentally beheaded a baby doll in their childbirth class. Patrick and Robin then debate c-section vs. natural childbirth, discuss names, and talk about how they're ready to get married, thanks to Maxie, who's taking care of all the details. After visiting Lulu, both Maxie and Spinelli decide they need to spring her out of Shadybrook. They arrive dressed as a doctor (Maxie) and a patient (Spinelli). Someone buys Spinelli's bit and has him locked up in a padded room, complete with a straitjacket, as Maxie tells Lulu to quit crying and buck up: She's escaping!
     At Elizabeth's newly painted art studio, she examines Jason's ankle after he took a tumble off a ladder. It's a little sprain, and she takes her time taping up his ankle. They look at each other with complete adoration and are about to kiss when Sonny summons Jason. He arrives to find Sonny with some paperwork and an order: Sign on the dotted line, and the organization is now mine. Jason refuses, pointing out yet again how going after Karpov (who's leaving town, by the way) will get Sonny killed ... and Sonny doesn't even have proof that Karpov shot Kate, anyway. Sonny doesn't care that he's not making sense. He has an itchy trigger finger, thanks to lRic, who suggests that Jason WANTS Sonny to try to take out Karpov and fail. When Jason refuses to hand the organization back to Sonny, Sonny says he's going into business with Anthony Zacchara!
     Carly walks in on half-naked Nadine and Nikolas. Carly tells Nik she'll go into business with him, just as Jax arrives to find Nik shirtless. Of course, Jax assumes Carly is sleeping with Nikolas -- why else would she want to sell her share of the Metro Court to him? -- which of course angers Carly, so she lets Jax believe what he wants to believe. Nadine goes to work, and as she's collecting a bunch of syringes, she has a brief flash of Jerry plunging a syringe into her neck, only she can't really remember it. Jerry, meanwhile, arrives to find Sam in a very skimpy bikini and a silky robe. He notices her eyeing his PDA as she lures him into the hot tub. Once in there, Sam offers to get him something to drink, hoping to nab Jerry's PDA, but Jerry pulls her into a kiss - just as Alexis walks through the door!

10/20-  Sam realizes that Jerry set her up after her mother catches them together in the hot tub. Sonny decides to lay down some ground rules with Anthony before he'll agree to take the helm of the Zacchara crime family. Spinelli frantically attempts to convince the staff at Shady Brook that he is just a visitor to their facility and not one of its residents. Jason assures Karpov he has no quarrel with him but warns the Russian that Sonny is forging some dangerous new alliances. While Lulu distracts the doctor, Maxie sneaks into the padded cell to free Spinelli. Ric and Claudia discuss their unusual relationship. Jerry slyly strengthens his position with Alexis while her outraged daughter insists the man has been smuggling drugs. Anthony informs Sonny he must prove his allegiance by marrying Claudia. Robin promises Patrick she's completely at peace with her decision to tie the knot. Olivia asks Jason why he turned on his mentor and friend. Mac arrives at Sam's place with a search warrant. Sonny refuses to meet Anthony's demands. Kate accuses Jason of driving her fiance back to the mob with his betrayal. Luke and Tracy land in more hot water in Mexico. Mac and his officers find a cache of stolen pharmaceutical drugs in Sam's apartment. Meanwhile, Jerry triumphantly informs Karpov that Sam will no longer be a problem

10/21- At Sam's penthouse, Mac holds up the bag of drugs he just found. Sam begs Alexis to believe her that Jerry set her up, but it looks like Alexis can't. Lucky arrives, lying that he heard about the bust on the cop scanner. Sam gets cuffed and taken down to the PCPD, where she tries to attack a smug Jerry, screaming she's going to make him pay for framing her. Lucky pulls her into the interrogation room, where he admits he's bothered that Sam was caught kissing Jerry in the hot tub. In the squad room, Mac warns Jerry not to go anywhere, as he's under suspicion as well. Jerry asks Alexis if she believes him; he would never sleep with Sam. He was merely getting close to her to see just how involved she was with Karpov's drug ring. Alexis isn't sure she trusts Jerry's version of events. She just wants the truth.
     At the Metro Restaurant, Sonny explains to Claudia why Anthony wants him to marry her. Claudia's angry, but later, when talking with Johnny, she realizes that she could turn this around to their advantage. Johnny thinks this is a bad idea, but Claudia asks him to hear her out. Sonny goes to visit Kate, who can't focus on anything but how she and Sonny almost had it all. Sonny thinks they could have it all again, but being in the mob is who he is. If Kate can't accept that, then they don't have much chance. When Sonny bumps into Mike in the hall, he tells Mike about Anthony's offer to lead the Zacchara organization, but he has to marry Claudia first.
     At Shadybrook, Scott walks in on Maxie and Spinelli dressed as a doctor and patient and realizes they're about to spring Lulu. He claims he only wants to help Lulu. She finally kicks everyone out of her room, but not before Maxie furtively grabs the "You killed Logan. You should pay" note. Later, Lulu goes tell everything to Laura as Scott listens from the hall.
     At General Hospital, Epiphany gets cranky with Robin and Patrick, because it'll only mean more drama for the staff. Robin, who later invites Jason to the wedding, though he declines, and Patrick insist they're happy; they're not even fighting over the wedding plans because Maxie's taking care of everything. Epiphany is still unconvinced. 

10/22- At General Hospital, Robin is busy trying to do as much as she can before she goes on maternity leave. Elizabeth, Epiphany, and Lainey advise her to slow down, and when that doesn't work, Epiphany cancels all of Robin's appointments, which frees Robin up to spend time with Patrick. Patrick takes her to Jake's, where Elizabeth, Nadine, Lainey, Kelly, Coleman, and Epiphany have thrown her a surprise baby shower.
     Maxie gets Spinelli to run some high-tech handwriting analysis on Lulu's blackmail note to prove that Lulu didn't write the note herself. Which means Lulu's not crazy, but someone's blackmailing her. Maxie and Spinelli start to suspect it's Trevor when they see him lurking around the halls of Shadybrook. Earlier, Lulu wakes from a nap and sees Johnny staring into her room. She rushes into the corridor, but he's gone, leading her to suspect he's merely a figment of her imagination. Still, she calls out how much she misses him and how great it would be to see him. This lures Johnny out enough to tell her he's afraid he's hurting her chances for recovery.
     At the clinic, Nadine is still acting standoffish around Nikolas. He's onto her act, however, and Leyla tells her that Nikolas really likes her, so she should stop with the games. Nikolas heads over to the Metro Court to meet with Carly, who spies a pretty lady with Jax. Unbeknownst to her, this pretty lady is a lawyer who's helping Jax buy Spoon Island right out from under Nikolas.
     Claudia meets up with Ric and angrily asks him why he didn't tell her he knew about Anthony and Sonny's agreement. But Ric has no idea, so Claudia explains how Anthony offered Sonny complete control of the Zacchara organization if Sonny marries Claudia. Ric's not happy to hear that. Claudia then goes to tell Jason what's going on.
     In Mexico, Tracy blames Luke for landing them in jail. Luke is hungover and doesn't want to hear about it. Just then, a beautiful woman shows up and bails Luke out. Luke returns for Tracy, explaining he once bailed that woman out of a high-stakes poker game, so she owes him. Tracy's still miffed, but she returns with Luke to the cantina. 

