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Happy 4th of July!

Its monday, and since this is the first day in which I am gone, I am sure it will be the hardest for the both of us. :-( . Anyway, here is a little gift from me to you. Be sure to check the website EVERYDAY, or else you might miss something ,p .lol. I miss you so much! Ill talk to you on friday!
Monday's Surprise!

Since Im writing all this on Saturday night, I dont really have much to Just pretend that Im writing this on I miss you even more then yesterday! Ill talk to you in 3 more days!
Tuesday's Surprise!

Its halfway over! Woohoo! I am having a lot of fun, but I am missing you so much, its not even funny. I cant wait to return, so i can hear your voice once more! Btw I miss U! Only 2 more days!
Wednesday's Surprise!

Im coming back tomorrow! Yay! Im so excited! Im missing you SO SO SO MUCH! Atleast you get ot ehar my voice while your I do ahve those couple of voice messages you sent me on my iPod, and I listen to them everyday! Oh yeah, and Ive been spending more time reading Harry Potter on the cruise then doing anything (Well, not quite, but close!) Anyway, Ill talk to you tomorrow night, but be sure to check this site some time tomorrow, because there just might be another surprise for Friday, I havent decided wether you deserve a Friday Surprise Btw I miss U!
Thursday's Surprise!

Well, I come home this afternoon, so Im going to keep this short. I think I had a great cruise, even though I spent the whole time missing using my telepathetic skills to see the Ill talk to you tonight, and I hope you have had a good week. Btw I miss U!
Friday's Surprise!

Saturday, June 25, 3:20 Am
ROSIE!!!! I AM SO PISSED OFF! ITS GONE! ITS ALL GONE! Everything got wiped off my page, I knew I should have kept a backup. DAMNIT! I had already posted like 3 new messages today also, 1 of which was very long. I was actually coming back on to the computer to write a 4th message saying that I might have been kind of harsh in my last message, since my week has been less then adequate. Of course, now that the other message has been deleted I dont really need to apologize for anything I said, but I feel as though I should do it anyway. Considering the time I am not going to be able to repost everything again tonight. I could try, but I just dont have the energy. Ive been up for over 20 hours now, and Im exhausted. Seeing as how I am so tired, I am going to give you the condensed version of what I said in some of the other posts from today...
I miss you
Im upset that we didnt get to talk tonight
The cruise sucked
I still miss you
I gave myself the same advice I gave someone else
It helped some
Then it made things worse
Then I got totally confused
I miss U even more now

Thats pretty much where I am now, give or take a few I hope you are having fun with... whoever it is you are out Ill talk to you tomorrow, unless yiour busy then, in which Ill talk to you Sunday, or some other Btw I miss U!
PS I also forgot to mention that Im also pissed, because aparantly I got on today, less then 30 minutes after you got off. If only I hadnt been forced to eat dinner with the family, and shower. >:-(
PPS Im sorry to hear about... everything(Wreck, Near death expririence, heavy drinking, crying...ect) Im sure everything will work out all right though, and you can tell me all about it when you return from... where
PPPS GRRRR.... Im just so mad, because I had so much written, and now its all gone. Oh well, no use dwelling on lost things. I just want you to know, that I didnt come back, and wait until 330 Am to write to you. I didnt want you to think I had forgoten about you or anything. Anyway, Im sorry, and I hope you liked your surprises from when I was gone. I look forward to talking to you later!

Saturday, June 25, 2:19 Pm
What up yo! I just thought that this page looked a bit empty, so I decided to post the lyrics tothis song that I heard on the radio yesterday. I think its a good song, but I dont know if youve ever heard it before.
Much <3!

Here Without You - Three Doors Down

A hundred days had made me older
since the last time that I saw your pretty face

A thousand lights had made me colder
and I don't think I can look at this the same

But all the miles had separate
They disappear now when I'm dreaming of your face

I'm here without you baby
but your still on my lonely mind
I think about you baby
and I dream about you all the time
I'm here without you baby
but your still with me in my dreams
And tonight it's only you and me

The miles just keep rollin
as the people either way to say hello
I've heard this life is overrated
but I hope that it gets better as we go

I'm here without you baby
but your still on my lonely mind
I think about you baby
and I dream about you all the time
I'm here without you baby
but your still with me in my dreams
And tonight girl it's only you and me

Everything I know,
and anywhere I go
it gets hard but it won't take away my love
And when the last one falls,
when it's all said and done
it get hard but it won't take away my love

I'm here without you baby
but your still on my lonely mind
I think about you baby
and I dream about you all the time
I'm here without you baby
but your still with me in my dreams
And tonight girl it's only you and me

(I wrote this while I was on the cruise, so I thought Id post it for you!)
Thursday, June 23, 1:23 Am
What it is yo! Whats up!?lol. It is currently Wednesday night... errr... Thursday morning... I just got back from partying(or not) and I decided to pop a Tic Tac in my mouth, and write to Ive got so much I want to say, but I hate to write about as much as you hate to So Ill attempt to sumarize everything. Bascially I have some good news, and some bad news. Im going to give you the good enws first, because it relates to you atleast a little bit and because the good news is shorter then the bad The good news is that I have been behaving myself, and I ahve not gotten into any arguments with anyone so far. Yay! Maybe now my mom will trust me a bit more!(but probably The bad news is that hte Cruise sucks. The previously mentioed "partying" never happened.(Not for me anyway) The teen club was a dud, so I was hanging out with some of my family, and we decided to meet my sister and stepsister in this club on the ship called Voltage. Well, since Im not 18, they wouldnt let me in. So I got to come back here to the room, while they are out clubbing. Tomorrow is my last day to have some fun, and its not looking good. I just want Friday to get here, so I can go home. The lack of fun, coupled with the fact that Im missing you more and more each day, is taking its toll on me. Oh well, Ill be back soon. I guess Ill go to bed now, and sleep the hours away. I hope you are having a better time then I am, and Ill talk to you Friday!(Unless you have plans with someone Btw I have never missed U more then I miss U right now!
Much <3!

Sunday, June 26, 12:35 Am
Hey! Just thought Id drop in and say hey! Now that I have gotten the formalities out of the I was really hoping to talk to you tonight, but its not looking to good from where Im sitting. I guess your just really busy this weekend. Who knows, maybe you had to go out of town for the weekend, and just forgot to mention I hope everything is ok. Although Im sure everything is just fine, its only been 28 hours since you were last Everything is going ok on this end. Im doing good. Anyway, Im not going to say anymore, because then we might have nothing to talk Ill talk to you... whenever you return!(I hope) Btw I miss U!

Monday, June 27, 2:24 Am
Stupid internet! Well, we got disconnected again, and I tried to reconnect, but you are either A)Ignoring me B)Sleeping really deeply C)You threw off your headset. Im going to assume its scenario C, because thats the one that seems most I am going to talk to my father tomorrow about getting access to his internet. Im pretty sure he will let me, but my stepmom doesnt seem to want me to use it for some reason. Im pretty sure we can get around her though. So, if everything goes as planned, I shall have a better connection for talking. Woohoo!lol. I understand that you are having mixed feelings, and I dont know for certain what to tell you. Ron seems to be a nice, and sincere individual. No matter what, I want to say that I will still be here ready to talk to you whenever you want to. And I love being able to talk to you every night. But, I think you should pursue this relationship. Of course ultimatly it is up to you what you do, but that is my personal opinion. I want you to know though, that I am in no way saying that I dont want to talk to you anymore. Its not easy for me to tell you to go and date this guy, but as you Phsychiatrist, it is my duty to give you the green light. Whatever you do though, try to cut back on the drinking. You may not have realized it, but you only have 3 days left on your 40 days. I just want to say, that I hope that when your 40 days are up, you dont go back to drinking as much as you used too. Even if you do have conflicting feelings, you wont get any answers by drinking. Instead of drinking, talk to people. Talk to me, talk to Ron, talk to friends. Talk to anyone who will listen. The choice is yours, all I can do is try to give you my best advice. Id also like to say, that if you think you are having conflicting feelings, try being 2 different kinds of people at once. I am both Bobbie, and your Pshychologist. This poses a problem, when what Bobbie wants, and what your Phsychlogist thinks, differs. Sometimes I lean one way, sometimes I lean the other. In this case, I was forced to go with my Phsychologist side and tell you to venture out. Trust me, it wasnt easy, but atleast now Ive said it, and its out of the Anyway, after a long meaningful post, I get really tired. So Im gonna go ahead and finish this off, and go to sleep. I hope you feel better in the morning, and Ill talk to you later! Btw I missed U, and I still do!

Tuesday, June 28, 2:16 Am
Yo! Just thought Id drop in and say I figure jsut since we didnt get a chance to talk tonight, doesnt mean I should neglect my duties as Official Nightly It does mean though, that I dont really have anything to So, I shall throw in the usual stuff, and head off to bed! I hope you had a good day today, and I hope you have a good day tomorrow! I also hope, that you wake up feeling better then you did today.(I figure as long as each day you wake up feeling better then the day before, eventually you'll feel perfect!lol) Get a good nights sleep, and Ill talk to you tomorrow!(Hopefully!lol) Btw I miss Ur voice!lol

Tuesday, June 28, 4:06 Am
I couldnt So I decided to let the creative juices flow. As you may, or may not have noticed, there is a link at the top of this page to my latest Photoshop Image. Let me just say right now, it was not easy. Dont get me wrong, I didnt spend more then 15 minutes on the image, but it took a long time to figure out what image I was going to Anyway, Im exhausted, but I plan to work on some more images tomorrow! Have a good night! TTYL! BIMU!(Btw I Miss U)(Are you allowed to have an acronym inside an acronym?lol)

Tuesday, June 28, 8:35 Pm
Aloha! I thoughtd I make a little post here, since I added 3 new images at the top of the page. The first 2 are really bad, but the 3rd one is kind of cool. Also, I changed some things on the front page too, if you didnt Anyway, I gotta go make more crappy pictures!lol. Ill talk to you tonight!(Hopefully!lol) Btw I miss U!

