Complete GH Episodes, 1987

  For additional classic GH epsiode information check out the Scorpio Files Episode Guide section to find write ups for 1985-1991.

Episode Breakdown

December 26, 1986 - July 2, 1987

July 3 - 21, 1987:  7/3 cm, 7/6 Robert & Sean captured by Ramos, hitman follows Duke & Camilla to Biscayne, Elena enters, (no show Contra Hearings 7/7-7/15), 7/16 Robert & Sean are in a cell with Ingstrom, 7/17  Monica & Greta are captured by Ramos, Anna saves Duke from hitman, Lucy loses the baby, (no show 7/20 hearings), 7/21 cm no closing credits [Episode Descriptions]

July 22-29, 1987:  7/22 cm, (no show 7/23, 7/24), 7/27 cm, Anna & Duke set bombs to go off, 7/28 cm, 7/29, (7/30 no show aired)  [Episode Descriptions]

July 31 - August 6, 1987:  7/31 cm, no end credits, 8/3, 8/4, 8/5, 8/6 R&A in Paris, Tiffany learns Wolfgang is a crook [Episode Descriptions]

August 7 -13, 1987:  8/7 some cm, 8/10 (last :20 mins jumpy) Lucy begins her seduction of Tony, 8/11 (not jumpy), 8/12 (not jumpy), 8/13 (jumpy) [Episode Descriptions]

August 14 - 20, 1987:  8/14, 8/15, 8/18, 8/20 (8/14-8/17 all jumpy episodes) [Episode Descriptions]

August 21 -27, 1987:  8/21, 8/24, 8/25, 8/26, 8/27 [Episode Descriptions]

August 28-September 3, 1987:  8/28, 8/31, 9/1 Sean and R&A let Tiffany in on the plan, 9/2, 9/3 Duke arrives at Mt. Rushmore [Episode Descriptions]

September 4-10, 1987:  9/4, 9/7, 9/8, 9/9, 9/10 [Episode Descriptions]

September 11-18, 1987:  9/11, 9/14, (9/15 no show Pope's visit), 9/16, 9/17, 9/18 [Episode Descriptions]

September 21-25, 1987:  9/21, 9/22, 9/23 Robert goes after Elena, 9/24, 9/25 Dusty is told about Elena, Robert receives a letter from Holly that was found in her things [Episode Descriptions]

September 28 - October 2, 1987:  9/28 Robert (R&H flashbacks), Dusty leaves town, Camellia tells Tom & Corey she is leaving town, 9/29 everyone tries to cheer Robert up, 9/30 Lucy's Aunt Charlene arrives, 10/1 Robert & Anna, 10/2 [Episode Descriptions]

October 5 - 9, 1987:  10/5, 10/6, 10/7, 10/8, 10/9 (no end credits) [Episode Descriptions]

October 12 -15 , 1987:  10/12 cm, no end credits, 10/13 cm, no end credits, 10/14 cm, no end credits, 10/15 cm, no end credit [Episode Descriptions]

October 16- 22, 1987:  10/16 cm, last min cuts off, no end credits, 10/19 Duke & Anna's Wedding, 10/20 Duke & Anna's wedding, reception, 10/21, 10/22 cm [Episode Descriptions]

October 23 -29, 1987:  10/23, 10/26, 10/27, 10/28, 10/29 [Episode Descriptions]

October 30 - November 5, 1987: 10/30 Duke & Anna fish and wind up in the pond, 11/2, 11/3 Tony & Lucy's wedding, 11/4, 11/5 [Episode Descriptions]

November 6 -12, 1987: 11/6, 11/9, 11/10, 11/11 cm, 11/12 cm [Episode Descriptions]

November 13-19 ,1987: 11/13, 11/16, 11/17, 11/18, 11/19 [Episode Descriptions]

November 20 -25, 1987: 11/20, 11/23 cm, 11/24 cm, 11/25 cm [Episode Descriptions]

November 26 - December 2, 1987: 11/26 cms, 11/27 cms, 11/30 Kin Shriner returns as Scotty, 12/1, 12/2 [Episode Descriptions]

December 3- 10,1987: 12/3, 12/4, 12/7 missed three mins news pre-emption, 12/8, 12/9, 12/10 (first half show missing) [Episode Descriptions]

December 11 - 15, 1987: 12/11, 12/14, 12/15, 12/16, 12/17 [Episode Descriptions]

December 18 - 24, 1987: 12/18, 12/21, 12/22, 12/23 cm, 12/24 (no show aired 12/25) [Episode Descriptions]

December 28, 1987 - January 4, 1988:  12/28, 12/29, 12/30, 12/31, 1/4/88 [Episode Descriptions]

Expanded Episode Descriptions

July 3 - 21, 1987:  7/3 cm, 7/6 Robert & Sean captured by Ramos, hitman follows Duke & Camilla to Biscayne, Elena enters, (no show Contra Hearings 7/7-7/15), 7/16 Robert & Sean are in a cell with Ingstrom, 7/17  Monica & Greta are captured by Ramos, Anna saves Duke from hitman, Lucy loses the baby, (no show 7/20 hearings), 7/21 cm no closing credits

July 3, 1987 - No Commercials - Felicia checks in on BJ. Terri asks Dusty to record a new song with her that her former music teacher gave her. Dusty has a weird reaction to the title “40 Million Stars”. Alan asks Rosa the real reason why Monica went to the Biscayne Islands. Annual July 4th bash in the park. Felicia learns that Lucy is interviewing candidates for a mother’s helper. Lucy stalls in hiring anyone. Terri learns the song is from Anna and Robert. Tom and Simone tape another episode of Teen Rap. Terri questions what is wrong with Dusty. He admits he is edgy these days. Tiffany tells Terri and Dusty she has a new gig for them next week in Watkins Glenn. Tony hires a mother’s helper for Lucy.

July 6, 1987 - No Commercials - Terri and Dusty read their reviews from their Toledo gig. Dusty is freaked when he sees the report of Agent’s Rush’s murder in the paper as well.  Sean and Robert unload their gear near Ramos’s compound. Duke and Camilla arrive in the Biscayne Islands. Duke learns that Anna is with Robert at the hotel. Anna is ticked when Duke shows up at her hotel room door, Duke insists on waiting for Robert to return but soon realizes it is futile to wait and returns to his room. Robert and Sean scale the cliff behind Ramos’s compound to plant some explosive devices around a hut but hey are spotted by the guards. Dusty apologies to Terri. Robert and Sean are brought to the compound. Ramos demands the 1 million dollars. Robert wants to look at the merchandise before he hands over the money. Robert and Sean see that Eric Ingstrom is alive. Ramos informs Elena that he has Sean and Robert.

July 16, 1987 - No Commercials - Patrick blows his top at GH again. Lucy has a pain in her stomach. Robert and Sean are thrown into the same cell as Eric. They begin work on the bars of the window leading to the outside. Felicia meets with Dan Rooney about the proposed day care center funding. Problem is GH does not have the space for the center. Lucy fires her mother’s helper. Patrick returns to GH drunk. Amy and Felicia try and sober him up and Amy covers for him with Dan. Walt proposes to Felicia where he thinks the daycare center could go at GH. Eric learns about what Greta has been doing the last two years while he has been gone. Tony learns Lucy fired her mother’s helper. Ramos threatens Anna, Greta, and Monica’s lives. Sean and Robert need to work fast. Lucy gets another pain in her stomach and Tony brings her to GH.

July 17, 1987 - No Commercials - The Qs are concerned, as they have not heard from Monica. Edward questions Rosa. Juan accuses Ramos of double crossing him. Lucy and the baby make it through the night. Tony does not want Felicia to tell Bobbie and Jake about Lucy’s near miscarriage. Camilla shows up at Anna’s door trying to explain about when Anna found them at the cabin. She does need protection and they are on the island to get Robert’s help. Anna shouldn’t shut Duke out because of her. Monica calls Alan telling him she will be home tomorrow if all goes well. Anna and Duke take care of the hit-man that is after Camilla. Anna has to admit that Duke was telling the truth. Ramos’s men take Greta and Monica. Thinking she is Anna, Camilla is taken as well. All three are brought to Ramos. Anna places Barrett with Inspector Herrera. Lucy miscarries the baby. Duke insists on helping Anna.

July 21, 1987 - With Commercials - Anna and Duke stake out the bank. Jake and Bobbie learn that Lucy lost the baby. Monica, Greta and Camilla are thrown into the same cell as Eric, Robert, and Sean. Greta and Eric are reunited. Bobbie questions Tony if Lucy brought on the miscarriage herself. Ramos rejects Robert’s plan to get him his 1 million dollars and release the hostages. Jake pleads with him not to buy into Lucy’s act. Tony questions Lucy about what happened with the baby. Lucy’s doctor backs her up telling Tony that Lucy could never have carried the baby to term. Greta, Monica, and Camilla are separated from Sean and Robert and Robert hears they are being taken to the hut where he and Sean set the explosives. Sean and Robert need to get word to Anna. Monica and Juan are sent to get the money. Monica convinces Juan to stall Ramos. Monica warns Anna and Duke about the explosives.

July 22 - 29, 1987:  7/22 cm, (no show 7/23, 7/24), 7/27 cm, Anna & Duke set bombs to go off, 7/28 cm, 7/29, (7/30 no show aired)

July 22, 1987 - With Commercials - Juan sabotages the jeep to stall for time. Duke tells Anna that their time at the bank just proves that she still loves him. Dusty tells Terri he can’t record the “40 Million Stars” song with her. Elena tightens her strangle hold on Dusty. Elena leaves the Biscaynes with the assurance that Ramos can handle the situation with the WSB agents. Juan calls Ramos with word that the jeep as broken down. Dusty comes through for Terri. Sean and Robert finally manage to bust through the bars of their cell but are foiled making their escape. Anna works on the large explosives around the hut. After their near escape, Robert, Eric, and Sean are brought to Ramos. Eric is spared but Sean and Robert are going to face the firing squad. Robert and Sean stall for time.

July 27, 1987 - With Commercials - Some of the smaller explosives go off around the hut, just in the nick of time for Robert and Sean. Ramos’s men find out that Juan sabotaged the jeep and he and Monica are forced to flee. Anna and Duke flee the explosives. Sean and Robert rescue Greta, Eric, and Camilla. Edward suggests Alan contact Tiffany about what Sean is up too. Juan takes Monica to a safe place. Anna and Duke pick up Robert and the others in the jeep. The gang return to the hotel.  Sean and Robert play dumb with Inspector Herrera. They learn that the hit-man who was after Camilla was killed attempting to escape. Alan questions Tiffany about Sean being in the Biscaynes. Tiffany believes that Sean is up to no good. The resistance believes that Juan is unsafe now that he has betrayed Ramos. He must leave the country immediately. Monica offers to take Juan back to PC. Monica learns everyone is safe. Anna apologies to Camilla.

July 28, 1987 - With Commercials - Bobbie and Jake feel terrible about the loss of the baby. Lucy lets Tony hear that she is looking for a place to live. Corey tells Tom he doesn’t feel he needs any more therapy but Tom thinks he should continue. Tony tells Ruby he is confused about his feelings for Lucy. Bobbie is ready to power through her therapy but pulls a tendon. Another “Teen Rap” show. Simone’s parents arrive in PC for a visit. Simone makes sure they are too busy to spent time with Tom. Bobbie ends up in a neck brace. Tony tells Corey he forgives him for Tania’s death. Dusty gives Terri a bracelet. The two share a kiss. Tom learns that Simone assured her parents that she and Tom were not getting married. Tony apologies to Lucy for doubting her and asks her to stay on at his house.

July 29, 1987 - With Commercials - Monica returns home with Juan. She lies to the Qs about what happened in the Biscaynes. Now that they are home, Duke wants to know what Camilla said to Anna their last night in the Biscaynes. Duke thanks Camilla for clearing the air between him and Anna. Barrett wants to get into the witness protection program but Robert assures him the threat to the WSB agents is still out there. But Barrett is dead weight to them so the WSB crew decides to hand him over the feds. Felicia gets a letter from Frisco. Terri drops off the recording she made of “40 Millions Stars” and Robert puts the tape through the WSB computer. Alan and Edward have proof that Monica has been lying. Sean has some explaining to do to Tiffany. Tiffany wants an exclusive on the Biscayne rescue but Sean wants her to put on lid on it. Sean asks Tiffany out. Anna tells Duke that nothing has changed between them. Duke invites Robert and Anna to the club. Victor Jerome pays Camilla a visit to tell her that the threat to her is for sure over. Tiffany and Sean join Alan and Monica at their table at Dukes. Tiffany tells Alan that she learned nothing about what went on down in the Biscaynes from Sean. Anna and Duke share a tango.

