Do you know, Jesus loves you friend, No matter what you've done?
Do you know, that very man, is God's own precious Son?

Do you know, he feels your pain, And counts your every tear?
Do you know, his Holy touch, can calm your every fear?

Do you know, how close he is, When the world seems far away?
Do you know, He knows your thoughts, When you don't know how to pray?

Do you know, that his loving hand, Can heal your broken heart?
Do you know, his righteous ways, produces brand new starts?

Do you know, that he died for you, to wash away your sins?
Do you know, that his precious blood, Is where true life begins?

Do you know, that a simple prayer, Can turn your life around?
Do you know, that simple prayer, Will launch you Heaven bound?

Do you know, how close you are, To end your pain and strife?
Do you know, and accept his gift, That gives eternal life?

Do you know, you can find true peace, In the Prince of peace today?
Do you know, how to ask him in, And what you just might say?


Yes I know, I have many sins, That I need you to forgive.
Yes I know, I'm full of shame, And want to finally live.

Yes I know, that I love you Lord, Now my life belongs to you.
Yes I know, that I thank you Lord, For what you're about to do.

Yes I know, I will follow you, Til the ending of my days.
Yes I know, that my very lips, Will always sing your praise.

Yes I know, I will read your word, And I'll follow where you lead.
Yes I know, I will walk in truth, Since my spirit has been freed.


John 3:16&17, Romans 10:9&10

Written by..Timothy Jon Barrett


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