Wednesday, June 29, 2:08 Am
Its a record!! Within the first 7 minutes of the call, you were asleep! Congratsulations!lol. I went ahead and finished up another couple of images, and posted them above. I guess congratsulations are also in order for your new relationship. I think a toast is in order. Grab the nearest(non-alcoholic) drink, and raise it into the air... *raises bottle of water* "May each new relationship within your life be even more joyous then the one before." *drinks half the bottle* Anyway, Im going to be off ot bed now! I hope you have a good nights sleep, and I hope you feel better when you wake up! Ill talk to you later! Btw I miss U!

Wednesday, June 29, 7:24 Pm
Your insane... that movie was I just went to see Batman Begins. I didnt think it was very slow at all, I thought it had a good story, with a fair amount of action, and a hint of comedy. All wrapped around a childhood love story, what else could you ask for from a movie? Not to mention the fact that they set it up perfectly for a sequel. Of course, this isnt the reason why Im writing to you, I just thought Id throw my movie The real reason Im writing, is because I dont know if we are going to talk tonight, and I dont know what your plans are, so I thought I should give you my words of wisdom. According to my clock, you have exactly 7:32:38 until your 40 days are up. Id first like to congratulate you on making it the whole 40 days!(I knew you could do it!) I hope, that even when your 40 days is over though, you try to regulate your sexual activities. You yourself once said "I wonder is there such a thing as love, or do we idealize lust to last forever. All true love involves lust...". There is a book I once read, that said "The candle that burns the brightest, is the first to go out." It is now up to you, to interpret these words of wisdom to the best of your ability. I just thought of something, that I have thought of before in relation to me, but I feel it maybe helpful to you too. As you know, I prefer not to drink alcohol. I have been to many places where I could have had alcohol, but I have decided against it. The problem is, sometimes, people dont quite understand why I dont want alcohol. So the easiest thing for me to do is just say, that I dont want alcohol, because I am to young. This works perfectly, except for the fact that I am not going to be "to young" forever. I worry, that I wont be able to hold on to my beliefs when I grow up. I feel, that I may crumble under the weight of "peer pressure". This type of situation is the same for you. It is easier to say no to sexual activities when you can just tell people about your 40 days. Most people would think this is a great idea.(Although, I bet most people couldnt actually acomplish it) But, what about when the 40 days is over? Which, is going to be VERY soon I might add.(Techinically, it might even be over before you read I gues I really should have proposed this thought a little sooner, but with everything else that has been going on, the deadline kind of snuck up on I worry, that you may not be able to say no, when you dont ahve something to fall back on, such as the 40 days.(In no way am I trying to say that you as are weak, or anything like that. I ahve already said that I worry about myself being able to acomplish a similar task. Most people would have a hard time with it.) I feel I must also point out, that my worries arent completely unjustified. I have noticed something similar before. I can remember atleast a few times, when you wanted to just stay home, and relax, but your friends wanted you to go out. You werent able to just tell them no, you had to make excuses. Even then, they would sometimes make you go out anyway.(Again, Im not saying there is anything wrong with this, Im just usuing that situation as an example) I dont pretend to know all the facts. For all I know, maybe you really did want to go out, and you were just telling me that you didnt. I dont know, and I dont really care what the truth was. I just want you to understand that I am concerned, and I want you to realize why. I guess its just something for you to think about. No matter what, Im here for you. Ill talk to you later. Btw I miss U!
The Psychiatrist!
PS I just remembered, that I wanted to ask you something. Does/did Ron know about the 40 days? Does/did he know how long you have/had left? Just curious. Anyway, Ill talk to you later!

Wednesday, June 29, 9:58 Pm
I made a new picture. It doesnt look like much, but I made it all in photoshop. I didnt use any outside images.(So basically, it was Few people who havent used photoshop understand it Anyway, just thought Id drop in and post this little comment.(This way in 10 years, when Im at your house, we can look up this ancient site, and see exactly when I made each Ill talk to you later! Btw I miss U!

Thursday, June 30, 3:43 Am
I know, I know, Im a bit late. I was having a little trouble with my computer, but its all fixed now. Anyway... CONGRATULATIONS! YOU DID IT! Atleast, Im assuming you did it. Im hoping if any "activities" took place tonight, they took place after midnight your I hope the reason your not on, is because you are celebrating. You earned it. 40 days... my my how the time flys. You may not know this, but Ive been working on my own self-improvment, 40 years. I am going to try to have sex atleast once within 40 years. Of course, if I dont acomplish this task, maybe Ill have a shot at the lead roll in this new movie called The 40 Year-Old Virgin.(Bet you didnt think that was a real movie, huh?lol) Anyway, I gotta get to bed. I hope you get a good nights rest, and have a good day at work tomorrow! Btw I miss Ur celibacy!lol. jk jk.
<3! Bobbie!
PS. I dont know if you actually clicked on the link to the movie, but I was just looking at it, and I just realized what the Plot Outline specifically: "Goaded by his buddies, a nerdy guy whose never "done the deed" only finds the urge getting stronger when he meets a single mother." I just thought that was Anyway, Ill talk to you later!

Thursday, June 30, 6:22 Pm
Damn, damn damn! I was afraid something like this might happen. I was on Skype the whole night.(8Pm-4Am my time) Something is wrong with either Skype, or my internet, but its not recognizing that you are on. And apparantly its not showing you that I am on either. I dont know wahts wrong with it, but Im going to try to get to the bottom of it. Like I said, after that 1 night when we had a lot of trouble with it, I started worrying. Thats why I was also on AIM and MSN last night, but apparantly you didnt check Oh well, it sucks, but we will survive. I hope you have a good time at the farmers market.(Although Im not entirely sure what a farmers market Ill talk to you tomorrow! Btw I miss U!

Thursday, June 30, 10:45 Pm
WOOHOO! I got my dad to let me use his internet! I just finished playing an hour of CS, and its so much better! You ahve no idea what its like trying to play with the lag I had. Playing CS is actaully fun again!lol. Anyway, just thought Id let you know!lol. I hope that will solve all our Skype issues, but Im about to go and check out to see if there are any other people who complained about something similar. I hope you get a good nights sleep, and a good day tomorrow! Ill talk to you later! Btw I miss U!

Friday, July 1, 5:26 Pm
Ello! I made a few little changes to your page, and mine. Although you have probablly already noticed I just thought it would be a nice little change. I was going to do it sooner, but it wouldnt let me have a countdown, and the cool special effect, so I waited until your Countdown was finished. Anyway, I guess I better get going. I am going to start breaking apart the fireworks we ahve, so I can combine them into something cool and maybe partially Ill talk to you later! Btw I miss U!

Friday, July 1, 7:59 Pm
lol. Yes I have heard that song. I downloaded it on April 16, because you told me about it. That was when you gave me a list of songs, and I downloaded it. There was about a 1 month time when I listened to it each day. Now I only listen to it occasionally, because I have new songs that remind me of Anyway, I hope you have a good time at the concert, and Ill talk to you later! Btw I miss U!
PS On the boards, you posted something like "My apoglogies..." I thought I should point out to you, that he was saying thanks TO you for telling everyone else not to post there. You were doing the right thing. So, no need to apologize. Just thought I should point that out to Dont worry, I gotcha TTYL!

Sunday, July 3, 2:12 Am
*Knock knock* Im Jealous *Walks away*

Did you really think that was all I would post?lol. Most likely, Anyway, I just thought I would drop in, and say Sup... sup!lol. Im glad to hear you have been having fun with Ron. I too have been having a good time with my deadly works of I just realized that I should probably make a cool picture for July 4th, so Ill get working on that after Church. Oh wait, I have to go to my Granny's house to eat after Church. Well, Ill work on the picture after lunch. Oh yeah, Im going to see War of the Worlds after lunch. Well, Ill defiantly work on the picture after the movie. Except Im going to dinner after the movie with some friends of the family. Wow, I jsut realized I am doing a hell of a lot of stuff Anyway, I gotta go to bed, because I have a long day ahead of Then again, it sounds as though you do too, with teh getting up early, and all the hours in the car. Good luck with the boring car Ive gone from Texas to Virginia and vis versa. Thats about 25 hours in a car. Its not Anyway, Im off to bed. Have a good day tomorrow, and if I dont talk to you, have a good 4th of July too! Ill talk to you later! Btw I miss U!

Monday, July 4th, 1:24 Am
I am TIRED!!!lol. I just got home like an hour ago, to find my stepsisters ex-stepmom here. So I had to stay with them and "entertain" our This is the first time Ive gotten to be on my computer today, except for like 20 minutes after church. I ahve been out all day. After dinner, we went to watch fireworks. It was AWESOME! We were so close to the launching, that smoe of the fireworks ended up going off over our head. Makes me want to blow something Anyway, seeing as how its technically Independence Day, I should probably get working on that 4th of July image.(I have no idea what Im going to Ill talk to you later! Have a good 4th of July! Btw I miss U patriotically!lol

Monday, July 4th, 3:16 Am
Well, I finished my patriotic picture, and its pretty boring. I recently learned how to do these tentacles, so Ive been using them a lot lately. I think they look cool, but I guess there are times when they should be used, and times when they shouldnt. I feel this may have been the Oh well, I am really tired, and I didnt feel like getting really Anyway, I hope you like it, Im going to go to bed now. I hope you had a safe trip back, and have a good 4th of July! Btw I miss U!

Tuesday, July 5th, 11:29 Am
Oops! I totally just remembered that I didnt write to you last night! Sorry, somehow I totally Not that I really had anything to say anyway, not much is new How are things going with you? Well, I guess Ill go wait for you to get on Have a good day! Ill talk to you later! Btw I miss U!

