My Final Update!

last updated 5/16/06

NO WHAT???? This is Broken

Song Quotes
Random Quotes
How I Spent My Summer Vacation 2003
some of my favorite songs
my midi files i've written. UPDATED 7/9/04
Steven's website with RPG's, Fanfics and poems!
My Guestbook
Bigjon's PC Game Shows! Lingo, Whammy, And now, the best Press Your Luck Program EVER Wowwwwy cool stuff!
Happy Tree Friends Reviews, rantings, and resorces for the lonely 2e player.
GSN; play Whammy and Lingo online or with the television episode as it airs
My Whammy Custom Squares Page
Events of 2003(1/3/04)
A page of Pet Peeves (as collected by ME!)(1/6/04)
OBOESUCKS: a website I found about how much the Oboe Sucks (i just thought it was funny, no bad feelings Jeff)
Game Show Themes
Star Trek CCG 2E custom deckbuilder
A Bunch of Videos

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Today is May 16th, 2006

Hello all. If anyone actually reads this, this is my final post on this website. It will stay online as long as it stays online and if anyone is interested in continuing to read up on me... here are the links to my LiveJournal and My MySpace:

Anyway, it has been fun. While having this, I ended my Sophomore year of school and am now ending my Sophomore year of College. 4 years! Wow. Keep up with me by reading my liveJournal and MySpace. So long.
Today is January 19th, 2005.

Sadly, Becky will be going home soon to her college and I will be here continuing my studies in Computer Science. I have always found it unfortunate that all good things must come to an end. Though Becky will only temporarially be here, I know that she will still be only a phone call away and only 2 hours by bus.

My job has been going all right. I was asked about the possibility of starting work in the projection booth instead of the snack bar. My answer of course: yes. hopefully I will transfer to projection sooner than later, but only time will tell. The less cleaning I need to do at the end of the night, the better. It is still the only part of my job that seems truly unavoidable and void of interest. None the less it is enevitable and so I think I have learned to embrace it. Makes me hope Steven doesn't have to do too much cleaning in his line of work (Jack in the Box).

I'm thinking about posting up some of my latest projects on this website including a home version of my Senior Project (a 5 letter word game) and a newer 5 letter word game called "Word Wizards".

I've been watching a lot of "Napoleon Dynomite". A very fun movie to watch over and over with very memorable dialog.

I went to see "In Good Company" with Becky, Mary (her sister) and Kathryn (guessing on spelling, it was a friend of Mary's). "In Good Company" was a very funny movie, although I was one of only a few laughing throughout most of the film. Lauren was good at laughing along with me at funny parts, but I doubt I will ever see her again (and even then on good terms).

I will be taking a calculus placement exam on the 21st at san jose state. I will also be looking into "Academic Renewal".

I start back to school on January 26th and hope to get a good start on the rest of my college carrer. I think I got off on a bad start last semester, but I feel confident about the rest of this year.

Hello world. Today is January 4th, 2005. My new years was WONDERFUL, but afterwords things got just a tad worse.

Last night my dad at 2 in the morning made a stand against me. It all started with my sister. My sister borrowed my bike and got a ride home from my mom, thus putting the bike in my mom's car and neglected to bring it inside. So at 2 last morning, my sister asks me if i'll help her bring it up. I figure she used it, she could easily bring it back up. My dad thought otherwise...

My dad, sitting next to me on the couch, stands up, ERUPTS like a volcano and claims i have changed. "you used to be SO MUCH MORE AGREEABLE! just do it jeez!! it's EASY. I'm going to go downstairs and help your sister because you're too lazy and you've CHANGED! It's all because of your buddy! I don't like his attidude" etc etc... I think my sister was more devistated than me. she started crying and started hugging my dad who kept yelling at me. (oh yeah, i think he meant franklin as "your buddy"). I didn't like it one bit, so I helped my sister bring up the bike and i'm currently not in any mood to talk to my father. he's done this for the last time. I'm not very happy with him. He knocked on my door a half hour later for some reason, I told him I might talk to him tomorrow, but at that time, no.

So of course, I try to think if he's right. I'm sorry, but, I think i've been pretty responsible with everything. I don't think he was very justified in his actions last night and I don't think he's ever been very good with his outbursts. I guess I should be glad he didn't hit me or get in my face, but at the same token, I don't like him when he does this.

Amends are necessary of course, because he will interact for the next few years i'm sure. It's not like I can go move in with franklin or something. I'm pretty over it, but I needed to mention it. Well, I don't think I've changed very much, but, if he doesn't like me... I really don't care. He's always been just a little too difficult.

In other news, for christmas, I recived:

A bike
A sweater
2 pairs of boxers
A Family Feud DVD game
at least $250
Trivia For Dummies (Board Game)
Go (the game)
a box of cheese-its (inside joke)
a mug 
a pocket reference book
a duke ellington DVD
5 Blank Tapes
The star Trek Chronology (book)
that's about it.

I'm making becky a CD of the Grease album from her vinyl copy (that's a record). It's a pain in the butt. but it's worth it =).

take care!

All right, Today is December 9th, meaning Becky and I have been together for 13 months. BUT let's not think of it in months, because well, sometimes, I'm superstitious. For your viewing pleasure, a break down of:
How many weeks:56.428571 repitan
How many days: 395 Days
How many hours: 9480 hours (that means that on new year's eve we will have approximatly been together 10,000 hours; what a co-incidence!)
How many Minutes: 568,800 minutes
How many Seconds: 34,128,000 seconds

Now that's entertainment.

In other news, I added a new link. Check it out.

School's almost out. I have a final on friday next week and then that's IT! Finito!... until January 25th i think...

And that's a wrap. Enjoy your hollidays, and yeah stuff like that.

Today is is december 7th, ive got finals next week, and i really thought this would ammuse all of you testing for whatever reason (found on if you dont get it, email me at corbinq27 at
Today is November 25th, 2004 at 1:10 AM. It's time for... What I'm Thankful For 2004!

My Love-She's the best thing ever!
My close friends (Franklin, Dan, Justine)
All the card buddies I've got.
My paycheck (iffy at best)
7 Days. What a great show!
Food. Damn food.
That damned Pinball game on my computer
My damned cell phone
The internet.
My Parents
Cars and good people
My VTA Sticker
Mr. Shaull and him believing in me (he's one big reason i've gotten this far)
The Palo Alto Daily News Police Blotter
Some decency in the world
Mi Vida
Video Game Music
Celestial Soda-Pop
H2Oh Yeah!
Perhaps finally, My Toothbrush.

Thank you all for being part of my life and letting me help you help me help you.

Today is November 20th. I just had Main Street Pizza! mmmm! it was good! (no really, this one was made really well!) That's all for now. Got work in a couple hours, so you all enjoy your weekend!
Hello blurry eyed friends and folk, today is November 17th at 2:02AM. Today is Wenesday. My next class is in 7 hours. And I'm awake.

Good news! I just took a shower. Now I won't smell as bad.

For you all anxiously awaiting an update concerning my weekend with Becky, I will tell you this: When I grow up and Becky (hopefully) is my wife, she will give me mind-blowing sex. (yes, I'm still a virgin). Also, the restaurant I took her to for our aniversery blew her mind away and (coincidentally) Maria had eaten there before. I was one lucky man because of this fact. Also, the amber necklace was perfect on her, and thank god she loved it. It's all she can talk about! The weekend was perfect. Every gift she gave me (Pablo Fransisco DVD, a spectacular collauge with the theme of Corbin, A Moses Hogan CD, and 2 slideshows of "A Boy and a Girl") is precious and will not be forgotten easily.

I feel I have redeemed myself in her eyes after fiasco after fiasco in the past. Her mom practically loathes me for the stupid things I had done (giving her GUM for her freaking birthday... on crack i swear!) and NOT GETTING A VEST FOR PROM! AHHHHHHHHH... not to mention a few other things... none the less. This weekend reaffirmed my never-ending love for Becky and how much I need her in my life. She treats me better than any human should deserve and forgives my shortcomings and loves the great things about me. No one could do this better than her.

This all leads me to a very important discussion on Beginings and Endings that I must bring up. My relationship with Becky has a begining and an ending, and so does everything that exists phisically in a linear universe. You can't do anything about it, and so what do we do? Somehow we have a mind that percieves these beginings and endings and leaves us somehow satisfied. But what about infinite? Why is the universe as it is? is it infinite? what shape is it? I think the reason the pope restricted learning of it was not so much god, but to try to keep our minds at ease...

Well, I don't know. All I can say is that life is strange and then you die. And it all really doesn't matter in the end, but for some reason, we live life and love the hell out of it. It's a neat gift, fun and entertaining, quite intersting and super awesome.

Always thinking,

Today is November 9th, 2004 and the biggest event of the year happens today (no, the electors don't meet until December 13th...)

It's my 1 year anniversary for me and my love! I know you're all excited (well, I know I am) and I wish she were here right now. At least I'll get to take her to dinner on saturday (shhh it's a suprise!) Ok well she already knows, but that don't matter! She'll LOVE IT! I'll tell you all about it afterwords.

We've spent the last week discussing the pitfalls and triumphs of our relationship. Here's some highlights:

1.Her and I meet. This happens end of Junior year.
2.We go work at a halloween party and get Milkshakes afterwords.
3.We see Love Actually on the 7th of November.
4.I ask her out over the internet(NEVER EVER DO THAT!)
5.Some other stuff that I will not mention
6.We go on our first date 1 year later.

wow. I havn't gone on a date yet? What's wrong with me...

Well, I hope her and I continue to last through at least another year, and hopefully longer. She's my inspiration, my hope, my joy, my happiness. Without her, my life wouldn't be this great.

Today's feature: The Rules to the Lemon Game
This is a 2 player game. In theory, it is a 2-[infinity] player game, but... anyway...
1.Sit under a lemon tree, preferably a bench.
2.Pick a lemon from the tree
3.Throw it!

that's it! fine, not satisfied, here's a game that you can WIN:

the Almond Game
this is a 2-[infinity] player game.
1. Take turns tossing an almond in the air then trying to get it to land in your mouth.
2. If the almond makes it in, eat it and score 1 point.
3. First to 10 points wins. (for a twist, make the loser do a striptease for the winner)

That's the game!

Thanks everyone for helping me and Becky stay together this long. Franklin gets big props for driving her and I places and for always being there. Steven gets HUGE props because he swayed me to ask Becky in the first place. Kevin, you get some because you're Kevin. Justine, THANK YOU for keeping me sane when I wasn't, and for showing Becky that I could be worth it. Jeff, thank you for coming to that 4th of July party because Becky has always liked your music. Frank (Franklin's dad) gets WAY BIG props because he purchased all my new clothes that Becky loves so very very much. And Mary for coming with us and being a fashion Guru. Mr. Shaull of course for having main street singers (without which nothing would have happened). Finally, my parents for being the COOLEST parents I could ever ask for (but never got the chance to!).

to another year!


Listen to "I am the Champion" A.K.A. The Ballad of Ken Jennings It's a semi-lame knockoff of "We are the Champions", but you might get a kick out of it. Want more Ken Jennings? here: A Very Good Ken Jennings website

for now, I am counting down the days to 1 YEAR! a WHOLE FREAKING YEAR!! Am I freaking out? of course not... I'm a cool and collected individual.

Till next time, take care.

Today is October 26th, 2004 and i'm 18 years old.

Do you know what this means? I can go on game shows now! WOOO!!! pretty sweet eh?

anyway, I don't think I've taken the full potential of being 18 yet. I still ride my bike with a helmet! Well, it's all good (but, I am no longer jailbait =D).

in other news, Becky and I will be going strong for 1 WHOLE YEAR starting on november 9th. I feel more in love with her now than I ever have. To be quite honest, I think i'm one of the luckiest guys in the world. So there.

I am waking up at 5:30 AM tomorrow so I can go on a concert choir tour to 3 local high schools. I can't wait... cuz i still have 2 or 3 peices to memorize. Though, they are wonderful pieces.

Well, now I can run sanctioned tournaments for my favorite card game (Star Trek CCG) and that's pretty fun.

I didn't do a game show thing for my birthday this year, instead, we kept it low-key at Franklin's with some card buddies as well as Becky and Lauren (Dan and Mike) etc. Thank you to all who were there! It was a great time!

A final note: 3 weeks is longer than you think, and a year is EVEN LONGER.

Take care loved ones,
Tomorrow is the big 11, and today is 10/08/04. Welcome to my domain.

I will now present, curtosey of the david letterman website:

Top Ten Ways To Irritate Alex Trebek presented by "Jeopardy" Champion Ken Jennings

10. "Ask him on air, 'So who did your Botox?'"

9. "Instead of responding, get his attention by throwing nickels at his head"

8. "Buzz in without using your hands"

7. "Give Courtney Love directions to his house"

6. "Whenever he says the word 'potpourri,' you mumble, 'Woman'"

5. "Tell him he's no Wink Martindale"

4. "Remind him that although he's a naturalized citizen, he'll always be a product of the evil Canadian empire"

3. "Complain that he's not nearly as Trebek-y in person"

2. "Your only response: 'Who gives a rat's ass?'"

1. "Insist on buying a vowel"
okay, yeah. That's funny stuff. I always liked that one. Oh and guess who won "Trump or Monkey" last night? Donald Trump! Now that's some funny stuff.

Hello world,

Today is today. Actually, that implies that right now is right now in comparison to the reader. What I mean is that today is actually what time it is for the writter. Follow?

Let's see... 4 days until Franklin's Birthday. 18! he can buy porn then. He won't though.

I'm writting a paper on parents sanctioning teenage drinking. Obviously, I'm against drinking in the first place, but if I am forced to assume drinking (underage) will happen anyway, then should it be sanctioned? Legalized? worried about. Well, I just hope underage drinkers understand the consequences and the positives... wait... what positives? But then again, who am I to say what others to do kill themselves with. If they choose to harm themselves, then isn't that all right? Oh wait, they're too young to make their own desisions. That's why it's ILLEGAL. sorry, touchy subject. moving on...

Ken Jennings wins game 50. Wow... That reminds me, Jeopardy and Wheel of fortune will be on the air until at LEAST 2010. Bets on that Big Bank wedge? I say it's gotta happen SOMEDAY... we'll see.

Star Trek CCG has been a long running passion of mine, and I thought today would be a good day to unvail a few dream cards of mine so I've put together my "dream card" website which you can visit here: Dream Cards (Quick note, did you know this website originally was host to dream cards? I took them off because they were graphical; now I'll just do the text-based ones.

Take care!

Well well, my website is a mess!

Today is September 28th, 2004. Oh yeah, I got a cell phone. he he. Oh yeah, and the number is 324-782-none of your buisness! Unless of course, you ask me really nicely.

So. Yeah. Been looking my BUTT OFF for jobs. Sucks a lot. I hope I get one soon!!!! I NEED IT!!!!

I heard Alpin Hong at our listening hour (it's an hour where a musician comes and plays and does a mini-performance durring lunch) he was MARVELOUS. For your information his program was:

Chromatic Fantasy- Bach
Clair de Lune-     Debussy
Mario Brothers compilation (had some cool name he gave it)
Variation on the Jeopardy! theme 
Rhapsody in Blue-  Gershwin
He had hillarious commentary to go with his performances. After a song, he would tell us what his education was like, auditioning, life, etc. and also he would give commentary on why he played a certain piece as he did. It was fantastic! And how often does one hear someone on a concert stage do mario and jeopardy! In fact, he used the Jeopardy theme as an example of cool peices to rip. Example: I will Always Love You (dolly parton/Whitney Huston fame) is a simple ripoff of Heart and Soul! LISTEN to it next time and you'll hear it. anyway, super cool! (not to mention, i'm a huge fan of George Gershwin, it was delightful to hear Rhapsody in Blue)

Driving is going very well. I'm learning.

Dan's Birthday is on thursday (21 days from mine). Happy B-Day!

Ah yes. I played a new game called "Man Bites Dog" last night. What a game. You make an outrageous headline from 5 cards. Each card has a point value on it and if you can make a cohearent headline from the cards you score the points. Here's an example "1st Lady stabs 340 pound nun" or "Lawyer Nails mob boss secretary" (you can interpret that however you want). Anyway, super funny game. we added a rule that gave points to the headline we thought was the funniest.

ON a more personal/geeky note: Spike TV has uped their hours of GOOD programming. 1 hour of 7 Days (why did I have to start watching this? it's such a good show!), 2 hours of DS9 and 2 Hours of TNG. plus MXC and stuff. Go them!

That's it for now. Becky is doing fantastic! And I hope Lauren feels better soon. Franklin, hope the soccer gets better. Justine, hope that guy figures out what he can do with his right hand in the bathroom. Brian and Elise, practice newlywed game for next time. Jeremy, Keep up the very cool card game additions. Everyone, go see Pablo Fransisco ( Cousin Zoe, thank you for the tapes, they're all i listen to in the mornings on the way to school. Cortney, Sims 2 should die (only because you hog up my computer). That's it!

bye bye!

Hello America! I love college!

