An Eternal High

Yet another day has passed you by,
you've rejected Christ again.
Your time to change is running out,
while you're dying in your sin.

Too afraid of what your friends will say,
too afraid to take a stand.
You slap the face of God each day,
while he's reaching out his hand.

You hide behind a life of drugs,
a little cocaine up the nose.
And some Mary Jane, to ease your pain,
but the hurting plainly shows.

A case of beer, will calm your fear,
or maybe a fifth of Jack.
You try to wash those Demons down,
but they keep on coming back.

You shoot up twice, to feel real nice,
shooting heroin in those veins.
Or a rock of crack, to lay you back,
and some acid for your brains.

You keep trying to cover up your pain,
with an artificial high.
While Satan kills your soul each day,
with another evil lie.

My life was once so filled with drugs,
until Jesus set me free.
As his Spirit annoints, he takes those joints,
and nails them to the tree.

So now I catch a buzz each day,
from the Spirit of the Lord.
With no evil hex, or side affects,
and one I can afford.

And I'm proud to say, that I start each day,
as a way to get my kicks.
An Eternal High, that gets me by,
"A Holy Ghostin Fix".

Jesus Christ wants to set you free,
from the drugs that have you bound.
He will replace the pain, you've lived in vain,
with a Love that will astound.

But the choice is up to you my friend,
to lay it at his feet.
This Love so great, can seal your fate,
upon his mercy seat.

For every tongue will soon confess,
and every knee will bow.
And proclaim that Jesus Christ is Lord,
so why not do it now!

I do not stand in judgment friend,
but I stand here in your stead.
And pray you give your life to Christ,
as this poem now is read.

Just pray this simple prayer with me,
and give the Lord control.
Say, Jesus save me from my sins,
please come and free my soul.

I believe you are the Son of God,
the Savior I desire.
Please forgive my sin and help me win,
and fill my soul with fire.

I will serve you til my dying days,
I know you'll see me through.
And I give my word, I won't get high,
unless it is in you.

And thank you for your patience Lord,
and for your mercy from above.
Make the old man numb, so I will become,
addicted to your Love. A-Men..

If you prayed this simple prayer with me,
your soul is free at last.
And all that sin, that had laid within,
is forgotten and in the past.

Now get yourself a Bible friend,
you will find out what it does.
His words of hope, will help you cope,
with a Heavenly kind of buzz.

And let him guide your steps each day,
and let him heal your mind.
No drugs can match, the high you'll catch,
from the treasure that you find.

Written by..Timothy Jon Barrett
Written under the direction of Gods Holy Spirit,
through a new burden for souls he has placed within me
Date Written...November,14,1999

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