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The Original Series
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Vessel Specs Episode Log Crew Manifest Aliens Encountered
Enterprise Season 1 Captain Kirk

Season 2 Mr. Spock

Season 3 Dr. McCoy

Lt. Uhrua

Ensign Chekov

Chief Engineer Mr. Scott

Helmsman Mr. Sulu

Vessel Specs

The original U.S.S. ENTERPRISE was a constitution-class starship launched in 2245. Captain Kirk took command of the ENTEPRISE in 2264 for a five year exploration mission. Througout this mission, the ENTEPRISE established itself as the most vital ship in the Starfleet making contact with nuemerous races, and being involved in key security issues with the Federation.

In 2276 The ENTEPRISE entered dry dock for a refit, emerging at it's conclusion as a new ship. This ship was later destroyed to keep it from Klingon hands during a mission to the planet Genisis to recover Spock's body. Subsequently a new ENTERPRISE was enlisted.

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Season 1

*Episodes in order of Airdate
Episode Title Airdate Production Number Reviewed
The Man Trap 9/8/1966 6 N
Charlie X 9/15/1966 8 N
Where No Man Has Gone Before 9/22/1966 2 N
The Naked Time 9/26/1966 7 N
The Enemy Within 10/6/1966 5 n
Mudd's Women 10/13/1966 4 N
What Are Little Girls Made Of? 10/20/1966 10 N
Miri 10/27/1966 12 N
Dagger Of The Mind 11/3/1966 11 N
The Corbomite Maneuver 11/10/1966 3 N
The Menagerie: Part 1 11/17/1966 16 N
The Menagerie: Part 2 11/24/1966 16 N
The Conscience of the King 12/8/1966 13 N
Balance of Terror 12/15/1966 9 N
Shore Leave 12/29/1966 17 N
The Galileo Seven 1/5/1967 14 N
The Squire of Gothos 1/12/1967 18 N
Arena 1/19/1967 19 N
Tomorrow is Yesterday 1/26/1967 21 N
Court Martial 2/2/1967 15 N
The Return of the Archons 2/9/1967 22 N
Space Seed 2/16/1967 24 N
A Taste of Armageddon 2/23/1967 23 N
This Side of Paradise 3/2/1967 25 N
The Devil in the Dark 3/9/1967 26 N
Errand of Mercy 3/23/1967 27 N
The Alternative Factor 3/30/1967 20 N
The City on the Edge of Forever 4/6/1967 28 N
Operation: Annihilate! 4/13/1967 28 N

Season 2

Episode Title Airdate Production Number Reviewed
Amoke Time 9/15/1967 34 N
Who Mourns for Adonias? 9/22/1967 33 N
The Changeling 9/29/1967 37 N
Mirror, Mirror 10/6/1967 39 N
The Apple 10/13/1967 38 N
The Doomsday Machine 10/20/1967 35 N
Catspaw 10/27/1967 30 N
I, Mudd 11/3/1967 41 N
Metamorphosis 11/10/1967 31 N
Journey to Babel 11/17/1967 44 N
Friday's Child 12/1/1967 32 N
The Deadly Years 12/8/1967 40 N
Obsession 12/15/1967 47 N
Wolf In The Fold 12/22/1967 36 N
The Trouble With Tribbles 12/297/1967 42 N
The Gamesters fo Triskelion 1/5/1968 46 N
A piece of the Action 1/12/1968 49 N
The Immunity Syndrome 1/19/1968 48 N
A Private Little War 2/2/1968 45 N
Return to Tomorrow 2/29/1968 51 N
Patterns of Force 2/16/1968 52 N
by Any Other Name 2/23/1968 50 N
The Omega Glory 3/1/1968 54 N
The Ultimate Computer 3/8/1968 53 N
Bread and Circuses 3/15/1968 43 N
Assignment: Earth 3/29/1968 55 N

Season 3

Episode Title Airdate Production Number Reviewed
Spock's Brain 9/20/1968 61 N
The Enterprise Incident 9/27/1968 59 N
The Paradise Syndrome 10/4/1968 58 N
And The Children Shall Lead 10/11/1968 60 N
Is There In Truth No Beauty? 10/18/1968 62 N
Spectre of the Gun 10/25/1968 56 N
Day of the Dove 11/1/1968 66 N
For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky 11/8/1968 65 N
The Tholian Web 11/15/1968 64 N
Plato's Children 11/27/1968 67 N
Wink of an Eye 11/29/1968 68 N
The Empath 12/6/1968 63 N
Elaan of Troyius 12/20/1968 57 N
Whom Gods Destroy 1/3/1969 71 N
Let That Be Your Last Battlefield 1/10/1969 70 N
The Mark of Gideon 1/17/1969 72 N
That Which Survives 1/24/1969 69 N
The Lights of Zetar 1/31/1969 73 N
Requiem for Methuselah 2/14/1969 76 N
The Way to Eden 2/21/1969 75 N
The Cloud Minders 2/28/1969 74 N
The Savage Curtain 3/7/1969 77 N
All Our Yesterdays 3/14/1969 78 N
Assignment: Earth 3/29/1968 55 N
Turnabout Intruder 6/3/1969 79 N

