Age of Enlightenment Timeline 1800-1869
Self actualisation
Untying Body Spirit Vision

Age of Enlightenment Timeline 1800-1869
540-1799 1800-69
With thanks to Trufax

The Enlightenment timeline clearly demonstrates the ever increasing control,
secrecy, manipulation and deviation that has taken place in recorded history.

1800 United States has 200 interest bearing banks.

1800 Benjamin Waterhouse at Harvard University introduces vaccination in Massachusetts.

1800 British sugar consumption reaches 160 million pounds per year.

1801 First widespread experimentation with vaccines begins.

1802 The British government gives Edward Jenner £10,000 for continued experimentation with "smallpox vaccine." The paradigm that vaccines provide "lifetime immunity" is abandoned, and the concept of "re vaccination" is sanctioned.

1805 Rockets introduced as weapons in Britain.

1805 Morphine isolated by Sarturner.

1806 Napoleon defeats Prussia (Germany) at the battle at Jena, causing Prussia to realize that their defeat, they believed, was due to soldiers thinking only about themselves during time of stress in battle. Prussia then took the principles set forth by Rosseau and Locke and created a new three-tier educational system. The Prussian philosopher Fichte, in his Address to the German People, states that the children will be taken over and told what to think and how to think it.

1807 French abolish slave trade by law.

1807 England prohibits slave trade.

1809 Albert Pike born in Boston, Massachusetts.

1809 Massachusetts encourages its towns to make provision for the vaccination of inhabitants with cow pox vaccinae.

1810 Hahnemann founds homeopathy.

1810 The London Medical Observer (Vol.VI, 1810) publishes particulars of "535 cases of smallpox after vaccination, 97 fatal cases of smallpox after vaccination and 150 cases of serious injury from vaccination, ten of whom were medical men."

1810 Krupp works open in Germany.

1811 Demise of the First National Bank.

1812 The War of 1812 with England. Treasury issues notes to finance war.

1812 Alfred Krupp, German arms manufacturer, born.

1812 Napoleon awards Legion of Honour to Benjamin Dellesert for discovering how to process the beet into sugar (which replaces dependence on the sugar cane).

1812 France has mass planting of sugar beets and 500 refineries open. Over 8 million pounds of sugar are produced in one year.

1812 Death rate from TB in New York 700:100,000.

1814 Suspension of Gold and Silver payments.

1814 American Edward Everett goes to Prussia (Germany) to get his doctorate degree, returns to the United States and eventually becomes governor of Massachusetts.

1815 Income tax ends in England. Resumes in 1842.

1816 Britain passes an act which outlawed brewers from possession of sugar or molasses, since brewers had been adulterating their product with sugar.

1817 Second National Bank established.

1819 Prussian (German) law makes education compulsory. The Humboldt brothers, Stein and others divide German society into three distinct groups: (1) those who will be policy makers who are taught to think ( .5 %), (2) those who will be engineers, lawyers ,doctors who are taught to partially think (5.5%) and (3) the children of the masses (94%), who were to learn obedience and how to follow orders. The school of the masses (volkschulen) divided whole ideas into subjects which did not exist previously . The result was that people would (1) think what someone else told them to think about,(2) when to think it ,(3) how long to think about it ,(4) when to stop thinking about it, and (5) when to think of something else. This way, no one in the masses would know anything that's really going on. (Although brilliant, the system is inherently negative in nature - it would lead eventually to German mind control paradigms in the late 19th and 20th century. The system also weakens or breaks the link between the child and the capacity to read (cross-assimilation creating whole ideas) by replacing the alphabet system of teaching reading with a system of teaching sounds, (breaking into smaller units). The same paradigm relative to reading is currently injected into US Society by the Peabody Foundation, who imposed a northern system of schooling on the US South between 1865 and 1918. The system in the northern US is the Prussian system. Over 48% of the soldiers in the American revolution against the British, on both the American and British sides, were Prussian (German) mercenaries.

1822 The British government advances Edward Jenner another £20,000 for "smallpox vaccine" experimentation. Jenner suppresses reports which indicate his concept is causing more death than saving lives.

1822 From about 1822, for the next 30 years, a stream of Americans go to Prussia (Germany) and bring the educational system back to the United States.

1823 Samuel Russell, second cousin to Skull & Bones founder William H. Russell, establishes Russell & Company. Its business was to acquire opium from Turkey and smuggle it into China, where it was prohibited, under the armed protection of the British.