July 31 - August 6, 1987:  7/31 cm, no end credits, 8/3, 8/4, 8/5, 8/6 R&A in Paris, Tiffany learns Wolfgang is a crook

July 31, 1987 - With Commercials - Lucy is released from the hospital. Jake sets up an appointment at the adoption agency but Bobbie wants to cancel it. She does not want to go through the disappointment again. Jake convinces her. Tom thanks Tony for releasing Corey of the guilt he felt over Tanya. Camilla tells Tom about how she still wants Duke in her life. Jake meets with the adoption agency. He has to reveal Bobbie’s condition and is thrilled to hear that it will not hurt their chances for a child. Bobbie has some harsh words for Lucy. Jake shows Bobbie that they are on the waiting list for a baby. Camilla tells Tom that Dan has agreed to take her case to the board so she can be reinstated at GH.

August 3, 1987 - No Commercials - Tiffany is thrilled after Terri and Dusty performance in Watkins Glenn. Tiffany asks Terri if there is any magic happening off the stage with Dusty as well. Sean hands over the daily running of HTI to Wolfgang and Duke while he works on the WSB case. Duke tells Sean that he will not be sitting behind a desk at HTI quietly while Anna is in danger. Greta and Eric say goodbye to Anna and Robert. Alan pressures Rosa to talk to Juan about what Sean was doing in the Biscaynes. Greta says goodbye to Sean. Tiffany overhears them talking about  “secrets”. Edward wants the million dollars back. He tires to call the immigration office on Juan. Sean asks Robert if he is falling in love with Anna again. Duke tells Anna that he suspects Robert is falling in love with her. Dusty tells Terri he loves her. Dusty wants Terri to meet Elena. Rosa questions Juan about the danger in the Biscaynes. Greta says goodbye to Monica. Duke suspects that the reason Robert does not want him involved in the case is because he does not want him near Anna. (Note: Scene ends abruptly) Dusty sets up a meet between Elena and Terri.

August 4, 1987 - No Commercials - Alan learns that Sean and Monica were in the same hotel in the Biscaynes. Philomena calls Robert and Anna, as Robin is home sick for PC. They agree to meet Robin in Paris for a visit Anna asks Felicia to watch the PI office. Dusty and Terri are flown by private jet to Elena’s estate in Southampton. Alan tells Tiffany his suspicions about Sean and Monica. He is out to destroy Sean. Tiffany wants to give Sean one more chance. Anna admits that she has feeling for both Robert and Duke but she wants to concentrate on her job and Robin. Terri meets Elena and she finds her close relationship with Dusty off putting. Tiffany gets the kiss off from Sean and she tells him he will regret it. Anna explains to Duke why she is going to Paris. Elena wants a full dossier on Terri O’Conner. Sean accidentally books Robert and Anna into the same hotel in Paris where the spent their honeymoon. A drunk Tiffany shows up at GH telling Alan that she is now ready to team up with him to get Sean. Alan wants Tiffany to snoop around HTI.

August 5, 1987 - No Commercials - Edward tells Monica that he tried to call immigration on Juan but he could not get through. Felicia asks Dan if she can talk to the GH board about the proposed daycare center. Audrey is taking Steve place at the meeting. Tom goes to bat for Camilla. Felicia gives her two cents to the board about the center. The board decides to put the daycare center on hold for 6 months. Lucy tells Tony she wants to go back to school. Monica interrupts Alan trying to call immigration on Juan. Someone throws a rock through the window at Kellys. Bobbie has feeling in her feet. Dan wants Alan to go to NYC on hospital business. Camilla pleads her case to the GH board and they accept her back. Bobbie is examined at GH and Tony wants her to stay over night so he can perform more tests. Tony agrees to let Lucy stay for 2 more months with him till she finds a place.

August 6, 1987 - No Commercials - Sean finds Tiffany snooping around his desk at HTI. Robert and Anna arrive at their Paris hotel. Anna is suspicious of Robert’s choice in hotels. Monica tries to get Alan not to call immigration on Juan. When Monica refuses to tell Alan the whole truth about what happened on the island, he tells her she has given him no choice. Robin and Philomena arrive in Paris.  Sean gives Wolfgang his power of attorney so he can handle all HTI business. Alan sees Monica go to Sean for help with Juan. Sean agrees to work his contacts at immigration and get Juan legal papers. Tiffany learns that Wolfgang is a fraud and hears him talk about a bank account in Switzerland. She gets his account number and code name. At a café with Anna, Robert notices DVX head Peter Blanco at a nearby table. Tiffany tells Alan about Wolfgang being a fraud and the band account. They plot to raid Wolfgang’s Swiss bank account.

August 7 -13, 1987:  8/7 some cm, 8/10 (last :20 mins jumpy) Lucy begins her seduction of Tony, 8/11 (not jumpy), 8/12 (not jumpy), 8/13 (jumpy)

August 7, 1987 - No Commercials - Bobbie is waiting on her test results from Tony. Terri tells Bobbie that Dusty is very different when he is around his friend Elena. Elena wants Dusty to fly back to her house in Southampton. Elena gets her file on Terri. Sean learns that immigration officials are on their way to pick up Juan at the penthouse. Sean recruits Felicia to pose as Juan’s wife. He gives the officials Juan’s bogus papers and Juan is off the hook. Terri learns from Duke that Dusty boarded an expensive plane at the airport. Dusty learns Elena ran a background check on Terri. Duke learns that Anna and Robert are staying at the hotel where they spent their honeymoon. Duke sends roses to Paris. Bobbie learns that her tests show improvement. Elena wants Terri to be her unwitting accomplice. Dusty and Terri make love.

August 10, 1987 - No Commercials - Lucy receives a sexy negligee. Amy and Walt make a date. A new fellow nurse, Celeste, thinks Walt is cute. Duke’s roses arrive in Paris for Anna. Robert learns that Agent Blanco has been found dead. Two fellow agents want authorization from Elena to eliminate Devane and Scorpio in Paris. Philomena asks Anna if she is torn between Robert and Duke. Philomena learns her niece is in the hospital. Celeste flirts with Walt and asks him out. Walt cancels on Amy. Patrick asks her out to salvage her evening. (Note: Episode is jumpy for 3-4 minutes) Robert confirms at the morgue that it was indeed Blanco that was pulled out of the river. The DVX thinks that his killing was a WSB hit but Robert confirms that a couple was tailing Blanco the other night at the café. Robert suspects that Valentine and Blanco’s deaths are connected. Tom asks Camilla out and then blows off Simone claiming he has a date. At the Floating Rib, Amy sees Walt and Celeste out on a date. She is ticked that Walt lied. Patrick ruins Walt’s night. Lucy tries on her new negligee and gives Tony an eye full. Anna and Robert insist Philomena go to Italy to help her family and Robert wants to leave for home with Robin. Elena gives authorization for a double hit on Scorpio and Devane but the agents arrive too late.

August 11, 1987 - No Commercials - Terri and Dusty in bed together. Elena learns that her two agents, Claude and Renee, failed to eliminate Anna and Robert. Elena terminates her agreement with them. She needs a killing machine to take care of Devane and Scorpio. Amy tells Bobbie that she likes Patrick and wants to know where he stands with Terri. Walt tries to make things up to Amy. Amy invites him to the daycare center benefit at Dukes. Bobbie gets her leg braces. Amy rubs it in Celeste’s face that Walt asks her. Then Amy calls off the date with Walt to teach him a lesson. Patrick and Amy make a date. Bobbie is worried about an ill Martha. Elena sends two agents to PC after Anna and Robert as well as Sean. Their signal will be the song “40 Million Stars” at Duke’s Cub tomorrow at the benefit. Terri and Dusty have a picnic in the park.

August 12, 1987 - No Commercials - Monica persuades Edward to go to the benefit for the daycare center with her. Robert, Anna, and Robin are back from Paris. Anna asks Bobbie to watch Robin. Robert gives Jake his legal wishes for Robin if something should happen. Robert fills Sean in on what happened in Paris. Robin is a bit put off by Bobbie’s condition until Bobbie reassures her. Monica mentions to Tiffany that she might go to NYC to surprise Alan. Monica is suspicious when Tiffany thinks it is a bad idea. Duke questions Robert why he went back to his honeymoon hotel in Paris. Tony invites Lucy to the benefit. Bobbie and Robin make a pasta dinner. The benefit gets underway. Tiffany gets a copy of Wolfgang’s signature. Dusty and Terri sing. Tiffany calls Alan with the news that she has Wolfgang’s signature and she is sending it via courier to him. The plot to kill Robert and Anna goes wrong.

August 13, 1987 - No Commercials. Note: Episode is slightly jumpy - Sean worries when he does not hear from Robert. Robin reveals to Bobbie and Jake that she knows her parents are in trouble even though they try and pretend everything is fine. Sean tells Duke that Anna and Robert are headed to the cottage to hide out. Duke will keep an eye on Robin. Duke picks up Robin to take her to the penthouse. Anna and Robert arrive at the cottage. Thinking someone is breaking in, Sean almost takes Felicia’s head off when she arrives at the PI office. Sean puts her to work. Patrick learns that things are very serious with Terri and Dusty. Anna and Duke think of each other.  Robin asks Duke about his feeling for Anna. Lucy sets up a romantic late dinner for Tony and the two end up in a passionate kiss.

August 14 - 20, 1987:  8/14, 8/15, 8/18, 8/20 (8/14-8/17 all jumpy episodes)

August 14, 1987 - No Commercials. Note: Episode is jumpy - Elena is angry as Robert and Anna escaped the hit she put on them. Robert is having a rough morning after sleeping on the couch at the cottage. Elena wants to make amends with Dusty. She wants to plan a party and invite Terri. She requests they sing “Forty Million Stars” at the party. Martha is checked out at the clinic. Duke tells Sean about Elena, the party, and “Forty Million Dollar Stars”. Anna makes Robert a less than appetizing breakfast in bed. Duke walks in on them horsing around. Duke gives them the message about the song. Robert gets an invite to Elena’s party via Dusty. With a thunderstorm rolling in, Duke is forced to stay at the cottage with Anna and Robert for the night.

August 17, 1987 - No Commercials. Note: Episode is slighty jumpy and audio hiss starts around 20 minutes into the episode - Duke wants to go with Robert and Anna to the party. Robert warns him that it is WSB business. Elena is sending her private plane for Dusty and his friends. Andy Mathews brings his daughter Susie to see Simone. Edward plots to take over HTI. Duke admits to Anna that he is jealous of the time that Robert spends with her. Anna tells him there is nothing between her and Robert. Anna tells him she forgives him and they share a kiss. Monica diagnosis Susie with a cardiac murmur. Sean ids the two agents that tried to kill Anna and Robert at Duke’s Club. (Note: Audio hiss starts and continues till the end of the episode) The Roaring 20’s party at Elena mansion gets underway. Robert and Anna think the party may be more than they bargained for. Tiffany has to come clean with her and Alan’s plan with Edward. He wants in. Sean tries to get word to Anna and Robert about the assassins. He and Duke leave for Southampton. Dusty and Terri sing at the party. Elena makes sure Terri and Dusty are not on the plane back to PC with Anna and Robert.

August 18, 1987 - No Commercials. Note: Slight audio hiss throughout the episode - Elena’s agents tinker with the private plane. Tiffany snoops around the HTI office again.  When Wolfgang catches her, she flirts with him and asks him out for a drink. Elena’s party continues. Anna and Robert question Dusty about his connection to Elena. Duke and Sean arrive at the airport and find the plane. Sean wants to plan that Elena only thinks she killed Anna and Robert. Sean and Duke save Anna and Robert just before the plane blows up. Wolfgang stands Tiffany up. Tiffany rousts Edward from his bed and the two decide to make sure Wolfgang has not left town thus ruining Alan’s plan. Elena tells Terri and Dusty that Robert and Anna are dead. Sean stashes Anna and Robert in the catacombs and they are reunited with Robin. Tiffany and Edward check out Wolfgang’s apartment and think that he skipped town and is headed to the bank in Europe. They have to warn Alan. Duke tells Felicia that they have to act like Anna and Robert are dead. Olin arrives to takes Anna, Robert, and Robin to her place.

August 19, 1987 - No Commercials. Note: Note: Slight audio hiss throughout the episode - Edward lets it slip that Alan is on his way to Switzerland. Dusty and Terri tell Tiffany and Jake that Robert and Anna are dead. Sean tells Jake and Tiffany that Robin has been sent to Italy with Philomena. Terri tells Dusty that she suspects foul play in the plane explosion. Tiffany wants to set up a memorial. Jake reads Robert’s note that he gave to him. Tiffany tells Edward about Anna and Robert. Jake wants Duke to level with him as Robert’s wishes in his letter contradict what Sean and he have done where Robin is concerned. Elena wants Terri to sing 40 Million Stars with some new lyrics at the memorial. Rosa gives Edward’s cigars away to the Q mansion staff. The two share a hug, when Rosa explains she only did it because she does not want him to die for a smoke. Dusty convinces Terri to sing at the memorial.

