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There is No Real World...There is only...The almighty bins. — Profile

Name:  Marie Anderson
E-mail:  Why Do You Care?
Location:  Blahville, Boring
Birthday:  8 September, 1972
Bio:  I am __ years old and have basiclly been weird the whole time. I used to live in Pleasentville, USA and now I live in Blahville, Boring. I live in a __ story house/apartment/pad/condo/shared living space/studio and do (not) plan on moving anytime soon. I have one of those iMacs and want a new computer. I have a trash can that has a step pedal.
Interests:  Too many to name. Matrix. Star Trek TNG. Writing. Knitting. Reading. The Sims. The Simpsons. Legos. Navy NCIS. Joan of Arcadia. Christmas music. Foxtrot Comic. Girl Scouts. LOTR. Etc.
Blog Created:  Tuesday, 25 November 2003
Last Updated:  Sunday, 26 September 2004 - 4:37 AM
Blog Entries:  20

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