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The Battle of Trafalgar

Britan & Napoleon

History Day Website:
Battle of Trafalgar


The Battle of Trafalgar was a historic battle between Great Britain's forces, and Napoleon's much larger navel fleet. Though the men at the time did not know it at the time, this battle would decide the outcome of which nation

would have the world's naval supremacy for the next 100 years, before being challenged by Imperial Germany's Navy in World War 1.







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What's New:
Added Fleet Commander portraits

New FAQ section for common help questions

New navigation bar, old one didn't work

Removed archives; sent remnants of it into MultiMedia

  Guess What
In the 1800's Naval battles were often fought out by creating two battle lines and passing right through the enemy lines while being parallel to the enemy ships and firing as many shots as possible. This often never worked, and often resulted in both fleets being severely damaged, whether or not the ships were attacking or defending themselves.

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