August 20, 1987 - No Commercials. Note: Slight audio hiss throughout the episode - The rest of PC learns about Anna and Robert. Dusty mentions the lyric changes Elena made to the song to Terri. Terri resents Elena butting into their music. Anna, Robert, and Robin hiding out at Olin’s place. Jake tells Bobbie about Anna and Robert. Anna learns from Duke about the song lyric changes requested from Elena. The song contains the words “monumental stone like, and faces.”  Bobbie finds it strange that Robin was sent to Italy so quickly. Tiffany wants to do a special on Robert and Anna. The memorial for Anna and Robert at Duke’s Club. Sean notices two agent types who take a special interest in the song that Terri sings. Tony and Lucy share another kiss. Robert, Anna, and Sean get a lead on the song…they suspect it contains morse code.

August 21 -27, 1987:  8/21, 8/24, 8/25, 8/26, 8/27

August 21, 1987 - No Commercials. Note: Slight audio hiss throughout the episode - Edward and Tiffany call Alan in Switzerland. They tell him Wolfgang has split and they suspect he is on his way to the bank. Alan does not want Edward to interfere but he does anyway. He puts a tail on Wolfgang. Tom learns that Andy Matthews wants to ask Simone out. Wolfgang gets new id papers and a gun. Rosa tells Monica that she and Edward are getting along better now. Alan poses as Wolfgang and gets his hands on the 12 million dollars. with a little help from Edward. Audrey is worried that Simone got the wrong impression from her and Steve that they disapprove of them as a couple. Steve thinks Audrey should let Tom and Simone work it out. Simone rejects Andy but they later make peace. Tiffany and Edward get word that Alan has the 12 million.

August 24, 1987 - No Commercials. Note: Slight audio hiss throughout the episode - Bobbie and Jake suspect that Anna and Robert’s death is a hoax. Anna. Robert, and Sean working on the code. Bobbie learns that Martha has been rushed to GH with a bleeding ulcer. Sean needs to find out what the numbers from the code mean. Susie is released from GH. Andy hits on Simone again. Bobbie wants Melissa and her brother to stay with her while Martha is at GH. Duke has an idea about what the numbers mean from the song. Robin pegs the numbers a longitude and latitude. Tiffany tells Terri and Dusty that she got them a gig at Mount Rushmore for two upcoming weekends. Dusty claims he can’t make the 2nd weekend because of a commitment. Robert wants to know that story on Dusty. Robert thinks Sean can get information on him from Tiffany. Robert and the gang learn that the numbers correspond to Mt. Rushmore.

August 25, 1987 - No Commercials. Note: Slight audio hiss throughout the episode - Dusty tells Tiffany he can’t sing at Rushmore, end of discussion. Monica wants to know from Edward what Alan is doing in Switzerland. Edward claims it is a financial matter and none of her business. Sean tries to sweet talk Tiffany. He invites her back to his place and promises the scoop on Anna and Robert’s death. Terri is livid with Dusty for tossing a great opportunity gig out the window. Bobbie lays down the ground rules with Melissa. After a few glass of champaign, Tiffany tells Sean about Dusty bailing on the Rushmore gig. Sean, knowing he has to get the information to Robert, tells Tiffany he has to go. Dusty still refuses to tell Terri what is so important he can’t make the gig. If he can’t trust her they have nothing more to say. 

August 26, 1987 - No Commercials. Note: Slight audio hiss throughout the episode - A slightly tipsy Tiffany shows up at Dukes. Tiffany thinks Duke is hiding something. Sean reports back to Robert and Anna that Dusty and Terri will be at Rushmore. Camilla pays her respects to Duke. Lucy and Tony are uncomfortable around each other after their kiss. Tom agrees with Simone to put their relationship on hold. Duke again presses Robert to keep Anna safe. Robert wants Anna to take Robin and leave. She tells him no way that she is staying. Sean, Ann, and Robert speculate about if Rushmore is a red herring or a lure. Simone gets a pang of jealousy when she sees Tom and Camilla together at Kellys. Tony and Lucy make love.

August 27, 1987 - No Commercials. Note: Slight audio hiss throughout the episode - Terri tells Tiffany that she has no idea what is going on with Dusty. Sean and Robert tell Felicia that Dusty is somehow involved in their mission. Felicia offers to keep an eye on Dusty. Tiffany pushes Terri to talk with Dusty one more time. Dusty wants to see Elena. Robin is restless cooped up at Olin’s. Terri learns that Dusty went to Southampton. Felicia finds Terri crying. Dusty questions Elena about what is so important about this weekend. Elena tells him to go to Mt. Rushmore. Dusty calls Terri with the news that the trip is on but now she does not want to go. Robert brings a playmate for Robin to hang out with. After speaking with Felicia, Robert orders a 24-hour surveillance on Elena. Dusty pleads his case with Terri and she agrees to the trip. Elena leaves for Rushmore.

August 28-September 3, 1987:  8/28, 8/31, 9/1 Sean and R&A let Tiffany in on the plan, 9/2, 9/3 Duke arrives at Mt. Rushmore

August 28, 1987 - No Commercials - Monica has a broken ankle after falling at the hospital. Alan returns home from Switzerland. Monica wants to know what Alan was doing in Europe but he reveals nothing to her. Tiffany, Terri, and Dusty arrive in South Dakota. Terri gives Dusty the cold shoulder. Robert and Anna in disguise check-in to their hotel. The kids film another “Teen Rap” show. Robert and Anna look for the amphitheater where Dusty will be performing. Edward wants the 12 million from Alan. Alan tells him it is in a safe place. Terri and Dusty see the Air Force Band. Monica wants to make things right between her and Alan but he can’t stop thinking about what he thinks went on with Sean in the Biscayne Islands. Sean calls Robert with the news that Elena is in town. Robert wants Sean in South Dakota pronto.

August 31, 1987 - No Commercials - Duke wants the truth from Sean. Robert and Anna tail Dusty and Terri. After talking with Tony, Bobbie is very worried about Martha. Duke wants where Anna has gone from Felicia. Sean arrives at the amphitheater. Robert notices Elena in the crowd. With info from Felicia, Duke books a flight to South Dakota but Robin does not want him to go. Dusty is surprised to see Elena. Sean is busted when Tiffany notices him. He loses Elena trying to cover with Tiffany. Anna and Robert lose Terri and Dusty in the Rushmore Caves. Tony tells Lucy that what happened between them was evitable. Robert and Anna get lost in the cave.

September 1, 1987 - No Commercials - Edward wants to make sure Alan does not tell Monica about the 12 million. Monica is determined to find out what they are not telling her. Anna and Robert are still hopelessly lost in the cave. Terri and Dusty back at the hotel end up in bed. Robert and Anna find Elena in the cave going over her plans. Sean has some explaining to do with Tiffany. Edward tries to convince Alan that the 12 million is theirs.  Monica tries again with Alan to convince him that she did nothing to compromise their marriage. Tiffany learns Anna and Robert are alive. They have to let her in on the plan and promise Tiffany a story if she keeps her mouth shut. Robert and the gang plot to break into Elena’s room.

September 2, 1987 - No Commercials - Tony tells Bobbie that Martha will need extended care, as her ulcer remains serious. Robert briefs the other WSB agents. Tony tells Martha that she will need care in debilitation center in Colorado. Bobbie offers to take care of her kids. Melissa does not take it well. Tiffany gets Elena out of her hotel room while Anna dressed as a maid breaks in and plant a bugs and takes pictures of her files. Another “Teen Rap” show. Sean develops Anna’s film. Bobbie calls Tom for help with Melissa. Anna has a list of all the DXV heads from Elena’s address book. Corey tries to get through to Melissa. Terri and Dusty are nervous about their performance.

September 3, 1987 - No Commercials - The WSB agents stake out the concert at Rushmore. Terri and Dusty’s show gets under way. Duke arrives at the amphitheater just as “40 Million Stars” starts. During the song, the band drummer signals his fellow DVX agents with morse code. Duke spots Anna. Lucy sets up a dinner alone with Tony. Tony catches her in a lie. Robert is ticked to see Duke with Anna at the meet. Tony confronts Lucy about lying but the two end up in a clinch in the kitchen. Robert tells Anna that Mt Rushmore was just a diversion to pull them away from Elena’s real plot. Later when they are alone, Robert wants Duke to leave but he refuses.

September 4 -10, 1987:  9/4, 9/7, 9/8, 9/9, 9/10

September 4, 1987 - No Commercials - Bobbie worries about Melissa. Felicia sneaks Robin up to her apartment and finds Melissa there. Bobbie let Melissa stay in her apartment while Felicia was watching Robin at Olin’s. Robert and Sean continue to monitor the bugs from Elena’s room. As part of Robert’s new plan to get Elena to tip her hand, Tiffany needs to set up an interview with Dusty and Terri. Bobbie is shocked to see Robin and Felicia has to come clean with her. Bobbie takes another step toward walking. Tiffany invites Elena to her interview with Dusty and Terri to get her out of her hotel suite. The WSB boys go to work rigging Elena’s TV. Jake sees Bobbie walking without crutches. Elena sees on her TV set that her plan has been blown.

September 7, 1987 - No Commercials - nna and Duke grow closer. Elena suspects her agents screwed up. Elena changes her timetable. She wants to hold a press conference. Dusty gets a bag delivered to his hotel room Elena takes credit for the peace demonstration at Rushmore and future events to come. Dusty plays a song he wrote for Terri. Anna and Robert reveal themselves to be alive to Elena. Robert arrests Elena. Robert and Anna want to know that her next target is. Elena pulls a gun on Anna and the two struggle and Elena gets away. All part of Robert’s plan. Anna wants Robert to make Duke go home, as she does not want anything to happen to him. Dusty gets his final reminder from Elena. Terri tries to stop Dusty but he leaves the hotel room with the bag. Robert makes sure Duke doesn’t follow Anna. Robert knocks him out, tie him up, and leave him in the hotel room.

September 8, 1987 - No Commercials - Sean tries to blow off Tiffany but she follows him. Anna and Robert follow Dusty. Dusty boards a train and plants a bomb. Amy checks on Patrick at the brownstone after a fight with Steve. Robert gives Anna the slip and boards the train. Anna steals a horse. Dusty returns back at the hotel room to an upset Terri acting like nothing happened. Terri is packing. He smoothes things over with her. Anna boards the train and gets trapped with the bomb. Robert jumps to safety not noticing she is not right behind him. Sean and Tiffany are following the train from the roads in a convertible. Duke, who was tracking the plane via helicopter, saves Anna. Both are able to get off the train before it explodes. The team now needs to find Dusty. They later find Dusty on a picnic with Terri and take him into custody.

September 9, 1987 - No Commercials - Anna calls Felicia with the news about Dusty. Jake calls Tony with the news that Bobbie is walking. Simone mentions to Tom about seeing him on “a date” with Camilla. Felicia tells Bobbie and Jake about Dusty being arrested. Tony wants to keep his relationship with Lucy a secret. Bobbie and Melissa say goodbye to Martha who is off to Colorado. Lucy pulls the “lady of the house” routine when Tony’s housekeeper, Briddie, finds out she is sleeping with Tony. Tony talks with Felicia about moving on after Tonya with another woman. Tony learns that Lucy and Briddie got into a fight. Tony lets his housekeeper, Briddie, go.

September 10, 1987 - No Commercials - Felicia and Robin meet Robert and Anna at the airport. Dusty is taken to the PCPD from the plane. Anna tells Felicia that the mastermind behind the entire plan is still out there so things are not settled. Felicia notices a change in Duke and Anna. Terri fills Jake and Bobbie in about what happened with Dusty. Terri suspects all of Dusty’s trouble is tied to Elena. Terri asks for Jake’s help. Sean and Robert question Dusty, who is clueless about what happened. Jake arrives at the PCPD to talk with Dusty, who has been charged with treason. Sean arrives home to a waiting Tiffany. She is going ahead with her story on Mt Rushmore no matter what. Jake questions Dusty about what he knows about Elena. Jake tells Scorpio that he believes that Elena brainwashed Dusty. Anna puts Duke on hold. Bobbie is upset when Melissa breaks curfew and grounds her.

September 11 -18, 1987:  9/11 Robert moves in with Sean, 9/14 Dusty's hearing begins, (9/15 no show Pope's visit), 9/16, 9/17, 9/18

September 11, 1987 - No Commercials - Tiffany tells Edward that Sean double-crossed her again on an exclusive story. She wants to get him now more than ever. Robert packs his things to move out of Anna’s apartment. Anna and Robert explain things to Robin. Anna is sad to see Robert go. Tiffany and Edward meet with Alan. Tiffany warns them not to double cross her. Sean learns that Wolfgang has flown the coupe. Terri visits Dusty in prison. Dusty defends Elena. Robert moves in with Sean. Barrett is reveled as Elena’s secret partner. Barrett wants Elena to leave the country with him. Sean meets with the HTI controller and learns 12 million dollars is missing from the company. Monica warns Sean that Alan, Tiffany, and Edward are up to something. Duke spends the day with Anna and Robin. Robert calls Anna with the news that Dusty’s hearing is tomorrow.

