"It's the truth,

even if it didn't


-ken kesey, one flew over
the cuckoo's nest
Naked Lunch
TSA striptease: Oregon judge upholds nudity as acceptable form of protest. Just make sure you state that's what you're doing.

Natural-born Liberals
Income gaffe: Philosophy professor Jere P. Surber reflects on liberalism in academia for The Chronicle Review.

Nazi-lovin' Repugnicans
All inclusive: Right-wing organization plays host to Nazis, Christian Nationalists, other extremists at summit. Mary Papenfuss for HuffPost.

Nefarious Texting
The disinformation highway: Phone texts are the new preferred means of spreading misinformation in the wake of social media crackdown. David Klepper and Sophia Tulp on the dirty tricksters for AP.

North Korean War Rhetoric
"Bullying 101": Kim Jong Un amps up tensions with Seoul in latest declaration. Timothy W. Martin for The Wall Street Journal.

The Notorious RBG
Justicia Magnanimous: "[I]f you want to be a true [law] professional, you will do something outside yourself . . . something that makes life a little better for people less fortunate than you." - Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg, 1933-2020

Nuclear High Alert
Naked aggression: Play-by-play of Russian invasion and response with David Jackson, Kevin Johnson, Joey Garrison, Michael Collins, Jordan Culver, Tom Vanden Brook and Jay Cannon for USA TODAY.

Nutrition Revision
It's the environment, stupid: New study from Stanford University stresses organically grown food is no higher in nutrition than conventionally grown food. Obviously, they miss the point. Alice Park for Time Magazine.

NW Secession
Urban-rural diivide: The Greater Idaho narrative in Oregon is being peddled by an entitled rural elite who'd rather move a state, than move themselves. Antonio Hitchens for The Atlantic.

The Oil Secretary
To Russia with love: ExxonMobil CEO reality television star Donald Trump's pick for Secretary of State, despite misgivings over sanctions. David Filipov, Paul Kane, Anne Gearan and Brian Murphy for The Washington Post.

Onward Christian Nationalists
Out of step: Historically, when zealots impose their will as God's on society, destruction's not long to follow. Jon Ward for Yahoo News.

Open Carry Fury
Petty in denim: Corporate retailers trample the first amendment daily with narry a peep from gun owners, but ask them to leave their sidearms at home, it becomes a constitutional crisis. Jihan Forbes for Yahoo Style.

Open Skies
Open season: White House considering pulling out of Open Skies Treaty, a pact designed to toe the line on arms control. If you're counting, this would make treaty number three reality television star has walked away from to the Kremlin's benefit. Alex Ward explains for Vox.

The O'Reilly Factor
Culture of harassment: Caught with their pants down, Fox issues cable king Bill O'Reilly walking papers. Dylan Stableford on the damage control for Yahoo News.

Chemical weapons: Dow requests EPA ignore science on pesticides, push for less oversight. AP.

PAC Attack
Shady business: Former Justice Stevens testifies against super PAC donations.

Pants on Fire
Takes one to know one: Colin Powell joins other military brass, active and retired, in condemning reality television star's response to protests, calling him out on lies. Allan Smith for NBC News.

Peace Prize
And the winner is: Norwegian politicians nominate Edward Snowden for the Nobel Peace Prize. David Francis for The Fiscal Times.

A Perfect Storm
Heads buried: Budget drastically cuts disaster relief while severity of storms is on the rise. Lydia O'Connor for HuffPost.

Phantom Health Care
Bait and switch: After House version of AHCA met with critical failure, Senate Republicans promised kinder, gentler version, but their secrecy suggests otherwise. Andrew Bahl for Yahoo News.

Pleading the 25th
You're fired: Conservative columnist Ross Douthat suggests 25th Amendment may be used to oust Trump. Michael Walsh navigates its tricky terrain for Yahoo News.

Poking the Dragon
"Comrade Pelosi": Visit by Speaker of the House to self-ruled Taiwan provokes overweight response by Beijing, military. Yimou Lee and Sarah Wu for Reuters.

Polarized Nation
Going nowhere: In Yahoo News/YouGov poll, Trump supporters display unnerving resolve when it comes to a loss in November. Andrew Romano on the numbers for Yahoo News.

Political Jihad
Dereliction of duty: Republican leadership party's biggest flaw. Andrew Romano and Hunter Walker look beyond rocky transition for Yahoo News.

Politics of Class
Party of none: How fear of the term "class warfare" spoils races for Dems. Andrew Romano for Yahoo News.

Poor Polling
Down and out in Washington: Coronavirus, civil unrest, economic crisis have GOP insiders speculating on whether reality television star has stomach for fight. Richard Hall for The Independent.

Poppy Trap
Dirty pool: After years of debate, Pentagon acknowledges poppy seeds may affect pee tests. Kyle Melnick for The Washington Post.

Postal Service Reform
You've got mail: With bi-partisan support, Postal Service Reform Act delivers USPS from the twentieth century. Ben Werschkul for Yahoo Finance.

Pot Reclassification
Schedule III: After more than a decade advocating for the reclassification of pot by Wall Street and users alike, DOJ shows signs of movement. ABC News.

Power Pot
Budding workout aid: Study finds marijuana may enhance athletic performance. Kevin Loria for Business Insider.

Powter Keg
Incendiary politics: Wikipedia profiles self-described radical feminist and fitness guru Susan Powter.

