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The Guildhall

A weatherbeaten building looms before you in the darkness. Lights flicker at some windows, others are tellingly darkened. As you step over the threshold and into a narrow entryway, the grey stone walls seem to press in on all sides claustrophobically. You hurry on towards the dimly lit room at the far end - but as you reach it, you suddenly burst into a round chamber with much better illumination than you had expected. As your eyes adjust to the light, you notice a door to the west and another to the north. Some information is also scrawled on a noticeboard to one side. This is the Guildhall, home to scribes and scholars, lovers of art and lovers of science.

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News - 21 March 2003

Woo... how long has it been since I updated this? Last news was nearly two years ago... last Modified date for the site was about fifteen months ago... well, guess I'd better get cracking. And I might just have to move this to a less ad-ridden host too, if it's ever to be taken seriously. Read older news stories...

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Guildhall Arcana

In the dusty north wing of the Guildhall, scholars pore over venerable tomes and pen dissertations and commentaries. This is the Guildhall Arcana, where you may find reviews and essays, profiles and links, related to fantasy fiction and literature in general.

Guildhall Scientia

The strongly built west wing of the Guildhall is home to those who study the sciences, devoting their time to the advancement of technology and the recording of their discoveries. This is the Guildhall Scientia, where you may find reviews of films, general links and topics relating to the Internet at large.

About the Guildhall