Wednesday, July 6, 2:40 Am
Hey hey hey! *Activating New York Accent* How you doin? *deactiviating New Your Accent*lol. Im glad you were able to come back to the virtual world, for some CS fun!lol. Im also glad that we were able to talk tonight. I miss our talk. :-( But dont tell Ron that, hes jealous enough as I know you feel kind of turned off by the fact that Ron said he loved you, but there is 1 thing you have to remember. He is jealous of me, and is simply trying to compete for you attention.(Although I dont know why, seeing as how he sees you EVERYDAY!lol) Its obvious, that the only reason he said he loves you, is because you said it to me the night before. Its even possible, since you said "I love you" twice, and loudly, to me, that he though that was a sign, that you wanted to go to that step in your relationship with him. Now, on to the fact that he wants to eat you This one is actually quite simple, society today, teaches guys, that it is their duty to pleasure the woman. Its as if they say "If you really like someone, you will eat them out." So dont think anything of that either. Last but not least, his inability to type a comprehensive The only solution to that, is for you to help him learn to construct a gramatically correct sentence. My only question is, does he talk like he types, because if so, I dont see how anyone can understand him.(I guess I kind of get annoyed with bad grammar, not small things, but when I have to "decipher" a sentence, its a little Anyway, Im off to bed, Im really tired. This hot chick was all like "Get up early" and I was like "No!" and she was like "Get up early" and I was like *mumbling* and she was like "Get up early" and I was like "Yeah, ok".lol. Have a good day at work tomorrow, and Ill talk to you later! Btw I miss U!(But dont tell
PS Well, I have now told everyone in the clan about my true identity, except for Stargirl. Ill probably tell her if I see her, but Im not so sure. Im not even sure ifshe is in the Im not entirely sure Doc believed me either. I told him, but he just kept repeating "lies" over and over again. I dont know if he was kidding or Anyway, Im tired, so Im going to sleep! TTYL!
PPS I was jsut checking the forums, and apparantly Stargirl is in the clan, but she is like never wearing the tag. And I just remembered that I forgot to tell Massacre! So I have to remember to tell him the secret too. I just thought I would add this on, so I dont forget to tell TTYL!

Thursday, July 7, 2:03 Am
Hey Rosie! I just thought I should post a little somthin somethin before I go to bed. I have a little headache, so Im going to bed a little earlier then usual. Anyway, I hope you had a good time bowling, hopefully you Ill talk to you later! Havea goodnight! Btw I miss U!
PS I just thought of anotehr question, does Ron know about this site? I was just wondering.(I wouldnt want him to know that I secretly live in Reno and we meet whenever he isnt around!lol) TTYL!

Friday, July 8, 2:19 Am
STOP! Collaborate and listen, Ice is back with his brand new addition... Woah.. where am I? Oh yeah, sorry about that, I totally had a Anyway, Hey Rose Anna!(I figure if I use your middle name every now and then, Im less likely to forget You just fell asleep, and Im about to go to bed, but I thought I should go ahead and post a little something, or else you might get mad at me!lol. Im sorry that things with Ron have taken a turn for the worse, but Im sure everythign will work itself out. We both know, that Ron isnt exactly a debate champion, and therefore, may have problems expressing exactly how he feels. Just, try not to lose your cool, and if he says hes sorry, then say something like "Awww, Im sorry too" instead of something like "Thats right you are!". This doesnt mean, that if he doesnt say hes sorry, that you should just forget him and move on. If he doesnt say sorry, then it is up to you on a specific course of action, but I still think you should give it another try. Atleast try to talk to him again, preferably when you arent drunk(Not that Im saying you were drunk when you talked to him tongiht, Im just saying that you probably shouldnt be drunk next time either) Well, thats all I have to say about that for now. I hope you get a good nights sleep, and Ill talk to you later! Good luck with Ron! Btw I miss Ur snoring!lol.

Saturday, July 9, 2:47 Am
Well, I guess you arent going to get on. *sigh* I guess Ill just go to bed :-( Im just messing with you. I knew you werent going to be on tonight anyway, I was just trying to make you feel bad for being away.(Did it work?lol) I was so mad, I had to get up today, and go get pictures made. It was a total waste of an afternoon. Aparrantly my dad wants to have pictures of me, so we got a professional to take pictures. We are going to get the proofs back in like a week, so if I can, Ill pick a good one, and post it on the site. That way I will have something other then crappy pictures of me on the Anyway, Im going to go ahead and hit the hay. Im not really tired as much as I am bored. I have this picture that Im coloring using photoshop for a contest, and its due today at 11:59 Pm, and I still have a lot of work to do on it. I should be working on that, but Im not in the mood. Besides, I have always been a I have tried to find new ways to spend my time, since I havent been making any new Operation /us Episodes, or /us pictures. Rosie I need help! Im bored!lol. I started this post expecting to go to bed when I finished, but Im not sure what Im going to do I may just fool around with Photoshop, or Flash, who knows, maybe Ill make something good.(Doubtful). Anyway, Im eitehr going to bed, or Im Ill talk to you later! Btw I miss my
PS I told Kifey today, and I played some more with Doc, and I think he believes me now. Or he believed me the whole time. I have no idea, its hard to tell with him, because I havent played with him as much lately, and he never uses a mic. Oh well, TTYL! <3!

Saturday, July 9, 4:17 Am
ROSIE!!! Im an idiot! Instead of going to bed, like I should have, or working on that image that I need to ahve done by tomorrow, I decided to look at some tutorials for Flash. I had the stupid idea, of trying to figure out how to use a 2d animation program to fake 3 demensions using calculus, and what I think might have been trigonometry. Considering I have not taken either of these 2 courses, I got sufficiently confused. Now I headache! Im going to bed for real this time, I promise!(My head hurts! Make it stop! Damn me and my curosity!) Night.

Sunday, July 10, 1:47 Am
Hey! I was watching this comedy show today, and this one comedian was really funny, so I went online, and found the part that I liked the best. So here it is!

Jim Gaffigan
* This city has so many beautiful women. I fall in love like every ten minutes, I'm sitting on the subway, I'm like, "There's my wife...there she is - oh, she's getting off. All right, there's the woman - all right, that's a man."
* Life is a little easier for attractive people, can we admit that? Think about it, if a stranger smiles at you and they're attractive, you think, "Oh, they're nice," but if the stranger's ugly, you're like, "What do they want? Get away from me weirdo."
* I am single, I don't drink. It's kind of hard to get a woman buzzed when you don't drink. You'll be like, "yeah, I'll have a glass of water, you want a shot of Jäger? You want eight of 'em?"
* When you don't drink, people always need to know why. "You don't drink, why?" This never happens with anything else. "You don't use mayonnaise, why? ... Are you addicted to mayonnaise? Is it okay if I use mayonnaise? I could go outside..."

That last one is my favorite of them all, because it is SO true!lol. You have to admit its true. Imagine you were to go out to a club with your friends, and they all got alcoholic beverages. If you were to order a water, 1 if not all of them would ask you why you didnt order alcohol. Anyway, Im going to go to bed soon I think. I got caught up doing toher stuff, and just no got a chance to finish this. Its not I told this guy that I was bored, and so he invited me into a chat room with a couple of his friends. So we just wasted like an hour with all of them trying to "punk" me. They were enver successful, but atleast I was able to kill enough time, that I maybe sufficiently tired enough to go to Anyway, Ill talk to you later! Have a good night, and Im glad you and Ron worked things out! Btw I miss U!

Monday, July 11, 2:09 Am
Hey there! Ive been bored lately, so I made myself a new avatar for the forums. After doing that, I realized that you didnt have one either. So I made you one, and then I realized that Malice didnt have one either, so I made him one. Who knows, maybe eventually all the clan members will have one!lol. Its not very complicated looking, but it was difficult to figure out how to make Anyway, so if you want to use it, you can either, add it yourself, or if you want, I can go in and do it for you. You'll just need to tell me if you want it or So, without further addue, here are the 3 Ive made so far:

Anyway, there they are. I hope you like it. You can use yours if you want.(You can also use mine or Malice's if you prefer, but it might confuse Its up to you, jsut let me know if you want me to make it your avatar on the forums for you! Ill talk to you later! Btw I miss U!

Monday, July 11, 4:24
Hey. Me tired. Going to bed. Night.... Im jsut kidding! Well, partially I am going to bed, but I still have enough brain power to complete a complex I was going to go to bed at like 3, but that guy that I talked to last night got on, and we got in this chatroom with his cousin. We spent like an hour and a half talking about CS, Myspace, and with them trying to make me believe that they live in Florida. I started out being almost positive that they were jsut trying to trick me, but then after a while, I started thinking that I was wrong, and they really do live in Florida. Now, Im about half and half. There is a lot of evidence saying that they are lieing, but the story they are using fits almost perfectly. There were just some things that make me think that they were lying. For instance, on Myspace, all their friends live in Texas.(And they told me that they knew all their Myspace friends in real life) Plus, the city in Florida they originally said they lived in was Pensacola, which is suspcious since that is a city that has been all over the news. Then, after going about a half an hour of them oth saying they lived in Pensacola, they suddenly both said they lived in this other city near Pensacola. It was odd because they said it within like a second of each other. I dunno, but I still think they were lying. Anyway, Im sure Im boring you with this whole story, so Ill I had a good day today, I didnt have to go to church, because my parents had to leave early this morning to take my step-brother somewhere. So I got to sleep in, I was happy about that. Then, after being bored for about 6 hours(Noon-6) I tlaked my dad into taking me to the movies, so we went to see The Fantastic 4. It was pretty good, it had some good special effects, and there was an underlying emotional story, that was good. The only problem with the movie was that the dialoug was From there, I came back home, and was bored until now, but I filled my time with trying to find random stuff to do in photoshop and flash. Now, Im still bored, but I have the best solution for that, sleep!(Well, 2nd best, you would be the BEST solution!lol) I shall settle for sleep at this point though, because I am really tired. I am misspelling atleast 1 word in every sentence at this point, so its kind of hard to So, Ill let you go. Ill talk to you later! Have a good night! Btw I miss everything about U!lol

