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There is No Real World...There is only...The almighty bins.
Thursday, 29 April 2004
Where did all the anvils go?
Where did all the anvils go? asks Loreli Gilmore, the star of Gilmore girls. I'm Marie Anderson to bring you this important service announcement. Where did all the anvils go? These important parts of daily life faded away into history and now we wonder: Where did they go? If you have an anvil, call the anvil presvation society at 1-800-ANVIL.

Posted by Executive Director Marie at 2:37 AM
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Wednesday, 28 April 2004
Power outages really suck.
Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally Suck.
I was going to spend a nice evening watching Navy NCIS, but nooooooo. I have to sit in the dark eating dinner and then doing practiclly nothing.
Now, what do you do when its dark and you have metal wire, wax, and a pimento jar? MAKE CRAYONS! Yep, that's right, I made a crayon maker out of a pimento jar and a tea candle. I'll try and take some photos and get them up so you can see them.
Then the ice-cream was going to melt so I got to eat half a pint of ice-cream. ^^ That was yummy.
Anyways, I'll try and get my website up with some pictures and everything.

Posted by Executive Director Marie at 4:24 AM
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Tuesday, 27 April 2004
I have a lot of friends, as you can tell. So, I thought I would make a directory.
Friend #1: Grumpus of the moo, also called volcano
Friend #2: My special friend, likes to pretend he's a god
You: Based on my insane friend who I imprinted on.

Posted by Executive Director Marie at 12:28 PM
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*sigh*I really hate being muted.
See, there's this thing called a MOO. And on it is a friend. This friend likes to use a command called Muting. Muting makes it so that you can't talk. So this friend(who happens to be a boy), reeeeeeally likes muting me. Therefore I pretty much don't like him. But the rest of the time, I get to bug him, and thats fun. Of course, I actually think he's preatty neat, and we get along alright, so this really hurts my feelings.

Posted by Executive Director Marie at 11:59 AM
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8-bit Theater
You: Huh? Whats that?
Me: Its a really cool comic.
You: Sweet.
Me: Yep.
Friend of mine: Its not just sweet! Its based on Final Fantasy!
You & Me: Whatever.
You: What's the link?
Friend of Mine: Play Final Fantasy!
You & Me: No!
Friend of Mine: I shall smite you!
Me: Big whoop!
You: Meep?
::(Conversation degenerates into battle)::

Posted by Executive Director Marie at 6:16 AM
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Sheesh. Need...UPDATES!
Sorry about the large gap in updates. Real life took over. Well, enough excuses, my loyal readers. Anyways, I'm back now. I will update more often with my opinion on the world.

Posted by Executive Director Marie at 5:55 AM
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Sunday, 28 December 2003
Blame Canada!
WARNING: The following may be offending to people who hate John Stewart or live in Canada. Read at your own risk.
Once again, America seems to take South Park to heart in "Blaming Canada". President Bush is claiming that the beef that was infected with 'mad cow' disease was imported from Canada. How convenient, eh?

Posted by Executive Director Marie at 1:02 PM
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NetNewsWire=Hip, Stylin' Life
Or just a bunch of really cool stuff. Whatever! I visit BBC news, Wired News, Word of the Day, Motivational quotes, Scientific American, Status-Q, squizzle, splorp . blog, Megnut, Boing Boing,, Science @ Nasa. Just in case any of the people out there want to subscribe to exactly the ones I do.

Posted by Executive Director Marie at 12:57 PM
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Trek Rises Again!
Not that it ever fell...but that's another story.
Today on a blog I visit there was a quote from Jean-Luc Picard, a.k.a Captain Picard from TNG. The quote was "Things are only impossible until they're not."
I felt the need to inspire the blogging community with that so...yeah.

Posted by Executive Director Marie at 12:53 PM
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Oh Christmas loot...
Oh Christmas loot...
Oh Christmas loot...
How big the pile is!
Ahem. I got lots of cool stuff!

Posted by Executive Director Marie at 12:48 PM
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