September 14, 1987 - No Commercials - Jake gets the tape from the WSB phone tap on Dusty’s phone. Philomena returns to PC. Robert and Sean learn Barrett has gone missing from witness protection. After listening to the tape, Jake thinks that the tape is proof that brainwashing occurred, but it may not be enough to save Dusty. Tom meets with Dusty and witnesses his hypnotic state when the tape is played. Melissa apologies to Bobbie. Anna takes a day off from her WSB work to spend it with Duke. Tom tells Jake about Dusty’s reaction to the tape. Barrett returns with tickets to leave the country and finds Elena gone. With Bobbie and Tony way, Melissa’s new friends make themselves comfortable at the brownstone. Terri testifies at Dusty’s trial. Duke still has some questions for Anna regarding her feelings for Robert. Anna tells him that he has her heart. Just as Robert is about to take the stand, he gets an urgent message from Elena. She wants the charges dropped against Dusty. Anna and Duke make love.

September 16, 1987 - No Commercials - Melissa’s friend party it up at the brownstone. Elena and Robert plan a meet at the Acorn Building. Robert wants an adjournment at the trial, as he will have a new witness. Alan wants an emergency executive session for the HTI board. Edward will support Alan’s takeover as long as he gets the presidency of HTI. Dusty is upset as Terri’s testimony pegged Elena as controlling him. Edward and Alan try and sweet-talk Tiffany for her vote at the boardmeeting. Robert learns that Dusty was in Toledo the same day as Agent Rush’s murder. Felicia tells Sean and Robert about the bullets she found in Dusty’s room. Bobbie and Jake bust a drunk Melissa when they return to find the Brownstone trashed. Robert and Sean stake out the Acorn Building, but all they get is a phone call from Elena in the lobby.

September 17, 1987 - No Commercials - Anna and Duke in bed together. Felicia learns that Tony fired Briddie. Edward lays out his case against Sean’s mismanagement of HTI. The Q’s grill Sean on his trips and the whereabouts of Wolfgang. Lucy moves out of Tony’s house. Sean gets the boot out of HTI but in a surprising twist Monica gets the presidency of HTI. Sean accuses her of stabbing him in the back. Felicia questions Tony about Lucy and Briddie. Over a romantic dinner, Duke asks Anna to marry him. Lucy admits that she started off going after Tony for all the things he could give her, but now she has fallen in love with him. Sean vows to find Wolfgang.

September 18, 1987 - No Commercials - Jake and Bobbie question Melissa about the party. She refuses to rat on her friends. Robert tells the DA that they must keep the pressure on Dusty as that is the lure to get Elena. Robert testifies at the hearing. Tony is angry when Lucy shows up at GH wanting to talk. Jake gets Robert to admit that he never actually saw Dusty plant the bomb on the train. Tony apologies to Lucy for his rude behavior at GH. Tony wants to take a vacation to get his head together. Tom testifies in Dusty’s defense. Dusty testifies. Jake plays the tape in court and everyone sees that actions it prompts in him. Bobbie puts her foot down with Melissa. Closing statements in Dusty’s hearing. Dusty is not held over for trial but is ordered to undergo psychiatric treatments. Robert wants to investigate Rush’s murder more closely.

September 21-25, 1987:  9/21, 9/22, 9/23 Robert goes after Elena, 9/24, 9/25 Dusty is told about Elena, Robert receives a letter from Holly that was found in her things

September 21, 1987 - No Commercials - Anna learns the charges against Dusty were dropped. Bobbie wants to have a celebration barbecue, but Dusty doesn’t want to celebrate his innocence when he does not even know what he did. Anna and Duke announce their engagement. Bobbie pushes Terri not to give up on Dusty, even though it appears he has written her off. Melissa promises to not cause any more problems, but later at the park she agrees to go to a party with her new trouble making friends. Robert has a new plan to bring Elena out hiding and Dusty is the key player. Duke and Anna tell Robin they are engaged. Robert comes to the brownstone to pick up Dusty. Jake tells Robert that no way is Dusty cooperating with any plans of his as Dusty could incriminate himself. Dusty signs up for work on a freighter leaving PC.

September 22, 1987 - No Commercials - Robert wants US Attorney to issue a court order to demand Dusty help him trap Elena. Dusty tells Jake he is leaving PC for good. Jake does not think it is a good idea. Rosa gets a letter from Juan. Edward insists that the HTI CEO job is too much for Monica. Monica wants to see the HTI controller. Terri convinces Dusty not to leave and talk with Robert. Robert believes that only way to get Dusty to cooperate is to have him thrown back in jail for the Rush murder. Tiffany and Edward threaten to roll over on Alan. Monica tells them she knows about the 12 million that is missing from HTI. Per Robert’s plan, Dusty gets a call from “Elena” releasing him. Dusty tells Robert everything that happened in Toledo. He gives Robert information on Elena’s two secret hideouts. Rosa tells Monica that she wants to go back to the Biscayne Islands to help the people there. Robert gets an id on Rush’s real killer. Elena makes plans to leave the country.

September 23, 1987 - No Commercials. Note: Slightly lower audio level during the first 30 minutes of this episode - Robert tells Anna he is on his way to arrest Elena in New York. Anna is miffed with Duke when he tells her that he doesn’t want her to go to NYC. He can’t run her life for her. Dusty tells Terri that he is still leaving town. Edward wants to tie Monica into the theft of the 12 million to save his and Alan’s skins. Terri tries one more time with Dusty, as he is ready to board a freighter ship. Robert catches a just about to leave Elena. Monica assures Alan that whoever took the HTI money will be going to jail. Elena tells Robert that Dusty was never really on the inside of her organization. He was just a guinea pig for her experiments with mind control. Dusty returns back to his apartment much to Terri’s delight. Elena clocks Robert and gives him the slip. Duke worries about Anna’s safety in remaining partners with Robert in the agency, as he is always involved with danger. Elena is killed trying to escape.

September 24, 1987 - No Commercials - Felicia and Bobbie learn that Elena is dead. Robert wants Jake to break the news to Dusty. Lucy pulls a scam at Tony’s house while he is away on his vacation. Felicia sees Lucy impersonating “Mrs. Jones”. Tom invites Camilla to dinner. Patrick tells Amy he is feed up with his whole life. Amy suspects he has not gotten over Terri yet. Patrick tells her that he is thinking of moving back to Laurelton. Melissa feels jilted when Corey helps Rosa study for an exam and ignores her. Melissa hooks up with a local bad boy, Zack, and he offers her some pot to help relax her.

September 25, 1987 - No Commercials - Monica informs Edward and Alan about the 3pm boardmeeting regarding the missing money at HTI. Alan and Edward have an emergency meeting with Tiffany. Tiffany comes up with an idea. Terri and Dusty want Tiffany to get them some gigs but Tiffany thinks it is too soon. Anna and Robert take some cases to pay their bills at the PI agency. Tiffany brings her business advisor, Mr. Kelsey, to trip Monica up at the boardmeeting but it backfires. Jake tells Dusty about Elena being dead. Dusty confronts Robert about Elena’s death. He splits after Robert explains what happened. Monica tells the board that she has given the HTI controller one week to find the money and then the matter goes to the authorities. Robert receives a package from a cousin of Holly’s with an envelope from Holly addressed to him.

September 28 - October 2, 1987:  9/28 R&H flashbacks, Dusty leaves town, 9/29, 9/30 Lucy's Aunt Charlene arrives, 10/1, 10/2

September 28, 1987 - No Commercials - Terri searches for Dusty. Robert reads Holly’s letter. Flashbacks of Robert and Holly. Camilla leaves a resignation letter for Steve. Bobbie and Jake learn Melissa cut school, she covers. Melissa invites Corey to dinner at the Brownstone. Camilla joins Tom for dinner and tells him that she is leaving PC for good. Patrick finds Terri searching the docks and persuades her to come home. Felicia finds an emotional Robert. He tells her about the letter from Holly. Camilla says goodbye to Corey. Patrick brings an upset Terri home to Bobbie and Jake.

September 29, 1987 - No Commercials - Camilla says goodbye to Duke. She wishes him and Anna well. The Devane/Scorpio PI office has a lot of bills and a very small bank account. Anna is stressed. Tiffany wants Robert on her TV show today but then realizes his mind is on Holly. They talk things out. More Robert and Holly flashbacks. Lucy brings BJ to see Bobbie. When Melissa meets Lucy and BJ, she offers to be a backup babysitter to BJ. Anna calls to check on Robert, and Tiffany tells her that Holly’s letter was hit him hard. Anna has a plan to get through to Robert. Duke apologies to Anna, for his behavior regarding her work. Anna brings Robin over to see Robert.

September 30, 1987 - No Commercials - Monica tells Alan and Edward that the HTI deadline is now under 24hours before they case is handed over to the authorities. Lucy’s Aunt Charlene comes to GH looking for her. Tiffany learns about the HTI 24 hour deadline. Monica tells Audrey that the 24 hr deadline was a bluff as reporting the 12 million dollar missing would send the HTI stock plummeting but hey have to figure things out before the next HTI boardmeeting in December. Charlene gets Lucy’s address and shows up at the Jones residence. Lucy is not too happy to see her and wants her to leave pronto. Tiffany accuses Alan and Edward of double-crossing her and tears the Q livingroom up. Monica overhears their argument and knows that they stole the 12 million from HTI. Alan calls Monica’s bluff and tells her that she would only hurt herself by hurting HTI. Lucy offers to pay Charlene to leave town but she has no intention of going anywhere.

October 1, 1987 - No Commercials - Sean tracks down Wolfgang in Martinique. Anna and Duke set a date for their wedding. Anna asks Bobbie, Felicia, Tiffany, and Terri to be her bridesmaids. Terri declines. Anna and Duke invite their friends in PC to their wedding. Wolfgang insists to Sean that he does not have the money and that someone stole it. Anna and Robert take another measly PI case to pay the bills. (Note: Video jump during the scene) Anna asks Robert to give her away at the wedding. Patrick asks Amy to be his date at the wedding. Wolfgang tells Sean that it was Alan that took the 12 million from his bank account. Sean wants to know whose orders be was under to embezzle the money in the first place. As they leave a casino, Wolfgang and Sean are beaten up and Wolfgang is killed.

October 2, 1987 - No Commercials - Amy tells Walt that they are finished for good. With some peer pressure from her friends, Melissa ditches school again. Bobbie finds out when the school calls the brownstone. Patrick asks Amy out to dinner. Bobbie and Jake learn about Melissa’s falling grades. Melissa’s new friends harass Ruby at Kellys. They get thrown out and Ruby calls Bobbie and Jake. They later confront Melissa. Felicia gets a letter from Frisco telling her that he will not be home in two weeks as expected. Robert takes a disappointed Felicia to a movie. Amy and Patrick share a kiss. Jake and Bobbie call Martha who wants to see her kids.

October 5 - 9, 1987:  10/5, 10/6, 10/7, 10/8, 10/9 (no end credits)

October 5, 1987 - No Commercials - Anna and Duke go house hunting. Lucy learns that Charlene never left PC. Lucy gets rid of Charlene just as Tony returns from his vacation. Andy hires Noriko as his new housekeeper. Tom wants to bring Simone to a dinner that Jessie has organized but she declines. The Lavery’s learn they might be moving in right next door to Andy Matthews and Susie. Lucy is disappointed when Tony tells her that his feelings for her have not changed. Andy, claiming he wants to discuss Susie, asks Simone to dinner at The Floating Rib. Tom joins Jessie, Steve and Dan at the Rib. Tom sees Simone and Andy. Tony and Lucy get into a heated argument and she wants to move out tomorrow.

October 6, 1987 - No Commercials - Sean is back in PC and pays Monica a visit at HTI. Sean tells her that he found Wolfgang. Tiffany wants Terri back in the studio. Melissa does not want to go to Colorado to see her mother, as she knows her mom will find out all the trouble she has been in. Tom confronts Simone about her dinner with Andy. Bobbie and Jake invite Melissa to Dukes. Felicia asks Lucy want happened between her and Tony. Lucy moves out of Tony’s house. Sean tells Alan that he will be getting back HTI’s 12 million. Alan lays out his demands to Monica in exchange for the 12 million. Tony asks Celeste out. Lucy moves into a dump of an apartment. Tiffany comes clean with Sean about her HTI plan. He doesn’t care about the past and he wants to make things up to her. Melissa reconsiders the trip to Colorado. Terri tries to return to singing at Dukes. Charlene moves in with Lucy.

October 7, 1987 - No Commercials - Charlene wants to help Lucy get back to living the good life. Lucy tells her that it is just a matter of time before Tony will want her back. Tony hires a new nanny for BJ. Duke takes Anna to meet the Scottish minister, who will marry them. They plan a traditional Scottish ceremony. Terri sees Tom. Terri reconsiders being in Anna’s wedding. Lucy drops off a present for BJ’s birthday. Anna and the bridesmaids have a dress fitting for the wedding. Felicia sets up a little birthday party for BJ. Anna and Duke share dinner and dancing at Dukes.