Tuesday, July 12, 4:11 Am
Phew! I was this close *holds index finger and thumb aproximatly 1 mm apart* to not posting here tonight. I was getting ready to hop into bed, and I remember I never posted here! Have no fear, I caught my mistake, before I made it!lol. I dont really have a lot to say, considering I got to talk to you On the issue of Ron, I again think you should stick with it. Just, tell him how you feel, and that you think yall are spending to much time together. Most importantly though, make sure he understands you. If he starts to jump to conclusions, be forceful. Remember, to stay calm, you can keep him calm better, if you are calm. That is currently all the help I can provide you. Just remember what I said, and everything will work out. Nothing will change, if you dont communicate with him. Anyway, Im off to bed, have a good night! Ill talk to you later! Btw I miss U!(Ron does

Wednesday, July 13, 1:45 Am
Hey Rosie! Just thought I would drop in, and say hey.(Yes, I am still acting as though I dont post here every Your animation is progressing. Things started out slow, but it is all coming together.(Especially since I started the animation without know what I was going to I will be done with it no later then Friday night, but depending on how much work I get done, I may have it finished by midday Thursday. I know you dont like that new picture very much, because of the color, and the stuff on the table, so I fixed it. I had originally wanted to leave the table and just take everything off of it, but I soon realized I wasnt skilled enough for It doesnt look like much my itself, but compared to the original, I think it looks better. So, without further addue here it is!(Put your mouse over the image)

Anyway, I better be off to bed. I figure the sooner I go to sleep, the sooner I can get up and work on the animation!lol. Ill talk to you later! Btw I miss U!
Much <3!

Thursday, July 14, 3:36 Am
I have spent the past hour and a half gathering evidence, and I have come to the conclusion that you should dump him. He is not as he appears. I have found three(Yes 3!) Very revealing pictures of online, along with a video. I am at a loss of words. If you dont believe me, here is the evidence. Its urgent that you look at it right away, before you even finish reading this post
Revealing Pictures
Incriminating Video

Did you look at the evidence yet?


Yes, its true, Ron is... a Terminator. I have found out the truth. He was sent here from 30 years in the future to stop you from giving birth to the future leader of the rebellion. I too have been sent back in time. I was sent back 1 year ago to watch over you, but I lost my memory, and forgot my mission and my past, until now. It is imperative that I get to you before the Terminator has a chance to neutralize his target. Well, if Im going to start treking across the United States to reach you in time, I better get some sleep. Ill talk to you later! Btw I miss U!
PS. This will make a lot more sense, if you have seen The
PPS. I would have been done with the animation, but then you got on and I played CS. Then I started my search for the I should definalty be done tomorrow.(The new animation doesnt look very good, but I think it is VERY funny!lol)TTYL!

Thursday, July 14, 5:45 Pm
Hey! I dont have a lot of time because my stepmom is going to come home any minute, and take me out to dinner. I just wanted to say that I got the new animation up. (Click here!) Anyway, have a good rest of the Ill talk to you later!Btw I miss U!

Friday, July 14, 2:51 Am
Hey! Here I am, with my usual, nightly post! Im really tired for some reason tonight(Purhaps its because I couldnt sleep last night, so by the time I fell asleep it was around 5:30. I felt like I was in a race with the sun, I wanted to be asleep before it came I hope you liked the animation I made, I know its not very long, but there were multiple times when I spent over an hour just making it look right, without animating anything. The only problem is, now I have no idea what to Im not very good at coming up with ideas for these types of things. The last one kind of came together at the last moment, I pretty much just made it up as I went along. I hope you liked the pictures of Ron too, even though the truth you watch Star Wars, watch The Terminator Well, I better be off to bed. Ill talk to you later! I hope you and Ron have a good night!(Dont do anything Ive never heard of! I usually say "Dont do anything Ive never thought of, but I dont want to give you that much freedom. Ive thought of some really weird stuff!lol) Btw I miss U!
PS Ive got some good news! But Im to tired to type the good news, so Ill just wait until later to tell you!*Builds up suspense for the good news*.lol. TTYL!

Saturday, July 16, 1:45 Pm
Im sorry I wasnt on to talk to you, but I went to bed at 4:30 my time. I did stay up alter then I planned to, just because I thought you might get back and want to talk, but I didnt stay up until 6, Sorry. :'( Of course, you know me, I didnt get up today until about 1:30(10:30 your time) and I signed on to everything, but I didnt see you on, I guess I was to late. :'( Atleast from what it sounds like, you put up a good fight!(Better then I could have) Well, I guess this is a good time to try out my secret weapon!(Although its not very secret)(And now that I think about it, its not really a weapon Ill talk to you later! Btw I miss U!

Sunday, July 17, 2:37 Am
Hey there! Im sorry I forgot to write to you last night, I have no idea what happened. I guess I jsut got caught up in something else.(Although, now that I think about it, I dont realy remember doing anything Ill just have to make it up to you ;). I started a new animation tonight. I have no idea when Im going to finish it though, because its more complex and has a deeper emotional story then anything I have done before.(Yet, somehow, I still managed to draw a person, without If you cried on the one, then I know youll cry on this The idea suddenly came to me when I got off the phone with you. Im not going to say anything else at this point in time. I dont want to give anything away, but I think this new animation shall be my best yet!(Dont I always say that?lol) Well, I better get back to work, I have a long hard road ahead of me!lol. I just thought I would come and post a little earlier then usual, since I might be working until teh wee hours of the night, and I dont want to forget Well, Ill talk to you later! Give me a call some time, and if I dont answer jsut leave me a message! Btw I miss U!

Monday, July 18, 1:02 Am
Hey! Well, I just finished the new animation. Its called "The Light". Its pretty much completely diferent then any otehr animation I have done. The music is different, the mood is different, everything is diferent! This one is really kind of sad. Which is one reason why I rushed through it. For some reason, I was more sad then usual when I got off the phone with you last night, so I decided to make an animation, to put visuals with my feelings. The only problem was, just working on the animation, tended to make me sad. That is one reason why I called you while I was uploading the animation to the site a minute ago. I knew, that if I could hear your voice, I would feel better. And now Im not as sad anymore! Thank you!lol. Anyway, I also wrote a poem, which is like my interpretation of what the animation means, but I want you to watch the animaion before you read the poem. If you watch teh animation first, then you can interpret it in your own way. After that, you can read the poem, so you can see how I interpret it. Well, the link to the animation is on the front page, and somewhere in this paragraph up If you cant find the link to The Poem its becasue you just passed I crack myself Anyway, Ill talk to you later, and I hope you like the animation!(Try not to cry on this Have a good night/great day! Btw I miss U more!(And you know it!lol)
much <3!
Bobbie!(One of these days, Ill figure out why I seen each post. Do I really expect someone to come in, and post on my page other then me? Even if someone did hack into the site, wouldnt they realize to be authentic they should put "Bobbie!" at the end of their "Fake" post? Maybe I do it so that you dont post something under my page. Then again I never even look at my page, so it really would matter what you put Well, Ive come to a desicion, Im going to keep putting "Bobbie!" at the end of each post, but Im not going to have a reason for it!lol.TTYL)

Tuesday, July 19, 2:04 Am
Welcome home! Im so glad you are back, I missed yuo so much! Although Im sorry you arent feeling your best,(Even though you look at beautiful as ever) atleast since you are under the weather you have a good excuse to have a Ronless night at home! Now I get to talk to you all night!(Even if you are asleep, and most likely wont talk I might even get to expirience the rare occasion when I get to say good morning to you!(I am simply giddy with Im also sorry, that you havent gotten to smoke at all today.(Ok, Im not really all that sorry about this one, but I am sorry that not smoking has made you a little... grumpy... but grumpy in a good, sexy way!lol) Like I always say,(Ive said it once, about 5 minutes ago, after you fell asleep) "Id rather talk to a grumpy you, then not talk to you at all". And I meant every word of it! :) Well, I guess I better be off to bed.(I think Im going to read some more of book 6 before I go to sleep. I cant wait for you to get it, I know you'll like it!) Have a good nights sleep, have a good day tomorrow, and get well soon!(well enough so that you feel fine, but sick enough so that Ron cant come jk jk) Btw I miss U!
PS. Dont forget Ive got my cell now. Gimme a ring whenever you feel like it. Ive figured out, that I can use 27 minutes a day, for the rest of July!(Plus I have free nights and weekends) TTYL!

Wednesday, July 20, 2:25 Am
I am sooooo tired! Im going to keep this post short, because Im not sure I am capable of contructing a correct Im glad you got the book, because now I have someone to talk to about it. Im going to go to bed now, Im tired, but Ill talk to you later!(And hopefully Ill talk to you in the morning again ;p) I hope you have a good night, a great day, and I hope you get well soon! Btw I miss U!
PS Seeing as how Ron liked Julies comment so much, I think I shall seek out new places in which to comment on how Ron is "alright" but is not smart enough for a "girl" like

Thursday, July 21, 1:46 Am
Hey Rosie! I was hoping you'd be feeling better today, but it appears not. Oh well, theres always tomorrow!lol. Just hang in there, and get well soon! Im pretty tired for some reason, and I have to get up early tomorrow!( Im glad you got to play some CS tonight!(I love killing you... but I like saving you even more!lol) Im so excited now taht your reading Book 6, because I know whats going to happen, and I cant wait for you to Well, I guess Ill hit teh Ill talk to you later!(In the morning hopefully) I hope you have a good night, a great day, and GET WELL SOON!(Thats an Btw I miss U!

