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Fayette County Animal Rescue Ordered to Close by September 30, 2008
by Fayette County Zoning Commission


o    A neighbor complained about the noise from the shelter last Fall.  He never approached anyone in our organization about his complaints, but instead brought them before the Fayette County Commission.  Although we believe that his complaints were false and without merit, we proceeded to make changes at our shelter to address his allegations to alleviate his concerns.  Changes included putting up a 6’ privacy fence the length of the shelter, changing the working hours of employees and the feeding schedule for the animals and purchasing bark collars for some of the dogs. 

o    These changes did not appease this neighbor and eventually the issue was brought before the Planning Commission to rule on the shelter’s legal right to operate at our current facility. The planning director determined that FCAR was not operating in violation of zoning, but members of the planning commission appealed that determination to the Board of Zoning Appeals.

o    On May 20th, the Board of Zoning Appeals ruled that FCAR was in violation of the zoning ordinance and was operating illegally (although FCAR was told on two prior occasions by County officials that its activities were permissible in the current location).  FCAR must cease operations by 09/30/08 or it will be shut down. 

·         Current Status: 

o    Fayette County Animal Rescue is committed to serving the citizens of Fayette County and are diligently pursuing all options to keep our shelter open. 

o    We remain optimistic that our County government will understand the value that our organization brings to Fayette County and allow us to continue to operate.

o    We have temporarily stopped all programs except our Adoption Program and Fundraising until this matter is resolved.  Examples of programs temporarily stopped  include: Animal Cruelty Investigations, Animal Rescue, Humane Education and Community Outreach. 

o    At this time the only option that Fayette County residents have for assistance with animal cruelty investigations, injured animals and other animal related matters is to contact Animal Control.  Unfortunately Animal Control (which is run by the County) is woefully underfunded and does not have the resources or facilities to provide adequate or long term care for animals so most are euthanized after a brief holding period.

·         Support: 

o    The community can support FCAR in any of the following ways:

§  Adopt an FCAR Rescue – With the future of our shelter uncertain we feel that it is imperative that we place as many of our animals in forever homes as soon as possible.  Please contact our shelter at 901/854-2565 or view our upcoming adoption events and adoptable animals at our website ( 

§  Call or write members of the Fayette County government, especially members of the Fayette County Commission, Planning Commission, Mayors and Council members.  You can find their names and phone numbers at listed under "County Commission" or click here.

§  Contact the local media and let them know about the plight FCAR is facing.  Ask for their support in educating the community on devasting repurcussions to Fayette County if FCAR is closed.

§  Make a donation to assist with the mounting costs required to keep our shelter open.  Donations can be sent to FCAR, P.O. Box 44, Rossville, TN  38066 or made online at

§  Watch our website for information on public meetings regarding the future of FCAR and attend in support of our organization

§  Volunteer with FCAR and assist in our efforts to stay open.  We need volunteers to help with fundraising, adoptions, mailings and public relations.

§  Become a foster parent for an FCAR rescue.  Animals that have been in foster homes are far more likely to be adopted in a shorter period of time.

§  Pray for FCAR and all of the animals in Fayette County.

§  Pass this information on to everyone that you know. 

§  Contact FCAR for posters & flyers that you can distribute in our community

§  Call FCAR for other ways that you can support our shelter


·         FCAR History:

o    Fayette County Animal Rescue was started in 1998 to make a difference in the lives of the many animals that were suffering needlessly in Fayette County.  FCAR has 3 certified animal cruelty investigators and focuses on the prevention of animal cruelty in our community.  Our rescues are primarily victims of abuse, neglect, severe injury or abandonment.  Over the past 10 years FCAR has rescued hundreds of animals, rehabilitated them and placed them in forever homes.  FCAR is a 501(c)3 no-kill shelter operating a no cages facility in Rossville, TN.  In addition to animal cruelty investigations and adoption programs FCAR benefits the community via a variety of other programs including: Humane Education, spay/neuter, public education and awareness on the needs of companion animals and the prevention of animal cruelty.

o    Mission

§  To offer refuge, medical care, nourishment and an opportunity for a second chance for life to injured and abused animals.

§  To foster a public sentiment of humanity and gentleness toward animals and protect them from cruelty, neglect, carelessness and ignorance.

§  To promote responsible pet ownership through humane education.

§  To enhance the quality of human life with animal companionship.

·         Contact Information:

o    Phone:          901-854-2565

o    Email: 

o    Website:

o    Fax:             901-854-2202

o    Address:       FCAR, P.O. Box 44, Rossville, TN  38066


Fayette County Animal Rescue

P.O. Box 44, Rossville, TN  38066

Phone: (901) 854-2565

Fax: (901) 854-2202

Shelter Hours:  By Appointment Only
Contact Us:
Click here for directions to our shelter

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