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Crew Manifest

Captain Kirk/William Shatner

Captain James Tiberus Kirk is the most well known character in Star Trek. He commanded the U.S.S. Enterprise on two five-years missions, the first of which, earned him the legend status he has today.

Some highlights of his career: being the youngest Captain in Starfleet, one of the few to bring his ship back in good conditions, numerous first contact situations with extraterrestrials, major role jumpstarting the Khitomer Accords, saved Earth from numerous threats including V'Ger, and the Whale Probe.

Saddly Captain Kirk died in 2371 after being swept up in a timeless energy ribbon known as the Nexus, and thusly meeting Captain Jean-Luc Picard of a future Enterprise. The two fought a possessed madman who wanted to destroy an entire solar system so the he could enter the Nexus himself.

William Shatner was born in Montreal, Quebec March 22, 1931. After high school he attended McGill University to study commerce, and moved to New York in 1956 to pursue an acting career. He appeard in several TV shows, and movies including For the People, The Barbary Coast, T.J. Hooker--which was immensly popular, Loaded Weapon 1, Miss Congeniaity, and of course, Star Trek.

Favorite Hobbies include: horses.

For more information William Shatner, click on the link below. It will take you to a banner to Willam Shatner's website.


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Science Officer Spock/Lenard Nimoy

Spock, Captain Kirk's 1st Officer, and Science Officer aboard the U.S.S. ENTERPRISE is half vulcan-half human. He was assigned to the U.s.s. ENTERPRISE as a cadet under Captain Pike in 2252, and later became 1st Officer/Science Officer under Captain Kirk.

Personally, Spock and his fater Sarek had differences in the past when Spock choose to enter Starfleet, and due to his half-human side conflicting with his father's vulcan ways. During his tenur aboard the U.S.S ENTERPRISE, Spock assisted in numereous operations which ensured the safety of the ENTERPRISE, and it's crew, including sacrificing himself by reparing warp conduits when Kahn used the Genisis device to try and destroy Kirk, spearheading the Khitomer peace accord movment, discovering the weakness which lead to the destruction of the Klingon Bird-of-Prey which could fire while cloaked, and later in life, reunification of Romulans and Vulcans.

Lenard Nimoy was born in Boston, the son of a Russian immigrant. He attended drama school, and went to Hollywood in search of an acting job in 1949. He married a young actress in 1954 by the name of Sandra Zober. He was drafted by the military and was stationed at Fort McPherson, special services, for 18 months. Besides Star Trek, he has appeared in Rawhide, Dr. Kildare, The Virginan, Profiles in Courage, the Outer Limits, Deathwatch, and has done voice over work for The Transformers: The Movie.

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Dr. McCoy/DeForest Kelley

Dr. Lenard H McCoy served as the U.S.S. ENTERPRISE doctor for the first original five-year mission taking over from Mark Piper in 2266. He was a decorated surgeon by the time he came aboard, having been born in the south in 2227, attending the University of Mississippi and then med school.

His battle of wits with Mr. Spock is one of the most renowned aspects of his character while on tour with the ENTERPRISE, but in reality cared for him deeply despite their constant bickering. After the ENTERPRISE returned from it's first five year mission, McCoy retired to private practice, but during the the V'Ger crisis of 2271, was forced back into service by then Admiral Kirk and Nogura. From there he served Starfleet until the age of 137 where he inspected the then new Galaxy-Class U.S.S. ENTERPRISE NCC-1701-D.

(1920 - 1999)

DeForest Jackson Kelley was born January 20, 1920 in Atlanta, Georgia. He ventured to Long Beach, California and met his future wife: Caroyln Dowling, and married in 1945. After being spotted by a Paramount scout, Kelley starred in Fear of the Night, his first movie. Since then he has appeared in The Gunfight at the OK Corral, Raintree Country, Gunsmoke, Bonanza, Playhouse 90, Warlock, and of course, Star Trek.