Today is September 22nd, 2004 at 10:00 AM. You know why? my class was CANCELLED!

so. there was a notice on my classroom door at 9:30 AM saying my teacher wasn't going to be in today! that means 2 1/2 hours to me! This is good as I had a test today. I feel prepared for it though, so it's not an issue. So now i'm in the bottom floor of the library. I borrowed a laptop so I could update my website for all my adoring fans.

I watched "Signs" last night. Whoops. Someone should have told me it was a scarry movie. Oh well, at least I FINALLY got to sleep. I can't stop thinking about the ending though. Wow, what a neat movie.

So yesterday, the Star Wars Trilogy came out on DVD. Ironically/coincidentally, as I was watching Star Wars II, someone in another appartment was watching ANH (4th one). Interesting eh?

So that's about it for now. How cool to have a class canceled. Hope the prof. is alright though.

P.S. This library is awesome. Hope Justine is doing well, and Becky, and Franklin (guess what? he's going to homecoming w/ my sister! Hope he likes it. And she'll be the "big woman on campus" cuz she brought a college guy to the dance!), and everyone else (steven kevin molly zoe ... )

Take care,

If I update they will come...

Hello. It's the WEEKEND (but wait, you're saying it's thursday. OH WAIT. I have no school on fridays!!!! WHEEEEE!).

Today is september 16th, 2004 at 12:45 PM. I just finished Concert Choir (yes, my singing group is called Concert Choir... LAHS people rejoice...).

Oh yeah! I got my permit yesterday. I only missed 4 on the written test. apparently, that's a pretty good thing. (you are allowed 8 wrong out of 46). this means (don't feint) that I got 42 correct on the test (Douglas Adams would be happy). Bloody cool or what? (42/46 = 91.3% correct= A- on my test). That's better than I did on some of my tests in high school. So, this means that by me driving, somehow, the universe will make a lot more sense (paradoxially of course).

Enough of that. So i was watching "Star Wars II: Attack of the Clones" last night. I found it mildly entertaining. I fell asleep 1/2 way though if that means anything.

I don't recall if i've written about a show called "seven days" on here yet. So it was a show UPN had on durring the 4,5, and 6th seasons of Star Trek: Voyager (I think) and it was about a guy who worked for the Gov't going back in time seven days to fix something bad that happened. So Spike TV is showing the show daily now. Yesterday's was about someone loosing the Nuclear football the president is supposed to carry with him everywhere. Sorry, but that was a little corny. BUT usually the show is a lot better. I just wish it was shown more than once a day. At least there's a station showing DS9 once a day too.

WELL TV is getting semi-borring in this day and age. About the only good things on are "The Ken Jennings Show" and "Seven Days". Thank goodness there is more to life that TV.

I'm very glad I was able to make becky happy by me getting my permit. I'll be (probably) driving sunday so stay indoors for your sake.

Signing off,

Hello fellow readers (all one? two? three of you? I gotta say though, it's better than 0). Today is September 14th, 2004.

Franklin went in for surgery yesterday and I called his dad to see how he was doing. He is doing great! He just can't speak for a week. (lol, franklin can't tell us his mom is a game or his mom is the president of the united states or that his mom... well, you get the picture. Just wait till he gets home and starts talking online, wee!).

I visited the old ball-and-chain this weekend with Franklin. It was a BLAST! Quite litterally too as we had a flat tire on the way to dinner with her, me, franklin, rebecca( a friend of Becky's), and Lauren (Becky's suitemate). We then saw "Garden State"; that's the one with the guy from "scrubs" in it (zach braff) and that one who played the queen in that star wars movie (natale portman) oh and that hobbit from that movie (bilbo). It was a reallly good movie. What a great place Sonoma is! So small, yet, so big. I can't wait to go back!

I enjoyed waking up the next morning to the sounds of a nosebleed.

So let's see. Franklin's soccer team lost 7 to 1. what can I say? oh yeah! OUCH! that SUCKS. though, they really hadn't been practicing all that much.

He's still winning (you know who I'm talking about).

I partook (partaked? have partaken in...) TREK: 1E X-LIST with some weird "LOOK! I can get orbs and score a lot of points off of killing your guys at quark's bar!" deck. I won only 1 game (maybe two). that was really fun though.

There's a new season of Millionaire starting yesterday, and no more DS9 on spike tv anymore. Well, if Spike REALLY wanted to buy trek and then not show it... that's cool i guess...

Oh yeah! I went job hunting yesterday. I applied at Game Stop and Shoe Pavillion. Everywhere else wasn't hiring. I'll try to look again maybe friday.

well, that's that. I hope Becky and her roommates enjoy the more than 40 extra chanels they get now that I have fixed their tv. Sorry about the "L" key hun, but, that's the way the keyboard breaks!

Take care everyone, and stay in school

Today is September 7th, 2004.

Check this out: This site has been servicing all of you readers for over 2 years now. 2 YEARS is a LONG TIME. LONG TIME. I was finishing my sophomore year of high school when this page started. A SOPHOMORE. wow.

So this wenesday, Jeremy is hosting Megaman free food free fun time at superstars in cupertino. Then thursday Decipher's own Kyle Heuer is coming to town to teach Risa "WARS:TCG" the rehash of the game that launched a 1000 games (or not) (though Star Wars:CCG was a phenominal game and is due credit). Then friday is Star Trek: CCG X-List at Scenario. This is going to be the reunion tournament hopefully to show our good friend Kyle Trek 1E LIVES!! Hopefully as well you can look for me in upcoming issues of "Scrye Magazine" with a speech bubble of me saying "TREK 1E LIVES!"

I'm still looking for a job. If you're looking for a student who can work part time doing just about anything, my Email Address is

Thank you franklin for a lovely party sunday. The food was great.

Last night Me, Ron, Jeremy and Franklin got into a discussion about the outlook of the world in the following years. Did you know apparently there are 14 unacounted for nuclear missiles and may be in the hands of terrorists? gee; that makes my day.

Ken Jennings won again. 'nuff said.

Love ya'll,
take care,

Miracle, or act of God? YOU be the judge.

Today is August 31st, 2004 at 1:10 PM. I am currently at the MLK jr. Library at SJSU (currently voted the best library in the country... not that I'm bragging). There are a lot of computers that go on the internet here so I figure, since i'm pseudoliving on campus, I should pseudoupdate my pseudolivejournal (aka website). Aren't I just so pseudorandom?

My back tire on my bicycle is flat. That's a PAIN in my rear. Fix it tonight though. Some homework I will do after finishing this includes: researching SJSU; writing a summary on the event of the 1990 AT&T failure causing 9 hours of mayhem and $60 million loses for AT&T; and buying some books.

Thank you Uncle Larry for helping me with my books. My semester will now be much easier to handle.

I applied to In-n-out Burger (and had an interview). I will see if i have a job on friday! Wish me luck ya'll. If i get the job, I will be in a VERY good place (something like cloud 9).

Becky has been stressed out of her mind! I don't blame her though; Bio is whacked (did i just say whacked?). I'm looking foreward to possibly seeing her this weekend, and after that, she'll be gone into the unreachable depths of college. I only hope she finds some peace. What can I say? It's life.

Franklin is not the new STCCG or LotR TCG world champion unfortunatly, but he enjoyed himself in indianapolis. Bored out of my mind, I decided to get things together for school and now I am enjoying a restful, yet frantic, first few days of school.

Justine is now settled in Reno finding new friends and picking up the pace. She will call every once and a while reporting on her days. Good luck to you in your endeavors Justine!

I will be turning 18 in approx. 50 days. eh. I'd LOVE to have a birthday party, but, well, we'll see.

Franklin and I concocted a crazy varient on "Connect Four" entitled " Customizable Connect Four." Connect four of course is that 6x7 game where you drop a checker down a column and pray that by some permutation you get 4 of your color in a row before stalemating or losing. here's the board:

_ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
now for our game we use poker chips on a flat table because of the need to move the peices. We have the "explosion peice" that, when surrounded, destroys all peices around it. Also, my favorite, the "eliminate column/row" destroying all peices in that column/row. We are thinking of a point system to use, but we might just resort to limits of peices in your "deck". Crazy eh?

So that's all for now. For fun, say the number "24" to someone multiple times and then ask them after "name a vegitable?" 9 times out of 10, they'll say "Carrot". TRY IT!

Be well,

Hello my fans. The date today is August 3rd, 2004. I'm at Becky's house. So..

I think that sexual justice is unfair to some, if not, most people. Why are some people unable to sexually please themselves in a socially acceptable manner? sadly, in our society, these people resort to masturbation and whores. But, I'm not one of these people, so I'm a happy man.

I think there is a direct correlation between how well the national anthem is sung with the performance of a baseball team. Although I’ve only experienced this once, it’s going to make the home team ashamed of their local people.

I MISSED becky! I figure, the more time I spend with her , the better chance I have of getting laid =)

It’s been a great day! I had a great time. You don’t know what I’m talking about, BUT I’m enjoying my day. TTYL


I've got three things to talk about today!
Today is July 16th, 2004

Martha Stewart gets bottom bunk

because martha stewart (in light of her conviction) could (if the appeals don't go through) have 5 months of house arrest, $30,000 Fine, but most importantly, since she's over 50, she gets the bottom bunk at her 5 month sentence in prison. fun eh?

Ken Jennings wins AGAIN!!! today is his 33rd win ($50,000 today) and he is at a total of $1,100,460. He's INSAINE!!!(sp) anyway, Baskin Robins gave him a year's supply of ice cream for winning 31 games. Plus, Jeopardy matched Wheel of Fortune ratings. THAT doesn't happen. Ever. fun eh?

I beat my record for bowling with a 121 In an unpresidented event, Corbin Johnson scored 6 spares (no strikes) and only missed one ball of all twenty-one shots he made landing him an all-time-high of 121 points.

That's the news. um... yeah... Hope it was informational! I'll be gone July 19-20th and will return sometime on the 20th.

be well!

July 14th, 12:04 AM. Today's topic: Obsession

I think first we should figure some assosiating terms: Nesessity, Addiction, Want vs. need...

What is obsession? I think it to be when a person has a fixation (abnormal or not) of nearly anything and reflects aspects of his/her life to accomidate this fixation. Consider the need to breath. Is this obsession? Well, it is a nesessity of ours; our instinctual fixation to intake air, and we accomidate by doing exactly that: breath. Obsession? yes. Abnormal? no. But what about abnormal obsessions?

Is it okay to have an obsession regarding something like a television show or a particular movie? a band? A song? an activity? To me, I think crossing the line is giving up one's life for an obsession. My life is my most presious thing, for if everything falls through, you still have your life. In writing this, I am confronted with if this is truly my most presious thing for I admit obsession to other things: Game Shows, Music, Making Games, and most importantly, my love for my love. Would I give my life for any of these? No, except for the possible exception of one, that being my love, but does that make it an abnormal obsession?

For what is it O.K. to give up one's life for? Some say their country and/or it's ideals, for there have been many soilders, many wars, many deaths. People have died for believing in something, and that only accomplishes (maybe) a greater following for the idea. Is the idea worth more than the life of a human? I find it hard to believe. Yet, so many have done it before. "Would you take a bullet for someone," people often ask other people. Well, would I? Depends. Do I think their life means more to an ideal of life than mine? How would I feel at the time that I would take this "bullet"? Could I avoid it? Could I take the "bullet" right now to secure a better life for that person? I have heard people tell me they would take bullets for me. Are they mearly not proud of their own life and think mine better, or is it "Love"? Love? Is love not pure obsession? I speak on the phone every night with my love for hours. Classic obsession. So as obsession, is obsession worth it? Devotion into one idea that we think is the way everything should be. Should we not be so fixated on one idea and explore more? Without obsession, nothing would ever get done.

Sitting in front of homework, bored to tears, we wonder, "Why can't this be easier," when in fact we may be doing an essay on something tantalizing and go "Wow! this is very interesting!" So as long as we are interested in something, we can get it done, and explore, discover, make better. Only with huge devotion do we make progress. A lawyer wouldn't nessisarially enjoy writing music, nor would a composer enjoy defending a defendant. These people chose their respective carrers because of what they wanted and enjoy doing (at least I hope they did). Obsession, abnormal or not, makes the world go around. I think Obsession is good.

That's today's topic. Now that you have read that, here's what I did today.

I'm going to San Jose State!!!! WOOO HOOO!! i finally got off my lazy butt and got everything settled and I'll be going to orientation on the 19th-20th. I also had Frankin and Becky over and we watched "I love the 90's, 1992&1993" Good stuff. OH YEAH! Ken Jennings is over $1,000,000!!!! He did it! also, in the upfront game, he got withing $6,000 of breaking his (now tied for) record for 1 day total of $52,000. I was amazed at his performance today. He's only 1.18 Million from becoming the biggest winner in game show history!

that's my life. Hope yours is good, no no, GREAT and I hope you enjoy your "lazy days of summer"

Sleep well,

July 9th, 2004: new song in my song page! Check it out!!!!
Today is July 5th, 2004 at 5:55 PM. I just got back from Joe's birthday party. We saw Spiderman 2 and listened to a very funny recording done by Robin Williams in 2002. BUT that's just the tip of the iceburg.

I have gone though what I would like to call "The Week of Transititons." Here we go:

Wenesday June 30th: I went clothes shopping with my dear friend Franklin, his dad (paying for the endeavour), Becky (fashion DIVA) and Mary (her younger-sister-sidekick, also with a taste for good clothing). We went to the Gilroy outlets and had a field day! I was alotted $150 to do with as I pleased (this was a graduation gift, perhaps the best one) and found first some pants from Calvin Klein, then 2 shirts can't quite remember right now... THEN we got more shirts, socks, boxers, shoes, and a new watch. I think I went a little over the $150 mark, BUT it was OKAY!

So then, that night, all of us (minus Franklin's dad + Micheal and Dan Lubin, some of Franklin's friends) went to Chili's. We did this also in part to introduce Mary to Micheal. They didn't hit it off so well, but hey, we tried! The service was stinky, but the food was okay. I enjoyed it.

Thursday, July 1st. Franklin and I spent some time with Justine catching up and getting lunch. Now that I remember, it was on me too... frig. Well, no money for me! shame...

Friday, July 2nd. I start the "Low-Carb Lifestyle"... just wonderful. It's been actually not so bad. Fun actually. I've also been excersizing my butt off.

Saturday - Sunday. Went to my cousin Zoe's boyfriend's (bob's) appartment for a weekend of talking, gaming, and testing. I tested my IQ sunday morning untill 5AM and found out that first #: 121;second #: 112. Fascinating? maybe. Just don't test at 5 in the morning, cuz usually, i'm tired and stuff.

and that leads back up to today! So i've got totally awesome threads, some swinging good times, and nothing bad!

I know some of you may have missed my daily features like "The Main Street Singers Song of the Day" and "The Quote of the Day", So I thought I might try to re-resurect them. Here we go:

The Main Street Singers Song of the Day:
So even though the whole thing is over, I thought it would still be okay to touch on some songs I didn't get to. Today's is: Sing 'Till the Spirit Moves in my Heart Moses Hogan does it again with this moving spiritual. I thought the sirituals were some of the best songs we sang. So alive, fun and enjoyable! Plus, the tenors had a special thing going on (yes, I'm a tenor).

The Website of the Day:
G4 + Tech TV!a combination that will never fail! Video games + computer nerdy stuff. It's a new tv station with a new merge.

And so that's the update for today. Stay safe, lots of love for all, and be well!
take care,

A trip to San Jose

Today is Wenesday, June 23rd, 2004 at 2:32 PM. I am about to embark on a journey to my cousin's house in San Jose where we will play many games and such. I am looking foreward to it. I just went to togo's to get me and my sister some lunch. I had a half salad/half sandwich and my sister had a cheese & provolone sandwich. MMMmmmmm.

So, I can't remember what my exact bowling scores were, but they weren't as good as predicted. these will get updated when I can get the scores from Becky. I lost all 3 games (one w/ bumpers).

So I've been playing blackjack at and I have won 3/6 of the tournaments. Staked $10K, the first win was $20K, then $35K and this time $57.5K. It's fun, and free, and no money is exchanged! unfortunatly, the AI on the computer players is a bit dumb.

Well, I will be going now. Love ya'll! have a great summer! I've been having a great one myself.

be well!

Wait... Corbin still writes music? YOU BET HE DOES! (click here)

Okay so I wrote that song while at Becky's house a few weeks ago. I find her house to be the nicest place I've ever written music. Thank you Becky for providing a WONDERFUL place to write music =)

Today = Bowling! here's a look at the statistics:

Game 1: Game 2:   Game 3: Game 4: Game 5: Game 6:   
  60      60       100      37      87     ???
                                 HA Kevin,
                              you were wrong! 
All right! go on the forum and you can "bet socially" on my sixth game! (maybe there'll be a 7th game too!). have fun.

IF I top 100, I'll be a happy man.

So I get a call at like 7:00 AM about my online order of "Jeopardy 2003" saying "your billing address is different than your shipping address... GRRRRRR" so I sorted it all out.

wow. TV Scares me. Blue just went into the HUMAN doctor's office, got a shot, and a stuffed animal. Wow. very weird...

ALL right, ya'll have fun with "Clockwork" (It's IPod friendly).

