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My eyes were beginning to hurt. I wondered for how long I’d been down here. The need to read was just too strong, though. I just had to know. So this is what they had been working on.

Creating me.

Using me.

When I first read the documentation…the thought of me being a clone shook me.
My hands were shaking.
They’re shaking now. The silence had made my ears start to throb. It was so quiet.
Only my thoughts.
Only my words.
I’m going to go crazy at this rate.




Having a state of mind like that would mean nothing to me. I’m a goddamned human experiment.
Gast had known.
Why? Why hadn’t he told me?
Argh. I’m still shaking. Why can’t I stop shaking?! How many books have I been through?
2, 4, 6, 8…too many.
So many. I had only skimmed through most of them.
I only had to skim through to see that everything I grew up on was a lie.


Was that a lie? They mentioned it so many times; especially when I was “growing” up.
Ha! My past was nothing.
They had only wanted me for this moment.
Why were words being repeated in my head?




Who were they?
Gast? Argh…why did you have to leave? You could have told me, Professor.
I know you would have. My hands…they’re still shaking. I should start to calm down, this wasn’t right. I need to think.


Think about what?
My mother?


What’s that smell? It’s getting so musty here. So many books.
I still have to read them all. I need to understand. I’ve only been through half of them.

Only half.

There’s still more. I need to understand.
Why me? Is that what a SOLDIER was?


It had been mentioned so many times. Ah, here. This page. The words are so faded, but I can see her name.


My mothers name.
They had used her.
Like they had used me.


My mother was a Cetran, eh? They took away your right, mother. Your right to rule.


Them. Those who sacrificed their brothers for their own survival. Such weakness, mother.
I’ll show them one day. I’m your son, after all. We deserve this planet.
Not them.
Ah…I see now. They kept you locked up mother, didn’t they? They wanted your power. But they did do one good thing from it, mother. They created me, didn’t they? I was their great “weapon”, wasn’t I? Well…we’ll see about that. They kept you here in the mountains. How convenient, mother. You must have known I was coming.
Perhaps your wisdom will be imparted to me one day. Eheh.
Do you hear that, mother? Here comes one of the ones that sacrificed the Cetran for survival. His eyes are Mako infused.
But not as much as me.
Never like me.
God…so much anger now. The giddiness has left me. Just the sight of him is making me angry.
They all must be like him.
Everyone in this town.
Mother…I’m coming. And I’ll make sure that I’m the only one who will reach you. No one will have you again.
Where have they kept you?
