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Prostate Gland Protection Information
and Natural Prostate Health Remedies
Prostate Cancer-Natural Remedies

This prostrate cancer information courtesy of
Global Healing Center


Author: Edward F. Group III, D.C., Ph.D, N.D.,DACBN

Low fat diets and Prostate Cancer - For men with prostrate cancer, eating a low-fat diet, exercising, and reducing stress may help stop or even reverse the progression of prostate cancer in men who have decided not to undergo treatment, according to a new study.

Prostrate cancer can't be prevented, but you can take measures to reduce your risk or possibly slow the disease's progression. The most important steps you can take to maintain prostate health is to eat a proper well balanced low fat diet, keep physically active and see your doctor regularly.

Eating well as a preventative measure
High-fat diets has been linked to prostate cancer. Therefore, limiting your intake of high-fat foods and emphasizing fruits, vegetables and whole fibers may help you reduce your risk. Foods rich in lycopene, an antioxidant, also may help lower your prostate cancer risk. These foods include raw or cooked tomatoes, tomato products, grapefruit and watermelon. Garlic and cruciferous vegetables such as arugula, bok choy, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage and cauliflower also may help fight cancer.

Soy products contain isoflavones that seem to keep testosterone in check. Because prostate cancer feeds off testosterone, isoflavones may reduce the risk and progression of the disease.

Vitamin E has shown promise in reducing the risk of prostate cancer among smokers. More research is needed, however, to fully determine the extent of these benefits of vitamin E.

Getting regular exercise
Regular exercise can help prevent a heart attack and conditions such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol. When it comes to cancer, the data aren't as clear-cut, but studies do indicate that regular exercise may reduce your cancer risk, including prostate cancer.

Exercise has been shown to strengthen your immune system, improve circulation and speed digestion — all of which may play a role in cancer prevention. Exercise also helps to prevent obesity, another potential risk factor for some cancers.

Regular exercise may also minimize your symptoms and reduce your risk of prostate gland enlargement, or benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Men who are physically active usually have less severe symptoms than men who get little exercise do.

Many studies have been made about dietary changes. For instance in one, one group ate an entirely plant-based, low-fat diet that emphasized unprocessed whole foods. Of the total calories, 70% came from complex carbohydrates and 20% came from protein, mostly soy protein. Participants also engaged in moderate aerobic exercise, stress management, and group support. The other group followed normal routines.

Rather than needing to have surgery or radiation therapy and worrying about the potential complications to cure one's prostate cancer it would behoove men to concentrate on increasing their chances of preventing prostate cancer by following simple dietary herbal and lifestyle techniques:

  1. Reduce saturated fat. This is probably the most important step to protect yourself against developing prostate cancer as well as your risk of heat decease and cancer in general. Males who basically eat animal fats and dairy products run a significantly higher risk of developing prostate cancer. Cut back on your animal fat and milk product intake including red meat, poultry with skin, butter and whole milk products. Other polyunsaturated oils also appear to be implicated in particular a high intake of Omega-6 fatty acids which is found in corn, safflower, sunflower and sesame oils. It is much more desirable from a cancer and cardiac point of view to use monosaturated fats such as olive oil.
  2. Consume soy and soy products. The isoflavonoid found in soy products appear to inhibit prostate cancer and even breast cancer. A specific one called genistein has actually been shown to inhibit prostate cancer cells in the test tube. Increase consumption of soy foods to a minimum of two to three times per week including foods like tofu, tempeh, soy milk, green soybeans and soy meat substitutes.
  3. Eat vegetables and especially tomatoes. Vegetables appear to reduce the risk of prostate cancer and some vegetables appear to have a very strong protective function. The red pigment lycopene appears to be the productive compound. Five to nine servings of these fruits and vegetables a day should be consumed by men and if you take a mixed carotene supplement chose one that includes lycopene at least 45 micrograms per capsule.
  4. Use selenium daily. Selenium on a daily basis appears to be a potent mineral antioxidant that decreases cancer risks in general, but more specifically prostate cancer.
  5. Take Vitamins C and E. Vitamins C and E are both antioxidant vitamins protective for cancer in general. Vitamin C inhibits prostate cancer from spreading in the laboratory and Vitamin E in doses as low 50 international units daily decreases the incidences of prostate cancer in smokers by 32 percent. Take 400 to 800 international units of natural Vitamin E per day along with 500 milligrams of Vitamin C twice a day. Remember never to take Vitamin C and selenium together since they bind and become ineffective whereas selenium works well with the oil soluble Vitamin E.
  6. Exercise regularly. Exercise decreases obesity which is associated with a higher risk of prostate cancer and probably a higher level of hormone production. Thirty minutes of aerobic exercise such as walking, swimming or cycling five times a week should be performed by everyone. In men under 60 years of age there is a four-fold decrease in prostate cancer with this level of exercise.
  7. Eat plenty of fiber. Eat 30 to 35 grams of fiber daily by eating whole grains, cereals, breads, legumes, fruits and vegetables and nuts several times a week. These foods are high in certain food types including lignin and phyto-estrogens that appear to influence sex hormones an inhibitor that inhibits cancer progression and protects against prostate cancer.
  8. Eat salmon, sardines, mackerel or herring. Regular consumption of oily, cold-water fish lowers the risk of prostate cancer. These particular fish are high in Omega-3 fatty acids which appear to be protective not only against prostate cancer but also breast and cardiovascular decease. Suggest two or three servings per week.
  9. Sip green tea. Green tea is the traditional beverage of Japan and China and appears to reduce cancer in general including prostate cancer. Green tea contains an antioxidant called EGCG which not only kills prostate cancer cells in test tubes but also appears to inhibit enzymes that promote prostate and breast cancer. Suggest you substitute green tea for coffee, black tea or colas. Decaffeinated green tea is also available and still retains its antioxidant affect.
  10. Drink more water. Hydration makes for more urine and the removal of toxic materials from the body. Drink at least eight, eight-ounce glasses of water daily.
  11. Go outdoors in the sun. Prostate cancer appears to be higher in those areas of the world where there is the least sunlight for the shortest period of time. In the United States the highest rates are in New England and the lowest is in the Sunbelt. This may be related to protection caused by Vitamin D, which is produced by exposure to sunlight. Ten to 15 minutes of sun exposure daily without sun screen is suggested so your body can produce Vitamin D and possibly supplementing your diet with 400 to 800 international units of Vitamin D daily.
  12. Reduce exposure to hormone disruptive chemicals. Pesticides and other chemicals in our food and water may affect hormone functions promoting prostate and even breast cancer. These hormone disruptive chemicals may come from plastic cookware or plastic wrappings. Suggest you use organic produce which has none of the pesticides, herbicide and chemicals usually found in food. Filter your water and avoid plastic wrap in direct contact with the food. Use glass or ceramic containers for heating food.
  13. Don't smoke. Tobacco smoke contains cadmium, a trace mineral that appears to be linked to prostate cancer and therefore smoking should be discontinued. Alcohol appears to increase circulating levels of sex hormones and it has been found that men who drink alcohol are more likely to die from prostate cancer than those that don't.

If you follow these tips you’ll find the chance of getting or having a repeat of prostate cancer very little if not at all.

Sobering Statistics
  • In the US alone over 180,000 men a year will be diagnosed with prostate cancer
  • About 32,000 men, also in the US, will die from Prostate Cancer in the same time period
  • Prostate cancer is the second most diagnosed cancer in men in Western society, after skin cancer
  • Prostate cancer is the second most common form of death by cancer after lung cancer About BPH

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