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About Danielle
Our "Little Angel"

Our Little Angel Danielle is our 13 year old little girl that has Transverse Myelitis (TM). She became very sick at 9 months old, and was paralyzed from the neck down. Shortly after that, she was diagnosed with TM. Through intense Physical Therapy and Botox therapy over the last 12 years, she has regained 90% use of her left arm and hand, but only has 70% movement of her right arm and hand. She has no voluntary movement or muscle control from the waist down, but she can move her big toe on her right foot. She isn't able to use leg her leg braces anymore, but we hope she will grow stronger as she grows older. She is now confined to a wheel chair, but has the spirit to change the world.... watch your toes, here she comes !!! If you didn't hear her, then turn up your volume, and reload this page to hear Danielle welcome you by saying,"Hello Friend!"

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Danielle Troup

Information about T.M.

This page contains links and information about Transverse Myelitis (TM). TM is a crippling disease that can be caused by several things. In Danielles case, we believe it was caused by the Oral Polio Vaccine(OPV) she was given as an infant. Below is a copy of a letter we sent to our Congressman about TM in 2000. We have since been turned down for any type of assistance from the Government, and now rely on private insurance for help.

Dated 09-14-00
"In 1988, Congress set up the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. We recently learned about the program while searching the internet for more information on Transverse Myelitis. Unfortunately, the VICP set a filing deadline of 36 months from the onset of the illness. It has been over 4 years since my daughter was diagnosed, and we were never told about the VICP by any of our doctors. This program was set up as a no-fault alternative to filing a civil law suit against vaccine manufacturers, for possible adverse reactions to childhood vaccines. DTP, MMR, Oral Polio(OPV), HEP B, and Varicella (chicken pox) are some of the vaccines that children have had adverse reactions to. I have enclosed some information on the program, and the vaccines that are covered. I also included contact information for their agency. The VICP web site is located at:

Danielle was born healthy in May 1995, and was diagnosed with Transverse Myelitis in February of 1996, only 9 months later. At that time, TM was described to us as a form of Polio. She was born perfectly healthy, and received her first mandatory shots on 6-20-95. She was given the DPT, HIB, HEP B, and OPV vaccines. A few weeks later, she got a runny nose, and had intermittent fever. We took her back to the doctor on 8-14-95, with a runny nose, coughing, and she was not eating or sleeping well. The doctor stated it was normal, and gave her the second round of shots, even though she was sick, and had been running fever. They were HEP B, HIB, DPT, and OPV again. She continued with the runny nose and congestion, so we took her back to the doctors office on 10-3-95.

The doctor took blood work, and gave her some cough medicine. She rapidly got worse, and we again took her back to the doctor on 10-26-95. She had more fever and had a lot of sinus drainage and cough. The doctor again prescribed the same medication, took blood work, and sent her home. On 11-14-95, she had not gotten any better, and we again took her to our doctor. She was 6 months old now, and still had cough, fever, and had started pulling at her right ear. No blood work was done on this visit. Again, she was sent home, and told to take Tylenol. She got much worse, and on 12-19-95, we again took her to the doctor. By this time, she was running fever of 102, and had a bad cough and congestion. We noticed that she had become less active, but we thought it was due to her fever. Blood work was done and she was given more cough medicine and told to go home. As you can see, she was sick, and not getting better. On 2-14-96, her body could not fight any more, and she was admitted into LeBonheur Childrens Medical Center. She had a fever of 105, and was paralyzed. She had been completely healthy until she received her first set of shots, including the OPV vaccine. The last set of shots she received prior to being admitted, was on 8-14-95, and included HEP B, DTP, HIB titer and OPV. They never told us that her symptoms were similar to polio, or could have been caused by a vaccine.

According to the VICP, complications can occur up to 6 months from the administration of the OPV vaccine, and can cause Vaccine Associated Paralytic Poliomyelitis (VAPP). Patients who have VAPP are commonly diagnosed with Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS), then later with Transverse Myelitis. They suddenly become sick, have high fever, and become paralyzed. This is exactly what happened to our daughter. According to the Transverse Myelitis Association (TMA), the OPV vaccine has been under investigation as a possible cause of TM. Since her stay in February 1996, Danielle has been hospitalized several more times for complications associated with the damage TM and the OPV did to her spinal cord. She still remains confined to a wheel chair, and is totally dependent on our help. The TMA web site can be located at: It is an excellent site for information on TM.

On June 17,1999, the Advisory Commission on Immunization Practices (ACIP) agreed that the OPV vaccine was doing more harm than good, and the OPV vaccine was taken off the market. The ACIP guidelines for the termination of the OPV vaccine can be found at: The CDC's Web Site.

In July of 1999, Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore Maryland, opened the Transverse Myelopathy Center to study Transverse Myelitis. It is the only research facility of it’s kind in the world. Their web site is:

I hope you get a chance to see these sites because they are very informative and can answer a lot of the questions that you may have. If we are unable to get assistance from Social Security, we hope to get an extension on the filing deadline for the VICP. We would like to have my daughters case reviewed. I hope this information is what you need to help Danielle."

The following sites have information on TM, The VICP, and the ACIP. It takes a while to read, but knowing the truth about what childhood vaccines can do, it is worth the time. Information on the V.I.C.P. The Johns Hopkins Hospital Site The Transverse Myelitis Association

I will be adding information to this page as it becomes available. Please mail me any information you have that can help us or anyone else associated with TM or the VICP.
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