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Scott's Battery Photo Gallery.

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This page may sit idle over the winter months, but will resume adding pictures as events start back up in the spring.

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Keokuk, IA. April 26-27, 2003.

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Last Battery Picture with Herb "Grandpa" Weber

(Photo from Jim Anderson)

North English, IA. June 26th. 2004.

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(Photo's from Bruce Kindig)

Belle Plane, IA. July 24-25, 2004.

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(Photo's from Melaine Ahrens)

You can find more pictures of the Belle Planes  event in our briefcase accounts.

"Last Updated... 08-03-2004"

Copyright © 1999 by Scott's Battery

If Interested in joining us or have questions or comments about our page,

Please feel free to e-mail us.

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