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Recommended Books for Sexual Abuse Survivors

"The Courage to Heal" by Ellen Bass and Laura Davis

This book is the 'bible' of sexual abuse recovery, but please be sure you have a support system before starting this book, it will get to the heart of your issues and if you're not ready it could throw you into flashbacks, memories, and panic attacks. You should have a therapist or at least educated family members/friends who can help you through this difficult time. There is also a workbook, you can start with, if you're not quite ready for the whole book.

"The Right to Innocence" by Beverly Engel, M.F.C.C.

It's not so much what this book has to say, as how it says it: it's very concise, and hints and helpful lists are laid out simply, in lists, page by page. Excellent section on how to deal with ANGER. ISBN 0-8041-0585-5 ($5.99)

"Ghosts in the Bedroom" by Ken Graber, M.A.

This wonderful thin book, is for partners of incest survivors. They too need a guide to help them help you through your healing path. This helps explain to them why you react the way you do, to certain stimuli; why your relationship skills may be a little skewd ; why you crave sex or want nothing to do with it etc. It will answer quite a few of their questions, they are afraid to ask. ISBN 1-55874-116-X ($8.95)

"Love is a Choice" by Robert Hemfelt, Paul Meier

Very helpful for co-dependant relationships and marriages. Paperback,1996 ISBN: 0785275304 ($5.99)

"No More Secrets" by Caren Adams & Jennifer Fay

This booklet is a guide to how to protect your child from sexual assault, published from guides for parents from a rape truma center in Washington state. It tells you in very simple words and practically, how to talk to your children. ISBN 0-915166-24-0

The following books have been recommended by other survivors. Hope you find them helpful.

Books by Lucia Capacchione on healing with art:

The Creative Journal, the Art of Finding Yourself
The Well Being Journal
The Power of your other Hand

"Creating manadalas for Insight, Healing and Self" by Susanne Fincher

A simplified book of mandalas and meditations in the healing art circle.

"The Mother's Book: How to Survive the Incest of Your Child" by Carolyn Byerly

Universally helpful to women whose children have been molested.

"If it happens to your child it happens to you! A parents' help-source for sexual assault." by Christine Golder

Large pamphlet dealing with many crucial parental issues.

"Morning, Come Quickly" by Wanda Karriker.

Publisher: Sandime Ltd; (Oct. 2003) * ISBN: 0971717109
This book is not specifically meant for healing survivors. It is a story of a small southern town through the eyes of a therapist and survivor. It includes childhood abuse, ritual abuse, and insights into the world of evil and abuse, including aftereffects and healing of an individual soul. It might be good reading for someone who wants to know more about this realm, but could certainly be very triggering to an acutal survivor. Reviews seem to indicate that it educates people around survivors.

"I Told my secret: A book for kids who were abused" by Eliana Gil

Illustrated booklet in large print that answers your child's most vital questions.