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Fun / foon Tokyo
Tuesday, May 25, 2004
NHK's 4,000 scanning lines & nothing worth watching
Topic: Japanese Tech

Japan introduces 4000 scan-line TVWashington Times, DC - May 25 (UPI) -- Japan's semi-government broadcasting corporation, NHK, demonstrated the world's first ultrahigh-definition 4,000 scanning line video system Monday. ...

Regular TV: 350 to 450 scanning lines
EDTV:480p scanning lines,
HDTV: 1080i or 720p scanning lines

Posted by trek/taro at 7:29 PM KDT
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Charles "Dumbo" Jenkins will find a firing squad has "very strong attitude"
Topic: Media
Dumbo Jenkins may weasel out of this yet....
Current laws may compel Japan to hand Jenkins to U.S.: Hosoda
TOKYO, May 25, Kyodo -
Current laws may compel Japan to hand the American husband of a Japanese abducted by North Korea over to the United States if he comes to Japan and Washington wants custody of him on the charge of deserting the U.S. military, Chief Cabinet Secretary Hiroyuki Hosoda said Tuesday....
''If America comes to us and asks with a very strong attitude that this person is being prosecuted thus and therefore they want him to be handed over, it is highly possible at this time that we will come to legal interpretations that would leave us with no choice but to hand him over,'' Hosoda told a press conference....

Posted by trek/taro at 6:01 PM KDT
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Japan Institute of Sports hunts Olympic Gold gene
Topic: Japanese Tech

Japan Institute of Sports Sciences to search for Olympic Gold gene / 25 May 2004 The Japan Institute of Sports Sciences is to start research into genotypes that are commonly seen in top-class athletes in an attempt to identify potential gold medalists....
In addition to training, the natural attributes with which world-class athletes are born are believed to play a role in allowing them to achieve outstanding athletic ability....
The goals of the research are to discover gene sequences that play a major role in creating athletic ability and to establish a database based on genetic research into Japanese gold medalists.

Posted by trek/taro at 5:50 PM KDT
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But I wanna Japanese Vinyl Jabba the Hut
Via the / Mon, May 24, 04 04:09:02 PM EDT
Japanese Vinyl Boba Fett Exclusive... Medicom's VCD (Vinyl Collectible Doll) Boba Fett. This 18.5 cm exclusive will be limited to 2004 pieces... available at the World Character Convention 18 (June 6th) in Japan.

Posted by trek/taro at 3:38 PM KDT
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GENKI juice: Do-it-yourself frog oil aka snake oil
Topic: Japanese life
Here's do it yourself snakeoil... or more properly in Japanese "FROG OIL" Gama no Abura / 蝦蟇の油 ....

NATURE IN SHORT / Getting to the root of Japanese pick-me-up drinksThe Daily Yomiuri / May 25
... a man in front of me was purchasing one of those small bottles of Jiyo Kyoso pick-me-up drinks that the Japanese love so much. I noticed he gave the cashier a 5,000 yen note, but only received coins for change....
I was stunned. This was a 50 milliliter bottle, small enough to fit into the palm of your hand. What could possibly make it so expensive?..The most common ingredient in many of the more moderately priced drinks, however, was a substance called Osei, or Polygonatum rhizome extract, made from a plant which was listed as naruko-yuri in Japanese. soon as I realized what was going on I rushed out and harvested some Polygonatum rhizomes for myself. After several years of aging in a glass jar, my white liquor tonic is just starting to mellow out. I always take a tiny sip just before my first-year anthropology class. It gives me just that little extra boost I need to teach...

Posted by trek/taro at 2:59 PM KDT
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Friday, May 21, 2004
What kind of gaijin tries to climb Mount Fuji 3 times?
Topic: Me
Q: What kind of gaijin tries to climb Mount Fuji three times?

A: Taro on crutches:
Once failed in a snowstorm; once failed with infected blister on my foot; and finally succeeded climbing Fuji-san in a TYPHOON after being detained for, "endangering society and myself."

Posted by trek/taro at 3:57 PM KDT
Updated: Friday, May 21, 2004 4:08 PM KDT
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In Japan is snot also blue?
In Japan is snot also "blue" 青 like traffic lights and leaves?
See the Wiki on AO mondai

Posted by trek/taro at 2:06 PM KDT
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Is this a Japanese male or female? You make the call.
Topic: Japanese life
Via the NinjaShot blog:
" In Japan, baseball is very popular sports. It means that there are lots of enthusiastic fans. Thiswoman is fan of Tigers, that is name of baseball team."

Posted by trek/taro at 12:25 PM KDT
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Thursday, May 20, 2004

Bust up!

Posted by trek/taro at 1:27 PM KDT
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My Mysterious Orient needs a logo

Posted by trek/taro at 11:14 AM KDT
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Wednesday, May 19, 2004
Empress Michiko has got worms
Topic: Media
Kyodo / May 19 Empress fees silkworms
TOKYO, Japan - Empress Michiko prepares mulberry leaves with the help of her aide to feed silkworms at a cocoonery in the Imperial Palace on May 19.