Love ya'll!

Wow. My room has a floor?

TODAY is June 21st, 2004. It could be a better day most certainly. I got news Becky might be going to chicago for (more or less) the ENTIRE summer. Compound that with college right after with a minimum 3 hour drive to her college... NOT good. What good can be gotten out of this? I cleaned my room before getting the news, so that's good, I suppose...

So a lot of you are saying "WELL Corbin, I have it a LOT worse," and if you do, I'd love to see if I can help, or at least be a shoulder to cry on. That's one thing I like to think I'm good at. Email: (now with 96MB of FREE room).

My bowling scores have been teetering, but then again, i've only gone bowling 4 times recently. Scores:
Game 1: ~60
Game 2: ~60
Game 3: ~100
Game 4: 37

So that's that. I'm going today to see if I can't improve. Otherwise... I'm trying to stay optomistic, and it's ... working, somewhat. Yes I'll miss you becky, more than you'll ever know... but life goes on. I will communicate with her as MUCh as possible, but I suppose i'll just have to embrace everything else that gives my life some meaning (though it just ain't enough sometimes).

3 hours later:
Just got back from my bikeride, got a low fat sandwich at subway, biked to bowling, got an 87 (1 strike, one spare) and then biked up to foothill college for the heck of it. WOW what a ride.

Love ya'll!

Hello! today is my sister's birthday, and it's June 18th, 2004. I aquired a new bicycle and have been mobile since! WEEEEE what fun!

So here's what happened today:
9:15 AM: Wake up; Shower.
9:50 AM: Leave for Becky's.
10:05 AM: Come back home because I FORGET the CD's I meant to bring to her house
10:20 AM: Get to Becky's house
1:00 PM: Leave becky's house; go bowling
1:30 PM: Recieve score of 100 (personal record...)
Day continues.........
7:30 PM: Ken Jennings wins 13 day championship, continues monday for 14th possible win. (after he wins $500,000 he will be the 4th highest winner in the history of syndicated television).
8:15 PM: Writting this.
on a side note: Jeff told me once about this movie called Zoolander, and it seems to be okayish...

So that's about it. I had fun riding my bike all around, and it's great!

Love ya'll,

Hello my adoring fans

Today is Thursday, June 17th, 2004. Today is a good day in some ways because:
1)Yahoo has now increased my email account from 4 MB to 100 MB. this means that instead of 101% full, it's now like 4% full.
2)I just finished shooting "Who Wants to be a Super Millionaire: Special (retarded) Edition" for my sister and her friends. It's for a movie they're sending to Elise's BoyFriend Brian. VERY funny. I was Regis =)

SO today I'm going to see about fixing my Bicycle cuz it's more efficiant to go with a bicycle places than on foot. so YA!

Becky now has a 15GB IPod. Freaking sweet. VERY jealous, but, I still have CDs and stuff.

Goodie; my sister and her friends are watching "The Lion King".

Ah, Elspeth is sending out the MSS quote list! yay! Looking foreward to that.

All right! ttyl!


Today is June 14th, 2004 (day of summer #3) and I am verrry happy with all the gifts I have been given.

Thank you to everyone who has given me a gift of some sort, I love them!

So today I wake up and go to downtown mountain view to visit my cousin Zoe. We talked about Sherlock Holmes and his connection to Mormonism (interesting eh? =D). After that I spent some time in the library and BookBuyers. I then came home and swam and I feel GOOD! Today also was the begining of the new GSN line-up and Ken Jennings 9th consecutive win with nearly $300,000!

This is my June 11th edition (and FINAL @ School edition!!!) and yesterday broke history.

Ken Jennings has (with a 7 day total) won $231,000 over his stay on Jeopardy AND is going for an 8th day today. Yesterday's Final Jeopardy Catagory was "entertainment."and the answer: "this title character, who debuted in 1999, was created by former marine biology educator Steve Hillenburg." ANY IDEA?????? well, the question was "who is Spongbob Squarepants?" I personally wouldn't have ever gotten that. He has the most money ever won on jeopardy in a non-tournament style game

So YESTERDAY was a GREAT day. I went to Queen's house for a very very long time and we had pizza mmmmmmmm. and then we watched "Down with Love" and I continued work on my song i've been writing. AND afterwords I went with Jeffery to make a little performance for Sunday's Gig. I'm looking foreward to it.

Also, if you've ever wondered, Basketball isn't my thing.

I looked at more pictures from Main Street Tour and from our first camp experience. Wonderful pictures! There was a picture of Thomas in front of a painting in the hermitage that looked EXACTLY like him. I'll try to post it up sometime. It's hillarious! all right then...

Tonight is my graduation. 13 years in the school system about to all come to an end. Reflection: did I get enough out of the experience? Answer: yes. I know math, sciences, music, grammar, spelling, U.S. government, Economics, why the pH scale is as it is, computers, and most especially, I found the greatest people in the world at school (and mi novia). Without school, no main street, and right there is a perfect example of why I loved my school experience. To all students still in the system: it's worth it, and you will really get out of it what you put into it.

Gradutaion: 6:00 P.M. LAHS, all are invited to attend.

Today is the last time The 2003-2004 Los Altos High School Main Street Singers will perform. It's going to be a tough thing for me, because I do get very sentimental. But I realize that I am still part of this community of singers for the rest of my life. I look foreward to seeing next years MSS perform and I hope they love it as much as I did. Thank you Mr. Shaull, Debbie, the chaperones on tour, and everyone else who made MSS possible. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Thank you all my teachers, from Ms. Bancroft to Mr. Rosenburg. You certainly feel you're doing the right thing, and I think you are too.

Thank you to all the people who pushed me to keep active in my studies and who made it worth the time. I can never repay everyone for their help. I would like to especially thank My Uncle Larry and his family for letting me stay with them the first semester of freshman year to go to school somewhere in the transition of everything. It was fun, but more importantly, a very good time to learn how to be independent.

There are too many people to thank for everything, but I am greatful, and thankful for your time. Your generosity is infinite.

Until next time,

Hello everybody, today is June 10th, 2004. There are approximatly 1 day to go until I get my high school diploma. I hear it opens doors...

Yesterday was an emotional day for me, as the MSS of 2003-2004 sang for our recording at graduation "not to say goodbye" promptly after everyone throwing a word into a collective main street place. Mine was "Love".

Queen was super hyper yesterday on the phone (she had apparently drank 3 cokes...) Thus it leading us into a discussion on our 7th month. today I have been with Queen for seven months and one day. That is so wonderful! she's the sweetest thing, even if she has her days (we all have our days). She was trying to cheer me up after MSS yesterday and I thank her for that. She always does a fantastic job.

All right, I'll add in my new Game Show Concept I just finished last night. It's a game called "War!"

1  2  3  4  5
6  7  8  9  10
11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25
so on a board of 25 with assorted cash values under them ranging from 1,500 to 5,000 (plus a few 2x your money's) each of 3 players begins the game by placing a "bomb" somewhere on the board. If a bomb is already in the space chosen by players 2 or 3, it's still okay.

each player one at a time selects a square. They will win whatever value is under it and play advances. the player with the most money when one player hits a bomb wins!

cons: too short for commercial use, possible for no money to be won.

these shall be fixed in time. In the mean time, I was trying to use this as a game opener and then go on to a special hexagonal board where the goal is to get across it without hitting a "mine" and racking up LOTS of money on the way over. This will be good my friends.

And so I think I will sign off for the day (oh btw, THIS is the final at school edition; I'm waiting for grad practice).

be well people!



Today is June 9th, 2004, and I am now officially no longer a student of Los Altos High School, Making this the final edition at school.

I was given a "run for my money" as I was questioned if I would pass Civics. I DID! so that's great, and Physics and everything else! I WILL GRADUATE 100% (unless of course I die between now and then). The only thing remaining is that I owe Mr. Shaull a sizable ammount of money, payable "whenever." I'm sorry I have to do that to Mr. Shaull, but I am going to do the best I can to pay him back within a reasonable ammount of time.

My offical acts left before I can officially start my summer:
12:30PM today: Final MSS recording session
9:00 AM tomorrow: Graduation sorting #1
7:00 PM : Preview of music for Gig
9:00 AM friday: Final Graduation Practice
4:30 PM : America the Beautiful rehearsal
5:15 PM : Graduation Show up
6:00 PM : Graduation Starts
4:30 AM : Arrive home from Grad Night
4:00 PM Sunday: Gig for X$ where X = mucho mucho
Sometime next week: Final Dentist appointment

I still need to find a job, square away college, and have a party or two, but that will be just dandy!

Now, let's talk Prom, shall we? PROM ROCKED! the food was really good too, but I was on my best behavior. The music was actually fine (especially what was on durring dinner) and Jeff and Elspeth are very cute. Becky, thanks for making it a night to remember, and a VERY cute dress if I may say so. (Jeff, thank you PROFUSLY for letting me borrow your vest, it saved my life). And Dana hosted a WONDERFUL pre-prom reception! thanks for taking so many pictures! ( still looking for some, E-mail me if you have prom pictures of me; we'll work out a deal) Hmmmm, all you can drink shirly temples, reminds me of holloween hehehehehehe.

Coming soon:
Main Street: A year in perspective

Thank you for a lovely school year everyone, and I hope to see you main streeters at Wassail in december. Congratualations to all the new main streeters, as you all deserve it. It's the best thing that will ever happen to you, 100% (it's a little joke me and Queen have, but I'm serious).

Next party: Who Wants to be a (Speedy) Super Millionaire? the game has a lot of potential due to it's short length (10 Questions) and a Special top prize of $25,000,000!!!! (in fake U.S. dollars of course) + 4 new lifelines. Featured lifelines: 50:50, Phone a Friend, Ask the Audience, 50:50+, The (10 second) Fastest Finger, Ask the Audience +, Double Dip, and THE STEPLADDER. Think i'm crazy? think it's too easy? well you don't get all these lifelines at the same time!

Life is GREAT!
Be well my friends,

Hellooooooo LA! (Los...Altos that is)

Today is May 20th, 2004 and Today is Molly's Birthday! Let's wish her a happy 18th as she can now drive super legally for anyone anywhere anytime! (A word to the wise, STAY OFF THE STREETS!) =D

So. You're thinking to yourself, SELF! What? Why hasn't Corbin updated in a LOOOONG TIME??? for that we go to Corbin himself. Corbin, why havn't you updated? "Well, I don't know". Okay, good enough answer for me.

Today I presented my final Senior Project to my english class and found it to be an exceptionally well done presentation. Dana went as well and she did a remarkable job.

Film festival today, here's some of my favories and a Sinopsys (Sp?):
Capture the Flag: Hana with a Brittish accent and the fandango bag! classic!
Horror 101: how to make your own horror film in the ease of your own nieborhood. (i mention the comedies first, thought they were shown last).
Exodus: about a man who's life has no meaning past his material possesions and dies and finds himself in a pseudo-hell where his own self is his hell.
and finally:
I forget the name of this one, but: Ryan Goulden's Movie about a wrongly accused man being executed by hanging. His faith stayed strong even in the face of death.

Most enjoyable.

SO! i'm back from tour! weee! coming soon (gimme a month) I'll have a day by day recolection and pictures to boot! I also would like to put up a page showing the finer points of my senior project. these will be done in time.

so i hope my update was satisfying. untill next time!


Life changing moment #764 (not that I catalog these things): Driving down El Camino with the queen, we are broadsided by an older man and his wife. No one is hurt, but the night seems to be ruined. Queen's car is totaled, and I calmly make sure everything is taken care of.

Do moments like these shape a person? or does a person's shape help him through times like these? Either way, EVEN THOUGH this event has drastically changed many things I understood as never-changing, I still come out of this a stronger person. I have learned that change is inevetable (especially from a vending machine when a $.70 soda is bought with a $1) but more especially, my life was not taken from me, nor did I lose the most precious thing to me. Though, has how I lived my daily life changed? no, but, somehow I will probably be a more greatful person for my life (avid readers from up to 2 years ago though would say "Corbin, you already show your greatfulness for life in your posts A LOT and it's almost annoying!", but I do anyway).

so, $20 for the sadies bid gone, but for the price of my life, I'd take it anyday. ALSO, to gain from it was MUCH MORE! Indirectly from this experience, I watched a wonderful movie called "the Silent Man" and it was great! I also had the pleasure of talking to my queen's grandparents for an unexpected 3rd time this week. They are delightful people and I hope to meet with them again, unexpected or not (well, anyone who will talk to me for 30 minutes about game shows certainly deserves my thanks and respect =P).

SO corbin, you havn't updated in 11 days. TELL US SOMETHING INTERESTING! okay then: did you know that WAIT, THIS JUST IN: my sister just made my dad (sorry queeny, but you do make my day too) MY SISTER FOUND THE REMOTE FOR OUR T.V.!!!!!!!! I might actually spend more time in my room now. Now if i could just get a VCR in my room, i'd be set for life (well, I would need just ONE more thing but AHEM).

Oh, what was I saying? yes. yes. um.... oh yes, apparently, 54% of girlfriends dump their boyfriends if they do not get them something on Valentine's day. Ouch dudes, but if you're not willing to buy your sweetie something on V-Day, you probably weren't good in the first place. Justine i suppose is just special in that David is overdue for like a year or something, but, well, girls will be girls (was I talking about david or justine???? =D).

Wow, Dressing nicely. Who would have EVER thought that by dressing nicer, i would feel better about myself? I am distressed that it took something so superficial, but, alas, at least it's not alchohol or drugs or something. Debbie was so kind in pointing out to me sunday "wow corbin, you look good!" I was very pleased =).

I am sick at this moment. Viral perhaps. But, I'll be back on my feet in no time, and plan to attend school tomorrow.

My senior paper is due tomorrow, so, i'm going to work on that after i'm done showering/bathing. It will relax me and put me in that mood i need to be in to write a paper like that.

I hooked up a new computer today in my room. I can now access the internet from the comfort of my own room. Now I can watch T.V. , Listen to music, and update my website all at the SAME TIME! would I ever do that? stay tuned to find out.

I am happy to announce a full fleged return to hopefully daily updates AND a newsletter for my most faithful groopies. I will also extend to them a website containing my newest projects and creations for school, lesure, etc. including Essays, Game shows, thoughs, and other fun things I have made over my many years as a teenager. For more information, Email me at

Interested in being a contestant for my senior project? I'm looking for 16 people to play for a chance to be a winner in my newest game show idea! I hope to offer prizes to the best players, but i'm not sure about that part yet. Sign up at OR voice your opinion on my FORUM!!!!

So long for now folks, Love ya'll! Today's moral of the story is: Sizzler food causes car accidents.

With a score of 47.5, Some people just know how to give new meanings to "winners"

Welcome weary internet travelers. Today is March 24th, 2004 and I would like to wish an almost happy 18th to my queen. I would also like to say THANK YOU to all my friends who have been near and dear to me for the last 4 years. I've got so many memories that I'm not sure what to do with them all! Ice Cream walks, School Visits, PH (AHHH!!), Games of Whammy! online, Impossible Lingo Games, Parties galor, Hugs, Pool parties, Classes together (like Math, Econ, Civics, AND english!) and some very life pondering 6th periods last year. Plus, you'll never EVER get my watch.

interesting where i've ended up from being the quiet person I was in 7th grade to how i've turned out. I feel very close to the people in Main Street, I've got some very tightly-knit friends, a WONDERFUL queen, and some of the most reliable people in the world with me. A person I'd like to give special thanks to is Mr. Shaull for providing me with a place to stay before rehearsals so I wouldn't have to walk home all the way, and for also all his dedication to get me to be where I am today. I've been able to see Lion King, get my Tux, and I'm about to broaden my horizons on tour because of the dedication to the group and how nice he has been for helping me through all of it. Thank you.

Well. Since I last Posted, Game Show Network became GSN- The Network for Games. It's fun with the new logo and some new programing, plus, their documentary on the history of video games was spectacular (and I'm not even done watching it). I hope GSN has more interesting documentaries in the future.

Main Street had their first fellware breakfast at the Olson's house, providing us with a WONDERFUL meal and an even better accustic to rehearse in. It was almost too obvious it would be turned into a rehearsal, but it was a good rehearsal. I also enjoyed talking with the various main streeters around me.

I would also like to extend prayers and hopefullness to Darin through his tough time, working very hard through his surgery. I believe he went in for surgery yesterday and we are very hopeful about his recovery. He's a great guy, and will be fine.

I went to my Cousin's house this last weekend, which also was the last weekend that has no reharsals until after tour (or so I think) and we did have a great time playing games a'plenty and listening to the Spice Girls (oh joy!) actually, their music isn't all that bad, more enjoyable then some OTHER stuff.

So, if i think of anything else, I'll put it up. And since the forum has had complaints of lacks of updating, I'll do some more of that (hopefully) yikes, I should really put together a list of things I need to do.

By the way, I hear Trenchcoats and Preppy school clothes are coming in fasion. a LOT better than what they wore in the 80's. wow, 80's theme for sadies, CRAZY. what the heck shall I wear... Ideas? Post them on the FORUM!!!