October 8, 1987 - No Commercials. Note: Episode starts abruptly a few seconds in - The Q mansion is undergoing a renovation. The Q’s are confined to the den and are tired of the noise. Lila receives a letter from Edward’s cousin Herbert saying he is dying and wants to spend his final days with his family. Sean wants to find out who has Wolfgang’s conspirator. Robert offers to help. Lila keeps Herbert’s letter from Edward, but wants to talk with Alan immediately. Robert passes on another mundane PI case. Tiffany is bombarded with flowers in her office from Sean. Lila lets Alan read Herbert’s letter. Edward learns about the letter and is not thrilled about Herbert coming to the Q mansion. Sean sets up a romantic picnic in the park for Tiffany. He tells her that he loves her and wants something serious with her. The Q’s contemplate letting Herbert fit the bill to renovate the mansion’s east wing as he requested.

October 9, 1987 - No Commercials - Lucy pushes Charlene to get a job. Robert tells Felicia that he thinks he should get on with his life and leave PC. Felicia reads him the riot act and talks him out of it. Tony asks Terri out on a date. Melissa and Bobbie visit Martha in Colorado. Martha sees right through Melissa’s “everything is great” act. Duke suggests that Robert ask Felicia out to dinner and join him and Anna. Simone accuses Tom of trying to make her jealous. Amy has a surprise for Patrick. Felicia and Robert join Anna and Duke for dinner at The Floating Rib. Felicia admits she is hurting too with Frisco still gone. Charlene sees Tony with Terri and reports back to Lucy. Tony and Terri share an awkward date.

October 12-15 , 1987:  10/12 cm, no end credits, 10/13 cm, no end credits, 10/14 cm, no end credits, 10/15 cm, no end credit

October 12, 1987 - With Commercials - Herbert’s renovation of the east wing is driving the Q’s batty. Tiffany calls the mansion wanting to see Alan. They plan to meet at Squires. Tiffany plans to get Alan’s Swiss bank account number and code name where he stashed the 12 million for Sean. Tony tells Felicia that his date with Terri was a disaster. Lucy gets worried when she learns that it was Terri that Tony went on a date with. Felicia gets a letter from Frisco telling her that he will be home in time for Duke and Anna’s wedding. Tiffany and Alan plan to meet at the Quartermaine gatehouse. Lucy “runs” into Tony at GH and gives him her new address just in case. Sean persuades Tiffany not to meet Alan if she has to go to bed with him to get her hands on his Swiss bank account number. Tiffany stands Alan up. Tony calls Lucy waiting to see her but she turns him down. They make plans for dinner tomorrow night.

October 13, 1987 - With Commercials - Tony apologies to Terri for their awkward date the other night. Anna and Duke make plans for their new house. Charlene gives Lucy lingerie for her date with Tony. Lucy plays Tony like a fiddle. Melissa is back in PC with a new attitude and she doesn’t want to screw things up anymore and let Bobbie and Jake down. Terri has another session with Tom and admits that she is still thinking about Dusty every minute. Tom tells her that he believes she sets herself up to be a victim. Lucy and Tony meet for dinner. Tony wants to just skip the whole thing and go back to his place but Lucy wants to stay and have dinner and get to know each other. Duke is anxious to make his house with Anna a home.

October 14, 1987 - With Commercials - Duke’s old friend, Angel, arrives at the club to see him. He tells him about his marriage to Anna. Duke offers him a job managing the Club and a place to stay at the penthouse. Robert tells Tiffany that he doesn’t expect to find another Anna or Holly. Rosa and Juan visit Monica and ask her to come help build a medical clinic in the Biscaynes that she promised. Alan wants an explanation from Tiffany about why she stood him up. Tiffany admits she has very strong feeling for another man. Edward reneges on his invite to let Herbert come to the Q mansion that is until he learns that Herbert want to united the Q fortune under his name. Monica puts the harmless Tiffany to charge of HTI while she goes back to the Biscayne Islands. Sean helps Robert install a high-tech security system at Anna’s new house.

October 15, 1987 - With Commercials - Noriko notices Andy’s “vitamins”. Felicia and Terri talk about her therapy with Tom. Simone turns down Andy’s invite to dinner. Simone asks Tom to go to Anna’s wedding but he tells her that he is escorting Terri to the wedding. Simone asks Andy instead. After assuring Felicia she was going to her session with Tom, Terri skips out at the last minute. Tom tells Dr. Foster that he may have been too hard on Terri in their last session and now she may not ever come back. Melissa blows Zack off. Terri thinks about what Tom said about being a victim. Andy takes Simone to lunch. Felicia questions Terri about her being a no-show at GH. Terri vows never to go back to therapy.

October 16- 22, 1987:  10/16 cm, last min cuts off, no end credits, 10/19 Duke & Anna's Wedding, 10/20 Duke & Anna's wedding, reception, 10/21, 10/22 cm

October 16, 1987 - With Commercials - Charlene questions Lucy’s strategy for snagging Tony. Robin wants Duke to promise to not to see Anna on their wedding day, as it is bad luck. Duke gives Anna Scottish good luck charm given to brides before they marry. Terri has doubts about going to the wedding again. Tony and Sean talk about being bachelors. Duke gives his best man Jake a gift. Robin gives Robert a special present. Tony arrives at Lucy’s apartment with one thing on his mind. Lucy tells him she will not be his plaything, and then the two end up having dinner. Robin makes Robert and Anna dinner; starting with some “interesting” appetizers. Robert admits to Anna that it won’t be easy to watch her walk down the aisle but he knows she will be happy with Duke. (Note: Episode ends abruptly)

October 19, 1987 - No Commercials. Note: Episodes start abruptly - Day of Anna and Duke’s wedding. Felicia brings Terri to her appointment with Tom, but she blows off the session again. Charlene rubs it in Lucy’s face that if Tony were serious about her, he would have asked her to Anna’s wedding. The Q living room is finished after it’s remodel. Herbert Q and his entourage will be arriving this afternoon. Bobbie finds Terri in the park and persuades her to go to the wedding. Felicia is upset when Frisco will not make it as the WSB gave him a last minute assignment. A beautiful redhead arrives at the PI office claiming to Robert that a man is about to be murdered. Anna and her bridesmaids arrive at the church. An uninvited Lucy shows up at the church. Herbert Q arrives at the mansion. Anna and Duke’s guests arrive at the church. Robert is late. The redhead takes off when Robert wants her to call the police. He finds a threatening note that she dropped on her way out.

October 20, 1987 - No Commercials - The Quartermaines bail on the wedding due to Herbert’s arrival. Anna is worried about the late Robert. Robert finally arrives at the church and the ceremony starts. Anna and Duke are married in a traditional Scottish ceremony. Edward is antsy for a word alone with Herbert about uniting the Q fortune. The reception for Anna and Duke. Charlene continues to scour the classifieds for a job. Lucy agrees to treat Charlene to dinner and a movie to get out of her chicken coupe of an apartment. Herbert is awaiting the arrival of his secretary/companion Autumn Clayton. Anna and Duke cut the cake and share their first dance. Autumn arrives at the mansion.

October 21, 1987 - No Commercials - Duke and Anna arrive in NYC for their wedding night. Melissa learns that her new friend, Zack, has been selling drugs to younger kids. Later, she makes nice with Zack and his friends at the pizza parlor to find out. Felicia gets word that Frisco get a long weekend leave from the WSB and he wants to meet her in NYC. Melissa blows off Corey. Bobbie and Jake reminisce about their own wedding. Zack invites Melissa to a dance at school. After making love, Duke and Anna share some champaign and a dance. Robert can’t stop thinking about the note the beautiful redhead dropped.

October 22, 1987 - No Commercials. Note: Episodes start abruptly - Alan tells Herbert that he can’t wait to meet Herbert’s right hand man/accountant Pritchett. Sean and Tiffany in bed together. Tiffany pegs him for thinking that she is an easy mark to get his hands on HTI while she is in charge. Arthur Pritchett arrives at the Q mansion. Sean orders a tail on Tiffany. Herbert’s son Quentin and his wife Betsey arrive at the mansion. Quentin confronts Alan for trying to con Herbert for the money that is supposed to be his. Terri is still having trouble with her singing. Lucy sees BJ and her new nanny in the park and she is invited back to the Jones’s house to visit with the baby. Sean’s snoop reports back that Tiffany meet with Alan and that the Q’s have visiting relatives in town. Terri wants to go back to her therapy with Tom, but he thinks that maybe he is not the right psychiatrist for her. Herbert gets a dossier on Sean. Sean has a meeting with Herbert and pegs him as the one who helped Wolfgang embezzle 12 million from HTI. Herbert is poised to strike a deal with Sean. Tony returns home to find Lucy playing with BJ and they plan to spend the evening together.

October 23 -29, 1987:  10/23, 10/26, 10/27, 10/28, 10/29

October 23, 1987 - No Commercials - Herbert wants a meeting with Edward and Alan. Robin brings her things to the new house and she and Robin wait for the new furniture. Anna and Duke arrive at the manor house in Scotland. Melissa wants permission to attend the school dance from Jake and Bobbie. Herbert tells Alan and Edward that he does not trust Quinton. Herbert tells Betsy and Quinton that he has a contact in PC who in due time will make them billionaires. Angel and Jake rent out the penthouse above the club for Duke. Anna and Duke make the best of things when the manor house losses power. Martha calls Bobbie with the news that she is coming home in a week. Autumn warns Herbert that his life is in danger but she lost the note that is her proof.

October 26, 1987 - No Commercials - Melissa plans to find out if Zack is dealing drugs to kids. Dr. Wallace, Herbert’s personal physician arrives at the Q mansion to examine him. Edward wants Alan to cozy up to Wallace. Robert is having a hard time concentrating with “Madame X” on his mind. He wants to have the note she dropped analyzed. Corey accepts Rosa’s invite to the dance. Robert goes to Lewis for help with the note. Autumn goes back to the PI office anxious to see Robert, but after talking with Felicia learns that Robert went to the PCPD and takes off. Felicia follows her. Martha’s brother arrives at the brownstone to see Melissa and Skeeter. Melissa angers Zack with talk about drug dealing. He threatens to “initiate” her into their group so she can’t turn on them. The Qs throw a cocktail party for Herbert and his entourage. Felicia tells Robert that Autumn is staying at the Q mansion. Herbert collapses.

October 27, 1987 - No Commercials - Zack gets Melissa high. Herbert is examined at GH and has his stomach pumped. Autumn phones Robert to come to GH as someone poisoned Herbert. Monica calls home from the Biscaynes and Lila fills her in on all the craziness at the mansion. Robert meets Autumn officially and she wants him to investigate the attempt on Herbert’s life. Bobbie and Jake agree to let Martha’s brother watch Skeeter for a few days. Walt analyzes Herbert’s stomach continents. Seems Herbert mixed his meds with dairy products. It was a simple mix up, or so it seems. Melissa and her friends bust into Kellys and harass Ruby. Robert tells Autumn that Herbert’s trip to the hospital was just an accident, case closed. Autumn insists she still needs his help.

October 28, 1987 - No Commercials - With the kids out of the house, Bobbie and Jake take advantage of their time alone. Duke wakes Anna but at 4am to go fishing in Scotland. Melissa and her friend’s harassment of Ruby continues. Ruby gets hit and is knocked unconscious. The kids rob the place. Amy and Patrick find Ruby on the floor of Kellys and she is rushed to GH. Corey finds Melissa friends’s, Val, earring on the floor. Jake and Bobbie arrive at GH. Melissa’s friends try and cover their tracks. Melissa and Laurie go to the bus station with Corey and Greg on their tails. Corey learns that Melissa and Laurie got on a bus to Miami. Corey and Greg plan to follow.

October 29, 1987 - No Commercials - Sean learns the details of Herbert’s trip to GH from Robert. Ruby’s condition remains unchanged. Bobbie learns that Melissa never came home last night and calls Sam at the PCPD. Sean and Herbert strike a deal. Terri has a session with Dr. Foster. Ruby finally wakes up and tells Dan about Melissa being one of the kids that robbed her but does not want to tell anyone. Bobbie tells Robert about Melissa being missing. Herbert suggests to Edward that they both throw in 50 million into a contest to see who can make 1 billion in 30 days. Winner takes all at the end. Robert questions Ruby about the kids who robbed her. Alan thinks Edward should proceed with caution regarding the contest. Herbert feeds Alan and Edward a false stock market tip. Herbert and Edward agree to the contest. Robert questions Ruby again and she has to admit that it was Melissa’s friends who robbed Kelly’s.

