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Emotional Issues
as a factor in fibro

open letter to monsanto, dupont, sygenta > Schwab

First off, let me be clear - fibro is a physical ailment with real symptoms and requiring real treatment options. However, I believe every physical manifestation of dis-ease is preceded by other levels of imbalance, including emotional suppression, emotional overwhelm and instability of an emotional nature.

When I first started dealing with the pain of fibromyalgia, I really did not know a lot about it. I wasn't alone in my ignorance. Back then, around the late 80's, doctors didn't know a lot about fibro either.

In fact, many assumed it was an emotional issue and prescribed nerve pills or antidepressants.

By the mid-90's there were about 8 million people with this mysterious affliction.

Sometime since then, the medical community has finally recognized fibromyalgia as a real health condition but treatment is still not consistent in results.

If you don't have fibro, it's hard to imagine how excruciating the pain can become. To me, the worst symptoms I had to deal with was the mental confusion, or fibro fog as it's called and the raw nerve sensation. Essential oils were a great blessing to me and I highly recommend them. Just be sure you get pure organic oils because those with fillers can make fibro pain worse. I like the Young Living, Doterra and Mountain Rose Herbs oils. In particular, I liked basil and marjoram blended in some carrier massage oil. Great for restless leg feelings and pain.

Along with the spiritual work, I learned the importance of keeping an alkaline ph level. I use ph balancing drops and aim for about 1/2 of my water intake to be alkaline water. You may also buy water alkalizers but this is a more expensive option than the drops.

In addition to drinking alkaline water, I also realized I wasn't drinking enough water. I read a lot of suggestions about downing a big glass several times a day but my body responds better to sipping on water throughout the day as well as sipping more if I awaken in the night.

Getting good sleep is so vital to good health and sometimes fibromyalgia can make good sleep harder to get. I use Valerian but it took a couple weeks before it started helping me sleep better.

Cutting out foods that cause internal inflammation and imbalance has been helpful for me as well. I never eat white flour products or much refined sugar at all. I also go easy on red meats and avoid fast food almost entirely. GMO foods have been linked to internal inflammation too. Look for non-gmo brands.

I don't suffer with fibro like I once did, and I believe that is in great part do to the spiritual work I've done. Along with natural healing supplements and remedies, I treated my own fibro as I treat all manifestations of imbalance in the physical body - as a sign, a warning, that I was out of balance on other, non-physical levels. Although those other levels included my emotional issues and mental states, the most significant shifts were spiritual.

I sense fibromyalgia to be one way the body reacts to incoming spiritual energies when there is a block or some kind of spiritual resistance to the energies that are coming into the etheric field. I believe it most often will manifest during times in a person's life when they are emerging from belief systems that were adopted at childhood and that no longer serve, and are facing a major awakening of the true self within. This was certainly true in my own journey with fibro. As a factor in the manifestation of fibro, emotional issues were rather key, for me and healing them rather vital.

Through meditation, energy work like Reiki, prayer, ceremony, and the willingness to take a ruthless inventory of my life and the way I was living it, I began to experience less and less pain. When I further engaged my creative passions, and at that time that aspect of me had been quite shut down, I began to feel even better still.

I still backslide from time to time and my body, being the incredible diagnostic tool it is, quickly alerts me when I do. The fibro pain returns with a vengence. Happily, though, I now recognize what I need to do to balance so those episodes are typically short-lived. I'm even grateful for them because I can imagine I'd be in a real mess if that natural alarm system were suppressed to the point that I had to have a full-out fibro attack before I paid attention.

Important Note: I've provided some links to your right, that may be useful in your healing from fibro. Yet, even though these products may be effective when addressing physical fibro symptoms, permanent healing can only occur if we also address the mental, emotional and spiritual part of us, agressively and persistently. I encourage you to seek out energetic healing with a qualified practitioner and to regularly meditate on the non-physical origins of fibro, if it has manifested in your life.

Introducing Native Remedies Sleep Tonic - Getting good sleep is a must for those with fibro and sometimes difficult to accomplish, particularly if restless leg syndrome rears it's ugly head at night.

How tissue salts can help: Tissue Salts are a natural soothing substance for the body. Taking the Native Remedies Sleep Tonic can help ensure systemic balance of biochemic tissue salts in the body, optimize health at the cellular level, relieve symptoms of disease, restore health and vitality, safely treat a wide range of symptoms without side effects and optimize the therapeutic effects of other remedies by improving systemic functioning and metabolism. Click the banner below for more information.

Recommended Reading:
Alternative Treatments for Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Insights from Practitioners and Patients Personal testimony from patients and their medical practitioners frames the resounding message of this book: there are a host of alternative therapies available to help people with chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia, a condition of chronic pain. An important resource for people with these conditions, this book also covers health insurance and disability benefit considerations.