Friday, July 22, 3:37 Am
What it is yo! Im so happy that you sound better today then you did yesterday! Im also happy that your alive! And that your house is ok! Im just really happy now!lol. Im also glad I got ot play CS with you, and now that I fixed my lag, I can actually understand what people are saying, AND I can respond back!lol. Trust me, you have no idea what its like to go 3 months without using a mic... its Oh well...

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I–
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
- Robert Frost

That is probably my favorite poem!(I take back when I said you sounded better, because I just heard you coughing real bad! [:^(]-<--< ) Well, I guess I better be off to bed, I hope you feel better soon! Have a good day tomorrow, and get a good nights rest tonight! Btw I miss U!
PS Rules Of Breaking Up:
1. Dont break up at a restaraunt, to many sharp utensils.
2. Always break up outside of your home, so that the recipient can not start breaking your things in fits of anger.
3. Always have a means of transportation, other then the recipients vehicle.
4. Always get keys back before the break up, and always reset Garage codes.
5. Always tell the truth when breaking up with someone. Trying to let them down easy, only hurts them worse.

Follow these 5 Rules I have made for you, and you will do fine.(Or, atleast more fine then the! TTYL!

Sunday, July 24, 3:57 Am
Hey! Well, I go back on Monday, so I have few nights left to spend with you. Just sitting here listening to your voice makes me feel better! Im just upset that the one thing I wanted all summer, I never got... a new updated picture 54. Im just kidding!(Have you ever seen Dodgeball? This reminds me of a quote from that. Ill find the quote and add it to the bottom) Well, I cant talk long, because I have to get up and go to church in the morning, so I really need my sleep. Im already going to get less then 5 hours of sleep. Oh well, I just hope that I dont have to get up and talk tomorrow. Either way, Im sure it will go smoothly.(Or it will be a train wreck, in which case Im leaving tomorrow for like 3 months, so I dont really need to be Ok, I guess I better go. Ill talk to you later! I hope you get a good nights sleep! Get well soon! Btw I miss U!
PS. Heres the quote from Dodgeball...

White Goodman: "There's no reason we need to be shackled by the strictures of the employee-employer relationship. Unless you're into that sort of thing. In which case, I got some shackles in the back. I'm just kidding. But seriously, I've got 'em." (Now see, if we just replace "Shackles" with "Picture 54"

Monday, July 25, 11:13 Am
I know, I know, I forgot to post last night. Im sorry. I guess you jinxed it, by reminding me to post, you made me Atleast I remembered, and took time out of packing to post something today! I already disassembled me computer, but luckily I still have the laptop! Im going to lunch with my dad in about 45 minutes.(We are going to my favorite restaurant! Woohoo!) Then we are coming back to teh house, and I will have 2 hours to finish getting ready. I hope that is enough time, Im not sure it will be Purhaps I should get back to packing. Ill call you later, and Ill make sure I call when I land in Dallas. I hope you have a great day! Btw I miss U!

Tuesday, July 26, 2:46 Am(Remember, Im only 2 hours ahead of you now)
Wow! You dont know how close I came to not posting here. I completely forgot. I was walking out of teh room, when I remembered. I just get sidetracked some times, and completely forget things. Im sorry for being mean today. I can get really argumenative sometimes, and I guess the lousy plane trip just made me more on edge. I always feel like flying is a waste of time, and when I get delayed, its even worse.(If all these damn Muggles weren't around I could just Ill make it up to you, I promise! Well, I got to get to bed. Its almost 3 Am, and my mom said she wanted me in bed before 3. Ill talk to you tomorrow. Get well soon!(Thats an order!) Btw Im sorry and I miss U!
PS. Call me! Day or Night! As long as Im able to, Ill answer! If not, Ill call back as soon as possible! Exclamation points make every sentence fun!lol!

Wednesday, July 27, 3:20 Am
Hey! I got you message, but i got it a bit late. My friend and I were downstairs watching a movie. I got to type quickly, becasue my dog needs to go outside, and I want to finish this before I take him out, so I dont have to come back upstairs. Im sorry to hear Ron is being a dick. I hope you worked things out... or dumped him. Either one is You could have called me.(Unless you did call, and I just didnt Well, Im tired. Ill definatly talk to you sometime tomorrow. So I can hear all about Ron. Have a good night, and get well soon! Ill talk to you later! Btw I miss U!

Thursday, July 28 4:17 Am
Damn, I really need to stop staying up so late. I have a headache now. :^( Now, I know you told me to never call you again, and not to talk to you, or post on this site ever again, but Im going to go ahead and ignore, but I gotta do what I gotta Have I ever told you, that I wish you wouldnt drink so much? I cant help it, I worry about you. When you drink, it also kind of makes you a little harder to deal with. Especially lately, you seem to be getting mad at me more often, and with greater intensity. I dont have the slightest idea what that means, so feel free to step in, and give me your interpretation at any time. For the most part, I have tried to be nice, and just agree with basically everything you say, but tonight was diferent. Tonight, you literally scared me. When I was tlaking to you on the phone, while you were driving, I was scared. I dont know any other way of putting it. Now, I am sorry, for how harsh I was when I was talking to you after you left the server, but that doesnt mean I wasnt telling the truth. I guess, since I was already tired, and it was late, I just wasnt in the mood to you be irrational.(No offense, but I guess since you too were tired, and drunk, you werent really making much sense) Anyway, I have to go to bed, but Ill definalty try to talk to you tomorrow. Hopefully my phone will be a bit more I hope you get a good nights sleep. And get well soon! Btw I miss the sober U!

Friday, July 29, 12:44 Am
Im sorry to hear about your cat. I dont really know what to say. I can tell you cared for her deeply, and she will surely be missed. She now has and forever will have a place in your heart. Just remember, your cat being gone is not a reason to drink.(I just thought I would get that out of the way, so it wouldnt tempt you) Im sorry we didnt get to talk long tonight, but I understand. You need some alone time, and that is perfectly understandable. Everyone grieves in different ways, but everyone grieves. Now on to a more happier subject... how are things with Ron?lol. I see that he posted a new comment on your Myspace. It looks as though hes in... whats that river in Egypt... oh yeah, Da Nile!(lol. Get it?) Denial is obviously his way of grieving, now that he has lost such a great woman. Hes a good guy on the inside, Im sure he will find someone who better suits his needs. Anyway, I guess Ill be off to bed. Im turning in early tonight. I hope you get a good night sleep, and have a great day tomorrow! Get well soon! And remember, everything looks better after a good nights sleep! Btw I miss the happy U!

Saturday, July 30, 4:19 Am
Im sooooo tired! But I had to finish the animation, and I did, so now Im going to bed. Have a good night, get well soon, and Ill talk to you tomorrow! Btw I miss U!
PS. GL looking for you cat!
PPS. Have you ever noticed that when Ron comes over to talk, yall always end up naked and in bed? PPPS. Rosie, I think we need to Good Night!

Sunday, July 31, 3:11 Am
Im sorry about earlier. I didnt really want my friend to come over, but I cant really say no. Besides, I figured it would be ok, becuase we were going to install CS on his laptop, so we could both be playing in the server. Then, when he got here, he had left his CD key at home, and the game wouldnt install. So instead of trying to fix it, he wanted to play ping pong. After that, he wanted to play CS on my computer while I watched. Finally, he decided we should go downstairs, and watch television for like 5 hours. It was not the funnest night. I would have traded it all, just to keep talking to you for even a few more minutes on MSN. Oh well, I made a bad desicion in letting him come over. Theres nothing I can do about it now. I just wanted to say sorry. I also havent been in the best of moods lately, because I have been trying to please my parents. This requires me to do a lot of things I would prefer not to do, such as going to see a movie, that I know I wont like. So again, sorry if I been acting a bit... diferently. It takes some getting used to living here. But hey, you know what they say, realizing something is wrong is the first step to improvement!lol. Well, enough about me being a How are you doing? If I remember correctly, Ron was supposed to come over so yall could "talk".(Which I still think leads to yall be naked in bed together more often then Hopefully you tried to let him down gently, but most importantly, hopefully you let him down. You seriously can not delay this any longer. No offense, but it is getting kind of ridiculus. I mean, how many times do you have to break up with a guy, before he gets the Oh well, live and let live. Learn from your mistakes, and move on. Live long and prosper.(Sorry, Ive been watching a lot a Star Trek lately, that last one just kind of slipped Anyway, I better be off to bed. I hope you have a wonderful stupendous day tomorrow and get a good nights sleep! Ill talk to you tomorrow, and you can tell me all about how you told Ron the truth!(Or you can tell me all about how you couldnt break little Won Won's heart!lol) Btw I miss U!
PS. "Live long and prosper" is the standard farewell used by an alien race known as the Vulcans in Star Trek.(Just in case you didnt TTYL! <3!

Monday, August 1, 3:40 Am
Im really tired, so Im going to keep this short, but I dont have a lot to say anyway, since we spent all that time talking. I thuroughly enjoyed out talk, and I feel that we both made some big improvements. Im glad you broke it off with Ron, and I hope that you two can still be good friends, because he really is a nice guy, and he wants whats best for you.(He just doesnt have the intellectual capability to express it quite as elequently as I I made the countdown for your drinking, I set it for September 1st.(I havent actaully set it up yet, but Im going to after I finish here. Then again, I dont always have the best memory, so if its not there, its because by the time I finshed typing this post, I forgot about the Well, I need to be off to bed. I loved our talk, and I love you! Ill talk to you tomorrow! Btw I miss U!
PS. Here are the instrictions for making sound come out of your speakers, but with your mic still working.
1. Plug in your headset.
2. Go to the "Control Panel".(It should be under the "Start menu". You get to the start menu by clicking the "Start button". The "Start button" is the button at the bottom left of your screen, that says "Start" on
3. In the "Control Panel" open up "Sounds and Audio Devices".
4. Go to the "Audio" tab.
5. For the following 4 drop down menus, there should be 2 options, 1 is your headset, the other is your speakers.(I dont know what it will be called for you, it depends on your computer) For each menu, select the one I specify.
"Sound Playback" - Speakers
"Sound Recording" - Headset
(Go to the voice tab)
"Voice Playback" - Speakers
"Voice Recording" - Headset
6. Click the "OK" button.