October 30 - November 5, 1987: 10/30 Duke & Anna fish and wind up in the pond, 11/2, 11/3 Tony & Lucy's wedding, 11/4, 11/5

October 30, 1987 - No Commercials - Erma Foster wants to have a chat with Simone. Anna and Duke’s last day in Scotland. Anna calls Robin. Duke gives Anna her very own fishing boots and hat so he can drag her out to the lake again. After an argument, they end up in the lake together. Tom and Simone admit they miss each other. Lucy runs into Tony at GH when she visits a classmate who is recovering from surgery. Erma gives Simone some advice. Lucy tells Charlene that she thinks that Tony now hates her. The GH staff notes Tony’s strange mood and thinks he is lonely. Duke sets up a romantic dinner for his and Anna’s last night in Scotland. Tony asks Lucy to marry him.

November 2, 1987 - No Commercials - Jake and Bobbie are worried sick about Melissa. Robert and Felicia search for her. Autumn presses Robert to find out who is trying to kill Herbert. Melissa’s money is stolen at a rest stop on the way to Miami. Autumn invites Robert to come to the Q mansion and meet Herbert’s entourage, all of whom she does not trust. Monica tries to call home to tell the Qs she is going home soon. Autumn picks Lila’s brain about what she knows about Robert Scorpio. Alan and Edward bask in the fact that they are ahead in the contest for now. Melissa and Laurie arrive in Miami and learn they have no money. A “nice guy” named Al offers them a place to stay in a halfway house. Bobbie learns Martha is coming home earlier than expected. Robert has tea at the Q mansion. He and the Qs hear a scream from upstairs. Bobbie has to tell Martha that Melissa ran away. Corey and Greg arrive in Miami. Robert finds Pritchett dead after having fallen down the back stairs.

November 3, 1987 - No Commercials - Anna and Duke on their way back to PC. The PCPD investigate Pritchett’s death at the mansion. Lucy is worried that Tony has changed his mind about marrying her. When he does finally call it is to set up their wedding at a small chapel. Autumn is sure that the broken stairs that killed Pritchett were meant for Herbert. Anna and Duke return home to Robin and Philomena. Lewis questions the contractor, who is working on the Q mansion’s east wing renovations. He claims that he posted a danger warning tape across the door of the back stairs where Pritchett fell but no such tape is found. Lucy and Tony are married in a quickie ceremony. With no bedroom furniture yet in their new house thanks to Duke, Anna and he are forced to sleep in sleeping bags. Lucy and Tony spend their wedding night in a cheap motel.

November 4, 1987 - No Commercials - Amy and Patrick in bed together. Tom tells Bobbie that Corey is missing as well. Tom asks Ruby if Corey was one of kids that robbed her. Jake questions Corey’s father. Al feeds Melissa and Laurie a line about the halfway house and asks questions about their parents and if they are in trouble with the law. He offers to get them new ids. Martha does not let Bobbie blame herself for Melissa running away. Bobbie shows Jake the papers that Martha received from her brother who has filled for temporary custody of Skeeter. Jake questions Rosa about what happened to Corey after the dance. Rosa tells Jake that Corey was worried about Melissa hanging out with Zack. Melissa and Laurie try and get jobs as waitresses.

November 5, 1987 - No Commercials - Pritchett’s death implying foul play makes the newspaper headlines. Anna returns to work at the PI office. Robert is anxious to track down a sleazy Zack. Tiffany questions Sean when she sees him looking at the stocks quotes in the paper. Sean calls Herbert. With Terri still not able to sing, she asks Duke to find a new singer for the club. He asks Terri to help out as the hostess. Anna meets Autumn Clayton and the two grill each other. Robert checks out Zack’s van. Later, He and Sam arrest Zack and his pal for the Kelly’s robbery. Felicia tries to hustle the autopsy report on Pritchett along. Robert questions Autumn about her past. Herbert tells Autumn that there is more going on at the mansion that she is aware off.

November 6 -12, 1987: 11/6, 11/9, 11/10, 11/11 cm, 11/12 cm

November 6, 1987 - No Commercials - Bobbie blames herself for Melissa being missing. Lucy wants to send out wedding announcements. Later she calls Charlene with the news that she and Tony are married. Corey and Greg get jobs while they search for Melissa and Laurie. Lucy fires BJ’s nanny. Felicia gets a copy of autopsy report on Pritchett. Felicia is angry when she learns that Tony married Lucy. Ruby is released from GH. Melissa and Laurie learn Al is a pimp after they find the girl rooming next door to them was beaten up. Charlene blackmails Lucy to have Tony hire her as their live-in housekeeper. Felicia tells Bobbie about Tony’s marriage. Bobbie rails on Jake for bringing Lucy Coe into their lives in the first place. Corey calls Bobbie and tells her that he is looking for Melissa but gives her no details. Bobbie gets the city information from the operator and she decides to go to Miami herself. Melissa is stopped from getting help by Al’s goon.

November 9, 1987 - No Commercials - Robert sends Felicia to NYC to check out a background lead on Autumn. Herbert wants Autumn to get rid of Robert. Al threatens Melissa. Duke surprises Anna with the bed from the manor house in Scotland. Felicia meets with Autumn’s old classmate in NYC. Robert gives Autumn the autopsy report on Pritchett and he believes there was foul play. (Note: Very glitchy picture and audio problems for 10 minutes of the episode) Autumn tries to fire Robert but he is not letting the case go that easy. Dorothy tells Quentin and Betsey that Autumn is plotting to try and replace her. Dorothy tries to blackmail them saying that the information that she has on them would make Herbert change his will leaving them out in the cold. Dorothy slips Herbert a note telling him that she knows who killed Pritchett and to meet her tonight at 1 am.

November 10, 1987 - No Commercials - Tiffany fishes around Robert for information on the Q mansion death. Quinton and Betsy question Herbert about Dorothy’s note. Charlene reminds Lucy that her marriage means nothing unless she has the social respectability to go along with it. Greg spots Melissa in the park being forced to turn her first trick. Robert fills Sean in on Autumn’s flip flop. Lucy asks Tony about how people are reacting to the news of their marriage. Greg takes Melissa back to his and Corey’s place but they soon have to flee as Al’s goon is on their tail. . Lucy makes a list of the movers and shakers in PC that she wants to invite to a tea party. Stella and Herbert find Dorothy’s body in the Q foyer. Autumn calls Robert with the news that Dorothy has been stabbed but when Robert and the PCPD arrive Dorothy’s body is gone and is replaced with Dr. Wallace’s, who has been knocked out.

November 11, 1987 - No Commercials - Jake shows Ruby the note he was left by Bobbie before she took off. Jake shows the note to Anna. The PCPD investigate at the Q mansion. Herbert tells the PCPD about Dorothy’s note to him. Lewis questions Wallace about his assailant who knocked him out. Bobbie calls Jake but refuses to tell him where she is, insisting she has to do find Melissa her way. After seeing Laurie with Al and his goon, Bobbie, dressed in a sexy getup, tries to cozy up to Al. Tiffany sniffs around the Q mansion for a story. Herbert wants to send Sean to NYC.  Bobbie calls her old contact in Miami and asks him about Al. She plans to infiltrate Al’s operation. Anna plans a trip to NYC to check on some details of Autumn’s background and look for Melissa. Lewis tosses Tiffany out of the Q mansion.

November 12, 1987 - With Commercials - Bobbie calls Jake again and tells him she has seen Laurie and is close to finding both girls. Jake tries to find character witnesses for Martha but Patrick refuses to help her, as he believes Martha still needs a lot of medical help. Jake’s request of a continuance in Martha’s hearing is denied. Celeste stirs up trouble for Amy and Patrick. Melissa and Greg are hold up in a hotel room waiting with Corey. At the hearing, the judge talks with Skeeter. After Jake fails to make Martha’s case, Martha’s brother and his wife are awarded temporary custody of Skeeter. Patrick tells Amy he is falling in love with her. Bobbie makes a deal with Al.

November 13-19 ,1987: 11/13, 11/16, 11/17, 11/18, 11/19

November 13, 1987 - No Commercials - Anna is surprised top see Sean on the same flight to NYC. Erma and Tom get into it over the advice she gave Simone. Simone wants to invite Andy to meet her parents. In New York, Sean makes a deal to sell Herbert’s stock tomorrow at 9am. Terri takes a step in getting her signing career back on track. Tom learns that Andy is in NYC and so is Simone. Anna gets some more information on Autumn’s past and runs a check on her ex-boyfriend, Oliver Montand. Tom takes Celeste out to dinner. Andy meets Simone’s parents. The PCPD find a bloody letter opener that killed Dorothy in the trash at the Q mansion.

November 16, 1987 - No Commercials - Sam shows Robert the letter opener. Anna comes up with nothing on Melissa and Laurie in NYC. Sean meets with Herbert’s stockbroker Cheryl Stansbury. Alan and Edward’s investments have taken a downward turn. Robert confronts the Q’s with the letter opener. The letter opener belongs to Quinton and Autumn was using it last. Anna returns to PC.  Anna gets a package from her contact in Paris with some suggestive photos and video of Autumn. Corey comes to Laurie rescue in the park by posing as a john. Sean and Cheryl meet in his hotel suite. Duke looks into what business the man he rented the penthouse at the club to. Robert sees the video of Autumn. Terri returns to singing at Duke’s Club. Tiffany is not happy when she hears a woman answer Sean’s phone at his hotel. Robert confronts Autumn with the photos.

November 17, 1987 - No Commercials - Robert wants to know what else Autumn is hiding. Lucy goes over her guest list for her tea party. Andy flies off the handle with Simone after seeing a sports newscast about himself. Autumn tells Robert about her family and why she is so devoted to Herbert. Robert has a hard time believing her. Simone finds Andy’s pills and later confronts him about his steroids use. She pushes him to get help. Lucy vows to get Tony moving in the right circles so he can one day have Steve Hardy’s job. Robert and Autumn end up in a kiss but he is still very suspicious of her.

November 18, 1987 - No Commercials - Lucy frets over her tea party. Monica is back from the Biscayne Islands. Jake tells Bobbie that the judge ruled against Martha. Andy sees Tony for a physical and wants the results to be completely confidential. Monica learns about the contest between Edward and Herbert. She later confronts Alan and Edward for agreeing to the contest that could have them losing everything. Bobbie helps Corey after he gets beaten up by Al’s goon. Sean hustles Cheryl out of his hotel room right before Tiffany arrives in NYC. No one shows up at Lucy’s tea party but Amy and Stella. Later, Tony comes home to Lucy in tears. Cheryl rolls the dice on Herbert’s billion dollar gamble.

November 19, 1987 - No Commercials - Tom gives Simone the cold shoulder. Anna wants to know what Robert found out about Autumn. Betsy shows Quinton a note she found in Dorothy’s belongings. They want to get the note to Robert. Sean and Herbert plot to put all of his eggs in one basket. Sean calls and wants to meet Tiffany to talk things out. Anna tells Robert that she believes he is in love with Autumn. He freaks out on her. Quinton arrives to give Robert some very important evidence on the case. Tom and Simone get trapped in the GH elevator together and are forced to talk things out. Sean pleads his case with Tiffany about what happened in NYC. Tiffany wants some time apart to think things over. She plans to go to Europe for a vacation. Quinton gives Robert the note.

November 20 -25, 1987: 11/20, 11/23 cm, 11/24 cm, 11/25 cm

November 20, 1987 - No Commercials. Note: Episode starts abruptly, a few seconds lost - Jake is angry, as he still has no idea where Bobbie is. Al has a client all lined up for Bobbie. Lucy cries on Tony’s shoulder about her failed tea party. Jake is planning Martha’s appeal. Laurie goes to Bobbie for help. With her tea party a bust, Lucy is game to plan a wedding reception for her and Tony. Charlene does not think Lucy should con Tony anymore or it will backfire on her big time. Tony tells Felicia that he hopes she will not shut him out even if she will never accept Lucy. Tony agrees to a reception if that will make Lucy happy. Greg and Melissa plot to get Laurie out of “Safe Harbor”. They hook up with Connie, a fellow prostitute, who Melissa thinks she can trust, but Connie is secretly working for Al.

November 23, 1987 - With Commercials - Quinton and Betsy are waiting for Robert to arrive and drop the bombshell note that Quinton gave him. Al brings Bobbie’s first client to her. Robert admits his dumb mistake of kissing Autumn to Sean and the details of the note he received. Herbert stole from Autumn’s father making revenge a motive for Autumn to murder him. Robert needs to find out how accurate the note is. Melissa wants her and Greg to go to the police as they are in way over their head.  Connie reports back to Al’s goon where Melissa is hold out. Robert meets Autumn’s father, Taylor Clayton, attorney in NYC. Taylor went to prison for Herbert. Edward and Herbert are both sweating it out over the market. Sean reminds Herbert that he gets his cut the minute Herbert wins the contest. Bobbie stalls her client and calls the cops on “Safe Haven”. Melissa and Greg escape Al and his goon. Herbert declares victory.

