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Holistic Health and Beauty

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Breast Surgery Alternatives
Natural Breast Enhancement Getting Your ZZZZz

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Improve Your Thinking Considering Breast Enhancement Surgery? Please read the following article and visit the Breast Active website for safe, natural alternatives to surgery.

Breast Surgery Complications:

Allergies to anesthesia
Loss of sensitivity including permanent sensation loss in areola area
Galactorrhea (spontaneously producing breast milk)
Breast tissue atrophy (loss, shrinking)
Necrosis (death) of the breast tissue, breast envelope and or incision line
Rejection of the implant, called extrusion
Post-operative infection

For more information visit: Breast Actives
br> What is the Breast Actives Natural Breast Enhancement Program?
The Breast Actives Program is the most powerful and natural breast enhancement program available anywhere in the world. The Breast Actives program is a natural Breast Enhancement Program with exercise techniques, natural supplements and enhancement cream that provide nutrients that you may be missing if you are not eating a balanced diet.

Is this program safe?

Each individual herb found in Breast Actives is safe and has been in common use for centuries. The ingredients in Breast Actives are listed on the Food and Drug Administration's GRAS list of safe foods. None of the herbs used in Breast Actives come with any health warnings. Breast Actives is made of plants rather than pharmaceuticals, meaning that each ingredient is similarly safe when compared to a health-promoting plant such as garlic.

natural breast enhancement
Introducing Embrace for Women

Why should you, as a woman, expose yourself to the risks of breast implants when you can naturally increase the fullness of your breasts with Embrace?

Embrace is a naturally plant-sourced product that works to increase the production of prostaglandins, which in turn help firm up and increase breast size. The main active ingredient in Enhance has been approved as safe for use by the FDA. However, as with any product, you need to follow directions exactly to insure safety. In other words, more is not always better, especially when dealing with hormone-based processes.

You should always, always check with your doctor if you are being treated for breast cancer or breast cysts, before applying anything to the breast area, whether natural or prescription.

Breast Implant Risks

If you think breast implants aren't dangerous, then why were silocone gel implants banned? This happened in 1992 and most surgeons then went to saline implants, considered safer at the time. Since then, new women's health research has exposed some shocking dangers with saline breast implants as well.

The manufacturers of saline breast implants themselves, in data presented to the FDA, recently admitted:

60% of women with saline implants have complications within 4 years

3% suffer leakage within 3 years causing a deflated implant

8% of implants have to be removed within 3 years

Other Breast Implant risks include:

hardening of the breasts and loss of sensation in the nipple

shifting of the implant from its original position

interference with mammography readings, which may hamper cancer detection

On top of all this, says Judith Reichman, M.D., a regular contributor to NBC's Today Show, implants are a man-made prosthetic that have a shelf life. Most women will have to go through the whole procedure again - probably 2 or 3 times depending upon age.

If you weigh the risks, you may decide that trying Embrace first makes a lot of sense.

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