11/23- Scott angrily tells Lulu she's going to pay for murdering Logan. Scott's verbal attack against Lulu causes an unexpected reaction from Laura. Claudia tells Jason she knows how they can beat Anthony at his own game. Olivia believes Sonny will do anything to regain power, including marrying Claudia. Sonny is surprised to learn that Olivia has a son. Carly suspects that Jax is up to something. Luke is completely honest with Tracy about his feelings for her. In his drunken state, Luke realizes that Edward has no intention of helping him return to Port Charles.

10/24- At Shadybrook, Scott continues to threaten to send Lulu to the electric chair. Laura grabs his arm and tells him to take his hands off her daughter. Laura asks Scott how he could threaten her child, especially when he's guilty of killing her stepfather, Rick Webber? She asks Lulu to explain what exactly happened the night Logan died, which only makes Scott angry. He accepts her explanation as a confession to murder, and he says he's taking her in to the police, unless Laura leaves with him right now. Laura agrees, despite Lulu's agitated protests, so Lulu tells the doctors that Laura's awake. The nurses and doctors don't believe her and move to put her in a straight jacket. In Mexico, Tracy and Luke get drunk and theorize that Edward's not going to help Luke get back into the States, so they're better off fending for themselves. But when Tracy checks her phone to see a missed call from Lulu at Shadybrook, she turns around to find Luke gone.
     Sonny's surprised to hear Olivia has a son and asks why she hasn't mentioned him before? She says it's none of his business. Sonny wants to meet him, but he wonders why Kate hasn't ever mentioned her nephew. At the justice of the peace's office, Claudia and Jason can barely look at each other. The judge realizes they don't want to marry each other and refuses to perform the ceremony. On the ride back to Jason's, Claudia predicts the future: Sonny's going to marry her, because that's how badly he wants control of the mob, and after Sonny takes out Karpov, he's going to go after Jason. She wants to know what Jason's going to do about it. Jerry visits Sam in police custody, much to her disgust. He proposes they join forces and take Karpov down together. Sam stands close to Jerry as she accepts his proposal, just as Lucky walks in.
     Nadine visits Nikolas and apologizes for her quirky behavior. From now on, she's going to be herself and not assume their one night together meant anything. Nikolas says that night meant a lot to him, that there's nothing going on between him and Carly, and that he wants a relationship. He asks if she wants a relationship too.

October 27 - November 3, 2008:  10/27, 10/28, 10/29, 10/30, 10/31, 11/3

10/27- Scotty's taken Laura onto an airplane, but she doesn't know where they're going. En route, Scotty clears the air about a few things, including how Laura killed Rick Webber's mistress when she was seventeen (and mentally blocked it out), and Scotty helped cover it up. Laura counters with how Scott killed Rick Webber and let her believe she did it. She wonders how Scott can look for forgiveness from her while he refuses to do the same for Lulu. Scott says he and Laura had it all until Luke came along, and he wants her to remember what it was like for them before. Which is why he's flying her to Los Angeles, so they can recapture their past.
     Nikolas gets Nadine to admit that she wants a relationship with him, but she's still fumbling with her words and acting nervous around him. Nadine finally admits that Nikolas terrifies her. Nikolas tells her that if she's afraid one or the both of them will get hurt, they'd better call things off right now. But instead of calling things off, they start passionately kissing.
     Lulu sneaks out of her straight jacket, breaks out of Shadybrook, steals a car, and makes it to her brother's place in time to interrupt Lucky and Sam arguing about her involvement with Jerry. Sam can't believe Lucky can't see that she's conning Jerry in order to prove his guilt. Lucky doesn't think he can live with the lies anymore. They're interrupted by Lulu, who says that Laura's awake and Scott took her. Lucky doesn't exactly believe his sister, but Lulu takes him to Windemere, where they interrupt Nikolas and Nadine's romantic moment. Nikolas believes Lulu, and the three of them set out to find their absconded mother.
     Maxie and Spinelli are helping Robin and Patrick wrap birdseed (better to throw than rice) for the wedding. Patrick gets uncomfortable doing such a frivolous task, so he makes an excuse to leave. Robin's slightly nervous that Patrick seems to be getting cold feet, though Spinelli tries to convince her that he's simply mourning the loss of his "ladies man" status. Patrick ends up at Jake's, where Olivia is already there. She gives Patrick a hard time, but also tells him that marriage doesn't necessarily have to be the end for him. Not that she's ever going to get married, she says. Patrick takes this as his opportunity to pry for more information about Olivia's son and his mysterious father. Olivia gets defensive and won't say much. She says she doesn't know who the father is. She then asks Patrick if he'd be getting married if Robin wasn't pregnant. He says he's getting married because he loves Robin, baby or no baby. Later, Robin asks Mac to give her away at the wedding. Mac says he'd be happy to walk her down the aisle, but he's never giving her away.
     Luke mugs a Mexican drug smuggler for his airplane, and he and Tracy attempt to fly back to the states. Luke's not all that great a flier, and the plane drops into a tailspin or two along the way, much to Tracy's dismay. She yells at Luke for his recklessness, but Luke makes her admit that she likes the danger and madness that he brings to her life. The plane runs out of gas, and they're coming in for a crash landing. Both Luke and Tracy bear down and hope for the best 

10/28- It's Robin's wedding day, and everybody around her is acting frantic, Anna and Mac especially. When Anna calms down, she and Robin have a mother/daughter heart-to-heart, and she apologizes for not being there for Robin, when Stone died and when she found out she was HIV positive. Robin says it was Anna's strength that helped her get through it.
     While setting up at the church, Spinelli tells Maxie that she'll one day make a beautiful bride, but Maxie tells him she plans on never getting married. She tells Spinelli about how her mom married Mac and pledged to love him forever, but less than a year later, she was having an affair with Luke and eventually left them all. Maxie hates her mom, but she says she's just like her: a liar, unfaithful, makes bad choices. Which is why she's never getting married - so she won't ever hurt anyone as her mom hurt Mac and Georgie and her.
     Patrick shows Olivia his drag racer and starts talking wistfully about taking it out for one last spin before he sells it. Olivia warns him not to give up what he loves just because it doesn't fit his mental image of what "married" is, or else he'll end up resenting Robin and the baby for it.
     Ric is angry that Claudia stood him up at Jake's, particularly when he finds out it was so she could almost marry Jason. Ric argues that Claudia should want no part of the Sonny/Jason/Anthony business, but Claudia thinks this is her shot to have some real power for once. She then heads on over to GH and taunts Kate with the news that Sonny's going to marry HER in order to take the reins of the Zacchara family, because now, in addition to "red hot sex," she can offer Sonny power, something he finds far sexier. Before she can say much more, Olivia arrives and throws Claudia out, but clearly she's given Kate a lot to think about.
     Jason goes to see Sonny and tries to explain that he only almost married Claudia to keep Sonny from getting played by Anthony. Sonny thinks it's merely further proof that Jason isn't loyal to him. He's still bitter about Kate getting shot at, and he's determined to play this his way; Jason can play it his own way, and if they end up on opposite sides, so be it. After Jason leaves, Ric shows up and asks Sonny not to marry Claudia. Sonny says he wants no part of the deal. Ric says he hopes that's true, and that Claudia has been through enough -- she's not as tough as she seems.
     Maxie goes to see Jason and demands that he attend Robin's wedding. Jason still doesn't want to risk drawing violence towards the wedding, but Maxie helps him see just how much he helped Robin after Stone died, and he should be there today to see the life she's made for herself.
     Sonny arrives at the hospital, and promises Olivia that he has no intention of marrying Claudia. But Olivia knows while Sonny will say he doesn't like it, if Claudia is his one way to get his power back, he's going to take it. Claudia arrives home and announces that she holds the cards now. Anthony needs her to marry Sonny, and in return, she expects to call the shots. Anthony and Claudia get into a huge argument, and while he's in the middle of screaming at her, he starts to hyperventilate.
     Patrick shows up at work, and Epiphany promptly orders him to get home and get dressed. Jason shows up at the church ahead of time, where he's joined by Elizabeth. Without saying anything, she walks down the aisle and takes Jason's hands in hers. Maxie bustles around the Scorpio household, whipping everybody into position, and tasks Spinelli with getting Patrick to the church on time. Robin tells her cousin to relax: Patrick will be there. But she doesn't know that Patrick has donned his scrubs and wants to do his rounds before he heads over to the church. Epiphany asks him why he's so determined to tempt fate.

