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Are you a Christian?
Do you love to write?
Have you ever dreamed of becoming an Author?
Do you love stories about romance, adventure, overcoming insurmountable odds?
If you answered yes to these questions, I have an offer you just can't pass up: Please click on the icon below for details!

link to writers webpage fro bottom of index Exciting writing opportunity!
Have you always dreamed of being a published author? ------------------------------------------------------------

Opportunity for unpublished Christian writers!

I am a Christian author and publisher with a few books under my belt. I am starting a project to help a few unpublished-budding authors. It is a Christian fantasy book project.

What the project entails is to get about ten new writers together and each one writing a short story 3000-9000 words based on one of the characters or events in my book “The Quest”. The word number depends on how many writers are involved with this project. The stories would be background and/or anecdotal showing how the character got to where they were or an incident or incidents that happened within the timeline to shed light on their character. The stories are to be Christian based stories with no magic. I would prefer only Christian writers.

After all of the stories are in their final form, I will then write the intro, illustrate, publish the book (self-publish on demand), and market the book on my website. The profits from the book sales will be split among the participating writers.

Does this sound like something you would be interested in doing? Please write today so you can be part of this exciting writing opportunity!

Click below and send us a message:


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