November 24, 1987 - With Commercials - Herbert celebrates and demands all of Edward’s holdings. Melissa and Greg report Al and his goon to the police. Monica suggests Alan sweet-talk Autumn while she try and sweet-talk Herbert. Herbert agrees to let Edward off the hook if he publicly acknowledges that Herbert is “the financial genius” in the family. Alan works over Autumn and she agrees to look into how Herbert pulled off his win of the contest. Edward suspects that Herbert had outside help.  Bobbie drugs her client and he passes out. The cops arrest Al and his goon at “Safe Haven”. Bobbie tries to explain to the cops that she is not a prostitute. Edward refuses to any acknowledgement to Herbert. Herbert want to put into motion phase two of his plan. Bobbie is booked. Corey gets the wrong idea and decks Greg when he sees him with Melissa. Melissa learns that Bobbie is in trouble. Bobbie and Laurie plead not guilty and their bail is denied.

November 25, 1987 - With Commercials - Day before Thanksgiving in PC. Robin wants to invite Robert to Thanksgiving. Andy invites Simone to the Lavery’s. Simone cautions him against football practice, as he has not got his test results back from Tony yet. Tony gets Andy’s test results and urges him not to practice today. Andy gets benched for being a hothead. Audrey has some of the PC residents help organize food for the needy for Thanksgiving. Tony tells Andy that he has a tumor on his kidney. Andy wants to keep his treatment a secret but Simone already suspects he has trouble with his kidneys. Felicia gets a letter from Frisco telling her he is yet again not coming home for the holidays as expected. Tony thinks he and Felicia should spend the holiday together but Felicia tells him she is not comfortable around Lucy yet. Lucy learns that the banquet hall she booked for her reception was mis-booked and is not available now, thus ruining her plans.

November 26 - December 2, 1987: 11/26 cms, 11/27 cms, 11/30 Kin Shriner returns as Scotty, 12/1, 12/2

November 26, 1987 - With Commercials - Thanksgiving in PC. Robert tells Sean about Autumn’s motive to want to snuff out Herbert. The Lavery’s plan their Thanksgiving dinner. Edward and Alan will still not admit defeat. Herbert gives them till the end of dinner. Bobbie tries to call her contact, Rudy, and get the bail money for her and Laurie.  Al finds out that it was Bobbie who blew the whistle on “Safe Haven”. He finds the purse Bobbie left behind. Al is bend on revenge. Andy wants to make a bet on his game. Ruby throws a Thanksgiving dinner open house for the GH staff. Melissa tries to convince Corey that Greg has changed. After pressure from Monica, Edward agrees to concede to Herbert but are interrupted when Robert and Sean arrive at the Qs wanting to see Autumn and Herbert. Jake brings Skeeter to see Martha at Kellys. Bobbie makes the newspapers thanks to Al. The Qs learn that Sean helped Herbert in the contest.

November 27, 1987 - With Commercials - Thanksgiving continued. Edward and Alan have some harsh words for Herbert and Sean.  Herbert plans to change his will. Tony tells Lucy they will just have the reception here at the house when the hotel can’t accommodate them. Robert wants to talk with Autumn away from the Q mansion. Robert brings Autumn to the Laverys’ for dinner. Based on a phone call Jake received from Bobbie, Ruby suspects that Bobbie is in Florida. Ruby has the number of Bobbie’s contact Rudy for Jake. Bobbie and Laurie pled not guilty at their hearing and explain to the judge that she was the one who blew the whistle on “Safe Haven”. The judge wants to verify her story. Melissa sees the newspaper with the article about Bobbie. The kids head to the courthouse. Andy questions Duke about placing a bet on his game. Duke tells him that none of that business goes on at his club anymore. Scott Baldwin comes to Bobbie’s aid at the courthouse. (The return of Kin Shriner as Scott) Herbert collapses at the Q dinner table. Robert tells Autumn the information that he learned in NYC about Herbert and her father.

November 30, 1987 - No Commercials - Autumn does not believe Robert and wants to go back the mansion and talk to Herbert. Bobbie and Laurie are freed after Scott pays their fine. Herbert is brought up to his bedroom after a seizure. Herbert does not want to go to GH. Autumn tells Anna about Robert’s claims.  Anna assures Autumn that Robert will be fair. Herbert wants to say goodbye to his family. Melissa is reunited with Bobbie. Anna does not believe that Autumn’s relationship with Robert will go anywhere. Herbert wants to be cremated immediately. Herbert passes away. Monica thinks that Herbert should have an autopsy but Quinton and Betsy will not hear of it. Simone admits to Tom that she is not in love with Andy. Andy asks Angel about betting and later finds Duke’s tenant from the penthouse and has found his man. Andy makes a bet of $25,000 on his team. Autumn learns that Herbert is dead. Robert wants to examine the body but it is too late. Robert has some questions for everybody. He finds poisoned antacid near Herbert’s bedside but no bottle.

December 1, 1987 - No Commercials - Lucy wants Tony to talk to people at the GH about coming to their reception. Lucy frets to Charlene about the reception not being special now that she is forced to have it at the house. Bobbie makes news in the PC Herald. Monica declines Lucy’s invite to her reception. Lucy plots to reschedule her reception. On the plane ride back to PC, Melissa apologies to Bobbie. Jake is livid when he sees the paper with the article on Bobbie. Lucy and Tony postpone their reception. Melissa is reunited with Martha. Jake confronts Bobbie about the prostitution charges. Martha’s brother is now petitioning for permanent custody for Melissa and Skeeter. Monica is not so sure that Alan is not guilty of Herbert’s murder in some way. Melissa calls Jake for help.

December 2, 1987 - No Commercials - All of PC is reading about Bobbie in the newspaper. The PCPD have the Q mansion on lockdown. Lila questions Edward about his involvement in Herbert’s death. Anna and Robert go over the suspects in the murder and the lack of clues. Monica wants to make a brand new beginning and the Qs need to come together to protect their skins. The Qs go over the facts of the case. Autumn tries to sneak out of the mansion but is caught by Sam. Tony wants Simone to convince Andy that he needs to come in for surgery now to remove the tumor on his kidney. Robert goes over Herbert’s will. Lucy is loving all of Bobbie’s trouble. Andy puts off his surgery. Anna and Robert arrive at the Q mansion to talk over the will with the Qs. Quinton points out to Scorpio that Herbert was going to change his will but died before he could. Everyone has a motive. Robert needs to find the missing poisoned medicine bottle. Tony learns that Andy is playing in tonight’s football game despite telling Simone he wouldn’t. Andy is hurt in the game. Anna finds the missing medicine bottle in Edward’s bedroom.

December 3-10,1987: 12/3, 12/4, 12/7 missed three mins news pre-emption, 12/8, 12/9, 12/10 (first half show missing)

December 3, 1987 - No Commercials - Duke invites Anna and Felicia to have dinner tonight with him at the club. Andy is brought to GH. The tumor on his kidney has ruptured. Andy wants to talk with Duke before he consents to surgery. Duke wants his penthouse tenant, Caruthers, out, as he is a bookie for placing illegal bets. Tiffany is back in PC after her trip to Europe. Andy tells Duke about his bet with Caruthers. He thinks Caruthers will renege on the bet especially if Andy dies. Tony operates on Andy. Duke finds Caruthers’s ledger of IOU and finds Quentin’s name in it for 10,000, as well as Andy. Cheryl wants to set up an office in the ELQ building. Andy makes it through surgery. Duke confronts Caruthers.

December 4, 1987 - No Commercials - Jake gives Bobbie the cold shoulder. He blames her scandal for letting the McKeys get their hands on Martha’s kids. Robert and Anna get the PCPD lab report on Herbert’s medicine bottle. Autumn sneaks out of the Q mansion. Jake tries to get a continuance for Martha’s hearing. Tiffany plans to help Bobbie. Bobbie gets her job back at GH. Robert learns that Autumn is AWOL. Robert informs the suspects that it was Alan’s fingerprints that were on the medicine bottle. Autumn arrives in NYC. Bobbie tells her side of the story. Alan explains to Robert how his fingerprints were on the medicine bottle. Jake blows off Bobbie’s attempt at reconciliation. Robert catches Autumn sneaking back into the Q mansion. She claims that she went to check on the story he told her. Herbert’s ashes are brought to the mansion. Autumn goes into a secret room.

December 7, 1987 - No Commercials. Note: GH joined in progress: 3 minutes lost total from both interruptions - Herbert is revealed to be alive, living in a secret room. Robert continues his questioning of the Qs. Autumn confronts Herbert about stealing from her father. Herbert claims it was her father’s idea. Autumn finds Dorothy’s scarf in Herbert’s room. Herbert tells Autumn that Dorothy is in Rio after her “murder”. The PCPD find female footprints on the Q grounds. The Q cook finds food missing. (Note ABC newsbrief interruption) Anna tells Susie about Andy’s surgery. Duke finds the club’s penthouse trashed and Caruthers beaten up. Caruthers claims Andy’s money has been stolen. Scorpio interviews the Q cook. Robert trips up Autumn on her choice of reading material. Robert takes a sample of Herbert’s ashes. Cheryl Stansbury meets with Edward to discuss an office in the ELQ building. Robert gets his id on the shoe prints; they belong to the “dead” Dorothy.

December 8, 1987 - No Commercials - Tiffany surprises Sean in his bed. She forgives him. Tony tells Andy that his tumor was malignant. The cancer is in the lymph system as is spreading rapidly. Tony wants to start radiation right way. Tiffany comes face to face with her long lost sister, Cheryl Stansbury, when she knocks on Sean’s door. Sean learns they are sisters. Tiffany suspects that Sean and Cheryl have meet before. Sean comes clean and Tiffany wants Cheryl out of Sean’s life or else. Lucy wants to use her and Tony’s wedding reception to raise funds for the daycare center. Sean wants Cheryl out of PC but she informs him that she now has an office in town. Andy tells Susie he will be in the hospital for a long time. Susie goes to stay with her aunt. Susie says goodbye to Simone.

December 9, 1987 - No Commercials - Bobbie’s interview in the newspaper seems to have made things worse. Jake is mad she did the interview in the first place. Duke warns Caruthers that his time to hand over Andy’s money is almost up. Robert gets a report of a sighting of an alive Dorothy. Robert wants the ashes analyzed by Walt at GH. Sean and Anna question Dr. Wallace about Dorothy. Quinton searches Herbert’s room for any money he left behind, as he owes his bookies. Melissa apologies to Ruby. Ruby offers her a job. Sean questions one of the carpenters who worked on the renovation of the east wing on the Q mansion. Duke tells Robert about Quentin’s gambling debts. Angel and Duke stop Caruthers trying to leave town. Caruthers brings in some muscle and they pull a gun on Duke. Robert learns that the ashes in the urn at not Herbert’s but may be Pritchett’s. Jake gets his continuance for Martha’s case. Jake apologies to Bobbie. Robert gets word that Herbert took care of Pritchett‘s remains. Frisco surprises Felicia.

December 10, 1987 - No Commercials. Lucy and Tony’s reception at the Jones house. Lucy collects money for the Tania Jones Daycare Center. Tony and Frisco are reunited. Sean is caught breaking into the construction company office to look at the plans for the Q mansion east wing. Sean charms his way out of it and gets his hands on the plans. Robert questions Oliver Montand about Autumn. Felicia wants to know when Frisco will have to leave again.

December 11 - 15, 1987: 12/11, 12/14, 12/15, 12/16, 12/17

December 11, 1987 - No Commercials - Felicia makes Frisco breakfast in bed. Herbert assures Autumn that his charade is over today. Frisco avoids Felicia’s question of when he has to leave. But later he has to come clean with her that he has to leave in a few hours. Alan and Monica are sick and tired of Quinton and Betsy. Herbert overhears Quinton gloating about all of his money he can’t wait to spend. Anna finds out that Dorothy is alive and well in Rio. Simone pushes Andy to start his cancer treatments. Simone accepts Andy’s proposal thinking that if he has her he will have something to fight for. Tom learns about Andy and Simone’s engagement. Monica kicks Betsy and Quinton out. Robert wants the truth from Autumn. Frisco and Felicia make love again before he has to leave again. Robert gets his hands on Herbert’s final will leaving everything to Autumn.

December 14, 1987 - No Commercials - Lucy is working hard to get money for the daycare center to further her own social standing. Herbert is murdered for real. Anna and Sean think the latest development proves that Autumn is involved up to her eyeballs in Herbert’s scheme, but Robert does not want to indict her yet. Robert rounds up all the Qs. Autumn wants to explain everything to Robert tonight at dinner. Bobbie tries to trip Lucy up. Robert produces the last will of Herbert to the Qs. Autumn insists Herbert is alive and takes the Qs to the secret room. They find Herbert’s body. The PCPD take Autumn in for questioning. Quinton tells the other Qs that if Autumn is convicted of murder, she can’t inherit Herbert’s millions. Autumn’s hair is a match for the hair found on Herbert. She is arrested.