10/29- Claudia does nothing to help Anthony when it appears as though he's having a stroke. Johnny arrives home and can't sit back and watch his father die, so they rush him to GH. Patrick is about to leave for his wedding, but Johnny convinces him to stay, begging him to save his father's life. Anthony needs immediate brain surgery, and despite Matt assuring him he can handle it, Patrick decides to operate himself, with Matt assisting.
     Jason and Elizabeth's idyllic moment at the church is cut short by the arrival of Robin, Maxie and Mac. Mac threatens to have the cops remove Jason, but Robin convinces him to let Jason stay. Mac and Maxie have a quiet moment where they reflect on how Mac ended up becoming a father figure to both Maxie and Georgie, who they both miss very much. Meanwhile, Robin tells Elizabeth that she wanted Jason there in part so that he and Elizabeth could have a romantic moment together. As the guests begin arriving at the church, Spinelli reports that Patrick is nowhere to be found. Robin tries to keep calm and not assume the worst.
     Olivia challenges Sonny to deny that he would do anything to regain power, including breaking Kate's heart by marrying Claudia. Kate accuses Olivia of wanting Sonny for herself, which Olivia vehemently denies.

10/30- Robin is confident that Patrick won't leave her at the altar while everyone else assumes the worst. Meanwhile, Patrick and Matt successfully wrap up Anthony's surgery. During the surgery, Matt notices Anthony's leg twitch, which Patrick says is impossible, given Anthony's paralysis. A frazzled Patrick makes it to the church in the nick of time, and the ceremony begins just as Robin's water breaks.
     Luke and Tracy set out for Los Angeles after Luke hacks into Scott's recent credit card activity. On the plane, Tracy tells Luke that, once they rescue Laura, Luke's going to have to make a decision between his former wife and his current wife. Lesley enlightens Nikolas, Lucky, and Lulu as to what Scott and Laura's relationship was really like in the beginning. She sticks up for the romantic kid Scotty used to be. Ultimately she recalls that Scott and Laura's honeymoon was in Los Angeles, so the kids make plans to follow them there. In L.A., Scott and Laura remember the good times they had together. Laura regrets having hurt Scott in the past and admits she too made mistakes. But she doesn't think nostalgia for their shared past is enough for them to be together in the present. Scott asks her to let him show her a good time in the city. 

10/31- Robin and Patrick's wedding is over as soon as it begins, as Robin goes to labor. She's rushed to the hospital, where Kelly tells her the baby is in distress, and she may need a C-section.
     Laura tells Scott that he'll never be able to make her fall in love with him again because her heart belongs to Luke. Scott pulls the rug out from under Laura when he reveals that Luke married Tracy three years ago. Laura at first won't believe it, but a call to Edward Quartermaine confirms it's true. Meanwhile, Tracey is leaving L.A. because she knows it's not going to end well with Luke, and she can't be there while he chases after Laura. At the hotel, Luke and Laura see each other for the first time. On the plane to Los Angeles, Nikolas, Lulu, and Lucky gain insight into Scott and Laura's history together via a diary of their mother's. Lulu expresses unexpected sympathy for Scott.
     Jason and Sam are in an alley behind GH - Jason getting some air, Sam looking for Jerry - when an explosion goes off in a nearby dumpster. Both are sent flying. Sonny offers to head up the Zacchara family while Anthony recovers from brain surgery. Johnny won't have it, and Anthony refuses to let Sonny take over unless he marries Claudia. Karpov's thugs grab Sonny at the hospital and drag him to the docks, where they shackle weights to his legs. Karpov then stabs Sonny in the gut and tosses him in the water.

11/3- Scott speeds away with Laura still in the car, but Luke is hot on their heels in a "borrowed" taxi. Laura implores Scott to stop the madness, but he remains intent on stealing her away from Luke once and for all. Scott's reckless driving causes him to lose control of the car, placing both his and Laura's lives in jeopardy. Meanwhile, Nikolas, Lucky, and Lulu are surprised to find Tracy at the hotel. She fills them in on Luke, Laura, and the high-speed chase, and the kids decide to snoop around Scott's hotel room for clues. Jason and Sam survive the explosion in the alley and return to his penthouse with a piece of the detonator they retrieved. Sam fills Jason in on her dealings with Jerry and Karpov. With Robin and the baby in increasing distress, Kelly performs an emergency C-section on Robin. Anna and Mac and Maxie are all agonizing in the waiting room, and Matt manages to calm Maxie down, albeit slightly. Kelly delivers the baby, but Robin panics when she doesn't hear her crying. Carly jumps into the harbor and miraculously saves Sonny as his life flashes before his eyes while sinking deeper beneath the water. Carly takes Sonny back to her house, refusing to leave his side until he's out of the woods. They argue about each not wanting the other to pursue Karpov any further, until they hear a car approach the house.

November 4-11, 2008:  11/4, 11/5, 11/6, 11/7, 11/10, 11/11

11/4- Luke pulls an unconscious Scott to safety but sends himself and Laura hurling over the cliff in the process. After extracting herself from the car, Laura manages to free a trapped Luke as well. Once out of danger, Laura hauls off and slugs Luke for lying to her about being married to Tracy. Meanwhile, Lulu and Nikolas are caught by the cops after breaking into Scott's hotel room. As a courtesy to fellow cop Lucky, the L.A. police let Lulu off the hook, but Nikolas, as a resident alien, faces deportation. Robin and Patrick's baby is delivered and momentarily starts crying. They name her Emma Grace. Patrick notices a small cut on her face, though, so they have to test her to see if she was exposed to HIV. After a period of nervous waiting, Kelly brings the good news that Emma is HIV negative. Robin, Patrick, and their family celebrate, when all of a sudden, Robin loses consciousness. Sonny hides when Jax pays Carly a visit. Not wanting to reveal Sonny's presence, Carly dies inside when she has to give Jax the brush-off after he mentions he might be changing his mind about the divorce. Sonny insists she go ahead and follow Jax, but he also refuses to let her call Jason to look after him. Sam hides while Jason and Jerry have a tense stand-off about who Sam is working for. After returning home with the pieces of the alley-bomb detonator, Sam is grabbed by Jerry while on the phone with Jason

11/5- Tracy, Lulu, Lucky, and Nikolas learn that Luke and Laura went over the cliff and are nowhere to be found. While Lulu angrily accuses Scott, Nikolas plans to hire a private search team to look for them. Patrick and Kelly scramble to get Robin's heart beating again, but she's still unconscious. Robin's loved ones hold a bedside vigil as her life hangs in the balance. Matt is supportive of Patrick, who doesn't know what he would do if Robin doesn't survive. Carly calls a mob doctor to tend to Sonny's stab wound. Carly is touched that Sonny remembers that today is her birthday. Sonny reaches out to Carly when she becomes emotional remembering happy times with Michael, and both are unaware that Jax is watching them through the window. Jerry forces Sam to get rid of Jason and then drugs her before taking her to the freighter. A suspicious Jason returns to Sam's and finds the detonator she intentionally dropped, alerting him to the fact she's in trouble. On the ship, Jerry declares that he has ominous plans for Sam

