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Holistic Health and Beauty

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Holistic Health and Beauty
Health Supplements for Children Safe, non-addictive health options for children: - Whenever your child has a health challenge, how do you know which natural remedies may be beneficial, specifically for children? As a parent, do you care about additives, artificial colors, preservatives and other unnecessary ingredients in child health formulas?

If you read the labels, and I bet you do, you wil notice that many chldren's medicines contain additives, artificial color and preservatives. Some are addictive and others may cause side effects which end up being worse than the condition that they are supposed to treat. Even some of the more natural, herbal medicines should not be given to children under the age of 12, unless supervised by a health care practitioner!

It can be a confusing thing for a parent, determining what they can and should not give their children for common health complaints such as bedwetting, colic, teething, and temper tantrums. That's one reason Michele Carlysle has helped to develop the Native Remedies line of wellness products for children. Here's what Michele has to say:

"As a Psychologist and as a parent, I have seen a need for safe, effective and healthy natural remedies especially formulated for children's health. Together with Native Remedies, I have spent a lot of time in researching and formulating a range of natural remedies especially for young children. All remedies are herbal or homeopathic and carefully chosen for maximum effect and maximum safety, to safely heal and solve your child's problem - naturally. While herbal remedies help to heal and promote health, homeopathic remedies work by strengthening the child's own body to heal itself. The remedies are non-addictive and presented in child-safe doses. No artificial colors or preservatives are used and manufacturing is in accordance with the highest pharmaceutical standards." - Michele Carelse, Clinical Psychologist

Native Remedies formulas are backed by our 60 day money-back guarantee so you can experience guaranteed results, risk-free Our formulas are developed with care by our practicing Clinical Psychologist, are 100% natural, safe, and manufactured according to the highest pharmaceutical standards. Individual ingredients are well-researched and have been put to the test over the years as a complement to the treatment of real people with real problems. Natural help for children who wet the bed - Use Be-Dry Bedwetting Formula regularly to:

  • Help relax children who are nervous or anxious
  • Strengthen the immature bladders of children
  • Help your child to be dry at night
  • Improve your child's self esteem by reducing bedwetting

    How common is wetting the bed? During pre-school years, bedwetting is actually a very common concern. Children vary in how well they are able to control their bladders at nighttime. It is quite normal for a child under the age of five to wet the bed occasionally and boys often take longer than girls to become dry at night. 'Accidents' do happen and should be dealt with kindly and sensitively in order to prevent emotional problems. Children who wet their beds should not be punished.

    What should a parent do if their child wets the bed? Call your general practitioner. Because there can be many possible causes of nocturnal enuresis (bedwetting), including medical problems, emotional and family problems and immature bladders. Your GP should be your first port of call if bedwetting is regular and persistent or if a child suddenly starts wetting the bed again. He/she will be able to examine your child and advise you of the appropriate steps to take.

    What is Be-Dry? Be-Dry is a natural remedy to address bedwetting. After checking with your child's doctor and finding that there are no underlying medical causes that are causing your child to we the bed, regular use of Be-Dry Bedwetting Formula can calm the anxious child and help to strengthen immature bladders. Be-Dry has been especially formulated by a Clinical Psycholgist in accordance with strict homeopathic standards to help your child to achieve bladder control at night time. Say Goodbye to smelly mattresses and wet sheets in the morning and help your child to be more confident!

    Has this natural remedy helped other children? Read this Mom's story: "My 11 year old son did not want to sleep out because he was afraid he would wet his bed. I felt so sorry for him, but nothing we did made any difference. Your 'Be-Dry' Formula has him dry for the first time in his life and he is so proud of himself! Thank you!" - Margaret, USA, Married.

    What ingredients are in this natural remedy? Be-Dry is an effective and proven homeopathic remedy containing: Equisetum (6cH) - a remedy which comes from Asia and is widely used in Chinese medicine. Used homeopathically, Equisetum is a proven remedy which is especially useful for all bladder complaints and also helps to relieve anxiety. It is safe and effective for children who wet their beds, often during nightmares and other dreams. Equisetum comes in pillule form with a pleasant tasting Lactose base and is easily dissolved in the mouth.

    iBaba Colic Formula - Use iBaba Safely & Easily To:

  • Relieve the symptoms of infant colic
  • Help your baby to sleep peacefully.

  • What is Colic? Babies between the ages of 0 - 6 months often develop colic. This could be due to wind or other digestive problems or even the incorrect formula. Signs of colic include persistent fretfulness and crying (especially after feeds), and baby may become red in the face and pull up his legs to relieve the pain in his stomach. Colic may become worse when baby is lying down and symptoms can improve if he is walked around. It may also help to lie him over your lap on his tummy and rub his back. Be sure to wind baby properly after feeds.

    How can iBaba help? iBaba (which means "Baby") is a specially formulated homeopathic remedy which is gentle and effective and safe for use by even newborn infants. It will soothe your baby's stomach, help to relieve wind and reduce fretfulness, helping your baby (and you!) to have a good night's sleep.

    Is iBaba Safe & Easy? - iBaba is easy to administer and is especially designed to be safely and effectively used for even newborn infants. Unlike many other colic remedies, iBaba contains no alcohol or artificial ingredients and contains only 100% natural and proven homeopathic ingredients

    How has iBaba helped others? "I am a single mom and it isn't easy to cope with a new baby, especially one who has colic. You want to do everything right but sometimes it feels like you do everything wrong. The sister at the clinic told me about iBaba and I can see why she recommends it. I just give a little to my baby and she goes back to sleep in no time - I would never be without it! They say it works for teething as well!"- Lynne, UK, single, 24 years old.

    iBaba contains the following proven ingredients in homeopathic formulation:
  • Chamomilla (6C) - A well-known homeopathic remedy for infant colic and teething. Mag. Phos (6C) - An effective and gentle homeopathic painkiller and is often recommended to safely treat cramping pain. It is suitable for all age groups including small babies.

    Tula Tantrum Tamer - Regular use of Tantrum Tamer helps to:
  • Reduce the frequency and strength of childhood tantrums
  • Soothe firey tempers
  • Help your child to be more reasonable
  • Reduce frustration
  • Make children more amenable and easy to discipline Children's Remedies

    When should I treat tantrums? Some tantrums in early childhood are normal and even healthy ways that your child uses to establish independence. Properly handled, they should not be a cause for concern. Some children, however, seem to have a very low tolerance for frustration and often resort to yelling and kicking in order to express their feelings and get what they want.

    How can Tantrum Tamer help? Tantrum Tamer is a safe and soothing homeopathic remedy specially formulated by a Clinical Psychologist to calm angry and oppositional children, and help them to more easily use their developing reasoning skills. This remedy is especially effective in children from 3 - 10 years old. Together with consistent discipline, firm guidelines and a loving home environment, regular use of Tantrum Tamer can help your child to overcome the storms of excessive tantrums and bring peace to your household!

    In what form does it come? Tantrum Tamer comes in Lactose based pillule form, making it dissolve easily in the mouth.

    Tantrum Tamer contains the following proven homeopathic ingredients in child safe strength:

    Cina (6C) - Artemesia Cina is thought to be named after Artemisia - the queen of Persia and renowned herbalist in the 4th century BC. It is used homeopathically to relieve irritability, increase frustration tolerance and prevent temper tantrums. Regular use of Cina is also thought to make children less stubborn and more affectionate.

    Chamomila (6C) is used homeopathically for children who are irritable and difficult to please, as well as for those with a low pain threshold. It is also well-known for its soothing effect on infant colic and the symptoms of teething babies.