
Madison High School
Alumni Association


Ram Page II
A Publication of the Madison High School Alumni Association


Minutes of the October 4, 2003 Board of Directors and Annual Association Meeting

John Reynolds, President, convened the annual dinner meeting of the Madison High School Alumni Association at 6:00 o'clock p.m., at Piccadilly Cafeteria, Madison Square. Many alumni and faculty were in attendance.

Jane Armour, Secretary, presented minutes from the September 9 meeting. The minutes were approved.

John Reynolds read Fred Brumbach‚s September 2003 Financial Report. The Association had a cash balance of $3551.20 on 30 September.

Membership renewal was encouraged.

The Association's 2003 Distinguished Alumnus/Alumna Award was presented to Myron Bryant, Class of 1967. Howard Henderson made the presentation, and Myron expressed words of appreciation to the Association.

There being no additional business, the meeting was adjourned.

Jane Kelley Armour respectfully submits the minutes.

10 November 2003

The next meeting of the Board of Directors is scheduled Tuesday, 11 November. Since we have no immediate business to discuss, this meeting will be canceled unless you object.

I ask Jane Kelley Armour, Secretary, to send Minutes from the meeting at the Annual Awards Dinner, Saturday, 04 October, to you, members of the Board of Directors, and Stevie Moore, by e-mail. I ask Stevie Moore to publish these Minutes on the Alumni Association website.

Fred Brumbach, Treasurer, reports the Association had a cash balance of $3551.20 on 30 September, has received $959.00 (membership dues), had one (1) disbursement to Griggs Awards in the amount of $45.22 for a plaque and had a cash balance of $4464.98 on 31 October.

If you have not renewed your membership, please do so.

Ms. Luann Landrum, Principal, Madison School, has cleared space for us in the library; and the Alumni Association's filing cabinet and other materials are being moved to this space. You will be able to visit this space after we set up procedures with the Madison School.

May I suggest and move that we contribute $250.00-$500.00 to the Madison School. If you are in favor, please let me know your vote and the amount you think is proper. With a majority vote, we then may schedule a time when this donation may be presented by Sandra Hollingsworth as our representative to Project PENCIL and our Pencil Partner, Madison School, and contact the press to cover this event.

Sandra Hollingsworth reports a new group titled Madison Community Alliance, subtitled "Madison Matters" has been formed as a unified voice for and to the Madison Community. This group of and for residents of Madison will be proactive in the effort to promote Madison "as a good place to live". The new Group is sponsoring its first "Fabulous 50's Christmas" on December 5-7, in the Historic Madison Village around the Madison Art Center. Activities planned include a parade and car show. If you wish to join and participate in this group, please contact Sandra.

Jane Kelley Armour reports that the WNPT-TV, Channel 8, Membership Drive, scheduled next month, December, does not include any weekend dates. Since this will limit the number of us who can participate and WNPT will schedule another membership drive in March 2004, we will postpone our participation until next March.

A proposed Calendar of Events for 2004 is enclosed. If you have anything to add, please let me know.

John R. Reynolds
Work: (615) 256-2694
Fax: (615) 256-2361

Calendar of Events


March 09 -Board of Directors' Meeting Madison Public Library

March __ -WNPT-TV, Channel 8, Membership Drive Board of Directors' Meeting

April 13 -Board of Directors' Meeting - Elections Madison Public Library

April 30 -Madison School Prom Madison High School Gymnasium

May 11 -Board of Directors' Meeting Madison Public Library

May 17 -Madison School Graduation

June 18 -Board of Directors' Meeting Madison Public Library

July 13 -Board of Directors' Meeting Madison Public Library

July 31 -Class of 1964 Reunion Bluegrass Country Club

August 10 -Board of Directors' Meeting Madison Public Library

September 01 -RAMPAGE II published

September 14 -Board of Directors' Meeting Madison Public Library -Taste of Madison Madison High School Gymnasium

October 02 -BiAnnual Homecoming Madison High School Gymnasium

October 12 -Board of Directors' Meeting Madison Public Library

November 19 -Board of Directors' Meeting Madison Public Library

December __ -WNPT-TV, Channel 8, Membership Drive Board of Directors' Meeting

Saturday, October 4, 2003
6:00 - 8:30 p.m.
Piccadilly Cafeteria, Madison Square
Recognize 2003 Distinguished Alumnus
Reservations are not required.