11/6- After making Luke sleep outside while she takes shelter in a cabin, Laura takes Luke to task for not having been truthful with her when she awoke from her coma the first time. Luke explains his reasons, but they're not quite enough for Laura, who feels treated like a fragile child. Laura tells Luke he needs to choose between her and Tracy. While waiting for the search party to find Luke and Laura, Lulu asks Tracy if she will fight for Luke. Robin's condition remains critical as she's visited by Jason, Anna, and finally Patrick, who feeds the baby for the first time at her bedside. As he does, Robin opens her eyes again. Carly refuses to allow Sonny to leave her house until he's fully recovered. While they bicker, and she tries to tend to his wounds, they both privately remember their passionate tryst in the back of the limo. Jason and Spinelli get proof that Jerry is involved with Sam's disappearance. Meanwhile, on the ship, Jerry warns Sam that her days are numbered, and he shows her the bomb he plans to explode on the boat, with her on it

11/7- Luke and Laura face the moment of truth after having a heart to heart talk about their past and their future. Luke explains the particulars of how his marriage to Tracy began, and when it reached its turning point. After lamenting the life that was stolen from them, and reminiscing on how amazing it used to be, they finally kiss. Lulu, Lucky, and Nikolas speculate as to the outcome of the Luke/Laura/Tracy situation. Back at the hotel, Tracy blames it all on Scott, and finds it suspicious that he seems so complacent. Sonny and Carly fight the impulse to act on their physical desires, and Carly tries to convince him not to go after Karpov, to no avail. When he does, Olivia is horrified to witness Sonny confront Karpov and shoot him apparently dead. After refusing to help Jason find Sam, an angry Jax drops a bomb on Carly by serving her with divorce papers. Jerry toys with Sam as he reveals the details of his nefarious plan to fake his own death by blowing up the freighter, with Sam on it

11/10- Sam manages to make a distress call to the Coast Guard, but Jerry smoothly talks his way out of the situation. Jerry warns Sam that her time is running out. Meanwhile, Jason becomes convinced that Sam is Jerry's captive, not his accomplice. Spinelli picks up Sam's SOS signal to the Coast Guard, which gives him a clue as to Sam and Jerry's whereabouts. Jax devastates Carly when he hands her the divorce papers, accusing her of being unable to distance herself from Sonny when he reveals he saw them together. Carly turns her fury onto Sonny, when he arrives back at the house needing an alibi for the evening. Harper arrives and, when Carly won't answer his questions or provide that alibi, he arrests Sonny for murder. Olivia is shaken after seeing Sonny commit cold-blooded murder and, when she returns to GH, questions how Elizabeth can justify wanting to be with someone like Jason, who can also kill, seemingly without remorse. Lulu, Lucky, and Nikolas find the cabin in the woods, and Laura is reunited with her children. They return to the hotel in L.A., where Laura and Tracy face off, and Tracy makes it clear she isn't giving Luke up without a fight. Anna urges Robin to muster the strength to fight to stay alive for the sake of her baby. By episode's end, Robin resolves to fight to be with her family

11/11- Spinelli encounters Jerry on the docks and, despite attempting to detain him, gets knocked out. However, he impresses Jason when he reveals he was able to plant a tracking device on Jerry during their brief bout of fisticuffs. Jason finds Sam on the freighter, still cuffed to the bed. Jerry shows up and struggles with Jason, setting off the timer on one of the detonators in the process. Sam and Jason make a desperate jump for safety to try and escape the explosion. Olivia and Carly figure out each other knows the truth about Sonny, while Diane tries to find out which, if any, of them will help exonerate Sonny. Jax realizes that Carly wasn't harboring Sonny for romantic reasons but walks away when she can't promise she wouldn't help Sonny if he needed her. He ultimately gives her a choice between their marriage and offering Sonny an alibi. Mac finally asks Carly whether she can back Sonny's story up or not. Sonny's enemies prepare for war, and Sasha is told to free Sonny from jail so that he, and everyone he loves, can be taken care of. Laura meets Nadine and Johnny, and Lucky and Elizabeth tell Laura the truth about Jake's paternity. But she also gets a visit from a French doctor claiming that Laura must return to the French hospital that developed her cure for testing and further treatment. Laura investigates further and discovers the doctor is a fraud. She confronts Tracy for trying to trick her, and Tracy tells her she should bow out gracefully.

November 12-19, 2008:  11/12, 11/13, 11/14, 11/17, 11/18, 11/19

11/12- Jason and Sam narrowly escape being blown to bits when the freighter explodes. Carly ruins any chance of reconciling with Jax when she lies to the police, claiming she and Sonny were together having sex. Jax walks out on her, only to learn that Jerry is presumed dead in the freighter explosion. Carly rushes to his side, though he rebuffs her. By episode's end, Jax gets a hangup phone call that be believes is from Jerry. Wanting to get even with Elizabeth after an argument, Maxie leads Elizabeth to believe that something is going between Jason and Sam. Elizabeth goes to the penthouse to find Sam dripping wet in front of the fireplace and demands that Jason explain himself. Tracy and Laura face off, with Tracy saying that she's more suited to the man Luke is today. Laura makes a decision about her future with Luke and decides to go to France to continue her therapy. She says goodbye to her children, and to Luke, and boards an airplane. Inside that airplane is Scott Baldwin.

11/13- Jason and Sam explain the situation to Elizabeth, whose anger eventually subsides. Elizabeth tells Jason he needs to make up his mind whether or not they're together, and despite his reservations about her and Jake's safety, he agrees. But when he hears that Karpov's allies are retaliating, and he's a target, Jason backs off. Sam returns home to Lucky, and they agree they want to work things out. Carly tries to justify her actions to Jax, but he's not having it. Jax later goes to tell a just-returned-home Kate that she would be a fool to stay with Sonny because of the unbreakable bond he shares with Carly. Kate has it out with Sonny and tells him they're finished. Mike is the target of mob violence as the Russians attack him and set fire to Kelly's. Sasha calls Sonny on the phone and tells him the end is here. Nadine jumps to the wrong conclusion about Nikolas after he tells her that he's being threatened with deportation after his exploits in California. She thinks he's trying to tell her, without telling her, that he wants her to marry him so he can get a greencard.

11/14- No one is safe when Sonny and Jason's adversaries seek their revenge. Maxie fills Jason and Spinelli in on what she saw and is unaware that the Russian thugs spotted her outside of Kelly's when they destroyed the place. After, Jason takes Maxie to task for the stunt she pulled with Elizabeth. Olivia is in the wrong place at the wrong time when the Russian syndicate makes a move against Jason. She's waiting to meet Jason in his office, when the Russians set fire to the coffee shop, and she gets trapped inside as the building burns. Maxie pays Sam a visit to apologize for causing trouble with Jason and Elizabeth, but they don't realize that the Russian thug who spotted Maxie is lurking right outside their door. Anthony tells Johnny he believes Sonny and Jason's troubles will work to his advantage, since it will leave Sonny in need of protection. Johnny worries that the life he's been brought up in will taint him, but Lulu assures Johnny he's not like his father. Robin is on the road to recovery and by episode's end, she's granted her release from the hospital. Elizabeth has doubts about her relationship with Jason. He meets her at work and tries to iron out their conflicts over his work, but he spots the coffee shop on fire.