Yeah, I don't get it either

Love to all,

Today is March 9th at 7:56 AM (a happy 4 months to SOMEONE out there... gee who could it be?????)

At school edition #13, starting with this: Last night, after a record number of changes on my topic for my senior project, I have actually started on my paper! it's about 3 pages into it, BUT I am an expert in the field thus giving me an advantage in writing the paper (which was due last friday) to turn in friday. Topic: GAME SHOWS. wonderful eh?

With more bittersweetness, Game Show Network reports they are changing their attidute of their network to focus more on reality games, and will be changing their name to "GSN: The Network for Games." Press Your Luck will still be shown at it's regular time. The change happens in 6 days on March 15th.

Laurel Korwin reports ~ 54 days untill school is over. What a nice number, but again, it is with much bittersweetness. But I am getting VERY tired of homework. But I will miss the familiarity, the people, and the satisfaction of a job well done (PLUS MAIN STREET and seeing my queen everyday).

Reports still say that this sites vewing has increased by a phenominal number since it's initial activation 2 1/2 years ago (was it 2 1/2 years ago? I can't remember). Thank you all for letting me impose my ideas on you... I mean share my ideas with you.

Current JEOPARDY! statistics for my home version on the computer: (all values are approximate):
Games won: 14
Games lost: 13
best catagory: people
worst gatagory: Geography
Answers correct: ~ 500
Answers incorrect: ~ 200
you know what this means? out of a possible 4,200 questions that came with the game, i've already seen about 700 of them. I MIGHT have to get a new edition soon! GASP. (like I care =D)

Since we're running short on time, I'll leave you all with the following words of wisdom:
"Be satisfied with your present actions. The future may not be forgiving".

ponder well!
Corbin Webmaster

Today is March 5th at 7:44 AM (happy birthday Dad!) and we expect to see social security one of these days now...=P (also, this is at school edition #12)

SO our top story today, my Queen's computer is pretty spiffy; she thinks it's too slow though, but hey, after you get DSL, you think EVERYTHING is slow.

In other news, Thomas Moynahan(sp?) got his drivers liscense. Sources also report the moon was an interesting shade of red and that jesus was seen for the second coming.

In a feature today, The Los Altos High School Main Street Singers and Concert Choir are participating in a festival at San Jose State University where Mr. Shaull graduated 20 years ago. Sources report the MSS were originally the "Mark Shaull Singers" but this has not been confirmed. also, every main street singer is up in arms that when Wheel of Fortune is coming to San Fransisco, none of them will be home because they will all be in russia. On the 15th of april, all of them plan to spend the day mourning.

In other news, the counter is up to 2050ish so WOOPIE! sources say that if humans live to that year, the earth may have exploded.

Corbin's senior project is ... well... it'll be done... monday... of ... next... month... maybe....

The temrature is set at 69... if we raise it one more degree, it'll be at 70, and if we lower it, it'll be at 68.

this is Corbin Entek, signing out. hoping your days are ... good! Love ya'll, see ya here on the feud =) miss ya!

Hello, Today is March 1st... NO WAIT it's the 29th! stupid digital watches! =)

soooo what can I say? Main Street is doing just fine, I think the tenors are actually starting to bond a little too! maybe i'm delusional though. Also, my grades are improving, and my senior project is right on shedule, but I havn't felt this bored in years! Maybe it's just cuz I don't get to spend a lot of time with the people I love anymore, especially My Queen. Her schedule doesn't permit us to get together all too often outside of school, and in school, we have to keep it toned down. It doesn't help much either that there is a lot that her friends and I can do together, considering they're not to keen on me being around my queen (as far as I understand). ces't la vie i suppose.

I did get a visit from the Queen today though; she dropped off a magazine article that I might be able to use for my senior project; unfortunatly she had her lil sis with her, so no kissy kissy.

Ah we have a WINNER! mr. Kevin himself did win contest #3 as the 2000th visitor to my website and for him we have MANY prizes, incluing a visit here (not that that WASN'T going to happen) and many other prizes (like a peice of dust!). what a lucky man =).

Let me add this too: there is quite an interesting theroputic aspect of Bathing in a bathtub as opposed to showering. I find it most enjoyable to lay there with a good book and just sit and relax. It's SOMETHING to do when there's nothing else to do.

ah yes, and one last thing, I visited my old stomping ground (Scenario Game and Hobby) this friday, and partook in a .hack//enemy tcg tournament. An interesting experience, very enjoyable. Thank you to john for letting me borrow the deck and for running the event. And thank you Frank and Franklin for the ride up and an enjoyable conversation on the way up.

Much love to all my friends and family, and my Queen, thank you for you continued support and friendliness.
Corbin =D

Today is February 23rd at 7:44 AM with AT SCHOOL edition #11!

the break is OVER and now I am here, enjoying my first monday since enjoying my perpetual saturdays (8 in fact). Waking up at 6:45AM isn't allll that bad actually.

What is there to say... well, I did see the queeny yesterday after she got home from chicaaaago, and we went to the stanford library... what a place! It's HUGE and impossible to find anything =)

oh YES there is a CONTEST for the first person to be page viewer #2000! IF you are this, take a screengrab (press print screen in the upper right part of your keyboard OR save the picture of the counter and EMAIL it to me ( and you will win a "PRIZE" (mention on my website ... POSSIBLY more!)

Senior project changed from electronics to GAME SHOWS! now i'll be making a VERY interesting senior project and it should be MOST enjoyable =D

there's a TON of rehearsal this week for Main Street Singers and Concert Choir. This should be rather fun actually; I find singing to be most enjoyable.

SUPER millionaire premiered last night. THIS is a verrry cool version of "Who Wants to be a Millionaire?" because of the large payouts and super cool host (Regis Philbin) + 2 new lifelines. I look foreward to Millionaire to beat it's own record for most money ever given away on a Game Show ($2,180,000).

And so I leave you with a wish for happy trails and a lot of love. My word(s) of wisdom for today: Take comfort in those you trust. They are there for you to trust and take comfort in.

Lots of love, see ya'll! =D (miss ya!)

Today is February 10th at 7:56 AM with the At school edition #10! This is also Post #86 since Summer 2002.

Todays Top Story: Queen and I have now officially been going out for 3 months. A survey asked of 100 people states that 63 of them never see them coming back in from going out, 24 say it's too cold outside to be going out, and the rest said "you're going out with someone??? OMG!!!"

In OTHER news on a recent survey taken in 1974 of 100 males by playboy magazine stated that 1/3rd want a sex life, where as only 1/10th of them want love. Saddening? or simply reality? WELL if it's any consolation, 1/6th of them wanted a good marrage! okay then...

Today is tuesday, thus we have TUTORIAL. FYI to all you people who havn't adjusted to the new tuesdays since the first week of last year.

LAST night the Los Altos High School Main Street Singers rehearsed for 2 hours and THUROLY ENJOYED every minute of it. sourses report that they sang a happy song (father william) and then did a complete 180 and sang the saddest song in the world (O Vos Omnes) saddening, but beautiful.

Corbin tengo un "spanish" presenacion hoy y esta muy bien. yo hablo espanol tambien.

It is now 42 days into this year =D (or is that tomorrow making today 41 days into this year?) (dedicated to the Queen, love ya!)

MAIN STREET PIZZA MAKE coming up. ORDER FROM ME! Email Me for more details! I would love to accomidate anyone wishing to procure some MAIN STREET PIZZAS

In other news, Jeff Hayman is STILL able to make the populus laugh. He's one funny guy.

I HAD a dream with mister Shaull in it last night, AND jeff hayman, AND everyone from main street. It's freaky. Email for more details.

THE PET PEEVES suggestions are officially closed. I will be updating them at some point. IF you still have some pet peeves, post them on THE FORUM.

In other news, People find theirselves more attractive in the mirror then they do in pictures (TYPICALLY) at least in a society where their primary means of seeing themselves is in the mirror.

Thanks go out to Molly for letting me borrow her flute, and I'm sorry to everyone for not being on AIM for a very long time. I've found an affinity for the telephone and playing on my computer and Emails. IF you would like to communicate me, please use Email or Phone or Snail mail. IF i havn't talked to you in a while, I'll try to give ya a call (THAT MEANS you STEVEN and KEVIN at least, there's more)

THANK you to my queen for finding out the beauty of the telephone. It is one of my favorite ways of communicating with people.

IN OTHER NEWS many people are abandoning me for the upcoming break. SO that means, MORE Time to spend with the people I DON"T NORMALLY spend time with. =) for them, =< on the people going away (=P)


Wow, what a note to leave you people on (it's like a minor dimished 7th... yikes!)

Today is February 5th, 2004 at 9:29 PM. I've been improving steadily from my "low point" and I do expect a full recovery within the month. In the mean time, I've been focusing on schoolwork and game shows.

SO we've got Mrs. Hebel's memorial service on saturday, and it will be a very grand celebration of her life.

All riiiight so a VERY interesting thing happened today, and as I told Justine, and I quote: "tom gave me a ride to the rehearsal, and we also picked up slava. so slava was very nice to me, lol he said taht he's only a jerk around me in math, i thought it was pretty funny, so ANYWAY i put on slava's glasses, and OMG suddenly it feels like i have like PERFECT VISION so i wonder if i need glasses, but WOW the WORLD came into FOCUS it was like life was clear again"

so school, YES definatly good, Queeny, DEFINATLY good, I just miss her to death that's all, and DEFINATLY looking foreward to winter ball. I TRIED to win a free ticket today by playing a game of musical chairs only to fail after the first round, BUT THAT'S OKAY! cuz at least i tried =D

I will post a new song at some point soon, I know you're all DYING to listen to a new song.

LOOK at THAT my counter is nearing 2000 hits! DANG that's a lot of hits! I'm very happy to have so many devoted fans, thank you to all of my fans.

today I got a letter from my Cousin Zoe saying some very high praise of me, and it was very nice to recieve that letter. It reminded me just how much people appreciate my company or so it seems. I pretty much assume people enjoy being around me unless they say so otherwise. IF they don't wanna be around me that's fine, but THEY kind of have to say that. I'm NOT a mind reader =D

hmmmmm I think I need to shave. lovely eh?

ALL RIGHT time for Mr. Smith's Joke of the day: Why did the Strawberry feel angry? Because her mom was in a jam.

TELEVSION show of the day: Wheel of Fortune. For being able to keep a game interesting AND at the top of the ratings for nearly 30 years, I THINK that deserves a spot as the television show of the day. Now with a $10,000 wedge and the Jackpot and even the Mystery wedges now. What a fun game! oooo and the new bonus round...

hehehehehehehehe feburary's been a GREAT month =) thank goodness. OOH boy Valentines day... my first valentine's day with a valentine FUN FUN

LOVE ya'll! (if i left anything out lmk!) KING man / CORBIn

Today is January 25th, 2004 at 3:38 PM.

Wow. For the first time in my life, I sadly admit I'm feeling depressed. And what a shame too! I doubt I really have any reason to feel depressed. (believe me, heheheheheehehe I was verrrry happy after yesterday =D MOVING ON) I've got the best friends in the world; a beautiful, supporting, caring, loving girlfriend; I suppose my interest in school is dropping, but is that really anything new? Thank goodness for all the good stuff in my life; Like I just got accepted to the Music School at Chapman! And I've been having the BEST time EVER with my friends! Like when we dressed up Jeff, that was HILARIOUS! There's been plenty else too ;-) I still think I am very blessed, and I hope this feeling goes away.

Hmmmm My flute is acting up!!! sorry if that embarassed anyone today at the history house, I'll get it fixed A.S.A.P.! IN other news, My queen is getting new carpeting, so she's unable to get online SO I've been trying to do other stuff. It's TOUGH but I'll manage =)

Things are actually looking up, minus my senior project. I can't WAIT to read it when it's done; the outline looks promissing =) And Brave New World is unfortuantly a boooooring book but again, I'll manage!

to all my loving friends
I might end up hating my sister, what a shame!
Love! Corbin

Well, maybe i spoke too soon about the six day curse,
Today is January 19th, 2004 at 4:59 PM, and i'm not feeling so hot...

It isn't very often that I feel this way, and in fact, the last time I felt this way was so long ago I can't remember. IS it possible to go insane without warning? one wonders.

Hmmmmm let's anylize this feeling shall we? I just got back from THE FUNNEST CAMP ever (I wish I could have stayed forever) with Becky and Jeff and Mr. Shaull, everyone I talked to (pleeeassee do not take offense to me not saying your name if you feel you deserve your name on here) I had such a GREAT TIME singing, having fun, eating (oh sooooo much food) decent sleep, and memories for a lifetime.

So I get back, and then WOOSH back to square one. Felt kind of like I did when I left to camp.

LOL now i'm feeling good again, how FUNNY! well, as steven says, time is the ultamate cure (but a little prozac and counsiling can't hurt along the way =D )

Your all's forever, Your friend with mood swings Corbin "mr. accordion"

P.S. Don't worry, I'll be fine!

P.S.S. I have to admit... Mr Shaull is a good backrubber... (NO OFFENSE to anyone intended)

THE SIX DAY CURSE IS OVER!!!! (that means i'm feeling better TTYL!)
Today is... January 6th, 2004! at 6:35 PM AND well, peoples are havin not so great times, how unfortunate!

One thing I admire about people in dispair is their ability to still try to live life, and to seek help. BUT then again, most people treat their not so bad stuff in very unique ways. So to anyone having a bad day, here's a HUG and I know things will be fine!

Conflict resolution class today! I'm supposed to study "ACTIVE LISTENING" oooooo joy!

Queen is not doin so hot these days, hope she'll be ok!

MAIN STREET is havin some people in town this month durring the 15th and the 16th, so maaaaybe some will stay at my place, but WHO KNOWS? + NOT much room here, so YA.

OOOOOO don't ya love my anticlimatic stories? =)

THAT Pet PEEVES website is now ON THE WEB!RIIIIGHT here
AND in the links portion. It's kind of small so keep submitting!

HMMMMMMM so I'm going to try reading Lord of the Rings, wish me luck LOL

SO there's some stuff happenin in my life!
Love YA'LL! Miss ya!

Today is... January 5th, 2004! at 9:13 PM and my sister made some pudding ;-)

Hmmmm I'm reaching that time in my life when my whiskers are getting rough and stiff. Now that's a shame, I'll have to shave more; "Smooth as an Android's bottom, eh Data?"-Commander Riker, Star Trek: Insurrection

YOU probably want the Main Street Song of the Day!, Don't you? WELL here we go: Calendar Girl; OK so it's NOT a Main Street song BUT it's my favorite to sing In VMG (and in the car w/ JEFF that was sooooooooo freaking funny!)

OK sometime within the hour my "Pet Peeves" section will go up! (the definition of "pet peeve" according to"pet peeve n. Informal Something about which one frequently complains; a particular personal vexation."

SO yes, I'm looking foreward to school starting, but also not looking foreward to it. What a change of pace! sheeeeear lazyness and then WORK WORK WORK... I wonder what Main Street is gonna be like?

LOVE YA'LL! be well!

Today is january 4th, 2004! welcome 2004! To enagruate the new year I:
Had becky over for new years (YAY TOTALLy GREAT!!)
Took the trash out (oh JOY!)
Had steven and Kevin over! (always a joy)
Went to Franklin's party w/ becky (YAY MORE BECKY!!! i just loooove her to peices =D)
ANNNND YA u guessed it ATE some food! 
As a teenager in this day and age we are put into many conflicts. teen vs. parent, teen vs. friend, teen vs. society, teen vs.... well just about anything! SO WHAT DO WE DO????? Well I say hold on for the ride, cuz it's gonna be fun fun fun! The joy about being 13-17.99 years of age is that in most places you can still get stuff for below the adult price. Thats cool right? save on some $$$ that you may be getting from a job or ur parents or birthday or something! so rather than confront the conflict, you cna simply avoid it. OR you can confront it , fix it , change it, and love it. Exacccctly what i think is best (but u gotta do it on ur own) BTW I wrote this VERRRRRY randomly so um ya I dunno where it came from =D)

Hmmmm so I went to bookbuyers on the 2nd and I pick up a copy of The Incredable Machine for $1.95!!!!! DUDE it's the SWEETEST program ever!! NOT only does it come with the coolest computer game ever, but it ALSO is a CD too! when popped into any CD player it's got all the music they used in the game and it's some cooooool music! though um... ya.... no laughing at me! I'm just a music nut =D

RESULTS of the GAME SHOW PULL (as taken from SmarterChild)

60% of the vote went to Double Dare
20% of the vote went toPress your luck/Whammy!
20% of the vote went to Who wants to be a millionaire?
hmmmm no votes for jeopardy or wheel of fortune... how ODD if i may say so... those shows reign in syndication at the top of the ratings... BUT THEN AGAIN only 5 people participated in the poll =D

ALSO the Mountain View High School singing groups don't sound toooo shabby, thanks shannon for the CD.

SO low and behold, SCHOOL STARTS in 3 days! wonderful eh?