The next meeting of the Board of Directors is scheduled this Saturday, 04 October, beginning at 6:00 o'clock p.m., at Piccadilly Cafeteria, Madison Square. 

This also is the Association's Annual Awards Dinner when we recognize this year's Distinguished Alumnus/Alumna.  Reservations are not required. 

A brief business meeting will precede recognition of the 2003 Distinguished Alumnus. 

Jane Armour, Secretary, will present the Minutes from the last meeting, 09 September. 

Fred Brumbach, Treasurer, will present the Financial Report for September 2003. 

Nominations for President are welcome. 

An Agenda for the meeting is included with this Notice.  If you have anything to add to the Agenda, please let me know. 

John R. Reynolds 
Tel: (615) 256-2694 
Fax: (615) 256-2361 




Saturday, 04 October 2003 

Piccadilly Cafeteria, Madison Square 

Dinner - 6:00-7:00 o'clock p.m. 

Business Meeting 

Invocation              -Betty Parks Dickens (1965) 

Pledge of Allegiance    -Jerry Armour (1966) 

Secretary's Report      -Jane Kelley Armour (1967) 
                                  WNPT - Channel 8 Membership Telethon 

Treasurer's Report      -Fred Brumbach (1964) 

President's Report      -John Reynolds (1964) 
        RAM PAGE II 

Vice-President's Report -Sandra Hollingsworth (1961) 
                                           Madison School/Project PENCIL 

                        -Gayle Patterson (1969) 
                                  Madison Chamber of Commerce 

Old Business            

New Business            

Myron Bryant - Class of 1967 
Presented by Howard Henderson (1963), 
1998 Distinguished Alumnus 

Adjourn - Alma Mater 

Calendar of Events 


October 04          -Annual Meeting 630-8:30 p.m., 
                       Piccadilly Cafeteria, 
                       Madison Square 

November 11     -Board of Directors Meeting - Elections 
                       -Madison Public Library 

December            -WNPT (Channel 8) Membership Drive 
                               -Board of Directors Meeting 


    April 30            -Madison School Prom 

    May 17      -Madison School Graduation 

Fall 2003 Volume VIII, Issue 1

Homecoming 2002

Homecoming 2002 was a success. More than 600 alumni, faculty and friends attended. Myron Bryant (1967) served as chairman and was also in charge of entertainment. Live entertainment included the Cherie Smith Cole Group, the Crickets, the Cavaliers, Lynn Williams Group, The Travelers and The Taxmen, all former Madison students.

Sandra Hollingsworth (1961) was food chairperson. Food was served by Fazoli's. Jerry Mayes (1965) was in charge of security. Leanne Ferguson Shelby (1967) was in charge of decorations. Tom Cooper (1966) was in charge of publicity. Pictures from Homecoming 2002 may be viewed on the Alumni Association website at

The Board of Directors has voted that annual membership will begin September 1 each year. Memberships, new and renewals, are now due. Please renew your membership and encourage others to join or renew also. A membership form is conveniently located on the reverse side of this newsletter.

Community Programs

The Alumni Association supports the Madison School through Project Pencil. T-shirts were purchased for the students to celebrate the return of our high school colors, orange and white, and nickname, Rams. We purchased books for the library. We presented gifts to each graduate in May and purchased refreshments and hosted a reception for the graduates and their families for the fourth consecutive year. Sandra Hollingsworth (1961), Betty Parks Dickens (1965), Gayle Patterson (1969) and Tracey Robinson (1982) again worked to make graduation and the reception meaningful to the graduates and their families. If you are interested in helping next year, contact Sandra Hollingsworth.

The Alumni Association also supports WNPT Channel 8, Nashville Public Television, during its December pledge drive. If you would be interested in participating this December, please contact Jane Kelley Armour (1967).