11/17- Sonny pulls Jason's employee out of the burning coffee shop, and then runs back in for Olivia, who by this point is nearly unconscious from the smoke. He drags her out just as Jason arrives. Sonny says they have to team up now, against the Russians, but Jason blames Sonny for what's happening, and says in order to protect his people, he needs to cut all ties with Sonny. Carly vows to fight Jax on the divorce proceedings, and she recruits Diane to be her lawyer. After Diane runs down all the ways Jax has been absent in his marriage, he starts being a bit more conciliatory towards Carly ... until Kate stops by and reminds him again about Sonny and Carly's connection. Angry once again, he suggests to Carly that he might consider sleeping with Kate. Claudia harasses Johnny and Lulu and once again urges her brother to dump her. Johnny wants to live his life for himself, not his family. Maxie wants to talk about Sam's lingering connection to Jason, but Sam shuts her down. After Maxie leaves, she's followed by the Russians who torched Kelly's, and they eventually accost her at the park. Spinelly finds her lying on the ground, unconscious. Robin and Patrick take Baby Emma home, as Robin tries to cope with her overcautious fiancé. Nadine assures Nikolas that she will marry him in order to keep him from being deported, leaving Nikolas confused and speechless. At the hospital, Sonny comes by to check on Olivia, and their initial arguments turns to familiar bantering back and forth. Kate overhears from the hallway and isn't very happy to see them so friendly with each other.

11/18- Jason tells Elizabeth that things are getting too dangerous for them to be together. But Sam insists to Jason that she's in a position to help him deal with his enemies and intends to go undercover with the Russians. Nadine remains intent on marrying Nikolas despite his claim that it isn't necessary. Jax, after getting annoyed seeing Nikolas and Carly speaking, surprises Nikolas when he reveals he now owns the deed to Spoon Island. An angry Kate accuses Olivia of flirting with Sonny. Kate warns Olivia that Sonny would never forgive her if he ever finds out she kept his son from him. Despite Ric's pleas to reconsider, Claudia tells Sonny they have no choice but to get married in order to form a secure power base against their enemies. Kate sees Claudia kissing Sonny. Johnny and Lulu make love for the first time since her breakdown. Once again, Johnny says he wants to live his life independent from his family's life of crime. Spinelli gets Maxie to the hospital and is greatly relieved her injuries aren't serious. Mac devastates Spinelli when he blames him for bringing danger into Maxie's life.

11/19- Sam admits to Lucky that she plans on infiltrating the Russian mob and later offers her services to Sasha. Sam finds herself in the wrong place at the wrong time when Jason makes his move against the Russians by storming their warehouse. Caught amid the gunfire, Sam attempts to scramble to safety. Unsettled by Olivia's ease with Sonny, a vengeful Kate threatens to expose her secret. Johnny agrees to help Luke reopen the Haunted Star, and Lulu is happy to see that Luke is the one person not telling her to stay away from Johnny. Spinelli vows to avenge the attack on Maxie. He steals one of Sonny's guns and heads down to the Russian warehouse, where he pulls a gun on Maxie's attackers. Robin finds that motherhood is more difficult then she imagined. Despite having issues staying focused on the job while at the hospital, Patrick seems to take to fatherhood like a duck to water. After an overwhelmed Robin calls him, he heads home to help out, and Robin concludes that she's a terrible mother.

November 20 - December 1, 2008:  11/20, 11/21, 11/24, 11/25, 11/26, 12/1 (no show aired on 11/27 & 11/28)

11/20- Jason and Sam are surprised to come face to face with each other at the warehouse and narrowly escape with their lives as they flee in a hail of bullets. Lucky and Jason decide Sam and Elizabeth should take the kids and hide out at the cabin in the woods for their own safety. Spinelli is clearly out of his element when he sets out to get revenge for Maxie. Luckily, Johnny arrives and faces down the Russians, chasing them off. Afterwards, Spinelli sulks over his failure to avenge Maxie, but she and Lulu tell him he should be proud of his inability to kill another person. Olivia and Sonny remember how they got to the place where they are today. Sonny reaches a decision and goes to see Anthony: He will marry Claudia and take the reins of the Zacchara organization. Luke has his work cut out for him when a heartbroken Tracy makes it clear she's done with playing second fiddle to Laura.

11/21- Despite a blown tire en route, Sam, Liz, and the kids make it to the safe house in the woods. Of course, danger follows close behind, and Sam comes inside after a firewood run with news that the Russians are lurking right outside. Sonny and Anthony each think they have the upper hand over the other now that Sonny has agreed to take the deal and marry Claudia. Johnny is adamantly opposed to the idea, but he gets nowhere arguing that point with his father and sister. Claudia goes to Sonny to seal their deal and demands that he propose to her, which he does by tossing a ring box onto her lap. Jax informs Nikolas he's going to tear down the stables and build a resort on Spoon Island. Carly tries to broker peace between the two men, but Jax doesn't seem too interested.
Luke has no intention of calling it quits with Tracy, despite her repeated attempts to throw him out of the Quartermaine mansion. Olivia, and later Ric, urge Jason to make amends with Sonny before it's too late, but Jason stubbornly refuses. And by episode's end, Jason is arrested for the warehouse attack and the murder of three Russians. 

11/24- Sam and Elizabeth work together to fortify the cabin as best they can to protect themselves and the boys from the imminent danger lurking outside. Sam hands Liz a gun and tries to convince her she'll be able to use it when the time comes. They're waiting by the door when a shot blasts through the front window. Meanwhile, Jason is being held at the police station in connection to the warehouse bombing. Alexis vows to Diane that she's going to make Jason pay for the violence he's brought down on everyone. Battle lines are drawn between Jax and Nikolas when Jax announces his intention to buy Wyndemere along with the rest of Spoon Island. Carly tries to talk him out of it, but when he refuses, Nikolas vows to take Jax down first, and says he'll enjoy doing so. Sonny assures Claudia he doesn't view Johnny as an enemy as they set some ground rules for their marriage of convenience. Sonny even says he doesn't blame her or Johnny for Michael's shooting, and Claudia tries not to betray her guilt. Sonny suggests they get married immediately - tonight. After a chance encounter at Jake's, Olivia informs Carly of Claudia and Sonny's impending marriage. Carly and Olivia bond over matters of the heart while discussing Jax and Sonny. Kate is out of the hospital and harshly criticizing Maxie over Crymson business when Jax stops by. They toast to their shared "good" fortune at getting out of relationships with Sonny and Carly before it was too late, and then Jax offers no resistance when Kate suddenly kisses him. 

11/25- Sam and Elizabeth struggle to hold off the Russians keeping them under siege at the cabin. Elizabeth saves Sam life by shooting one of the thugs who was about to stab her. Meanwhile, Jason is released from jail thanks to a brilliant move by Spinelli, who hacked into Interpol's database and made it look like a rival Slavic gang was responsible for the warehouse bombing. Alexis is pained to have to release Jason, and she later tells Diane how let down she was by Jerry returning to his life of crime. Jason races to the cabin, and just as he arrives, he sees Elizabeth screaming. Sam jumps into the car and says the Russians abducted Jake. Carly implores Sonny not to marry Claudia, but he's intent on following though with his plan. He gives Carly a gun for her own protection and mentions that Jax is at Kate's. Carly then heads directly to Kate's house, where she finds Jax and Kate about to make love. They don't see Carly, even when she takes out her gun. Johnny warns Anthony and Claudia that he'll walk away from the family for good if Claudia marries Sonny. Claudia begs him not to, and Anthony calls his bluff, but it's no bluff, and he walks out. Johnny later asks Lulu to go away with him. With the Lansings and Max and Milo in attendance, the Justice of the Peace arrives at Anthony's to marry Sonny and Claudia. 