JUSTINE plans to make a trip to come over and we're going to watch 2 towers tomorrow! what JOYUS fun! afterwords, she and david could go see Return of the King, but I have a feeling they have... AHEM OTHER things in mind (u two have fun!) =D

TO BE ADDED: a page of Pet Peeves submitted by readers, about ANYTHING in general! so if you want to submit something to me, EMAIL ME:

See ya'll! love ya! miss ya

ALL RIGHT, it being Holliday Break 2003, here's a POLL TO TAKE:
Which Game Show is the Best?

Press Your Luck/Whammy!
Wheel of Fortune
Who Wants to be a Millionaire?
The Match Game
Family Feud
Double Dare
Hollywood Squares
IF YOU have AOL Instant Messenger (AIM) you can take this poll simply by IMing SmarterChild and saying "Take Poll pePc4 from CorbinQ27"


HELLO world. Today is DAY 2 of Holliday Break 2003, and it's December 23rd, 2003 at 4:43 PM. HERE's everything you ever wanted to know about Corbin's Holliday break (but were too afraid to ask):

WELL, what can I say? Queeny's off in Chicago till more or less when school starts again. THIS makes for a LOT of free time. It's almost like I'm single again, BUT NOT REALLY! Don't any of my female groupies dare lay a finger on me! (OH? I don't have any??? well then, HA!) I'm TOTALLY on Queen withdrawl though so IF YOU'LL PLEASE RETURN WITH HASTE I'd appreciate it!!!

ALL right Steven, as your christmas gift, I'm going to share your gift of your RPG to the world! STEVEN'S WEBSITE will , ON CHRISTMAS DAY, debut his new RPG. Check it out, it stars me, him, and his brother Kevin =D.

SO far for Christmas I've recieved:
1 sweater, 1 shirt, 1 lollypop (+ car rides =D)-Queen
1 card, 1 candy cane shoved up a plush bear's rear- Justine 
1 keychain light (as "the cowardly lion")-Lisa
1 Christmas Card- Molly
2 software games (brainstorm & 100 comp games)-Dana (secret buddy for MSS)
1 passport, $50- Mom (ya that's all I'm gettin from here... that and maybe a haircut)
$20 -NTM (my great aunt)
$30 -Uncle Norman
~$25 -The Lagios Family
1 Celebretory Dinner- The Kenter Family 
A Big Hug from Mr. Shaull -Mr. Shaull
(and I THINK That's most of it.  Lemme know if I forgot anything)

WELL this website just hit 1500 hits today or yesterday! wooo! All right LONG LIVE the WEBSITE!

Prepare for UPDATES, NEW GOODIES, and NEW LOOKS to the WEBSITE durring break! Like I said, I'm going to be slightly bored hehehehehehehehe!

LOVE YA'LL!! and MISS YA!!! =)

NOW for your listening pleasure: NOT TO SAY GOODBYE By Matthew Weston; teardripping with the lyrics. Lyrics:
Not to say goodbye,
Not to leave you lonely,
Ever by your side,
whether joys or sorrows fill your days,
for all your days will speak of all the ways I love you.

This I leave with you,
A wish for your tomorrows.
Promises made true,
gentle words from lips that smile a smile of joy
when you are near 
and lips that tell of al lthe ways I love you.

and for you a prayer 
the Lord will have you share in only memories
of golden yesterdays. 
That you will let Him guide you All along your way.
That you'll walk beside him.

So I'll not say goodbye
and you will not be lonely.
Time will pass us by
but we can have forever
and i know that all your days 
will show you how I love you,
for I, for I will always love you, love you.

NO you're not crazy, that's my newest peice of music playing. Aren't I evil? =D ENJOY. and IF YOU DON'T LIKE the music playing when you enter my website GIMME some FEEDBACK! =D Love ya'll, miss ya
LOOK for massive updates over Christmas break (that's in 3 days) I'm planning on being very booored over break, so I thought it was time my webpage got some new stuff going.

TODAY is 12/17/03 at 7:47 AM on the FIRST day of THREE days of finals. TODAY'S FINALS:

5 PERIOD: MAIN STREET (more or less nothing)
After I get out of school WAYYY early today I'm hangin with Justine and company and then I have a memorial service for main street to go sing at. Rick Bell, an Ex-School Board member died in Hawaii recently... It's a very sad story... he helped out a lot with the performing arts department and I'm sure he had a lot of berring on my education. He will be missed.

So it's been exactly 2 weeks since I left you to think I was dead or something. Quite the opposite in fact! I've been enjoying "The Main Street December Plan": Give Main Street your december, and you get back: Free Transportation, singing lessons, a chance to show the community your ability to sing, and MOST OF ALL Cookies and water! Not to mention a no excuse policy =D

COMING on SATURDAY, DECEMBER 21st @ 7:00 (I THINK)at The Garden House at Shoup Park in Los Altos is the WASSAIL PARTY! $10 A PERSON or $20 A FAMILY. Come enjoy our final performance of December and see many Main Street Alumni SURE TO BE FUN hope to see ya there.

COMING UP IN JANUARY (hopefully) is my NEXT GAME SHOW party! Featuring Marc "Corbin" Summers as host (that's me =D) And we'll be playing The Joker's Wild Family Whammy Feud Or in other words, The Joker's Wild, Family Feud, and Whammy! it's Sure to be a fun time. If you'd like to attend, drop me an Email and I'll see what I can do. (soon to be added, a website dedicated to the rules of this party, plus memories of parties past).

You asked for them! (or not) and now you're going to get them, it's the Main Street Song of the Day!:(the first holliday song to make the charts it's: We Wish You a Merry Christmas; for we all love figgy pudding, for we ALL love figgy pudding, we ALL love figgy pudding so BRING SOME OUT HERE! (dedicated to my queen)

The Website of the day!:It's the singing group you know and love, The MAIN STREET SINGERS; check us out =D

The Television Show of the day:WHAMMY! The ALL new Press Your Luck the only show with the and a tournament of Loosers (well, if you lost $25,000 to a whammy, wouldn't YOU want another shot at big bucks?) AND it only got cooler in it's second season PLUS you can along with it interactivly at GAME SHOW NETWORK ok enough plugging. check this out for a page with some whammy stuff The Quote of the Day:WELL i'm sorry veiwers, but today's supposed to be quote is at home (that is to mention this is the @ School edition #9) so I'll pick another one...

Corbin:"Ooooo check it out, it's a Bobby head"
Becky:"It's BOBBLE head! say it with me, BOBBLE head"
(several minutes later)
Corbin:"you know what i want for christmas? A chuck woolery bobble head"
(Justine laughs, Becky looks confuzed) 
Corbin:"Chuck Woolery, he's the guy... and for the show they made the world's biggest bobble....OH forget it!"
Love ya'll! miss ya =) (if there's anything i forgot, lemme know!)
ALl right! I prommised I'd put it up, so here it is:
What it means to MSS:
CorbinQ27: u can MSS the night away
CorbinQ27: it's a verb
CorbinQ27: to MSS
RainyDays16: its an everything!
RainyDays16: lol
RainyDays16: im mss-ing
CorbinQ27: LOL
CorbinQ27: LOL
RainyDays16: did you have your mss today?
CorbinQ27: It's like pmsing but um
CorbinQ27: LOL
RainyDays16: it was mss-ly fun!
CorbinQ27: that's so MSSed up
RainyDays16: im mss-ed!
RainyDays16: ha ahaa
CorbinQ27: LOL
RainyDays16: HAAHAA
CorbinQ27: don't MSS me!



SO much to talk about. Today is 12/14/03, 11 days to go. # of gifts purchaced? 0! let's pull out the calender!

SO it's been a TON of fun with so many main street performances. ESPECIALLY the car rides =D AHEM um I do recall on the 5th I had a jazz band concert IMMEDIATLY followed by a main street concert. MORE LATER!

Today is THE BEGINING OF THE END OF THE BEGINING and it is wenesday, December 3rd, 2003. With the @ school edition # 8, this may very well be my final until December 21st. Main street season officially starts at 7:15 AM for girls and 8:00AM for guys and after that, goodbye Mr. GPA hello singing! (well, for those of you who know me well, you know I wouldn't EVER let something like that happen!) So, I leave you all with a note of holliday greetings and cheer:

I Wish Every one of my readers Peace in the next month and tranquility. I would like to extend my ever growing love for all my friends and offer them my thankfulness for being in my life, for without them, life is worse than dull. AND my queen of course for she is my one and only, and without her, I would forever be lost (and she's sooooo sweet! and a LOT of other stuff!(I could go for days)). BE WELL and if you plan on getting sick, DON'T plan on seeing me this month!!!!!! (jk jk jk jk jk jk)

Her King, your friend, 
Love ya'll,
P.S., I'll add my Christmas list of things I want in a few da....oh you say that's a bad idea? 
P.S.S., HERE'S SOMETHING TO Chew on while i'm gone: Which three books would YOU have taken?
oh you dont' know what I'm talking about? well, in H.G. Wells' THE TIME MACHINE the main character travels to the FAR future where all of civilization of today has turned to dust. IF you could take any 3 books to share with the humans of that day with you, what 3 books would you take? FORUM PEOPLE!!!
Today is Sunday, November 30th at 11:16 PM and it's a special "LATE NIGHT" edition (lol... late night? suuuuuuuure) so here's ur Top TEN:
Top Ten things to do with Digital Cable:
10: Watch The Discovery science channel because they show old eps. of connections
9: Set the parental code JUST BECAUSE
8: Enjoy classic episodes of the 1950's superman while you ponder "did george reeves commit suicide?"
7: Search for when they're showing Power Rangers next!
6: Buy "Ali VS. Tyson" on Pay-Per-View for the low , low price of $49.95
5: Watch classic episodes of "Love Connection" on GSN so you can mock people who lived in the 80's
4: Call up your friends and tell them "dude, that show with the slime and the flags is on the air again!"
3: Know that when you're done watching one episode of the X-Files, there's always another one episode on another channel
2: 40 channels of music baby! that's.... gotta... be... cool........ right?
1: Turn off the TV beacause with 200 channels, there's  STILL NOTHING on. 
(ok i wrote that... It's kind of dumb yes... sorry...)

Now here's the best part of the day: I've been on high demand and the coolest part of that is that when you feel very wanted your self esteem goes through the roof! (not that it hasn't already considering how my queen is so nice to me, not to mention everyone else lol it's wonderful) so life is grand! like a grand piano that plays the moonlight sonata backwards three keys higher or NOT.

and now for what i did this weekend:I waited for a lil bit and then went over to franklin's house for his "thanksgiving party thing" where I watched many a people play lord of the rings TCG and played some other stuff. then i played some Wheel of fourtune on his original nintendo (circa 1987) (bet u LOVE all these details :-) ) annnywho THEN lol i went home at 3:00 AM (his dad is very nice for takin me home that late) and then Here's my weekend:

so i went over to my cousins house after the tenor secional from 11-12 so i got there around 1 ish i think. we promptly played one of our favorite games (tabloid teasers(i won!)) and then hmmm ah yes i tried some egg nog cake (it was actually really good) and then hmmm we played some other games talked I gave my cuz a homecoming pic (oh how cute! of course was the response from her) and that night we made smores in the fire place and ordered chinese food. then we played some midnight croquet (a long standing tradition) i got last place. also, another thing to be understood, Bob, my cuz's Bf wins just about every game we play. he did win Midnight Croquet. So I woke up today and we had smores for breakfast lol and played tabloid teasers (hmmm i know you don't like games much but i think it'd be fun to play w/ u) and then we left. I then went shopping at costco and then finished my hw.

My life is SOOOOO interesting isn't it? COMMENT ON MY FORUM!!!!!!!!!!!! check the link at the top of the page. In the mean time ponder this: What's it like to live "happily ever after?"

Love ya'll! I miss ya =-* :-D

Today is THANKSGIVING 2003, that's , thursday, november oh i'm sorry it's THE DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING, November 28th, 2003 at 12:07 AM.

My queen hath done LOTS of shopping for the castle. It's lookin lovely. I just love my queen to peices honest. she's great.

In other news, this is your team for GSN's 2003 feast of favorites:

11.Russian Roulette
10.Let's Make a Deal
9.Who Wants to be a Millionaire?
8.Press Your Luck
7.The Joker's Wild
6.(Celebrity) Bullseye
5.Friend or Foe?
4.Family Fued
3.Whammy! the All New Press Your Luck
1.Match Game
well well. Press your luck AND whammy eh? what does that show? anyway that was a good marathon today. And it's allllll on tape. 12 hours. yummie.

It was a great dinner too. NO CORN though.. ok there was cornbread. that counts.

I LOVE YA'LL (my favorite verb tense by the way, 2nd person plural). and I do miss ya too... as always...

Today is Wenesday, November 26th, 2003 at 7:34 AM (At School edition #7). Check out my "Things I'm Thankful For Page" (to be added SOON! There will be a link at the top of the site).

SO! My queen has been sick for 2 days. REALLY sucks. But while she was sick we decided on a castle and ballroom. They are both wonderful! Now I just gotta figure out a Bathroom...

The Polevetzian Dances Concert last night went very well. Was it smooth behind stage? heck no! but what ever is? Well, keeping order isn't a fun thing to do, but someone's gotta do it. Thomas was sick last night but WOW he came and sang in the first half, what a trooper. That's insane but really cool. Ah and my little messup before My Gentle Harp; I took probably a day and a half to find where My Gentle Harp was in my binder... Well, I know that it still went well so i'm content.

All right, my Econ teacher has done it again with a quote about a metaphore of the U.S. Economy: "The Economy is just like rearanging the deck chairs on the titanic! 'There's the Iceburg! I want to get a better seat!'"-Mr. Freeman

Main Street Song of the Day:"Oh my love's like a red, red rose"; Bijan's soloing on it, PLUS the chord the girls repeat at the end of it is reallllly cool. Ten Thousand... ten thousand...

Television Show of the Day:OH wow I havn't done Double Dare yet. Double Dare, because it could last 7 years, 4.5 incarnations (Double Dare, Super Sloppy Double Dare, Family Double Dare, a few little ones, and Double Dare 2000), Same host for most of the time, a way cool announcer, and childhood memories for a lifetime. Plus it's not all that bad of a party game. ish.

Ta Ta for now. Love ya'll! DON'T be fretting about ur grades (you know who you are) and I miss ya...

Today is Sunday, November 23rd, 2003 at 12:45 in the morning!! (just got back from the FAME cast party... oh what joyus fun... Though I must say I enjoy Main Street parties a lot more... not to put down the actors which are cool people... ok ok ok *digging the grave*)

DRUMROLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL We have gone florida on this contest and have A WINNER! With 2nd place going to Steven... first place goes to BECKY! My queen wins by a difference of 4 hours by correctly guessing as the URL. CONGRATULATONS!

Oh. You wanna know what you won! TELL HER JOHNY! "Well, for figuring out BLANK.HTML you have won a chance to appear as a contestant against Steven and one other lucky player on WHAMMY! The All New Press Your Luck! For a chance to win up to $3,000,000 (fake U.S. Currency) AND a copy of the episode! NOT ONLY that, but you win a Date with your KING to see a movie to be determined at a later date PLUS we'll throw in a portable heater which doubles as a pillow AND the chance to go see up to 40 main street concerts next month OH and we can't forget A CASTLEWARMING party with up to 10,000 invities. THERE'S MORE! you'll get a BUS to go to prom in AND a pound a sand straight from the beach! YOU'VE ALSO WON a years supply of RICE-A-RONI the San Fransisco Treat, a main street pizza (supreeme of course), and YOU WILL get to help design a new card for "THE FRIEND GAME: A CCG BY CORBIN". ALL RIGHT if none of this interests you, then you can take the consolation prize: a movie night with me :-D. THIS PRIZE PACKAGE in all of it's glory is worth up to $3,067,421.39!!!!!! (Sorry Steven, she just wins more cuz well.... she's my queen) (I can just start to hear the compaining already..... :-D) (oh yeah, that Rice-A-Roni is really bad... i'd suggest not taking it)

YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS! we need ONE more contestant for WHAMMY! The All New Press Your Luck meaning that while Becky basks in her accomplishment, a new constest is underway. More details soon.

In the mean time, i'd like to take this time to thank my readers, my Queen, and all of my many many friends who I love dearly and treasure and cherish with all my heart. Without you ppl, life just isn't as great as it is. To all of you, I wish you all the best, and to our continued friendships and bonds in the future! This website is just starting to pick up. With over 1,100 hits in the last year and a half PLUS over 10 hits a day now, this website is GOIN' Places!

I hope your lives are going good. I know mine is. LOVE YA'LL! CONGRAGULATIONS BECKY!! FAREWELL! Don't miss me too much! =D

Today is Saturday, Novemver 22nd, 2003. Tenor sectional: decent, and ran 1 1/2 hours. with a Main Street Pizza! yummie!

CLUE Time: mirror mirror on the wall.... what's the answer to life, the universe, and everything? 42 of course!! FIGURE IT OUT.

Today is FRRRRRIIIIIIIDDAAAAAYYYYYYY, November 21st, 2003 exactly one day after posting yesterday. (Mr. Ferucci's in fresno with marching band, therefore no jazz band). YESTERDAY WAS GREAT for more than one reason... but, um, I'll mention on this website that yesterday was the premiere of FAME and I did get many many hugs and congratulations after the show. I was/is "The Auditioning Flute Player" and have to reprise my role tonight and tomorrow night.

