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All about me

Miss independent
Miss self-sufficient
Miss keep your distance, mmmm
Miss unafraid
Miss out of my way
Miss don't let a man interfere, no
Miss on her own
Miss almost grown
Miss never let a man help her off her throne
So, by keeping her heart protected
She'll never, ever feel rejected
Little miss apprehensive
Said ooh, she fell in love
What is this feeling taking over?
Thinking no one could open the door
Surprise, it's time, to feel what's real
What happened to miss independent's no longer need to be defensive?
Goodbye, old you, when love, is true
(Verse 2)
Misguided heart
Miss play it smart
Miss if you wanna use that line, you better not start, no
But she miscalculated
She didn't wanna end up jaded
And this miss decided not to miss out on true love
So, by changing a misconception
She went in a new direction
And found inside, she felt a connection
She fell in love
What is this feeling taking over?
Thinking no one could open the door
Surprise, it's time, to feel what's real
What happened to miss independent's no longer need to be defensive?
Goodbye, old you, when love, is true (when love, is true)
When miss independent walked away
No time for love that came her way
She looked in the mirror and thought today
What happened to miss no longer afraid?
It took some time for her to see
How beautiful love could truly be
No more talk of why can't that be me
I'm so glad I've finally seen
What is this feeling taking over?
Thinking no one could open the door
Surprise, it's time, to feel what's real
What happened to miss independent's no longer need to be defensive?
Goodbye, old you, when love, is true (when love, is true)

I'm a firm believer in what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger. I've experienced a lot in my life, but I've learned to accept what has happened and to not dwell on the past. It's hard to deal with the pain and heartache, but once you've sorted it out it's better than weeping about the things you can't change or control. You can't change the past, but you can learn from it and better the future. And you definately can not lose trust in everyone just because of the dealings of one or two people. I've held on to this way of thinking and it's shown to be true. After all the heartache and pain, then accepting this and moving on, I've been repaid for all the hurt. It just takes one day at a time, one hour at a time, one minute at a time. Don't try to take on more than you can handle. It will only drag you down and break your spirit.

My name is Jeanne. I'm an RN and work in the local Emergency Department full time and part time in the Emergency Department of one of the level one trauma centers about an hour and a half away. I'm probably about the shyest person you could meet. It takes a few meetings and getting to know someone before I open up and become myself around others. I've always been that way and probably will always be. I'm a thinker. By that I mean I don't do things on impulse, well most of the time. I have to think things through and weigh out the pro's and con's that will result from my decision. I consider myself a great listener and love to be there for my friends and help them out when they need to talk things over.

I live in a small rural town in Middle Tennessee, just recently moved back from "the city." I'm in the process of trying to get my house remodled so I can move in. You never realize what you have until you leave it. I'm just glad to be back home.

I would really love to travel. I've been in a small town all my life up until the last few years and I feel so cheated by not being able to see the world. I want to be able to help others and leave my impression upon them in hopes that they will pass it on and help others too... kind of a keep the ball rolling type thing. I'd love to go on medical missions over seas. I worked for a doctor right out of high school and he did a mission trip that year. It was such an eye opener to see what he had done and to hear what it was like in the community they went to. It honestly broke my heart.

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