11/26- Patrick tells Robin that prior to coming to Port Charles, he would always go on vacation at Thanksgiving time. As Robin and Patrick drift off to sleep, they dream about how things might have turned out if they didn't meet when they did. If Fate had taken another turn, Robin and Patrick would have had a rough and rocky road filled with other relationships before finding their way to each other. Patrick would have continued his womanizing ways and dated Carly and Elizabeth, while Robin would have had a relationship with a kinder, gentler Matt Hunter. But both Carly and Elizabeth break up with Patrick because they have children and he's not ready to settle down, and Matt ends up cheating on Robin with Maxie. And so, with their initial volatile work relationship having improved over time, Robin and Patrick meet at Jake's and end up dancing to what in real life is "their song." Robin wakes up, and she and Patrick talk about how they're so happy to be together. They decide to set a wedding date - the week after Christmas.

12/1- Jason and Sam take off in hot pursuit of the Russian thugs who snatched Jake from the cabin and track them to an abandoned mine. After searching the mine, Sam and Jason realize that Jake has already been moved to another location just as they get caught in a cave-in. Meanwhile, a frantic Elizabeth is relieved when Lucky arrives at the cabin. Back at home, Elizabeth tells Lucky he was right about Jason being too dangerous to be involved with and blames herself for placing Jake in jeopardy. After catching Jax and Kate having sex, Carly warns Kate she's going to make her life miserable. Later, she sets out to recruit Trevor into joining forces with her. Sonny seals his deal with the Zaccharas and is back to his old self as he wastes no time in asserting his newfound power. He immediately removes Anthony from all meetings, and harshly tells Claudia not to interrupt. Anthony and Ric believe their plan against Sonny is falling into place. Johnny and Lulu are harassed by a cop, who quickly backs down after realizing who Johnny is. An angry Johnny punches out the cop and takes off with Lulu.

December 2-9, 2008:  12/2, 12/3, 12/4, 12/5, 12/8, 12/9

12/2- Carly tries to enlist Nikolas in her scheme to ruin Jax and Kate, explaining she wants to go after Crimson first. Nikolas is hesitant to get involved in Carly's revenge plot and gets a call from a teary Nadine before he commits himself one way or another. Fed up with a scorned Tracy's behavior, Edward, Monica and Alice recruit Luke to move back into the mansion to try and placate her. Tracy, however, will have none of it, announcing she's flying to Dominican Republic to get a quickie divorce. Johnny and Lulu decide they have to go on the run now that Johnny has assaulted a cop, so they call Spinelli and Maxie to help them make their getaway. But after a bit of research, Spinelli says it isn't necessary for them to go on the lam because no charges have been filed against Johnny. This news is unexpectedly pleasing for Maxie, who's relationship with Lulu is inching closer and closer to friendship. Sonny informs Claudia and Ric that they will be kept at arm's length in all his business dealings. Later, he goes to see Kate, who refuses to hear his excuses and tells him he should just accept that he is a gangster, now and forever. When Sonny gets home, that same message is echoed by Claudia.

12/3- Sasha tells Elizabeth she only has herself to blame for the danger Jake is facing. Sasha is later in contact with the head of the Russian syndicate, who wants Jason killed when he tries to rescue Jake. Meanwhile, Jason and Sam manage to dig themselves out of the collapsed mine. Thanks to Spinelli's cyber skills, they track the Russians to a roadhouse and get proof that Jake is there as well. Jason says they can't risk calling the cops and must pull off the rescue themselves. Nikolas meets Nadine's family, who question his intentions concerning Nadine. He tries to comfort Nadine, who's upset by the news that Aunt Raylene is dying of heart disease, and explains to the family it isn't necessary for him to get married. Nadine and Nikolas are thrown for a loop, however, when they learn Aunt Raylene's dying wish is to see Nadine get married. An exhausted Robin has her hands full trying to calm Emma, though she gets some help from Maxie and Spinelli. Although exhausted himself, Patrick still pulls off a brilliant surgery, but Epiphany sends him home when it becomes clear he needs sleep. Emma immediately stops crying when Patrick returns, much to Robin's frustration. Luke surprises Tracy in the Dominican Republic, determined to win her back. Tracy has no choice but to stay with Luke in the beach shack when she's stranded by a torrential storm, but she reiterates, forcefully, that she has no intentions to reconcile.

12/4- Nadine introduces Nikolas to her Aunt Raylene, who privately warns him that she doesn't think Nadine could survive getting her heart broken a second time. Nikolas tells Nadine that if Aunt Raylene wants them to get married, then that's what they'll do. Sonny shoots Claudia down when she suggests they should consummate their marriage. Claudia is impressed by the way Sonny handles Sasha. Johnny sneaks by and tries to convince Claudia to leave Sonny for fear he might discover their role in accidentally getting Michael shot. Claudia doesn't think they have anything to worry about, but later, when Sonny tells her about the Russians kidnapping Jake, he's taken aback by Claudia's statement that harming a child is something you never get over. Kate plans a Crimson related cocktail party so that she and Jax can appear as a couple to spite Carly. Meanwhile, Carly continues to scheme against Kate. Both Lulu (who has returned to work at Crimson) and Olivia appear to be caught in the middle. Patrick and Matt take excellent care of Emma while Robin tries to return to work at the hospital. She's too sleep-deprived and frazzled to be of any use, however, and Lainey tells her she's going through a very common bout of the "Baby Blues." Still stuck in the Dominican Republic. Luke has his work cut out for him trying to convince Tracy that he's over Laura.

12/5- Sam infiltrates the Russian's roadhouse as part of her and Jason's plan to rescue Jake. Pandemonium breaks out inside the roadhouse Jason makes his move. As events unfold, Jason looks on in horror as the roadhouse is engulfed in flames. Patrick tries to comfort Elizabeth, who blames herself for everything that's happened. Elizabeth acts out in her grief and fear for Jake. Claudia and Sonny have a slight thaw in their relationship after she explains her feelings over Jake's predicament. Sonny reminds Anthony that he's calling the shots now. Johnny tells Sonny he wants nothing to do with his family or the mob. Carly gets the upper hand on Kate at the Crimson party by showing up in the same dress as Kate.

12/8- Jason fears the worst when he watches the roadhouse as it's engulfed in flames, but his prayers are answered when Sam emerges from the explosion with Jake safe in her arms. Jason and Sam return Jake to a grateful Elizabeth and Lucky. Carly one-ups Kate at her cocktail party by wearing the same dress Kate has on. It appears that Lulu is to blame for tipping off Carly, Maxie comes to Lulu's rescue when Kate wants to fire her. Jax prevents Kate from firing either of them, and when he goes to scold Carly about it, he can't help but find her antics slightly amusing. Sonny demands that Ric and Claudia show discretion when he sees them kissing. Sonny wishes Claudia would find someone other than Ric to sleep with.
Spinelli brings the happy news of Jake's rescue to Maxie, but he soon finds himself in a no-win situation when he ends up the subject of a dispute between Mac (who still finds Spinelli's mob lifestyle too dangerous) and Maxie. Olivia inadvertently overhears Sasha on a confidential call. Patrick comes upon the scene as Sasha attacks and stabs Olivia. Olivia refuses to allow Patrick to take her to the hospital and has him take her to Sonny's instead.