I have having quite the great time with my queen. Each time we are around each other I always have a wonderful time with her. Things are only getting better. BTW, for those of you wanting to win this contest, she's your number one contender. I will play fair and not give her any information not public, but, she is rather good with these sort of things.

Main Street is going rather well. Practices feel good, and my grades are doing well. This weekend shall be one of rest BUT not without first Justine and Franklin coming over.

All right, for one really funny quote of the day, read my forum, and for another one, here we go: "The Feces is hitting the rotating airplane propeller; gotta keep it clean for your tender ears."-Mr.Freeman with a variant of a ... well known english saying.

CLUE: THIS ONE IS HUGE: the first 4 digits of the website are mirrored by the next four. FOR EXAMPLE the answer could be "12344321.html" or "12988921.html" GOOD LUCK.

Main Street Song of the Day:"Sing We Now of Christmas / Make We Joy": When these two songs are combined together with Make We Joy transposed (i think) down a half step, it sounds pretty cool.

The Televison Show of the Day:"Star Trek: The Next Generation": This show won our team the "educational experience" in math class today with Brent Spiner as the android Data. WOO 22-20-18 We're WINNING!

I Love ya'll, and I think I'm in need of thanksgiving break, my brain is very full. I miss ya...

Today is Thursday, November 20th, 2003 at 3:03. (At School Edition #6) Shouldn't Corbin be in jazz band you say? Well, occasionally we have no jazz band, so, i'm here awaiting a visit from my queen who is so wonderful and perfect and yeah yeah yeah I know my queen appreciates it, but does the rest of the online community? COMMENT on this at my new forum (see last post).

All right as promissed a NEW CLUE in the search for "********".html. Here's clue #3: the website is all numbers. NO letters. so for example, it could be "12345678.html" BUT NOT "onethree.html". They are all numerical digits. THAT is a huge clue so keep your brains working.


LOVE YA'LL!!! miss ya.... :-)

November 17th: To comment on an entry, go to my FORUM:
Free Message Forum from Bravenet Free Message Forums from Bravenet

Welcome, today is Monday, November 17th, 2003, at 7:26AM and I'm doing the 5th "at school" edition.

We have a WINNER! Steven did it. He was the 1000th visitor to my website. His prize consists of a 4 day, 3 night some expenses paid trip to my house where he will live a life of luxary and fame as he is treated to whatever's in the fridge and whatever shampoo is in the shower. PLUS we'll throw in a Game Show Party just for him! He'll be a contestant in Corbin's Home Edition of Whammy! The All New Press Your Luck, and he'll have a chance to go home with up to $3,000,000 fake money! AND he'll get a copy of the episode to take home and cherrish forever. IF THAT'S STILL NOT ENOUGH He'll get Special mention on this website until the 2000th visitor comes. FINALLY he will also get to help me design a card for my card game (oooooooo ahhhhhhhhhhhh). This prize package is worth over $3,000,000!!!! (in U.S. Currency: about $10). CONGRATULATIONS!

ANNOUNCING THE NEXT CONTEST. I will make a website on this webspace and I will drop clues durring the next week. First person to E-Mail me ( the link to the website will win the contest! so here's how to play: in the URL of this page, the last part (index.html) can be deleted by the viewer and you could in theory type in anything instead of index.html. I will refere to it as the "BLANK.html" IF what you type in gets you to a website that states you've won the contest, then E-MAIL me the URL and you've won! If that made no sense... E-MAIL me and i'll explain it to you.

Here's your first clue:The BLANK is 8 characters long. that means it's "********.html" replacing the asterisks. New Clue Next time I post.

That's it for now, GOOD LUCK! love ya'll, and I miss ya....

TODAY is Friday, November 14th, at 11:09 and I'm insane for being up this late.

Tomorrow is the world famous MAIN STREET PIZZA MAKE! I'm gonna make pizzas tomorrow and sell em and make $$$. $$$ is good so I can go international on ya'll. WOOOOEEEEEE!

Tonight I went and ate dinner with Becky for her cross cultural project. We went to chili's. At the very least, it was interesting, but I did have plenty 'o fun.

And yes for those of you wondering,"the kingdom", me and my queen, it IS wonderful and things are PERFECT. I do believe things can only get better. To the continued wonderfulness of me and my queen *cheers*

and now for the part you've all been waiting for:The Main Street Song of the Day:Poleveztian Dances-"see'st thou these slave maidens? they are beauties that I have imported from over the Caspian. Tell me which one of them pleases you best my lord; straight way I'll give you the maiden you choose for your own." PLUS the CD of it .... Dude....*drools*

The TV Show of the Day: OFF What do you call the show that's on a tv the most? I call it OFF. That's what happens when someone doesn't pay the cable bill. Also TV just gets more and more uninteresting (save for a few shows). The Quote of the Day:"You will come to my concert or i will be hurt slash PISSED...and I want to see your ASS at the concert"-Main Street Girls to Main Street Guys,thursday afternoon (if anyone has this more accurate, i'm taking donations!)

YAY! doesn't even begin to describe it. Duuuuuude Serves it no justice either. Does OH MY F****** etc etc etc Cut it? well, it shouldn't cuz i don't use that word...

Tonight... i mean this morning is Sunday, November 9th at 12:09AM.

This just in. At 11:49 PM Corbin did something bold. Not TOO bold (cuz he SHOULD HAVE DONE IT IN PERSON *SMACKS SELF*) And asked his queen out. The next 17 seconds were perhaps, the LONGEST in the history of the universe. His queen Responded with a Smile.

Will Corbin get any sleep tonight? What will happen Tuesday? The national anthem has played... The game is just getting underway


YAY! Today is November 4th, at 6:54 PM and as crappy as a day it was to some, today was good to me :-D

SOMEONE has a date for prom... Yes it's me! And no less it happens to be my queen Becky. She sheds green sparkles AND was Shirly Temple for holloween (pretty cool eh?) Prom is still oh 8 months off, but I guess there's no time like the present.


Ok, now that that's all done with, here's the part you've all been waiting for:

The Main Street Song of the Day;What if I Never Speed?: supposedly played with a lute in renesance times, it has certain "overtones" that are... questionable. Plus, what could be better than singing a madrigal?

Also! The Television Show of the Day;Chuck Woolery: Naturally Stoned: Who wouldn't want to watch a show about an old Game Show host who sang a song ages ago that should probably have been burned the minute it was published? Game Show Network wasn't sure... (Additional info: it lasted 6 episodes, and was only on GSN for 3 months. Episodes will be available in your local video store when I get a life (ha ha ha ha ha))

The Quote of the Day:"Well, because she's your queen, she can make you do anything." "But if i'm a goddess, do you think she can really do that?"-Me and Justine discussing just who was more powerful, the goddess or the queen?

The BONUS Quote of the Day:"For my grad party, all I had was one wish; to have a big bowl of skittles at every table"-Someone in a presentation about graduation I was trying not to listen to.

Woah! Today's Monday, November 3rd, at 7:33 AM And this is the 4th "from school" edition with your host: Corbin! *applause!!* we demands it..... *gollum impresssion*

Welcome to another edition of Corbin's Life. Let's start with friday and work our way to now.

Friday (holloween): The (singing) Music Festival aka The Trampoline Jump (cuz if we have a crappy jump, we have a crappy year). I got to come to school in my tux for singing, get yelled at for coming late, and then go to english in my tux! pretty cool. On the way to the festival, I sat next to becky on the bus who was shedding sparkles, almost like she was a princess or something lol! We sang, blah blah blah, the judicator was verrry funny. He told us about this grandma in a forign exchange family he was in that told him to "smile! smile!" while singing brahms peices, and then we went home. (I also played a flute solo at the music festival in "My Gental Harp". Then! Partay time! Becky and I worked at this holloween party, putting away and placing food, cleaning up, checking on toilet paper, eat food, and scare little children with liver and spahgetti (very fun). After making a quick $45 (each) we got milkshakes. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

I'll finish this later! love ya'll!

The CONTINUATION! here we go...

So friday was a day not to be forgotten, with Saturday a day to discuss the day to not be forgotten! Steven and Kevin made their nth appearance(that means i dunno now many times they've come down here) and then, party time.

Molly's party: I went as Ensign Redshirt (as I did friday) and was promptly smacked for not coming in my tux. ces't la vie (guess I shouldn't say things then not do them... Don't worry, I learned) and got smacked again for not dressing up Steven (whoops). We watched The Two Towers and also had a wonderful dinner of Pizza and Cake mmmmmmmm! It was a delightful time as the balloon fights continued and the poke wars fought on. Soon afterwards; Gina's party.

Gina's Party: I sang some Karaoke (you might remember me doing this at Lisa's birthday party in may) and did some lovely falsetto... fortunatly i didn't lose my voice. This party was decent as well.

Sunday! Well, I had a tearful farewell with Steven and Kevin (ok, so... I didn't cry... but... it was sad none the less). I also recieved a belated birthday gift of Four Arguments For the Elimination of Television By Jerry Mander (the name... lol). It's pretty cool. Now you gotta read Tuesday's entry, cuz things are unfolding...

Love ya'll!

Helllllllo. Today is Sunday, November 2nd, 10:40 PM. um. gotta go bed. perhaps i'll update tomorrow! Love ya'll! see ya. I do have PLENTY to talk about though.
Today is Tuesday, October 28th, 2003 at 10:00 PM. Today's useles piece of junk: I have been alive for approximatly 6,216 Days. Wow.

My Current fundraising position for main street: appox. $200 (pretty good eh?)

Today there was a fire drill. oooooooooooooo. Plus, I have guests this weekend ooooooooooo! Plus! I have a job on holloween ($$$ oooooo). I'd have to say things are going pretttttty well. Ok, enough of me, here's the BLANKS of the day!

The Main Street Singers Song of the Day: Sweet are the Lips of All that Sing; Well aren't they? ;-) (all right how many of you did i freak out???)

The Television Show of the Day: Star Trek: Voyager;Durring it's seven year run, it touched on those really important issues in life like "what do I do when I turn into a pro-evolved lizard," and "Is it really so immoral to put holograms to work?" And we can't forget it's attempts to integrate other Star Trek series into it, like the offhand mentioning of Jean-Luc Picard, and even having Riker appear on the ship once. And Troi and Barclay? what's this, Next Gen or Voyager???? I give it two hearty thumbs up!

The (Main Street) Quote of the (recent) day:"Do you Daunce on your sod?"(dance spelled as it is to enhance how it sounded)-Mr. Shaull

Today is Sunday, October 26th, 2003, 11:55 AM.

Current project: Getting my card game online. How's that going you might ask? i'd say I'm 10% done thanks for asking.

SO: Here's the BLANK(S) of the day:

The Main Street Singers Song of the Day: The Lobster Quadrille; This was the song Mr. Shaull walked in on our sectional with. Interesting how good we sounded at the end of it (thanks Mr. Shaull!).

The Television Show of the Day: Good Eats; Seen on the food network, Alton Brown shows viewers why food tastes good using what some may think unorthadox. It also has good comedic value.

The Website of the Day: My Website!; Why? Well it is the best site on the web right? oh, it isn't? well I still like it :-D

See ya!
Today is October 24th, two thousand three (2003) at 7:23 AM with my 3rd "From School" edition.

Current music: To The Dance, 3rd Gypsy song (IN MY HEAD)

Quote of the day: "Your turtle's too fast."-Mr. Shaull in regards to The Lobster Quadrille

My next entries plan to include a Quote of the Day and even perhaps "The Main Street Song of the Day" and the even more interesting "Television Show of the Day". So without further delay, here's today's MSSsotD and the TVsotD

The Main Street Singers Song of the Day: Tango to Evora; we haven't touched the peice in weeks, but it still reigns as perhaps my favorite song so far. With it's simple melody and latin beats, it is easy to enjoy. Check it out on my MIDI page (link at the top of the page).

The Television Show of the Day: Jeopardy; Why? Because this season there is no limit to the number of times you can keep playing, just as long as you keep winning the game (that's the tough part). Last week was Jeopardy's first 6-Day Champion, winning over $130,000 (gee, for 3 hours of pressing a button, who wouldn't want to win that kind of money????)

Website of the Day: Google, my favorite search engine; Why? beacuse!

Featured Teacher of the Day:(to qualify, you must be or have been my teacher or had some siginifcance in my life as a teacher) Mr. Freeman; for making it very obvious to me that lazyness is not acceptable.

love ya'll!
Today is October 23rd, 2003 at 5:21 PM. Today's "Weird Al" Yankovic's birthday (very random, ecxuse me), and 2 days after MY birthday! SING MINIONS, er... For my birthday, Main Street of course sang (sang???) to me, and I did get a card from becky and various inside jokes from molly. very cool. Last night, my parents took me out for dinner as well, Sweet Tomatoes was the place. Hmm that's two birthdays since my first post.

Two Important qutoes from today: First Mr. Shaull said "Your turtle's going too fast" (i think) and then my Econ Teacher Told me to "get off my 'rear' (a different word though)" He's absolutly right though. I think I've been getting a little lazy with certain things. Other things not, but somethings, yes.

Enjoying my life, Love ya'll! Corbin
Today is Octover 19th, 2003 at 6:27 PM, and it's 1 day AFTER homecoming (what a day!)

I won't bother with details here, but do know, it was a great occasion, with much laughter, stories, memories, good times, and good people! It's like main street, but without the singing (but the same people... how weird!)

there's plenty of pictures too! so if you wan t more details about the dance , or wanna see some pictures, then Gimme an E-Mail or like, talk to me at school lol.

Love ya'll!

Today is Ocober 16th, 2003, at 10:37 PM, and it's 2 days 'till the homecoming dance (yay!)

So, you might be asking yourself, "self, what kind of a person does Corbin take to a homecoming dance? He's not the kind of person to go around and get a date to homecoming." Well self, indeed you are right. It all happened about 6 weeks ago, after a main street rehearsal............ (flashback)

***Random Stuff*** (Like first she asked me, and then (cuz she's in main street) Main Street Camp, and everything between here and there)

And the rest (as they say) is history! We have pictures lined up first, followed by dinner with another 2 peoples and followed by Bailaring the night away (and for those of you with a lesser knowledge of Spanish and an even lower IQ... well nevermind) The next day I have a recidel..le..recydle... oh my... um... and yes, that shall be nice BUT first is homecoming! and it shall be a wonderful time! so there! ha! um... Enjoy the rest of your week, and If you need me saturday, I'm afraid you'll have to wait.

To All my loving friends! Love ya'll!
Today is October 14th, 2003, at 9:30 PM, and this is my current Frame of mind!

It's not so much keeping my head above water, as i'm kind of "sitting on an Island", it's more like, reaching for the heavens, the so called "goal".

Life is swell. Why? School gives me an opportunity to be rewarded for good actions. I like that. I like getting something for something. And thank goodness that I'm really getting the most out of my senior year. All I can say is I'd better go to prom or else...

So. Life's there. So what? a basic place to start off. broad yes, but, it's a start. Steven suggests: "Life gives you the clay to work with... if we say that the clay symbolizes the experiences in life. We can say that your molding it is what you choose to gain from those experiences. As more clay, different clay, and tough clay is added, your mold becomes more complete. You just have to try to make it as best you can. So in the end, ultimatly, your life is all you. But everyone and everything gave you the foundation to get there." Steven put it in wonderful words. All options are presented, and all consequenses show themselves.

To be gained: mold yourself to what you want to be, and most importantly it's yours and there's a LOT of options. nothing can ever hold you back. And heck, I'm only 16 (growing on 17... 7 days and counting) so there's TIME left. To whatever comes to me, I'm getting ready.

I love ya'll! even when I'm grumpy, or moody, or happy, I love ya'll.
Yo! Tonight is October 12th, 2003 at 11:18 PM. Tonight's concept: Stepping out of your comfort zone.

this comes into play in a few ways. Some around me have been doing that by going to events that they may not be used to, and myself stepping out of my comfort zone. Preparing for homecoming, going to the Renesance Faire, and lots and lots of changes going on in my life. Am I cool with it? Of course! Nothing has phased me, and it's rather fun. I'm glad Steven and Kevin had a wonderful time on their visit here, and I hope to see them in the future soon. Thank you to everyone who attended my Birthday Party... sorry to anyone whom I didn't invite; I decided to keep it very very small. This time of year celebrates 2 wonderful events that have become annual tradition now: Justine becoming my best friend and my first personal visit with steven and kevin. I may not get to celebrate my next birthday in this manner next year, or even again, so I'm glad this one went without (too much) trouble hehe. I hope to have a Game Show party sometime in November, so contact me if you wish to attend; the more the merrier.

Next Big EVENT(s): 
October 18th, Homecoming Dance 8-11PM 
October 20th, Zoe's birthday
October 21st, My Birhtday!
October 31st, First concert for singing / holloween (I get to be a concert choir member for holloween!)

Also, a small side note, GSN is changing it's schedule and adding two new shows to it's lineup. First off, Who Wants to be a Millionaire? (1 hour, Regis Philbin) and Password (30 min, Allen Ludden, B&W) are being added to GSN, and now Press Your Luck can only be seen on the weekends, BUT Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy! are being added to the weekday schedule (more Alex and Pat every day... yay....).