1824 Justus von Leibig discovers properties of bitter almond (laetrile) and benzaldehyde.

1824 John Q. Adams elected president of the United States. Silicon discovered.

1826 M.Taveau in France invents mercury amalgam fillings.

1826 Cholera epidemic begins in India.

1827 Aluminium is discovered.

1828 Radioactive element Thorium is discovered. Anti-Masonic party established.

1829 Smithsonian Institution founded in Washington DC.

1830 Adam Weishaupt dies.

1830 Russell & Company buys out the Perkin's opium syndicate, which had created the wealth of the Cabot, Lowell, Higginson, Forbes, Cushing and Sturgis family. Russell makes Connecticut the primary centre of the US opium racket. Massachusetts families (Coolidge, Sturgis, Forbes and Delano) joined Connecticut (Alsop) and New York (Low) trafficking families under the auspices of the Russell Company and the British.

1830 Export of nitrates from Chile begins.

1830 Britain imports 18,956 chests of opium to China. Opium becomes the largest commodity in world trade. Element Vanadium is discovered.

1831 Mazzini is exiled to France.

1831 Georg Hegel dies. German philosopher who gave rise to the Hegelian Dialectic: Thesis (create the crisis) Anti-thesis (Offer the Solution) which is the basis of globalist elite manipulation paradigms. The synthesis achieved becomes a symptomatic response instead of addressing the real cause (Govt). The World Order organizes and finances Jewish groups, anti-Jewish groups, Communist groups, anti-Communist groups, and other "opposing" social forces to create predetermined outcomes ensuring power maintenance.

1831 Cholera epidemic spreads from Russia to Central Europe.

1831 Smallpox epidemic in Wurtemberg, Germany, where 995 vaccinated people succumb to the disease.

1831 In Marseilles, France, 2000 vaccinated people are stricken with smallpox.

1832 The Skull&Bones is launched under the Russell pirate flag.

1832 Andrew Jackson re-elected. Vetoes re charter of Bank of US. National debt of the US falls to zero.

1832 British Medical Association chartered. Impetus for forming AMA in U.S.

1832 Christian Hahnemann creates school of homeopathy.

1832 East India Company monopoly of opium trafficking expires.

1832 Jackson veto of re-charter of Second National Bank.

1833 British drop slave trade as unprofitable and issue Emancipation order.

1833 Andrew Jackson orders that US funds be withdrawn from the Bank of the United States.

1833 Mercury amalgam fillings introduced in NYC. Dentists rebelled.

1834 Giuseppe Mazzini appointed as Illuminati director worldwide. Thomas Malthus dies.

1834 Mazzini appoints Albert Pike to head Illuminati operations in the US.

1834 Pope Leo 13th has the headquarters of the Knights of Malta moved to Rome.

1835 First availability of powerful compound microscopes after the perfection of the achromatic objective lens between 1815 and 1830.

1836 Charter of the "Bank of the US" expires.

1836 Britain imports 30,000 chests of opium to China.

1836 First recorded case of the use of psychiatry to suppress dissent in Russia.

1837 Crisis of 1837. All banks suspend specie payment. 600 banks fail. Banks that charge interest expanding rapidly.

1837 J.P. Morgan born.

1838 Smallpox epidemic in England.

1839 Chinese burn 3,000 tons of opium, to the relief of oversupplied British traders.

1839 John D. Rockefeller born.

1839 First time a disease is traced to a parasitic organism. (Schoenlein, fungal infection of scalp).

1840 Roughly 70% of citizens in the US have independent livelihoods. (See 1776).

1840 Baltimore Dental College graduates swore not to use mercury amalgam.

1840 Albert Pike builds a mansion in Arkansas where he designs plans for three world wars and three revolutions. Pike becomes Mazzini's superior.

1840 First Opium War in China, as Chinese protest British import of drugs.

1841 Clinton Roosevelt writes "The Science of Government Founded on Natural Law", outlining the Illuminati plans for the regimentation of mankind under the control of the "enlightened ones" and the destruction of the Constitution.

1842 Treaty of Nanking brings Britain vast wealth and control over Hong Kong.

1842 Salt wells in Pennsylvania found to have oil. William Rockefeller exploits and begins buying up land in Pennsylvania.

1843 Port of Shanghai opened to foreign trade. The first lot in the port is rented by Britain's Jardine Mathieson & Co. Other lots are rented by Samuel Russell, an American representing Baring Brothers. Captain Warren Delano (FDR's grandfather) becomes a member of the Canton Regatta Club, and enters into dealings with the Hong Society. Delano founds his fortune on opium trafficking into China, and later becomes the first vice chairman of the US Federal Reserve Board.

1844 Association of Medical Superintendents of American Institutions for the Insane founded. American stores giving a half pound of sugar free with purchase of five dollars or more.

Continued here (1845-1869)
540-1799 1800-69

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