2003 Annual Awards Banquet

The 2003 Annual Awards Banquet of the Madison High School Alumni Association is scheduled Saturday, October 4, from 6-8:30 p.m., at Piccadilly Cafeteria, Madison Square Shopping Center. No reservation is required. All former students, faculty and staff are welcome to attend. For more information, contact the Madison High School Alumni Association through mail at P. O. Box 836, Madison, Tennessee 37116, E-mail at mhsaa37115 or call Betty Parks Dickens at 824-5126.

Bryant to be Recognized at Awards Banquet

tmyronb67.jpg" Myron Bryant will be presented the 2003 Distinguished Alumnus Award at the Association's Annual Meeting and Awards Banquet on Saturday, October 4.

Mr. Bryant is the son of Ted Bryant and the late Kathleen Marston Bryant. He graduated from Madison High School in 1967.

While at Madison, Mr. Bryant played the drums in the marching band and played on the tennis team. After graduation, Mr. Bryant graduated from David Lipscomb College and Samford University School of Pharmacy.

Mr. Bryant is married to the former Alice Williams. They have one daughter, Brooke, who is 21. In addition to the Alumni Association, Mr. Bryant is actively involved in Alive Hospice and other community services. Mr. and Ms. Bryant attend Hendersonville Church of Christ.

Mr. Bryant served as chairman of Homecoming 2002 held last October. He organized the event, scheduled meals and entertainment.

Mr. Bryant will join a distinguished group of alumni who have been recognized previously including:
1995 – Carl Bailey (Class of 1957) posthumously,
1996 – Vicki Benson Buchanan (Class of 1964),
1997 – Charles R. (Chuck) Lewis (Class of 1961),
1998 – Howard Henderson (Class of 1963),
1999 – Katie Reed Edge (Class of 1964),
2000 – Jim Squires (Class of 1961) and Tom Squires (Class of 1966),
2001 – J. B. Baker (Class of 1965),
2002 – Daniel P. (Danny) Baker (Class of 1966).

Alumni News

Members have written to share the following:

Bobby Denson (Class of 1957) and Janice Miller Bailey (Class of 1959) married August 15, 2003.

Steve Desirey (Class of 1965) has been with DuPont Company for 32 years in managerial roles in both manufacturing and marketing. Steve also serves as adjunct professor at Widener University in the MBA Program and on the Global Advisory Supply Chain Committee at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Business School. Steve and his wife, Sandy Roberge, of Cookeville, have three children.

Dr. William (Bill) D. Crump (Class of 1967) retired from the practice of medicine (pathology) in 1995. Bill continues as a member of the College of American Pathologists. He served as organist for the Inglewood Baptist Church in Nashville from 1998 through 2002. Bill also is a member of the American Guild of Organists and the American Theatre Organ Society. He is author of the book titled The Christmas Encyclopedia published by McFarland & Company, Inc. Bill writes the book is available on

Connie Willis Loveday who attended Madison High School for many years died August 31, 2002.

Faculty News

Samuel H. Shannon, who taught at Madison in the early 1960s, died April 16, 2003. Dr. Shannon was a professor at Tennessee State University where he received a National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship, the Distinguished University Service Award and Founders' Day Award.

The Alumni Association now has membership lists for Classes 1956-1959, 1960-1967, 1971-1972, 1974, 1977, 1981 and 1984.


Graduating classes ending in "4" are planning reunions for the coming year. For more information, please contact the following:
Class of 1964 – contact Dick Davis, Class President, 5211 Stacey Springs Road, Springfield, Tennessee 37172, Tel: (615) 384-7026, E-mail: or
Class of 1974 – contact the Alumni Association.
Class of 1984 – contact the Alumni Association.