Love ya'll! have a great rest of school year.

Welcome to my 2nd "From School" edition. Today is October 8th, 2003 at 7:31 AM at my high school. Yesterday was a famous recall of our governor Gray Davis. Game Show Network ran some shows celebrating like Gary Colmam on Russian Roulette and a special preview of the 3rd Season of Lingo. Not to mention Arnold Swartzenegger (like i spelled that right...) on The New Dating Game (like he needed a date! :-P).

So let's see. I've been working on some really cool programs like Jeopardy!, Match Game, Double Dare, and Family Fued Game Players that allow you to play the games with ease, just add a host! They're coming out marveoulusly.

I've got an A- in physics! That is wonderful. I also have an A- in math! I suppose i'm doing fine in the rest of my classes as well.

Yesterday, my mother got a package in the mail from Game Show Network! This could only mean one thing, PRIZE! She (I) won some Lucky Seven Cufflinks (retailing at $50) that were prizes for playing in the Weakest Link marathon a looooong time ago. only 20 prizes were available... too bad it wasn't the $10,000 eh? hehe

Till next time, Watch your step, Buy a Vowel, Make it a true Daily Double, and Big Bucks! (nooooooo i don't have game shows on the brain....) As Richard Dawson says, Love ya'll!

If calculated correctly, this is my 50th entry! WOO!!!

September 23rd, 9:38 PM: My first Writing since school started, and boy did it start off well!
Current Music: Circle of Life, The Lion King, Movie Soundtrack

SO! 2 words, Main Street. Main Street Camp was the greatest thing EVER! yes EVER! I got to get to know a few more of the fellow Main Streeters and I the group sang(is sang a word?) for over 20 hours (thanks to Becky on keeping track of that). We started many a new piece and are sounding really good. I'm looking foreward to my first concert, whenever that may be. If you know anyone that's looking to sponsor Main Street, let me know! hehe if you don't though , it's cool lol. At Camp we watched Billy Maddison, a very funny movie, and I tried to play Family Feud with 2 people. It worked alright, so that's good. And the food was pretty good too. And what wonderful views on the way there and back! The camp was in the mountains, making for some wonderful views. I won't ever forget camp, and I want to thank everyone in main street for making that possible. I just love being in Main Street, and I hope I meet up with expectations of Mr. Shaull.

The Rest of school is going pretty well too. I've got a lot of friends in all my classes making that a good thing, and i've been making new friends and better friends out of friends I didn't know so well. I've also got the greatest Math teacher! He's incredably funny, and who ever thought trig would be so funny? Come to think of it, I really like all of my teachers this year, they're really into the whole learning process and they really want us all to get the most out of their class. I really respect that. on another note, I'm still a little shocked by how David earned his homecoming nomination, but I think it's very cool. Homecoming will be great!

Until next time weary internet travelers, think about what makes you really happy and go do somthing about it. Love ya'll!
August 26, 2003, 9:19 PM *The First Day of Senior Year OR The Begining of the End*
Days untill school ends: ummmmmmm I think I'll wait till second semester to start this.
So. School started today. As you can see by my schedule (see august 14th), it's kind of big. I know there are plenty of people though who have larger schedules, so I suppose I shouldn't complain. I did have plenty of homework as you can see that it's 9:22 already. Main street is looking strong; we have a lot goin' on this year. In other news, I've got quite a lot of friends in my classes which is always great. As you already know about Lisa and Justine, there's a few more. This year'll be reallllly cool. I'm actually looking foreward to my senior project, whatever it is I decide to do, because I have plenty of interests to choose from. And Mr. Randall (for math) is the funniest guy; The class is also going to be great since I'm sitting next to Justine and Becky. Here's to a GREAT Senior year, and I hope Kevin doesn't feel too left out of everything. Same for Franklin. Same for Molly. Lots of Love!
August 22, 2003, 4:47 PM (2 days till school starts)
Today's quote: "There are always exceptions" AND "Oh @#$@!!! You're here???" Molly hehehe love ya.
Weeeeellll today was wonderful, because I went to visit molly at her School Saint Francis. To join us today were Rob: "The sneak up on molly and poke her guy" Heidi: "Enjoyer of many Anime and" and Kathleen: "Sh-cool is not how you spell school". There was also an Alan, but I didn't get to talk to him much. Molly refuses to let Me, Rob and Kevin plot against her, but, hehehe we'll see about that. We'll be nice... .reallllly... annnyway, we (being me, Molly, Kathleen, and Heidi went to get some frozen yogurt, yummie. We returned only to talk talk talk, oh, and the poking fights and the such. I also bought a magazine subscription from Molly (Popular Science), and if you need any magazines, get in touch with me and I'll get ya in touch with Molly. Sadly, Molly went home, I stayed w/ the twins and continued discussing Band and Service days (wow, those sounded awful), until I left. It was quite a fun day! Now I shall go and play cards tonight at Scenario or somthing, and we'll be wearing some shirts we found at There's a link at the top of the page. Till later, my best wishes to my friends, and may the school year treat you well.
August 19, 2003 (6 days till school starts)
Check out my new self help guide at the end of the above links.  

Well well well.... (the well is to the left LOOK! oh I'm sorry, it's behind that ostruction that happens
to be blocking your view of it).