Predatory Lending
Shark lobby: Efforts by Congress to protect consumers from bankrupting triple-digit interest loans met with resistance. Craig Harris for USA TODAY.

Privacy Piracy
Off-track surfing: Five ways to prevent Facebook and others from tracking your online activities.

Stranger danger: Research suggests major disconnect with our future selves behind putting things off. Alisa Opar for Nautilus.

Project 2025
Third-party policy: Conservative think tank The Heritage Foundation's autocratic vision for America that would see the Republic rendered unrecognizable. Mike Wendling takes a stab at contrasting it with the GOP's own party platform for BBC.

Propaganda Presser
Captive audience: With Americans staying home during pandemic, reality television star revives daily pressers, three ring circus of lies, propaganda, misinformation and wall of nodding heads, prompting network push back. Lloyd Grove and Maxwell Tani sound the alarm for The Daily Beast.

Proud Supremacists
Boys will be boys: Writing for The National Review, Tobias Hoonhout reduces Proud Boys to harmless fraternity of boozers, gives reality television star pass for comments. After nearly a full term coddling racists, it's time conservative pundits began taking Trump's words at face value.

Crazy is as crazy does: Kurt Vonnegut reflects on "reality" TV, his own writing career and the mental disorder plaguing our modern leaders.

Pyongyang Bomb Scare
Warning shots: North Korea launches missiles in response to US/Korea joint exercises. Hyung-Jin Kim and Kim Tong-Hyung for AP.

Pyongyang 'Fever'
Late to the game: Relying solely on isolation, North Korea's pandemic strategy hits the skids. Lili Pike interviews Sung-Yoon Lee for Grid.

The Quitman 10+2
Lock her up: In a school system composed mostly of black students, a black majority school board is hardly evidence of voter fraud, right? Think again. Jon Ward reports on Nancy Dennard's roller coaster ride in Georgia politics for Yahoo News.

Ransomware Attack
Pulp friction: After second cyber attack within six months, New Orleans declares state of emergency, return to pen and paper. TechCrunch.

'Reawaken America'
Sleep deprived: Pro-Trump/Qanon rally cornucopia of MAGA A-listers promoting debunked stolen election claims, the deep state, demonic satellites, insect burgers, holy ghost viruses, gender-fucking, and reality television star as the Son of God. Zachary Petrizzo for The Daily Beast.

What no-bid contractors learned about fleecing American taxpayers in Iraq, they're now perfecting at home in Katrina's wake. Tom Engelhardt and Nick Turse for Tom Dispatch.

Red State Fraud
Welfare queens: Mississippi audit finds officials, non-profits derelict in procurement, distribution and accounting of some $94 million in funds. Luke Ramseth for Mississippi Clarion Ledger.

Red Wine Reload
All things in moderation: British Medical Journal publishes new study suggesting benefits of red wine are overstated. Korin Miller for Yahoo Health.

Redefining Rape
Tongue-twisted: In what he claims to be a gaffe in communication, incumbent Republican Senator Todd Akin of Missouri distinguishes between "legitimate" rape and that other kind of rape that doesn't really count. Methinks he's about to learn the difference between "legitimate" rage and that other kind from the women of his state.

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Reefer Madness
Still crazy after all these years: Perjuror AG Jeff Sessions is coming for your pot. Jamie Peck for The Guardian.

Re-hashing the ACA
Half-baked health care: House Republicans promote medical savings accounts, reproductive restrictions, in lieu of plan. Tyler Olson for Fox News.

Reindeer Games
Going Native: Detection of COVID-19 in wild deer populations may not bode well for humans. Evan Bush for NBC News.

Repel and Replace
Health care debacle: The GOP re-writes the Affordable Care Act, proving once again they have no grasp of the issue. Rick Newman reports.

Republic of QAnon
Gun-toting conspiracists: QAnon primary victories edge them closer to dream of cavorting with Satan-worshipping pedophiles. Christopher Wilson on the baffling phenomenon for Yahoo News.

Ringling Bros. Revamp
Cruelty-free: Think Cirque du Soleil, without a storyline. Mark Kennedy for AP.

Rise of the Machines
i, robot: As manufacturers and consumers increasingly embrace automation, the jobs future looks increasingly bleak. Vivek Wadhwa for The Washington Post.

The Rising Tide
In over our heads: Union of Concerned Scientists say the oceans, they are arising.

Robo Bees
Pop-up swarm: In a nod to Monsanto, Harvard scientists create robotic bees for mass-production.

Robo Economy
Inside job: 25 percent of workers expect their jobs to be replaced by robots, automation, as Gallup struggles to put a rosy spin on it.

Robotic Tinderbox
Work ethics: Researchers at Harvard University unveil stigmergetic robots that task for themselves. Have they not seen the movie?

Roe vs. Wade
Hanger judges: In stunning reversal of 50 year precedent, SCOTUS throws the embryo (right to privacy) out with the bath water (choice), and hints at things to come. Quint Forgey and Josh Gerstein for Politico.

Russia Intel Report
Final answer: Despite claims to the contrary, bi-partisan Senate report on 2017 intel finds the assertion of Russia interference in 2016 election accurate, unbiased. Ken Dilanian and Julie Tsirkin for NBC News.

The Russia Sessions
"Scurrilous and false": His turn at fielding questions from Senate Intelligence Committee over Russia results in perjuror AG Jeff Sessions mostly invoking executive privilege. Charlie Savage, Emmarie Huetteman and Rebecca R. Ruiz with highlights for award-winning "news faker" The New York Times.

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