Thats it! I should only take you like 30 seconds to do it. But, you dont have to if you dont want to. I just thought Id post it, in case you want it. Have a good night, and a great day! TTYL! much <3!

Tuesday, August 2, 4:24 Am
Well, I had a good night. How about you?lol. The only problem is, I dont know wether to refer to it as Picture54 Picture193, or Picture Congrats, on making it through day 1 of your no alcohol month. It only gets easier from here on out. Remember though, there will be severe punishment if your consume even teh tiniest amount of alcohol, and if you get the urge to drink, call me. Or if you just want to talk, call me. In fact, just call Im glad I got to put you to sleep, its been a while since I was able to do I really do like your new hair. I didnt like it very much at first, because it didnt look good in the 1st 2 pictures you sent em a couple of days ago, but now I think it looks good. It must have just been the way you had it in the pictures before that I didnt like as much. Oh well, its not as if I was looking at your hair jk. Although I have decided, that when you are sleepy, you are a lot like when you are drunk, i still cant believe you deleted my video. :'( Your such a Anyway, I better be off to bed, but Ill talk to you tomorrow. Have a good night, and a great day! Btw I miss U!

Wednesday, August 3, 1:31 Am
I dont know what to do. I am at a complete loss for words. I thought you cared. I thought you wanted to try and make a diference. I just dont get it. You werent even 48 hours into it. Well, I reset the countdown. If you dont do it this time, I just dont know whats going to happen. You know, I might have understood the first drink. You were upset, and you reverted back to old habits. But then we talked. I thought it was better. And now I find out that you went and got a second drink. I dont know. Maybe its my fault. I guess I just didnt do a good enough job. Purhaps we should have talked longer, maybe then I could have prevented this. You knew what I said too. You knew I said that I wouldnt talk to you for a period of time if you drank at all. And you still did it. Twice. I guess it all comes down to... Do you want help? If you want me to, I will leave, and I wont talk to you again. If thats what you want, then just tell me. You dont have to lie to me. "I promise not to drink at all for 30 days...". I guess just call, or IM me or something, when you are sober and want to talk. Btw I miss the U I could trust.

Thursday, August 4, 1:57 Am
Are you feeling ok? You sounded a bit congested after you fell asleep. I hope you arent getting sick. :^( Im glad we got to talk this morning, even though it used a lot of my minutes. I think it was important. To tell you the truth, I didnt even realize that it was only last night that I was so mad at you. I feel like so much time has past between then and now. Im sorry for getting upset with you last night, but I felt I must. I just hope that you wont hold it againt me. *Does some type of puppy dog face that makes you wonder how you could ever stay mad at a face like* Im glad you were able to get out of web camming with Mayhem, and I hope you won the Of course, knowing Mayhem, we'll go into the server tomorrow, and you'll have more admin, and I'll have Purhaps I shall find a good excuse to talk to him tomorrow, to make sure he isnt mad at you.(Or 1 thing I know for sure, he is desperate. Whihc means it will be easy for him to forget he was ever mad at you. This can be good and bad. Good in the fact that you can still get what you want, and not have to worry about him hating you. Bad in that in means there is a good chance he will continue to try and see you on the webcam. Well, I guess I better be off to bed...(Im actually going to go play CS for a little while, then go to bed. Not that it matters, I just didnt want to lie to you, and make you think I was going to But before I go, dont forget, that you promised me pictures!(Im not going to say what pictures you promised, in case you dont remember, and end up sending me better pictures then i was supposed to hope you get a good nights sleep. Have a great day tomorrow! Ill talk to you later! Btw I miss U!
Bobbie!(Yes, Robert is gone. He says that he wont be posting again any time soon.... hopefully)

Friday, August 5, 4:05 Am
Im really tired, so Im not going to make this to long. You are purhaps the only person who can change the way Im feeling so quickly. As you may have noticed, I was upset earlier. Dont ask me why, because Ihave no idea. I wasnt really upset with you, but I was upset, and I fear I may have taken it out on you. Then, by the time we were doen talking on the phone, I felt happy. I dont know what it is you do to me, but I like So basically, I just wanted to say sorry, if I was mean earlier, and thank you, for making me feel better. Im glad we got to talk on the phone, but I fear you are going to be really tired tomorrow, because we talked later then we usually do. You had said you were tired, and asked me to tell you a story... then 6 "Billy stories" and 3 of my personal anecdotes later, you finally went to sleep.(I dont mean to say it like, I was waiting forever for you to go to sleep so i could get off the phone. I just meant that it was kind of funny, that you said you were tired, but then we just kept on I like that though, I like that we can just sit there, and talk for hours. About anything. Anyway, I better be off to bed, Ive got a long day ahead of me... yeah, I hope you get a good nights sleep, and have a great day tomorrow! Btw I miss Ur beautiful... mind, words, face, and body!
PS. So, I dont know how much you remember about our conversation last night, but Im sure you will remember it eventually, if not Anyways, why did you think I kept asking for picture 54s? I thought the reason was obvious, but I guess If you want, I shall never speak of them again.(but I will put the ones Ive already got to extensive use ;p lol)

Sunday, August 7, 3:58 Am
Call me.

Sunday, August 7, 10:55 Pm
I dont have a lot of time, because I have to get to bed. My "bedtime" is in 5 minutes. I hope you had fun with Ron. I tried to call, but I guess you were busy with him. Im sorry I messed up our last day together, with shopping then dinner. Oh well, Im sure there will be plenty of other times for us to talk. I guess Ill just call you tomorrow after school. Like I said, I hope you had fun with Ron, and I hope you didnt drink excessivly. Have a good day at work tomorrow. Wish me luck!

Tuesday, August 9, 10:58 Pm
well, according ot my clock, I have 2 minutes to write this and go to I dont know what you did, or promised to do, to get Ice to do this stuff, but it obviously Now that we are for sure getting a clan started I promise to practice everyday after I do my homework. Im glad you are feeling better, and I am even happier that you didnt have anything to drink! Yay Rosie!lol. I hope you have a great day tomorrow, and get a good nights sleep so you arent tired tomorrow! Thats an order, soldier!lol. Ill talk to you tomorrow. Btw I miss U more!

Thursday, August 11, 10:31 Pm
I wanted to make sure that I got a chance to post here tonight, so Im doing it a little bit earlier. School seems to be going well, or atleast as good as school can be.(Oh wait, I forgot, you actually enjoyed highschool....nvm) You know its odd, its like I cant think of anything to write, since we dont talk as much as we used to. I guess when we talked more, I had more to I miss our long talks that make the hours fly by. :( I guess thats just part of change. We talk less, so we tell each other less, and we slowly drift away, back to the oblivion from which we started from. Oh well, we have more important things then communication going on. We have to get this clan started single handedly together with Ice doing all the work!lol. Anyway, I better go. I have a couple of things I have to do before bed. But Ill be sure to call you before I go to sleep. Then again, I dont know why Im writing this at all... you never check the site anymore anyways... :^( I hope you have great day tomorrow. I dont know what your have planned tomorrow either, so I hope you have a good night out tomorrow to.(Assuming your going out. I think I heard you mention that you were busy friday when you tlaked to Rocky, but I cant remember.*Sigh* Just another sign of broken lines of communication) Ill talk to you later! Btw I miss U!

Saturday, August 13, 1:11 Am
Hey! I know your out clubbin and all, but I thought I would go ahead and post here. I am so tired, Im not sure I am going to be able to stay awake till you call, but Ill do my best. This first week of school hit me hard, because Im suddenly getting less sleep, getting up ealier, and using a lot more energy during the day. I felt tired an hour ago, now I just feel like Im going to collapse. I tried playing CS, but I couldnt do it, Im to tired. I feel like its taking all my concentration, and energy just to type. If I dont get to talk to you again, I hope you have a wonderful night, and I hope you dont drink to much!lol. Ill talk to you later! Btw I miss U even more then I miss sleep!(And thats saying a lot!lol)

Sunday, August 14, 11:29 Pm
Hey, I cant talk long, because I know my parents are going to get home soon. I hope you didnt get to drunk tonight... but if you did I hope you made me a little somethin Ill talk to you tomorrow! I hope you have a good night, and a great day tomorrow! Btw I miss U!

Thursday, Augsut 18, 4:19 Pm
Hey Babe, sorry I havent posted here in a while, but Ive been spending every second possible talking to Im not sure why I didnt think to just post here when I got home from school. The good news is I got the site to work, and Ive already got some ideas for things we can do.(I wish I knew who made this site originally. It looks cool, but it is horribly designed, and very hard to update. Oh well, I can fix all that) I also got mirc, but I am having trouble figuring out what to Im sure you will help me when you get a chance. Other then that there isnt much to say. School is going well. When I really stop to think about it, this is purhaps the best schedule Ive ever had. I think this is the first time that I have ever had my easy classes at the end of the day.(Last year I finished off with Algebra 2, then Physics. This year I have Psychology then Career Studies) I think Career Studies is supposed to be a class to help us determine what kind of careers we will be good at, but so far its purhaps teh dumbest calss Ive ever heard of. I cant decide what was harder, when we had to cut out pictures that describe us from magazines, or when we had to circle our personality I am going to be reading Lord of the Fies in english soon. I look forward to that, because I have heard that it is a good book. I was thinking last night, that if I get atleast an 85 in every class for the forst 6 weeks, my mom should lay off me a bit, and I think this is very feesible. English will be nothing more then paying attention, and reading Lord of the Flies.(Both of which I could do in my Economics is eitehr the hardest, or second hardest class I am taking. I have homework every night, except when I have a test the next day. The good news is, I have done the homework every night. We had our first test today, and it was really easy to. I wouldnt be surprised if I get above a 95. So far, I have an 88 in Economics, but I bet that will go up soon. Plus, there is an optional 6 weeks project can do that is worth a test grade, if I need to pull up my grade. Next comes Computer Science 2 AP, which is easy. We get a 1 worksheet every week, and we have all week to work on it. And the labs that we do, we can work together on.(Plus I got a 100 on my last test in there! Wo0t Wo0T!lol) Precal is right up there with Economics. We have homework jsut about every night, but we get time to do it in class usually. I have done all the homework for that class to.(Also I got a 100 on our last quiz. WoowoowooWooT!lol) Psychology never has homework, so all I have to do is pay attention in class. This is easy, because I find everything we talk about highly interesting.(Who knows, maybe Ill go to college to become a geeky psychologist. Then I could start charging you for our sessions!lol) Last but not least is Career Studies!(Oh wait, that is least... Oh I could probably just enver show up for this class, and still Seriously, the hardest thing we have done is cut up magazines. Unless you count when I had to get up infront of the class and do a little skit with a few other people.(I dont count that though, because that wasnt for a Well, I better get back to what ever it is Im supposed to be I hope you have a great day! Ill talk to you later! Btw I miss Ur tired voice!(or was that your sexy voice?... Oh well, I can never tell then