Posted by trek/taro at 5:20 PM KDT
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Nothing squeaks better than a Japanese girl

Miss Universe (news - web sites) candidate Eri Machimoto of Japan cheers as she arrives for an Ecuadorean musical show in World City, 26 km (16 miles) west of Quito
---- AP News May 18, 2004

Posted by trek/taro at 4:27 PM KDT
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Pogo Mt. Fuji...only a gaijin would do it twice!
Via GregBlog...

- 'Mr Versatility':
....While speeding across Japan in a bullet train, I spotted Mount Fuji sparkling in the distance through the window and I was stunned by its majestic beauty. I knew I just had to climb it on a pogo stick! Since I was leaving the Orient in a few days, there was no time to waste. I had my pogo sticks flown over from New York, alerted the media and, with helpers and witnesses in tow, ventured into the unknown.
It was one of the highlights of my life. It was exhilarating ascending towards the snowline and breathing in the fragrant and crisp, thin mountain air. I had a powerful meditation at the turnaround point. Contrary to what I expected, going down was a lot harder, since I was already tired and had to use all my strength to avoid bounding downhill uncontrollably.
....It was such an enjoyable experience that seven years later I decided to try it again, increasing the distance to 16 miles....As I was racing down the mountain in the pouring icy rain, deeply concentrating on not sliding off the road and trying to finish before I cramped up....

Posted by trek/taro at 3:36 PM KDT
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"Bring out The Gimp." in Chiba Japan
Topic: Japanese life
Pensioner turns young wife's lover into 'gimp'MDN / May 19
MATSUDO, Chiba -- An old man who used a chain leash on his young wife's lover, then bound him and locked him inside a wooden box has been arrested, police said.
Hiroshi Ohashi, the 64-year-old pensioner who also nailed himself inside the wooden box in which he is alleged to have used to keep his wife's 39-year-old lover imprisoned at knifepoint for 13 hours, was arrested for kidnapping.
Ohashi, who in the past has been convicted for arson, stated only that "that court case was bulls**t! Give me a retrial."

Posted by trek/taro at 2:13 PM KDT
Updated: Wednesday, May 19, 2004 2:21 PM KDT
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Wal-Mart is a key distributor of yummy whale meat
Topic: Japanese life

Walmart At It Again

Another reason Wal-Mart is the devil.

Via liquidtwilight on livejournal.
Wal-Mart, the world?s largest retailer, has a major share in the Japanese supermarket chain Seiyu. Seiyu is a key distributor of cetacean products in hundreds of its supermarkets in Japan. As one of Japan?s leading supermarket chains, Seiyu?s distribution chain has helped to maintain the Japanese whale and dolphin hunting industry in spite of the international ban on commercial whaling and repeated international criticism....

Maybe the Whale nation may wanna do some flippin'?

Posted by trek/taro at 1:18 PM KDT
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Super typhoon Nida is heading for Japan
Big wind is coming and we're not talking 'bout my bean burrito dinner tonight.

Posted by trek/taro at 11:08 AM KDT
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Bumper mullet season for Japan
Australian mullets--->

Bumper mullet season forecast

ABC Regional Online, Australia - 19 May
... the export's important to Australia quite frankly, so many hundred million [dollars] are made from foreign exports mainly to Japan ...
All comments above were facilitated by the NSA?s orbital mind-controlling lasers

Posted by trek/taro at 10:40 AM KDT
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Tuesday, May 18, 2004
What does this have to do with it?
Guess the topic?????

Posted by trek/taro at 6:44 PM KDT
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Friday, May 14, 2004
Japan's SEX CORPS want you!
Topic: Japanese life
Sex soldiers march to the maidenhead beat
By Ryann "Panty-sniffer" Connell / MDN / May 13, 2004
Sexologist Kim Myung Gun's Sex Volunteer Corps has just inducted the fourth annual intake of new recruits since its formation as many years ago,.....I accept new applications for recruits about once a year and this year I got 42 applications. We started with a written test, then a face-to-face interview conducted by a panel including me and a number of women.....
......Women like these are sexually frustrated, with some even seeking medical treatment for their condition. What they're going through, though, isn't something you can fix up just by prescribing some sort of medicine. What they really need is sex."....<

Posted by trek/taro at 5:26 PM KDT
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R.I.P. for "Decotora" Japanese decorated trucks?
Topic: Japanese life
デコトラ Decotora = decorated truck

Windshield decor on trucks to be banned
Asahi / May 14 ....Citing safety concerns, the transport ministry will from this fall ban the decorative plates that many truck drivers attach to the lower part of their windshield....The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport has been asking truck associations to have the plates removed after a 10-month-old boy was killed and his mother seriously injured in an accident... a 30-centimeter-wide silver metal plate on the lower interior of the truck's windshield blinded the driver from seeing the mother and child.
The ministry aims to revise safety rules with an outright ban because a survey shows that roughly 10 percent of truck drivers still use the decorative plates as shields from unwanted glare and prying eyes.

Posted by trek/taro at 4:57 PM KDT
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