Today is Thursday, August 14th, and these are the ANNOUNCEMENTS!
So it's Back to school week before the week before going back to school (did ya get that?) and I went to go get my schedule and books on wenesday only to find out I had a bill for my Concert Choir Tuxedo! Well, that'll get paid for soon, so we got Mr. Shaull to defere payment till later, so I went back thursday (that is, today) and got my schedule. Looks like I'll have 3 count 'em, 3 classes with Justine!!!! English, Trig, and Econ/Civics (with Lisa as well) YAY!!! and then, just moments ago, a (suprise) visit from Molly! YAY!!! wow, and earlier today, I had franklin over and that was YAY!!! (today's word, YAY!!!) How could this day get any better???? Well I did whoop Steven and Keven at Whammy! with a score of $25,000!!!! after hitting the So it's been very good. I hope everything goes well for everyone. School approaches soon, so beware. For the curious, here's my schedule:
1st: English (Rosenberg)
2nd: Physics (Randall)
3rd: Espanol III (Potter)
4th: Trig!!! (Randall) (different randall from 2nd period)
5th: Main Street (I don't quite believe it, but it shall be most interesting) (Shaull)
6th: Economics (Freeman)
   : 2nd semester Civics (Contreras)
7th: Jazz Band (Ferucci)  
Lunches (various): Varsity Men's Glee and Concert Choir (Shaull... who else?? :-D)
I only have 1 Band this year... and my first year without Symphonic Band, but, hey, it's cool. Enjoy the rest of your summer! and may this school year present even better journal entries. See ya!
Today is August 10th, 2003, and here's my life!
Current Music: Rikudim: 4 Israeli Folk Dances BY Van de roost
Well well well, If i may say, the last week has been no less than perfect, and I truely mean that without hesitation. I spend a wonderful 4 days w/ Steven and Kevin, where we discussed topics like Video Games and um , well, I think i've already said too much *looks around suspisiously* well well,... um I had a great time w/ Molly, Justine, Steven, Kevin, and Me (guess i don't have to mention that I was there since one would assume I'd be there.... well....)as we roamed downtown mountain view. Just the day before it was Me, Kevin, Steven, Kes, and Luna downtown. Luna bought a book with the answers to all your yes or no questions. Who'd have thought that none of us in the car would ever get rich? well, let's hope that book is wrong :D. well, I stick with saying that It was perfect. I later went to JP's very Belated B-Day party. It was very cool, plenty of food, and a lot of people. May he enjoy his gift of nothing. AND I'm spent. Love to ya'll. (Check out my updated music page).
Today is August 2nd, 2003. first update in a LOOOONG time.
Current Music: none (last time u'll see me w/out music... i'll show them........)
ALL righty here's the 411 (don't dial 411, it's not good ...): July 4th: Gina's block 4th o july party. I sang some tunes and ate food. mmmmm. after that, um, Molly was at camp, and she says she had fun. Justine's Church group and I went to play mini-golf and waterslides. I also went to montery, and lastly, Kes had her 18th birthday party, meanking Steven (Vyse: Sky Battle King) and Kevin (Sir Diesalot OR Ensign/Lt. Redsirt) made a guest apperance. I was James Bond hehehe. I've written a song or two, and watched a lot of game shows :-D. SO tomorrow, Steven and Kevin are comming over!!! We're gonna go to Great America w/ Molly (and probably get pulled around on leashes :-D). that's all, see ya!
Part 2. This is the first part 2 for my journal! woo... Let's remind the home viewers what's happening. I'm gonig to talk about everything taht's happened to me since May 20th, 2003. That would also Be Molly's Bday. So, School Ended, But not with out me getting int the Los Altos Main Street Singers! Great group , im very happy bout it. It's time consuming, but It'll be a great way to spend senior year. This reminds me, This Journal Is over a year old now. I recently went to a party w/ molly for some friends of her's , twins in fact, Heidi and Kathleen. Definatly quite a lot of fun, Improv games, Food, and some quite neat people. And among other things, I had my match game party! Lovely game, good friends, food, etc. So now I'm here with Steven and KK at their house. I've been here for longer than I should have been and Now I've got ppl mad at me cuz im not at home. U feelin the love? I'm feeling it... annnyway, I hope that Lisa had fun camping, Justine's summer's going good, Molly has fun at camp, and that all of you summer school people pass. That's all for now, there's gotta be more to say, but It's just not coming to me.
Hello there everyone, today is June 16th, 2003, and boy is my mind plauged. I do wonder if sometimes stupid things are taken too seriously, and why it is done. Seems a recurring topic recently. It's made me wonder about myself, about other topics. Seems I'm changing too. I don't like this very bleak way I see some people taking life. I totally agree to have fun, but sometimes, but more often than not I'm just not in that mood. I suppose it's my problem, but there's just such a lack of seriousness sometimes. I know it looks like I'm totally contradicting myself, but I think I'm not. FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO JUST WANT THE GOOD PART, START HERE---> See next Entry
StarTrekCCG's Not-So-LiveJournal Entry ~#40
May 19th, 2003, 1:17 PM
Current Mood: Relaxed
Current Music: Crazy- Patsy Kline (darn good song)
-Hey Ya'll. I had 2 concerts this weekend. First off, Jazz Band. I saw Henry and Chris there, that was cool. That was at the Los Altos festival thingy at Lincoln Park. I got rather embarrassed by my mother who said to my band teacher "I have no idea about anything for this concert! I don't get told anything!" and um, well, I was supposed to be relaying everything to my mom, but, um, well, I forgot............. I turned at least a light shade of red. hehe.... then , oy, I got SEVERELY Worried for the first time in a long time yestderday before Concert #2. I couldn't find ANY of my music!!! And Mr. Shaull would probably have killed me if he had found out. Instead I was able to get copies from everyone and I thank Elspeth and Jeff for all their help in that. And on a lighter note, to say the least, I thought I looked all right in a tuxedo :-D It was a ton of fun when we weren't performing. When I got home though, My headache that started as little only got worse, and I lost sleep over it. Though i did get to see on late night tv a special on the matrix! well... i wouldn't say that was worth it. so now I'm here writing this up instead of being at school. So, um, we have 2 Birthday's coming up: Molly on the 20th, and Ben on the 31st. Happy Birthday both of you! Molly won't let me get her anything though unless she has a party... Oh well. Ben on the other hand... what he wants seems... wow, that's gonna be pretty hard to get. I'll see what I can do... IN the mean time, get ready for the MATCH GAME Party coming soon. Let me know if you're dying to come to this, there's only 8 slots available!!! that's all for now, I'll see ya!
Today is May 16th at 1:55 PM and here I am at school doing today's Edition. I know I know, if you look at the frequency of my posts, they're getting longer and longer (there's probably an equation you could derive if you so feel like it). Speaking of equations, today, let's discuss school. I think I did darn near PERFECT on my math test today, so I'm happy with that. After that, there was (and now AMY is distubing me!!!) Chemistry, and I'm not having too much fun with that. I'm sure EVERyTHING will be ooooook. I went and saw the Lunar Eclipse last night, boy , it was cool. Hmmmm ther has been a lot that has happened since "The Two Parties". I'm not sure if any of it belongs on here though, so Email ME IF you're so desperate to find out. In other news, I've added at least one song to my Composition page, and , as always, more are on the way. And that's what's happening, so, see ya till next time, and , um, Understand that life can throw you ANYTHING. It can be the greatest thing in the world, or somthing that just reallllly sucks. Good luck to Franklin, Steven, Kes, and KK as well. I also have 2 concerts this weekend, the first, a Jazz band one, and then A Concert Choir one. I hope they go well. See ya!
Today is May 3rd at 10:24 PM, and that means we have some birthdays to recognize: David->April 21st. Justine->April26th. JP->May first. Lisa->May 2nd. That means, today was a double birthday party! First Gina's (whose birthday is in early April) and Second was Lisa. Sooooo the first party: Gina's! We started by getting my watch stolen as usual. I said hi to everyone, and Black and KK were there! i gotta love those guys, they live too far away. So we load the bandwagon and drive to the beach. wow was that interesting. Black surely was happy, and I got to poke people and pray for my life. Then at the beach, I found out just how cold the water was! dang was it cold. After that, we had some food. KK, Black and I were trying to find somewhere where we could talk, but no one would let us alone! oh well. So from there, I scratched my knee in some mud. We also had a fun talk on what women need men for, and we found out they only need us for 5 minutes if you know what i mean... heheh... From there, We eventually went back and then i had an hour until we went to....... PARTY #2! woooEEE!!!! Lisa's was great, we were in a fun little house with a pool right next to it ,and best of all: Karaoke! You could hear me sing classics such as "Fly Me to the Moon", "Uptown girl", "Peggy Sue", "Kokomo", "Yesterday", "Bad" (eeeeeeeeeK), and one of my favorites, "Night and Day". Lisa got a lot of chocolate... not good.... must be careful..., and Elspeth showed up for about 3 minutes. Good food, GREAT friends, Clorine, good times!!!! Thank you both for great parties and may you both enjoy your birthday gifts... whenever i get them to you :-D I will now let my sunburn heal.
Today is April 6th, 2003 at 3:23PM. To start off, for those of you in the know, Saint Francis' Junior Prom was last night. For the rest of you in the know, i know a student there by the name of Molly. Molly has another friend who needed a date for that night. Make A=B and suddenly, I'm going to the Saint Francis Junior Prom. It was Me and my date (Belinda), molly and jp, and Alex and his date (Cristina). We took a limo, but unfortunatly, Belinda wasn't at the pick up point so i was slightly worried. fortunatly, she told us she'd meet us at the Hyatt in Palo Alto. So when we got there, I saw JP and Molly get their picture, and it was a great picture, but JP wasn't showing teeth! oy.... anyway Belinda shows up and we go get pictures, I hope they came out ok. Next up, dinner, but, before dinner, talking. She's got interests in acting, and wow, very interesting stuff. Dinner comes up, that was peachy, and then dancing! that was a lot of fun. We weren't great at dancing, but we tried, and we still had fun. That night, I spend the night at Molly's, Belinda had to go home, and all in all, a wonderful experience. Thank you again everyone for making it an experience to remember. in other news, my sister is sick, i do hope she's feeling better. and April 12th approaches, and my Living room right now looks like a game show set....well not really, but i bet it'll be great. For those of you with questions about this, I still need one more player for my game show party so I'm asking for anyone who wishes to come. LET ME KNOW ASAP. thanks! Good life in your future, my life is feeling refreshed and anewed, i hope your's can too. see you in the future! P.S. Congrats Amy on getting Joe!
Today is March 29th, 2003 at 1:41AM. Another Month has gone by, but boy has it been some month! I've been visiting a lot with friends, enjoying life, facing my grades realities, And just going through life. I've been writing music, and I've joined Choir, oh boy. There was a huge Jazz Band concert, and tha was great! We played with a band called Gypsy Tribe, and boy was that fun. They have a great line up, and they play some good latin jazz stuff. there's plenty else too, so, you'll just have to wait. see ya!
Today is Febuary 22, 2003 at 1:47PM. I havn't posted on here in over a MONTH! wow. Seems i may have better things to do than maintain a website :-D. In any event, im on day 10 of my 11 day break. This is worse than Summer vacation cuz there's homework usually. I did get to see lots of people over break, that made me really happy! thanks alot! I had a tournament last night for Star Trek CCG 1st Edition, coming in last place, due to a very bad deck. Well to summarize, All things considered, very very good break. Oh yes, I also have a new watch. See ya when i get back. Bye ya'll!
Today is January 20, 2003. I've added a link to the pictures from the Pheonix Tournament that i went to a few weeks ago in San Diego. You'll recongnize me. It was where i won my title of Tribble "World" Champion. Well, my friends aren't doing so well, and I am less than perfect, but I did get a haircut, and I will continue to make those around me feel better. In the mean time, I'm gonna watch some STARGATE cuz my mom and dad spent way to much on digital cable so now i get Sci-Fi (and for now, Double Dare hehehehehe) It's pretty cool.
Today is January 14th, 2003, and here's your semi-sporatic update. I've added a new quote! yeah, that's about it. Things are going well, as they usually do. Hopefully, I'll get to see many of my friends this week, and Finals are going quite well. I probably passed my chem final, so that's good. that's about it for now, save travels! *hugs* to all!
Today is January 12th, 2003, 11:00 AM. Well well, I'm looking forward to Ice Cream with my friends this week. I'm NOT looking foreward to finals, but, they shouldn't be all that bad. I also have a CD burner.... hehehehehehehehehehe..... this will be cool. Well, at this point, that's about it. BLA what am i thinking, there's plenty more. I'm the Tribbles CCG World Champion! I think it's pretty darned cool. I got a tribble and an oversided Admiral Riker card. I also got 1/3 of the new Second Edition set. Pretty darn cool i think. I know many of you don't care, but it's ok. See ya later!
Random Funny Quote: "Before I kill you Mr. Bond, I'm going to tell you my life story because I think you're the only man in the world who would understand." (Before I Kill You Mr. Bond, Cheapass Games) ANYWAY, today is December 30th, 2002. I was at my Cousin's house playing Board Games till my mind exploded this weekend. Twas fun. I Got some spiffy Stuff For Christmas, and I might even put a list up later, maybe. I'm going to a party later tomorrow for new years, and I'll be going to San Diego for The Death and Rebirth of the Star Trek Customizable Card Game at the PheonixCon. 3 days of more CCG then I ever wanted. I also updated my music with 4 spiffy songs. That's about it. Best Wishes, and follow through with your resolutions, I know I'm going to try my best. Happy new years in 24 hours, 52 minutes and 35 seconds.
hmmmmmmmm...... today is 12/23/02, 12:08 AM. Hmmmm I saw Nemesis and Two Towers. both good, though, Nemesis Lacked in what i wanted to see. anyway, Life is pretty good, someone is on an hawiian cruise right now and im not.... well, i hope she's having fun. I think break should be fun, i've got the next two weeks off. Let's break it down for you all: 23rd: free (make me do something!!!!)\ 24th: Christmas Eve. 25th: Gee.... not sure....:-D 26th-30th:not too much at all, Im free, im game for anything 31st:Party, 24hours of trek. 1st:24 hours of trek 2nd-6th:The final big Star Trek 1e event, i'll be back to torture people on the 7th... maybe.... we'll see That's all. i guess i need to fit homework in there too. Well, i think that's it, Enjoy your time that you have, be greatful for those around you, and count your blessings, for your sake. Nightyo!
captain's log, stardate 12.08.02. 10:40 PM. I watched a little too much star trek today, can you tell? well, since it happened to be on, i happened to watch it. I did write plenty of music this weekend, and I went to a jazz band performance on friday. Now i've got 2 concerts coming up in tuesday and wenesday. Should be a lot of fun playing in them. Oh boy does my mom make good spegetti (however you spell it) and so does my dad. anyway, homework's done, im good for now, and I think my friends are doing pretty well, most of them at least. Christmas/holliday break in 10 school days. i can hang in that long, can you? yeah, didn't think so. :-D jk, see ya, *hugs* good night!
11/30: it's 1:25 AM and im having fun. I got home from my friday night cards in fremont, and i played some Star Trek CCGCCG with the quy who made it up. we took all day to make the cards up, and i played a few times and we had fun. Also ,we just had thanksgiving. I'm thankful for life, family, and friends. where would I be without them? hmmm u never know, but i'd like to think my life's a little better cuz i've got all 3 of them. so what are you thankful for? go ahead and leave a message in the guestbook saying what ur thankful for. last but not least, i recently wrote "Variations on Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" so I'll be posting it soon, take a listen at it, it sounds cool. It would be with the other midi files. Good night, sleep well,sweet dreams, *hugs* bye bye.
11/26: Go ahead, sign it. I dare you. :-D
Link to my music added today, 11/24.
Today is 11/18/02 at later than i should be up (11:14 PM). Homework was done early today, so I took some time for myself and watched Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones. Oh boy was that entertaining... yeah. Well, we had Band photos today That was fun, cept for the ammount of sun getting in my eyes. All in all, a good monday, for the most part. Love to all my friends and family, Good night, farewell, *hugs* and such. *waves*
Today is 11/12/02 at 8:46 PM. Well, Today, I saw the Extended Version of The Lord of the Rings over at a friends' house. Pretty spiffy. Well, life is pretty good, and I liked my day. goodie, I'm finishing off a 4 day weekend. It was pretty good, now i've got a 3 day week. Well, I'm kind of looking foreward to tomorrow, just cuz i'll get to see my friends. Also, I get to go see The Scorcerer, should be interesting AND fun. See ya'll! bye!
Today is 11/11/02 at 10:46 PM. wow, over 3 weeks since posting. Well, I was fortunate enough to have a great birthday party, had a great time, got some cool gifts, and the Double Dare Game was NUTS! I had fun. I hope you who attended did too. In other news, I now can use this computer i got to capute television and videos into digital. it's NEAT! I also hosted Star Trek: Double Dare this weekend at Scenario Game and Hobby. It was also nuts, but fun. Well, im watching some Voyager, spiffy eh? Word of the Day: Spiffy. ALSO, i've been writing some music as Midi files, I like the music. E-Mail me if you want to hear. Don't be shy. until next time, Life is just one desision after another, so consider, even if your life is Crap, you can choose whether to let that get you down or not. SEE YA!
Today is 10/20/02 at 2:12 AM. A happy birthday to a friend of mine! yes, if you haven't noticed, i don't like to put names on my website. And by the way, My birthday is tomorrow! it's cool that my friend's Birthday is one day before mine. and IM THE YOUNGEST!!! well, sort of.... anyway, I've added my playist as a link, go take a look. I just took the PSAT today, that was, fun.... yeah. Well, I'm watching Family Double Dare right now, very fun. Well, that's all! love ya'll, see ya!
Today is 10/12/02, and it's a saturday. I haven't posted for nearly 2 weeks, how could you stand the tourture of waiting? Well, anyway, I'm off to homecoming tonight, that should prove to be fun. I played some cards last night in fremont, and I played a fun game of Star Wars CCG, it was basically The Emperor and Darth Maul against Yoda and Qui-Gon, I had a lightsaber, not that it did much good, and I eventually won after my opponent gave up. That was fun. Played some Star Trek and Lord of the Rings too, I won one trek game, lost the other two. I also got a One Ring from a really nice person yesterday at the get together. it's really cool, comes with a bookmark. And then around 11 pm my Cousin showed up! that was awesome. that's all for now, see ya!
Heyloo, today is October First, 2002. So, you've been wondering, "Hey, what's going on in Corbin's Life?" and it's been over 2 whole weeks. poor you. Well, I recently recieved another Tournament Foil for the Star Trek CCG, it's a Masaka Transformations. What a tournament foil is, is a card that is given a reflective surface and is given away to people for winning tournaments or being randomly chosen. I recieved mine because i got 2nd place at a tourney. Not bad eh? Well, in other news, I wrote a school piece on George Gerswhin, and if you don't know who that is, then, er, anyway, that was fun. I've been practicing my Guitar recently. I also went to a birthday party for myself and 2 others in my family who share similar birthdays. ooooo Carrot Cake!!!! yeah, so Life is swell, cept, could be that much better, but then again, could be that much worse. Till next time, im swell, how are you? bye!
Today is, *checks REaquired watch hehe* september 12, 2002. Well, let's see, yesterday was a day to remember, one year since you know when. This just serves as a little reminder that I think everyone should know, DON'T take life for granted, and don't take the people around you for granted. Once you or they are gone, there's no return. In other news, My life is very good, just you know, not bad. No specifics, erg, needs brackets off teeth, is working on that. And I'm starting to sound like everyone else i know by using erg, aye, sigh, and speaking about myself in the third person. fun eh? I'm working on that too... Gotta love my friends eh? till next time, appreciate those around you, they might not be there tomorrow.
Hey ppl, Today is another day of the weekend, Sunday, September first. Labor day, isn't it great that because people in this country worked so hard that they declared the first monday of september a national holliday? anyway, School has been fine, I now have a free 6th instead of a free 5th. See ya later (and I added a new quote to my song quotes).
Today is August 20th at 1:19 AM. Life is swell! I've got my family, my friends, and school is going to be pretty good. This has been a great summer and I would like to thank any of my loyal fans for reading this (if they have, I don't even know if anyone reads this). Anyway, I hope that I've grown some this summer, and that I continue to grow for the rest of my life. I think this will probably be my last entry for this summer, so see ya when school starts!
Today is (ewwww, school closing in): thursday, august 15th at 11:43 AM. I went to school to school today to get my schedule and 4 text books, and to also get a locker. fun fun eh? well, for those of you who want my Schedule, here it is:
Period 0: U.S. History w/ Mr. Smith!! yay!! he's cool
Period 1: American Lit
Period 2: Spanish II
Period 3: Algebra II Hnrs (sounds like fun eh?)
Period 4: Symphonic Band 
Period 5: NONE (eek)
Period 6: Chemistry 
Period 7: Jazz Band 
fun eh?
Today is Thursday, August 8th, at 1:32 PM. Me was a little bored today, but me be ok. The most interesting thing happened durring Double Dare today, half way through the episode, when they came back from the commercial with a part of a Super Sloppy Double Dare episode, then they came back with the rest of the other episode. Weird.
Today is Tuesday, August 6th, at 3:40 PM. I have got the site working fully again, and maintaining this thing is a bear. I may not be updating my journal too much because, well, I've got better things to be doing. Anyway, enjoy the rest of the summer, and it doesn't hurt to get back into the grove before the school year begins. Go back and look at some of your work and maybe brush up on the language you're taking. That's all I've got for now. Be happy! there's not one reason to not be optomistic. There's always somthing good, even if you don't want to see it. Bye!
Today is Friday, August 2nd, at 5:55AM. I'm BACK!!! and I wonder if the work was similar to purgatory or even the other place... well, I got a lot of money, so I'm good. Anyway, There are MASSIVE updates to my website including random quotes and how I spent my summer vacation and a Journal of my "Vacation". Enjoy, and see ya later! (i should get some sleep).
Today is Saturday, July 13, at 7:38PM. Went to see Lilo and Stitch today w/ ppl, so that was fun. Later went to the Art and Wine festival, fun too. I am leaving tomorrow and I won't be back for at most 2 whole weeks. I'm sorry for those who I havn't seen for a while, but the summer isn't over yet by then. ALSO, if you are interested in playing in Star Trek CCG: Double Dare, (Double Dare with questions about Star Trek and the Star Trek CCG by Decipher) I will be hosting that sometime after my return at a local card shop. E-Mail me for details. Well, This is it, don't miss me too much, and if you care to E-Mail me, it's or just use the convient link at the bottom of the page. Until I see you next, if you're bored, i recommend you take a day and organize your room, you won't regret it. (Finished writing at 8:10 PM). BYE!!!
Today is Wenesday, July 10th, at 7:15 PM. I had some fun today, so ya. I just had some cottage cheese. Mmmmmmmmmmm. well, I passed Biology so I'm good. Well, I guess I haven't much to say. He he, I watched the A-Team last night. Also, my hit counter hit 200! not that half of them were from me, but, well, ya.
Today is Tuesday, July somthing, i think 9th, at 6:12PM. I leave my uncles today, and will be on my way home. I'm a lot better now, incase you were wondering. Here's to the rest of the summer! only a month and a half.
Today is Monday, July 8th (or is it 9th, i lost count) at 9:41 PM. *I'm in one of those low moods, one of those moods that never conveys the best of me. Why must I be so low when I have so much to be thankful and greatful for???? why???? Why do I want more than I already have when my life is better than I could have ever immagined?????? It seems so selfish when at the same time I can't help it. Perhaps it is just human behavior and can't be helped. Well, I'll wake up tomorrow and I'll be better. Well, let's go over my last few days. I went Ice skating of all things on saturday with my sis, uncle, and little cousin. I don't know what compelled me. I slipped a few times, the skates were uncomfortable, and you know that little protrusion on ankles? Right under them, that's exactly where the skates dug into. now I've got a nice little scab on both to bring me warm, fond memories of it! yay! (and for those of you aren't one for dectecting sarcasm...well...nevermind). Yesterday I went to a Star Trek CCG tournament, paid $5, got 5th place (out of 9), got some mediocer (sp) prizes and walked away nearly satisfied. All in all a worthwile day. Today I woke up and have done nearly nothing. I will disembark from my uncles tomorrow, and am looking foreward to a friends birthday party. A happy 16th (and nearly 2 months) to him.
Today is July 3rd at 4:55 PM. *Today on Family Double Dare, none other than the famous Wesley Crusher, that's right, WIL WHEATON was on. He got soooo slimed up. As energized as he was, he sure new how to suck the fun out of Double Dare. Today's Double Dare quote of the day will be somthing Wil Said (talking about pick it): "I shove my hand in and I pick profusley until i get the flag." For those of you who hate Wesley Crusher, this episode is one for you, He got soooo slimed up. If you've got nick GaS, it'll be on at 6:30 today, but if not, then you can borrow it from me if you want to.
Today is July 2nd at ~3:00 AM (you read right, AM) *Nick GaS has started to show Super Sloppy Double Dare (the 1989 version) regularly again!!!! I started taping them too. I have never seen this version before, but it looked very cool (ok, I have seen this version, but it was when I was in kindergarten, and well, I really don't remember much from kindergarten. I remember it barely). I am very exited about this. I saw 2 episodes today, one was stupid, but the one that just ended was a special backwards day episode, very funny. For more information on Super Sloppy Double Dare, Check out my Double Dare info in my interests at the bottom of the page. Other than that, I was going to go to my uncles work today, but that didn't happen unfortunatly. I think I'm going to go to sleep soon. Remember this, you can do anything you set your mind to. Anything can be acomplished, but you really have to strive and work for it.
Today is June 17, 2002 at 5:14PM. *I am in some freaky weird good mood. It's freaking weird. I just finished watching FDD (Family Double Dare). Not a bad episode. I was going to play some Star Trek CCG tonight, but not enough ppl could come. So I'm just going to play some Magic or Star Wars with brian tonight at like 1:30 then watch Double Dare at 2 AM. Pathetic isn't it? well, it's fun.
Today is June 15th, 2002 at 8:41PM. *I am currently at my uncle's house playing some card games with my cuz and recovering from sunburn. I had a lot of fun today, thanks people. I have added my new site, the Double Dare Quote of the Day!!! I have two already and I'll try to add more. as this is the first day of the summer, I am still unaware that on monday I don't have to go to school. I'm going to wake up and say, "Why am I at my uncle's, and why is it noon and NOBODY HAS woken me UP!!!!!!" Then I'll realize that it's the summer and everything will be O.K. :-D (Also, check out my Double Dare Interests page. It's got some cool stuff).
Today is June 11, 2002 at 6:42PM. *I ham currently watching some Double Dare that I recorded at my uncle's house. Neat, the tossup for round 2 went over a minute so the music ran out. Marc just said the most interesting quote: "Where else can you get applause for taking your pants off on television?" You kinda just have to see the episode... Remember, if you know me personally, I will lend you tapes of Star Trek (all versions), Double Dare (all versions), and whatever else I have in my collection (and of course for free). Just ask. I am glad the summer is coming, but you've heard my rant on the summer anyway. Enjoy your summer. Finals will be fun............
Today is: June 6th, 2002 at 9:15PM. *Not very many people are online, so I'm taking this time to develop my website a little bit and Star Trek: The Next Generation is on. It's a good one too, the one where Data makes a child, but it dies and it's kinda sad even though it's just a machine (and a T.V. show for that matter). I gotta study this weekend and I may go to my cousins. Feel free to drop me a line hint hint, wink wink ;-D Hey, check out my Interests page, it's all fascinating stuff you already knew.
Today is: June 4th, 2002 at 8:40PM, and here is my daily update: *Remember, this is the end of the year and stress is higher than normal to pull off my best this year. I usually try to be unstressful, but this is an extreemly tense time for me. I plan on PASSING my classes, so I need to know what I know better than I already know it. This entails a lot of studying and repeated learning. I still can't say I'm totally looking forward to the summer, but school is an interesting thing for me. I dread it every year when I return to it, than rather than want to leave it, I want to stay. It has become a habit and I get attatched I suppose. You all think I'm nuts, but I know that my summer will be boring at times, but I will try to make my summer good.
Today is: June 3rd, 2002 at 10:13PM and here are your daily announcements: *Overwhelmed. If there is one word to describe what school does to you 2 weeks before the end, overwhelmed does a good job of summing it up. Porfolio reflections, Psych papers, band performances, and not to mention the fact that my summer is destined to be REALLY boring, it really makes me wonder if I am looking forward to growing up and leaving the 10th grade to go on with the journey my birth started me on. I do want to walk the journey, but I sometimes wish that you could go back through and just be a little child again. You may call this a fear of growing up, so call it whatever you will, but I'm sure we all deep down wish our lives were just a little simpler.