December 15, 1987 - No Commercials - Martha’s hearing on the McKey’s petition to get custody of Melissa. Andy is ready to give up on his treatment. Simone tries to lighten his spirits. Tiffany visits Cheryl in her new offices. Cheryl intends to have PC sit up and take notice. Duke asks around to the dock workers about where Caruthers could have gone. Felicia lets it slip to Sean about her and Frisco’s secret rendezvous. Duke lies to Andy about Caruthers insisting his money is coming. Tom tells Erma that he thinks Simone is marrying Andy out of pity. The judge rules that Martha and the McKeys should settle things out of court in the next 24 hours. Cheryl wraps up her press conference and flirts with Sean right in front of Tiffany. Cheryl wants to rent the penthouse at Dukes. The McKeys drop their petition against Martha. Simone agrees with Tom that marrying Andy is an empty sacrifice. Andy collapses and dies.

December 16, 1987 - No Commercials - Simone wants to tell Susie that her father is dead in person. Alan is worried about paying back the 12 million to HTI if Herbert’s will stands. Robert wants Jake to defend Autumn. Quinton is sweating now worrying about paying his bookies. Cheryl rents the penthouse above Dukes. Even though Andy is gone, Duke vows to get his money from Caruthers. Betsy thinks that Quinton and Alan need to team up to make sure Autumn is convicted, as they both need the money. Jake questions Autumn. Monica learns that the HTI controller wants to see her tomorrow about the missing 12 million. Anna and Duke tell Robin about Andy’s passing. Robert plans to roll the dice on a new plan to prove Autumn’s innocence.

December 17, 1987 - No Commercials - Robert and Jake go to the DA to get Autumn released as part of his plan to flush out the real killer. Alan tells Edward about his and Quinton burying the hatchet. Sean and Anna worry about Robert getting to wrapped up in Autumn’s case. The DA agrees to release Autumn for 24 hours. Melissa puts both Greg and Corey on ice.  Martha gets a job at GH. Scott calls the brownstone looking for Bobbie. Robert tells Autumn that she has to go back to the Qs.  Robert fills Anna and Sean in on his plan. Autumn returns to the Q mansion telling them that the charges against her have been dropped. Monica tells Alan and Edward that a SCC investigator has given them till the end of the year to return the 12 million to HTI.  Bobbie tells Jake about Scott helping her in Miami.  Autumn thinks someone is watching her.

December 18 - 24, 1987: 12/18, 12/21, 12/22, 12/23 cm, 12/24 (no show aired 12/25)

December 18, 1987 - No Commercials - Amy and Patrick have just finished decorating the GH cafeteria for the staff Christmasmas party. Quentin is and Betsy theorizes about what if something should happen to Autumn. Felicia makes an effort with Lucy for Tony’s sake. Monica wants a normal Christmas for the boys. The Qs jump all over Autumn and Robert is quick to defend her. Lila chastises the Qs for attacking Autumn and invites Robert to stay for dinner. Tom arrives in Albany to comfort Simone after she had to tell Susie about her father. The GH staff Christmas party. The Qs give Autumn the stink eye at the Q dinner table. Autumn and Robert get into a fight. Duke gives Andy’s sister a check to help care of Susie. Autumn is attacked in her bed.

December 21, 1987 - No Commercials - GH staff party winds down. Jake tells Felicia that Autumn’s releases is part of Robert’s master plan. Robert, Anna, and Sean bust Betsy trying to attack Autumn. Betsy tells Quinton she tried to kill Autumn for him. Quinton reams Lewis and Robert for railroading Betsy. Bobbie worries that her scandal may hurt her and Jake’s chances of adopting a baby. Robert exposes Betsy’s plan of trying to pin Autumn’s murder on Quinton. Betsy’s confesses to everything and is arrested. Lucy asks Tony for an engagement ring for Christmas. Robert tells the Qs that he wants to question everyone in detail tomorrow morning.

December 22, 1987 - No Commercials - Robert and company arrives at the Qs for another round of questioning. Robert’s surprise witness, an alive Dorothy, shows up at the Qs. Duke tells Anna he is going to NYC on business and Anna suspects there is something he is not telling her. Dorothy recounts how Herbert and Dr. Wallace plotted her “death”. Dorothy reveals that her and Herbert were lovers. Dorothy and Wallace are arrested. Duke meets with Victor Jerome to help him find Caruthers. Victor reveals to Duke that it was his men who removed Caruthers from PC but he got away. Victor vows to pay on Caruthers’s debt but Duke will then owe him. Autumn is forced to reveal that she knew about Herbert’s scheme and said nothing. Robert pleads Autumn’s case that she was not Herbert’s accomplice but the voice of reason. Grant Putman is released. Grant writes Robert a letter. Duke tells Anna about Andy’s bet with Caruthers but does not mention Victor.

December 23, 1987 - With Commercials - Scott Baldwin arrives back in PC. He meets Felicia down on the docks. GH staff welcomes Steve back after a 3-month absence with a party. Cheryl and Tiffany get into it when Cheryl stops by Sean’s penthouse to see him. Bobbie offers Scott an apartment at the brownstone.  Audrey asks Simone to Christmas dinner. Jake is less than thrilled with Bobbie renting to Scott. Tony and Lucy go to the jewelry store to look for a ring. Lucy works a little male psychology to get herself a big diamond. Tony wants to surprise her on Christmas day with his choice. Bobbie and Jake celebrate Hanukkah. They exchange gifts.

December 24, 1987 - No Commercials. Note: Episode is glitchy for the first 5 minutes - Christmas Eve in PC. Edward is being frugal due to the Q’s money problems. The state police commissioner offers Robert his old job back as the police commissioner. Robert wants time to think it over. Duke invites the all alone Cheryl to his house for Christmas dinner. Jake learns that the adoption board has turned down him and Bobbie due to her scandal in Miami. Alan and Monica agree not to fight over Christmas for the boys. Sean, Tiffany, Robert and Autumn join the Lavery’s for Christmas. Robert opens Grant’s letter with the mysterious phrase “the snowman watches everything you do”. Tony gives Lucy her ring. Robin and Autumn’s Christmas gifts make Robert think of Holly. Steve reads the Christmas story for the children at GH.

December 28, 1987 - January 4, 1988:  12/28, 12/29, 12/30, 12/31, 1/4/88

December 28, 1987 - Jake argues with the adoption agency again about their taking he and Bobbie off the list for a baby. Sean and Tiffany in bed together. Sean reads another article about Herbert in the paper. Tiffany calls Cheryl to meet her at the studio. Dan asks Ruby to marry him. Tiffany and Cheryl agree to bury the hatchet. Tom invites Simone to mountain cabin for the weekend. Tom pushes her to get on with her life after Andy?s death. Bobbie breaks down at GH when she learns that she and Jake will not be getting a baby from the agency. Cheryl flirts with Sean all through a lunch date. Tiffany sets up Cheryl to back off. Amy calls Jake with the news that Bobbie went home crying. Bobbie is angry with Jake for not telling her about the agency?s decision and they argue. Jake thinks she is obsessed with having a child. Steve suspects that Tom plans to propose to Simone this weekend. Cheryl leaves a message for Alan. Victor Jerome pays a visit to the club looking for Duke. He is there to collect on the favor he did Duke.

December 29, 1987 - Quentin informs Edward and Lila that he is leaving the mansion. Anna tells Robert that she does not want Robert to pass on the commissioner job just because of her. Robert tells her he does not want to take the job. Victor wants Duke to take Caruthers out. Duke refuses but Victor tells him he has no choice and gives him the address of Caruthers?s hideout. Alan, Monica, and the boys have returned from a ski trip. Monica reminds that Alan that the HTI shareholder?s meeting is almost here and he needs the 12 million dollars. Alan tells Edward that Autumn wants a meeting with him. Anna notices that Duke and Angel are jumpy. Autumn asks Robert if she will ever be able to believe in her. Autumn wants a meeting Quentin as well. Now Quentin wants to wait to leave PC. Autumn and Robert have a romantic dinner but he has to admit the time is not right for them. At the cabin, Tom asks Simone to marry him but they agree to wait awhile to get engaged. Later on the docks, Robert is being watched. 

December 30, 1987 - No Commercials - Tony and Lucy eat breakfast together and are interrupted when Tony receives a call from Amanda Barrington; she is on her car phone. Lucy is jealous of Amanda and her car phone. She tells Charlene that soon she and Tony will be living that life, when Tony is made chief of staff. Tom and Simone snuggle in bed at the cabin. Jake and Bobbie continue to fight. Bobbie wants to try adoption again, but Jake feels like that's all she thinks about. He feels now is not the right time as they are having enough problems trying to get along. Amanda arrives at the hospital for a meeting with Tony and runs into Alan Q. They discuss Autumn and the loss of the Q fortune. Alan is optimistic that they will bounce back. When Monica arrives, they discuss HTI business. Monica is concerned that Alan could go to jail over some shady dealings. He owes HTI 12million, and can't pay it back. Simone wants to go skiing; she has bought a new snowsuit for the occasion, but Tom whines that it's too cold outside, and he can think of more fun things to do inside. Grant rents a rundown house in Port Charles. He empties an envelope on the table containing photos and newspaper clippings of Robert.
     Autumn has invited Alan and Quentin to her hotel room. They run into each other in the hallway of the hotel, unsure why each is there. They both begin knocking on Autumn's door. She opens the door and invites them in. Autumn would like to discuss money with them but they are too busy arguing with each other to listen. After Autumn receives a disturbing phone call, she abruptly ends the meeting and asks them to leave. Lucy walks into Tony's office as he is concluding his meeting with Amanda. Tony leaves to do rounds so Lucy invites Amanda to lunch. Lucy thinks lunch is going quite well, that is, until Monica shows up and Amanda invites her to join them. Monica agrees under the guidelines that they not discuss the hospital.
     Grant contacts his lawyer and tells him he is in Port Charles and he wants money from his trust. The lawyer, a family friend, agrees and reminds him about taking his medication. Grant agrees, then hangs up and throws away his medication. Jake tells Bobbie he received a call from a friend to go to South America and help the homeless. He wants her to sell the brownstone and go with him. Bobbie tells him that she loves her life and her job and can't just pack up and leave. Lucy arrives home to find Angel and Charlene in the kitchen, Angel is there to pick her up for their date.   

December 31, 1987 - No Commercials - Duke and Angel are at the club preparing for the New Years Eve bash. A box with miniature snowmen arrived at the club, neither Duke nor Angel knows why. They decide to use them as table decorations for the party. At the PI office, Robert, Anna, and Felicia discuss the evening festivities. Robert has asked Felicia to be his date for the evening, she accepts. Autumn's ex shows up at her hotel room and professes his love, then asks her to go away with him. She is skeptical at first, but eventually agrees. Edward, Alan, and Quentin discuss Autumn's odd behavior at the meeting, and are interrupted when Monica arrives and announces that they are going to Duke's. Jake and Bobbie are still fighting and Jake refuses to go to Duke's. Scotty asks Felicia out for the evening, but she turns him down.
     Just before closing up for the day, Robert receives another letter from the snowman. He shrugs it off, but Anna is very unsettled by it. Grant purchases a guard dog, from the kennel, named "Satan." Alan calls Autumn's hotel room and is told she has checked out. Autumn stops by the PI office to say goodbye to Robert. He tries to talk her out of leaving with her ex. He tells her the guy is only after her money, but she goes anyway. Robert arrives at the brownstone to pick up Felicia and is amazed that she is actually ready. Scotty overhears Bobbie telling Terry that she is going to Duke's alone. He decides to check the place out. The residents of Port Charles congregate at Duke's to ring in the New Year. Anna asks Duke about the table decorations, (snowmen) he tells her he doesn't know where they came from. Anna informs Robert, but again he doesn't seem concerned. Jake sits alone in the brownstone and toasts the New Year at midnight, and then he leaves Port Charles.

January 4, 1988 - No Commercials - The E.R. is thrown into chaos as the blizzard hits Port Charles. Tom and Simone are snowed in up at the cabin. Terry tries to reach Jake in South America, but has no luck. Ruby arrives at the brownstone to give Bobbie support, but they just end up fighting. The hospital calls and asks Bobbie to come in as they are shorthanded. Jake's clients are starting to call the brownstone in earnest. Scotty offers to help out with some of the urgent cases. Alan and Quentin arrive at Cheryl's office and are informed that Autumn is giving them 50mil each. Tiff and Sean go to the brownstone so she can get clothes. They find out about Jake and Bobbie from Terry. Later the duo discusses how a marriage like that could fall apart and wind up fighting themselves. Jake calls home but Scotty answers. When Bobbie tries calling back she is informed Jake is in a meeting and can't be disturbed. Alan tells Monica about the 50mil that Autumn left him, and she reminds him of the 12mil he owes HTI. Sean and Tiff make up and snuggle in bed. Tom proposes to Simone and she accepts.

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