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Guildhall Scientia

Wending your way through the clutter and chaos of the west wing, your suspicions regarding the purpose of the reinforced walls are confirmed by the sporadic vibrations of muffled explosions. You feel slightly worried by these concussive threats, but those around you merely roll their eyes and continue about their business. For the most part, this seems to consist of two endeavours - one gathering, looking to an outsider's eye just like their colleagues of the north wing, are busy cataloguing information and references to the work of others, while the more noticeable group are conducting investigations of their own. Try as you might, you cannot find the more interesting research, the source of those muffled detonations - all those you can see are concerned with the play of lights as they form moving images. This is the Guildhall Scientia, the domain of those who delight in technology and the natural sciences. Here may be found reviews of films, discussions of science fiction and links to Internet sites of interest.

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Film Reviews

The flicker and play of light through a slightly ajar door catches your attention. In the room beyond, a small group of scholars run reels of film through a creaky projector and make notes. In this room you may read film reviews, particularly of movies related to fantasy and science-fiction.


Sounds of muffled shouting pass faintly through a heavy door. The raised voices beyond take on the character of an argument or a debate. You wonder whether it is safe to enter this room, where you may cast your vote in a range of Guildhall polls.


Through a low archway, you see a room lined with maps, with scribes making constant additions. This is where links to other Internet sites are gathered and reviewed.