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Gonzales Family Home Page
Home Interests Our Home Justin Alexander

December 2001


We have so many things to share with our family and friends, and because everyone lives so far away from us, we wanted to put a central place for people to go to find out what's going on in our lives. We all had separate pages for a long time, but wanted to bring everything together and more centralized. (Besides, Justin's and Chaundra's pages had been deleted recently, so we just had to put SOMETHING together!)

Here you will find pictures and new about our son, our selves, and our lives together. We're building a house, both have great jobs, and of course, just about everything revolves around our son, Justin Alexander.

So, stick around a bit, do a bit of snooping, and enjoy! 

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This page was created on March 5, 2001

This page was last updated on October 31, 2001