Thursday, August 18, 11:06 Am
Hello! I dont know exactly what to say, becasue I typed a shit load ealier, but I thought that since I got a chance, I should post here to say good I hope you have a great day tomorrow, and get to bed soon so you arent tired!lol. Have a good night, and dont forget to turn off your phone before you go to bed, so Vlad doesnt wake you up at Ill talk to you tomorrow! Btw I miss U!

Sunday, August 21, 1:51 Am
Hey! Just thought I should pop in and say something, since I havent posted in a day or two. Im really tired. I dont even know why I am still awake. Which means, that I will probably make no sense at all. I tend to lose my sense of logic when I get I just got off the phone with you. I called, because I knew that I was geting ready to fall asleep at my computer, and I wanted to see how the party was going. It seems like it is a good thing that your are taking a bunch of pictures, and videos, because I doubt you will remember much of tonight, At this point I am so confused, I dont even have a clue what to do. I know that I should be telling you not to drink anything, but its not like it matters. You seem to need alcohol. But what do I do? Do I keep telling you not to drink anything? Do I tell you you can drink a little, but not to over do it? Or do I just ignore it completely, and let it work itself out on its own. I have tried teh first 2, and none has worked. I fear the third is my last option. I fear this because although the problem will work itself out, neither of us may like the solution it comes up with. So here I stand, at a cross roads. One path, the easier of the two, just let you drink, and try not to think about it. The other, harder, yet, more potential for a positive outcome. So which path do I choose?

TWO roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

Btw I miss U
PS.Call me when you get up because if no one wakes me up, Ill end up sleeping the whole day away. And it would be but a shame to waste such a glorious day among the confines of my weary dwelling.(No idea where any of that come from... or even if it made sense, but it sounded good in my

Sunday, August 21, 10:56 Pm
I am so tired, I hate to think what Im going to be like at school I know that today hasnt been the best day for you, but look on the bright side, we got to spend almost all day talking to each other! I can tell that you were grumpy today, and I know how that feels since I was grumpy We all have those days where it feels like everything is crashing down upon us, but i must tell you. This is almsot never the case. When we get in bad moods we tend to start thinking irrationally, and often make things up completely.(Atleast I do sometimes when Im in a bad The important thing to remeber is itll pass. You may be in a bad mood now, but your not going to be in one forever!(Not if I have anything to say about it!lol) As for what to do about the clan, I cant tell you what desicion to make. What I can tell you, is to do what you want to do. Its only a game, and therefore there are no wrong descions. Remember, no matter what yo decide to do, Ill be right there, ready to lend you a helping hand! Well, I better be off to bed. I hope you have a wonderful night, and a stupendous day tomorrow! Ill talk to you later! Btw I miss U!
PS. Do you even read these anymore?lol

Tuesday, August 23, 4:57 Pm
Hey hey hey!lol. Im not sure uf you are going to be on today when at work, but I won't be here, sorry. Apparantly Ross Perot is paying for my mom to take her family out to eat. So that includes me. I normally would try to get out of it, but there is one thing that is kind of enticing me to go. My stepbrother is supposed to be bringing his new... girl, who is a Which, if you knew my stepbrother, you would know that this is a big We are going to eat at 6, and should be back around 7 or 730 my time. Which means, I should be back before you get home from work. I was able, to get all my homework done at school, so that freed up all my time to work on the site. I was able to update all the pages. I also got the forums working!(Finally!!!) It was a slow process, because everytime I thought I had figured it out, it still didnt work. Apparantly it was a bunch of Anyway, I dont have the link up to the forums on the page yet, because they arent ready. I dont have time to customize them yet, but you can view the here I hope you like them. They are the same kind that Rad Clan uses. Its actually a very popular free package that installs forums on your page, so many sites use it. As I said, I havent been able to customize things such as the colors, and grpahics and all, but I will as soon as I can. You can go ahead and sign up. When I get back I will make you an Admin!(Thats even better then a moderater!lol) Well, I better get going. Its just about time for me to go get ready. I hope you have been having a wonderful day, and Ill talk to you when you get home from work! Btw I miss U!
PS. Since I am so good at all this website stuff, Im thinking about getting this shirt. Like it?lol

Tuesday, August 23, 10:56 Pm
Well, I have to be getting to bed soon, but I wanted to tell you that I love you! and you are SOOO Beautiful! I also wanted to know what you think of the forums. I know they look really bad, but I wasnt able to get a chance to finish. It used to be all white and grey, but I changed some of teh white to our blue background. As I said, there are still some things I have yet to fix, but Im sure I will get those done tomorrow. As of now I have no plans, so hopefully I will see you when you get on! Again, I love you, and Ill talk to you later Beautiful! Btw I miss U! Bye Sexy Babe!lol

Thursday, August 25, 10:48 Pm
Hey! Sorry its been a while since I posted, I dont always get a chance right before I got to bed, but tonight is different! I have tried posting from school, but it doesnt seem to work very well. I cant get it to save the page after I make a post. Oh well, anyway, How are things going with you? My lifes ok. I think it will be better once I get progress reports in my classes. Then my mom will see that I am doing my homework, and hopefully she will leave me Ive noticed something odd about myself. I have known that I do this for a while, but it wasnt until recently that I have really tried to figure out why. For some reason, I dont want my parents to know I am doing my homework. I dont know why. There have been times, when I have actaully snuck around the house, just so I cuold do homework without them knowing. I have been this way for years, and I I have even done it multiple times this school year! I dont know why. But its like this with other things too. For instance, if the parents ask me to take out the trash, I try to like sneak around the house and do the trash. And if they see that I am doing the trash, I find myself hurrying to get out of the presence, and hoping that tey wont say anything, such as thank you. It may sound odd to you, and frankly it sounds odd to me to. who knows, maybe Ill go ask my Psychology teacher what it means. I told you, I was never as good at diagnosing myself as I was at diagnosing others. That is my curse... and so is age... Wow, I have a lot of Anyway, I just felt as though I should say that, feels better to admit it to SOMEONE! Maybe you can think of a reason for why I am acting so stupidly, because I aint got nothin. Anyway, I better be off to bed. I hope you get a good nights sleep, and I want you to have a great day tomorrow at work! No matter what happens tomorrow at work, jsut remember.... Its Friday!!! Woohoo!lol. Ill talk to you later!(Dont worry, Im not going to wake you up in the Btw I miss U!

Wednesday, August 30, 10:48 Pm
Hey sexy babe!lol. I know its been a while since Ive posted, but Im usually so tired at night, that I dont get a chance to. Oh well, Im posting tonight!lol. I hope you had a good day today, not to Personally, I think our first match went quite well. Sure we didnt win, and we have a lot to improve on, but we didnt have any major break downs. There were a few minor things, but they all got worked out. I just want to say, Good work Rosie. You are a great leader and you are what makes this clan great!(Besides the awesome website of Well, I better be off. I hope you have a great day tomorrow, and I want you to get a good nights sleep! Youve earned it, O'Captain My Captain!*Stands on desk*(Pop quiz... Name that movie!lol) Btw I miss everything about U, even thought I just left your presence!

Wednesday, August 31, 10:41 Pm
Hey! Guess what? I posted 2 days in a ROW!lol. Big suprise, huh? Not like you ever check this site anymore anyway. Your to busy looking up stuff for I dont really have a lot to say, but I figured I should probably post something, so you dont get mad at I am putting the forusm up tomorrow, they are entirely done, but I feel that they are close enough. Besides, we need them! It will help us with things such as organization, and communication. I need to know what boards you want on there. Right now all I have is a general board, but I assume you want atleast something Well, I really need to get to bed, but Ill call you before I go to bed to say goodnight, I promise! I hope you get a good nights sleep, and Ill talk to you tomorrow! Btw I miss spending hours upon hours talking to U about nothing, and everything!

Thursday, September 1, 11:29 Pm
I dont have long to talk, because its already 30 minutes past my bedtime. I wasnt going to post on here tonight, but I thought I should, because I know that if I dont say something, then Ill have trouble getting to sleep again tonight, and Ill prolly have a horrible day tomorrow. I just want to know what is going on with you. I dont know if you were tired, if it was teh alcohol, or if you were just in a mean mood, but you have been mean to me, and I dont even know why. It started earlier in the server, when you were talking shit about me, calling me a newb and talking about how I kept getting owned. That is mainly made me grumpy. Then tonight, on the phone, you were being even worse. First you tell me that I dont have the balls to hang up on you. Then, once I told you that I was being grumpy because you were so mean, you denide it. Until, all of a sudden, you tell me to go to my computer and 1v1 you. It was already like 20 minutes after my bedtime, so I told you I couldnt. So you preceed to tell me that its good I cant because you would own me anyway. Maybe it is just me, but Im pretty sure you were being mean to me. You dont normally act that way. I just want to know whats going on. On another note, as for the rosters, I want you to just make me a substitute. I dont want to play every match. I plan on spending more time playing CS again, so I dont think I will have the time to do all the practiving it would require to get me up to par with everyone else. I still plan to be available for all the matches though, if you need me. Oh well, Ill talk to you tomorrow. I think we need to do some talking, because as I said, I want to know whats going on. Anyway, have a good night, and stop drinking. Btw I miss the U who acted like she missed me!

