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Lunging Tips

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"A Novice will practice untill they get it right, a professional will practice untill they cannot get it wrong."

Points to Remember

Horse must move away from you, not you from him.

Always stand facing horse’s belly, making a triangle with your rein and whip.

Point whip to horse’s hocks except if he cuts in, in which case point at his shoulder.

Lungeing at canter

Horse must respect your whip aids and not ignore them.

Use lunge line as though you were riding, with half halts to control horse. Lungeing should not be a pulling match!

Keep whip level with hocks/knees. Do not use in direction of head.

Use side reins to encourage horse to work through his back in a rounded outline.

Start and finish session by stretching horse without side reins and REMEMBER TO WARM THEM UP AS YOU ARE WORKING ON TIGHT CIRCLES!!.

Lungeing at trot

How to Cope with Problems

Lazy horse;

Walk small circle yourself and ensure he respects the whip without frightening him.

Fast horse;

Steady him with half halts on the lunge line and stand on one spot, pivoting on your heel. Make circle smaller.

Horse goes backwards;

Stand in front of his nose and walk towards him, making him reverse more than he wants to. He should then want to go forward!

Horse turns in;

Move quickly to face his belly and avoid getting in front of him. Send him on with the whip.

Horse pulls away/is strong on lunge line;

stand on one spot. Increase your body tone to resist against rein. Half halts should become much firmer. Avoid pulling back and stand firm as though you were a post.

Horse pokes nose skywards;

side reins are too long. Shorten them so his head is vertical.

Horse over-bends;

Side reins may be too short. Lengthen accordingly and ensure he is moving forwards with energy.

Horse becomes tense;

Make sure he understands your aids and that you are calm and in control.

Work horse as though you were riding him; transitions etc.

Remember - if for any reason you cannot ride, lunging is a simple and effective way of excecise for your box bored horse!

Lungeing can be used for gentle excersise

Lunging Equipment and Tips

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