Mark Your Calendar

Tuesday, September 23 Taste of Madison Madison High School
Saturday, October 4 Annual Awards Banquet
Saturday, December ?? WNPT, Channel 8 Fundraiser


Tuesday, 12 August 2003 
Madison Public Library 

Secretary's Report      -Jane Armour 

Treasurer's Report      -Fred Brumbach 

President's Report      -Correspondence 
                                    RAM PAGE II 

Vice-President's Report -Sandra Hollingsworth 
                                     Madison School/Project PENCIL 
                                     Madison Chamber of Commerce 

Calendar of Events      - 




September   23      -Taste of Madison 

October 04          -Annual Meeting, 
                        Piccadilly Cafeteria 
                               Madison Station 

November            -Board of Directors Meeting - Elections 

December            -WNPT (Channel 8) Membership Drive 
                               -Board of Directors Meeting 

Old Business                

New Business            -Election of Officers 

Adjourn - Alma Mater 

Rampage II

Volume VII Issue 2 Winter, 2002

Cindy Ryan McLendon and Phillip North's daughter Nicki married Douglas Baxley on November 16, 2002 at Scarritt Bennitt Center and the reception was held at the Parthenon..Great fun was had by all and many alumni were in attendance..

2002 Annual Meeting and Awards Banquet

     The sixth Annual Meeting and Awards Banquet was held on Saturday July 20 at Pleasant Green (Plunge) Community Center at 360 Pleasant Green Drive in Goodlettsville. A social hour preceded the banquet, business meeting, and then recognition of former teachers and special friends of Madison High School.
     All alumni of Madison High School were welcome. The event attracts approximately 100 alumni and friends annually.
     Ms. Shirley Phipps, Ms. Mary Yager, and Ms. Betty Zuccarello, former teacrs, were our honored guests this year and participated in the program by sharing their fond remembrances of faculty and students.
     See photos here.

Distinguished Alumna/Alumnus

Each year the Alumni Association recognizes a Distinguished Alumna/Alumnus.
Who will be recognized this year?
He or she will join a distinguished group who have been recognized previously.
1995 - Carl Bailey ('57), posthumously
1996 - Vicki Benson Buchanon ('64)
1997 - Charles R. (Chuck) Lewis ('61)
1998 - Howard Henderson ('63)
1999 - Katie Reed Edge ('64)
2000 - Jim Squires ('61) and Tom Squires ('66)
2001 - J.B. Baker ('65)

Alumni News

Some members have written to share the following:
    NELSON TURNER ('65) ran in this year's Music City Marathon.
    HUGH KIRKPATRICK ('81) and TOMMY KIRKPATRICK ('82) own and operate the "Ole Dinner Bell" Restaurant, 2278 Lebanon Road in Donelson.
BILLY ANDERSON and ROGER FERGUSON ('70) have self released 2 great pop rock CDs under their group name "The Mighty Rams".
    R. STEVIE MOORE ('70) has just had a new CD released in Germany.
    LLYNDA MORE ('73) is working on a new music video and plans to perform live soon in Japan.

Lost Classmates

    The CLASS OF 1964 has lost contact with the following class members: Ronnie Bloodworth, Linda Brawner Hendrick, Kay Fambrough Manger, Lynn Higgins Gaines, Jeanine Hobrock Landrum, Linda Kincer Griffin, Mary Johnson Pepper, John Norris, Mike Ragsdale, Sue Roberts Johnson, Linda Pigg Wilkes, Jane Schutt Daniel, John Squires, Mike Stockard, Betty Jo Stubblefield Revercomb, Becky Thompson Vandygriff, Judy Webb Nichols, and George Wright.
    The CLASS OF 1966 has lost contact with the following class members: Alex N. Beavers, Lloyd Baker Callis, Ronald Wayne Clark, Ronald M. Eatherly, Sandra Grimes Newman, Pamela Seigenthaler Turns, Stephen Lee Tomlinson.
    The CLASS OF 1967 has lost contact with the following class members: Beverly Alexander Clefisch, TerrySuzanna Hudgins Biggs, Rebecca Lynn Herod Scott, Beverly Ann Jones Richardson, Judy L. Dean Larkin, Paulette Lindsley Clayton, Steven D. Norris, and Steven Wayne Stone.
    If you know new addresses for these or other class members, please write the approprate class c/o MHSAA, P.O. Box 836, Madison TN 37116.

FOUND: A 1982 Madison High School class ring with the initials DCP inside and a Band member insignia.


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