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Chancellor HoS

  EKF Member Since June 2001

Personal profile: HoS

  • Name: HoS
  • Rank: Chancellor
  • Current assignment: Klingon Starbase High Council Member
  • Position: EKF Vice Commander in Chief
  • Personal ship: Classified
  • Ship class: Classified
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Klingon
  • House: HoS
  • Born: Stardate 2162.7
  • Birthplace: Qo'noS
  • Height: 6'6"
  • Weight: 350lbs
  • Eye color: Black
  • Hair color/length: Black, medium cut
  • Facial hair: Full beard
  • Graduated KMS: Stardate 20451.2
  • Major: Politics, hand to hand combat
  • Minor: Administration
  • Medical History: None, very healthy
  • Blood type: KO-
  • Special Abilities: Negotiations
  • Mother's full Name: Pag'HoS
  • Race: Klingon
  • Born: Stardate [-1]79537.3
  • House: Langon
  • Mother's occupation: Administration
  • Father's full name: Nod HoS
  • Race: Klingon
  • Born: Stardate [-1]79511.6
  • House: Grumble
  • Father's occupation: Administration Supervisor
  • Siblings: None
  • Past assignments: Administration
  • Hobbies: Reading, hand to hand combat
  • Talents: Strategic thinking and combat

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