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Meredy, Animal-Lover Extraordinaire!



Animal Chronicles

About Meredy

I love Animals. Period.

I am 18 years old and one of those insanely curious people. Naturally, I would want to use the internet as a source of information, since everyone says all you need to know is in some .com site. Well, I have determined that it may be there, but it is not all in one place; and that bugs me. I have a very slow dial-up and can not afford to waste time going from site to site trying to find information about my favorite animals. So, I thought I might create this site so that others don't have to go through the same Hell I went through.

I am a conservative United States citizen. I am very opinionated in political matters, but I try not to be vicious. I think animals keep me calm and remind me of just how wonderful God's world is, especially when you blot out society. I am Roman Catholic, and I strive for religious tolerance towards all sects of Christianity and of course other religions as well. We can all be partial to our own way of living, but let's not forget that someone else is equally partial to his and has a right to his beliefs.

I love the outdoors, as long as I have a can of bug spray and a sketchbook and/or camera. I think seeing animals in their natural habitats is just as fun as having them as pets, and I appreciate both ways of loving animals. I am not, however, a vegetarian. I think you don't have to be one in order to appreciate animals. I simply believe that if you are going to hunt an animal, use it for food as well. Also, do not abuse them in the process. It is God's way for us to be carnivorous, but it is also necessary for us to remember that there is a balance.

There is a lot more to know about me, but I wish to be brief. This is my motto: All Things in Moderation. That phrase pretty much sums up my ideology.

Featured Picture!

This is a photograph of my English Setter, Beauty. She is so lazy! English Setters sleep most of the day once they are past puppyhood, so she is definitely showing breed pride here when she lazily opens her eyes and seems to say "I was sleeping, what do you want?"

What's In Meredy's Site?

At the moment, my site is under MAJOR construction. This may take a few weeks.

What Should I Expect?

Information. Pics. Plenty of cool stuff.

The Hamsters main page is completed, and its auxiliaries are following rapidly. Please visit the hamsters link to check it out!

The goldfish link will be about my love for goldfish and my advice on how to select and keep them well. I will provide links to other pages and recommend books for further reading. As I have not had a large enough tank for breeding, I will refer you to other sites to learn the art of breeding. I hope to try this in the future myself, and maybe update the site then.

The Animal Chronicles page is complete and will be constantly updated. Please visit to read fun and interesting anecdotes!

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Email Meredy!