12/9- Elizabeth and Lucky are grateful to have their family back safe and sound. Jason credits Sam with saving Jake's life and blames himself for causing the situation in the first place. Things are awkward between Jason and Elizabeth. Without saying it outright, Jason forgives Sam for the part she played in Jake's first kidnapping. Patrick tends to Olivia's stab wound at Sonny's, though Claudia clearly isn't happy to have her as a houseguest. Sonny's conflicted about whether or not to contact Olivia's son, but Patrick thinks he should abide by Olivia's wishes. Claudia asks Sonny not to constantly throw his feelings for Kate in her face. Jax and Carly struggle to end their marriage as both still love each other, but Jax ultimately takes his wedding band off. A heartbroken Carly talks to a framed photo of Michael about her sad circumstances. Mac immediately regrets giving Maxie an ultimatum when he tells her she's cut off unless she severs ties with Spinelli. Maxie decides it's time she got a place of her own, and even when Mac backs down from his threat, she says it will be good for her. She gives Mac her heartfelt thanks, and Mac . Robin bolsters Mac when Maxie moves out.

December 10-17, 2008:  12/10, 12/11, 12/12, 12/15, 12/16, 12/17

12/10- Jason won't let himself off the hook for the guilt he feels over what happened to Jake, and he refuses to let Maxie stay at the penthouse with him and Spinelli because he feels he's too dangerous to be around. Diane informs him that he's going to be questioned by the Feds about the shootout and cautions him not to hold anything back. Sam makes amends with Alexis but things remained strained between them. Later, Sam comes face to face with Jason at the courthouse. Jax evicts Johnny from the penthouse because Jax wants to move back in, which means both he and Lulu are looking for a new place to love. Lulu runs into Maxie when they're both looking to rent the same apartment, and after some haggling, they make the surprise decision to rent the place together and be roommates. Robin feels like a failure as a mother when she can't get Emma to stop crying. Patrick and Maxie try to convince her otherwise, but Robin's not hearing it. Nikolas wants to do farm work to show Nadine that he's more than just a pampered prince, but he ends up balking at milking a cow. Which is fine, because Nadine reveals they have a machine to do that anyway -- she was just messing with him. Nadine admits to Aunt Raylene that she and Nikolas actually don't have any plans to marry. Aunt Raylene tells Nadine she's proud of her before peacefully passing away. Tracy leads Luke to believe that she divorced him, but Luke overhears Tracy admitting to Edward that she didn't really get a divorce.

12/11- Jason and Sam give their statements to Special Agent Rainer, who tells them they're in the clear and won't be facing any charges. Jason later gives Elizabeth a detailed account of the shootout and subsequent explosion to drive home just how dangerous his life really is. Lucky is thrilled to have Sam home again, but she surprises him, as well as herself, when she pulls away from his kiss. Olivia is well enough to leave Sonny's house, but before she does, she tells him he's his own worst enemy. Sonny prepares lunch for Claudia, in an attempt to get close to her and learn who was behind Kate's shooting. Claudia, however, grows wary of his show of kindness. Mac and Patrick bolster Robin, assuring her she's going to be a great mother. Luke pretends to be drunk in order to play on Tracy's sympathies, but she sees through his act and kicks him out. He threatens to go on a giant bender, and after he leaves, Alan appears and asks Tracy how she would feel about her life if Luke wasn't in it. Lulu and Maxie instantly clash as they start to get settled in their new apartment. They both want the bedroom with the big closet, and they ultimately ask Johnny and Spinelli to cut cards on their behalf. Johnny/Lulu win, and Spinelli is dismayed to learn that Johnny will essentially be sticking around as Lulu's live-in boyfriend.

12/12- Jason and Elizabeth force themselves to accept some cold, hard facts about their future. Jason tells Liz, in detail, about the danger he put Jake in. They come to a sad agreement that Jason should not be in Jake or Liz's life anymore. Though he does give them a $5 million trust. Carly reaches out to a devestated Jason, who later suggests that Spinelli move into his own place, for his own safety. Spinelli immediately starts to protest, and while he does, someone is hacking into his laptop. Lucky's not happy when Sam says she's not going to stop investigating the Russians. Sam later puts herself in jeopardy when she stows away in the Russians' van, and they pull away, with Sasha talking about eliminating Jason. Nikolas helps Nadine make funeral arrangements for Aunt Raylene, but he's slightly unsettled by Nadine's closeness with an old male friend from high school. Spinelli doesn't like the idea of Johnny staying at Lulu and Maxie's apartment, but Maxie tells him it's fine. She later gets annoyed by what sounds like Lulu and Johnny having loud sex in their bedroom, but it turns out they're just moving furniture. Sonny learns from Kate that she slept with Jax. When he returns home later, he surprises Claudia with a kiss

12/15- Agent Rainer offers Jason full immunity for any crimes he's committed in exchange for giving the government evidence to use against Sonny. Jason rejects the offer, but Rainer tells him it's still on the table. Alexis has an encounter with Sasha on the docks, and Sasha makes threats against Sam's life. Meanwhile, Sam is hiding behind some crates, and she once again overhears Sasha ordering someone to take Jason out. As she's sneaking away, Sam is caught by one of the Russian thugs. Lucky confides to Luke that he thinks he and Sam are drifting apart, and Luke offers his expertise as someone very much like Sam, who was once married to Laura, who craved order and stability much like Lucky does. Sonny and Claudia get to know each other better, though Claudia is keeping her guard up. Sonny tells Anthony he's going to use Jason's routes to move shipments while Jason has his hands full with the Russian syndicate. Claudia doesn't want to sleep with Sonny until she's certain he's genuine about his feelings. Maxie wants to set some house rules with Lulu and thinks Johnny should share in the rent if he's going to live there. Lulu and Johnny later return home to the sounds of Maxie making love in her bedroom and assume she's with Spinelli, until he arrives at the door bearing gifts.

12/16- Sasha and her henchman drag Sam off into the woods with the intention of killing her. Sam manages to run from her captors but ends up falling into a pit. Jason goes to Sonny, planning on telling him about the FBI's offer, but he finds Claudia instead. Claudia tells Jason that it's too late to make peace with Sonny. The rift between Sonny and Jason grows when it becomes clear they're going to have to decide whether or not to go to war with each other. Sonny tells Luke that they're partners of sorts again now that he's running the Zacchara organization. He assures Luke the Haunted Star will remain neutral territory and the Zaccharas won't interfere in his business. Luke feigns drunkenness when Tracy arrives and suddenly clutches his chest in the throes of an apparent heart attack, which Tracy walks away from. Maxie's ruse is found out when Lulu, Johnny, and Spinelli walk in on her and see she's only faking having sex in her room. Maxie tells Spinelli they can never sleep together again because she cares about him too much. That night, Maxie has an awkward encounter with a shirtless Johnny.