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Lt. Uhura/Nichelle Nichols

Lt. Uhura served as the chief communication's officer on the U.S.S. ENTERPRISE during it's first five-year mission. She was born in Africa in 2239, and is fluent in Swahili, and in Swahili, Uhura means freedom. Able to improvise in a crisis, she has had several noteble experinces while on tour with the ENTPERISE. Most noteably while on tour on the original five year mission, her entire memory was wiped by a probed named Normad in 2267. Due to this she had re-learn all the information that she once knew, but did succeed. She was present during all of the ENTEPRISE's famous roles, and assisted Kirk in stealing the ENTERPRISE to recover Spock's body from the Genisis planet. Later, she went on to assist in the exposing of terrorists in the Klingon and Federation who wanted to stop peace between the two.

Nichelle Nichols, one of the most culturely symbolic actors of the original Star Trek series was born in Robins, Illinois on December 28, 1933. Although her character did not have all the big action sequences, Lt. Uhura was imporant because it was the first time an African American actress was portrayed in a non-steroytypical role. She would have left after the first season of the show, at her desicion, had she not had a fateful meeting with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. He personally convinced her that the role was important, and that she should keep at it.

Nichelle is still active today, she has had apperances in numerous other films and series: Ironside, Tarzan, The Lieutenant, Head of the Class, Gargoyles, Batman The Animated Series, Spider-Man, G VS E, Futurama, Buzz Light Year: Star Command.

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Ensign Chekov/Walter Koeing

Ensign Pavel Checkov was navigator for the U.S.S. ENTERPRISE during it's first five year mission. He prided himself and boasted Russian accomplishments, and ethics. Easily angered, and easy to romance, he is the personfication of a promising officer. In 2237, he was assigned to the U.S.S. RELIANT, and subsquently was involved in wrestling control of Genisis away from mad genius Kahn. However his Captain, Clark Terrell and Mr. Spock both died during that mission. He assisted in theft of the ENTERPRISE to save Spock's body from the Genesis planet, and ultimately assisted in the saving of the earth by the whale probe, during which he suffered severe head tramua. After being healed, he went on to serve Captain Kirk and the ENTERPRISE loyally, aiding in the Khitomer Accords peace agreement.

Walter Koeing was born in Chicago, Illinois on September 14, 1936. He likes to collect toys and has had apperances in: The Lieutenant, The Alfred Hitchcock Hour, I Spy, Ironside, The Real Ghostbusters, Almost Perfect, Diagnoisis Murder, Son of the Beach, and Babylon 5.

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Montgomery Scott/James Doohan

Chief Engineer Montgomery Scott; dubbed the miracle worker for his radical ideas of Starfleet engineering. Although risky, those ideas have saved the ship on countless occasions. Scotty's first Chief Engineer assignment came aboard the U.S.S. ENTEPRISE under Captain Kirk in 2264. He was heavily into schematic manuals of starship engines, and kept up on the latest scientific breakthroughs. In 2269 the ENTERPRISE underwent a refit, ending with basically a new ship. Scotty oversaw this project, as he considered the ENTEPRISE his lass. In 2285, he oversaw the experimental transwarp drive test project for the U.S.S. EXCELSIOR. It was during this time, that he aided Kirk in the theft of the ENTERPRISE to retrieve Spock's body from the genesis planet first by disabeling the EXCELSIOR, and then rigging the ENTEPRISE to run with only the small company they had.

James Doohan was born om March 3, 1920 in Vancouver, British Columbia --Canada

James likes trains, collecting and riding them, and served during WW II in the Royal Canadian Artillery, he began his entertainment career through radio drama, and eventfully tried out for Star Trek, of course, getting the part of Scotty. Other apperances include: The Bold and The Beautiful, Danny, Knight Rider 2000, Duckman, Home Boys in Outer Space, MacGyver, Magnum P.I., Bewitched, Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea, The fugitive, Man from U.N.C.L.E., The Twighlight Zone, The Outer Limits, Bonanza, and Gunsmoke.

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Mr. Sulu/George Takei

Hikaru Sulu was the Helmsman for the U.S.S. ENTERPRISE during both five year missions, transfering to the helm under Captain Kirk in 2266. After serving the ENTERPRISE and Starfleet well he was promoted to Captain in 2290. His ship was the first to know that the Klingon moon Praxis had exploded, thus leading up to the Khitomer Accords. Mr. Sulu's hobbies inlcude botany, martial arts, old hand guns, and also has a knack for antique flying equipment: IE, 20th century helciopter.

George Takei was born in Los Angeles, Califorinia on April 20, 1940. During WW II, he and his family were put in govenment installations for Japanese descendants, thus he entered politics. He's been a member of the Southern California Rapid Transit Board for 11 years and helped in L.A.'s first metro rail system. George still stays active in acting, and has lately appeared in Kung-Fu: The Legend Continues.

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