Monday, September 5, 3:01 Am
I dont know if you will ever read this, but I need a way to write this, and I think the easiest way is to just write it as if I were posting it on our page. When I want to get a point across, I am very ineffective at talking, pretty ineffective at writing, and very effective at writing poetry. The only problem is, I feel that a poem isnt alway teh right way to convey a message, as in this instance. I dont raelly know what to say, so I am just going to start talking, and hope what I want to say gets out. I have been doing a lot of thinking lately, and I think that I need to get all my thoughts down on paper so to speak, to better help me understand them. First off, and probably most importantly is my overall attitute as of late. I know I have already mentioned this to you, but I think I should really say it again. I know that I have had an attitude lately, and sometimes I havent been very nice. Im sorry for this. I have come to the conclusion that the reason for this, is that my life became relativly unhappy, let me explain. When in Virginia, I got to talk to you, just talking, for hours every night. Then I came back to Texas, and suddenly, I barely get to talk to you at all. Im not saying its your fault or anything, a lot of it is my parents rules, and you do get busy sometimes. Then, we started play TFC and that took even more time away from us. So basically, every aspect of my life got worse, all at once. Some of them I knew of, such as us being able to talk less. Some of them I knew of, and was ready for, such as me having to go back to school, and some were a complete surprise, like TFC taking so much of your time. So, all at once, everything took a turn for the worse. Im not saying that my life is in anyway horrible, but it is relatively worse. Which pretty much sent me into a state of depression. I think the biggest problem I have, is a lack of anyone to talk to. I dont have anyone to talk to, so I end up talking to anyone and everyone. Such as vlad, or Nex, or Joe. I believe that everyone needs someone to talk to, and thats just something that I dont really have. I cant really talk to you, because most of what is on my mind is about you. Most of the time I can get away with bottling up my emotions, and just ignoring them, but at times when I am depressed, all I can do is tell whoever is around. The biggest thing is probably the fact that I miss you. I cherish every moment we spend together, and therefore anything that takes away from my time with you, I see as a bad thing. This of course leads me to be depressed a lot. I just feel weird, like this is a stupid way of thinking. To tell you the truth, I dont really know. Is it normal to hate a game because when playing it I cant talk to you? And is it stupid to hate a person because you are talking to him when you could be talking to me? When I really stop to think about it, if we were to spend every waking moment, on the phone, it would eventually get boring. So we need things such as TFC or CS to allow us to spend time together, but not have to worry about entertaining each other... you know what I mean? i guess basically what I want, is to have more time to just sit and talk with you. The other problem is, I would tell you this, but what if you dont feel the same way? I mean, you seem to enjoy TFC just as mich as talking to me on the phone, if not more. There fore I would be taking something that you enjoy away from you. I wouldnt want you to feel like you had to talk to me on the phone. I just want you to want to talk to me. Which of course, I cant make you want to talk to me, so I just dont say anything and go on being depressed. I think the point that I need to reiterate is that Im not saying this because I want you to change. I am saying this because I need to say it. Which is why I dont know if youll ever see this. I know I should really prolly show it to you, but what if it upsets you? What if you start to feel obligated to act in a certain way for me? What if that in turn makes you not like to spend time with me as much, because you cant act naturally? Then you might go and spend more time away, which would of course make me even more depressed. Do you see the problem? I dont want to risk making things worse. For instance, when I posted on the site about not wanting to be a starter for TFC, you got mad at me. I was just trying to tell you how I felt, and it didnt turn out to well. I have no reason to believe this will be any different. So its all about taking a risk. Do I risk the way things are? The problem is, Im not a risk taker, which means that there is a good chance you will never see this. Hopefully I will be able to over come that this once, so I can post this on the site. I think there is only 1 more point I wish to address. The whole me asking for picture 54's, and saying that I want to see you on the webcam. First off, I must say that I ejoy getting even regular pics of you, and I love being on the webcam with you even when we are just talking. I think the reason why I often talk of pic 54 type stuff is for 2 main reasons. The first being the most obvious, I am a horny teenage virgin. The other reason is of a slightly diferent nature. I think it has to do with the fact that that is the one part of you I cant have. I can have your mind, and your voice, but I cant have you in that way. So it is my attempt to make up for the fact that I cant have you physically. I guess in my mind, I see it as being close enough, or the next best thing. I am not saying this to tempt you into showing me something, I am merely saying it because I want to understand, and I want you to understand. I know, that you dont want to show me anything, and I understand why. The problem is... your such a tease, no pun intended. I mean, there have been numerous occasions, when you have said that I will get to see you, all of you, but it has never happened. The closest there ever was was prolly that night with Becky, the only problem was I didnt care about Becky, I never did, seeing her didnt mean anything to me. You have always had something on, or something in the way. Im not getting mad at you or anything, like I said, you just dont want me to see, and I understand completely. Its just that everytime you tease me, I think well, maybe this time it will be different. I mean, it never is, so I dont know why I even have that little bit of hope, but every time I do. You did say something to night that I would like to comment on. You told me that you dont think you are a tease. Well, I can give you a specific example of you being a tease. You said that I know you are shaved, because I have seen it, but I havent. I know when you are thinking of, but it never got as far as you remember. Back in March there was one night, when you put on a skirt, and started masterbating on the webcam for me. But it only got as far as you rubbing yourself through your underwear. Then you said that we would finish the next day. Even back then, I knew that that meant we would prolly never finish. And I guess I was right. That there, is your proof that you are a tease. I just thought you might want a specific example, so there it is. Anyway, its 4 am now, and I need to get to bed. I guess I will go ahead and post this on the site. I prolly wouldnt even think of posting this if it were during the day, and I wasnt so tired, but seeing as how my judgement is prolly affected by the sleep deprevation, I dont see what harm could come from posting this. Ill talk to you later! Call me when you wake up!
PS Sorry its so

Monday, September 5, 10:55 Pm
Hey! I dont ahve a lot to say, but I thought I should post here. Im sorry you were so tired today, and Im sorry your internet decided to Oh yeah, and Im sorry you didnt get my call. Next time Ill be sure to call over and over again until you answer!lol. As I said, I dont really have much to say.(Which isnt surprising considering the length of the last post I I guess I better wrap this up, so I can go and call you. I hope you get a good nights sleep, and have a geat day at work tomorrow! Btw I miss U!

Monday, September 12, 12:45 Pm
Ok, Im going to type really quickly, because it is so late. I was supposed to be in bed like an hour and 45 minutes Im so tired, I really shouldnt have stayed up, but I wanted to. I knew you didnt want to talk to me on the phone anymore, so I went into the server under a different name. I figured that way I could still talk to you, and hear your voice, but you wouldnt have to talk to me. Im sorry if I seemed grumpy today, I shall try not to. Get a good nights sleep. Talk to you tomorrow. Btw I always miss U

Monday, September 12, 11:40 Pm
I was so tired today, I was falling asleep in Pre Calc... which makes me wonder why im staying up late again tonight... Oh Im sorry today hasnt gone very well, but Im sure tomorrow will be better. Besides falling asleep in pre calc, my day was alright. Nothing really good, or bad. Except when you called me... that was REALLY I know you said earlier that you were feeling fat and ugly. Now, Im 99.98% sure you arent fat, or ugly, but I think we need to make sure. So, I figure, if you send me pics, I can then make sure. I a sure you, its simply a formality. Also, I would suggest not showing these pics to anyone else. We dont want my opinion skewed, by others, Im sure you understand ;D. Well, I better be off to bed. I hope you have a good day at work tomorrow, get your homework done! Get a good nights sleep! A good nights sleep is the basis for a good day!(If only I followed my own advice!lol) Btw I always miss U!

Wednesday, September 14, 10:15 Pm
Hey sexy! I know that this is a littel earlier then I normally post, but I figure its a good time, since you are gone, and I just stopped arguing with Detox. I am sorry that I was arguing with him. I know that I probably should have just ignored him, but I cant help it. First of all, I didnt like that fact that he did it in the first place. Secondly, he was obviously confused, because he thought I was a coward. Lastly, I just love to I think its amazing that I havent really gotten into many arguments with you. I guess that just shows how much I like I enjoy a good argument, prolly more then I enjoy a regular conversation. The arguments are really only good though, when both people can get over that initial anger, and really start listening to each other. Detox didnt seem to want to do that, but he eventually did. The problem was, once he started actually listening to me, we no longer had anything to argue Oh well, Im glad we were able to put that to rest. One of these days, I really need to set him down and discuss with him how to really argue with someone. His problem is that he kept proving my
Death: Why are you trying to insult me?
Detox: dumbass... Im not insulting you
Death: haha. You do realize you tried insilted me, and said you werent insulting me all in the same sentence right?
That is an acutal part of our Well, I better be off, your back. Ill talk to you later. Btw I miss U!

Thursday, September 15, 11:21 Pm
Hey sexy! I am super tired, but I thought I would post before I go to bed. I missed you today, but its not your fault you had so much homework to do, I understand. So, you told me you almost got fired today, but you didnt tell me how! Ill have to make sure I ask you that. I wish I could think of more to say, btu as I said I amr eally I guess Ill get going. Ill call you in a minute to say goodnight. I hope you have a good day at work tomorrow, and get a good nights sleep tonight! Ill talk to you later! Btw I miss U!