12/17- Nikolas supports Nadine on the day of her Aunt Raylene's funeral. Nadine and her family are shocked, however, when they discover Raylene left millions of dollars in inheritance to Nadine's comatose sister, her uncle Vance, and her cousin Bo. Nadine, however, gets an envelope, which Nikolas finds to be outrageous. Claudia insists on getting a Christmas tree for the house even though Sonny doesn't want one because it only reminds him of the kids he can't be with. Claudia is shocked when she finds Johnny working at the Christmas tree lot. Johnny defends his decision to support himself and makes it clear to Claudia he wants no part of her marriage to Sonny. Lulu meets Maxie at the lot to shop for a tree for Kate, and she sees Johnny working. Alexis warns Sonny that she's going to prosecute any suspected mob members to the fullest extent of the law. She says he's officially moved to the bad side, and she can't look the other way anymore. Patrick and Robin prepare for their first Christmas with Emma, and Robin appears to be back in the swing of things as she takes charge of the decorating decisions. Luke enlists Epiphany's help to make Tracy believe he's truly suffered a heart attack. Both Epiphany and Lulu encourage Luke to just be honest with Tracy. Luke is thrown for a loop when Monica announces he needs an emerge0ncy quadruple bypass.

December 18-26, 2008:  12/18, 12/19, 12/22, 12/23, 12/24, (no show aired 12/25), 12/26

12/18- Nikolas is incensed on Nadine's behalf when Aunt Raylene only bequeaths her an envelope in her will. Nadine and Nikolas, however, soon discover that Aunt Raylene left her the patent to a plow she invented. Nikolas tells Raylene that the patent is worth a lot of money. Jason becomes concerned when Lucky tells him Sam is missing. Sasha contacts Jason. Sam injures her bad hip while trying to climb out of the pit, and by episode's end she is in pain and hallucinating. Claudia wants to make peace with Johnny, but when she offers him money, he refuses it. Lulu is optimistic that she and Johnny can make it on their own. Jerry sends Claudia a DVD on which he explains that he hid another DVD in Sonny's house that outlines her role in Michael's shooting and warns she'd better find it before Sonny does. When Monica tries to send Luke in for emergency heart surgery, he's forced to admit he was faking. Tracy says she knew it, but she's somewhat happy that Luke cares enough to go to such trouble to get her to react. But she still isn't willing to give her heart to Luke for fear she'll get it broken again.

12/19 - Sam struggles to stay alive in the pit and begins suffering the effects of hypothermia. She hallucinates a vision of Alexis, who tells Sam she has to get up and keep moving. Sasha wants to make a deal with Jason and demands money in exchange for revealing Sam's location. She also tells him she wants to get out of town and away from the Russian syndicate. She encourages Jason to take the Russians down, but before she can reveal Sam's location, she gets shot by a sniper. Claudia barely covers her tracks when Sonny finds her watching Jerry's DVD. Sonny's guilt over Michael's shooting comes flooding back to the surface when he sees Michael's ornaments on the Christmas tree. Later, Claudia gets a clue to the first hidden DVD from Jerry. Robin is thrilled that both Anna and Robert will be at her wedding, and she asks Robert to give her away. Patrick asks Matt to be his best man. Jax has a bittersweet encounter with Carly when he drops off a present for Morgan. Without a father figure around for the holidays, Carly surprises Sonny by letting him see Morgan.

12/22- Robert turns down Robin's request to walk her down the aisle at her wedding, saying that Mac is the one who really deserves the honor. After a talk with Mac, however, Robert has a change of heart and agrees to do as Robin asks. Anna is moved when Robin asks her to serve as her Matron of Honor. Robin, Patrick, Emma, Robert, Anna, and Mac all happily gather for Christmas dinner.
     Sonny enjoys a happy reunion with Morgan. Carly admits she blamed Sonny for what happened to Michael but also says that she blames herself as well. Carly tells Sonny he can continue to spend time with Morgan but cautions him to always keep the boy's safety in mind. Kate's hopes of spending Christmas with Jax are dashed when he explains he's going to join Lady Jane in Australia for the holidays. Before he leaves, however, Jax and Carly end up sharing a kiss under the mistletoe.
     Luke comes upon Sasha's dead body at the docks. He's soon joined by his old pal Robert, and the two have a happy reunion. Claudia frantically searches for Jerry's first hidden DVD, but she has to cover for herself when Ric comes by. She manages to deflect Ric's suspicion by sleeping with him, but he cautions her against losing Sonny's trust. Sasha dies; Jason begs her to tell him where Sam is, but she can only choke out the words "white rocks." With Spinelli's help, Jason rescues Sam from the pit before hypothermia can set in. Sam, plagued by hallucinations, once again begs Jason to forgive her for letting Jake get kidnapped.

12/23- Santa Claus himself turns to Spinelli to help him salvage Christmas for the citizens of Port Charles. With Maxie at his side, Spinelli produces magical miracles for all concerned. Robin's frenzied holiday is calmed by the unexpected arrival of a batch of her grandma Philomena's special recipe Christmas cookies. And Patrick is able to find Philomena's necklace - the one Anna gave to Robin on her wedding day - that had been lost.
     The grumpy Quartermaines head off to the GH Christmas party, except for Monica, who is missing Alan even moreso than usual. Spinelli gives Monica a pair of glasses which allows her to see Alan's ghost. They tell each other how much they've missed one another, but are soon squabbling like old times. Luke, Lucky, Lulu, and Nikolas all try to get into the Christmas spirit by decorating the Christmas tree. With Spinelli's help, they find Laura's Christmas angel and place it on their tree. Max had to change holiday plans with Diane at the last minute due to mob business, so she storms off. Spinelli and Maxie (with some help from Bernie, too) help reunite the couple, and they share an outdoor holiday picnic. Spinelli and Maxie wake up thinking the whole night was a dream, except for the framed photo of them with Santa wrapped by each of their beds.

12/26- Maxie can't shake her fear that something is going to go wrong on Robin and Patrick's wedding day. She continues to work overtime to make sure everything goes as smoothly as possible. Robert and Anna are overwhelmed by the fact that their little girl is getting married. They each take a moment to talk to Robin as she gets ready. Robert also has a father-son-in-law chat with Patrick, and he's satisfied that Patrick is the right man for his daughter. Sonny stops by to give his regrets to the bride and groom - neither he nor Jason will be endangering the ceremony by showing up this time. Sonny and Robin talk about Stone, and Robin thanks Sonny for getting her through that hard time in her life. The guests assemble at the church for Robin and Patrick's wedding ceremony, and Robert walks Robin down the aisle.
     Claudia is desperate to find the incriminating DVD that Jerry hid at Sonny's, and she's forced to cover when Jason stops by. He's there to ask Sonny to end his alliance with the Zaccharas now that the Russians are retreating out of town. Alexis takes Sam home from the hospital, where Lucky is waiting for her. Lucky and Sam make a decision to recommit to their relationship.

12/29- Sonny won't agree to end his association with the Zaccaharas because Jason won't agree to hand him back the organization. Battle lines are drawn when, after Sonny places an order to land one of his shipments on Jason's docks, Jason leaves Sonny with a warning: Sonny gets a pass on this one, but next time Jason will do what he has to do to protect his territory. Jax knows Carly is hurting on Michael's birthday. Sonny and Carly encounter each other in Michael's hospital room, and both forgive the other for what happened to their son. Seeking closure, Jax questions Sam about the last moments of Jerry's life. Sam reminds Jax that, whatever Jerry did, he never spoke of him less than fondly. Sam alerts Jason to the fact that Agent Rayner questioned her about Spinelli. They're both troubled that the FBI has Spinelli on their radar.
     Robin and Patrick's wedding goes off without a hitch. Anna and Robert are filled with emotion over their daughter's happiness, and they reminisce about Robin's childhood. Matt asks Maxie to dance, and she obliges. Later, Spinelli fantasizes a song-and-dance scenario with Maxie.



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